Exemple #1
def fill_dipole(B, m=(0, 0, -DEFAULT_STRENGTH), strength=None, mask=None):
    """set B to a dipole with magnetic moment m

        B (Field): Field to fill with a dipole
        m (ndarray, or datetime64-like): Description
        strength (float): if given, rescale the dipole moment
            even if it was given explicitly
        mask (Field): boolean field as mask, B will be filled where
            the mask is True

        Field: B
    # FIXME: should really be taking the curl of a vector field
    if mask:
        Bdip = field.empty_like(B)
        Bdip = B

    # Xcc, Ycc, Zcc = B.get_crds_cc(shaped=True)  # pylint: disable=W0612
    Xv, Yv, Zv = B.get_crds_vector(shaped=True)  # pylint: disable=W0612
    _crd_lst = [[_x, _y, _z] for _x, _y, _z in zip(Xv, Yv, Zv)]

    dtype = B.dtype
    one = np.array([1.0], dtype=dtype)  # pylint: disable=W0612
    three = np.array([3.0], dtype=dtype)  # pylint: disable=W0612
    if viscid.is_datetime_like(m):
        m = viscid.get_dipole_moment(m, crd_system=B)
        m = np.asarray(m, dtype=dtype)

    if strength is not None:
        m = (strength / np.linalg.norm(m)) * m
    mx, my, mz = m  # pylint: disable=W0612

    # geneate a dipole field for the entire grid
    # Note: this is almost the exact same as calc_dip, but since components
    # are done one-at-a-time, it requires less memory since it copies the
    # result of each component into Bdip separately
    if _HAS_NUMEXPR:
        for i, cn in enumerate("xyz"):
            _X, _Y, _Z = _crd_lst[i]
            _XI = _crd_lst[i][i]
            _mi = m[i]
            rsq = ne.evaluate("_X**2 + _Y**2 + _Z**2")  # pylint: disable=W0612
            mdotr = ne.evaluate("mx * _X + my * _Y + mz * _Z")  # pylint: disable=W0612
            Bdip[cn] = ne.evaluate("((three * _XI * mdotr / rsq) - _mi) / rsq**1.5")
        for i, cn in enumerate("xyz"):
            _X, _Y, _Z = _crd_lst[i]
            _XI = _crd_lst[i][i]
            _mi = m[i]
            rsq = _X**2 + _Y**2 + _Z**2
            mdotr = mx * _X + my * _Y + mz * _Z
            Bdip[cn] = ((three * _XI * mdotr / rsq) - _mi) / rsq**1.5

    if mask:
        B.data[...] = np.choose(mask.astype('i'), [B, Bdip])
    return B
Exemple #2
def set_in_region(a, b, alpha=1.0, beta=1.0, mask=None, out=None):
    """set `ret = alpha * a + beta * b` where mask is True"""
    alpha = np.asarray(alpha, dtype=a.dtype)
    beta = np.asarray(beta, dtype=a.dtype)
    a_dat = a.data if isinstance(a, viscid.field.Field) else a
    b_dat = b.data if isinstance(b, viscid.field.Field) else b
    b = None

    if _HAS_NUMEXPR:
        vals = ne.evaluate("alpha * a_dat + beta * b_dat")
        vals = alpha * a_dat + beta * b_dat
    a_dat = b_dat = None

    if out is None:
        out = field.empty_like(a)

    if mask is None:
        out.data[...] = vals
        if hasattr(mask, "nr_comps") and mask.nr_comps:
            mask = mask.as_centered(a.center).as_layout(a.layout)
            out.data[...] = np.choose(mask, [out.data, vals])
        except ValueError:
            out.data[...] = np.choose(mask.data.reshape(list(mask.sshape) + [1]),
                                      [out.data, vals])
    return out