def create(self, params, ignore_errors=False): """ Create an image using qemu_img or dd. :param params: Dictionary containing the test parameters. :param ignore_errors: Whether to ignore errors on the image creation cmd. :note: params should contain: image_name name of the image file, without extension image_format format of the image (qcow2, raw etc) image_cluster_size (optional) cluster size for the image image_size requested size of the image (a string qemu-img can understand, such as '10G') create_with_dd use dd to create the image (raw format only) base_image(optional) the base image name when create snapshot base_format(optional) the format of base image encrypted(optional) if the image is encrypted, allowed values: on and off. Default is "off" preallocated(optional) if preallocation when create image, allowed values: off, metadata. Default is "off" :return: tuple (path to the image created, process.CmdResult object containing the result of the creation command). """ if params.get( "create_with_dd") == "yes" and self.image_format == "raw": # maps K,M,G,T => (count, bs) human = {'K': (1, 1), 'M': (1, 1024), 'G': (1024, 1024), 'T': (1024, 1048576), } if self.size[-1] in human: block_size = human[self.size[-1]][1] size = int(self.size[:-1]) * human[self.size[-1]][0] qemu_img_cmd = ("dd if=/dev/zero of=%s count=%s bs=%sK" % (self.image_filename, size, block_size)) else: qemu_img_cmd = self.image_cmd qemu_img_cmd += " create" qemu_img_cmd += " -f %s" % self.image_format image_cluster_size = params.get("image_cluster_size", None) preallocated = params.get("preallocated", "off") encrypted = params.get("encrypted", "off") image_extra_params = params.get("image_extra_params", "") has_backing_file = params.get('has_backing_file') qemu_img_cmd += " -o " if self.image_format == "qcow2": if preallocated != "off": qemu_img_cmd += "preallocation=%s," % preallocated if encrypted != "off": qemu_img_cmd += "encryption=%s," % encrypted if image_cluster_size: qemu_img_cmd += "cluster_size=%s," % image_cluster_size if has_backing_file == "yes": backing_param = params.object_params("backing_file") backing_file = storage.get_image_filename(backing_param, self.root_dir) backing_fmt = backing_param.get("image_format") qemu_img_cmd += "backing_file=%s," % backing_file qemu_img_cmd += "backing_fmt=%s," % backing_fmt if image_extra_params: qemu_img_cmd += "%s," % image_extra_params qemu_img_cmd = qemu_img_cmd.rstrip(" -o") qemu_img_cmd = qemu_img_cmd.rstrip(",") if self.base_tag: qemu_img_cmd += " -b %s" % self.base_image_filename if self.base_format: qemu_img_cmd += " -F %s" % self.base_format qemu_img_cmd += " %s" % self.image_filename qemu_img_cmd += " %s" % self.size if (params.get("image_backend", "filesystem") == "filesystem"): image_dirname = os.path.dirname(self.image_filename) if image_dirname and not os.path.isdir(image_dirname): e_msg = ("Parent directory of the image file %s does " "not exist" % self.image_filename) logging.error(e_msg) logging.error("This usually means a serious setup exceptions.") logging.error("Please verify if your data dir contains the " "expected directory structure") logging.error("Backing data dir: %s", data_dir.get_backing_data_dir()) logging.error("Directory structure:") for root, _, _ in os.walk(data_dir.get_backing_data_dir()): logging.error(root) logging.warning("We'll try to proceed by creating the dir. " "Other errors may ensue") os.makedirs(image_dirname) msg = "Create image by command: %s" % qemu_img_cmd error_context.context(msg, cmd_result = qemu_img_cmd, shell=True, verbose=False, ignore_status=True) if cmd_result.exit_status != 0 and not ignore_errors: raise exceptions.TestError("Failed to create image %s" % self.image_filename) cmd_result.stdout = results_stdout_52lts(cmd_result) cmd_result.stderr = results_stderr_52lts(cmd_result) return self.image_filename, cmd_result
def create(self, params, ignore_errors=False): """ Create an image using qemu_img or dd. :param params: Dictionary containing the test parameters. :param ignore_errors: Whether to ignore errors on the image creation cmd. :note: params should contain: image_name name of the image file, without extension image_format format of the image (qcow2, raw etc) image_cluster_size (optional) cluster size for the image image_size requested size of the image (a string qemu-img can understand, such as '10G') create_with_dd use dd to create the image (raw format only) base_image(optional) the base image name when create snapshot base_format(optional) the format of base image encrypted(optional) if the image is encrypted, allowed values: on and off. Default is "off" preallocated(optional) if preallocation when create image, allowed values: off, metadata. Default is "off" :return: tuple (path to the image created, process.CmdResult object containing the result of the creation command). """ if params.get( "create_with_dd") == "yes" and self.image_format == "raw": # maps K,M,G,T => (count, bs) human = { 'K': (1, 1), 'M': (1, 1024), 'G': (1024, 1024), 'T': (1024, 1048576), } if self.size[-1] in human: block_size = human[self.size[-1]][1] size = int(self.size[:-1]) * human[self.size[-1]][0] qemu_img_cmd = ("dd if=/dev/zero of=%s count=%s bs=%sK" % (self.image_filename, size, block_size)) else: cmd_dict = {} cmd_dict["image_format"] = self.image_format if self.base_tag: # if base image has secret, use json representation base_key_secrets = self.encryption_config.base_key_secrets if self.base_tag in [s.image_id for s in base_key_secrets]: base_params = params.object_params(self.base_tag) cmd_dict["backing_file"] = "'%s'" % \ get_image_json(self.base_tag, base_params, self.root_dir) else: cmd_dict["backing_file"] = self.base_image_filename if self.base_format: cmd_dict["backing_format"] = self.base_format secret_objects = self._secret_objects if secret_objects: cmd_dict["secret_object"] = " ".join(secret_objects) cmd_dict["image_filename"] = self.image_filename cmd_dict["image_size"] = self.size options = self._parse_options(params) if options: cmd_dict["options"] = ",".join(options) qemu_img_cmd = self.image_cmd + " " + \ self._cmd_formatter.format(self.create_cmd, **cmd_dict) if (params.get("image_backend", "filesystem") == "filesystem"): image_dirname = os.path.dirname(self.image_filename) if image_dirname and not os.path.isdir(image_dirname): e_msg = ("Parent directory of the image file %s does " "not exist" % self.image_filename) logging.error(e_msg) logging.error("This usually means a serious setup exceptions.") logging.error("Please verify if your data dir contains the " "expected directory structure") logging.error("Backing data dir: %s", data_dir.get_backing_data_dir()) logging.error("Directory structure:") for root, _, _ in os.walk(data_dir.get_backing_data_dir()): logging.error(root) logging.warning("We'll try to proceed by creating the dir. " "Other errors may ensue") os.makedirs(image_dirname) msg = "Create image by command: %s" % qemu_img_cmd error_context.context(msg, cmd_result =, shell=True, verbose=False, ignore_status=True) if cmd_result.exit_status != 0 and not ignore_errors: raise exceptions.TestError("Failed to create image %s\n%s" % (self.image_filename, cmd_result)) if self.encryption_config.key_secret: self.encryption_config.key_secret.save_to_file() cmd_result.stdout = results_stdout_52lts(cmd_result) cmd_result.stderr = results_stderr_52lts(cmd_result) return self.image_filename, cmd_result