def initialize_frame(self, time, image, measure): nf = super(VisualGPSNav, self).initialize_frame(time, image, measure) if nf.measure: old_kf = [kf for kf in self.state.keyframes if kf.measure] nf.measure.time_adj = old_kf[-1].measure.time_adj if len(old_kf) > 0 else 0 geodetic_origin = self.geodetic_origin lat, lon, alt =[0:3] roll, pitch, yaw =[3:6] b2c_roll, b2c_pitch, b2c_yaw =[6:9] # world frame: +z up, +x is east, +y is north # body frame: +z down, +x is fw towards north, +y is right wing (east) # camera frame: +z into the image plane, -y is up, +x is right # wf2bf_q = tools.eul_to_q((np.pi, -np.pi / 2), 'xz') # bf2cf = Pose(None, tools.eul_to_q((np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2), 'yz')) if 1: w2b_bf_q = tools.ypr_to_q(yaw, pitch, roll) b2c_bf_q = tools.ypr_to_q(b2c_yaw, b2c_pitch, b2c_roll) yaw, pitch, roll = tools.q_to_ypr(w2b_bf_q * b2c_bf_q * (self.ori_off_q or cf_w2c = tools.lla_ypr_to_loc_quat(geodetic_origin, [lat, lon, alt], [yaw, pitch, roll], b2c=self.bf2cf) if len(old_kf) > 0: cf_w2c.vel = (cf_w2c.loc - (-old_kf[-1].pose.prior).loc) / (nf.time - old_kf[-1].time).total_seconds() else: cf_w2c.vel = np.array([0, 0, 0]) nf.pose.prior = -cf_w2c else: wf_body_r = tools.to_cartesian(lat, lon, alt, *geodetic_origin) bf_world_body_q = tools.ypr_to_q(yaw, pitch, roll) if 0: cf_world_q = bf_cam_q.conj() * bf_world_body_q.conj() cf_body_r = tools.q_times_v(bf_cam_q.conj(), -bf_cam_r) cf_body_world_r = tools.q_times_v(cf_world_q * self.wf2bf_q.conj(), -wf_body_r) nf.pose.prior = Pose(cf_body_r + cf_body_world_r, cf_world_q * bf_cam_q) else: bf_world_q = bf_world_body_q.conj() * self.wf2bf_q.conj() cf_world_q = bf_cam_q.conj() * bf_world_q cf_body_r = tools.q_times_v(bf_cam_q.conj(), -bf_cam_r) cf_body_world_r = tools.q_times_v(cf_world_q, -wf_body_r) # bf_cam_q.conj() * bf_world_body_q.conj() * self.wf2bf_q.conj() nf.pose.prior = Pose(cf_body_r + cf_body_world_r, bf_cam_q.conj() * bf_world_body_q.conj() * bf_cam_q) # bf_cam_q.conj() * bf_world_body_q.conj() * bf_cam_q # (NokiaSensor.w2b_q * NokiaSensor.b2c_q) * prior.quat.conj() # self.wf2bf_q * bf_cam_q * (bf_cam_q.conj() * bf_world_body_q.conj() * bf_cam_q).conj() # => self.wf2bf_q * bf_cam_q //*// bf_cam_q.conj() * bf_world_body_q * bf_cam_q //*// # self.wf2bf_q * bf_cam_q //*// bf_cam_q.conj() * bf_world_body_q * bf_cam_q //*// bf_cam_q.conj() * bf_world_body_q.conj() * self.wf2bf_q.conj() return nf
def init_odo(self): sc = 0.5 params = { 'use_ba': True, 'new_keyframe_ba': False, 'threaded_ba': False, # TODO: debug adjustment to new keyframes & 3d points (!!) after ba completed 'online_cam_calib': False, 'verify_feature_tracks': True, 'max_keypoints': 320, # 315 'min_keypoint_dist': round(50 * sc), 'min_tracking_quality': 0.0005, # def 0.0001, was 0.0003 'repr_refine_kp_uv': False, 'repr_refine_coef': 0.2, 'refine_kp_uv': False, 'max_kp_refine_dist': 5, 'repr_err_fov_ratio': 0.0005, # was 0.002 'max_repr_err_fov_ratio': 0.003, # was 0.003 'est_2d2d_prob': 0.9999, 'pose_2d2d_quality_lim': 0.04, 'use_3d2d_ransac': False, 'opt_init_ransac': False, # 'est_3d2d_iter_count': 10000, 'new_kf_min_displ_fov_ratio': 0.016, 'ini_kf_triangulation_trigger': 40, 'max_keyframes': 50000, 'max_ba_keyframes': 60, 'ba_interval': 10, 'max_ba_fun_eval': 25 * 2, 'loc_err_sd': 2, 'ori_err_sd': math.radians(5.0), } if 0: params.update({ 'orb_feature_tracking': True, 'orb_search_dist': 0.03, # in fov ratio 'max_keypoints': 2000, 'min_keypoint_dist': round(20 * sc), 'repr_err_fov_ratio': 0.006, # was 0.004 'max_repr_err_fov_ratio': 0.008, # was 0.006 }) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) odo = VisualGPSNav(, round( * sc), geodetic_origin=self.coord0, wf_body_q=self.w2b_q, bf_cam_pose=Pose(np.array([0, 0, 0]), self.b2c_q), verbose=1, pause=False, **params) return odo
def get_pose(self, coord0, mes0, mes1, weight, full_rot): ypr0 = np.flip(mes0[3:6]) if full_rot else [mes0[5], 0, 0] ypr1 = np.flip(mes1[3:6]) if full_rot else [mes1[5], 0, 0] cf_w2c0 = tools.lla_ypr_to_loc_quat(coord0, mes0[:3], ypr0, b2c=self.b2c) cf_w2c1 = tools.lla_ypr_to_loc_quat(coord0, mes1[:3], ypr1, b2c=self.b2c) delta = cf_w2c1 - cf_w2c0 aa = tools.q_to_angleaxis(delta.quat) aa[0] = tools.wrap_rads(aa[0]) * weight cf_w2c = Pose(cf_w2c0.loc * (1 - weight) + cf_w2c1.loc * weight, tools.angleaxis_to_q(aa) * cf_w2c0.quat) cf_c2w = -cf_w2c return cf_c2w
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Estimate depthmaps using COLMAP') parser.add_argument('-i', '--kapture', required=True, help='input path to kapture data root directory') parser.add_argument('-s', '--sensor', default='cam', help='input kapture image sensor name') parser.add_argument('-nl', '--keypoint', default='gftt', help='input kapture keypoint type name') parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', required=True, help='output base path') parser.add_argument('-t', '--txt', default='txt', help='output text folder name') parser.add_argument('-d', '--dense', default='dense', help='output dense folder name') parser.add_argument('-e', '--export', help='export depth maps here') parser.add_argument( '--export-bits', type=int, default=32, choices=(16, 24, 32), help= 'Export depth and geometry using float16/24/32 exr-files (default 32). Safe range of ' 'values can be calculated using (2**ceil(log(trg_prec * 2**x)/log(2)) - 1), where ' 'trg_prec is the target precision and x is the length of the significand ' '(10, 15, 23 for 16, 24, 32 bit floats, respectively). ' 'E.g., if ground resolution at 100m for fl=2315px is 0.043m (100/2315), the safe range ' 'for different choices would be [-63, 63], [-2047, 2047], and [-524287, 524287].' ) parser.add_argument('-c', '--cmd', help='path to colmap command') parser.add_argument( '--composite-cmd', help= 'composite cmd to invoke colmap command, e.g. "singularity exec colmap.sif colmap"' ) parser.add_argument( '--gpu', default='0', help='gpu indices to use, e.g. 0 (default) or 0,0,0,0 or 0,1,2') parser.add_argument('--mem', default=32, type=int, help='max mem usage in GB ') parser.add_argument('--min-depth', type=float, default=10, help='min depth for depth map estimation') parser.add_argument('--max-depth', type=float, default=200, help='max depth for depth map estimation') parser.add_argument( '--win-rad', type=int, default=5, help='window radius for colmap depth map estimation (default=5)') parser.add_argument( '--win-step', type=int, default=1, help='window step size for colmap depth map estimation (default=1)') parser.add_argument('--filter-min-ncc', type=float, default=0.1, help='--PatchMatchStereo.filter_min_ncc arg (=0.1)') parser.add_argument( '--filter-min-triangulation-angle', type=float, default=3.0, help='--PatchMatchStereo.filter_min_triangulation_angle arg (=3.0)') parser.add_argument( '--filter-min-num-consistent', type=int, default=2, help='--PatchMatchStereo.filter_min_num_consistent arg (=2)') parser.add_argument( '--filter-geom-consistency-max-cost', type=float, default=1.0, help='--PatchMatchStereo.filter_geom_consistency_max_cost arg (=1.0)') parser.add_argument('--plot-only', action='store_true', help='plot only export results') parser.add_argument('--skip-import', action='store_true', help='skip importing kapture to colmap format') parser.add_argument('--skip-depth-est', action='store_true', help='skip depth map estimation') parser.add_argument('--skip-export', action='store_true', help='skip exporting depth maps to exr format') parser.add_argument('--skip-depth-filter', action='store_true', help='skip extra filter scheme for depth map') parser.add_argument( '--plot', help='during export, only process and plot the frame given here') args = parser.parse_args() txt_rec = os.path.join(args.path, args.txt) db_path = os.path.join(args.path, 'colmap.db') img_path = get_record_fullpath(args.kapture) dense_path = os.path.join(args.path, args.dense) os.makedirs(os.path.join(dense_path, 'images', args.sensor), exist_ok=True) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if not args.export: args.export = os.path.join(args.kapture, 'reconstruction') if args.plot_only: plot_only(args.export, args.plot) exit() if args.composite_cmd: cmd = args.composite_cmd.split(' ') else: assert args.cmd, 'either --cmd or --composite-cmd argument needs to be given' cmd = [args.cmd] if not args.skip_import: export_colmap(args.kapture, db_path, txt_rec, keypoints_type=args.keypoint, force_overwrite_existing=True) image_undistorter_args = [ "image_undistorter", "--image_path", img_path, "--input_path", txt_rec, "--output_path", dense_path, "--blank_pixels", "1", ] exec_cmd(cmd + image_undistorter_args) for f in ('consistency_graphs', 'depth_maps', 'normal_maps'): os.makedirs(os.path.join(dense_path, 'stereo', f, args.sensor), exist_ok=True) if not args.skip_depth_est: patch_match_stereo_args = [ "patch_match_stereo", "--workspace_path", dense_path, "--PatchMatchStereo.depth_min", str(args.min_depth), "--PatchMatchStereo.depth_max", str(args.max_depth), "--PatchMatchStereo.window_radius", str(args.win_rad), "--PatchMatchStereo.window_step", str(args.win_step), "--PatchMatchStereo.gpu_index", args.gpu, "--PatchMatchStereo.cache_size", str(args.mem), "--PatchMatchStereo.filter_min_ncc", str(args.filter_min_ncc), "--PatchMatchStereo.filter_min_triangulation_angle", str(args.filter_min_triangulation_angle), "--PatchMatchStereo.filter_min_num_consistent", str(args.filter_min_num_consistent), "--PatchMatchStereo.filter_geom_consistency_max_cost", str(args.filter_geom_consistency_max_cost), ] exec_cmd(cmd + patch_match_stereo_args) if not args.skip_export: depth_path = os.path.join(dense_path, 'stereo', 'depth_maps', args.sensor) os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.export, 'depth'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.export, 'geometry'), exist_ok=True) kapt = kapture_from_dir(args.kapture) sensor_id, width, height, fl_x, fl_y, pp_x, pp_y, *dist_coefs = get_cam_params( kapt, args.sensor) file2id = {fn[sensor_id]: id for id, fn in kapt.records_camera.items()} if args.export_bits == 16: exr_params_d = exr_params_xyz = (cv2.IMWRITE_EXR_TYPE, cv2.IMWRITE_EXR_TYPE_HALF) else: exr_params_d = exr_params_xyz = (cv2.IMWRITE_EXR_TYPE, cv2.IMWRITE_EXR_TYPE_FLOAT) if args.export_bits == 24: if hasattr(cv2, 'IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION'): # supported in OpenCV 4, see descriptions at # # or exr_params_d += (cv2.IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION, cv2.IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION_PXR24 ) # zip 24bit floats exr_params_xyz += (cv2.IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION, cv2.IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION_PXR24) else: logging.warning( 'This version of OpenCV does not support PXR24 compression, defaulting to float32' ) elif hasattr(cv2, 'IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION'): exr_params_d += (cv2.IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION, cv2.IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION_ZIP ) # zip 32bit floats exr_params_xyz += (cv2.IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION, cv2.IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION_ZIP)'Exporting geometric depth maps in EXR format...') for fname in tqdm.tqdm(os.listdir(depth_path), mininterval=3): m ='(.*?)(\.jpg|\.png|\.jpeg)?\.geometric\.bin', fname) if m and (not args.plot or m[1] == args.plot): depth0 = read_colmap_array(os.path.join(depth_path, fname)) depth0[depth0 <= args.min_depth] = np.nan depth0[depth0 >= args.max_depth] = np.nan depth = depth0 if args.skip_depth_filter else filter_depth( depth0, args) if width != depth.shape[1] or height != depth.shape[0]: logging.warning( 'Depth map for image %s is different size than the camera resolution %s vs %s' % (m[1] + m[2], depth.shape, (height, width))) outfile = os.path.join(args.export, 'depth', m[1] + '.d.exr') cv2.imwrite(outfile, depth, exr_params_d) frame_id = file2id.get( args.sensor + '/' + m[1] + m[2], file2id.get(args.sensor + '\\' + m[1] + m[2], None)) cf_cam_world_v, cf_cam_world_q = kapt.trajectories[frame_id][ sensor_id].t, kapt.trajectories[frame_id][sensor_id].r cf_world_cam = -Pose(cf_cam_world_v, cf_cam_world_q) px_u = cam_px_u(depth.shape[1], depth.shape[0], fl_x, fl_y, pp_x, pp_y) # the depth is actually the z-component, not the distance from the camera to the surface dist = depth.flatten() / px_u[:, 2] px_u = tools.q_times_mx(cf_world_cam.quat, px_u * dist[:, None]) xyz = px_u.reshape(depth.shape + (3, )) + cf_world_cam.loc.reshape((1, 1, 3)) outfile = os.path.join(args.export, 'geometry', m[1] + '.xyz.exr') cv2.imwrite(outfile, xyz.astype(np.float32), exr_params_xyz) if args.plot: _, depth2 = filter_depth(depth0, args, return_interm=True) xyz = xyz.reshape((-1, 3)) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D plt.figure(1) plt.imshow(depth0) plt.figure(2) plt.imshow(depth2) plt.figure(3) plt.imshow(depth) f = plt.figure(4) a = f.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') a.set_xlabel('x') a.set_ylabel('y') a.set_zlabel('z') a.plot(xyz[::5, 0], xyz[::5, 1], xyz[::5, 2], '.')
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Estimate focal length and simple radial distortion based on ' 'flat ground at the starting location') parser.add_argument( '--path', nargs='+', required=True, help='path to folder with result.pickle and kapture-folder') parser.add_argument('--takeoff', nargs='+', type=int, required=True, help='take-off trajectory in question?') parser.add_argument('--first-frame', '-f', nargs='+', type=int, required=True, help='first frame') parser.add_argument('--last-frame', '-l', nargs='+', type=int, required=True, help='last frame') parser.add_argument('--img-sc', default=0.5, type=float, help='image scale') parser.add_argument('--nadir-looking', action='store_true', help='is cam looking down? used for plots only') parser.add_argument('--ini-fl', type=float, help='initial value for focal length') parser.add_argument('--ini-cx', type=float, help='initial value for x principal point') parser.add_argument('--ini-cy', type=float, help='initial value for y principal point') parser.add_argument('--ini-dist', nargs='+', default=[], type=float, help='initial values for radial distortion coefs') parser.add_argument('--fix-fl', action='store_true', help='do not optimize focal length') parser.add_argument('--fix-dist', action='store_true', help='do not optimize distortion coefs') parser.add_argument( '--pre-ba', action='store_true', help='run one ba pass to update params before optimization') parser.add_argument('--pre-ba-dist-opt', action='store_true', help='optimize r1 and r2 params during pre ba') parser.add_argument('--plot-init', action='store_true', help='plot initial result, after pre ba') parser.add_argument('--opt-loc', action='store_true', help='use gps measure error') parser.add_argument( '--opt-disp', action='store_true', help='use dispersion around estimated surface as a measure') parser.add_argument('--opt-pitch', action='store_true', help='expect pitch to not change') parser.add_argument( '--opt-ground', type=float, help='expect the ground to be at this altitude [m] in the final frame') args = parser.parse_args() cf_args = [] for i, path in enumerate(args.path): with open(os.path.join(path, 'result.pickle'), 'rb') as fh: results, map3d, frame_names, meta_names, gt, ba_errs = pickle.load( fh) kapt = kapture_from_dir(os.path.join(path, 'kapture')) sensor_id, width, height, fl_x, fl_y, pp_x, pp_y, *dist_coefs = get_cam_params( kapt, SENSOR_NAME) if args.ini_fl: fl_x = fl_y = args.ini_fl * args.img_sc if args.ini_cx: pp_x = args.ini_cx * args.img_sc if args.ini_cy: pp_y = args.ini_cy * args.img_sc dist_n = np.where(np.array(dist_coefs) != 0)[0][-1] + 1 dist_coefs = dist_coefs[:dist_n] x0 = list( (args.ini_fl * args.img_sc if args.ini_fl else (fl_x + fl_y) / 2, *(args.ini_dist if len(args.ini_dist) else dist_coefs))) print('loading poses and keypoints...') poses, pts3d, pts2d, cam_idxs, pt3d_idxs, meas_r, meas_aa, meas_idxs, obs_kp = \ get_ba_params(path, args.first_frame[i], args.last_frame[i], results, kapt, sensor_id) if args.pre_ba: if not args.pre_ba_dist_opt: print('running initial global bundle adjustment...') poses, pts3d, _, _, _ = run_ba(width, height, pp_x, pp_y, x0[0], x0[1:], poses, pts3d, pts2d, cam_idxs, pt3d_idxs, meas_r, meas_aa, meas_idxs, optimize_dist=True) if args.pre_ba_dist_opt: print( 'running initial global bundle adjustment with cam params...' ) poses, pts3d, dist, cam_intr, _ = run_ba( width, height, pp_x, pp_y, x0[0], x0[1:], poses, pts3d, pts2d, cam_idxs, pt3d_idxs, meas_r, meas_aa, meas_idxs, optimize_dist=PRE_BA_DIST_ENABLED, n_cam_intr=N_CAM_INTR) if PRE_BA_DIST_ENABLED: x0[1:3] = dist[:2] if cam_intr is not None: if len(cam_intr) != 2: x0[0] = cam_intr[0] if len(cam_intr) > 1: pp_x, pp_y = cam_intr[-2:] lbl = ['fl', 'cx, cy', 'fl, cx, cy'][len(cam_intr) - 1] print('new k1, k2: %s, new %s: %s' % (dist, lbl, list(np.array(cam_intr) / args.img_sc))) else: print('new k1, k2: %s' % (dist, )) results = results[:len(poses)] for j in range(len(results)): results[j][0].post = Pose(poses[j, 3:], tools.angleaxis_to_q(poses[j, :3])) map3d = [Keypoint(pt3d=pts3d[j, :]) for j in range(len(pts3d))] with open(os.path.join(path, 'global-ba-result.pickle'), 'wb') as fh: pickle.dump( (results, map3d, frame_names, meta_names, gt, ba_errs), fh) if args.plot_init: plot_results(results, map3d, frame_names, meta_names, nadir_looking=args.nadir_looking) error_types = {ERROR_TYPE_REPROJECTION} if args.opt_loc: error_types.add(ERROR_TYPE_LOCATION) if args.takeoff[i]: error_types.update({ERROR_TYPE_ALTITUDE, ERROR_TYPE_CURVATURE}) if args.opt_disp: error_types.add(ERROR_TYPE_DISPERSION) elif args.opt_pitch: error_types.add(ERROR_TYPE_PITCH) ground_alt = TAKEOFF_LAWN_ALT if args.opt_ground is not None: error_types.add(ERROR_TYPE_ALTITUDE) ground_alt = args.opt_ground cf_args.append( (width, height, pp_x, pp_y, poses, pts3d, pts2d, cam_idxs, pt3d_idxs, meas_r, meas_aa, meas_idxs, obs_kp, ground_alt, error_types, x0[0] if args.fix_fl else None, x0[1:] if args.fix_dist else None)) print('optimizing focal length and radial distortion coefs...') lo_bounds = (0.7 * x0[0], ) hi_bounds = (1.4 * x0[0], ) diff_step = (0.0003, ) if len(x0) - 1 == 1: lo_bounds += (-0.12, ) hi_bounds += (0.12, ) diff_step += (0.001, ) elif len(x0) - 1 == 2: lo_bounds += (-0.2, -0.6) hi_bounds += (0.2, 0.6) diff_step += (0.001, 0.01) elif len(x0) - 1 == 4: lo_bounds += (-0.5, -0.5, -0.01, -0.01) hi_bounds += (0.5, 0.5, 0.01, 0.01) diff_step += (0.001, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01) else: assert False, 'not supported' if 0: # optimize focal length, simple radial distortion using gaussian process hyperparameter search # TODO pass elif not args.fix_fl and not args.fix_dist: res = least_squares(costfun, tuple(x0), verbose=2, ftol=1e-5, xtol=1e-5, gtol=1e-8, max_nfev=1000, bounds=(lo_bounds, hi_bounds), diff_step=diff_step, args=(cf_args, )) elif args.fix_fl: res = least_squares(costfun, tuple(x0[1:]), verbose=2, ftol=1e-5, xtol=1e-5, gtol=1e-8, max_nfev=1000, bounds=(lo_bounds[1:], hi_bounds[1:]), diff_step=diff_step[1:], args=(cf_args, )) elif args.fix_dist: res = least_squares(costfun, tuple(x0[0:1]), verbose=2, ftol=1e-5, xtol=1e-5, gtol=1e-8, max_nfev=1000, bounds=(lo_bounds[0], hi_bounds[0]), diff_step=diff_step[0], args=(cf_args, )) costfun(res.x, cf_args, plot=True)
def traj_costfun(x, width, height, pp_x, pp_y, poses, pts3d, pts2d, cam_idxs, pt3d_idxs, meas_r, meas_aa, meas_idxs, obs_kp, ground_alt, error_types, def_fl=None, def_dist=None, plot=False): if def_fl is None and def_dist is None: fl, dist_coefs = abs(x[0]), x[1:] elif def_dist is None: fl, dist_coefs = def_fl, x else: fl, dist_coefs = abs(x[0]), def_dist # run ba new_poses, new_pts3d, _, _, ba_errs = run_ba(width, height, pp_x, pp_y, fl, dist_coefs, poses, pts3d, pts2d, cam_idxs, pt3d_idxs, meas_r, meas_aa, meas_idxs) errs = [] labels = [] if ERROR_TYPE_REPROJECTION in error_types: err_repr = ERROR_COEFS[ERROR_TYPE_REPROJECTION] * np.nanmean( ba_errs[:, 0]) errs.append(err_repr) labels.append('repr') if ERROR_TYPE_LOCATION in error_types: err_repr = ERROR_COEFS[ERROR_TYPE_LOCATION] * np.nanmean( np.linalg.norm(ba_errs[:, 1:4], axis=1)) errs.append(err_repr) labels.append('loc') if {ERROR_TYPE_ALTITUDE, ERROR_TYPE_CURVATURE, ERROR_TYPE_DISPERSION}.intersection(error_types): new_pts3d = new_pts3d[obs_kp, :] # fit a plane, based on centroid = np.median(new_pts3d.T, axis=1, keepdims=True) svd = np.linalg.svd(new_pts3d.T - centroid) normal = svd[0][:, -1:].T # fit a parabolic surface to keypoints x0 = 0, *centroid.flatten(), *normal.flatten() res = least_squares(paraboloid_costfun, x0, verbose=0, ftol=1e-5, xtol=1e-5, gtol=1e-8, max_nfev=1000, loss='huber', f_scale=1.0, args=(new_pts3d, )) # extract a plane that corresponds to the fitted parabolic surface (should be more accurate than the median based) c, x0, y0, z0, xn, yn, zn = res.x if ERROR_TYPE_CURVATURE in error_types: errs.append(ERROR_COEFS[ERROR_TYPE_CURVATURE] * c) labels.append('curv') if ERROR_TYPE_DISPERSION in error_types: displ = np.abs( lim = np.quantile( displ, 0.8) # how well the keypoints lie on the estimated surface err_disp = np.mean(displ[displ < lim]) errs.append(ERROR_COEFS[ERROR_TYPE_DISPERSION] * err_disp) labels.append('disp') if ERROR_TYPE_ALTITUDE in error_types: centroid = np.array([x0, y0, z0]).reshape((1, 3)) normal = np.array([xn, yn, zn]).reshape((1, 3)) normal /= np.linalg.norm(normal) pose_cf = new_poses[meas_idxs[-1], :] loc_wf = ( -Pose(pose_cf[3:], tools.angleaxis_to_q(pose_cf[:3]))).loc is_takeoff = ERROR_TYPE_CURVATURE in error_types end_meas_alt = -meas_r[-1 if is_takeoff else 0, 2] - ground_alt # neg z-axis is altitude if 1: end_distance = np.abs([:, None] - centroid.flatten()[:, None])) err_alt = (end_meas_alt - end_distance)[0, 0] else: err_alt = np.quantile(-new_pts3d[:, 2], 0.2) - ground_alt errs.append(ERROR_COEFS[ERROR_TYPE_ALTITUDE] * err_alt / end_meas_alt) labels.append('alt') if ERROR_TYPE_PITCH in error_types: ypr = np.array( [tools.q_to_ypr(tools.angleaxis_to_q(p[:3])) for p in new_poses]) / np.pi * 180 err_pitch = ypr[-1, 1] - ypr[0, 1] errs.append(ERROR_COEFS[ERROR_TYPE_PITCH] * err_pitch) labels.append('pitch') print('=== fl: %s, dist: %s, cost: %s ===' % (fl / 0.5, dist_coefs, dict(zip(labels, errs)))) if plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.plot(new_pts3d[:, 0], new_pts3d[:, 1], new_pts3d[:, 2], 'C0.') return np.array(errs)
class ToyNokiaSensor(Mission): # world frame: +z up, +x is east, +y is north # body frame: +z down, +x is fw towards north, +y is right wing (east) # camera frame: +z into the image plane, -y is up (north), +x is right (east) w2b = Pose(None, tools.eul_to_q((np.pi, -np.pi / 2), 'xz')) b2c = Pose(None, tools.eul_to_q((np.pi / 2, ), 'z')) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ToyNokiaSensor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.real_cam = copy.deepcopy(self.init_cam()) if 0: self.real_cam.dist_coefs = [ -0.11250615, 0.14296794, 0, 0, -0.11678778 ] elif 1: self.real_cam.dist_coefs = [ -0.11250615, 0.14296794, -0.00175085, 0.00057391, -0.11678778 ] else: self.real_cam.dist_coefs = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] def init_data(self): from TelemetryParsing import readTelemetryCsv t_time, *t_data = readTelemetryCsv(self.data_path, None, None) coord0 = t_data[0][0], t_data[1][0], t_data[2][0] time0 = t_time[0].astype(np.float64) / 1e6 t_time = (t_time - t_time[0]).astype(np.float64) / 1e6 t_data = np.array(list(zip(*t_data)), dtype=np.float32) if 1: # filter so that images would be less jumpy for better feature tracking (problem with yaw [-pi, pi] though) t_data[:, :3] = cv2.filter2D(t_data[:, :3], cv2.CV_32F, np.ones((3, 1)) / 3) meas_interval = 10 frame_rate = 5 def data_gen(): first = True f_id = 0 prev_t_t = None prev_meas = None poses = [] for t_id, (t_t, meas_data) in enumerate(zip(t_time, t_data)): f_t = prev_t_t if t_id == 0 or self.first_frame is not None and t_t < self.first_frame / frame_rate + self.video_toff: f_id += meas_interval prev_t_t = t_t prev_meas = meas_data continue elif self.last_frame is not None and t_t > self.last_frame / frame_rate + self.video_toff: break # read a measurement full_rot = False dt = t_t - prev_t_t lat, lon, alt, roll, pitch, yaw, gimbal_roll, gimbal_pitch, gimbal_yaw = prev_meas if not full_rot: roll, pitch = 0, 0 meas = Measure(data=np.array([lat, lon, alt, roll, pitch, yaw]), time_off=prev_t_t - f_t) for i in range(meas_interval): pose = self.get_pose(coord0, prev_meas, meas_data, (f_t - prev_t_t) / dt, full_rot=full_rot) poses.append(pose) img = self.generate_image(pose) f_ts = datetime.fromtimestamp(f_t + time0).strftime( '%H:%M:%S.%f') t_ts = datetime.fromtimestamp(prev_t_t + time0).strftime( '%H:%M:%S.%f') yield img, f_t, 'frame-%d (%s)' % (f_id, f_ts), meas, ( 'meas-%d (%s)' % (t_id, t_ts)) if meas else None, None meas = None first = False f_t += dt / meas_interval f_id += 1 prev_t_t = t_t prev_meas = meas_data # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.plot(np.array([p.loc for p in poses])) # return data_gen(), time0, coord0 def get_pose(self, coord0, mes0, mes1, weight, full_rot): ypr0 = np.flip(mes0[3:6]) if full_rot else [mes0[5], 0, 0] ypr1 = np.flip(mes1[3:6]) if full_rot else [mes1[5], 0, 0] cf_w2c0 = tools.lla_ypr_to_loc_quat(coord0, mes0[:3], ypr0, b2c=self.b2c) cf_w2c1 = tools.lla_ypr_to_loc_quat(coord0, mes1[:3], ypr1, b2c=self.b2c) delta = cf_w2c1 - cf_w2c0 aa = tools.q_to_angleaxis(delta.quat) aa[0] = tools.wrap_rads(aa[0]) * weight cf_w2c = Pose(cf_w2c0.loc * (1 - weight) + cf_w2c1.loc * weight, tools.angleaxis_to_q(aa) * cf_w2c0.quat) cf_c2w = -cf_w2c return cf_c2w _pts4d = None def generate_image(self, pose, grid=5): if self._pts4d is None: x, y, z = pose.loc if 0: xx, yy = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(x - z * 3, x + z * 3, math.ceil(z * 3 / grid) * 2 + 1), np.linspace(y - z * 3, y + z * 3, math.ceil(z * 3 / grid) * 2 + 1)) else: xx = np.random.uniform(x - z * 3, x + z * 3, 2 * (math.ceil(z * 3 / grid) * 2 + 1, )) yy = np.random.uniform(x - z * 3, x + z * 3, 2 * (math.ceil(z * 3 / grid) * 2 + 1, )) if 0: zz = np.zeros_like(xx) else: zz = np.random.uniform(0, -40, xx.shape) pts3d = np.stack((xx.flatten(), yy.flatten(), zz.flatten()), axis=1).reshape((-1, 3)) self._pts4d = np.hstack((pts3d, np.ones((len(pts3d), 1)))) T = np.hstack( (quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(pose.quat), pose.loc.reshape( (-1, 1)))) proj_pts2d = uvp = proj_pts2d[:, :2] / proj_pts2d[:, 2:] I = np.logical_and.reduce(( uvp[:, 0] >= 0, uvp[:, 1] >= 0, uvp[:, 0] < self.real_cam.width, uvp[:, 1] < self.real_cam.height, )) uvp = self.real_cam.distort(uvp[I, :]) uvp = (uvp + 0.5).astype(int) img = np.ones( (self.real_cam.height, self.real_cam.width), dtype=np.uint8) * 64 for i in range(5): for j in range(5): img[np.clip(uvp[:, 1] + i - 2, 0, self.real_cam.height - 1), np.clip(uvp[:, 0] + j - 2, 0, self.real_cam.width - 1)] = 224 return img def init_cam(self): w, h, p = 1920, 1080, 0.00375 common_kwargs_worst = { 'sensor_size': (w * p, h * p), 'quantum_eff': 0.30, 'px_saturation_e': 2200, # snr_max = 20*log10(sqrt(sat_e)) dB 'lambda_min': 350e-9, 'lambda_eff': 580e-9, 'lambda_max': 800e-9, 'dark_noise_mu': 40, 'dark_noise_sd': 6.32, 'readout_noise_sd': 15, # dark_noise_sd should be sqrt(dark_noise_mu) 'emp_coef': 1, # dynamic range = 20*log10(sat_e/readout_noise)) 'exclusion_angle_x': 55, 'exclusion_angle_y': 90, } common_kwargs_best = dict(common_kwargs_worst) common_kwargs_best.update({ 'quantum_eff': 0.4, 'px_saturation_e': 3500, 'dark_noise_mu': 25, 'dark_noise_sd': 5, 'readout_noise_sd': 5, }) common_kwargs = common_kwargs_best cam = Camera( w, # width in pixels h, # height in pixels 62.554, # x fov in degrees (could be 6 & 5.695, 5.15 & 4.89, 7.7 & 7.309) 37.726, # y fov in degrees f_stop=5, # TODO: put better value here point_spread_fn=0.50, # ratio of brightness in center pixel scattering_coef= 2e-10, # affects strength of haze/veil when sun shines on the lens dist_coefs=None if 0 else [-0.11250615, 0.14296794, -0.00175085, 0.00057391, -0.11678778], cam_mx=np.array([[1.58174667e+03, 0.00000000e+00, 9.97176182e+02], [0.00000000e+00, 1.58154569e+03, 5.15553843e+02], [0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00]]), **common_kwargs) return cam def init_odo(self): sc = 0.5 params = { 'use_ba': True, 'new_keyframe_ba': False, 'threaded_ba': False, # TODO: debug adjustment to new keyframes & 3d points (!!) after ba completed 'online_cam_calib': False, 'verify_feature_tracks': True, 'max_keypoints': 320, # 315 'min_keypoint_dist': round(50 * sc), 'min_tracking_quality': 0.0005, # def 0.0001, was 0.0003 'repr_refine_kp_uv': False, 'repr_refine_coef': 0.2, 'refine_kp_uv': False, 'max_kp_refine_dist': 5, 'repr_err_fov_ratio': 0.0005, # was 0.002 'max_repr_err_fov_ratio': 0.003, # was 0.003 'est_2d2d_prob': 0.9999, 'pose_2d2d_quality_lim': 0.04, 'use_3d2d_ransac': False, 'opt_init_ransac': False, # 'est_3d2d_iter_count': 10000, 'new_kf_min_displ_fov_ratio': 0.016, 'ini_kf_triangulation_trigger': 40, 'max_keyframes': 50000, 'max_ba_keyframes': 60, 'ba_interval': 10, 'max_ba_fun_eval': 25 * 2, 'loc_err_sd': 2, 'ori_err_sd': math.radians(5.0), } if 0: params.update({ 'orb_feature_tracking': True, 'orb_search_dist': 0.03, # in fov ratio 'max_keypoints': 2000, 'min_keypoint_dist': round(20 * sc), 'repr_err_fov_ratio': 0.006, # was 0.004 'max_repr_err_fov_ratio': 0.008, # was 0.006 }) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) odo = VisualGPSNav(, round( * sc), geodetic_origin=self.coord0, wf_body_q=self.w2b_q, bf_cam_pose=Pose(np.array([0, 0, 0]), self.b2c_q), verbose=1, pause=False, **params) return odo
def main(): # parse arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Run visual odometry on a set of images') parser.add_argument('--data', '-d', metavar='DATA', help='path to data') parser.add_argument('--meta', '-t', metavar='META', help='path to meta data') parser.add_argument('--video-toff', '--dt', type=float, metavar='dT', help='video time offset compared to metadata') parser.add_argument('--alt-scale', '--as', type=float, default=1.0, metavar='sc', help='scale telemetry altitude with this value') parser.add_argument('--res', '-r', metavar='OUT', help='path to the result pickle') parser.add_argument('--debug-out', '-o', metavar='OUT', help='path to the debug output folder') parser.add_argument('--kapture', metavar='OUT', help='path to kapture-format export folder') parser.add_argument( '--verbosity', '-v', type=int, default=2, help= 'verbosity level (0-4, 0-1: text only, 2:+debug imgs, 3: +keypoints, 4: +poses)' ) parser.add_argument( '--high-quality', action='store_true', help='high quality settings with more keypoints detected') parser.add_argument('--mission', '-mr', choices=('hwproto', 'nokia', 'toynokia'), help='select mission') parser.add_argument('--undist-img', action='store_true', help='undistort image instead of keypoints') parser.add_argument('--use-gimbal', action='store_true', help='gimbal data is ok, use it') parser.add_argument( '--drifting-gimbal', action='store_true', help= 'gimbal orientation measure drifts, update orientation offset with each odometry result' ) parser.add_argument('--nadir-looking', action='store_true', help='downwards looking cam') parser.add_argument( '--ori-off-ypr', type=float, nargs=3, help= 'orientation offset in ypr (deg) to be applied in body frame to orientation measurements' ) parser.add_argument('--cam-dist', type=float, nargs='*', help='cam distortion coeffs') parser.add_argument('--cam-fl-x', type=float, help='cam focal length x') parser.add_argument('--cam-fl-y', type=float, help='cam focal length y') parser.add_argument('--cam-pp-x', type=float, help='cam principal point x') parser.add_argument('--cam-pp-y', type=float, help='cam principal point y') parser.add_argument('--first-frame', '-f', type=int, default=0, help='first frame (default: 0; -1: hardcoded value)') parser.add_argument('--last-frame', '-l', type=int, help='last frame (default: None; -1: hardcoded end)') parser.add_argument('--skip', '-s', type=int, default=1, help='use only every xth frame (default: 1)') parser.add_argument('--plot-only', action='store_true', help='only plot the result') args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbosity > 1: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # init odometry and data if args.mission == 'hwproto': mission = HardwarePrototype(, last_frame=(155, 321, None)[0]) elif args.mission == 'nokia': ff = (100, 250, 520, 750, 1250, 1500, 1750)[0] if args.first_frame == -1 else args.first_frame lf = (240, 400, 640, 1000, 1500, 1750, 2000)[1] if args.last_frame == -1 else args.last_frame cam_mx = None if args.cam_fl_x: fl_y = args.cam_fl_y or args.cam_fl_x pp_x = args.cam_pp_x or NokiaSensor.CAM_WIDTH / 2 pp_y = args.cam_pp_y or NokiaSensor.CAM_HEIGHT / 2 cam_mx = [[args.cam_fl_x, 0., pp_x], [0., fl_y, pp_y], [0., 0., 1.]] mission = NokiaSensor(, data_path=args.meta, video_toff=args.video_toff, use_gimbal=args.use_gimbal, undist_img=args.undist_img, cam_mx=cam_mx, cam_dist=args.cam_dist, verbosity=args.verbosity, high_quality=args.high_quality, alt_scale=args.alt_scale, ori_off_q=tools.ypr_to_q(*map(math.radians, args.ori_off_ypr)) if args.ori_off_ypr else None, first_frame=ff, last_frame=lf) elif args.mission == 'toynokia': mission = ToyNokiaSensor(, data_path=args.meta, video_toff=args.video_toff, first_frame=(100, 350, 850, 1650)[1], last_frame=(415, 500, 1250, 1850, 2000)[2]) else: assert False, 'bad mission given: %s' % args.mission if args.debug_out: mission.odo._track_save_path = args.debug_out if args.nadir_looking: mission.odo._nadir_looking = True res_file = args.res or ('%s-result.pickle' % args.mission) if args.plot_only: plot_results(file=res_file, nadir_looking=args.nadir_looking) replay_keyframes(, file=res_file) return # run odometry prior = Pose(np.array([0, 0, 0]), frame_names0 = [] meta_names0 = [] results0 = [] ground_truth0 = [] ori_offs = [] ba_errs = [] kfid2img = {} started = ax = None def ba_err_logger(frame_id, per_frame_ba_errs): per_frame_ba_errs = np.stack( (per_frame_ba_errs[:, 0], np.linalg.norm(per_frame_ba_errs[:, 1:4], axis=1), np.linalg.norm(per_frame_ba_errs[:, 4:7], axis=1) / np.pi * 180), axis=1) ba_errs.append([frame_id, *np.nanmean(per_frame_ba_errs, axis=0)]) mission.odo.ba_err_logger = ba_err_logger vid_id ='(^|\\|/)([\w-]+)\.mp4$', mission.video_path) for i, (img, t, name, meta, meta_name, gt) in enumerate( if i % args.skip != 0: continue'') frame_names0.append(name) meta_names0.append(meta_name) ground_truth0.append(gt) if vid_id[2] == 'HD_CAM-1__514659341_03_12_2020_16_12_44' and t > 1050: # hardcoding just to get dataset 10 to work mission.odo.ori_off_q = tools.ypr_to_q(math.radians(0), 0, 0) try: nf, *_ = mission.odo.process(img, datetime.fromtimestamp(mission.time0 + t), measure=meta) if nf is not None and is not None: kfid2img[] = i if args.drifting_gimbal and and meta: est_w2c_bf_q = ( meas_w2c_bf_q = (-nf.pose.prior).to_global( mission.b2c).quat * mission.odo.ori_off_q.conj() new_ori_off_q = meas_w2c_bf_q.conj() * est_w2c_bf_q filtered_ori_off_q = tools.mean_q( [mission.odo.ori_off_q, new_ori_off_q], [0.8, 0.2]) if 0: # TODO: debug, something wrong here as roll and pitch explode mission.odo.ori_off_q = filtered_ori_off_q else: y, p, r = tools.q_to_ypr(filtered_ori_off_q) mission.odo.ori_off_q = tools.ypr_to_q(y, 0, 0) ori_offs.append(mission.odo.ori_off_q)'new gimbal offset: %s' % (list( map(lambda x: round(math.degrees(x), 2), tools.q_to_ypr(mission.odo.ori_off_q))), )) pts3d = np.array([ pt.pt3d for pt in mission.odo.state.map3d.values() if ]) if len(pts3d) > 0 and ground_alt = np.quantile( -pts3d[:, 1], 0.2) # neg-y is altitude in cam frame drone_alt = -([1] expected_dist = drone_alt - mission.coord0[2] modeled_dist = drone_alt - ground_alt 'ground at %.1f mr (%.1f mr), drone alt %.1f mr (%.1f mr)' % (ground_alt, mission.coord0[2], modeled_dist, expected_dist)) if args.verbosity > 3: keyframes = mission.odo.all_keyframes() post = np.zeros((len(keyframes), 7)) k, prior = 0, np.zeros((len(keyframes), 7)) for j, kf in enumerate( [kf for kf in keyframes if]): post[j, :] = ( NokiaSensor.b2c).to_global( NokiaSensor.w2b).to_array() if kf.measure is not None: prior[k, :] = (-kf.pose.prior).to_global( NokiaSensor.b2c).to_global( NokiaSensor.w2b).to_array() k += 1 if ax is not None: ax.clear() ax = tools.plot_poses(post, axis=(0, 1, 0), up=(0, 0, 1), ax=ax, wait=False) tools.plot_poses(prior[:k, :], axis=(0, 1, 0), up=(0, 0, 1), ax=ax, wait=False, colors=map(lambda c: (c, 0, 0, 0.5), np.linspace(.3, 1.0, k))) plt.pause(0.05) except TypeError as e: if 0: nf, *_ = mission.odo.process( img, datetime.fromtimestamp(mission.time0 + t), prior, if nf and prior = else: raise e results0.append(None if nf is None or nf.pose is None or is None else ( nf.pose, getattr(nf, 'measure', None), nf.time, try: mission.odo.flush_state() # flush all keyframes and keypoints map3d = mission.odo.removed_keypoints # results = [(kf.pose, kf.measure, kf.time, for kf in mission.odo.removed_keyframes if] keyframes = [ dict(pose=kf.pose, meas=kf.measure, time=kf.time,, kps_uv=kf.kps_uv) for kf in mission.odo.removed_keyframes if ] frame_names = [frame_names0[kfid2img[kf['id']]] for kf in keyframes] meta_names = [meta_names0[kfid2img[kf['id']]] for kf in keyframes] ground_truth = [ground_truth0[kfid2img[kf['id']]] for kf in keyframes] ba_errs = np.array(ba_errs) if 1: pts3d = np.array([pt.pt3d for pt in map3d]) ground_alt = np.quantile(-pts3d[:, 1], 0.5) # neg-y is altitude in cam frame drone_alt = -(-keyframes[-1]['pose'].post).loc[1] # word expected_dist = drone_alt - mission.coord0[2] modeled_dist = drone_alt - ground_alt 'ground at %.1f m (%.1f m), drone alt %.1f m (%.1f m)' % (ground_alt, mission.coord0[2], modeled_dist, expected_dist)) if args.kapture: kapture = KaptureIO(args.kapture, reset=True, jpg_qlt=95, scale=0.5) kapture.set_camera(1, 'cam', kapture.add_frames(mission.odo.removed_keyframes, map3d) kapture.write_to_dir() except AttributeError as e: if 0: map3d = None results = [(kf.pose, None, kf.time, for kf in mission.odo.all_keyframes()] else: raise e mission.odo.quit() if 0: # show results as given by the online version of the algorithm results, frame_names, meta_names, ground_truth = results0, frame_names0, meta_names0, ground_truth0'time spent: %.0fs' % ( - started).total_seconds()) repr_errs = np.concatenate([ list(kf.repr_err.values()) for kf in mission.odo.removed_keyframes if len(kf.repr_err) ]) err_q95 = np.quantile(np.linalg.norm(repr_errs, axis=1), 0.95) if len(repr_errs) else np.nan'95%% percentile repr err: %.3fpx' % (err_q95, )) interp = interp_loc(mission.odo.removed_keyframes, mission.time0) loc_est = np.array([ np.ones((3, )) * np.nan if is None else ( for kf in mission.odo.removed_keyframes ]) loc_gps = np.array([ interp(kf.time.timestamp() - mission.time0).flatten() for kf in mission.odo.removed_keyframes ]).squeeze() mean_loc_err = np.nanmean(np.linalg.norm(loc_est - loc_gps, axis=1))'mean loc err: %.3fm' % (mean_loc_err, ))'mean ba errs (repr, loc, ori): %.3fpx %.3fm %.3fdeg' % (*np.nanmean(ba_errs[:, 1:], axis=0), ))'latest ba errs (repr, loc, ori): %.3fpx %.3fm %.3fdeg' % (*ba_errs[-1, 1:], )) if 0: plt.figure(10) plt.plot(loc_est[:, 0], loc_est[:, 1]) plt.plot(loc_gps[:, 0], loc_gps[:, 1]) if args.verbosity > 3: # stop to show last trajectory plot res_folder = os.path.dirname(res_file) if res_folder: os.makedirs(res_folder, exist_ok=True) with open(res_file, 'wb') as fh: pickle.dump( (keyframes, map3d, frame_names, meta_names, ground_truth, ba_errs), fh) if args.verbosity > 1: plot_results(keyframes, map3d, frame_names, meta_names, ground_truth, ba_errs, res_file, nadir_looking=args.nadir_looking)