Exemple #1
pp.append(0,0,0); pp.append(0,1,0); pp.append(1,2,0); pp.append(0,2,1)

# Create all solids
box = vv.solidBox((0,0,0))
sphere = vv.solidSphere((3,0,0))
cone = vv.solidCone((6,0,0))
pyramid = vv.solidCone((9,0,0), N=4) # a cone with 4 faces is a pyramid
cylinder = vv.solidCylinder((0,3,0),(1,1,2))
ring = vv.solidRing((3,3,0))
teapot = vv.solidTeapot((6,3,0))
line = vv.solidLine(pp+Point(9,3,0), radius = 0.2)

# Let's put a face on that cylinder
# This works because 2D texture coordinates are automatically generated for
# the sphere, cone, cylinder and ring.
im = vv.imread('astronaut.png')

# Make the ring green
ring.faceColor = 'g'

# Make the sphere dull
sphere.specular = 0
sphere.diffuse = 0.4

# Show lines in yellow pyramid
pyramid.faceColor = 'y'
pyramid.edgeShading = 'plain'

# Colormap example
N = cone._vertices.shape[0]
    if translation is not None:
        m.translation = translation
    if scaling is not None:
        m.scaling = scaling
    if direction is not None:
        m.direction = direction
    if rotation is not None:
        m.rotation = rotation

    # Set flat shading?
    if N < 8 or M < 8:
        m.faceShading = 'flat'

    # Adjust axes
    if axesAdjust:
        if axes.daspectAuto is None:
            axes.daspectAuto = False
        axes.cameraType = '3d'

    # Done
    return m

if __name__ == '__main__':
    m = vv.solidCone(N=12)
Exemple #3
    m = vv.Mesh(axes, vertices, faces, values=texcoords, verticesPerFace=4)
    # Should we apply a texture?
    if c is not None and c.ndim==3:
    # Adjust axes
    if axesAdjust:
        if axes.daspectAuto is None:
            axes.daspectAuto = False
        axes.cameraType = '3d'
    # Return
    return m

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Read image and smooth a bit
    lena = vv.imread('lena.png').astype(np.float32)
    im = lena.copy()
    im[1:,:,:] = lena[:-1,:,:]
    im[:-1,:,:] += lena[1:,:,:]
    im[:,:-1,:] += lena[:,1:,:]
    im[:,1:,:] += lena[:,:-1,:]
    im /= 4
    # Surf
    m = vv.surf(im[:,:,0], im)
#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
import visvis as vv

# Read image and crop
astro = vv.imread('astronaut.png').astype(np.float32)
astro = astro[100:-100, 100:-100, :]

# Smooth a bit
im = astro.copy()
im[1:, :, :] = astro[:-1, :, :]
im[:-1, :, :] += astro[1:, :, :]
im[:, :-1, :] += astro[:, 1:, :]
im[:, 1:, :] += astro[:, :-1, :]
im /= 4

# Prepare figure

# Without color, with colormap
a1 = vv.subplot(121)
m1 = vv.surf(im[:, :, 0])
m1.colormap = vv.CM_HOT
vv.title('With colormap')

# With color
a2 = vv.subplot(122)
m2 = vv.surf(im[:, :, 0], im)
vv.title('With original texture')
Exemple #5
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Visualise the 3D volume')
                    help="The background image to display")
parser.add_argument('--volume', dest='volume', help="The volume to render")
                    help="Show textured mesh NOT YET IMPLEMENTED")

args = parser.parse_args()

vol = np.fromfile(args.volume, dtype=np.int8)
# vol = vol.reshape((200, 192, 192))

im = vv.imread(args.image)

t = vv.imshow(im)
t.interpolate = True  # interpolate pixels

# volshow will use volshow3 and rendering the isosurface if OpenGL
# version is >= 2.0. Otherwise, it will show slices with bars that you
# can move (much less useful).
volRGB = np.stack(((vol > 1) * im[:, :, 0], (vol > 1) * im[:, :, 1],
                   (vol > 1) * im[:, :, 2]),

v = vv.volshow(volRGB, renderStyle='iso')
v.transformations[1].sz = 0.5  # Z was twice as deep during training

l0 = vv.gca()
Exemple #6
    if axes is None:
        axes = vv.gca()

    # Create mesh
    m = vv.OrientableMesh(axes, vertices, indices, normals, texcords, 4)
    if translation is not None:
        m.translation = translation
    if scaling is not None:
        m.scaling = scaling
    if direction is not None:
        m.direction = direction
    if rotation is not None:
        m.rotation = rotation

    # Adjust axes
    if axesAdjust:
        if axes.daspectAuto is None:
            axes.daspectAuto = False
        axes.cameraType = '3d'

    # Done
    return m

if __name__ == '__main__':
    m = vv.solidSphere(scaling=(1, 1, 1.5), direction=(1, 1, 3))
Exemple #7
#!/usr/bin/env python
import visvis as vv

# Create figure and make it wider than the default
fig = vv.figure()
fig.position.w = 700

# Create first axes
a1 = vv.subplot(121)

# Display an image
im = vv.imread('astronaut.png')  # returns a numpy array
texture2d = vv.imshow(im)
texture2d.interpolate = True  # if False the pixels are visible when zooming in

# Display two lines (values obtained via vv.ginput())
x = [182, 180, 161, 153, 191, 237, 293, 300, 272, 267, 254]
y = [145, 131, 112, 59, 29, 14, 48, 91, 136, 137, 172]
line1 = vv.plot(x, y, ms='.', mw=4, lw=2)
x = [507, 498, 483, 438, 364, 299, 278, 280]
y = [483, 452, 389, 349, 347, 393, 448, 508]
line2 = vv.plot(x, y, ms='s', mw=4, lw=2)

# The appearance of the line objects can be set in their
# constructor, or by using their properties
line1.lc, line1.mc = 'g', 'b'
line2.lc, line2.mc = 'y', 'r'

# Display a legend
a1.legend = "Astronaut's face", "Astronaut's helmet"
#!/usr/bin/env python

import visvis as vv
app = vv.use()

# Get green channel of lena image
im = vv.imread('astronaut.png')[:, :, 1]

# Make 4 subplots with different colormaps
cmaps = [vv.CM_GRAY, vv.CM_JET, vv.CM_SUMMER, vv.CM_HOT]
for i in range(4):
    a = vv.subplot(2, 2, i + 1)
    t = vv.imshow(im, clim=(0, 255))
    a.axis.visible = 0
    t.colormap = cmaps[i]

Exemple #9
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012-2017, Almar Klein
# Visvis is distributed under the terms of the (new) BSD License.
# The full license can be found in 'license.txt'.

import visvis as vv

def isocontour(im, isovalue=None):
    """ isocontour(im, isovalue=None)
    Uses scikit-image to calculate the iso contours for the given 2D
    image. If isovalue is not given or None, a value between the min
    and max of the image is used.
    Returns a pointset in which each two subsequent points form a line
    piece. This van be best visualized using "vv.plot(result, ls='+')".

    from visvis.utils.iso import isocontour as _isocontour

    return _isocontour(im, isovalue)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    vv.plot(isocontour(vv.imread('astronaut.png')[:, :, 1]), ls='+', lw=3)
Exemple #10
#!/usr/bin/env python
import visvis as vv

# Create figure and make it wider than the default
fig = vv.figure()
fig.position.w = 700

# Create first axes
a1 = vv.subplot(121)

# Display an image
im = vv.imread('lena.png') # returns a numpy array
texture2d = vv.imshow(im)
texture2d.interpolate = True # if False the pixels are visible when zooming in

# Display two lines (values obtained via vv.ginput())
x = [220, 258, 308, 336, 356, 341, 318, 311, 253, 225, 220]
y = [287, 247, 212, 201, 253, 318, 364, 385, 382, 358, 287]
line1 = vv.plot(x, y, ms='.', mw=4, lw=2)
x = [237, 284, 326, 352, 381, 175, 195, 217, 232, 237]
y = [385, 386, 394, 413, 507, 507, 476, 441, 399, 385]
line2 = vv.plot(x, y, ms='s', mw=4, lw=2)

# The appearance of the line objects can be set in their
# constructor, or by using their properties
line1.lc, line1.mc = 'g', 'b'
line2.lc, line2.mc = 'y', 'r'

# Display a legend
Exemple #11
def test_im_read_write():
    import visvis as vv
    im = vv.imread('astronaut.png')
    assert im.shape == (512, 512, 3)
    vv.imwrite(os.path.expanduser('~/astronaut2.png'), im)
Exemple #12
bottom right is a mesh obtained using the isosurface function. They look
a lot the same...

import visvis as vv
import numpy as np
import time
from visvis.utils.iso import isosurface, isocontour
from visvis.utils import iso

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Get image
    SELECT = 0
    if SELECT == 0:
        im = vv.imread('lena.png')[:, :, 0].astype('float32')
    elif SELECT == 1:
        im = np.zeros((64, 64), 'float32')
        im[20:50, 30:40] = 1.0
        im[25:50, 40] = 0.6
        im[30:40, 20:50] = 1.0

    # Get contours
    t0 = time.time()
    for i in range(100):
        pp = isocontour(im)
    print('finding contours took %1.0f ms' % (100 * (time.time() - t0)))

    # Create test volume
    SELECT = 3
    if SELECT == 0:
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" This example illustrates how to create an isocontour from an image
and display it over the contour. The contour consists of a pointset
in which each 2 subsequent points describe a linepiece.

This code relies on scikit-image. For a possibly more useful representation
of the contour, see skimage.measure.find_contours.

import visvis as vv

im = vv.imread('imageio:chelsea.png')[:, :, 1]
pp = vv.isocontour(im)

vv.plot(pp, ls='+', lw=2)

app = vv.use()
Exemple #14
#array.sort(key = lambda x:x[1])
#l = [[0, 1, 'f'], [4, 2, 't'], [9, 4, 'afsd']]
#l.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])

print("uval sorted: ", uval)


app = vv.use()

img_lst = []
for i in range(0, use_len):
    img_nm = "pat_dash%.5d.png" % lp_arr[i]
    print("nm= %s" % img_nm)

#img = img[:-1,:-1] # make not-power-of-two (to test if video driver is capable)

y0i = int(y0)
y1i = int(y1)+1
x1i = int(x1)+1

a1 = vv.subplot(121)
#im = vv.Aarray(im)
im = vv.Aarray((y1i+y0i, use_len*x1i, 4))

# Cut in four pieces, but also change resolution using different step sizes
Exemple #15
    # Should we apply a texture?
    if c is not None and c.ndim == 3:
        m.clim = m.clim  # trigger correct limits

    # Adjust axes
    if axesAdjust:
        if axes.daspectAuto is None:
            axes.daspectAuto = False
        axes.cameraType = '3d'

    # Return
    return m

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Read image and smooth a bit
    lena = vv.imread('lena.png').astype(np.float32)
    im = lena.copy()
    im[1:, :, :] = lena[:-1, :, :]
    im[:-1, :, :] += lena[1:, :, :]
    im[:, :-1, :] += lena[:, 1:, :]
    im[:, 1:, :] += lena[:, :-1, :]
    im /= 4
    # Surf
    m = vv.surf(im[:, :, 0], im)
	def fromImage(self, fileName, threshold):
		im = vv.imread(fileName)
		img = imToGS(im)
		binArray = (img < threshold).astype(np.int32)
Exemple #17
        buildFile(fp, taglist, nframes=nframes, framesize=wh, fps=fps)
    except Exception:
    #print "build tags (%1.2f s)" % (time.time()-t1)
    tt = time.time()-t0
    print "written %i frames to swf in %1.2f seconds (%1.0f ms/frame)" % (
        len(images), tt, 1000*tt/len(images) )
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import visvis as vv
    im = np.zeros((200,200), dtype=np.uint8)
    im[10:30,:] = 100
    im[:,80:120] = 255
    im[-50:-40,:] = 50
    im = vv.imread(r'D:\almar\projects\_p\smith.jpg')
    images = [im*i for i in np.arange(0.1,1,0.1)]
    delays = [1 for i in range(len(images))]
    writeSwf( 'test.swf', images, 5, 1, delays )
Exemple #18
    elif len(image.shape) == 3:
        if image.shape[2] in [3, 4]:
            pass # RGB or RGBA
            raise ValueError("Cannot write image: Too many values in third dim.")
        raise ValueError("Cannot write image: Invalid number of dimensions.")
    # check type -> convert
    if image.dtype.name == 'uint8':
        pass # ok
    elif image.dtype.name in ['float32', 'float64']:
        image = image.copy()
        image[image<0] = 0
        image[image>1] = 1
        image = (image*255).astype(np.uint8)
        image = image.astype(np.uint8)
    # write image
    if imageio:
        imageio.imsave(filename, image, format)
    elif PIL:
        pim = PIL.Image.fromarray(image)
        pim.save(filename, format)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    im = vv.imread('lena.png')
    vv.imwrite('lena_new.jpg', im)
Exemple #19
				i['keyEvent'] = None
			''' Wait until key pressed '''
			while(time.time()-start_time < np.inf):
				keys = [x['keyEvent'] for x in self.open_windows if x['keyEvent'] is not None]
				if len(keys) > 0:

		''' Check for keys pressed '''
		if len(keys) > 0:
			return keys.pop()
			return 0

if __name__=="__main__":
	w = VideoViewer()
	im = vv.imread('/Users/colin/Desktop/hog.png')
	w.imshow("Hi", np.eye(100, dtype=np.uint8), axis=True)
	w.imshow("im", im, axis=False)

	for j in range(100):
		key = w.waitAndUpdate(1000)
		w.imshow("im", im+j*5, axis=False)
		print key

Exemple #20
Example demonstrating registering an image to another.

Applicable using different registration algorithms, e.g. Gravity or Demons.
This can also be used to play with the registration parameters.

import pirt
import visvis as vv
import numpy as np

# Get image
im1 = vv.imread('astronaut.png')[:, :, 1].astype('float32')
im1 = pirt.diffuse(im1, 1)[::2, ::2] / 255.0

# Deform image
scale = im1.shape[0] * 0.4
rd = pirt.create_random_deformation(im1, 40, 40, mapping='backward', seed=1001)
im2 = rd.apply_deformation(im1)

# Add noise
im1 += np.random.normal(0, 0.1, im1.shape)
im2 += np.random.normal(0, 0.1, im1.shape)

# Get figure
fig = vv.figure(1)
fig.position = 200, 100, 900, 500

# Init registration
Exemple #21
    if translation is not None:
        m.translation = translation
    if scaling is not None:
        m.scaling = scaling
    if direction is not None:
        m.direction = direction
    if rotation is not None:
        m.rotation = rotation
    # Set flat shading?
    if N<8 or M<8:
        m.faceShading = 'flat'
    # Adjust axes
    if axesAdjust:
        if axes.daspectAuto is None:
            axes.daspectAuto = False
        axes.cameraType = '3d'
    # Done
    return m

if __name__ == '__main__':
    m = vv.solidCone(N=12)
    m.SetTexture( vv.imread('lena.png') )
Exemple #22
polypp = PointSet(2)
for i in np.linspace(-1,1,100):
    polypp.append(i, polynom[0]*i**2 + polynom[1]*i + polynom[2])

# Visualize
vv.plot([t_max, t_max], [0,1], lc='r')
vv.plot(polypp, lc='r')

## 2D

# Input and result    
im = vv.imread('astronaut.png')[::,::,2].copy()
Y,X = np.where(im==im.max())
Y,X = Y[0], X[0]
im[Y-1,X] -= 20 # make more interesting :)
mat = im[Y-1:Y+2, X-1:X+2]

# Get result and scale mat
ymin, ymax, surface = fitting.fit_lq2(mat, True)
mat = Aarray(mat, sampling=(100, 100), origin=(50, 50))

# Visualize
m = vv.surf(surface)
a = vv.gca()
Exemple #23
            for i in self.open_windows:
                i['keyEvent'] = None
            ''' Wait until key pressed '''
            while (time.time() - start_time < np.inf):
                keys = [
                    x['keyEvent'] for x in self.open_windows
                    if x['keyEvent'] is not None
                if len(keys) > 0:
        ''' Check for keys pressed '''
        if len(keys) > 0:
            return keys.pop()
            return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    w = VideoViewer()
    im = vv.imread('/Users/colin/Desktop/hog.png')
    w.imshow("Hi", np.eye(100, dtype=np.uint8), axis=True)
    w.imshow("im", im, axis=False)

    for j in range(100):
        key = w.waitAndUpdate(1000)
        w.imshow("im", im + j * 5, axis=False)
        print key
Exemple #24
        # Setup detecting closing of figure
        self._closed = False
        def callback(event):
            self._closed = True
        while not self._closed:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    d = DeformByHand(vv.imread('astronaut.png')[:,:,2].astype('float32'))
    WHAT = 'twist'
    if WHAT == 'twist':
        d._pp1.append(108.27,       416.57 )
        d._pp1.append(330.78,       385.58 )
        d._pp1.append(220.08,       393.32 )
        d._pp1.append(406.06,       266.02 )
        d._pp1.append(389.45,       186.31 )
        d._pp1.append(347.38,        122.1 )
        d._pp1.append(401.63,       332.44 )
        d._pp1.append(290.92,       395.54 )
        d._pp2.append(249.96,       449.78 )
        d._pp2.append(414.91,       333.55 )
Exemple #25
bottom right is a mesh obtained using the isosurface function. They look
a lot the same...

import visvis as vv
import numpy as np
import time
from visvis.utils.iso import isosurface, isocontour 
from visvis.utils import iso

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Get image
    SELECT = 0
    if SELECT == 0:
        im = vv.imread('lena.png')[:,:,0].astype('float32')
    elif SELECT == 1:
        im = np.zeros((64,64), 'float32')
        im[20:50,30:40] = 1.0
        im[25:50,40] = 0.6
        im[30:40,20:50] = 1.0
    # Get contours
    t0 = time.time()
    for i in range(100):
        pp = isocontour(im)
    print('finding contours took %1.0f ms' % (100*(time.time()-t0)) )
    # Create test volume
    SELECT = 3
Exemple #26
    if translation is not None:
        m.translation = translation
    if scaling is not None:
        m.scaling = scaling
    if direction is not None:
        m.direction = direction
    if rotation is not None:
        m.rotation = rotation

    # If necessary, use flat shading
    if N < 8 or M < 8:
        m.faceShading = "flat"

    # Adjust axes
    if axesAdjust:
        if axes.daspectAuto is None:
            axes.daspectAuto = False
        axes.cameraType = "3d"

    # Done
    return m

if __name__ == "__main__":
    m1 = vv.solidRing((0, 0, 1), N=64, M=4, thickness=0.5)
    m2 = vv.solidRing((0, 0, 2), N=64, thickness=0.25)
Exemple #27
        # Get images
        im1 = self._p1.get_scale(sigma)
        im2 = self._p2.get_scale(sigma)
        im3 = self._p3.get_scale(sigma)

        # Replace textures

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import visvis as vv

    # Read image
    im = vv.imread('astronaut.png')[:, :, 1].astype(np.float32)
    im = Aarray(im)[::2, :]

    d = Demo2D3(im, 1.5)

    if 0:

        ## Diffusionkernel vs Gaussiankernel
        import pirt
        import visvis as vv

        sigma = 300
        k1, t1 = pirt.diffusionkernel(sigma, returnt=True)
        k2, t2 = pirt.gaussiankernel(sigma, returnt=True)
Exemple #28
        m.scaling = scaling
    if direction is not None:
        m.direction = direction
    if rotation is not None:
        m.rotation = rotation

    # If necessary, use flat shading
    if N < 8 or M < 8:
        m.faceShading = 'flat'

    # Adjust axes
    if axesAdjust:
        if axes.daspectAuto is None:
            axes.daspectAuto = False
        axes.cameraType = '3d'

    # Done
    return m

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import visvis as vv
    # Create rings
    m1 = solidRing((0, 0, 1), M=4)
    m2 = solidRing((0, 0, 2))
    im = vv.imread('lena.png')
			cmd, val = arg.lower().split(' ')
			if cmd == '-a':
				absT = int(val)
			if cmd == '-r':
				relT = float(val)
			if cmd == '-t':
				resolution = int(val)
		if resolution is None:
			resolution = 128
		supportedImageFormats = ['.jpg', '.png']
		supportedMeshFormats = ['.stl', '.ply', '.off', '.obj']
		ext = os.path.splitext(fileName)[-1]
		if ext.lower() in supportedImageFormats:
			im = vv.imread(fileName)
			imgArray = imToGS(im)
			if absT is None:
				absT = 5 * max(imgArray.shape) / 100
				relT = 0.5
			T = (np.max(imgArray) + np.min(imgArray))/2
			imgArrayT = (imgArray < T).astype(np.uint8)
			ax1 = vv.subplot(121)
			ax2 = vv.subplot(122)
			t1 = vv.imshow(im, axes=ax1)
			t2 = vv.imshow(imgArray, axes=ax2)
			app = vv.use()
			P = mcTSystem()
Exemple #30
#!/usr/bin/env python

import visvis as vv
app = vv.use()

# Get green channel of lena image
im = vv.imread('lena.png')[:,:,1]

# Make 4 subplots with different colormaps
cmaps = [vv.CM_GRAY, vv.CM_JET, vv.CM_SUMMER, vv.CM_HOT]
for i in range(4):
    a = vv.subplot(2,2,i+1)
    t = vv.imshow(im, clim=(0,255))
    a.axis.visible = 0
    t.colormap = cmaps[i]

Exemple #31
# Copyright (C) 2012, Almar Klein
# Visvis is distributed under the terms of the (new) BSD License.
# The full license can be found in 'license.txt'.

import visvis as vv

def colorbar(axes=None):
    """ colorbar(axes=None)
    Attach a colorbar to the given axes (or the current axes if 
    not given). The reference to the colorbar instance is returned.
    Also see the vv.ColormapEditor wibject.

    if axes is None:
        axes = vv.gca()

    return vv.Colorbar(axes)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create and show grayscale image, using a colormap
    im = vv.imread("lena.png")[:, :, 0]
    t = vv.imshow(im)
    t.colormap = vv.CM_COPPER
    # Show how the values map to colors