def _plt_src(name, kw_brain_obj, active_data, active_vert, sources, kw_source_obj, kw_activation, show): # Define a brain object and a source object :'Define a Brain and Source objects') from visbrain.objects import BrainObj, SourceObj, SceneObj brain_obj, source_obj = name + '_brain', name + '_sources' b_obj = BrainObj(brain_obj, **kw_brain_obj) s_obj = SourceObj(source_obj, sources, **kw_source_obj) s_obj.visible_obj = False # Add data to the BrainObj if needed : if isinstance(active_data, np.ndarray):"Add active data between " "[%2f, %2f]" % (active_data.min(), active_data.max())) b_obj.add_activation(data=active_data, vertices=active_vert, **kw_activation) # Return either a scene or a BrainObj and SourceObj : if show is True: # Display inside the Brain GUI # Define a Brain instance : from visbrain import Brain brain = Brain(brain_obj=b_obj, source_obj=s_obj) # By default, display colorbar if activation : if isinstance(active_data, np.ndarray): brain.menuDispCbar.setChecked(True) brain._fcn_menu_disp_cbar() elif show is 'scene': # return a SceneObj'Define a unique scene for the Brain and Source objects') sc = SceneObj() sc.add_to_subplot(s_obj) sc.add_to_subplot(b_obj, use_this_cam=True) return sc else: # return the BrainObj and SourceObj s_obj.visible_obj = True return b_obj, s_obj
c_connect =, mask=True) nz = np.where((c_connect > -5) & (c_connect < 5)) c_connect.mask[nz] = False kwargs['c_connect'] = c_connect # ---------------- Time-series ---------------- kwargs['ts_data'] = 100. * np.random.rand(10, 100) kwargs['ts_select'] = np.ones((10, ), dtype=bool) kwargs['ts_select'][[3, 4, 7]] = False # ---------------- Pictures ---------------- kwargs['pic_data'] = 100. * np.random.rand(10, 20, 17) # ---------------- Application ---------------- app = QtWidgets.QApplication([]) vb = Brain(**kwargs) class TestBrain(object): """Test""" ########################################################################### # SETTINGS ########################################################################### def test_create_tmp_folder(self): """Create tmp folder.""" if not os.path.exists(path_to_tmp): os.makedirs(path_to_tmp) @staticmethod def _path_to_tmp(name):
"""You can also select a specific hemisphere """ # b_obj = BrainObj('B3', translucent=False, hemisphere='left') # 'right' """For the inflated, white and translucent templates, sulcus can be also used """ # b_obj = BrainObj('inflated', translucent=False, hemisphere='right', # sulcus=True) """Once the brain object created, pass it to the graphical user interface. If you want to control the brain from the GUI, go to the Objects tab and select 'Brain' from the first combo box. You can also use the key shortcut b to display/hide the brain. """ vb = Brain(brain_obj=b_obj, bgcolor='slateblue') """Display opaque right hemisphere of B3 : """ # vb.brain_control(template='B3', hemisphere='right', translucent=False) """ Fixed frontal view """ # vb.rotate(fixed='front') """ Display transparent left hemisphere of B2 """ # vb.brain_control(template='B2', hemisphere='left', alpha=.05)
""" c_connect = 100. * np.random.rand(n_sources, n_sources) mask = np.logical_and(12.1 <= c_connect, c_connect < 15.23) c_connect =, mask=~mask) """ Define random pictures with values between [0, 50]. Each picture have 10 rows and 20 columns """ pic_data = 50. * np.random.rand(n_sources, 10, 20) """ Define the Brain instance and pass variables for sources, pictures and connections """ vb = Brain(s_xyz=s_xyz, s_data=s_data, a_template='B3', c_connect=c_connect, pic_data=pic_data) """ Set the Brain opaque to visualize the cortical projection : """ vb.brain_control(transparent=False) """ The colormap of the projection can't be controlled without running it. So we print the list of controllable objects before and after the cortical projection. Note that the code below is the same for the cortical_repartition() method. """ print("List of controllable objects before projection : ", vb.cbar_list()) vb.cortical_projection() print("List of controllable objects after projection : ", vb.cbar_list())
See : .. image:: ../../picture/picbrain/ex_crossec_and_volume.png """ from visbrain import Brain from visbrain.objects import CrossSecObj, VolumeObj from import download_file """Import the volume and the associated affine transformation """ volume_name = 'GG-853-WM-0.7mm.nii.gz' # 'GG-853-GM-0.7mm.nii.gz' """Download the file. """ path = download_file(volume_name) """Define a cross-section object Go to the Objects tab and select 'Cross-section' in the combo box. You can also press x to display the cross-section panel. """ cs_obj = CrossSecObj(path, section=(70, 171, 80), cmap='gist_stern') """Define a volume object. Go to the Objects tab and select 'Volume' in the combo box. You can also press x to display the volume panel. """ v_obj = VolumeObj(path) """Create the GUI and pass the cross-section and the volume object """ vb = Brain(cross_sec_obj=cs_obj, vol_obj=v_obj)
p_obj1 = Picture3DObj('P1', pic_data, xyz_1) p_obj2 = Picture3DObj('P2', 2 * pic_data, xyz_2) # ---------------- ROI // Volume // Cross-sections ---------------- # ROI : roi_obj = RoiObj('brodmann') roi_obj.select_roi([4, 6]) # Volume : vol_obj = VolumeObj('aal') # Cross-sections : cs_obj = CrossSecObj('aal') cs_obj.cut_coords((50, 60, 70)) # ---------------- Application ---------------- vb = Brain(source_obj=[s_obj1, s_obj2], connect_obj=[c_obj, c_obj2], time_series_obj=[ts_obj1, ts_obj2], picture_obj=[p_obj1, p_obj2], roi_obj=roi_obj, vol_obj=vol_obj, cross_sec_obj=cs_obj, verbose='debug') class TestBrain(_TestVisbrain): """Test""" ########################################################################### # BRAIN ########################################################################### def test_scene_rotation(self): """Test scene rotations/.""" rotations = ['axial_0', 'coronal_0', 'sagittal_0', 'axial_1', 'coronal_1', 'sagittal_1', 'top', 'bottom', 'back', 'front', 'left', 'right'] customs = [(90., 0.), (-90, 90.), (180., 180.)]
# Randomize the amplitude and the phase of sine : amp = np.random.randint(2, 20, n_sources).reshape(-1, 1) pha = np.random.randint(1, 7, n_sources).reshape(-1, 1) # Build the time series of shape (n_sources, n_time_points) : ts_data = amp * np.sin(2 * np.pi * pha * time) ts_data += np.random.randn(n_sources, n_time_points) # Use a boolean vector to hide/display time-series : ts_to_mask = [5, 7, 11, 3, 14, 17, 22, 23] ts_select = np.ones((s_xyz.shape[0], ), dtype=bool) ts_select[ts_to_mask] = False # Time-series (TS) graphical properties : ts_amp = 5.4 # TS graphical amplitude ts_width = 15.7 # TS graphical width ts_color = 'orange' # TS color ts_dxyz = (1., 2., 5.) # TS offset along the (x, y, z) axes ts_lw = 2.2 # TS line-width b = Brain(s_xyz=s_xyz, s_text=s_text, ts_data=ts_data, s_textsize=s_textsize, ts_amp=ts_amp, ts_width=ts_width, ts_color=ts_color, ts_dxyz=ts_dxyz, ts_lw=ts_lw, ts_select=ts_select)
kwargs['s_cmap'] = 'Spectral_r' # Matplotlib colormap kwargs['s_clim'] = (-50., 50.) kwargs['s_vmin'], kwargs['s_vmax'] = None, 21 kwargs['s_under'], kwargs['s_over'] = 'midnightblue', "#e74c3c" # Colormap properties (for connectivity) : kwargs['c_cmap'] = 'gnuplot' # Matplotlib colormap kwargs['c_vmin'], kwargs['c_vmax'] = umin + 0.2, umax - 0.1 kwargs['c_under'], kwargs['c_over'] = 'green', "white" kwargs['c_clim'] = [umin, umax] """ Finally, use c_colorby to define how connections have to be colored. if c_colorby is 'count', it's the number of connections which pear node drive the colormap. If 'strength', it's the connectivity strength between two nodes. """ kwargs['c_colorby'] = 'strength' kwargs['c_radiusmin'] = 4 kwargs['c_dynamic'] = (0.1, 1) # Atlas template and opacity : kwargs['a_template'] = 'B1' # Set font size, color and label for the colorbar : kwargs['cb_fontsize'] = 15 kwargs['cb_fontcolor'] = 'white' kwargs['cb_label'] = 'My colorbar label' vb = Brain(**kwargs)
# Load the xyz coordinates and corresponding subject name : mat = np.load('xyz_sample.npz') kwargs['s_xyz'], subjects = mat['xyz'], mat['subjects'] # Now, create some random data between [-50,50] kwargs['s_data'] = 50. * np.random.rand(kwargs['s_xyz'].shape[0]) kwargs['s_color'] = 'darkred' kwargs['s_opacity'] = .5 # Control the dynamic range of sources radius : kwargs['s_radiusmin'] = 2 # Minimum radius kwargs['s_radiusmax'] = 8 # Maximum radius kwargs['s_edgewidth'] = 0. # Width of the edges # Create a brain instance : vb = Brain(**kwargs) """First, make a basic screenshot of the scene. Once exported, you should notice that the image doesn't have a proper size to be used in a paper. In addition, the image have to cropped to remove unnecessary background. """ vb.screenshot('0_main_brain.jpg') # Run the cortical projection : vb.cortical_projection(clim=(0, 50), cmap='Spectral_r', vmin=10.1, isvmin=True, under='black', vmax=41.2,
.. image:: ../../picture/picbrain/ex_region_of_interest.png """ from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from visbrain import Brain # Load thalamus sources : s_xyz = np.loadtxt('thalamus.txt') # Load alpha power. In fact, the PX.npy contains the power across several time # windows. So we take the mean across time : s_data = np.load('Px.npy').mean(1) * 10e26 # Define a Brain instance : vb = Brain(s_xyz=s_xyz, s_data=s_data, s_cmap='viridis') # Rotate the brain in axial view : vb.rotate(fixed='axial_0') """ Select the thalamus index (76 for the left and 77 for the right). If you don't know what is the index of your ROI, open the GUI and look at the number in front of the name. Otherwise, un comment the following line : """ # print(vb.roi_list('AAL')) vb.roi_control(selection=[76, 77], subdivision='AAL', smooth=5, name='thalamus') # Project the source's activity onto ROI directly : vb.cortical_projection(project_on='thalamus',
idx_thalamus = roi_obj.where_is('Thalamus') roi_obj.select_roi(idx_thalamus, smooth=5) """Once the ROI object created, we can project source's alpha modulations directly on the thalamus """ roi_obj.project_sources(s_obj, cmap='Spectral_r', clim=(200., 2000.), vmin=300., under='gray', vmax=1800., over='darkred') """You can also force sources to fit onto the thalamus """ # s_obj.fit_to_vertices(roi_obj.vertices) """ """ b_obj = BrainObj('B3') # Define a Brain instance : vb = Brain(brain_obj=b_obj, source_obj=s_obj, roi_obj=roi_obj) """Select the colorbar of the ROI """ vb.cbar_select('ROI') """Eventualy, take a screenshot """ # vb.screenshot('thalamus.png', autocrop=True) # Show the interface :
cbtxtsz=4.) """Parcellize the left hemisphere using the Destrieux Atlas. By default, no parcellates are selected """ b_obj.parcellize(path_to_file1, hemisphere='left') """If you want to get the list of all predefined parcellates, use the `get_parcellates` method which returns a pandas DataFrame with the index, the name and the color associated to each parcellates """ df = b_obj.get_parcellates(path_to_file2) # print(df) """Select only some parcellates. Note that this parcellization is using an other atlas (Desikan-Killiany atlas) """ select = [ 'insula', 'paracentral', 'precentral', 'precuneus', 'frontalpole', 'temporalpole', 'fusiform', 'cuneus', 'inferiorparietal', 'inferiortemporal', 'precentral', 'superiorfrontal', 'superiortemporal' ] """Instead of using predefined colors inside the annot file, we use some data """ data = np.arange(len(select)) b_obj.parcellize(path_to_file2, hemisphere='right', select=select, data=data, cmap='Spectral_r') """Finally, pass the brain object to `Brain` and disply the GUI """ Brain(brain_obj=b_obj).show()
n = len(b_obj) # Get the number of vertices dtype = [('vertices', float, 3), ('normals', float, 3)] # Arrows dtype arrows = np.zeros(n, dtype=dtype) # Empty arrows array arrows['vertices'] = b_obj.vertices # Set the vertices arrows['normals'] = b_obj.normals # Set the normals # For the data, we use the distance between 0 and each vertex data = np.linalg.norm(b_obj.vertices, axis=1) # We only select vectors with a distance in [60., 60.2] select = np.logical_and(data >= 60., data <= 60.2) v_obj3 = VectorObj('v3', arrows, data=data, select=select, line_width=2., arrow_size=7., arrow_type='inhibitor_round', antialias=True, cmap='Spectral_r', vmin=60.05, under='gray') # Finally, re-select both brain hemispheres. b_obj.hemisphere = 'both' vb = Brain(brain_obj=b_obj, vector_obj=[v_obj1, v_obj2, v_obj3], source_obj=[s_obj, s_obj2])
def create_connect(xyz, min, max): """Create connectivity dataset.""" # Create a random connection dataset : connect = 100. * np.random.rand(len(xyz), len(xyz)) # Mask the connection aray : connect =, False) # Hide lower triangle : connect.mask[np.tril_indices_from(connect.mask)] = True # Hide connexions that are not between min and max : connect.mask[np.logical_or( < min, > max)] = True return connect vb = Brain() # ================ ADD SOURCE OBJECTS ================ # Add left hemisphere sources : vb.add_sources('sources_L', s_xyz=s_xyzL, s_symbol='disc', s_color='#ab4642', s_edgecolor='black', s_scaling=True, s_data=np.random.normal(size=len(s_xyzL)), s_radiusmin=1., s_radiusmax=10., s_opacity=.5) # Add right / front sources :
from import download_file """Download and the load the Custom.npz archive. This file contains vertices and faces of a brain template that is not integrated by default in Visbrain. """ mat = np.load(download_file('Custom.npz')) """Get vertices and faces from the archive. In this examples, normals are also present in the archive. If you don't have the normals, the BrainObj will compute it automatically. """ vert, faces, norms = mat['vertices'], mat['faces'], mat['normals'] """Define the brain object """ b_obj = BrainObj('Custom', vertices=vert, faces=faces, normals=norms) """Then you have two strategies : * If you are going to use this template a lot and don't want to redefine it every times, use ``. Once the object saved, it can be reloaded using its name only `BrainObj('Custom')` * If you only need it once, the template is temporaly saved and remove once the GUI is closed. """ # b_obj = BrainObj('Custom') """Define the GUI and pass the brain template """ vb = Brain(brain_obj=b_obj) # If you want to remove the template : # b_obj.remove()
""" Display fMRI activation ======================= Display fMRI activations from a nii.gz file (NiBabel required). See the original example : .. image:: ../../picture/picpysurfer/ex_pysurfer_fmri_activations.png """ from visbrain import Brain from visbrain.objects import BrainObj from import path_to_visbrain_data, download_file """Download file if needed """ file_name = 'lh.sig.nii.gz' download_file(file_name) file = path_to_visbrain_data(file=file_name) b_obj = BrainObj('inflated', translucent=False, sulcus=True) b_obj.add_activation(file=file, clim=(5., 20.), hide_under=5, cmap='viridis', hemisphere='left') vb = Brain(brain_obj=b_obj) vb.rotate('left')
from visbrain.objects import VolumeObj, CrossSecObj, SourceObj from import download_file """Download two NIFTI files """ path_1 = download_file('GG-853-GM-0.7mm.nii.gz') path_2 = download_file('GG-853-WM-0.7mm.nii.gz') """Define four sources sources and a Source object """ s_xyz = np.array([[29.9, -37.3, -19.3], [-5.33, 14.00, 20.00], [25.99, 14.00, 34.66], [0., -1.99, 10.66]]) s_obj = SourceObj('MySources', s_xyz) """Define a volume object and a cross-section object """ vol_obj = VolumeObj(path_1) cross_sec_obj = CrossSecObj(path_2) """Localize a source in the cross-section object """ cross_sec_obj.localize_source(s_xyz[2, :]) """Define a Brain instance and pass the source, volume and cross-section object """ vb = Brain(source_obj=s_obj, vol_obj=vol_obj, cross_sec_obj=cross_sec_obj)
* 'axial_0': top view * 'axial_1': bottom view * 'coronal_0': front * 'coronal_1': back view * 'sagittal_0': left view * 'sagittal_1': right view Custom rotation consist of a tuple of two floats repsectively for azimuth and elevation. .. image:: ../../picture/picbrain/ex_brain_control.png """ from visbrain import Brain # Define the Brain instance : vb = Brain() """ Display opaque B1 : """ # vb.brain_control(template='B1', transparent=False) """ Display tranparent right hemisphere of B3 : """ # vb.brain_control(template='B3', hemisphere='right', alpha=.1) """ Fixed frontal view """ # vb.rotate(fixed='coronal_0') """ Display transparent left hemisphere of B2 """
.. image:: ../../picture/picbrain/ex_add_nifti.png """ from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import os from visbrain import Brain from import read_nifti # Define four sources sources : s_xyz = np.array([[29.9, -37.3, -19.3], [-5.33, 14.00, 20.00], [25.99, 14.00, 34.66], [0., -1.99, 10.66]]) # Define a Brain instance : vb = Brain(s_xyz=s_xyz) # Print the list of volumes available : print('Volumes available by default : ', vb.volume_list()) """ If you don't have access to a Nifti file, download one of the volume available at """ path_to_nifti1 = os.getenv("HOME") # Path to the Nifti file file_nifti1 = 'GG-853-GM-0.7mm.nii.gz' # Name of the Nifti file path1 = os.path.join(path_to_nifti1, file_nifti1) """ Load the Nifti file. The read_nifti function load the data and the transformation to convert data into the MNI space : """ data1, header1, tf1 = read_nifti(path1)
roi_obj = RoiObj('brodmann') idx_4_6 = roi_obj.where_is(['BA4', 'BA6'], exact=True) roi_color = { idx_4_6[0]: 'red', # BA4 in red and BA6 in green idx_4_6[1]: 'green' } roi_obj.select_roi(idx_4_6, unique_color=True, roi_to_color=roi_color, smooth=7) """Create a brain object """ b_obj = BrainObj('B1', hemisphere='both', translucent=True) """Pass the brain, source and ROI object to the GUI """ vb = Brain(brain_obj=b_obj, source_obj=s_obj, roi_obj=roi_obj) """Render the scene and save the jpg picture with a 300dpi """ save_as = os.path.join(save_pic_path, '0_main_brain.jpg') vb.screenshot(save_as, dpi=300, print_size=(10, 10), autocrop=True) """Project source's activity onto the surface """ vb.cortical_projection(clim=(0, 50), cmap='Spectral_r', vmin=10.1, under='black', vmax=41.2, over='green') vb.sources_control('Sobj', visible=False) # Hide sources vb.rotate(custom=(-160., 10.)) # Rotate the brain vb.brain_control(translucent=False) # Make the brain opaque
""" umin, umax = 30, 31 # 1 - Using select (0: hide, 1: display): select = np.zeros_like(connect) select[(connect > umin) & (connect < umax)] = 1 # 2 - Using masking (True: hide, 1: display): connect =, mask=True) connect.mask[np.where((connect > umin) & (connect < umax))] = False print('1 and 2 equivalent :', np.array_equal(select, ~connect.mask + 0)) """Create the connectivity object : """ c_obj = ConnectObj('ConnectObj1', xyz, connect, color_by='strength', dynamic=(.1, 1.), cmap='gnuplot', vmin=umin + .2, vmax=umax - .1, under='red', over='green', clim=(umin, umax), antialias=True) """Finally, pass source and connectivity objects to Brain : """ vb = Brain(source_obj=s_obj, connect_obj=c_obj)
kw_activation = dict(cmap='viridis', hide_under=10000, clim=(active_data.min(), active_data.max()), vmax=20000, over='red') ############################################################################### # Get the brain and source objects ############################################################################### # Note that here, we use `show=False`. In that case, a # :class:`visbrain.objects.BrainObj` and a :class:`visbrain.objects.SourceObj` # are returned. b_obj, s_obj = mne_plot_source_space(fif_file, active_data=active_data, kw_brain_obj=kw_b_obj, kw_source_obj=kw_s_obj, kw_activation=kw_activation, show=False) ############################################################################### # Pass the brain and source objects to the :class:`visbrain.Brain` module ############################################################################### # Note that here, we pass the source object to Brain but by default we set it # as not visible. But if you don't need to see it, simply remove the # `source_obj=s_obj` s_obj.visible_obj = False brain = Brain(brain_obj=b_obj, source_obj=s_obj)
n_time_points = 700 # Number of time points n_sources = s_xyz.shape[0] # Number of sources time = np.mgrid[0:n_sources, 0:n_time_points][1] / sf # Time vector # Randomize the amplitude and the phase of sine : amp = np.random.randint(2, 20, n_sources).reshape(-1, 1) pha = np.random.randint(1, 7, n_sources).reshape(-1, 1) # Build the time series of shape (n_sources, n_time_points) : ts_data = amp * np.sin(2 * np.pi * pha * time) ts_data += np.random.randn(n_sources, n_time_points) # Use a boolean vector to hide/display time-series : ts_to_mask = [5, 7, 11, 3, 14, 17, 22, 23] ts_select = np.ones((s_xyz.shape[0],), dtype=bool) ts_select[ts_to_mask] = False # Time-series (TS) graphical properties : ts_amp = 5.4 # TS graphical amplitude ts_width = 15.7 # TS graphical width ts_color = 'orange' # TS color ts_dxyz = (1., 2., 5.) # TS offset along the (x, y, z) axes ts_lw = 2.2 # TS line-width """Define the 3-D time-series object """ ts = TimeSeries3DObj('Ts1', ts_data, s_xyz, select=ts_select, ts_amp=ts_amp, ts_width=ts_width, line_width=ts_lw, translate=ts_dxyz, color=ts_color) vb = Brain(time_series_obj=ts, source_obj=s_obj)
=========================================== Load a Graphical User Interface configuration file and retrieve previous session. Load this file : * From the menu File/load/GUI config * Using the load_config() method Download configuration file (config.txt) : .. image:: ../../picture/picbrain/ex_load_config.png """ from visbrain import Brain # Define an empty Brain instance vb = Brain() # Load the configuration file : vb.load_config('config.txt') """ Alternatively, if you want you can use the following method to save a new configuration file or using the menu File/Save/GUI config """ # vb.save_config('new_config_file.txt')
x, y = np.append(x, np.flip(x, 0)), np.append(y, np.flip(y, 1)) time = (x.reshape(-1, 1) + y.reshape(1, -1)) / sf time = np.tile(time[np.newaxis, ...], (n_sources, 1, 1)) coef = s_xyz[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1, 1) / 2. data = np.sinc(coef * 2 * np.pi * 1. * time) data += .2 * np.random.rand(*data.shape) """If you want to remove some pictures, define a pic_select array of boolean values and specify if those pictures has to be hide or displayed : """ pic_select = np.ones((n_sources, ), dtype=bool) pic_to_hide = [2, 6, 10, 11, 31, 35, 41, 44, 51, 55] pic_select[pic_to_hide] = False kwargs['select'] = pic_select kwargs['pic_width'] = 5. # Width kwargs['pic_height'] = 5. # Height kwargs['translate'] = (4., 5., 1.) # Offset along (x, y, z) axis kwargs['clim'] = (.01, 1.12) # Colorbar limits kwargs['cmap'] = 'viridis' # Colormap kwargs['vmin'] = .1 # Vmin kwargs['under'] = 'gray' # Color under vmin kwargs['vmax'] = .9 # Vmax kwargs['over'] = '#ab4642' # Color over vmax kwargs['cblabel'] = '3D Pictures' # Color over vmax """Define the 3-D picture object """ pic = Picture3DObj('Pic', data, s_xyz, **kwargs) vb = Brain(picture_obj=pic, source_obj=s_obj)
kwargs['s_data'] = np.random.rand(N) kwargs['s_radiusmin'] = 1. kwargs['s_radiusmax'] = 20. n_connections = 150 rnd_selection = np.random.randint(0, N**2, n_connections) connect = np.random.randint(0, 20, (N, N)) mask = np.ones(N**2, dtype=bool) mask[rnd_selection] = False mask = mask.reshape(N, N) connect =, mask=mask) kwargs['c_connect'] = connect kwargs['ui_bgcolor'] = 'white' vb = Brain(**kwargs) # ============= Sources ============= # # Screenshot of the default view : vb.screenshot('default.png', autocrop=True) # Hide sources that are not in the brain : vb.sources_display('inside') vb.screenshot('inside.png', autocrop=True) # ============= Connectivity ============= # Colorby network density : vb.sources_display('none') vb.connect_control(show=True, cmap='magma', colorby='density',
'WhiteMatter.npz')) mat = np.load(path_to_file) """ Get variables for defining a new template. Vertices are nodes connected by the faces variable. Normals are vectors orthogonal to each normals (used for light adaptation according to camera rotations). lr_index is an array of boolean values which specify where are the left and right hemispheres. This variable can be set to None. """ vert, faces, norm = mat['vertices'], mat['faces'], mat['normals'] lr_index = mat['lr_index'] """ Add the template to visbrain. After adding this template, it will always be accessible unless you use the remove_brain_template() function """ add_brain_template('WhiteMatter', vert, faces, norm, lr_index) """ Open the interface and select the added template """ vb = Brain(a_template='WhiteMatter') print('Brain templates : ', vb.brain_list()) """ Finally, and this is not a necessity, remove the template """ remove_brain_template('WhiteMatter')
def mne_plot_source_estimation(sbj, sbj_dir, fwd_file, stc_file=None, hemisphere='both', parc='aparc', active_data=0, kw_brain_obj={}, kw_source_obj={}, kw_activation={}, show=True): """Plot source estimation. Parameters ---------- sbj : string The subject name. sbj_dir : string Path to the subject directory. fwd_file : string The file name of the forward solution, which should end with -fwd.fif or -fwd.fif.gz. stc_file : string | None Path to the *.stc inverse solution file. hemisphere : {'left', 'both', 'right'} The hemisphere to plot. parc : string | 'aparc' The parcellation to use, e.g., ‘aparc’ or ‘aparc.a2009s’. active_data : array_like, int | 0 The data to set to vertices. If an stc file is provided and if `active_data` is an integer, it describes the time instant in which you want to see the activation. Otherwise, `active_data` must be an array with the same same shape as the number of active vertices. kw_brain_obj : dict | {} Additional inputs to pass to the `BrainObj` class. kw_source_obj : dict | {} Additional inputs to pass to the `SourceObj` class. kw_activation : dict | {} Additional inputs to pass to the `BrainObj.add_activation` method. show : bool | False If True, the window of the `Brain` module is automatically displayed. If False, a BrainObj and a SourceObj are returned. Finally, if 'scene' a SceneObj is returned. Returns ------- b_obj : BrainObj A predefined `BrainObj` (if `show=False`) s_obj : SourceObj A predefined `SourceObj`, hide by default (if `show=False`) """ # Test that mne is installed and import : is_mne_installed(raise_error=True) import mne from mne.source_space import head_to_mni hemi_idx = {'left': [0], 'right': [1], 'both': [0, 1]}[hemisphere] # Read the forward solution : fwd = mne.read_forward_solution(fwd_file) logger.debug('Read the forward solution') # Get source space : fwd_src = fwd['src'] # Get the MRI (surface RAS)-> head matrix mri_head_t = fwd['mri_head_t'] # Head to MNI conversion"Head to MNI conversion") mesh, sources = [], [] for hemi in hemi_idx: vert_ = fwd_src[hemi]['rr'] sources_ = fwd_src[hemi]['rr'][fwd_src[hemi]['vertno']] m_ = head_to_mni(vert_, sbj, mri_head_t, subjects_dir=sbj_dir) s_ = head_to_mni(sources_, sbj, mri_head_t, subjects_dir=sbj_dir) mesh.append(m_) sources.append(s_) # Get active vertices : # fwd_src contains the source spaces, the first 2 are the cortex # (left and right hemi, the others are related to the substructures) if len(hemi_idx) == 1: active_vert = fwd_src[hemi_idx[0]]['vertno'] else: active_left = fwd_src[0]['vertno'] active_right = fwd_src[1]['vertno'] + mesh[0].shape[0] active_vert = np.r_[active_left, active_right]'%i active vertices detected ' % len(active_vert)) # Add data to the mesh : if isinstance(active_data, np.ndarray): if len(active_data) != len(active_vert): logger.error("The length of `active data` (%i) must be the same " "the length of the number of active vertices " "(%i)" % (len(active_data), len(active_vert))) active_data = active_vert = None else:"Array of active data used.") elif isinstance(stc_file, str) and isinstance(active_data, int): # Get active data : assert os.path.isfile(stc_file) n_tp = active_data data = mne.read_source_estimate(stc_file).data active_data = np.abs(data[:, n_tp] / data[:, n_tp].max())"Time instant %i used for activation" % n_tp) else:"No active data detected.") active_data = active_vert = None # Concatenate vertices, faces and sources : vertices = np.concatenate(mesh) lr_index = np.r_[np.ones((len(mesh[0]), )), np.zeros((len(mesh[1]), ))] sources = np.concatenate(sources) # Get faces : if len(hemi_idx) == 1: faces = fwd_src[hemi_idx[0]]['tris'] else: _faces_l = fwd_src[0]['tris'] _faces_r = fwd_src[1]['tris'] + _faces_l.max() + 1 faces = np.r_[_faces_l, _faces_r].astype(int) # Define a brain object and a source object :'Define a Brain and Source objects') from visbrain.objects import BrainObj, SourceObj, SceneObj b_obj = BrainObj(sbj + '_brain', vertices=vertices, faces=faces, lr_index=lr_index.astype(bool), **kw_brain_obj) s_obj = SourceObj(sbj + '_src', sources, visible=False, **kw_source_obj) # Add data to the BrainObj if needed : if isinstance(active_data, np.ndarray):"Add active data between " "[%2f, %2f]" % (active_data.min(), active_data.max())) b_obj.add_activation(data=active_data, vertices=active_vert, **kw_activation) # Return either a scene or a BrainObj and SourceObj : if show: # Display inside the Brain GUI # Define a Brain instance : from visbrain import Brain brain = Brain(brain_obj=b_obj, source_obj=s_obj) # Remove all brain templates except the one of the subject : brain._brain_template.setEnabled(False) # By default, display colorbar if activation : if isinstance(active_data, np.ndarray): brain.menuDispCbar.setChecked(True) brain._fcn_menu_disp_cbar() elif show is 'scene': # return a SceneObj'Define a unique scene for the Brain and Source objects') sc = SceneObj() sc.add_to_subplot(s_obj) sc.add_to_subplot(b_obj, use_this_cam=True) return sc else: # return the BrainObj and SourceObj return b_obj, s_obj
sf = 1024. n = 50 x, y = np.ogrid[0:n / 2, 0:n / 2] x, y = np.append(x, np.flip(x, 0)), np.append(y, np.flip(y, 1)) time = (x.reshape(-1, 1) + y.reshape(1, -1)) / sf time = np.tile(time[np.newaxis, ...], (n_sources, 1, 1)) coef = s_xyz[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1, 1) / 2. kwargs['pic_data'] = np.sinc(coef * 2 * np.pi * 1. * time) kwargs['pic_data'] += .2 * np.random.rand(*kwargs['pic_data'].shape) # If you want to remove some pictures, define a pic_select array of boolean # values and specify if those pictures has to be hide or displayed : pic_select = np.ones((n_sources,), dtype=bool) pic_to_hide = [2, 6, 10, 11, 31, 35, 41, 44, 51, 55] pic_select[pic_to_hide] = False kwargs['pic_select'] = pic_select kwargs['pic_width'] = 5. # Width kwargs['pic_height'] = 5. # Height kwargs['pic_dxyz'] = (4., 5., 1.) # Offset along (x, y, z) axis kwargs['pic_clim'] = (.01, 1.12) # Colorbar limits kwargs['pic_cmap'] = 'viridis' # Colormap # kwargs['pic_vmin'] = .1 # Vmin # kwargs['pic_under'] = 'gray' # Color under vmin # kwargs['pic_vmax'] = .9 # Vmax # kwargs['pic_over'] = '#ab4642' # Color over vmax b = Brain(s_xyz=s_xyz, **kwargs)
vertices=vertices, smoothing_steps=5, clim=(7., 21.), hide_under=7., cmap='viridis') # Build arrows : dt = np.dtype([('vertices', float, 3), ('normals', float, 3)]) arrows = np.zeros(len(data), dtype=dt) arrows['vertices'] = b_obj.vertices[vertices, :] arrows['normals'] = b_obj.normals[vertices, :] select = data >= 7. # Define the vector object : v_obj = VectorObj('vector', arrows, data=data, inferred_data=True, clim=(7., 21.), antialias=True, cmap='viridis', select=select, line_width=2., arrow_coef=1.2, dynamic=(.2, 1.)) # Finally, pass the brain and vector object to the Brain module : vb = Brain(brain_obj=b_obj, vector_obj=v_obj) vb.rotate('left')