def visualise(self): """Run visualise form.""" # avoid getting second window if self.vis is not None and self.vis._dlg.isEnabled(): self.vis._dlg.close() self.vis = Visualise(self._gv)
def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 2: err_exit("Usage: ./ [QUERY_STRING]") total = {} duct = make_search(sys.argv[1]) total.update(duct) for x in range(1): total.update(make_iteration(total)) visu = Visualise() visu.visualise_data(total)
class Engine(object): """ classdocs """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ self._logger = None self._board = None self._players = [] self.validity_test_id = 0 self.validity_testing = False self.validity_test_last_result = 0 self.validity_test_results = [] # number of captured stones (not the positions of captures) self._captures = [0, 0] # list of Move objects self._moves = [] # visualisation utilities self._vis = None # --------------------------- # gtp interface functions # --------------------------- def boardsize(self, size): """ set the board size. """ self._board.resize(int(size)) def clear_board(self): self._board.reset() # TODO: reset other state stuff here if necessary def komi(self, value): pass def play(self, color, vertex): vertex = Utils.parse_vertex(vertex, self._board.size) # may be None color = 1 if color[0].lower() == "b" else 2 self.apply_move(vertex, color) def genmove(self, colour): """ Ask the appropriate player to generate a move. """ colour = Utils.parse_colour(colour) # generate move move = self._players[colour - 1].genmove() self.apply_move(move, colour) # make GTP result string ... return Utils.make_vertex(move[0], move[1], self._board.size) def apply_move(self, vertex, colour): """ apply move to engine (and players). """ captures = [] self.validity_test_last_result = Utils.valid_coord(vertex, self.board.size) # check the validity of the move and determine any resulting captures self.validity_test_last_result = self.validity_test_last_result and Utils.check_move( self._board, vertex, colour, captures ) if not self.validity_test_last_result: raise Exception("you played an invalid move: " + str(colour) + " " + str(vertex)) self._moves.append(Move(vertex, colour, captures)) # place the stone self._board.set_stone(vertex, colour) # apply any resulting captures self._board.remove_stones(captures) # apply influence values to board squares Utils.calc_influence(self._board) self._players[0].play(vertex, colour) self._players[1].play(vertex, colour) def show_influence(self): return Utils.show_influence(self._board) def vis_influence(self): if self._vis is None: self._vis = Visualise() self._vis.visualise_influence(self._board, 0) def quit(self): sys.exit(0) def showboard(self): """ print board to stdout. """ self._logger.log_console(str(self._board)) def name(self): return "meijin" # --------------------------- # non gtp interface functions # --------------------------- def set_logger(self, logger): self._logger = logger Utils.set_logger(logger) def get_logger(self): return self._logger logger = property(get_logger, set_logger) def set_board(self, board): self._board = board def get_board(self): """ get a clone of the current board.""" """inefficient but the dup here prevents accidental modification of my board instance.""" return self._board # .dup() board = property(get_board, set_board) def set_players(self, p1, p2): self._players = [p1, p2] def undo(self): m = self._moves.pop() enemy_colour = 1 if m.c == 2 else 2 # remove the stone that was placed self._board.set_stone(m.p, 3) # replace captured stones for c in m.caps: self._board.set_stone(c, enemy_colour) # tell players to update their state for p in self._players: p.undo() def start_validity_test(self, id): self.validity_test_id = int(id) self.validity_testing = True self.validity_test_last_result = 0 def check_validity_test(self, result): if self.validity_test_last_result == int(result): self.validity_test_results.append((self.validity_test_id, True)) else: self.validity_test_results.append((self.validity_test_id, False)) def print_validity_test_results(self): for id_, result in self.validity_test_results: self._logger.logTestout("[" + str(id) + "] ") if result: self._logger.logTestout("PASS\n") else: self._logger.logTestout("FAIL\n") def set_testout_only(self): self._logger.set_testout_only()
def vis_influence(self): if self._vis is None: self._vis = Visualise() self._vis.visualise_influence(self._board, 0)
class QSWATPlus(QObject): """QGIS plugin to prepare geographic data for SWAT+ Editor.""" __version__ = '1.2.2' def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor.""" QObject.__init__(self) # this import is a dependency on a Cython produuced .pyd or .so file which will fail if the wrong architecture # and so gives an immediate exit before the plugin is loaded ## flag to show if init ran successfully self.loadFailed = False try: import dataInC # @UnusedImport except Exception: QSWATUtils.loginfo('Failed to load Cython module: wrong architecture?: {0}'.format(traceback.format_exc())) self.loadFailed = True return # uncomment next line for debugging # import pydevd; pydevd.settrace() # Save reference to the QGIS interface self._iface = iface # initialize plugin directory ## plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # add to PYTHONPATH sys.path.append(self.plugin_dir) settings = QSettings() # initialize locale # in testing with a dummy iface object this settings value can be None try: locale = settings.value("locale/userLocale")[0:2] except Exception: locale = 'en' localePath = os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'qswat_{}.qm'.format(locale)) # set default behaviour for loading files with no CRS to prompt - the safest option settings.setValue('Projections/defaultBehaviour', 'prompt') ## translator if os.path.exists(localePath): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(localePath) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) self._gv = None # set later # font = QFont('MS Shell Dlg 2', 8) try: pointSize = int(settings.value('/QSWATPlus/FontSize')) except Exception: pointSize = 8 self.setUbuntuFont(pointSize) # an experiment - probably not use # self.setStyles() # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference self._odlg = QSwatDialog() self._odlg.setWindowFlags(self._odlg.windowFlags() & ~Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint & Qt.WindowMinimizeButtonHint) self._odlg.move(0, 0) #======================================================================= # font = self._odlg.font() # fm = QFontMetrics(font) # txt = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.' # family = # size = font.pointSize() # QSWATUtils.information('Family: {2}. Point size: {3!s} (intended {4!s}).\nWidth of "{0}" is {1} pixels.'.format(txt, fm.width(txt), family, size, pointSize), False) #======================================================================= self._odlg.setWindowTitle('QSWAT+ {0}'.format(QSWATPlus.__version__)) # flag used in initialising delineation form self._demIsProcessed = False ## deineation window self.delin = None ## create hrus window self.hrus = None ## visualise window self.vis = None # report QGIS version QSWATUtils.loginfo('QGIS version: {0}; QSWAT+ version: {1}'.format(Qgis.QGIS_VERSION, QSWATPlus.__version__)) def initGui(self): """Create QSWAT button in the toolbar.""" if self.loadFailed: return ## Action that will start plugin configuration self.action = QAction( QIcon(":/plugins/QSWATPlus/swatplus32.png"), '{0}'.format(QSWATUtils._QSWATNAME), self._iface.mainWindow()) # connect the action to the run method self.action.triggered.connect( # Add toolbar button and menu item self._iface.addToolBarIcon(self.action) self._iface.addPluginToMenu('&{0}'.format(QSWATUtils._QSWATNAME), self.action) def unload(self): """Remove the QSWAT menu item and icon.""" # allow for it not to have been loaded try: self._iface.removePluginMenu('&{0}'.format(QSWATUtils._QSWATNAME), self.action) self._iface.removeToolBarIcon(self.action) except Exception: pass def run(self): """Run QSWAT.""" self._odlg.reportsBox.setVisible(False) self._odlg.reportsLabel.setVisible(False) self._odlg.reportsBox.clear() self._odlg.reportsBox.addItem(QSWATUtils.trans('Select report to view')) self._odlg.finished.connect(self.finish) # connect buttons self._odlg.aboutButton.clicked.connect(self.about) self._odlg.newButton.clicked.connect(self.newProject) self._odlg.existingButton.clicked.connect(self.existingProject) self._odlg.delinButton.clicked.connect(self.doDelineation) self._odlg.hrusButton.clicked.connect(self.doCreateHRUs) self._odlg.editButton.clicked.connect(self.startEditor) self._odlg.visualiseButton.clicked.connect(self.visualise) self._odlg.paramsButton.clicked.connect(self.runParams) self._odlg.reportsBox.activated.connect(self.showReport) self._odlg.exportButton.clicked.connect(self.exportTable) self.initButtons() self._odlg.projPath.setText('') # make sure we clear data from previous runs self.delin = None self.hrus = None self.vis = None # show the dialog # initially only new/existing project buttons visible if project not set proj = QgsProject.instance() if proj.fileName() == '': self._odlg.mainBox.setVisible(False) self._odlg.exportButton.setVisible(False) else: self._iface.mainWindow().setCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) self.setupProject(proj, False) self._iface.mainWindow().setCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor) # Run the dialog event loop result = self._odlg.exec_() # See if OK was pressed if result == 1: proj.write() def initButtons(self): """Initial button settings.""" self._odlg.delinLabel.setText('Step 1') self._odlg.hrusLabel.setText('Step 2') self._odlg.hrusLabel.setEnabled(False) self._odlg.hrusButton.setEnabled(False) self._odlg.editLabel.setEnabled(False) self._odlg.editButton.setEnabled(False) self._odlg.visualiseLabel.setVisible(False) self._odlg.visualiseButton.setVisible(False) def about(self): """Show information about QSWAT.""" form = AboutQSWAT(self._gv) def setUbuntuFont(self, ptSize): """Set Ubuntu font.""" QFontDatabase.addApplicationFont(":/fonts/Ubuntu-B.ttf") QFontDatabase.addApplicationFont(":/fonts/Ubuntu-BI.ttf") QFontDatabase.addApplicationFont(":/fonts/Ubuntu-C.ttf") QFontDatabase.addApplicationFont(":/fonts/Ubuntu-L.ttf") QFontDatabase.addApplicationFont(":/fonts/Ubuntu-LI.ttf") QFontDatabase.addApplicationFont(":/fonts/Ubuntu-M.ttf") QFontDatabase.addApplicationFont(":/fonts/Ubuntu-MI.ttf") QFontDatabase.addApplicationFont(":/fonts/Ubuntu-R.ttf") QFontDatabase.addApplicationFont(":/fonts/Ubuntu-RI.ttf") ufont = QFont("Ubuntu", ptSize, 1) QApplication.setFont(ufont) QSWATUtils.loginfo('Ubuntu {0} point font set'.format(ptSize)) # def setStyles(self): # """Set stle sheet values""" # QApplication.instance().setStyleSheet(""" # QDialog[QSWATDialog=true] { # background-color: white # } # QPushButton { # color: white # } # QPushButton[browseButton=true] { # color: white; # background-color: blue # } # QPushButton[okButton=true] { # color: white; # background-color: green # } # QPushButton[cancelButton=true] { # background-color: grey # } # """) def newProject(self): """Call QGIS actions to create and name a new project.""" settings = QSettings() if settings.contains('/QSWATPlus/LastInputPath'): path = settings.value('/QSWATPlus/LastInputPath') else: path = '' title = 'Select parent directory' parentDir = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(None, title, path) if parentDir is not None and os.path.isdir(parentDir): projName, ok = QInputDialog.getText(None, 'Project name', 'Please enter the project name, starting with a letter:') if not ok: return if not projName[0].isalpha(): QSWATUtils.error('Project name must start with a letter', False) return projDir = QSWATUtils.join(parentDir, projName) if os.path.exists(projDir): response = QSWATUtils.question('Project directory {0} already exists. Do you wish to delete it?'.format(projDir), False, False) if response != QMessageBox.Yes: return shutil.rmtree(projDir, True) try: os.mkdir(projDir) except Exception: QSWATUtils.exceptionError('Failed to create project directory {0}'.format(projDir), False) return self._iface.newProject() projFile = QSWATUtils.join(projDir, projName + '.qgs') proj = QgsProject.instance() proj.setFileName(projFile) QSWATUtils.loginfo('Project file is {0}'.format(projFile)) self._iface.actionSaveProject().trigger() # allow time for project to be created time.sleep(2) self.initButtons() settings.setValue('/QSWATPlus/LastInputPath', str(projDir)) self._odlg.raise_() self.setupProject(proj, False) self._gv.writeProjectConfig(0, 0) def existingProject(self): """Open an existing QGIS project.""" self._iface.actionOpenProject().trigger() # allow time for project to be opened time.sleep(2) proj = QgsProject.instance() if proj.fileName() == '': QSWATUtils.error('No project opened', False) return self._odlg.raise_() self.setupProject(proj, False) def setupProject(self, proj, isBatch): """Set up the project.""" self._odlg.mainBox.setVisible(True) self._odlg.mainBox.setEnabled(False) self._odlg.setCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) self._odlg.projPath.setText('Restarting project ...') proj.setTitle(QFileInfo(proj.fileName()).baseName()) # now have project so initiate global vars # if we do this earlier we cannot for example find the project database self._gv = GlobalVars(self._iface, QSWATPlus.__version__, self.plugin_dir, isBatch) if self._gv.SWATPlusDir == '': # failed to find SWATPlus directory return self._odlg.projPath.repaint() self.checkReports() self.setLegendGroups() # enable edit button if converted from Arc with 'No GIS' option title = proj.title() choice, found = proj.readNumEntry(title, 'fromArc', -1) if found: self._gv.fromArcChoice = choice if choice == 2: # NB value from self._odlg.editLabel.setEnabled(True) self._odlg.editButton.setEnabled(True) if self.demProcessed(): self._demIsProcessed = True self.allowCreateHRU() self.hrus = HRUs(self._gv, self._odlg.reportsBox) #result = hrus.tryRun() #if result == 1: if self.hrus.HRUsAreCreated(): QSWATUtils.progress('Done', self._odlg.hrusLabel) self.showReports() self._odlg.editLabel.setEnabled(True) self._odlg.editButton.setEnabled(True) if os.path.exists(QSWATUtils.join(self._gv.resultsDir, Parameters._OUTPUTDB)): self._odlg.visualiseLabel.setVisible(True) self._odlg.visualiseButton.setVisible(True) self._odlg.projPath.setText(self._gv.projDir) self._odlg.mainBox.setEnabled(True) self._odlg.exportButton.setVisible(True) self._odlg.setCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor) def runParams(self): """Run parameters form.""" params = Parameters(self._gv) def showReport(self): """Display selected report.""" if not self._odlg.reportsBox.hasFocus(): return item = self._odlg.reportsBox.currentText() if item == Parameters._TOPOITEM: report = Parameters._TOPOREPORT elif item == Parameters._BASINITEM: report = Parameters._BASINREPORT elif item == Parameters._HRUSITEM: report = Parameters._HRUSREPORT else: return report = QSWATUtils.join(self._gv.textDir, report) if not os.path.exists(report): QSWATUtils.error('Cannot find report {0}'.format(report)) return if Parameters._ISWIN : # Windows os.startfile(report) elif == 'posix': # Linux'xdg-open', report)) self._odlg.reportsBox.setCurrentIndex(0) def exportTable(self): """Run export table form.""" export = ExportTable(self._gv) def checkReports(self): """Add existing reports to reports box and if there are some make it visible.""" makeVisible = False topoReport = QSWATUtils.join(self._gv.textDir, Parameters._TOPOREPORT) if os.path.exists(topoReport) and self._odlg.reportsBox.findText(Parameters._TOPOITEM) < 0: makeVisible = True self._odlg.reportsBox.addItem(Parameters._TOPOITEM) basinReport = QSWATUtils.join(self._gv.textDir, Parameters._BASINREPORT) if os.path.exists(basinReport) and self._odlg.reportsBox.findText(Parameters._BASINITEM) < 0: makeVisible = True self._odlg.reportsBox.addItem(Parameters._BASINITEM) hrusReport = QSWATUtils.join(self._gv.textDir, Parameters._HRUSREPORT) if os.path.exists(hrusReport) and self._odlg.reportsBox.findText(Parameters._HRUSITEM) < 0: makeVisible = True self._odlg.reportsBox.addItem(Parameters._HRUSITEM) if makeVisible: self._odlg.reportsBox.setVisible(True) self._odlg.reportsLabel.setVisible(True) self._odlg.reportsBox.setCurrentIndex(0) def doDelineation(self): """Run the delineation dialog.""" # avoid getting second window if self.delin is not None and self.delin._dlg.isEnabled(): self.delin._dlg.close() self.delin = Delineation(self._gv, self._demIsProcessed) result = if result == 1 and self._gv.isDelinDone(): self._demIsProcessed = True self.allowCreateHRU() # remove old data so cannot be reused self._gv.db.clearTable('BASINSDATA') # make sure HRUs starts from scratch if self.hrus and self.hrus._dlg is not None: self.hrus._dlg.close() self.hrus = None elif result == 0: self._demIsProcessed = False self._odlg.delinLabel.setText('Step 1') self._odlg.hrusLabel.setText('Step 2') self._odlg.hrusLabel.setEnabled(False) self._odlg.hrusButton.setEnabled(False) self._odlg.editLabel.setEnabled(False) self._odlg.editButton.setEnabled(False) self._odlg.raise_() def doCreateHRUs(self): """Run the HRU creation dialog.""" # avoid getting second window if self.hrus is not None and self.hrus._dlg.isEnabled(): self.hrus._dlg.close() self.hrus = HRUs(self._gv, self._odlg.reportsBox) result = if result == 1: QSWATUtils.progress('Done', self._odlg.hrusLabel) self._odlg.editLabel.setEnabled(True) self._odlg.editButton.setEnabled(True) self._odlg.raise_() def demProcessed(self): """ Return true if we can proceed with HRU creation. Return false if any required project setting is not found in the project file Return true if: Using existing watershed and watershed grid exists and is newer than dem or Not using existing watershed and filled dem exists and is no older than dem, and watershed shapefile exists and is no older than filled dem """ proj = QgsProject.instance() if not proj: QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no project') return False title = proj.title() root = proj.layerTreeRoot() demFile, found = proj.readEntry(title, 'delin/DEM', '') if not found or demFile == '': QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no DEM') return False demFile = proj.readPath(demFile) demLayer, _ = QSWATUtils.getLayerByFilename(root.findLayers(), demFile, FileTypes._DEM, self._gv, None, QSWATUtils._WATERSHED_GROUP_NAME) if not demLayer: QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no DEM layer') return False self._gv.demFile = demFile units = factor = 1 if units == QgsUnitTypes.DistanceMeters else Parameters._FEETTOMETRES if units == QgsUnitTypes.DistanceFeet else 0 if factor == 0: QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: units are {0!s}'.format(units)) return False self._gv.cellArea = demLayer.rasterUnitsPerPixelX() * demLayer.rasterUnitsPerPixelY() * factor * factor # hillshade Delineation.addHillshade(demFile, root, demLayer, self._gv) outletFile, found = proj.readEntry(title, 'delin/outlets', '') if found and outletFile != '': outletFile = proj.readPath(outletFile) outletLayer, _ = \ QSWATUtils.getLayerByFilename(root.findLayers(), outletFile, FileTypes._OUTLETS, self._gv, None, QSWATUtils._WATERSHED_GROUP_NAME) if not outletLayer: QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no outlet layer') return False else: outletLayer = None self._gv.outletFile = outletFile self._gv.existingWshed = proj.readBoolEntry(title, 'delin/existingWshed', False)[0] self._gv.useGridModel = proj.readBoolEntry(title, 'delin/useGridModel', False)[0] self._gv.useLandscapes = proj.readBoolEntry(title, 'lsu/useLandscapes', False)[0] streamFile, found = proj.readEntry(title, 'delin/net', '') if self._gv.useGridModel or not self._gv.existingWshed: if not found or streamFile == '': QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no streams shapefile') return False streamFile = proj.readPath(streamFile) ft = FileTypes._GRIDSTREAMS if self._gv.useGridModel else FileTypes._STREAMS streamLayer, _ = \ QSWATUtils.getLayerByFilename(root.findLayers(), streamFile, ft, self._gv, None, QSWATUtils._WATERSHED_GROUP_NAME) if not streamLayer: QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no streams layer') return False self._gv.streamFile = streamFile if self._gv.useGridModel: self._gv.gridSize, found = proj.readNumEntry(title, 'delin/gridSize', 0) if not found or self._gv.gridSize <= 0: QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: grid size not set') return False else: channelFile, found = proj.readEntry(title, 'delin/channels', '') if not found or channelFile == '': QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no channels shapefile') return False channelFile = proj.readPath(channelFile) channelLayer, _ = \ QSWATUtils.getLayerByFilename(root.findLayers(), channelFile, FileTypes._CHANNELS, self._gv, None, QSWATUtils._WATERSHED_GROUP_NAME) if not channelLayer: QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no channels layer') return False self._gv.channelFile = channelFile subbasinsFile, found = proj.readEntry(title, 'delin/subbasins', '') if not found or subbasinsFile == '': QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no subbasins shapefile') return False subbasinsFile = proj.readPath(subbasinsFile) subbasinsInfo = QFileInfo(subbasinsFile) subbasinsTime = subbasinsInfo.lastModified() subbasinsLayer, _ = \ QSWATUtils.getLayerByFilename(root.findLayers(), subbasinsFile, FileTypes._SUBBASINS, self._gv, None, QSWATUtils._WATERSHED_GROUP_NAME) if not subbasinsLayer: QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no subbasins layer') return False self._gv.subbasinsFile = subbasinsFile if not self._gv.useGridModel: wshedFile, found = proj.readEntry(title, 'delin/wshed', '') if not found or wshedFile == '': QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no wshed shapefile') return False wshedFile = proj.readPath(wshedFile) if self._gv.existingWshed: wshedLayer, _ = \ QSWATUtils.getLayerByFilename(root.findLayers(), wshedFile, FileTypes._EXISTINGWATERSHED, self._gv, None, QSWATUtils._WATERSHED_GROUP_NAME) if not wshedLayer: QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no wshed layer') return False self._gv.wshedFile = wshedFile demInfo = QFileInfo(demFile) if not demInfo.exists(): QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no DEM info') return False base = QSWATUtils.join(demInfo.absolutePath(), demInfo.baseName()) if not self._gv.existingWshed: burnFile, found = proj.readEntry(title, 'delin/burn', '') if found and burnFile != '': burnFile = proj.readPath(burnFile) if not os.path.exists(burnFile): QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no burn file') return False self._gv.slopeFile = base + 'slope.tif' else: self._gv.slopeFile = base + 'slp.tif' else: self._gv.slopeFile = base + 'slp.tif' if not os.path.exists(self._gv.slopeFile): QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no slope raster') return False self._gv.basinFile = base + 'wStream.tif' if not self._gv.useGridModel: self._gv.channelBasinFile = base + 'wChannel.tif' self._gv.srcChannelFile = base + 'srcChannel.tif' streamDrainage = proj.readBoolEntry(title, 'delin/streamDrainage', False)[0] if self._gv.existingWshed: if not self._gv.useGridModel: if not os.path.exists(self._gv.basinFile): QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no subbasins raster') return False else: self._gv.pFile = base + 'p.tif' if not os.path.exists(self._gv.pFile): QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no p raster') return False self._gv.felFile = base + 'fel.tif' felInfo = QFileInfo(self._gv.felFile) if not (felInfo.exists() and subbasinsInfo.exists()): QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no filled raster') return False self._gv.ad8File = base + 'ad8.tif' if not os.path.exists(self._gv.ad8File): QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no D8 accumulation raster') return False demTime = demInfo.lastModified() felTime = felInfo.lastModified() if not (demTime <= felTime <= subbasinsTime): QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: not up to date') return False self._gv.distStFile = base + 'distst.tif' if not os.path.exists(self._gv.distStFile): QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no distance to outlet raster') return False self._gv.distChFile = base + 'distch.tif' if not self._gv.useGridModel: if not os.path.exists(self._gv.distChFile): QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no distance to channel raster') return False valleyDepthsFile = base + 'depths.tif' if os.path.exists(valleyDepthsFile): self._gv.valleyDepthsFile = valleyDepthsFile # no longer compulsory # if not os.path.exists(self._gv.valleyDepthsFile): # QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no valley depths raster') # return False if not self._gv.useGridModel: if not os.path.exists(self._gv.channelBasinFile): QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no channel basins raster') return False snapFile, found = proj.readEntry(title, 'delin/snapOutlets', '') if found and snapFile != '': snapFile = proj.readPath(snapFile) if os.path.exists(snapFile): self._gv.snapFile = snapFile else: snapFile = '' else: snapFile = '' lakeLayer = None lakeFile, found = proj.readEntry(title, 'delin/lakes', '') if found and lakeFile != '': lakeFile = proj.readPath(lakeFile) if os.path.exists(lakeFile): self._gv.lakeFile = lakeFile lakeLayer = QgsVectorLayer(lakeFile, 'Lakes', 'ogr') if self._gv.useGridModel: gridLakesAdded = proj.readBoolEntry(title, 'delin/gridLakesAdded', False)[0] if not gridLakesAdded: QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: grid lakes not added') return False else: chBasinNoLakeFile = base + 'wChannelNoLake.tif' if os.path.exists(chBasinNoLakeFile): self._gv.chBasinNoLakeFile = chBasinNoLakeFile if not self._gv.existingWshed: lakePointsAdded = proj.readBoolEntry(title, 'delin/lakePointsAdded', False)[0] if not lakePointsAdded: QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: lake points not added') return False else: QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: no channel basins without lakes raster') return False snapLayer = outletLayer if snapFile == '' else QgsVectorLayer(self._gv.snapFile, 'Snapped outlets', 'ogr') chanLayer = streamLayer if self._gv.useGridModel else channelLayer if self._gv.existingWshed: ad8Layer = None else: ad8Layer = QgsRasterLayer(self._gv.ad8File, 'Accumulation') if not self._gv.topo.setUp0(demLayer, chanLayer, snapLayer, ad8Layer, self._gv.verticalFactor, self._gv.useGridModel): return False basinIndex = self._gv.topo.getIndex(subbasinsLayer, QSWATTopology._POLYGONID) if basinIndex < 0: return False for feature in subbasinsLayer.getFeatures(): basin = feature.attributes()[basinIndex] centroid = feature.geometry().centroid().asPoint() self._gv.topo.basinCentroids[basin] = (centroid.x(), centroid.y()) if lakeLayer is not None: if not self._gv.topo.readLakesData(self._gv.db): QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: lakes data not read') return False # this can go wrong if eg the streams and watershed files exist but are inconsistent try: if not self._gv.topo.setUp(demLayer, chanLayer, subbasinsLayer, snapLayer, lakeLayer, self._gv, self._gv.existingWshed, False, self._gv.useGridModel, streamDrainage, False): QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: topo setup failed') return False if len(self._gv.topo.inlets) == 0: # no inlets, so no need to expand subbasins layer legend treeSubbasinsLayer = root.findLayer( treeSubbasinsLayer.setExpanded(False) except Exception: QSWATUtils.loginfo('demProcessed failed: topo setup raised exception: {0}'.format(traceback.format_exc())) return False return True def allowCreateHRU(self): """Mark delineation as Done and make create HRUs option visible.""" QSWATUtils.progress('Done', self._odlg.delinLabel) QSWATUtils.progress('Step 2', self._odlg.hrusLabel) self._odlg.hrusLabel.setEnabled(True) self._odlg.hrusButton.setEnabled(True) self._odlg.editLabel.setEnabled(False) self._odlg.editButton.setEnabled(False) def showReports(self): """Show reports combo box and add items if necessary.""" self._odlg.reportsBox.setVisible(True) if self._odlg.reportsBox.findText(Parameters._TOPOITEM) < 0: self._odlg.reportsBox.addItem(Parameters._TOPOITEM) if self._odlg.reportsBox.findText(Parameters._BASINITEM) < 0: self._odlg.reportsBox.addItem(Parameters._BASINITEM) if self._odlg.reportsBox.findText(Parameters._HRUSITEM) < 0: self._odlg.reportsBox.addItem(Parameters._HRUSITEM) def setLegendGroups(self): """Legend groups are used to keep legend in reasonable order. Create them if necessary. """ root = QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot() groups = [QSWATUtils._ANIMATION_GROUP_NAME, QSWATUtils._RESULTS_GROUP_NAME, QSWATUtils._WATERSHED_GROUP_NAME, QSWATUtils._LANDUSE_GROUP_NAME, QSWATUtils._SOIL_GROUP_NAME, QSWATUtils._SLOPE_GROUP_NAME] for i in range(len(groups)): group = groups[i] node = root.findGroup(group) if node is None: root.insertGroup(i, group) def startEditor(self): """Start the SWAT Editor, first setting its initial parameters.""" # self._gv.setSWATEditorParams() editor = self._gv.findSWATPlusEditor() if editor is None: return QSWATUtils.loginfo('Starting SWAT+ editor with command: "{0}" "{1}"'.format(editor, self._gv.db.dbFile))'"{0}" "{1}"'.format(editor, self._gv.db.dbFile), shell=True) if os.path.exists(QSWATUtils.join(self._gv.resultsDir, Parameters._OUTPUTDB)): self._odlg.visualiseLabel.setVisible(True) self._odlg.visualiseButton.setVisible(True) def visualise(self): """Run visualise form.""" # avoid getting second window if self.vis is not None and self.vis._dlg.isEnabled(): self.vis._dlg.close() self.vis = Visualise(self._gv) def finish(self): """Close the database connections and subsidiary forms.""" if QSWATUtils is not None: QSWATUtils.loginfo('Closing databases') try: self.delin = None self.hrus = None self.vis = None if self._gv and self._gv.db: if self._gv.db.conn: self._gv.db.conn.close() if self._gv.db.connRef: self._gv.db.connRef.close() if QSWATUtils is not None: QSWATUtils.loginfo('Databases closed') except Exception: pass
def __init__(self, config): self.frog_pond = FrogPond(config) self.vis = Visualise(self.frog_pond)