def run_test_3d(f, main__file__, show=False): vlt.clf() slc = "x=-20f:12f, y=0f" plot_kwargs = dict(title=True, earth=True) vlt.subplot(141) vlt.plot(f['pp'], slc, logscale=True, **plot_kwargs) vlt.subplot(142) vlt.plot(viscid.magnitude(f['bcc']), slc, logscale=True, **plot_kwargs) vlt.plot2d_quiver(f['v'][slc], step=5, color='y', pivot='mid', width=0.03, scale=600) vlt.subplot(143) vlt.plot(f['jy'], slc, clim=(-0.005, 0.005), **plot_kwargs) vlt.streamplot(f['v'][slc], linewidth=0.3) vlt.subplot(144) vlt.plot(f['jy'], "x=7f:12f, y=0f, z=0f") plt.suptitle("3D File") vlt.auto_adjust_subplots(subplot_params=dict(top=0.9, wspace=1.3)) plt.gcf().set_size_inches(10, 4) vlt.savefig(next_plot_fname(main__file__)) if show:
def do_test(lines, scalars, show=False, txt=""):'--> ' + txt) title = txt + '\n' + "\n".join( textwrap.wrap("scalars = {0}".format(scalars), width=50)) try: from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt from matplotlib import pyplot as plt vlt.clf() vlt.plot_lines(lines, scalars=scalars) plt.title(title) vlt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='q2')) if show: except ImportError: pass try: from mayavi import mlab vlab, _ = get_mvi_fig() vlab.clf() vlab.plot_lines3d(lines, scalars=scalars) vlab.fancy_axes() mlab.text(0.05, 0.05, title) vlab.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='q3')) if show: except ImportError: pass
def run_test_2d(f, main__file__, show=False): vlt.clf() slc = "x=-20j:12j, y=0j" plot_kwargs = dict(title=True, earth=True) vlt.subplot(141) vlt.plot(f['pp'], slc, logscale=True, **plot_kwargs) vlt.plot(np.abs(f['psi']), style='contour', logscale=True, levels=30, linewidths=0.8, colors='grey', linestyles='solid', colorbar=None, x=(-20, 12)) vlt.subplot(142) vlt.plot(viscid.magnitude(f['bcc']), slc, logscale=True, **plot_kwargs) vlt.plot2d_quiver(f['v'][slc], step=5, color='y', pivot='mid', width=0.03, scale=600) vlt.subplot(143) vlt.plot(f['jy'], slc, clim=[-0.005, 0.005], **plot_kwargs) vlt.streamplot(f['v'][slc], linewidth=0.3) vlt.subplot(144) vlt.plot(f['jy'], "x=7j:12j, y=0j, z=0j") plt.suptitle("2D File") vlt.auto_adjust_subplots(subplot_params=dict(top=0.9, wspace=1.3)) plt.gcf().set_size_inches(10, 4) vlt.savefig(next_plot_fname(main__file__)) if show:
def do_test(lines, scalars, show=False, txt=""):'--> ' + txt) title = txt + '\n' + "\n".join(textwrap.wrap("scalars = {0}".format(scalars), width=50)) try: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt vlt.clf() vlt.plot_lines(lines, scalars=scalars) plt.title(title) vlt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='q2')) if show: except ImportError: pass try: from mayavi import mlab from viscid.plot import vlab try: fig = _global_ns['figure'] vlab.clf() except KeyError: fig = vlab.figure(size=[1200, 800], offscreen=not show, bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0)) _global_ns['figure'] = fig vlab.clf() vlab.plot_lines3d(lines, scalars=scalars) vlab.fancy_axes() mlab.text(0.05, 0.05, title) vlab.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='q3')) if show: except ImportError: pass
def do_test(lines, scalars, show=False, txt=""):'--> ' + txt) title = txt + '\n' + "\n".join(textwrap.wrap("scalars = {0}".format(scalars), width=50)) try: from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt from matplotlib import pyplot as plt vlt.clf() vlt.plot_lines(lines, scalars=scalars) plt.title(title) vlt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='q2')) if show: except ImportError: pass try: from mayavi import mlab from viscid.plot import vlab try: fig = _global_ns['figure'] vlab.clf() except KeyError: fig = vlab.figure(size=[1200, 800], offscreen=not show, bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0)) _global_ns['figure'] = fig vlab.clf() vlab.plot_lines3d(lines, scalars=scalars) vlab.fancy_axes() mlab.text(0.05, 0.05, title) vlab.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='q3')) if show: except ImportError: pass
def run_test_3d(f, main__file__, show=False): vlt.clf() slc = "x=-20j:12j, y=0j" plot_kwargs = dict(title=True, earth=True) vlt.subplot(141) vlt.plot(f['pp'], slc, logscale=True, **plot_kwargs) vlt.subplot(142) vlt.plot(viscid.magnitude(f['bcc']), slc, logscale=True, **plot_kwargs) vlt.plot2d_quiver(f['v'][slc], step=5, color='y', pivot='mid', width=0.03, scale=600) vlt.subplot(143) vlt.plot(f['jy'], slc, clim=(-0.005, 0.005), **plot_kwargs) vlt.streamplot(f['v'][slc], linewidth=0.3) vlt.subplot(144) vlt.plot(f['jy'], "x=7j:12j, y=0j, z=0j") plt.suptitle("3D File") vlt.auto_adjust_subplots(subplot_params=dict(top=0.9, wspace=1.3)) plt.gcf().set_size_inches(10, 4) vlt.savefig(next_plot_fname(main__file__)) if show:
def _main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument("--notwo", dest='notwo', action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--nothree", dest='nothree', action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--show", "--plot", action="store_true") args = viscid.vutil.common_argparse(parser, default_verb=0) plot2d = not args.notwo plot3d = not args.nothree # ################################################# #"Testing field lines on 2d field...") B = viscid.make_dipole(twod=True) line = viscid.seed.Line((0.2, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 10) obound0 = np.array([-4, -4, -4], obound1 = np.array([4, 4, 4], run_test(B, line, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, title='2D',, ibound=0.07, obound0=obound0, obound1=obound1) #################################################"Testing field lines on 3d field...") B = viscid.make_dipole(m=[0.2, 0.3, -0.9]) sphere = viscid.seed.Sphere((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 2.0, ntheta=20, nphi=10) obound0 = np.array([-4, -4, -4], obound1 = np.array([4, 4, 4], run_test(B, sphere, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, title='3D',, ibound=0.12, obound0=obound0, obound1=obound1, method=viscid.RK12) # The Remainder of this test makes sure higher order methods are indeed # more accurate than lower order methods... this could find a bug in # the integrators ################################################## # test accuracy of streamlines in an ideal dipole cotr = viscid.Cotr(dip_tilt=15.0, dip_gsm=21.0) # pylint: disable=not-callable m = cotr.get_dipole_moment(crd_system='gse') seeds = viscid.seed.Sphere((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 2.0, pole=-m, ntheta=25, nphi=25, thetalim=(5, 90), philim=(5, 360), phi_endpoint=False) B = viscid.make_dipole(m=m, crd_system='gse', n=(256, 256, 256), l=(-25, -25, -25), h=(25, 25, 25), dtype='f8') seeds_xyz = seeds.get_points() # seeds_lsp = viscid.xyz2lsrlp(seeds_xyz, cotr=cotr, crd_system=B)[(0, 3), :] seeds_lsp = viscid.xyz2lsrlp(seeds_xyz, cotr=cotr, crd_system=B)[(0, 3), :] e1_lines, e1_lsps, t_e1 = lines_and_lsps(B, seeds, method='euler1', ibound=1.0, cotr=cotr) rk2_lines, rk2_lsps, t_rk2 = lines_and_lsps(B, seeds, method='rk2', ibound=1.0, cotr=cotr) rk4_lines, rk4_lsps, t_rk4 = lines_and_lsps(B, seeds, method='rk4', ibound=1.0, cotr=cotr) e1a_lines, e1a_lsps, t_e1a = lines_and_lsps(B, seeds, method='euler1a', ibound=1.0, cotr=cotr) rk12_lines, rk12_lsps, t_rk12 = lines_and_lsps(B, seeds, method='rk12', ibound=1.0, cotr=cotr) rk45_lines, rk45_lsps, t_rk45 = lines_and_lsps(B, seeds, method='rk45', ibound=1.0, cotr=cotr) def _calc_rel_diff(_lsp, _ideal_lsp, _d): _diffs = [] for _ilsp, _iideal in zip(_lsp, _ideal_lsp.T): _a = _ilsp[_d, :] _b = _iideal[_d] _diffs.append((_a - _b) / _b) return _diffs lshell_diff_e1 = _calc_rel_diff(e1_lsps, seeds_lsp, 0) phi_diff_e1 = _calc_rel_diff(e1_lsps, seeds_lsp, 1) lshell_diff_rk2 = _calc_rel_diff(rk2_lsps, seeds_lsp, 0) phi_diff_rk2 = _calc_rel_diff(rk2_lsps, seeds_lsp, 1) lshell_diff_rk4 = _calc_rel_diff(rk4_lsps, seeds_lsp, 0) phi_diff_rk4 = _calc_rel_diff(rk4_lsps, seeds_lsp, 1) lshell_diff_e1a = _calc_rel_diff(e1a_lsps, seeds_lsp, 0) phi_diff_e1a = _calc_rel_diff(e1a_lsps, seeds_lsp, 1) lshell_diff_rk12 = _calc_rel_diff(rk12_lsps, seeds_lsp, 0) phi_diff_rk12 = _calc_rel_diff(rk12_lsps, seeds_lsp, 1) lshell_diff_rk45 = _calc_rel_diff(rk45_lsps, seeds_lsp, 0) phi_diff_rk45 = _calc_rel_diff(rk45_lsps, seeds_lsp, 1) methods = [ 'Euler 1', 'Runge Kutta 2', 'Runge Kutta 4', 'Euler 1 Adaptive Step', 'Runge Kutta 12 Adaptive Step', 'Runge Kutta 45 Adaptive Step' ] wall_ts = [t_e1, t_rk2, t_rk4, t_e1a, t_rk12, t_rk45] all_lines = [ e1_lines, rk2_lines, rk4_lines, e1a_lines, rk12_lines, rk45_lines ] all_lshell_diffs = [ lshell_diff_e1, lshell_diff_rk2, lshell_diff_rk4, lshell_diff_e1a, lshell_diff_rk12, lshell_diff_rk45 ] lshell_diffs = [ np.abs(np.concatenate(lshell_diff_e1, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(lshell_diff_rk2, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(lshell_diff_rk4, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(lshell_diff_e1a, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(lshell_diff_rk12, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(lshell_diff_rk45, axis=0)) ] phi_diffs = [ np.abs(np.concatenate(phi_diff_e1, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(phi_diff_rk2, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(phi_diff_rk4, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(phi_diff_e1a, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(phi_diff_rk12, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(phi_diff_rk45, axis=0)) ] npts = [len(lsd) for lsd in lshell_diffs] lshell_75 = [np.percentile(lsdiff, 75) for lsdiff in lshell_diffs] # # 3D DEBUG PLOT:: for really getting under the covers # vlab.clf() # earth1 = viscid.seed.Sphere((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.0, pole=-m, ntheta=60, nphi=120, # thetalim=(15, 165), philim=(0, 360)) # ls1 = viscid.xyz2lsrlp(earth1.get_points(), cotr=cotr, crd_system='gse')[0, :] # earth2 = viscid.seed.Sphere((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 2.0, pole=-m, ntheta=60, nphi=120, # thetalim=(15, 165), philim=(0, 360)) # ls2 = viscid.xyz2lsrlp(earth2.get_points(), cotr=cotr, crd_system='gse')[0, :] # earth4 = viscid.seed.Sphere((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 4.0, pole=-m, ntheta=60, nphi=120, # thetalim=(15, 165), philim=(0, 360)) # ls4 = viscid.xyz2lsrlp(earth4.get_points(), cotr=cotr, crd_system='gse')[0, :] # clim = [2.0, 6.0] # vlab.mesh_from_seeds(earth1, scalars=ls1, clim=clim, logscale=True) # vlab.mesh_from_seeds(earth2, scalars=ls2, clim=clim, logscale=True, opacity=0.5) # vlab.mesh_from_seeds(earth4, scalars=ls2, clim=clim, logscale=True, opacity=0.25) # vlab.plot3d_lines(e1_lines, scalars=[_e1_lsp[0, :] for _e1_lsp in e1_lsps], # clim=clim, logscale=True) # vlab.colorbar(title="L-Shell") # assert lshell_75[1] < lshell_75[0], "RK2 should have less error than Euler" assert lshell_75[2] < lshell_75[1], "RK4 should have less error than RK2" assert lshell_75[3] < lshell_75[ 0], "Euler 1a should have less error than Euler 1" assert lshell_75[4] < lshell_75[ 0], "RK 12 should have less error than Euler 1" assert lshell_75[5] < lshell_75[1], "RK 45 should have less error than RK2" try: if not plot2d: raise ImportError from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt # stats on error for all points on all lines _ = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8)) ax1 = vlt.subplot(121) v = plt.violinplot(lshell_diffs, showextrema=False, showmedians=False, vert=False) colors = set_violin_colors(v) xl, xh = plt.gca().get_xlim() for i, txt, c in zip(count(), methods, colors): t_txt = ", took {0:.2e} seconds".format(wall_ts[i]) stat_txt = format_data_range(lshell_diffs[i]) plt.text(xl + 0.35 * (xh - xl), i + 1.15, txt + t_txt, color=c) plt.text(xl + 0.35 * (xh - xl), i + 0.85, stat_txt, color=c) ax1.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.title('L-Shell') plt.xlabel('Relative Difference from Ideal (as fraction)') ax2 = vlt.subplot(122) v = plt.violinplot(phi_diffs, showextrema=False, showmedians=False, vert=False) colors = set_violin_colors(v) xl, xh = plt.gca().get_xlim() for i, txt, c in zip(count(), methods, colors): t_txt = ", took {0:.2e} seconds".format(wall_ts[i]) stat_txt = format_data_range(phi_diffs[i]) plt.text(xl + 0.35 * (xh - xl), i + 1.15, txt + t_txt, color=c) plt.text(xl + 0.35 * (xh - xl), i + 0.85, stat_txt, color=c) ax2.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.title('Longitude') plt.xlabel('Relative Difference from Ideal (as fraction)') vlt.auto_adjust_subplots() vlt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='q2')) if # stats for ds for all points on all lines _ = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) ax1 = vlt.subplot(111) ds = [ np.concatenate([ np.linalg.norm(_l[:, 1:] - _l[:, :-1], axis=0) for _l in lines ]) for lines in all_lines ] v = plt.violinplot(ds, showextrema=False, showmedians=False, vert=False) colors = set_violin_colors(v) xl, xh = plt.gca().get_xlim() for i, txt, c in zip(count(), methods, colors): stat_txt = format_data_range(ds[i]) plt.text(xl + 0.01 * (xh - xl), i + 1.15, txt, color=c) plt.text(xl + 0.01 * (xh - xl), i + 0.85, stat_txt, color=c) ax1.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.xscale('log') plt.title('Step Size') plt.xlabel('Absolute Step Size') vlt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='q2')) if # random other information _ = plt.figure(figsize=(13, 10)) ## wall time for each method vlt.subplot(221) plt.scatter(range(len(methods)), wall_ts, color=colors, s=150, marker='s', edgecolors='none') for i, meth in enumerate(methods): meth = meth.replace(" Adaptive Step", "\nAdaptive Step") plt.annotate(meth, (i, wall_ts[i]), xytext=(0, 15.0), color=colors[i], horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', textcoords='offset points') plt.ylabel("Wall Time (s)") x_padding = 0.5 plt.xlim(-x_padding, len(methods) - x_padding) yl, yh = np.min(wall_ts), np.max(wall_ts) y_padding = 0.4 * (yh - yl) plt.ylim(yl - y_padding, yh + y_padding) plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) for _which in ('right', 'top'): plt.gca().spines[_which].set_color('none') ## number of points calculated for each method vlt.subplot(222) plt.scatter(range(len(methods)), npts, color=colors, s=150, marker='s', edgecolors='none') for i, meth in enumerate(methods): meth = meth.replace(" Adaptive Step", "\nAdaptive Step") plt.annotate(meth, (i, npts[i]), xytext=(0, 15.0), color=colors[i], horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', textcoords='offset points') plt.ylabel("Number of Streamline Points Calculated") x_padding = 0.5 plt.xlim(-x_padding, len(methods) - x_padding) yl, yh = np.min(npts), np.max(npts) y_padding = 0.4 * (yh - yl) plt.ylim(yl - y_padding, yh + y_padding) plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) for _which in ('right', 'top'): plt.gca().spines[_which].set_color('none') ## Wall time per segment, this should show the overhead of the method vlt.subplot(223) wall_t_per_seg = np.asarray(wall_ts) / np.asarray(npts) plt.scatter(range(len(methods)), wall_t_per_seg, color=colors, s=150, marker='s', edgecolors='none') for i, meth in enumerate(methods): meth = meth.replace(" Adaptive Step", "\nAdaptive Step") plt.annotate(meth, (i, wall_t_per_seg[i]), xytext=(0, 15.0), color=colors[i], horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', textcoords='offset points') plt.ylabel("Wall Time Per Line Segment") x_padding = 0.5 plt.xlim(-x_padding, len(methods) - x_padding) yl, yh = np.min(wall_t_per_seg), np.max(wall_t_per_seg) y_padding = 0.4 * (yh - yl) plt.ylim(yl - y_padding, yh + y_padding) plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(viscid.plot.mpl_extra.steve_axfmt) for _which in ('right', 'top'): plt.gca().spines[_which].set_color('none') ## 75th percentile of l-shell error for each method vlt.subplot(224) plt.scatter(range(len(methods)), lshell_75, color=colors, s=150, marker='s', edgecolors='none') plt.yscale('log') for i, meth in enumerate(methods): meth = meth.replace(" Adaptive Step", "\nAdaptive Step") plt.annotate(meth, (i, lshell_75[i]), xytext=(0, 15.0), color=colors[i], horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', textcoords='offset points') plt.ylabel("75th Percentile of Relative L-Shell Error") x_padding = 0.5 plt.xlim(-x_padding, len(methods) - x_padding) ymin, ymax = np.min(lshell_75), np.max(lshell_75) plt.ylim(0.75 * ymin, 2.5 * ymax) plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) for _which in ('right', 'top'): plt.gca().spines[_which].set_color('none') vlt.auto_adjust_subplots(subplot_params=dict(wspace=0.25, hspace=0.15)) vlt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='q2')) if except ImportError: pass try: if not plot3d: raise ImportError from viscid.plot import vlab try: fig = _global_ns['figure'] vlab.clf() except KeyError: fig = vlab.figure(size=[1200, 800], offscreen=not, bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0)) _global_ns['figure'] = fig for i, method in zip(count(), methods): # if i in (3, 4): # next_plot_fname(__file__, series='q3') # print(i, "::", [line.shape[1] for line in all_lines[i]]) # # continue vlab.clf() _lshell_diff = [np.abs(s) for s in all_lshell_diffs[i]] vlab.plot3d_lines(all_lines[i], scalars=_lshell_diff) vlab.colorbar(title="Relative L-Shell Error (as fraction)") vlab.title(method, size=0.5) vlab.orientation_axes() vlab.view(azimuth=40, elevation=140, distance=80.0, focalpoint=[0, 0, 0]) vlab.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='q3')) if except ImportError: pass # prevent weird xorg bad-instructions on tear down if 'figure' in _global_ns and _global_ns['figure'] is not None: from viscid.plot import vlab vlab.mlab.close(_global_ns['figure']) return 0
import seaborn as sns import viscid from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt f = viscid.load_file('./otico_001.3d.xdmf') mymap = sns.diverging_palette(28, 240, s=95, l=50, as_cmap=True) figure = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10)) g = f.get_grid(time=12) vlt.plot(g['bx']['z=0'], cmap=mymap, style='contourf', levels=256) vlt.savefig('OT_bx.png')
def _main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument("--show", "--plot", action="store_true") args = vutil.common_argparse(parser) b, e = make_arcade(8.0, N=[64, 64, 64]) epar = viscid.project(e, b) epar.pretty_name = "E parallel" ############### # Calculate Xi seeds = viscid.Volume(xl=[-10, 0.0, -10], xh=[10, 0.0, 10], n=[64, 1, 64]) b_lines, _ = viscid.calc_streamlines(b, seeds) xi_dat = viscid.integrate_along_lines(b_lines, e, reduction='dot') xi = seeds.wrap_field(xi_dat, name='xi', pretty_name=r"$\Xi$") ################################ # Make 2D Matplotlib plot of Xi vlt.plot(xi, x=(-10, 10), y=(-10, 10), style='contourf', levels=256, lin=(2e-4, 1.5718)) vlt.plot(xi, x=(-10, 10), y=(-10, 10), style='contour', colors='grey', levels=[0.5, 1.0]) vlt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__)) if ############################################################ # Make 3D mayavi plot of Xi and the 'brightest' field lines # as well as some other field lines for context try: from viscid.plot import vlab except ImportError: xfail("Mayavi not installed") vlab.figure(size=[1200, 800], offscreen=not inds = np.argsort(xi_dat)[-64:] inds = np.concatenate([inds, np.arange(len(xi_dat))[::71]]) s = vlab.plot_lines(b_lines[inds], scalars=epar, cmap='viridis') vlab.mesh_from_seeds(seeds, scalars=xi, cmap='inferno') vlab.colorbar(s, orientation='horizontal', title=epar.pretty_name) # vlab.streamline(b, scalars=e, seedtype='sphere', seed_resolution=4, # integration_direction='both') oa = vlab.orientation_axes() oa.marker.set_viewport(0.75, 0.75, 1.0, 1.0) vlab.view(roll=0, azimuth=90, elevation=25, distance=30.0, focalpoint=[0, 2, 0]) vlab.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__)) if try: vlab.mlab.close() except AttributeError: pass return 0
def _main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument("--notwo", dest='notwo', action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--nothree", dest='nothree', action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--show", "--plot", action="store_true") args = viscid.vutil.common_argparse(parser, default_verb=0) plot2d = not args.notwo plot3d = not args.nothree # ################################################# #"Testing field lines on 2d field...") B = viscid.make_dipole(twod=True) line = viscid.seed.Line((0.2, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 10) obound0 = np.array([-4, -4, -4], obound1 = np.array([4, 4, 4], run_test(B, line, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, title='2D',, ibound=0.07, obound0=obound0, obound1=obound1) #################################################"Testing field lines on 3d field...") B = viscid.make_dipole(m=[0.2, 0.3, -0.9]) sphere = viscid.seed.Sphere((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 2.0, ntheta=20, nphi=10) obound0 = np.array([-4, -4, -4], obound1 = np.array([4, 4, 4], run_test(B, sphere, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, title='3D',, ibound=0.12, obound0=obound0, obound1=obound1, method=viscid.RK12) # The Remainder of this test makes sure higher order methods are indeed # more accurate than lower order methods... this could find a bug in # the integrators ################################################## # test accuracy of streamlines in an ideal dipole cotr = viscid.Cotr(dip_tilt=15.0, dip_gsm=21.0) # pylint: disable=not-callable m = cotr.get_dipole_moment(crd_system='gse') seeds = viscid.seed.Sphere((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 2.0, pole=-m, ntheta=25, nphi=25, thetalim=(5, 90), philim=(5, 360), phi_endpoint=False) B = viscid.make_dipole(m=m, crd_system='gse', n=(256, 256, 256), l=(-25, -25, -25), h=(25, 25, 25), dtype='f8') seeds_xyz = seeds.get_points() # seeds_lsp = viscid.xyz2lsrlp(seeds_xyz, cotr=cotr, crd_system=B)[(0, 3), :] seeds_lsp = viscid.xyz2lsrlp(seeds_xyz, cotr=cotr, crd_system=B)[(0, 3), :] e1_lines, e1_lsps, t_e1 = lines_and_lsps(B, seeds, method='euler1', ibound=1.0, cotr=cotr) rk2_lines, rk2_lsps, t_rk2 = lines_and_lsps(B, seeds, method='rk2', ibound=1.0, cotr=cotr) rk4_lines, rk4_lsps, t_rk4 = lines_and_lsps(B, seeds, method='rk4', ibound=1.0, cotr=cotr) e1a_lines, e1a_lsps, t_e1a = lines_and_lsps(B, seeds, method='euler1a', ibound=1.0, cotr=cotr) rk12_lines, rk12_lsps, t_rk12 = lines_and_lsps(B, seeds, method='rk12', ibound=1.0, cotr=cotr) rk45_lines, rk45_lsps, t_rk45 = lines_and_lsps(B, seeds, method='rk45', ibound=1.0, cotr=cotr) def _calc_rel_diff(_lsp, _ideal_lsp, _d): _diffs = [] for _ilsp, _iideal in zip(_lsp, _ideal_lsp.T): _a = _ilsp[_d, :] _b = _iideal[_d] _diffs.append((_a - _b) / _b) return _diffs lshell_diff_e1 = _calc_rel_diff(e1_lsps, seeds_lsp, 0) phi_diff_e1 = _calc_rel_diff(e1_lsps, seeds_lsp, 1) lshell_diff_rk2 = _calc_rel_diff(rk2_lsps, seeds_lsp, 0) phi_diff_rk2 = _calc_rel_diff(rk2_lsps, seeds_lsp, 1) lshell_diff_rk4 = _calc_rel_diff(rk4_lsps, seeds_lsp, 0) phi_diff_rk4 = _calc_rel_diff(rk4_lsps, seeds_lsp, 1) lshell_diff_e1a = _calc_rel_diff(e1a_lsps, seeds_lsp, 0) phi_diff_e1a = _calc_rel_diff(e1a_lsps, seeds_lsp, 1) lshell_diff_rk12 = _calc_rel_diff(rk12_lsps, seeds_lsp, 0) phi_diff_rk12 = _calc_rel_diff(rk12_lsps, seeds_lsp, 1) lshell_diff_rk45 = _calc_rel_diff(rk45_lsps, seeds_lsp, 0) phi_diff_rk45 = _calc_rel_diff(rk45_lsps, seeds_lsp, 1) methods = ['Euler 1', 'Runge Kutta 2', 'Runge Kutta 4', 'Euler 1 Adaptive Step', 'Runge Kutta 12 Adaptive Step', 'Runge Kutta 45 Adaptive Step'] wall_ts = [t_e1, t_rk2, t_rk4, t_e1a, t_rk12, t_rk45] all_lines = [e1_lines, rk2_lines, rk4_lines, e1a_lines, rk12_lines, rk45_lines] all_lshell_diffs = [lshell_diff_e1, lshell_diff_rk2, lshell_diff_rk4, lshell_diff_e1a, lshell_diff_rk12, lshell_diff_rk45] lshell_diffs = [np.abs(np.concatenate(lshell_diff_e1, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(lshell_diff_rk2, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(lshell_diff_rk4, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(lshell_diff_e1a, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(lshell_diff_rk12, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(lshell_diff_rk45, axis=0))] phi_diffs = [np.abs(np.concatenate(phi_diff_e1, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(phi_diff_rk2, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(phi_diff_rk4, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(phi_diff_e1a, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(phi_diff_rk12, axis=0)), np.abs(np.concatenate(phi_diff_rk45, axis=0))] npts = [len(lsd) for lsd in lshell_diffs] lshell_75 = [np.percentile(lsdiff, 75) for lsdiff in lshell_diffs] # # 3D DEBUG PLOT:: for really getting under the covers # vlab.clf() # earth1 = viscid.seed.Sphere((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.0, pole=-m, ntheta=60, nphi=120, # thetalim=(15, 165), philim=(0, 360)) # ls1 = viscid.xyz2lsrlp(earth1.get_points(), cotr=cotr, crd_system='gse')[0, :] # earth2 = viscid.seed.Sphere((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 2.0, pole=-m, ntheta=60, nphi=120, # thetalim=(15, 165), philim=(0, 360)) # ls2 = viscid.xyz2lsrlp(earth2.get_points(), cotr=cotr, crd_system='gse')[0, :] # earth4 = viscid.seed.Sphere((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 4.0, pole=-m, ntheta=60, nphi=120, # thetalim=(15, 165), philim=(0, 360)) # ls4 = viscid.xyz2lsrlp(earth4.get_points(), cotr=cotr, crd_system='gse')[0, :] # clim = [2.0, 6.0] # vlab.mesh_from_seeds(earth1, scalars=ls1, clim=clim, logscale=True) # vlab.mesh_from_seeds(earth2, scalars=ls2, clim=clim, logscale=True, opacity=0.5) # vlab.mesh_from_seeds(earth4, scalars=ls2, clim=clim, logscale=True, opacity=0.25) # vlab.plot3d_lines(e1_lines, scalars=[_e1_lsp[0, :] for _e1_lsp in e1_lsps], # clim=clim, logscale=True) # vlab.colorbar(title="L-Shell") # assert lshell_75[1] < lshell_75[0], "RK2 should have less error than Euler" assert lshell_75[2] < lshell_75[1], "RK4 should have less error than RK2" assert lshell_75[3] < lshell_75[0], "Euler 1a should have less error than Euler 1" assert lshell_75[4] < lshell_75[0], "RK 12 should have less error than Euler 1" assert lshell_75[5] < lshell_75[1], "RK 45 should have less error than RK2" try: if not plot2d: raise ImportError from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # stats on error for all points on all lines _ = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8)) ax1 = vlt.subplot(121) v = plt.violinplot(lshell_diffs, showextrema=False, showmedians=False, vert=False) colors = set_violin_colors(v) xl, xh = plt.gca().get_xlim() for i, txt, c in zip(count(), methods, colors): t_txt = ", took {0:.2e} seconds".format(wall_ts[i]) stat_txt = format_data_range(lshell_diffs[i]) plt.text(xl + 0.35 * (xh - xl), i + 1.15, txt + t_txt, color=c) plt.text(xl + 0.35 * (xh - xl), i + 0.85, stat_txt, color=c) ax1.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.title('L-Shell') plt.xlabel('Relative Difference from Ideal (as fraction)') ax2 = vlt.subplot(122) v = plt.violinplot(phi_diffs, showextrema=False, showmedians=False, vert=False) colors = set_violin_colors(v) xl, xh = plt.gca().get_xlim() for i, txt, c in zip(count(), methods, colors): t_txt = ", took {0:.2e} seconds".format(wall_ts[i]) stat_txt = format_data_range(phi_diffs[i]) plt.text(xl + 0.35 * (xh - xl), i + 1.15, txt + t_txt, color=c) plt.text(xl + 0.35 * (xh - xl), i + 0.85, stat_txt, color=c) ax2.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.title('Longitude') plt.xlabel('Relative Difference from Ideal (as fraction)') vlt.auto_adjust_subplots() vlt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='q2')) if # stats for ds for all points on all lines _ = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) ax1 = vlt.subplot(111) ds = [np.concatenate([np.linalg.norm(_l[:, 1:] - _l[:, :-1], axis=0) for _l in lines]) for lines in all_lines] v = plt.violinplot(ds, showextrema=False, showmedians=False, vert=False) colors = set_violin_colors(v) xl, xh = plt.gca().get_xlim() for i, txt, c in zip(count(), methods, colors): stat_txt = format_data_range(ds[i]) plt.annotate(txt, xy=(0.55, i / len(methods) + 0.1), color=c, xycoords='axes fraction') plt.annotate(stat_txt, xy=(0.55, i / len(methods) + 0.04), color=c, xycoords='axes fraction') ax1.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.xscale('log') plt.title('Step Size') plt.xlabel('Absolute Step Size') vlt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='q2')) if # random other information _ = plt.figure(figsize=(13, 10)) ## wall time for each method vlt.subplot(221) plt.scatter(range(len(methods)), wall_ts, color=colors, s=150, marker='s', edgecolors='none') for i, meth in enumerate(methods): meth = meth.replace(" Adaptive Step", "\nAdaptive Step") plt.annotate(meth, (i, wall_ts[i]), xytext=(0, 15.0), color=colors[i], horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', textcoords='offset points') plt.ylabel("Wall Time (s)") x_padding = 0.5 plt.xlim(-x_padding, len(methods) - x_padding) yl, yh = np.min(wall_ts), np.max(wall_ts) y_padding = 0.4 * (yh - yl) plt.ylim(yl - y_padding, yh + y_padding) plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) for _which in ('right', 'top'): plt.gca().spines[_which].set_color('none') ## number of points calculated for each method vlt.subplot(222) plt.scatter(range(len(methods)), npts, color=colors, s=150, marker='s', edgecolors='none') for i, meth in enumerate(methods): meth = meth.replace(" Adaptive Step", "\nAdaptive Step") plt.annotate(meth, (i, npts[i]), xytext=(0, 15.0), color=colors[i], horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', textcoords='offset points') plt.ylabel("Number of Streamline Points Calculated") x_padding = 0.5 plt.xlim(-x_padding, len(methods) - x_padding) yl, yh = np.min(npts), np.max(npts) y_padding = 0.4 * (yh - yl) plt.ylim(yl - y_padding, yh + y_padding) plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) for _which in ('right', 'top'): plt.gca().spines[_which].set_color('none') ## Wall time per segment, this should show the overhead of the method vlt.subplot(223) wall_t_per_seg = np.asarray(wall_ts) / np.asarray(npts) plt.scatter(range(len(methods)), wall_t_per_seg, color=colors, s=150, marker='s', edgecolors='none') for i, meth in enumerate(methods): meth = meth.replace(" Adaptive Step", "\nAdaptive Step") plt.annotate(meth, (i, wall_t_per_seg[i]), xytext=(0, 15.0), color=colors[i], horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', textcoords='offset points') plt.ylabel("Wall Time Per Line Segment") x_padding = 0.5 plt.xlim(-x_padding, len(methods) - x_padding) yl, yh = np.min(wall_t_per_seg), np.max(wall_t_per_seg) y_padding = 0.4 * (yh - yl) plt.ylim(yl - y_padding, yh + y_padding) plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(viscid.plot.mpl_extra.steve_axfmt) for _which in ('right', 'top'): plt.gca().spines[_which].set_color('none') ## 75th percentile of l-shell error for each method vlt.subplot(224) plt.scatter(range(len(methods)), lshell_75, color=colors, s=150, marker='s', edgecolors='none') plt.yscale('log') for i, meth in enumerate(methods): meth = meth.replace(" Adaptive Step", "\nAdaptive Step") plt.annotate(meth, (i, lshell_75[i]), xytext=(0, 15.0), color=colors[i], horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', textcoords='offset points') plt.ylabel("75th Percentile of Relative L-Shell Error") x_padding = 0.5 plt.xlim(-x_padding, len(methods) - x_padding) ymin, ymax = np.min(lshell_75), np.max(lshell_75) plt.ylim(0.75 * ymin, 2.5 * ymax) plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) for _which in ('right', 'top'): plt.gca().spines[_which].set_color('none') vlt.auto_adjust_subplots(subplot_params=dict(wspace=0.25, hspace=0.15)) vlt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='q2')) if except ImportError: pass try: if not plot3d: raise ImportError from viscid.plot import vlab try: fig = _global_ns['figure'] vlab.clf() except KeyError: fig = vlab.figure(size=[1200, 800], offscreen=not, bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0)) _global_ns['figure'] = fig for i, method in zip(count(), methods): # if i in (3, 4): # next_plot_fname(__file__, series='q3') # print(i, "::", [line.shape[1] for line in all_lines[i]]) # # continue vlab.clf() _lshell_diff = [np.abs(s) for s in all_lshell_diffs[i]] vlab.plot3d_lines(all_lines[i], scalars=_lshell_diff) vlab.colorbar(title="Relative L-Shell Error (as fraction)") vlab.title(method, size=0.5) vlab.orientation_axes() vlab.view(azimuth=40, elevation=140, distance=80.0, focalpoint=[0, 0, 0]) vlab.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='q3')) if except ImportError: pass # prevent weird xorg bad-instructions on tear down if 'figure' in _global_ns and _global_ns['figure'] is not None: from viscid.plot import vlab vlab.mlab.close(_global_ns['figure']) return 0