def register_window(cls, win): if len(cls.registered_windows()) > 0: # visit will always have one valid window # when more than one Window instance is registered # we need to add an addtional window. visit.AddWindow() # get active window id from global atts gatts = visit.GetGlobalAttributes() rid =[gatts.activeWindow] visit.SetActiveWindow(rid) cls.__windows[rid] = win return rid
def doLineout(self): print("LineoutAsynchTask.doLineout()") assert(self._state == self.STATE_INITIAL) # current state try: if (2 in visit.GetGlobalAttributes().GetWindows()): visit.SetActiveWindow(2) assert visit.GetNumPlots()==0 print("passed assertion that Window2 doesn't exist yet or has no plots") print(visit.SetActiveWindow(1)) visit.Lineout(self._startPoint, self._endPoint) self._state = self.STATE_1_CHECK_DATA # new state finally: visit.SetActiveWindow(1)
def WriteScript(f): """Write Python code to replicate the current VisIt state to the specified file object. Example: f = open('', 'wt') WriteScript(f) f.close() """ def object_type(obj): return str(type(obj))[7:-2] def write_state_object_atts(f, atts, name): lines = str(atts).split('\n') for line in lines: if line == '' or line[0] == '#': continue if '#' in line: pos = string.find(line, "=") if '"' in line[pos + 2:]: f.write('%s.%s\n' % (name, line)) else: f.write('%s.%s%s.%s\n' % (name, line[:pos + 2], name, line[pos + 2:])) else: f.write('%s.%s\n' % (name, line)) def write_state_object(f, atts, name): typename = object_type(atts) f.write('%s = %s()\n' % (name, typename)) write_state_object_atts(f, atts, name) def write_state_object_atts_diffs(f, atts, defaultatts, name): lines = str(atts).split('\n') defaultlines = str(defaultatts).split('\n') if len(lines) != len(defaultlines): write_state_object_atts(f, atts, name) return 1 wroteline = 0 for i in range(len(lines)): line = lines[i] if line == '' or line[0] == '#': continue # If the lines are the same then don't output the line. if line == defaultlines[i]: continue if '#' in line: pos = string.find(line, "=") if '"' in line[pos + 2:]: f.write('%s.%s\n' % (name, line)) wroteline = 1 else: f.write('%s.%s%s.%s\n' % (name, line[:pos + 2], name, line[pos + 2:])) wroteline = 1 else: f.write('%s.%s\n' % (name, line)) wroteline = 1 return wroteline def write_state_object_diffs(f, atts, defaultatts, name): typename = object_type(atts) f.write('%s = %s()\n' % (name, typename)) return write_state_object_atts_diffs(f, atts, defaultatts, name) def write_color_tables(f): f.write('# Write color tables\n') # The list of built-in color table names. builtin_cts = ('Accent', 'Blues', 'BrBG', 'BuGn', 'BuPu', 'Dark2', 'GnBu', 'Greens', 'Greys', 'OrRd', 'Oranges', 'PRGn', 'Paired', 'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'PiYG', 'PuBu', 'PuBuGn', 'PuOr', 'PuRd', 'Purples', 'RdBu', 'RdGy', 'RdPu', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn', 'Reds', 'Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3', 'Spectral', 'YlGn', 'YlGnBu', 'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd', 'amino_rasmol', 'amino_shapely', 'bluehot', 'caleblack', 'calewhite', 'contoured', 'cpk_jmol', 'cpk_rasmol', 'difference', 'gray', 'hot', 'hot_and_cold', 'hot_desaturated', 'levels', 'orangehot', 'rainbow', 'xray') ctlist = visit.ColorTableNames() for name in ctlist: # Only write the color tables not in builtin_cts. Assume they are unchanged. if not name in builtin_cts: ct = visit.GetColorTable(name) f.write('ct = ColorControlPointList()\n') for i in range(ct.GetNumControlPoints()): pname = "p%d" % i f.write('%s = ColorControlPoint()\n' % pname) f.write('%s.colors = %s\n' % (pname, str(ct.GetControlPoints(i).colors))) f.write('%s.position = %s\n' % (pname, str(ct.GetControlPoints(i).position))) f.write('ct.AddControlPoints(%s)\n' % pname) f.write('AddColorTable("%s", ct)\n' % name) def write_sil(f): silr = visit.SILRestriction() nsets = [0, 0] for setid in range(silr.NumSets()): if silr.UsesData(setid): nsets[1] += 1 else: nsets[0] += 1 f.write('silr = SILRestriction()\n') if nsets[1] == silr.NumSets(): f.write('silr.TurnOnAll()\n') elif nsets[0] < nsets[1]: # More sets were on so we'll turn them all on and then turn off sets # that were off. sets = [] for setid in range(silr.NumSets()): if not silr.UsesData(setid) and len(silr.MapsOut(setid)) == 0: sets.append(setid) if len(sets) == 0: f.write('silr.TurnOffAll()\n') elif len(sets) == 1: f.write('silr.TurnOnAll()\n') f.write('silr.TurnOffSet("%s")\n' % silr.SetName(sets[0])) else: f.write('silr.SuspendCorrectnessChecking()\n') f.write('silr.TurnOnAll()\n') if 0: #For now. silr.SetIndex() is buggy. #if len(sets) < 100: line = 'offSets = (' linelen = len(line) for i in range(len(sets)): s = '"%s", ' % silr.SetName(sets[i]) line = line + s linelen = linelen + len(s) if linelen > 80: line = line + '\n' linelen = 0 line = line + ')\n' f.write('%s' % line) f.write('offSets = (') for i in range(len(sets)): f.write('"%s", ' % silr.SetName(sets[i])) f.write(')\n') f.write('for silSet in offSets:\n') f.write(' silr.TurnOffSet(silr.SetIndex(silSet))\n') else: line = 'offSets = (' linelen = len(line) for i in range(len(sets)): s = '%d, ' % sets[i] line = line + s linelen = linelen + len(s) if linelen > 80: line = line + '\n' linelen = 0 line = line + ')\n' f.write('%s' % line) f.write('for silSet in offSets:\n') f.write(' silr.TurnOffSet(silSet)\n') f.write('silr.EnableCorrectnessChecking()\n') else: # More sets were off so we'll turn them all off and then turn on sets # that were on. sets = [] for setid in range(silr.NumSets()): if silr.UsesData(setid) and len(silr.MapsOut(setid)) == 0: sets.append(setid) if len(sets) == 0: f.write('silr.TurnOffAll()\n') elif len(sets) == 1: f.write('silr.TurnOffAll()\n') f.write('silr.TurnOnSet("%s")\n' % silr.SetName(sets[0])) else: f.write('silr.SuspendCorrectnessChecking()\n') f.write('silr.TurnOffAll()\n') if 0: #For now. silr.SetIndex() is buggy. #if len(sets) < 100: line = 'onSets = (' linelen = len(line) for i in range(len(sets)): s = '"%s", ' % silr.SetName(sets[i]) line = line + s linelen = linelen + len(s) if linelen > 80: line = line + '\n' linelen = 0 line = line + ')\n' f.write('%s' % line) f.write('for silSet in onSets:\n') f.write(' silr.TurnOnSet(silr.SetIndex(silSet))\n') else: line = 'onSets = (' linelen = len(line) for i in range(len(sets)): s = '%d, ' % sets[i] line = line + s linelen = linelen + len(s) if linelen > 80: line = line + '\n' linelen = 0 line = line + ')\n' f.write('%s' % line) f.write('for silSet in onSets:\n') f.write(' silr.TurnOnSet(silSet)\n') f.write('silr.EnableCorrectnessChecking()\n') f.write('SetPlotSILRestriction(silr, 0)\n') def write_sil99(f): silr = visit.SILRestriction() f.write('silr = SILRestriction()\n') if silr.UsesAllData(): f.write('silr.TurnOnAll()\n') else: f.write('silr.SuspendCorrectnessChecking()\n') onSets = [] offSets = [] for cat in silr.Categories(): sets = silr.SetsInCategory(cat) for s in sets: enabled = silr.UsesData(s) if enabled: onSets.append(s) else: offSets.append(s) if len(onSets) > len(offSets): f.write('silr.TurnOnAll()\n') if len(offSets) < 100: # With a small number of sets, mention them by name. f.write('offSets = (') for s in offSets: f.write('"%s", ' % silr.SetName(s)) f.write(')\n') f.write('for setName in offSets:\n') f.write(' silr.TurnOffSet(silr.SetIndex(setName))\n') else: f.write('offSets = (') for s in offSets: f.write('%d, ' % s) f.write(')\n') f.write('for setIndex in offSets:\n') f.write(' silr.TurnOffSet(setIndex)\n') else: f.write('silr.TurnOffAll()\n') if len(onSets) < 100: # With a small number of sets, mention them by name. f.write('onSets = (') for s in onSets: f.write('"%s", ' % silr.SetName(s)) f.write(')\n') f.write('for setName in onSets:\n') f.write(' silr.TurnOnSet(silr.SetIndex(setName))\n') else: f.write('onSets = (') for s in onSets: f.write('%d, ' % s) f.write(')\n') f.write('for setIndex in onSets:\n') f.write(' silr.TurnOnSet(setIndex)\n') f.write('silr.EnableCorrectnessChecking()\n') f.write('SetPlotSILRestriction(silr, 0)\n') def write_plots(f): f.write('# Create plots\n') pL = visit.GetPlotList() activePlots = [] for i in range(visit.GetNumPlots()): plot = pL.GetPlots(i) if plot.activeFlag: activePlots = activePlots + [i] plotName = visit.PlotPlugins()[plot.plotType] visit.SetActivePlots(i) f.write('# Create plot %d\n' % (i + 1)) f.write('OpenDatabase("%s")\n' % plot.databaseName) f.write('AddPlot("%s", "%s", 0, 0)\n' % (plotName, plot.plotVar)) atts = eval("visit." + plotName + "Attributes(1)") defaultatts = eval("visit." + plotName + "Attributes()") if write_state_object_diffs(f, atts, defaultatts, "atts"): f.write('SetPlotOptions(atts)\n') else: f.write('#SetPlotOptions(atts)\n') opIndex = 0 for op in plot.operatorNames: f.write('AddOperator("%s", 0)\n' % op) opAtts = visit.GetOperatorOptions(opIndex) defaultAtts = eval("visit." + object_type(opAtts) + "()") if write_state_object_diffs(f, opAtts, defaultAtts, "opAtts"): f.write('SetOperatorOptions(opAtts)\n') else: f.write('#SetOperatorOptions(opAtts)\n') opIndex += 1 # Set the SIL restriction write_sil(f) f.write('\n') if len(activePlots) > 1: f.write('SetActivePlots(%s)\n\n' % str(activePlots)) visit.SetActivePlots(activePlots) elif len(activePlots) == 1: f.write('SetActivePlots(%d)\n\n' % activePlots[0]) visit.SetActivePlots(activePlots[0]) def set_annotation_objects(f, prefix): f.write('# Set annotation object properties\n') names = visit.GetAnnotationObjectNames() index = 0 plotNames = [] for name in names: obj = visit.GetAnnotationObject(name) objtype = object_type(obj) newname = prefix + "obj%03d" % index index = index + 1 if objtype == 'LineObject': f.write('%s = CreateAnnotationObject("Line2D", "%s")\n' % (newname, name)) elif objtype == 'Text2DObject': f.write('%s = CreateAnnotationObject("Text2D", "%s")\n' % (newname, name)) elif objtype == 'ImageObject': f.write('%s = CreateAnnotationObject("Image", "%s")\n' % (newname, name)) elif objtype == 'TimeSliderObject': f.write('%s = CreateAnnotationObject("TimeSlider", "%s")\n' % (newname, name)) elif objtype == 'LegendAttributesObject': plotNames = plotNames + [name] continue write_state_object_atts(f, obj, newname) f.write('\n') index = 0 for name in plotNames: legend = prefix + "legend%03d" % index f.write( '%s = GetAnnotationObject(GetPlotList().GetPlots(%d).plotName)\n' % (legend, index)) write_state_object_atts(f, visit.GetAnnotationObject(name), legend) index += 1 f.write('\n') def write_window(f, prefix): # Window setup f.write('width, height = %d, %d\n' % visit.GetWindowInformation().windowSize) f.write( 'win = GetGlobalAttributes().windows[GetGlobalAttributes().activeWindow]\n' ) f.write('ResizeWindow(win, width, height)\n') f.write('SetActiveWindow(win) # Synchronize\n') f.write('size = GetWindowInformation().windowSize\n') f.write('if width < size[0] or height < size[1]:\n') f.write( ' ResizeWindow(win, width + (size[0] - width), height + (size[1] - height))\n' ) f.write('DeleteAllPlots()\n') f.write('for name in GetAnnotationObjectNames():\n') f.write(' DeleteAnnotationObject(name)\n') f.write('\n') # Write the plots. write_plots(f) f.write('DrawPlots()\n\n') # Set the view f.write('# Set the view\n') if visit.GetWindowInformation().viewDimension == 1: view = visit.GetViewCurve() elif visit.GetWindowInformation().viewDimension == 2: view = visit.GetView2D() else: view = visit.GetView3D() write_state_object(f, view, "view") if visit.GetWindowInformation().viewDimension == 1: f.write('SetViewCurve(view)\n') elif visit.GetWindowInformation().viewDimension == 2: f.write('SetView2D(view)\n') else: f.write('SetView3D(view)\n') f.write('\n') # Get the annotation attributes f.write('# Set the annotation attributes\n') annot = visit.GetAnnotationAttributes() if write_state_object_diffs(f, annot, visit.AnnotationAttributes(), "annot"): f.write('SetAnnotationAttributes(annot)\n\n') else: f.write('#SetAnnotationAttributes(annot)\n\n') set_annotation_objects(f, prefix) # Define expressions f.write('# Define expressions\n') expr = visit.ExpressionList(1) for i in range(expr.GetNumExpressions()): e = expr.GetExpressions(i) if e.fromDB == 0 and e.fromOperator == 0: if e.type == e.ScalarMeshVar: f.write('DefineScalarExpression("%s", "%s")\n' % (, e.definition)) elif e.type == e.VectorMeshVar: f.write('DefineVectorExpression("%s", "%s")\n' % (, e.definition)) elif e.type == e.TensorMeshVar: f.write('DefineTensorExpression("%s", "%s")\n' % (, e.definition)) elif e.type == e.ArrayMeshVar: f.write('DefineArrayExpression("%s", "%s")\n' % (, e.definition)) elif e.type == e.CurveMeshVar: f.write('DefineCurveExpression("%s", "%s")\n' % (, e.definition)) elif e.type == e.Mesh: f.write('DefineMeshExpression("%s", "%s")\n' % (, e.definition)) # Write the definitions of any non-standard color tables. write_color_tables(f) g = visit.GetGlobalAttributes() index = 0 f.write('SetCloneWindowOnFirstRef(0)\n') for win in visit.SetActiveWindow(win) f.write( '###############################################################################\n' ) if index > 0: f.write('AddWindow()\n') write_window(f, "win%d_" % index) index += 1 f.write('SetActiveWindow(GetGlobalAttributes().windows[%d])\n' % g.activeWindow) visit.SetActiveWindow([g.activeWindow])