Exemple #1
def run(test, params, env):
    Test the virsh pool commands

    (1) Define a given type pool
    (2) List pool with '--inactive --type' options
    (3) Dumpxml for the pool
    (4) Undefine the pool
    (5) Define pool by using the XML file in step (3)
    (6) Build the pool(except 'disk' type pool
        For 'fs' type pool, cover --overwrite and --no-overwrite options
    (7) Start the pool
    (8) List pool with '--persistent --type' options
    (9) Mark pool autostart
    (10) List pool with '--autostart --type' options
    (11) Restart libvirtd and list pool with '--autostart --persistent' options
    (12) Destroy the pool
    (13) Unmark pool autostart
    (14) Repeat step (11)
    (15) Start the pool
    (16) Get pool info
    (17) Get pool uuid by name
    (18) Get pool name by uuid
    (19) Refresh the pool
         For 'dir' type pool, touch a file under target path and refresh again
         to make the new file show in vol-list.
    (20) Check pool 'Capacity', 'Allocation' and 'Available'
         Create a over size vol in pool(expect fail), then check these values
    (21) Undefine the pool, and this should fail as pool is still active
    (22) Destroy the pool
    (23) Delete pool for 'dir' type pool. After the command, the pool object
         will still exist but target path will be deleted
    (24) Undefine the pool

    # Initialize the variables
    pool_name = params.get("pool_name", "temp_pool_1")
    pool_type = params.get("pool_type", "dir")
    pool_target = params.get("pool_target", "")
    source_format = params.get("source_format", "")
    source_name = params.get("pool_source_name", "gluster-vol1")
    source_path = params.get("pool_source_path", "/")
    new_pool_name = params.get("new_pool_name", "")
    build_option = params.get("build_option", "")
    iscsi_initiator = params.get("iscsi_initiator", "")
    same_source_test = "yes" == params.get("same_source_test", "no")
    customize_initiator_iqn = "yes" == params.get("customize_initiator_iqn",
    # The file for dumped pool xml
    poolxml = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), "pool.xml.tmp")
    if os.path.dirname(pool_target) is "":
        pool_target = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), pool_target)
    vol_name = params.get("volume_name", "temp_vol_1")
    # Use pool name as VG name
    status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")
    vol_path = os.path.join(pool_target, vol_name)
    ip_protocal = params.get('ip_protocal', 'ipv4')

    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 0):
        if pool_type == "gluster":
            test.cancel("Gluster pool is not supported in current"
                        " libvirt version.")
    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(4, 7, 0):
        if pool_type == "iscsi-direct":
            test.cancel("iSCSI-direct pool is not supported in current"
                        "libvirt version.")

    def check_pool_list(pool_name, option="--all", expect_error=False):
        Check pool by running pool-list command with given option.

        :param pool_name: Name of the pool
        :param option: option for pool-list command
        :param expect_error: Boolean value, expect command success or fail
        found = False
        # Get the list stored in a variable
        result = virsh.pool_list(option, ignore_status=True)
        utlv.check_exit_status(result, False)
        output = re.findall(r"(\S+)\ +(\S+)\ +(\S+)",
        for item in output:
            if pool_name in item[0]:
                found = True
        if found:
            logging.debug("Find pool '%s' in pool list.", pool_name)
            logging.debug("Not find pool %s in pool list.", pool_name)
        if expect_error and found:
            test.fail("Unexpect pool '%s' exist." % pool_name)
        if not expect_error and not found:
            test.fail("Expect pool '%s' doesn't exist." % pool_name)

    def check_vol_list(vol_name, pool_name):
        Check volume from the list

        :param vol_name: Name of the volume
        :param pool_name: Name of the pool
        found = False
        # Get the volume list stored in a variable
        result = virsh.vol_list(pool_name, ignore_status=True)

        output = re.findall(r"(\S+)\ +(\S+)", str(result.stdout.strip()))
        for item in output:
            if vol_name in item[0]:
                found = True
        if found:
            logging.debug("Find volume '%s' in pool '%s'.", vol_name,
            test.fail("Not find volume '%s' in pool '%s'." %
                      (vol_name, pool_name))

    def is_in_range(actual, expected, error_percent):
        deviation = 100 - (100 * (float(actual) / float(expected)))
        logging.debug("Deviation: %0.2f%%", float(deviation))
        return float(deviation) <= float(error_percent)

    def check_pool_info(pool_info, check_point, value):
        Check the pool name, uuid, etc.

        :param pool_info: A dict include pool's information
        :param key: Key of pool info dict, available value: Name, UUID, State
                    Persistent, Autostart, Capacity, Allocation, Available
        :param value: Expect value of pool_info[key]
        if pool_info is None:
            test.fail("Pool info dictionary is needed.")
        val_tup = ('Capacity', 'Allocation', 'Available')
        if check_point in val_tup and float(value.split()[0]):
            # As from bytes to GiB, could cause deviation, and it should not
            # exceed 1 percent.
            if is_in_range(float(pool_info[check_point].split()[0]),
                           float(value.split()[0]), 1):
                logging.debug("Pool '%s' is '%s'.", check_point, value)
                test.fail("Pool '%s' isn't '%s'." % (check_point, value))
            if pool_info[check_point] == value:
                logging.debug("Pool '%s' is '%s'.", check_point, value)
                test.fail("Pool '%s' isn't '%s'." % (check_point, value))

    # Stop multipathd to avoid start pool fail(For fs like pool, the new add
    # disk may in use by device-mapper, so start pool will report disk already
    # mounted error).
    multipathd = service.Factory.create_service("multipathd")
    multipathd_status = multipathd.status()
    if multipathd_status:

    # Run Testcase
    pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params)
    kwargs = {
        'image_size': '1G',
        'pre_disk_vol': ['100M'],
        'source_name': source_name,
        'source_path': source_path,
        'source_format': source_format,
        'persistent': True,
        'ip_protocal': ip_protocal,
        'emulated_image': "emulated-image",
        'pool_target': pool_target,
        'iscsi_initiator': iscsi_initiator

        _pool = libvirt_storage.StoragePool()
        # Step (1)
        # Pool define

        # Step (2)
        # Pool list
        option = "--inactive --type %s" % pool_type
        check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

        # Step (3)
        # Pool dumpxml
        xml = virsh.pool_dumpxml(pool_name, to_file=poolxml)
        logging.debug("Pool '%s' XML:\n%s", pool_name, xml)

        # Update pool name
        if new_pool_name:
            if "/" in new_pool_name:
                new_pool_name = new_pool_name.replace("/", "\/")
            p_xml = pool_xml.PoolXML.new_from_dumpxml(pool_name)
            p_xml.name = new_pool_name
            del p_xml.uuid
            poolxml = p_xml.xml
            logging.debug("XML after update pool name:\n%s" % p_xml)

        # Update host name
        if same_source_test:
            s_xml = p_xml.get_source()
            s_xml.host_name = ""
            poolxml = p_xml.xml
            logging.debug("XML after update host name:\n%s" % p_xml)

        if customize_initiator_iqn:
            initiator_iqn = params.get("initiator_iqn",
            p_xml = pool_xml.PoolXML.new_from_dumpxml(pool_name)
            s_node = p_xml.xmltreefile.find('/source')
            i_node = ET.SubElement(s_node, 'initiator')
            ET.SubElement(i_node, 'iqn', {'name': initiator_iqn})
            poolxml = p_xml.xml
            logging.debug('XML after add Multi-IQN:\n%s' % p_xml)

        # Step (4)
        # Undefine pool
        if not same_source_test:
            result = virsh.pool_undefine(pool_name)
            check_pool_list(pool_name, "--all", True)

        # Step (5)
        # Define pool from XML file
        result = virsh.pool_define(poolxml, debug=True)
        # Give error msg when exit status is not expected
        if "/" in new_pool_name and not result.exit_status:
            error_msg = "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=639923 "
            error_msg += "is helpful for tracing this bug."
        if "." in new_pool_name and result.exit_status:
            error_msg = "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1333248 "
            error_msg += "is helpful for tracing this bug."
        if same_source_test and not result.exit_status:
            error_msg = "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1171984 "
            error_msg += "is helpful for tracing this bug."
        utlv.check_exit_status(result, status_error)
        if not result.exit_status:
            # Step (6)
            # Buid pool
            # '--overwrite/--no-overwrite' just for fs/disk/logiacl type pool
            # disk/fs pool: as prepare step already make label and create filesystem
            #               for the disk, use '--overwrite' is necessary
            # logical_pool: build pool will fail if VG already exist, BZ#1373711
            if new_pool_name:
                pool_name = new_pool_name
            if pool_type != "logical":
                result = virsh.pool_build(pool_name,

            # Step (7)
            # Pool start
            result = virsh.pool_start(pool_name,

            # Step (8)
            # Pool list
            option = "--persistent --type %s" % pool_type
            check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

            # Step (9)
            # Pool autostart
            result = virsh.pool_autostart(pool_name, ignore_status=True)

            # Step (10)
            # Pool list
            option = "--autostart --type %s" % pool_type
            check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

            # Step (11)
            # Restart libvirtd and check the autostart pool
            option = "--autostart --persistent"
            check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

            # Step (12)
            # Pool destroy
            if virsh.pool_destroy(pool_name):
                logging.debug("Pool %s destroyed.", pool_name)
                test.fail("Destroy pool % failed." % pool_name)

            # Step (13)
            # Pool autostart disable
            result = virsh.pool_autostart(pool_name,

            # Step (14)
            # Repeat step (11)
            option = "--autostart"
            check_pool_list(pool_name, option, True)

            # Step (15)
            # Pool start
            # When libvirtd starts up, it'll check to see if any of the storage
            # pools have been activated externally. If so, then it'll mark the
            # pool as active. This is independent of autostart.
            # So a directory based storage pool is thus pretty much always active,
            # and so as the SCSI pool.
            if pool_type not in ["dir", 'scsi']:
                result = virsh.pool_start(pool_name, ignore_status=True)

            # Step (16)
            # Pool info
            pool_info = _pool.pool_info(pool_name)
            logging.debug("Pool '%s' info:\n%s", pool_name, pool_info)

            # Step (17)
            # Pool UUID
            result = virsh.pool_uuid(pool_info["Name"], ignore_status=True)
            check_pool_info(pool_info, "UUID", result.stdout.strip())

            # Step (18)
            # Pool Name
            result = virsh.pool_name(pool_info["UUID"], ignore_status=True)
            check_pool_info(pool_info, "Name", result.stdout.strip())

            # Step (19)
            # Pool refresh for 'dir' type pool
            if pool_type == "dir":
                result = virsh.pool_refresh(pool_name)
                check_vol_list(vol_name, pool_name)

            # Step (20)
            # Create an over size vol in pool(expect fail), then check pool:
            # 'Capacity', 'Allocation' and 'Available'
            # For NFS type pool, there's a bug(BZ#1077068) about allocate volume,
            # and glusterfs pool not support create volume, so not test them
            if pool_type != "netfs":
                vol_capacity = "10000G"
                vol_allocation = "10000G"
                result = virsh.vol_create_as("oversize_vol", pool_name,
                                             vol_capacity, vol_allocation,
                utlv.check_exit_status(result, True)
                new_info = _pool.pool_info(pool_name)
                check_items = ["Capacity", "Allocation", "Available"]
                for i in check_items:
                    check_pool_info(pool_info, i, new_info[i])

            # Step (21)
            # Undefine pool, this should fail as the pool is active
            result = virsh.pool_undefine(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
            utlv.check_exit_status(result, expect_error=True)
            check_pool_list(pool_name, "", False)

            # Step (22)
            # Pool destroy
            if virsh.pool_destroy(pool_name):
                logging.debug("Pool %s destroyed.", pool_name)
                test.fail("Destroy pool % failed." % pool_name)

            # Step (23)
            # Pool delete for 'dir' type pool
            if pool_type == "dir":
                for f in os.listdir(pool_target):
                    os.remove(os.path.join(pool_target, f))
                    result = virsh.pool_delete(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
                    option = "--inactive --type %s" % pool_type
                    check_pool_list(pool_name, option)
                    if os.path.exists(pool_target):
                        test.fail("The target path '%s' still exist." %
                        result = virsh.pool_start(pool_name,
                        utlv.check_exit_status(result, True)

            # Step (24)
            # Pool undefine
                result = virsh.pool_undefine(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
                check_pool_list(pool_name, "--all", True)
        # Clean up
        except exceptions.TestFail as detail:
        if multipathd_status:
        if os.path.exists(poolxml):
    def create_pool():
        Define and start a pool.
        sp = libvirt_storage.StoragePool()
        if create_by_xml:
            p_xml = pool_xml.PoolXML(pool_type=pool_type)
            p_xml.name = pool_name
            s_xml = pool_xml.SourceXML()
            s_xml.vg_name = disk_src_pool
            source_host = []
            for (host_name, host_port) in zip(disk_src_host.split(),
                source_host.append({'name': host_name, 'port': host_port})

            s_xml.hosts = source_host
            if auth_type:
                s_xml.auth_type = auth_type
            if auth_user:
                s_xml.auth_username = auth_user
            if auth_usage:
                s_xml.secret_usage = auth_usage
            p_xml.source = s_xml
            logging.debug("Pool xml: %s", p_xml)
            ret = virsh.pool_define(p_xml.xml, **virsh_dargs)
            ret = virsh.pool_build(pool_name, **virsh_dargs)
            ret = virsh.pool_start(pool_name, **virsh_dargs)
            auth_opt = ""
            if client_name and client_key:
                auth_opt = (
                    "--auth-type %s --auth-username %s --secret-usage '%s'" %
                    (auth_type, auth_user, auth_usage))
            if not sp.define_rbd_pool(
                    pool_name, mon_host, disk_src_pool, extra=auth_opt):
                test.fail("Failed to define storage pool")
            if not sp.build_pool(pool_name):
                test.fail("Failed to build storage pool")
            if not sp.start_pool(pool_name):
                test.fail("Failed to start storage pool")

        # Check pool operation
        ret = virsh.pool_refresh(pool_name, **virsh_dargs)
        ret = virsh.pool_uuid(pool_name, **virsh_dargs)
        # pool-info
        pool_info = sp.pool_info(pool_name)
        if pool_info["Autostart"] != 'no':
            test.fail("Failed to check pool information")
        # pool-autostart
        if not sp.set_pool_autostart(pool_name):
            test.fail("Failed to set pool autostart")
        pool_info = sp.pool_info(pool_name)
        if pool_info["Autostart"] != 'yes':
            test.fail("Failed to check pool information")
        # pool-autostart --disable
        if not sp.set_pool_autostart(pool_name, "--disable"):
            test.fail("Failed to set pool autostart")
        # If port is not pre-configured, port value should not be hardcoded in pool information.
        if "yes" == params.get("rbd_port", "no"):
            if 'port' in virsh.pool_dumpxml(pool_name):
                test.fail("port attribute should not be in pool information")
        # find-storage-pool-sources-as
        if "yes" == params.get("find_storage_pool_sources_as", "no"):
            ret = virsh.find_storage_pool_sources_as("rbd", mon_host)
            libvirt.check_result(ret, skip_if=unsupported_err)
Exemple #3
def run(test, params, env):
    Test the virsh pool commands

    (1) Define a given type pool
    (2) List pool with '--inactive --type' options
    (3) Dumpxml for the pool
    (4) Undefine the pool
    (5) Define pool by using the XML file in step (3)
    (6) Build the pool(except 'disk' type pool
        For 'fs' type pool, cover --overwrite and --no-overwrite options
    (7) Start the pool
    (8) List pool with '--persistent --type' options
    (9) Mark pool autostart
    (10) List pool with '--autostart --type' options
    (11) Restart libvirtd and list pool with '--autostart --persistent' options
    (12) Destroy the pool
    (13) Unmark pool autostart
    (14) Repeat step (11)
    (15) Start the pool
    (16) Get pool info
    (17) Get pool uuid by name
    (18) Get pool name by uuid
    (19) Refresh the pool
         For 'dir' type pool, touch a file under target path and refresh again
         to make the new file show in vol-list.
    (20) Check pool 'Capacity', 'Allocation' and 'Available'
         Create a over size vol in pool(expect fail), then check these values
    (21) Undefine the pool, and this should fail as pool is still active
    (22) Destroy the pool
    (23) Delete pool for 'dir' type pool. After the command, the pool object
         will still exist but target path will be deleted
    (24) Undefine the pool

    # Initialize the variables
    pool_name = params.get("pool_name", "temp_pool_1")
    pool_type = params.get("pool_type", "dir")
    pool_target = params.get("pool_target", "")
    source_format = params.get("source_format", "")
    source_name = params.get("pool_source_name", "gluster-vol1")
    source_path = params.get("pool_source_path", "/")
    # The file for dumped pool xml
    pool_xml = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, "pool.xml.tmp")
    if os.path.dirname(pool_target) is "":
        pool_target = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, pool_target)
    vol_name = params.get("vol_name", "temp_vol_1")
    # Use pool name as VG name
    status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")
    vol_path = os.path.join(pool_target, vol_name)
    ip_protocal = params.get('ip_protocal', 'ipv4')

    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 0):
        if pool_type == "gluster":
            raise error.TestNAError("Gluster pool is not supported in current"
                                    " libvirt version.")

    def check_pool_list(pool_name, option="--all", expect_error=False):
        Check pool by running pool-list command with given option.

        :param pool_name: Name of the pool
        :param option: option for pool-list command
        :param expect_error: Boolean value, expect command success or fail
        found = False
        # Get the list stored in a variable
        result = virsh.pool_list(option, ignore_status=True)
        utlv.check_exit_status(result, False)
        output = re.findall(r"(\S+)\ +(\S+)\ +(\S+)[\ +\n]",
        for item in output:
            if pool_name in item[0]:
                found = True
        if found:
            logging.debug("Find pool '%s' in pool list.", pool_name)
            logging.debug("Not find pool %s in pool list.", pool_name)
        if expect_error and found:
            raise error.TestFail("Unexpect pool '%s' exist." % pool_name)
        if not expect_error and not found:
            raise error.TestFail("Expect pool '%s' doesn't exist." % pool_name)

    def check_vol_list(vol_name, pool_name):
        Check volume from the list

        :param vol_name: Name of the volume
        :param pool_name: Name of the pool
        found = False
        # Get the volume list stored in a variable
        result = virsh.vol_list(pool_name, ignore_status=True)

        output = re.findall(r"(\S+)\ +(\S+)[\ +\n]", str(result.stdout))
        for item in output:
            if vol_name in item[0]:
                found = True
        if found:
            logging.debug("Find volume '%s' in pool '%s'.", vol_name,
            raise error.TestFail("Not find volume '%s' in pool '%s'." %
                                 (vol_name, pool_name))

    def is_in_range(actual, expected, error_percent):
        deviation = 100 - (100 * (float(actual) / float(expected)))
        logging.debug("Deviation: %0.2f%%", float(deviation))
        return float(deviation) <= float(error_percent)

    def check_pool_info(pool_info, check_point, value):
        Check the pool name, uuid, etc.

        :param pool_info: A dict include pool's information
        :param key: Key of pool info dict, available value: Name, UUID, State
                    Persistent, Autostart, Capacity, Allocation, Available
        :param value: Expect value of pool_info[key]
        if pool_info is None:
            raise error.TestFail("Pool info dictionary is needed.")
        val_tup = ('Capacity', 'Allocation', 'Available')
        if check_point in val_tup and float(value.split()[0]):
            # As from bytes to GiB, could cause deviation, and it should not
            # exceed 1 percent.
            if is_in_range(float(pool_info[check_point].split()[0]),
                           float(value.split()[0]), 1):
                logging.debug("Pool '%s' is '%s'.", check_point, value)
                raise error.TestFail("Pool '%s' isn't '%s'." %
                                     (check_point, value))
            if pool_info[check_point] == value:
                logging.debug("Pool '%s' is '%s'.", check_point, value)
                raise error.TestFail("Pool '%s' isn't '%s'." %
                                     (check_point, value))

    # Stop multipathd to avoid start pool fail(For fs like pool, the new add
    # disk may in use by device-mapper, so start pool will report disk already
    # mounted error).
    multipathd = service.Factory.create_service("multipathd")
    multipathd_status = multipathd.status()
    if multipathd_status:

    # Run Testcase
    pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params)
    emulated_image = "emulated-image"
    kwargs = {
        'image_size': '1G',
        'pre_disk_vol': ['1M'],
        'source_name': source_name,
        'source_path': source_path,
        'source_format': source_format,
        'persistent': True,
        'ip_protocal': ip_protocal
        _pool = libvirt_storage.StoragePool()
        # Step (1)
        # Pool define
        pvt.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image,

        # Step (2)
        # Pool list
        option = "--inactive --type %s" % pool_type
        check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

        # Step (3)
        # Pool dumpxml
        xml = virsh.pool_dumpxml(pool_name, to_file=pool_xml)
        logging.debug("Pool '%s' XML:\n%s", pool_name, xml)

        # Step (4)
        # Undefine pool
        result = virsh.pool_undefine(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
        check_pool_list(pool_name, "--all", True)

        # Step (5)
        # Define pool from XML file
        result = virsh.pool_define(pool_xml)
        utlv.check_exit_status(result, status_error)

        # Step (6)
        # Buid pool, this step may fail for 'disk' and 'logical' types pool
        if pool_type not in ["disk", "logical"]:
            option = ""
            # Options --overwrite and --no-overwrite can only be used to
            # build a filesystem pool, but it will fail for now
            # if pool_type == "fs":
            #    option = '--overwrite'
            result = virsh.pool_build(pool_name, option, ignore_status=True)

        # Step (7)
        # Pool start
        result = virsh.pool_start(pool_name, ignore_status=True)

        # Step (8)
        # Pool list
        option = "--persistent --type %s" % pool_type
        check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

        # Step (9)
        # Pool autostart
        result = virsh.pool_autostart(pool_name, ignore_status=True)

        # Step (10)
        # Pool list
        option = "--autostart --type %s" % pool_type
        check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

        # Step (11)
        # Restart libvirtd and check the autostart pool
        option = "--autostart --persistent"
        check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

        # Step (12)
        # Pool destroy
        if virsh.pool_destroy(pool_name):
            logging.debug("Pool %s destroyed.", pool_name)
            raise error.TestFail("Destroy pool % failed." % pool_name)

        # Step (13)
        # Pool autostart disable
        result = virsh.pool_autostart(pool_name,

        # Step (14)
        # Repeat step (11)
        option = "--autostart"
        check_pool_list(pool_name, option, True)

        # Step (15)
        # Pool start
        # When libvirtd starts up, it'll check to see if any of the storage
        # pools have been activated externally. If so, then it'll mark the
        # pool as active. This is independent of autostart.
        # So a directory based storage pool is thus pretty much always active,
        # and so as the SCSI pool.
        if pool_type not in ["dir", 'scsi']:
            result = virsh.pool_start(pool_name, ignore_status=True)

        # Step (16)
        # Pool info
        pool_info = _pool.pool_info(pool_name)
        logging.debug("Pool '%s' info:\n%s", pool_name, pool_info)

        # Step (17)
        # Pool UUID
        result = virsh.pool_uuid(pool_info["Name"], ignore_status=True)
        check_pool_info(pool_info, "UUID", result.stdout.strip())

        # Step (18)
        # Pool Name
        result = virsh.pool_name(pool_info["UUID"], ignore_status=True)
        check_pool_info(pool_info, "Name", result.stdout.strip())

        # Step (19)
        # Pool refresh for 'dir' type pool
        if pool_type == "dir":
            result = virsh.pool_refresh(pool_name)
            check_vol_list(vol_name, pool_name)

        # Step (20)
        # Create an over size vol in pool(expect fail), then check pool:
        # 'Capacity', 'Allocation' and 'Available'
        # For NFS type pool, there's a bug(BZ#1077068) about allocate volume,
        # and glusterfs pool not support create volume, so not test them
        if pool_type != "netfs":
            vol_capacity = "10000G"
            vol_allocation = "10000G"
            result = virsh.vol_create_as("oversize_vol", pool_name,
                                         vol_capacity, vol_allocation, "raw")
            utlv.check_exit_status(result, True)
            new_info = _pool.pool_info(pool_name)
            check_pool_info(pool_info, "Capacity", new_info['Capacity'])
            check_pool_info(pool_info, "Allocation", new_info['Allocation'])
            check_pool_info(pool_info, "Available", new_info['Available'])

        # Step (21)
        # Undefine pool, this should fail as the pool is active
        result = virsh.pool_undefine(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
        utlv.check_exit_status(result, expect_error=True)
        check_pool_list(pool_name, "", False)

        # Step (22)
        # Pool destroy
        if virsh.pool_destroy(pool_name):
            logging.debug("Pool %s destroyed.", pool_name)
            raise error.TestFail("Destroy pool % failed." % pool_name)

        # Step (23)
        # Pool delete for 'dir' type pool
        if pool_type == "dir":
            for f in os.listdir(pool_target):
                os.remove(os.path.join(pool_target, f))
            result = virsh.pool_delete(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
            option = "--inactive --type %s" % pool_type
            check_pool_list(pool_name, option)
            if os.path.exists(pool_target):
                raise error.TestFail("The target path '%s' still exist." %
            result = virsh.pool_start(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
            utlv.check_exit_status(result, True)

        # Step (24)
        # Pool undefine
        result = virsh.pool_undefine(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
        check_pool_list(pool_name, "--all", True)
        # Clean up
            pvt.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image,
        except error.TestFail, detail:
        if multipathd_status:
        if os.path.exists(pool_xml):
def run(test, params, env):
    Convert specific xen guest
    for v in list(params.values()):
        if "V2V_EXAMPLE" in v:
            test.cancel("Please set real value for %s" % v)
    if utils_v2v.V2V_EXEC is None:
        test.cancel('Missing command: virt-v2v')
    vm_name = params.get('main_vm')
    new_vm_name = params.get('new_vm_name')
    xen_host = params.get('xen_hostname')
    xen_host_user = params.get('xen_host_user', 'root')
    xen_host_passwd = params.get('xen_host_passwd', 'redhat')
    output_mode = params.get('output_mode')
    v2v_timeout = int(params.get('v2v_timeout', 1200))
    status_error = 'yes' == params.get('status_error', 'no')
    skip_vm_check = params.get('skip_vm_check', 'no')
    skip_reason = params.get('skip_reason')
    pool_name = params.get('pool_name', 'v2v_test')
    pool_type = params.get('pool_type', 'dir')
    pool_target = params.get('pool_target_path', 'v2v_pool')
    pvt = libvirt.PoolVolumeTest(test, params)
    address_cache = env.get('address_cache')
    checkpoint = params.get('checkpoint', '')
    bk_list = ['vnc_autoport', 'vnc_encrypt', 'vnc_encrypt_warning']
    error_list = []
    # For construct rhv-upload option in v2v cmd
    output_method = params.get("output_method")
    rhv_upload_opts = params.get("rhv_upload_opts")
    storage_name = params.get('storage_name')
    # for get ca.crt file from ovirt engine
    rhv_passwd = params.get("rhv_upload_passwd")
    rhv_passwd_file = params.get("rhv_upload_passwd_file")
    ovirt_engine_passwd = params.get("ovirt_engine_password")
    ovirt_hostname = params.get("ovirt_engine_url").split(
        '/')[2] if params.get("ovirt_engine_url") else None
    ovirt_ca_file_path = params.get("ovirt_ca_file_path")
    local_ca_file_path = params.get("local_ca_file_path")

    def log_fail(msg):
        Log error and update error list

    def set_graphics(virsh_instance, param):
        Set graphics attributes of vm xml
        vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(
            vm_name, virsh_instance=virsh_instance)
        graphic = vmxml.xmltreefile.find('devices').find('graphics')
        for key in param:
            logging.debug('Set %s=\'%s\'' % (key, param[key]))
            graphic.set(key, param[key])

    def check_grub_file(vmcheck, check):
        Check grub file content
        logging.info('Checking grub file')
        grub_file = utils_misc.get_bootloader_cfg(session=vmcheck.session)
        if not grub_file:
            test.error('Not found grub file')
        content = vmcheck.session.cmd('cat %s' % grub_file)
        if check == 'console_xvc0':
            if 'console=xvc0' in content:
                log_fail('"console=xvc0" still exists')

    def check_kernel(vmcheck):
        Check content of /etc/sysconfig/kernel
        logging.info('Checking /etc/sysconfig/kernel file')
        content = vmcheck.session.cmd('cat /etc/sysconfig/kernel')
        if 'DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel' not in content:
            log_fail('Not find "DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel"')
        elif 'DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel-xen' in content:
            log_fail('DEFAULTKERNEL is "kernel-xen"')

    def check_sound_card(vmcheck, check):
        Check sound status of vm from xml
        xml = virsh.dumpxml(vm_name,
        if check == 'sound' and '<sound model' in xml:
            log_fail('Sound card should be removed')
        if check == 'pcspk' and output_mode == 'libvirt' and "<sound model='pcspk'" not in xml:
            log_fail('Sound card should be "pcspk"')

    def check_rhsrvany_md5(vmcheck):
        Check if MD5 and SHA1 of rhsrvany.exe are correct
        logging.info('Check md5 and sha1 of rhsrvany.exe')
        val_md5, val_sha1 = params.get('val_md5'), params.get('val_sha1')
        logging.info('Expect MD5=%s, SHA1=%s', val_md5, val_sha1)
        if not val_md5 or not val_sha1:
            test.error('No MD5 or SHA1 value provided')
        cmd_sha1 = params.get('cmd_sha1')
        cmd_md5 = cmd_sha1 + ' MD5'
        sha1 = vmcheck.session.cmd_output(
            cmd_sha1, safe=True).strip().split('\n')[1].replace(' ', '')
        md5 = vmcheck.session.cmd_output(
            cmd_md5, safe=True).strip().split('\n')[1].replace(' ', '')
        logging.info('Actual MD5=%s, SHA1=%s', md5, sha1)
        if sha1 == val_sha1 and md5 == val_md5:
            logging.info('MD5 and SHA1 are correct')
            log_fail('MD5 or SHA1 of rhsrvany.exe not correct')

    def check_disk(vmcheck, count):
        Check if number of disks meets expectation
        logging.info('Expect number of disks: %d', count)
        actual = vmcheck.session.cmd('lsblk |grep disk |wc -l').strip()
        logging.info('Actual number of disks: %s', actual)
        if int(actual) != count:
            log_fail('Number of disks is wrong')

    def check_result(result, status_error):
        Check virt-v2v command result
        libvirt.check_exit_status(result, status_error)
        output = result.stdout + result.stderr
        if not status_error and checkpoint != 'vdsm':
            if output_mode == 'rhev':
                if not utils_v2v.import_vm_to_ovirt(
                        params, address_cache, timeout=v2v_timeout):
                    test.fail('Import VM failed')
            elif output_mode == 'libvirt':
                    virsh.start(vm_name, debug=True, ignore_status=False)
                except Exception as e:
                    test.fail('Start vm failed: %s', str(e))
            # Check guest following the checkpoint document after convertion
            logging.info('Checking common checkpoints for v2v')
            vmchecker = VMChecker(test, params, env)
            params['vmchecker'] = vmchecker
            if params.get('skip_vm_check') != 'yes':
                ret = vmchecker.run()
                if len(ret) == 0:
                    logging.info("All common checkpoints passed")
                logging.info('Skip checking vm after conversion: %s' %
            # Check specific checkpoints
            if checkpoint == 'console_xvc0':
                check_grub_file(vmchecker.checker, 'console_xvc0')
            if checkpoint in ('vnc_autoport', 'vnc_encrypt'):
            if checkpoint == 'sdl':
                if output_mode == 'libvirt':
                    vmchecker.check_graphics({'type': 'vnc'})
                elif output_mode == 'rhev':
                    vmchecker.check_graphics({'type': 'spice'})
            if checkpoint == 'pv_with_regular_kernel':
            if checkpoint in ['sound', 'pcspk']:
                check_sound_card(vmchecker.checker, checkpoint)
            if checkpoint == 'rhsrvany_md5':
            if checkpoint == 'multidisk':
                check_disk(vmchecker.checker, params['disk_count'])
        log_check = utils_v2v.check_log(params, output)
        if log_check:
        # Merge 2 error lists
        if params.get('vmchecker'):
        # Virtio drivers will not be installed without virtio-win setup
        if checkpoint == 'virtio_win_unset':
            missing_list = params.get('missing').split(',')
            expect_errors = ['Not find driver: ' + x for x in missing_list]
            logging.debug('Expect errors: %s' % expect_errors)
            logging.debug('Actual errors: %s' % error_list)
            if set(error_list) == set(expect_errors):
                error_list[:] = []
                logging.error('Virtio drivers not meet expectation')
        if len(error_list):
            test.fail('%d checkpoints failed: %s' %
                      (len(error_list), error_list))

        v2v_params = {
            'hostname': xen_host,
            'hypervisor': 'xen',
            'main_vm': vm_name,
            'v2v_opts': '-v -x',
            'input_mode': 'libvirt',
            'new_name': new_vm_name,
            'password': xen_host_passwd,
            'storage': params.get('output_storage', 'default'),
            'network': params.get('network'),
            'bridge': params.get('bridge'),
            'target': params.get('target'),
            'output_method': output_method,
            'storage_name': storage_name,
            'rhv_upload_opts': rhv_upload_opts

        bk_xml = None
        os.environ['LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND'] = 'direct'

        # Setup ssh-agent access to xen hypervisor
        logging.info('set up ssh-agent access ')

        if params.get('output_format'):
            v2v_params.update({'output_format': params.get('output_format')})

        # Build rhev related options
        if output_mode == 'rhev':
            # To RHV doesn't support 'qcow2' right now
            v2v_params['output_format'] = 'raw'
            # create different sasl_user name for different job
                params.get("sasl_user") + utils_misc.generate_random_string(3)
            logging.info('sals user name is %s' % params.get("sasl_user"))

            # Create SASL user on the ovirt host
            user_pwd = "[['%s', '%s']]" % (params.get("sasl_user"),
            v2v_sasl = utils_sasl.SASL(sasl_user_pwd=user_pwd)
            v2v_sasl.server_ip = params.get("remote_ip")
            v2v_sasl.server_user = params.get('remote_user')
            v2v_sasl.server_pwd = params.get('remote_pwd')
            if output_method == 'rhv_upload':
                # Create password file for '-o rhv_upload' to connect to ovirt
                with open(rhv_passwd_file, 'w') as f:
                # Copy ca file from ovirt to local
                remote.scp_from_remote(ovirt_hostname, 22, 'root',
                                       ovirt_engine_passwd, ovirt_ca_file_path,

        # Create libvirt dir pool
        if output_mode == 'libvirt':
            pvt.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, '')

        uri = utils_v2v.Uri('xen').get_uri(xen_host)

        # Check if xen guest exists
        if not virsh.domain_exists(vm_name, uri=uri):
            logging.error('VM %s not exists', vm_name)

        virsh_instance = virsh.VirshPersistent()

        if checkpoint in bk_list:
            bk_xml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(
                vm_name, virsh_instance=virsh_instance)
        if checkpoint == 'guest_uuid':
            uuid = virsh.domuuid(vm_name, uri=uri).stdout.strip()
            v2v_params['main_vm'] = uuid
        if checkpoint in ['format_convert', 'xvda_disk']:
            # Get remote disk image path
            blklist = virsh.domblklist(vm_name, uri=uri).stdout.split('\n')
            logging.debug('domblklist %s:\n%s', vm_name, blklist)
            for line in blklist:
                if line.strip().startswith(('hda', 'vda', 'sda', 'xvda')):
                    params['remote_disk_image'] = line.split()[-1]
            # Local path of disk image
            params['img_path'] = data_dir.get_tmp_dir() + '/%s.img' % vm_name
            if checkpoint == 'xvda_disk':
                v2v_params['input_mode'] = 'disk'
                v2v_params['hypervisor'] = 'kvm'
                v2v_params.update({'input_file': params['img_path']})
            # Copy remote image to local with scp
            remote.scp_from_remote(xen_host, 22, xen_host_user,
        if checkpoint == 'pool_uuid':
            pooluuid = virsh.pool_uuid(pool_name).stdout.strip()
            v2v_params['storage'] = pooluuid
        if checkpoint.startswith('vnc'):
            vm_xml.VMXML.set_graphics_attr(vm_name, {'type': 'vnc'},
            if checkpoint == 'vnc_autoport':
                params[checkpoint] = {'autoport': 'yes'}
            elif checkpoint in ['vnc_encrypt', 'vnc_encrypt_warning']:
                params[checkpoint] = {
                    'passwd': params.get('vnc_passwd', 'redhat')
                vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(
                    vm_name, virsh_instance=virsh_instance)
                virsh_instance.dumpxml(vm_name, extra='--security-info'))
        if checkpoint.startswith('libguestfs_backend'):
            value = checkpoint[19:]
            if value == 'empty':
                value = ''
            logging.info('Set LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND to "%s"', value)
            os.environ['LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND'] = value
        if checkpoint == 'same_name':
            logging.info('Convert guest and rename to %s', new_vm_name)
            v2v_params.update({'new_name': new_vm_name})
        if checkpoint == 'no_passwordless_SSH':
            logging.info('Unset $SSH_AUTH_SOCK')
        if checkpoint in ['xml_without_image', 'format_convert']:
            xml_file = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), '%s.xml' % vm_name)
            virsh.dumpxml(vm_name, to_file=xml_file, uri=uri)
            v2v_params['hypervisor'] = 'kvm'
            v2v_params['input_mode'] = 'libvirtxml'
            v2v_params.update({'input_file': xml_file})
            if params.get('img_path'):
                cmd = "sed -i 's|%s|%s|' %s" % (params['remote_disk_image'],
                                                params['img_path'], xml_file)
                logging.debug(process.run('cat %s' % xml_file).stdout_text)
        if checkpoint == 'ssh_banner':
            session = remote.remote_login("ssh", xen_host, "22", "root",
                                          xen_host_passwd, "#")
            ssh_banner_content = r'"# no default banner path\n' \
                                 r'#Banner /path/banner file\n' \
                                 r'Banner /etc/ssh/ssh_banner"'
            logging.info('Create ssh_banner file')
            session.cmd('echo -e %s > /etc/ssh/ssh_banner' %
            logging.info('Content of ssh_banner file:')
            logging.info(session.cmd_output('cat /etc/ssh/ssh_banner'))
            logging.info('Restart sshd service on xen host')
            session.cmd('service sshd restart')
        if checkpoint.startswith('virtio_win'):
            src_dir = params.get('virtio_win_dir')
            dest_dir = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), 'virtio-win')
            iso_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'virtio-win.iso')
            if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
                shutil.copytree(src_dir, dest_dir)
            virtio_win_env = params.get('virtio_win_env', 'VIRTIO_WIN')
            process.run('rpm -e virtio-win')
            if process.run('rpm -q virtio-win',
                           ignore_status=True).exit_status == 0:
                test.error('not removed')
            if checkpoint.endswith('unset'):
                logging.info('Unset env %s' % virtio_win_env)
            if checkpoint.endswith('custom'):
                logging.info('Set env %s=%s' % (virtio_win_env, dest_dir))
                os.environ[virtio_win_env] = dest_dir
            if checkpoint.endswith('iso_mount'):
                logging.info('Mount iso to /opt')
                process.run('mount %s /opt' % iso_path)
                os.environ[virtio_win_env] = '/opt'
            if checkpoint.endswith('iso_file'):
                logging.info('Set env %s=%s' % (virtio_win_env, iso_path))
                os.environ[virtio_win_env] = iso_path
        if checkpoint == 'cdrom':
            xml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(
                vm_name, virsh_instance=virsh_instance)
            disks = xml.get_disk_all()
            logging.debug('Disks: %r', disks)
            for disk in list(disks.values()):
                # Check if vm has cdrom attached
                if disk.get(
                        'device') == 'cdrom' and disk.find('source') is None:
                    test.error('No CDROM image attached')
        if checkpoint == 'vdsm':
            extra_pkg = params.get('extra_pkg')
            logging.info('Install %s', extra_pkg)

            # Backup conf file for recovery
            for conf in params['bk_conf'].strip().split(','):
                logging.debug('Back up %s', conf)
                shutil.copyfile(conf, conf + '.bk')

            logging.info('Configure libvirt for vdsm')
            process.run('vdsm-tool configure --force')

            logging.info('Start vdsm service')
            service_manager = service.Factory.create_generic_service()

            # Setup user and password
            user_pwd = "[['%s', '%s']]" % (params.get("sasl_user"),
            v2v_sasl = utils_sasl.SASL(sasl_user_pwd=user_pwd)
            v2v_sasl.server_ip = 'localhost'
            v2v_sasl.server_user = params.get('sasl_server_user', 'root')
            v2v_sasl.server_pwd = params.get('sasl_server_passwd')

            v2v_params['sasl_user'] = params.get("sasl_user")
            v2v_params['sasl_pwd'] = params.get("sasl_pwd")
        if checkpoint == 'multidisk':
            params['disk_count'] = 0
            blklist = virsh.domblklist(vm_name, uri=uri).stdout.split('\n')
            for line in blklist:
                if '/' in line:
                    params['disk_count'] += 1
            logging.info('Total disks: %d', params['disk_count'])

        # Check if xen guest exists again
        if not virsh.domain_exists(vm_name, uri=uri):
            logging.error('VM %s not exists', vm_name)

        # Execute virt-v2v
        v2v_result = utils_v2v.v2v_cmd(v2v_params)

        if new_vm_name:
            vm_name = new_vm_name
            params['main_vm'] = new_vm_name
        check_result(v2v_result, status_error)
        # Cleanup constant files
        process.run('ssh-agent -k')
        if checkpoint == 'vdsm':
            logging.info('Stop vdsmd')
            service_manager = service.Factory.create_generic_service()
            if params.get('extra_pkg'):
            for conf in params['bk_conf'].strip().split(','):
                if os.path.exists(conf + '.bk'):
                    logging.debug('Recover %s', conf)
                    shutil.move(conf + '.bk', conf)
            logging.info('Restart libvirtd')
            libvirtd = utils_libvirtd.Libvirtd()
            logging.info('Start network "default"')
        if params.get('vmchecker'):
        if output_mode == 'libvirt':
            pvt.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, '')
        if bk_xml:
        if checkpoint == 'ssh_banner':
            logging.info('Remove ssh_banner file')
            session = remote.remote_login("ssh", xen_host, "22", "root",
                                          xen_host_passwd, "#")
            session.cmd('rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_banner')
            session.cmd('service sshd restart')
        if checkpoint.startswith('virtio_win'):
Exemple #5
     blklist = virsh.domblklist(vm_name, uri=uri).stdout.split('\n')
     logging.debug('domblklist %s:\n%s', vm_name, blklist)
     for line in blklist:
         if line.startswith(('hda', 'vda', 'sda')):
             remote_disk_image = line.split()[-1]
     # Local path of disk image
     input_file = data_dir.get_tmp_dir() + '/%s.img' % vm_name
     v2v_params.update({'input_file': input_file})
     # Copy remote image to local with scp
     remote.scp_from_remote(xen_host, 22, xen_host_user,
                            xen_host_passwd, remote_disk_image,
 elif checkpoint == 'pool_uuid':
     pooluuid = virsh.pool_uuid(pool_name).stdout.strip()
     v2v_params['storage'] = pooluuid
 elif checkpoint.startswith('vnc'):
     vm_xml.VMXML.set_graphics_attr(vm_name, {'type': 'vnc'},
     if checkpoint == 'vnc_autoport':
         params[checkpoint] = {'autoport': 'yes'}
         vm_xml.VMXML.set_graphics_attr(vm_name, params[checkpoint],
     elif checkpoint == 'vnc_encrypt':
         params[checkpoint] = {'passwd': params.get('vnc_passwd', 'redhat')}
         vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(
                 vm_name, virsh_instance=virsh_instance)
                 vmxml, params[checkpoint]['passwd'],
Exemple #6
def run(test, params, env):
    Test the virsh pool commands

    (1) Define a given type pool
    (2) List pool with '--inactive --type' options
    (3) Dumpxml for the pool
    (4) Undefine the pool
    (5) Define pool by using the XML file in step (3)
    (6) Build the pool(except 'disk' type pool
        For 'fs' type pool, cover --overwrite and --no-overwrite options
    (7) Start the pool
    (8) List pool with '--persistent --type' options
    (9) Mark pool autostart
    (10) List pool with '--autostart --type' options
    (11) Restart libvirtd and list pool with '--autostart --persistent' options
    (12) Destroy the pool
    (13) Unmark pool autostart
    (14) Repeat step (11)
    (15) Start the pool
    (16) Get pool info
    (17) Get pool uuid by name
    (18) Get pool name by uuid
    (19) Refresh the pool
         For 'dir' type pool, touch a file under target path and refresh again
         to make the new file show in vol-list.
    (20) Check pool 'Capacity', 'Allocation' and 'Available'
         Create a over size vol in pool(expect fail), then check these values
    (21) Undefine the pool, and this should fail as pool is still active
    (22) Destroy the pool
    (23) Delete pool for 'dir' type pool. After the command, the pool object
         will still exist but target path will be deleted
    (24) Undefine the pool

    # Initialize the variables
    pool_name = params.get("pool_name", "temp_pool_1")
    pool_type = params.get("pool_type", "dir")
    pool_target = params.get("pool_target", "")
    source_format = params.get("source_format", "")
    source_name = params.get("pool_source_name", "gluster-vol1")
    source_path = params.get("pool_source_path", "/")
    # The file for dumped pool xml
    pool_xml = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, "pool.xml.tmp")
    if os.path.dirname(pool_target) is "":
        pool_target = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, pool_target)
    vol_name = params.get("vol_name", "temp_vol_1")
    # Use pool name as VG name
    status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")
    vol_path = os.path.join(pool_target, vol_name)
    ip_protocal = params.get("ip_protocal", "ipv4")

    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 0):
        if pool_type == "gluster":
            raise error.TestNAError("Gluster pool is not supported in current" " libvirt version.")

    def check_exit_status(result, expect_error=False):
        Check the exit status of virsh commands.

        :param result: Virsh command result object
        :param expect_error: Boolean value, expect command success or fail
        if not expect_error:
            if result.exit_status != 0:
                raise error.TestFail(result.stderr)
                logging.debug("Command output:\n%s", result.stdout.strip())
        elif expect_error and result.exit_status == 0:
            raise error.TestFail("Expect fail, but run successfully.")

    def check_pool_list(pool_name, option="--all", expect_error=False):
        Check pool by running pool-list command with given option.

        :param pool_name: Name of the pool
        :param option: option for pool-list command
        :param expect_error: Boolean value, expect command success or fail
        found = False
        # Get the list stored in a variable
        result = virsh.pool_list(option, ignore_status=True)
        check_exit_status(result, False)
        output = re.findall(r"(\S+)\ +(\S+)\ +(\S+)[\ +\n]", str(result.stdout))
        for item in output:
            if pool_name in item[0]:
                found = True
        if found:
            logging.debug("Find pool '%s' in pool list.", pool_name)
            logging.debug("Not find pool %s in pool list.", pool_name)
        if expect_error and found:
            raise error.TestFail("Unexpect pool '%s' exist." % pool_name)
        if not expect_error and not found:
            raise error.TestFail("Expect pool '%s' doesn't exist." % pool_name)

    def check_vol_list(vol_name, pool_name):
        Check volume from the list

        :param vol_name: Name of the volume
        :param pool_name: Name of the pool
        found = False
        # Get the volume list stored in a variable
        result = virsh.vol_list(pool_name, ignore_status=True)

        output = re.findall(r"(\S+)\ +(\S+)[\ +\n]", str(result.stdout))
        for item in output:
            if vol_name in item[0]:
                found = True
        if found:
            logging.debug("Find volume '%s' in pool '%s'.", vol_name, pool_name)
            raise error.TestFail("Not find volume '%s' in pool '%s'." % (vol_name, pool_name))

    def check_pool_info(pool_info, check_point, value):
        Check the pool name, uuid, etc.

        :param pool_info: A dict include pool's information
        :param key: Key of pool info dict, available value: Name, UUID, State
                    Persistent, Autostart, Capacity, Allocation, Available
        :param value: Expect value of pool_info[key]
        if pool_info is None:
            raise error.TestFail("Pool info dictionary is needed.")
        if pool_info[check_point] == value:
            logging.debug("Pool '%s' is '%s'.", check_point, value)
            raise error.TestFail("Pool '%s' isn't '%s'." % (check_point, value))

    # Stop multipathd to avoid start pool fail(For fs like pool, the new add
    # disk may in use by device-mapper, so start pool will report disk already
    # mounted error).
    multipathd = service.Factory.create_service("multipathd")
    multipathd_status = multipathd.status()
    if multipathd_status:

    # Run Testcase
    pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params)
    emulated_image = "emulated-image"
    kwargs = {
        "image_size": "1G",
        "pre_disk_vol": ["1M"],
        "source_name": source_name,
        "source_path": source_path,
        "source_format": source_format,
        "persistent": True,
        "ip_protocal": ip_protocal,
        _pool = libvirt_storage.StoragePool()
        # Step (1)
        # Pool define
        pvt.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image, **kwargs)

        # Step (2)
        # Pool list
        option = "--inactive --type %s" % pool_type
        check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

        # Step (3)
        # Pool dumpxml
        xml = virsh.pool_dumpxml(pool_name, to_file=pool_xml)
        logging.debug("Pool '%s' XML:\n%s", pool_name, xml)

        # Step (4)
        # Undefine pool
        result = virsh.pool_undefine(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
        check_pool_list(pool_name, "--all", True)

        # Step (5)
        # Define pool from XML file
        result = virsh.pool_define(pool_xml)
        check_exit_status(result, status_error)

        # Step (6)
        # Buid pool, this step may fail for 'disk' and 'logical' types pool
        if pool_type not in ["disk", "logical"]:
            option = ""
            # Options --overwrite and --no-overwrite can only be used to
            # build a filesystem pool, but it will fail for now
            # if pool_type == "fs":
            #    option = '--overwrite'
            result = virsh.pool_build(pool_name, option, ignore_status=True)

        # Step (7)
        # Pool start
        result = virsh.pool_start(pool_name, ignore_status=True)

        # Step (8)
        # Pool list
        option = "--persistent --type %s" % pool_type
        check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

        # Step (9)
        # Pool autostart
        result = virsh.pool_autostart(pool_name, ignore_status=True)

        # Step (10)
        # Pool list
        option = "--autostart --type %s" % pool_type
        check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

        # Step (11)
        # Restart libvirtd and check the autostart pool
        option = "--autostart --persistent"
        check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

        # Step (12)
        # Pool destroy
        if virsh.pool_destroy(pool_name):
            logging.debug("Pool %s destroyed.", pool_name)
            raise error.TestFail("Destroy pool % failed." % pool_name)

        # Step (13)
        # Pool autostart disable
        result = virsh.pool_autostart(pool_name, "--disable", ignore_status=True)

        # Step (14)
        # Repeat step (11)
        option = "--autostart"
        check_pool_list(pool_name, option, True)

        # Step (15)
        # Pool start
        # When libvirtd starts up, it'll check to see if any of the storage
        # pools have been activated externally. If so, then it'll mark the
        # pool as active. This is independent of autostart.
        # So a directory based storage pool is thus pretty much always active,
        # and so as the SCSI pool.
        if pool_type != "scsi" and (pool_type != "dir" or libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 2, 15)):
            result = virsh.pool_start(pool_name, ignore_status=True)

        # Step (16)
        # Pool info
        pool_info = _pool.pool_info(pool_name)
        logging.debug("Pool '%s' info:\n%s", pool_name, pool_info)

        # Step (17)
        # Pool UUID
        result = virsh.pool_uuid(pool_info["Name"], ignore_status=True)
        check_pool_info(pool_info, "UUID", result.stdout.strip())

        # Step (18)
        # Pool Name
        result = virsh.pool_name(pool_info["UUID"], ignore_status=True)
        check_pool_info(pool_info, "Name", result.stdout.strip())

        # Step (19)
        # Pool refresh for 'dir' type pool
        if pool_type == "dir":
            result = virsh.pool_refresh(pool_name)
            check_vol_list(vol_name, pool_name)

        # Step (20)
        # Create an over size vol in pool(expect fail), then check pool:
        # 'Capacity', 'Allocation' and 'Available'
        # For NFS type pool, there's a bug(BZ#1077068) about allocate volume,
        # and glusterfs pool not support create volume, so not test them
        if pool_type != "netfs":
            vol_capacity = "10000G"
            vol_allocation = "10000G"
            result = virsh.vol_create_as("oversize_vol", pool_name, vol_capacity, vol_allocation, "raw")
            check_exit_status(result, True)
            new_info = _pool.pool_info(pool_name)
            check_pool_info(pool_info, "Capacity", new_info["Capacity"])
            check_pool_info(pool_info, "Allocation", new_info["Allocation"])
            check_pool_info(pool_info, "Available", new_info["Available"])

        # Step (21)
        # Undefine pool, this should fail as the pool is active
        result = virsh.pool_undefine(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
        check_exit_status(result, expect_error=True)
        check_pool_list(pool_name, "", False)

        # Step (22)
        # Pool destroy
        if virsh.pool_destroy(pool_name):
            logging.debug("Pool %s destroyed.", pool_name)
            raise error.TestFail("Destroy pool % failed." % pool_name)

        # Step (23)
        # Pool delete for 'dir' type pool
        if pool_type == "dir":
            for f in os.listdir(pool_target):
                os.remove(os.path.join(pool_target, f))
            result = virsh.pool_delete(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
            option = "--inactive --type %s" % pool_type
            check_pool_list(pool_name, option)
            if os.path.exists(pool_target):
                raise error.TestFail("The target path '%s' still exist." % pool_target)
            result = virsh.pool_start(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
            check_exit_status(result, True)

        # Step (24)
        # Pool undefine
        result = virsh.pool_undefine(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
        check_pool_list(pool_name, "--all", True)
        # Clean up
            pvt.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image, **kwargs)
        except error.TestFail, detail:
        if multipathd_status:
        if os.path.exists(pool_xml):
Exemple #7
def run(test, params, env):
    Test the virsh pool commands

    (1) Define a given type pool
    (2) List pool with '--inactive --type' options
    (3) Dumpxml for the pool
    (4) Undefine the pool
    (5) Define pool by using the XML file in step (3)
    (6) Build the pool(except 'disk' type pool
        For 'fs' type pool, cover --overwrite and --no-overwrite options
    (7) Start the pool
    (8) List pool with '--persistent --type' options
    (9) Mark pool autostart
    (10) List pool with '--autostart --type' options
    (11) Restart libvirtd and list pool with '--autostart --persistent' options
    (12) Destroy the pool
    (13) Unmark pool autostart
    (14) Repeat step (11)
    (15) Start the pool
    (16) Get pool info
    (17) Get pool uuid by name
    (18) Get pool name by uuid
    (19) Refresh the pool
         For 'dir' type pool, touch a file under target path and refresh again
         to make the new file show in vol-list.
    (20) Destroy the pool
    (21) Delete pool for 'dir' type pool. After the command, the pool object
         will still exist but target path will be deleted
    (22) Undefine the pool

    # Initialize the variables
    pool_name = params.get("pool_name", "temp_pool_1")
    pool_type = params.get("pool_type", "dir")
    pool_target = params.get("pool_target", "")
    # The file for dumped pool xml
    pool_xml = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, "pool.xml.tmp")
    if os.path.dirname(pool_target) is "":
        pool_target = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, pool_target)
    vol_name = params.get("vol_name", "temp_vol_1")
    # Use pool name as VG name
    vg_name = pool_name
    status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")
    vol_path = os.path.join(pool_target, vol_name)
    # Clean up flags:
    # cleanup_env[0] for nfs, cleanup_env[1] for iscsi, cleanup_env[2] for lvm
    cleanup_env = [False, False, False]

    def check_exit_status(result, expect_error=False):
        Check the exit status of virsh commands.

        :param result: Virsh command result object
        :param expect_error: Boolean value, expect command success or fail
        if not expect_error:
            if result.exit_status != 0:
                raise error.TestFail(result.stderr)
                logging.debug("Command output:\n%s", result.stdout.strip())
        elif expect_error and result.exit_status == 0:
            raise error.TestFail("Expect fail, but run successfully.")

    def check_pool_list(pool_name, option="--all", expect_error=False):
        Check pool by running pool-list command with given option.

        :param pool_name: Name of the pool
        :param option: option for pool-list command
        :param expect_error: Boolean value, expect command success or fail
        found = False
        # Get the list stored in a variable
        result = virsh.pool_list(option, ignore_status=True)
        check_exit_status(result, False)
        output = re.findall(r"(\S+)\ +(\S+)\ +(\S+)[\ +\n]",
        for item in output:
            if pool_name in item[0]:
                found = True
        if found:
            logging.debug("Find pool '%s' in pool list.", pool_name)
            logging.debug("Not find pool %s in pool list.", pool_name)
        if expect_error and found:
            raise error.TestFail("Unexpect pool '%s' exist." % pool_name)
        if not expect_error and not found:
            raise error.TestFail("Expect pool '%s' doesn't exist." % pool_name)

    def check_vol_list(vol_name, pool_name):
        Check volume from the list

        :param vol_name: Name of the volume
        :param pool_name: Name of the pool
        found = False
        # Get the volume list stored in a variable
        result = virsh.vol_list(pool_name, ignore_status=True)

        output = re.findall(r"(\S+)\ +(\S+)[\ +\n]", str(result.stdout))
        for item in output:
            if vol_name in item[0]:
                found = True
        if found:
                "Find volume '%s' in pool '%s'.", vol_name, pool_name)
            raise error.TestFail(
                "Not find volume '%s' in pool '%s'." %
                (vol_name, pool_name))

    def check_pool_info(pool_info, check_point, value):
        Check the pool name, uuid, etc.

        :param pool_info: A dict include pool's information
        :param key: Key of pool info dict, available value: Name, UUID, State
                    Persistent, Autostart, Capacity, Allocation, Available
        :param value: Expect value of pool_info[key]
        if pool_info is None:
            raise error.TestFail("Pool info dictionary is needed.")
        if pool_info[check_point] == value:
            logging.debug("Pool '%s' is '%s'.", check_point, value)
            raise error.TestFail("Pool '%s' isn't '%s'." % (check_point,

    # Run Testcase
        _pool = libvirt_storage.StoragePool()
        # Step (1)
        # Pool define
        result = utils_test.libvirt.define_pool(pool_name, pool_type,
                                                pool_target, cleanup_env)
        check_exit_status(result, status_error)

        # Step (2)
        # Pool list
        option = "--inactive --type %s" % pool_type
        check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

        # Step (3)
        # Pool dumpxml
        xml = virsh.pool_dumpxml(pool_name, to_file=pool_xml)
        logging.debug("Pool '%s' XML:\n%s", pool_name, xml)

        # Step (4)
        # Undefine pool
        result = virsh.pool_undefine(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
        check_pool_list(pool_name, "--all", True)

        # Step (5)
        # Define pool from XML file
        result = virsh.pool_define(pool_xml)
        check_exit_status(result, status_error)

        # Step (6)
        # Buid pool, this step may fail for 'disk' and 'logical' types pool
        if pool_type not in ["disk", "logical"]:
            option = ""
        # Options --overwrite and --no-overwrite can only be used to
        # build a filesystem pool, but it will fail for now
            # if pool_type == "fs":
            #    option = '--overwrite'
            result = virsh.pool_build(pool_name, option, ignore_status=True)

        # Step (7)
        # Pool start
        result = virsh.pool_start(pool_name, ignore_status=True)

        # Step (8)
        # Pool list
        option = "--persistent --type %s" % pool_type
        check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

        # Step (9)
        # Pool autostart
        result = virsh.pool_autostart(pool_name, ignore_status=True)

        # Step (10)
        # Pool list
        option = "--autostart --type %s" % pool_type
        check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

        # Step (11)
        # Restart libvirtd and check the autostart pool
        option = "--autostart --persistent"
        check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

        # Step (12)
        # Pool destroy
        if virsh.pool_destroy(pool_name):
            logging.debug("Pool %s destroyed.", pool_name)
            raise error.TestFail("Destroy pool % failed." % pool_name)

        # Step (13)
        # Pool autostart disable
        result = virsh.pool_autostart(pool_name, "--disable",

        # Step (14)
        # Repeat step (11)
        option = "--autostart"
        check_pool_list(pool_name, option, True)

        # Step (15)
        # Pool start
        # If the filesystem cntaining the directory is mounted, then the
        # directory will show as running, which means the local 'dir' pool
        # don't need start after restart libvirtd
        if pool_type != "dir":
            result = virsh.pool_start(pool_name, ignore_status=True)

        # Step (16)
        # Pool info
        pool_info = _pool.pool_info(pool_name)
        logging.debug("Pool '%s' info:\n%s", pool_name, pool_info)

        # Step (17)
        # Pool UUID
        result = virsh.pool_uuid(pool_info["Name"], ignore_status=True)
        check_pool_info(pool_info, "UUID", result.stdout.strip())

        # Step (18)
        # Pool Name
        result = virsh.pool_name(pool_info["UUID"], ignore_status=True)
        check_pool_info(pool_info, "Name", result.stdout.strip())

        # Step (19)
        # Pool refresh for 'dir' type pool
        if pool_type == "dir":
            result = virsh.pool_refresh(pool_name)
            check_vol_list(vol_name, pool_name)

        # Step(20)
        # Pool destroy
        if virsh.pool_destroy(pool_name):
            logging.debug("Pool %s destroyed.", pool_name)
            raise error.TestFail("Destroy pool % failed." % pool_name)

        # Step (21)
        # Pool delete for 'dir' type pool
        if pool_type == "dir":
            if os.path.exists(vol_path):
            result = virsh.pool_delete(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
            option = "--inactive --type %s" % pool_type
            check_pool_list(pool_name, option)
            if os.path.exists(pool_target):
                raise error.TestFail("The target path '%s' still exist." %
            result = virsh.pool_start(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
            check_exit_status(result, True)

        # Step (22)
        # Pool undefine
        result = virsh.pool_undefine(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
        check_pool_list(pool_name, "--all", True)
        # Clean up
        if os.path.exists(pool_xml):
        if not _pool.delete_pool(pool_name):
            logging.error("Can't delete pool: %s", pool_name)
        if cleanup_env[2]:
            cmd = "pvs |grep %s |awk '{print $1}'" % vg_name
            pv_name = utils.system_output(cmd)
            utils.run("pvremove %s" % pv_name)
        if cleanup_env[1]:
        if cleanup_env[0]:
         if line.startswith(('hda', 'vda', 'sda')):
             params['remote_disk_image'] = line.split()[-1]
     # Local path of disk image
     params['img_path'] = data_dir.get_tmp_dir() + '/%s.img' % vm_name
     if checkpoint == 'xvda_disk':
         v2v_params['input_mode'] = 'disk'
         v2v_params.update({'input_file': params['img_path']})
     # Copy remote image to local with scp
     remote.scp_from_remote(xen_host, 22, xen_host_user,
 if checkpoint == 'pool_uuid':
     pooluuid = virsh.pool_uuid(pool_name).stdout.strip()
     v2v_params['storage'] = pooluuid
 if checkpoint.startswith('vnc'):
     vm_xml.VMXML.set_graphics_attr(vm_name, {'type': 'vnc'},
     if checkpoint == 'vnc_autoport':
         params[checkpoint] = {'autoport': 'yes'}
         vm_xml.VMXML.set_graphics_attr(vm_name, params[checkpoint],
     elif checkpoint == 'vnc_encrypt':
         params[checkpoint] = {'passwd': params.get('vnc_passwd', 'redhat')}
         vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(
                 vm_name, virsh_instance=virsh_instance)
                 vmxml, params[checkpoint]['passwd'],
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh pool-create.

    Create a libvirt pool from an XML file. The file could be given by tester or
    generated by dumpxml a pre-defined pool.
    pool_xml_f = params.get("pool_create_xml_file", "/PATH/TO/POOL.XML")
    pool_name = params.get("pool_create_name", "virt_test_pool_tmp")
    option = params.get("pool_create_extra_option", "")
    readonly_mode = "yes" == params.get("pool_create_readonly_mode", "no")
    status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")
    pre_def_pool = "yes" == params.get("pre_def_pool", "no")
    pool_type = params.get("pool_type", "dir")
    source_format = params.get("pool_src_format", "")
    source_name = params.get("pool_source_name", "")
    source_path = params.get("pool_source_path", "/")
    pool_target = params.get("pool_target", "pool_target")
    duplicate_element = params.get("pool_create_duplicate_element", "")
    new_pool_name = params.get("new_pool_create_name")
    no_disk_label = "yes" == params.get("no_disk_label", "no")

    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 0):
        if pool_type == "gluster":
            test.cancel("Gluster pool is not supported in current"
                        " libvirt version.")

    if "/PATH/TO/POOL.XML" in pool_xml_f:
        test.cancel("Please replace %s with valid pool xml file" %
    pool_ins = libvirt_storage.StoragePool()
    if pre_def_pool and pool_ins.pool_exists(pool_name):
        test.fail("Pool %s already exist" % pool_name)

    emulated_image = "emulated-image"
    kwargs = {'image_size': '1G', 'source_path': source_path,
              'source_name': source_name, 'source_format': source_format}
    pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params)
    old_uuid = None
    new_device_name = None
    if pre_def_pool:
            pvt.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image,
            virsh.pool_dumpxml(pool_name, to_file=pool_xml_f)
            old_uuid = virsh.pool_uuid(pool_name).stdout.strip()
            if no_disk_label:
                # Update <device_path>
                logging.debug("Try to update device path")
                new_device_name = utlv.setup_or_cleanup_iscsi(True)
                p_xml = pool_xml.PoolXML.new_from_dumpxml(pool_name)
                s_xml = pool_xml.SourceXML()
                s_xml.device_path = new_device_name
                pool_xml_f = p_xml.xml
            if duplicate_element == "name":
            elif duplicate_element == "uuid":
            elif duplicate_element == "source":
                # Remove <uuid> and update <name>
                cmd = "sed -i '/<uuid>/d' %s" % pool_xml_f
                process.run(cmd, shell=True)
                cmd = "sed -i 's/<name>.*<\/name>/<name>%s<\/name>/g' %s" % (new_pool_name, pool_xml_f)
                process.run(cmd, shell=True)
                # The transient pool will gone after destroyed
            new_source_format = params.get("new_pool_src_format")
            if new_source_format:
                cmd = "sed -i s/type=\\\'%s\\\'/type=\\\'%s\\\'/g %s" % (
                    source_format, new_source_format, pool_xml_f)
                process.run(cmd, shell=True)
            # Remove uuid
            cmd = "sed -i '/<uuid>/d' %s" % pool_xml_f
            process.run(cmd, shell=True)
        except Exception as details:
            pvt.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target,
                             emulated_image, **kwargs)
            if new_device_name:
            test.error("Error occurred when prepare pool xml:\n %s"
                       % details)
    # Create an invalid pool xml file
    if pool_xml_f == "invalid-pool-xml":
        tmp_xml_f = xml_utils.TempXMLFile()
        pool_xml_f = tmp_xml_f.name
    # Readonly mode
    ro_flag = False
    if readonly_mode:
        logging.debug("Readonly mode test")
        ro_flag = True
    # Run virsh test
    if os.path.exists(pool_xml_f):
        with open(pool_xml_f, 'r') as f:
            logging.debug("Create pool from file:\n %s", f.read())
        cmd_result = virsh.pool_create(pool_xml_f, option, ignore_status=True,
                                       debug=True, readonly=ro_flag)
        err = cmd_result.stderr.strip()
        status = cmd_result.exit_status
        if not status_error:
            if status:
            pool_detail = libvirt_xml.PoolXML.get_pool_details(pool_name)
            logging.debug("Pool detail: %s", pool_detail)
            if pool_detail['uuid'] == old_uuid:
                test.fail("New created pool still use the old UUID %s"
                          % old_uuid)
            if status == 0:
                test.fail("Expect fail, but run successfully.")
                logging.debug("Command fail as expected")
        pvt.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target,
                         emulated_image, **kwargs)
        if new_device_name:
        if os.path.exists(pool_xml_f):
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh pool-create.

    Create a libvirt pool from an XML file. The file could be given by tester or
    generated by dumpxml a pre-defined pool.
    pool_xml_f = params.get("pool_create_xml_file", "/PATH/TO/POOL.XML")
    pool_name = params.get("pool_create_name", "virt_test_pool_tmp")
    option = params.get("pool_create_extra_option", "")
    readonly_mode = "yes" == params.get("pool_create_readonly_mode", "no")
    status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")
    pre_def_pool = "yes" == params.get("pre_def_pool", "no")
    pool_type = params.get("pool_type", "dir")
    source_format = params.get("pool_src_format", "")
    source_name = params.get("pool_source_name", "")
    source_path = params.get("pool_source_path", "/")
    pool_target = params.get("pool_create_target", "pool_target")
    duplicate_element = params.get("pool_create_duplicate_element", "")
    new_pool_name = params.get("new_pool_create_name")

    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 0):
        if pool_type == "gluster":
            raise error.TestNAError("Gluster pool is not supported in current"
                                    " libvirt version.")

    if "/PATH/TO/POOL.XML" in pool_xml_f:
        raise error.TestNAError("Please replace %s with valid pool xml file" %
    pool_ins = libvirt_storage.StoragePool()
    if pre_def_pool and pool_ins.pool_exists(pool_name):
        raise error.TestFail("Pool %s already exist" % pool_name)

    emulated_image = "emulated-image"
    kwargs = {'image_size': '1G', 'source_path': source_path,
              'source_name': source_name, 'source_format': source_format}
    pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params)
    old_uuid = None
    if pre_def_pool:
            pvt.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image,
            virsh.pool_dumpxml(pool_name, to_file=pool_xml_f)
            old_uuid = virsh.pool_uuid(pool_name).stdout.strip()
            if duplicate_element == "name":
            elif duplicate_element == "uuid":
                # Remove <uuid>
                cmd = "sed -i '/<uuid>/d' %s" % pool_xml_f
            elif duplicate_element == "source":
                # Remove <uuid> and update <name>
                cmd = "sed -i '/<uuid>/d' %s" % pool_xml_f
                cmd = "sed -i 's/<name>.*<\/name>/<name>%s<\/name>/g' %s" % (new_pool_name, pool_xml_f)
                # The transient pool will gone after destroyed
            new_source_format = params.get("new_pool_src_format")
            if new_source_format:
                cmd = "sed -i s/type=\\\'%s\\\'/type=\\\'%s\\\'/g %s" % (
                    source_format, new_source_format, pool_xml_f)
        except Exception, e:
            pvt.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target,
                             emulated_image, **kwargs)
            raise error.TestError("Error occurred when prepare pool xml:\n %s"
                                  % e)
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh pool-create.

    Create a libvirt pool from an XML file. The file could be given by tester or
    generated by dumpxml a pre-defined pool.
    pool_xml_f = params.get("pool_create_xml_file", "/PATH/TO/POOL.XML")
    pool_name = params.get("pool_create_name", "virt_test_pool_tmp")
    option = params.get("pool_create_extra_option", "")
    readonly_mode = "yes" == params.get("pool_create_readonly_mode", "no")
    status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")
    pre_def_pool = "yes" == params.get("pre_def_pool", "no")
    pool_type = params.get("pool_type", "dir")
    source_format = params.get("pool_src_format", "")
    source_name = params.get("pool_source_name", "")
    source_path = params.get("pool_source_path", "/")
    pool_target = params.get("pool_target", "pool_target")
    duplicate_element = params.get("pool_create_duplicate_element", "")
    new_pool_name = params.get("new_pool_create_name")

    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 0):
        if pool_type == "gluster":
            raise error.TestNAError("Gluster pool is not supported in current"
                                    " libvirt version.")

    if "/PATH/TO/POOL.XML" in pool_xml_f:
        raise error.TestNAError("Please replace %s with valid pool xml file" %
    pool_ins = libvirt_storage.StoragePool()
    if pre_def_pool and pool_ins.pool_exists(pool_name):
        raise error.TestFail("Pool %s already exist" % pool_name)

    emulated_image = "emulated-image"
    kwargs = {
        'image_size': '1G',
        'source_path': source_path,
        'source_name': source_name,
        'source_format': source_format
    pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params)
    old_uuid = None
    if pre_def_pool:
            pvt.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image,
            virsh.pool_dumpxml(pool_name, to_file=pool_xml_f)
            old_uuid = virsh.pool_uuid(pool_name).stdout.strip()
            if duplicate_element == "name":
            elif duplicate_element == "uuid":
                # Remove <uuid>
                cmd = "sed -i '/<uuid>/d' %s" % pool_xml_f
            elif duplicate_element == "source":
                # Remove <uuid> and update <name>
                cmd = "sed -i '/<uuid>/d' %s" % pool_xml_f
                cmd = "sed -i 's/<name>.*<\/name>/<name>%s<\/name>/g' %s" % (
                    new_pool_name, pool_xml_f)
                # The transient pool will gone after destroyed
            new_source_format = params.get("new_pool_src_format")
            if new_source_format:
                cmd = "sed -i s/type=\\\'%s\\\'/type=\\\'%s\\\'/g %s" % (
                    source_format, new_source_format, pool_xml_f)
        except Exception, e:
            pvt.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image,
            raise error.TestError(
                "Error occurred when prepare pool xml:\n %s" % e)
Exemple #12
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh pool-create.

    Create a libvirt pool from an XML file. The file could be given by tester or
    generated by dumpxml a pre-defined pool.
    pool_xml_f = params.get("pool_create_xml_file", "")
    pool_name = params.get("pool_create_name", "virt_test_pool_tmp")
    option = params.get("pool_create_extra_option", "")
    readonly_mode = "yes" == params.get("pool_create_readonly_mode", "no")
    status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")
    pre_def_pool = "yes" == params.get("pre_def_pool", "no")
    pool_type = params.get("pool_type", "dir")
    source_format = params.get("pool_src_format", "")
    source_name = params.get("pool_source_name", "")
    source_path = params.get("pool_source_path", "/")
    pool_target = params.get("pool_target", "pool_target")
    duplicate_element = params.get("pool_create_duplicate_element", "")
    new_pool_name = params.get("new_pool_create_name")
    no_disk_label = "yes" == params.get("no_disk_label", "no")

    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 0):
        if pool_type == "gluster":
            test.cancel("Gluster pool is not supported in current"
                        " libvirt version.")

    pool_ins = libvirt_storage.StoragePool()
    if pre_def_pool and pool_ins.pool_exists(pool_name):
        test.fail("Pool %s already exist" % pool_name)

    kwargs = {'image_size': '1G', 'source_path': source_path,
              'source_name': source_name, 'source_format': source_format,
              'emulated_image': "emulated-image", 'pool_target': pool_target,
              'pool_name': pool_name}
    pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params)
    old_uuid = None
    new_device_name = None
    if pre_def_pool:
            virsh.pool_dumpxml(pool_name, to_file=pool_xml_f)
            old_uuid = virsh.pool_uuid(pool_name).stdout.strip()
            if no_disk_label:
                # Update <device_path>
                logging.debug("Try to update device path")
                new_device_name = utlv.setup_or_cleanup_iscsi(True)
                p_xml = pool_xml.PoolXML.new_from_dumpxml(pool_name)
                s_xml = pool_xml.SourceXML()
                s_xml.device_path = new_device_name
                pool_xml_f = p_xml.xml
            if duplicate_element == "name":
            elif duplicate_element == "uuid":
            elif duplicate_element == "source":
                # Remove <uuid> and update <name>
                cmd = "sed -i '/<uuid>/d' %s" % pool_xml_f
                process.run(cmd, shell=True)
                cmd = "sed -i 's/<name>.*<\/name>/<name>%s<\/name>/g' %s" % (new_pool_name, pool_xml_f)
                process.run(cmd, shell=True)
                # The transient pool will gone after destroyed
            new_source_format = params.get("new_pool_src_format")
            if new_source_format:
                cmd = "sed -i s/type=\\\'%s\\\'/type=\\\'%s\\\'/g %s" % (
                    source_format, new_source_format, pool_xml_f)
                process.run(cmd, shell=True)
            # Remove uuid
            cmd = "sed -i '/<uuid>/d' %s" % pool_xml_f
            process.run(cmd, shell=True)
        except Exception as details:
            if new_device_name:
            test.error("Error occurred when prepare pool xml:\n %s"
                       % details)
    # Create an invalid pool xml file
    if pool_xml_f == "invalid-pool-xml":
        tmp_xml_f = xml_utils.TempXMLFile()
        pool_xml_f = tmp_xml_f.name
    # Readonly mode
    ro_flag = False
    if readonly_mode:
        logging.debug("Readonly mode test")
        ro_flag = True
    # Run virsh test
    if os.path.exists(pool_xml_f):
        with open(pool_xml_f, 'r') as f:
            logging.debug("Create pool from file:\n %s", f.read())
        cmd_result = virsh.pool_create(pool_xml_f, option, ignore_status=True,
                                       debug=True, readonly=ro_flag)
        err = cmd_result.stderr.strip()
        status = cmd_result.exit_status
        if not status_error:
            if status:
            pool_detail = libvirt_xml.PoolXML.get_pool_details(pool_name)
            logging.debug("Pool detail: %s", pool_detail)
            if pool_detail['uuid'] == old_uuid:
                test.fail("New created pool still use the old UUID %s"
                          % old_uuid)
            if status == 0:
                test.fail("Expect fail, but run successfully.")
                logging.debug("Command fail as expected")
        if new_device_name:
        if os.path.exists(pool_xml_f):
def run(test, params, env):
    Convert specific xen guest
    for v in list(params.values()):
        if "V2V_EXAMPLE" in v:
            test.cancel("Please set real value for %s" % v)
    if utils_v2v.V2V_EXEC is None:
        test.cancel('Missing command: virt-v2v')
    vm_name = params.get('main_vm')
    new_vm_name = params.get('new_vm_name')
    xen_host = params.get('xen_hostname')
    xen_host_user = params.get('xen_host_user', 'root')
    xen_host_passwd = params.get('xen_host_passwd', 'redhat')
    output_mode = params.get('output_mode')
    v2v_timeout = int(params.get('v2v_timeout', 1200))
    status_error = 'yes' == params.get('status_error', 'no')
    pool_name = params.get('pool_name', 'v2v_test')
    pool_type = params.get('pool_type', 'dir')
    pool_target = params.get('pool_target_path', 'v2v_pool')
    pvt = libvirt.PoolVolumeTest(test, params)
    address_cache = env.get('address_cache')
    checkpoint = params.get('checkpoint', '')
    bk_list = ['vnc_autoport', 'vnc_encrypt', 'vnc_encrypt_warning']
    error_list = []

    def log_fail(msg):
        Log error and update error list

    def set_graphics(virsh_instance, param):
        Set graphics attributes of vm xml
        vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name, virsh_instance=virsh_instance)
        graphic = vmxml.xmltreefile.find('devices').find('graphics')
        for key in param:
            logging.debug('Set %s=\'%s\'' % (key, param[key]))
            graphic.set(key, param[key])

    def check_rhev_file_exist(vmcheck):
        Check if rhev files exist
        file_path = {
            'rhev-apt.exe': r'C:\rhev-apt.exe',
            'rhsrvany.exe': r'"C:\program files\redhat\rhev\apt\rhsrvany.exe"'
        fail = False
        for key in file_path:
            status = vmcheck.session.cmd_status('dir %s' % file_path[key])
            if not status:
                logging.error('%s exists' % key)
                fail = True
        if fail:
            log_fail('RHEV file exists after convert to kvm')

    def check_grub_file(vmcheck, check):
        Check grub file content
        logging.info('Checking grub file')
        grub_file = utils_misc.get_bootloader_cfg(session=vmcheck.session)
        if not grub_file:
            test.error('Not found grub file')
        content = vmcheck.session.cmd('cat %s' % grub_file)
        if check == 'console_xvc0':
            if 'console=xvc0' in content:
                log_fail('"console=xvc0" still exists')

    def check_kernel(vmcheck):
        Check content of /etc/sysconfig/kernel
        logging.info('Checking /etc/sysconfig/kernel file')
        content = vmcheck.session.cmd('cat /etc/sysconfig/kernel')
        if 'DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel' not in content:
            log_fail('Not find "DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel"')
        elif 'DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel-xen' in content:
            log_fail('DEFAULTKERNEL is "kernel-xen"')

    def check_sound_card(vmcheck, check):
        Check sound status of vm from xml
        xml = virsh.dumpxml(vm_name, session_id=vmcheck.virsh_session_id).stdout
        if check == 'sound' and '<sound model' in xml:
            log_fail('Sound card should be removed')
        if check == 'pcspk' and "<sound model='pcspk'" not in xml:
            log_fail('Sound card should be "pcspk"')

    def check_rhsrvany_md5(vmcheck):
        Check if MD5 and SHA1 of rhsrvany.exe are correct
        logging.info('Check md5 and sha1 of rhsrvany.exe')
        val_md5, val_sha1 = params.get('val_md5'), params.get('val_sha1')
        logging.info('Expect MD5=%s, SHA1=%s', val_md5, val_sha1)
        if not val_md5 or not val_sha1:
            test.error('No MD5 or SHA1 value provided')
        cmd_sha1 = params.get('cmd_sha1')
        cmd_md5 = cmd_sha1 + ' MD5'
        sha1 = vmcheck.session.cmd_output(cmd_sha1, safe=True).strip().split('\n')[1].replace(' ', '')
        md5 = vmcheck.session.cmd_output(cmd_md5, safe=True).strip().split('\n')[1].replace(' ', '')
        logging.info('Actual MD5=%s, SHA1=%s', md5, sha1)
        if sha1 == val_sha1 and md5 == val_md5:
            logging.info('MD5 and SHA1 are correct')
            log_fail('MD5 or SHA1 of rhsrvany.exe not correct')

    def check_disk(vmcheck, count):
        Check if number of disks meets expectation
        logging.info('Expect number of disks: %d', count)
        actual = vmcheck.session.cmd('lsblk |grep disk |wc -l').strip()
        logging.info('Actual number of disks: %s', actual)
        if int(actual) != count:
            log_fail('Number of disks is wrong')

    def check_result(result, status_error):
        Check virt-v2v command result
        libvirt.check_exit_status(result, status_error)
        output = result.stdout + result.stderr
        if not status_error and checkpoint != 'vdsm':
            if output_mode == 'rhev':
                if not utils_v2v.import_vm_to_ovirt(params, address_cache,
                    test.fail('Import VM failed')
            elif output_mode == 'libvirt':
                    virsh.start(vm_name, debug=True, ignore_status=False)
                except Exception as e:
                    test.fail('Start vm failed: %s', str(e))
            # Check guest following the checkpoint document after convertion
            logging.info('Checking common checkpoints for v2v')
            vmchecker = VMChecker(test, params, env)
            params['vmchecker'] = vmchecker
            ret = vmchecker.run()
            if len(ret) == 0:
                logging.info("All common checkpoints passed")
            # Check specific checkpoints
            if checkpoint == 'rhev_file':
            if checkpoint == 'console_xvc0':
                check_grub_file(vmchecker.checker, 'console_xvc0')
            if checkpoint in ('vnc_autoport', 'vnc_encrypt'):
            if checkpoint == 'sdl':
                if output_mode == 'libvirt':
                    vmchecker.check_graphics({'type': 'vnc'})
                elif output_mode == 'rhev':
                    vmchecker.check_graphics({'type': 'spice'})
            if checkpoint == 'pv_with_regular_kernel':
            if checkpoint in ['sound', 'pcspk']:
                check_sound_card(vmchecker.checker, checkpoint)
            if checkpoint == 'rhsrvany_md5':
            if checkpoint == 'multidisk':
                check_disk(vmchecker.checker, params['disk_count'])
        log_check = utils_v2v.check_log(params, output)
        if log_check:
        # Merge 2 error lists
        if params.get('vmchecker'):
        # Virtio drivers will not be installed without virtio-win setup
        if checkpoint == 'virtio_win_unset':
            missing_list = params.get('missing').split(',')
            expect_errors = ['Not find driver: ' + x for x in missing_list]
            logging.debug('Expect errors: %s' % expect_errors)
            logging.debug('Actual errors: %s' % error_list)
            if set(error_list) == set(expect_errors):
                error_list[:] = []
                logging.error('Virtio drivers not meet expectation')
        if len(error_list):
            test.fail('%d checkpoints failed: %s' % (len(error_list), error_list))

        v2v_params = {
            'hostname': xen_host, 'hypervisor': 'xen', 'main_vm': vm_name,
            'v2v_opts': '-v -x', 'input_mode': 'libvirt',
            'new_name': new_vm_name,
            'storage':  params.get('output_storage', 'default'),
            'network':  params.get('network'),
            'bridge':   params.get('bridge'),
            'target':   params.get('target')

        bk_xml = None
        os.environ['LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND'] = 'direct'

        # Setup ssh-agent access to xen hypervisor
        logging.info('set up ssh-agent access ')
        ssh_key.setup_ssh_key(xen_host, user=xen_host_user,
                              port=22, password=xen_host_passwd)

        if params.get('output_format'):
            v2v_params.update({'output_format': params.get('output_format')})

        # Build rhev related options
        if output_mode == 'rhev':
            # Create SASL user on the ovirt host
            user_pwd = "[['%s', '%s']]" % (params.get("sasl_user"),
            v2v_sasl = utils_sasl.SASL(sasl_user_pwd=user_pwd)
            v2v_sasl.server_ip = params.get("remote_ip")
            v2v_sasl.server_user = params.get('remote_user')
            v2v_sasl.server_pwd = params.get('remote_pwd')

        # Create libvirt dir pool
        if output_mode == 'libvirt':
            pvt.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, '')

        uri = utils_v2v.Uri('xen').get_uri(xen_host)

        # Check if xen guest exists
        if not virsh.domain_exists(vm_name, uri=uri):
            logging.error('VM %s not exists', vm_name)

        virsh_instance = virsh.VirshPersistent()

        if checkpoint in bk_list:
            bk_xml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(
                    vm_name, virsh_instance=virsh_instance)
        if checkpoint == 'guest_uuid':
            uuid = virsh.domuuid(vm_name, uri=uri).stdout.strip()
            v2v_params['main_vm'] = uuid
        if checkpoint in ['format_convert', 'xvda_disk']:
            # Get remote disk image path
            blklist = virsh.domblklist(vm_name, uri=uri).stdout.split('\n')
            logging.debug('domblklist %s:\n%s', vm_name, blklist)
            for line in blklist:
                if line.startswith(('hda', 'vda', 'sda')):
                    params['remote_disk_image'] = line.split()[-1]
            # Local path of disk image
            params['img_path'] = data_dir.get_tmp_dir() + '/%s.img' % vm_name
            if checkpoint == 'xvda_disk':
                v2v_params['input_mode'] = 'disk'
                v2v_params.update({'input_file': params['img_path']})
            # Copy remote image to local with scp
            remote.scp_from_remote(xen_host, 22, xen_host_user,
        if checkpoint == 'pool_uuid':
            pooluuid = virsh.pool_uuid(pool_name).stdout.strip()
            v2v_params['storage'] = pooluuid
        if checkpoint.startswith('vnc'):
            vm_xml.VMXML.set_graphics_attr(vm_name, {'type': 'vnc'},
            if checkpoint == 'vnc_autoport':
                params[checkpoint] = {'autoport': 'yes'}
                vm_xml.VMXML.set_graphics_attr(vm_name, params[checkpoint],
            elif checkpoint in ['vnc_encrypt', 'vnc_encrypt_warning']:
                params[checkpoint] = {'passwd': params.get('vnc_passwd', 'redhat')}
                vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(
                        vm_name, virsh_instance=virsh_instance)
                        vmxml, params[checkpoint]['passwd'],
            logging.debug(virsh_instance.dumpxml(vm_name, extra='--security-info'))
        if checkpoint.startswith('libguestfs_backend'):
            value = checkpoint[19:]
            if value == 'empty':
                value = ''
            logging.info('Set LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND to "%s"', value)
            os.environ['LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND'] = value
        if checkpoint == 'same_name':
            logging.info('Convert guest and rename to %s', new_vm_name)
            v2v_params.update({'new_name': new_vm_name})
        if checkpoint == 'no_passwordless_SSH':
            logging.info('Unset $SSH_AUTH_SOCK')
        if checkpoint in ['xml_without_image', 'format_convert']:
            xml_file = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), '%s.xml' % vm_name)
            virsh.dumpxml(vm_name, to_file=xml_file, uri=uri)
            v2v_params['hypervisor'] = 'kvm'
            v2v_params['input_mode'] = 'libvirtxml'
            v2v_params.update({'input_file': xml_file})
            if params.get('img_path'):
                cmd = "sed -i 's|%s|%s|' %s" % (params['remote_disk_image'],
                                                params['img_path'], xml_file)
                logging.debug(process.run('cat %s' % xml_file).stdout_text)
            if checkpoint == 'format_convert':
                v2v_params['output_format'] = 'qcow2'
        if checkpoint == 'ssh_banner':
            session = remote.remote_login("ssh", xen_host, "22", "root",
                                          xen_host_passwd, "#")
            ssh_banner_content = r'"# no default banner path\n' \
                                 r'#Banner /path/banner file\n' \
                                 r'Banner /etc/ssh/ssh_banner"'
            logging.info('Create ssh_banner file')
            session.cmd('echo -e %s > /etc/ssh/ssh_banner' % ssh_banner_content)
            logging.info('Content of ssh_banner file:')
            logging.info(session.cmd_output('cat /etc/ssh/ssh_banner'))
            logging.info('Restart sshd service on xen host')
            session.cmd('service sshd restart')
        if checkpoint.startswith('virtio_win'):
            src_dir = params.get('virtio_win_dir')
            dest_dir = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), 'virtio-win')
            iso_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'virtio-win.iso')
            if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
                shutil.copytree(src_dir, dest_dir)
            virtio_win_env = params.get('virtio_win_env', 'VIRTIO_WIN')
            process.run('rpm -e virtio-win')
            if process.run('rpm -q virtio-win', ignore_status=True).exit_status == 0:
                test.error('not removed')
            if checkpoint.endswith('unset'):
                logging.info('Unset env %s' % virtio_win_env)
            if checkpoint.endswith('custom'):
                logging.info('Set env %s=%s' % (virtio_win_env, dest_dir))
                os.environ[virtio_win_env] = dest_dir
            if checkpoint.endswith('iso_mount'):
                logging.info('Mount iso to /opt')
                process.run('mount %s /opt' % iso_path)
                os.environ[virtio_win_env] = '/opt'
            if checkpoint.endswith('iso_file'):
                logging.info('Set env %s=%s' % (virtio_win_env, iso_path))
                os.environ[virtio_win_env] = iso_path
        if checkpoint == 'cdrom':
            xml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(
                    vm_name, virsh_instance=virsh_instance)
            disks = xml.get_disk_all()
            logging.debug('Disks: %r', disks)
            for disk in list(disks.values()):
                # Check if vm has cdrom attached
                if disk.get('device') == 'cdrom' and disk.find('source') is None:
                    test.error('No CDROM image attached')
        if checkpoint == 'vdsm':
            extra_pkg = params.get('extra_pkg')
            logging.info('Install %s', extra_pkg)

            # Backup conf file for recovery
            for conf in params['bk_conf'].strip().split(','):
                logging.debug('Back up %s', conf)
                shutil.copyfile(conf, conf + '.bk')

            logging.info('Configure libvirt for vdsm')
            process.run('vdsm-tool configure --force')

            logging.info('Start vdsm service')
            service_manager = service.Factory.create_generic_service()

            # Setup user and password
            user_pwd = "[['%s', '%s']]" % (params.get("sasl_user"),
            v2v_sasl = utils_sasl.SASL(sasl_user_pwd=user_pwd)
            v2v_sasl.server_ip = 'localhost'
            v2v_sasl.server_user = params.get('sasl_server_user', 'root')
            v2v_sasl.server_pwd = params.get('sasl_server_passwd')

            v2v_params['sasl_user'] = params.get("sasl_user")
            v2v_params['sasl_pwd'] = params.get("sasl_pwd")
        if checkpoint == 'multidisk':
            params['disk_count'] = 0
            blklist = virsh.domblklist(vm_name, uri=uri).stdout.split('\n')
            for line in blklist:
                if '/' in line:
                    params['disk_count'] += 1
            logging.info('Total disks: %d', params['disk_count'])

        # Check if xen guest exists again
        if not virsh.domain_exists(vm_name, uri=uri):
            logging.error('VM %s not exists', vm_name)

        # Execute virt-v2v
        v2v_result = utils_v2v.v2v_cmd(v2v_params)

        if new_vm_name:
            vm_name = new_vm_name
            params['main_vm'] = new_vm_name
        check_result(v2v_result, status_error)
        process.run('ssh-agent -k')
        if checkpoint == 'vdsm':
            logging.info('Stop vdsmd')
            service_manager = service.Factory.create_generic_service()
            if params.get('extra_pkg'):
            for conf in params['bk_conf'].strip().split(','):
                if os.path.exists(conf + '.bk'):
                    logging.debug('Recover %s', conf)
                    shutil.move(conf + '.bk', conf)
            logging.info('Restart libvirtd')
            libvirtd = utils_libvirtd.Libvirtd()
            logging.info('Start network "default"')
        if params.get('vmchecker'):
        if output_mode == 'libvirt':
            pvt.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, '')
        if bk_xml:
        if checkpoint == 'ssh_banner':
            logging.info('Remove ssh_banner file')
            session = remote.remote_login("ssh", xen_host, "22", "root",
                                          xen_host_passwd, "#")
            session.cmd('rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_banner')
            session.cmd('service sshd restart')
        if checkpoint.startswith('virtio_win'):
    def create_pool():
        Define and start a pool.
        sp = libvirt_storage.StoragePool()
        if create_by_xml:
            p_xml = pool_xml.PoolXML(pool_type=pool_type)
            p_xml.name = pool_name
            s_xml = pool_xml.SourceXML()
            s_xml.vg_name = disk_src_pool
            source_host = []
            for (host_name, host_port) in zip(
                    disk_src_host.split(), disk_src_port.split()):
                source_host.append({'name': host_name,
                                    'port': host_port})

            s_xml.hosts = source_host
            if auth_type:
                s_xml.auth_type = auth_type
            if auth_user:
                s_xml.auth_username = auth_user
            if auth_usage:
                s_xml.secret_usage = auth_usage
            p_xml.source = s_xml
            logging.debug("Pool xml: %s", p_xml)
            ret = virsh.pool_define(p_xml.xml, **virsh_dargs)
            ret = virsh.pool_build(pool_name, **virsh_dargs)
            ret = virsh.pool_start(pool_name, **virsh_dargs)
            auth_opt = ""
            if client_name and client_key:
                auth_opt = ("--auth-type %s --auth-username %s --secret-usage '%s'"
                            % (auth_type, auth_user, auth_usage))
            if not sp.define_rbd_pool(pool_name, mon_host,
                                      disk_src_pool, extra=auth_opt):
                test.fail("Failed to define storage pool")
            if not sp.build_pool(pool_name):
                test.fail("Failed to build storage pool")
            if not sp.start_pool(pool_name):
                test.fail("Failed to start storage pool")

        # Check pool operation
        ret = virsh.pool_refresh(pool_name, **virsh_dargs)
        ret = virsh.pool_uuid(pool_name, **virsh_dargs)
        # pool-info
        pool_info = sp.pool_info(pool_name)
        if pool_info["Autostart"] != 'no':
            test.fail("Failed to check pool information")
        # pool-autostart
        if not sp.set_pool_autostart(pool_name):
            test.fail("Failed to set pool autostart")
        pool_info = sp.pool_info(pool_name)
        if pool_info["Autostart"] != 'yes':
            test.fail("Failed to check pool information")
        # pool-autostart --disable
        if not sp.set_pool_autostart(pool_name, "--disable"):
            test.fail("Failed to set pool autostart")
        # If port is not pre-configured, port value should not be hardcoded in pool information.
        if "yes" == params.get("rbd_port", "no"):
            if 'port' in virsh.pool_dumpxml(pool_name):
                test.fail("port attribute should not be in pool information")
        # find-storage-pool-sources-as
        if "yes" == params.get("find_storage_pool_sources_as", "no"):
            ret = virsh.find_storage_pool_sources_as("rbd", mon_host)
            libvirt.check_result(ret, skip_if=unsupported_err)
Exemple #15
def run(test, params, env):
    Test the virsh pool commands

    (1) Define a given type pool
    (2) List pool with '--inactive --type' options
    (3) Dumpxml for the pool
    (4) Undefine the pool
    (5) Define pool by using the XML file in step (3)
    (6) Build the pool(except 'disk' type pool
        For 'fs' type pool, cover --overwrite and --no-overwrite options
    (7) Start the pool
    (8) List pool with '--persistent --type' options
    (9) Mark pool autostart
    (10) List pool with '--autostart --type' options
    (11) Restart libvirtd and list pool with '--autostart --persistent' options
    (12) Destroy the pool
    (13) Unmark pool autostart
    (14) Repeat step (11)
    (15) Start the pool
    (16) Get pool info
    (17) Get pool uuid by name
    (18) Get pool name by uuid
    (19) Refresh the pool
         For 'dir' type pool, touch a file under target path and refresh again
         to make the new file show in vol-list.
    (20) Check pool 'Capacity', 'Allocation' and 'Available'
         Create a over size vol in pool(expect fail), then check these values
    (21) Undefine the pool, and this should fail as pool is still active
    (22) Destroy the pool
    (23) Delete pool for 'dir' type pool. After the command, the pool object
         will still exist but target path will be deleted
    (24) Undefine the pool

    # Initialize the variables
    pool_name = params.get("pool_name", "temp_pool_1")
    pool_type = params.get("pool_type", "dir")
    pool_target = params.get("pool_target", "")
    source_format = params.get("source_format", "")
    source_name = params.get("pool_source_name", "gluster-vol1")
    source_path = params.get("pool_source_path", "/")
    new_pool_name = params.get("new_pool_name", "")
    build_option = params.get("build_option", "")
    same_source_test = "yes" == params.get("same_source_test", "no")
    customize_initiator_iqn = "yes" == params.get("customize_initiator_iqn", "no")
    # The file for dumped pool xml
    poolxml = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), "pool.xml.tmp")
    if os.path.dirname(pool_target) is "":
        pool_target = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), pool_target)
    vol_name = params.get("vol_name", "temp_vol_1")
    # Use pool name as VG name
    status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")
    vol_path = os.path.join(pool_target, vol_name)
    ip_protocal = params.get('ip_protocal', 'ipv4')

    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 0):
        if pool_type == "gluster":
            test.cancel("Gluster pool is not supported in current"
                        " libvirt version.")

    def check_pool_list(pool_name, option="--all", expect_error=False):
        Check pool by running pool-list command with given option.

        :param pool_name: Name of the pool
        :param option: option for pool-list command
        :param expect_error: Boolean value, expect command success or fail
        found = False
        # Get the list stored in a variable
        result = virsh.pool_list(option, ignore_status=True)
        utlv.check_exit_status(result, False)
        output = re.findall(r"(\S+)\ +(\S+)\ +(\S+)",
        for item in output:
            if pool_name in item[0]:
                found = True
        if found:
            logging.debug("Find pool '%s' in pool list.", pool_name)
            logging.debug("Not find pool %s in pool list.", pool_name)
        if expect_error and found:
            test.fail("Unexpect pool '%s' exist." % pool_name)
        if not expect_error and not found:
            test.fail("Expect pool '%s' doesn't exist." % pool_name)

    def check_vol_list(vol_name, pool_name):
        Check volume from the list

        :param vol_name: Name of the volume
        :param pool_name: Name of the pool
        found = False
        # Get the volume list stored in a variable
        result = virsh.vol_list(pool_name, ignore_status=True)

        output = re.findall(r"(\S+)\ +(\S+)", str(result.stdout.strip()))
        for item in output:
            if vol_name in item[0]:
                found = True
        if found:
                "Find volume '%s' in pool '%s'.", vol_name, pool_name)
                "Not find volume '%s' in pool '%s'." %
                (vol_name, pool_name))

    def is_in_range(actual, expected, error_percent):
        deviation = 100 - (100 * (float(actual) / float(expected)))
        logging.debug("Deviation: %0.2f%%", float(deviation))
        return float(deviation) <= float(error_percent)

    def check_pool_info(pool_info, check_point, value):
        Check the pool name, uuid, etc.

        :param pool_info: A dict include pool's information
        :param key: Key of pool info dict, available value: Name, UUID, State
                    Persistent, Autostart, Capacity, Allocation, Available
        :param value: Expect value of pool_info[key]
        if pool_info is None:
            test.fail("Pool info dictionary is needed.")
        val_tup = ('Capacity', 'Allocation', 'Available')
        if check_point in val_tup and float(value.split()[0]):
            # As from bytes to GiB, could cause deviation, and it should not
            # exceed 1 percent.
            if is_in_range(float(pool_info[check_point].split()[0]),
                           float(value.split()[0]), 1):
                logging.debug("Pool '%s' is '%s'.", check_point, value)
                test.fail("Pool '%s' isn't '%s'." %
                          (check_point, value))
            if pool_info[check_point] == value:
                logging.debug("Pool '%s' is '%s'.", check_point, value)
                test.fail("Pool '%s' isn't '%s'." %
                          (check_point, value))

    # Stop multipathd to avoid start pool fail(For fs like pool, the new add
    # disk may in use by device-mapper, so start pool will report disk already
    # mounted error).
    multipathd = service.Factory.create_service("multipathd")
    multipathd_status = multipathd.status()
    if multipathd_status:

    # Run Testcase
    pvt = utlv.PoolVolumeTest(test, params)
    emulated_image = "emulated-image"
    kwargs = {'image_size': '1G', 'pre_disk_vol': ['100M'],
              'source_name': source_name, 'source_path': source_path,
              'source_format': source_format, 'persistent': True,
              'ip_protocal': ip_protocal}
        _pool = libvirt_storage.StoragePool()
        # Step (1)
        # Pool define
        pvt.pre_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target, emulated_image,

        # Step (2)
        # Pool list
        option = "--inactive --type %s" % pool_type
        check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

        # Step (3)
        # Pool dumpxml
        xml = virsh.pool_dumpxml(pool_name, to_file=poolxml)
        logging.debug("Pool '%s' XML:\n%s", pool_name, xml)

        # Update pool name
        if new_pool_name:
            if "/" in new_pool_name:
                new_pool_name = new_pool_name.replace("/", "\/")
            p_xml = pool_xml.PoolXML.new_from_dumpxml(pool_name)
            p_xml.name = new_pool_name
            del p_xml.uuid
            poolxml = p_xml.xml
            logging.debug("XML after update pool name:\n%s" % p_xml)

        # Update host name
        if same_source_test:
            s_xml = p_xml.get_source()
            s_xml.host_name = ""
            poolxml = p_xml.xml
            logging.debug("XML after update host name:\n%s" % p_xml)

        if customize_initiator_iqn:
            initiator_iqn = params.get("initiator_iqn",
            p_xml = pool_xml.PoolXML.new_from_dumpxml(pool_name)
            s_node = p_xml.xmltreefile.find('/source')
            i_node = ET.SubElement(s_node, 'initiator')
            ET.SubElement(i_node, 'iqn', {'name': initiator_iqn})
            poolxml = p_xml.xml
            logging.debug('XML after add Multi-IQN:\n%s' % p_xml)

        # Step (4)
        # Undefine pool
        if not same_source_test:
            result = virsh.pool_undefine(pool_name)
            check_pool_list(pool_name, "--all", True)

        # Step (5)
        # Define pool from XML file
        result = virsh.pool_define(poolxml, debug=True)
        # Give error msg when exit status is not expected
        if "/" in new_pool_name and not result.exit_status:
            error_msg = "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=639923 "
            error_msg += "is helpful for tracing this bug."
        if "." in new_pool_name and result.exit_status:
            error_msg = "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1333248 "
            error_msg += "is helpful for tracing this bug."
        if same_source_test and not result.exit_status:
            error_msg = "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1171984 "
            error_msg += "is helpful for tracing this bug."
        utlv.check_exit_status(result, status_error)
        if not result.exit_status:
            # Step (6)
            # Buid pool
            # '--overwrite/--no-overwrite' just for fs/disk/logiacl type pool
            # disk/fs pool: as prepare step already make label and create filesystem
            #               for the disk, use '--overwrite' is necessary
            # logical_pool: build pool will fail if VG already exist, BZ#1373711
            if new_pool_name:
                pool_name = new_pool_name
            if pool_type != "logical":
                result = virsh.pool_build(pool_name, build_option, ignore_status=True)

            # Step (7)
            # Pool start
            result = virsh.pool_start(pool_name, debug=True, ignore_status=True)

            # Step (8)
            # Pool list
            option = "--persistent --type %s" % pool_type
            check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

            # Step (9)
            # Pool autostart
            result = virsh.pool_autostart(pool_name, ignore_status=True)

            # Step (10)
            # Pool list
            option = "--autostart --type %s" % pool_type
            check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

            # Step (11)
            # Restart libvirtd and check the autostart pool
            option = "--autostart --persistent"
            check_pool_list(pool_name, option)

            # Step (12)
            # Pool destroy
            if virsh.pool_destroy(pool_name):
                logging.debug("Pool %s destroyed.", pool_name)
                test.fail("Destroy pool % failed." % pool_name)

            # Step (13)
            # Pool autostart disable
            result = virsh.pool_autostart(pool_name, "--disable",

            # Step (14)
            # Repeat step (11)
            option = "--autostart"
            check_pool_list(pool_name, option, True)

            # Step (15)
            # Pool start
            # When libvirtd starts up, it'll check to see if any of the storage
            # pools have been activated externally. If so, then it'll mark the
            # pool as active. This is independent of autostart.
            # So a directory based storage pool is thus pretty much always active,
            # and so as the SCSI pool.
            if pool_type not in ["dir", 'scsi']:
                result = virsh.pool_start(pool_name, ignore_status=True)

            # Step (16)
            # Pool info
            pool_info = _pool.pool_info(pool_name)
            logging.debug("Pool '%s' info:\n%s", pool_name, pool_info)

            # Step (17)
            # Pool UUID
            result = virsh.pool_uuid(pool_info["Name"], ignore_status=True)
            check_pool_info(pool_info, "UUID", result.stdout.strip())

            # Step (18)
            # Pool Name
            result = virsh.pool_name(pool_info["UUID"], ignore_status=True)
            check_pool_info(pool_info, "Name", result.stdout.strip())

            # Step (19)
            # Pool refresh for 'dir' type pool
            if pool_type == "dir":
                result = virsh.pool_refresh(pool_name)
                check_vol_list(vol_name, pool_name)

            # Step (20)
            # Create an over size vol in pool(expect fail), then check pool:
            # 'Capacity', 'Allocation' and 'Available'
            # For NFS type pool, there's a bug(BZ#1077068) about allocate volume,
            # and glusterfs pool not support create volume, so not test them
            if pool_type != "netfs":
                vol_capacity = "10000G"
                vol_allocation = "10000G"
                result = virsh.vol_create_as("oversize_vol", pool_name,
                                             vol_capacity, vol_allocation, "raw")
                utlv.check_exit_status(result, True)
                new_info = _pool.pool_info(pool_name)
                check_items = ["Capacity", "Allocation", "Available"]
                for i in check_items:
                    check_pool_info(pool_info, i, new_info[i])

            # Step (21)
            # Undefine pool, this should fail as the pool is active
            result = virsh.pool_undefine(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
            utlv.check_exit_status(result, expect_error=True)
            check_pool_list(pool_name, "", False)

            # Step (22)
            # Pool destroy
            if virsh.pool_destroy(pool_name):
                logging.debug("Pool %s destroyed.", pool_name)
                test.fail("Destroy pool % failed." % pool_name)

            # Step (23)
            # Pool delete for 'dir' type pool
            if pool_type == "dir":
                for f in os.listdir(pool_target):
                    os.remove(os.path.join(pool_target, f))
                    result = virsh.pool_delete(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
                    option = "--inactive --type %s" % pool_type
                    check_pool_list(pool_name, option)
                    if os.path.exists(pool_target):
                        test.fail("The target path '%s' still exist." %
                        result = virsh.pool_start(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
                        utlv.check_exit_status(result, True)

            # Step (24)
            # Pool undefine
                result = virsh.pool_undefine(pool_name, ignore_status=True)
                check_pool_list(pool_name, "--all", True)
        # Clean up
            pvt.cleanup_pool(pool_name, pool_type, pool_target,
                             emulated_image, **kwargs)
        except exceptions.TestFail as detail:
        if multipathd_status:
        if os.path.exists(poolxml):