Exemple #1
def surface(volume, threshold=0.5, verbose=1):
    verts, faces = measure.marching_cubes(volume, threshold)

    if verbose == 2:
        import visvis as vv
        vv.mesh(np.fliplr(verts), faces)
def main(select=3, **kwargs):
    """Script main function.

    select: int
        1: Medical data
        2: Blocky data, different every time
        3: Two donuts
        4: Ellipsoid

    import visvis as vv  # noqa: delay import visvis and GUI libraries

    # Create test volume
    if select == 1:
        vol = vv.volread('stent')
        isovalue = kwargs.pop('level', 800)
    elif select == 2:
        vol = vv.aVolume(20, 128)
        isovalue = kwargs.pop('level', 0.2)
    elif select == 3:
        with timer('computing donuts'):
            vol = donuts()
        isovalue = kwargs.pop('level', 0.0)
        # Uncommenting the line below will yield different results for
        # classic MC
        # vol *= -1
    elif select == 4:
        vol = ellipsoid(4, 3, 2, levelset=True)
        isovalue = kwargs.pop('level', 0.0)
        raise ValueError('invalid selection')

    # Get surface meshes
    with timer('finding surface lewiner'):
        vertices1, faces1 = marching_cubes_lewiner(vol, isovalue, **kwargs)[:2]

    with timer('finding surface classic'):
        vertices2, faces2 = marching_cubes_classic(vol, isovalue, **kwargs)

    # Show
    a1 = vv.subplot(121)
    m1 = vv.mesh(np.fliplr(vertices1), faces1)
    a2 = vv.subplot(122)
    m2 = vv.mesh(np.fliplr(vertices2), faces2)
    a1.camera = a2.camera

    # visvis uses right-hand rule, gradient_direction param uses left-hand rule
    m1.cullFaces = m2.cullFaces = 'front'  # None, front or back

def main(select=3, **kwargs):
    """Script main function.

    select: int
        1: Medical data
        2: Blocky data, different every time
        3: Two donuts
        4: Ellipsoid

    import visvis as vv  # noqa: delay import visvis and GUI libraries

    # Create test volume
    if select == 1:
        vol = vv.volread('stent')
        isovalue = kwargs.pop('level', 800)
    elif select == 2:
        vol = vv.aVolume(20, 128)
        isovalue = kwargs.pop('level', 0.2)
    elif select == 3:
        with timer('computing donuts'):
            vol = donuts()
        isovalue = kwargs.pop('level', 0.0)
        # Uncommenting the line below will yield different results for
        # classic MC
        # vol *= -1
    elif select == 4:
        vol = ellipsoid(4, 3, 2, levelset=True)
        isovalue = kwargs.pop('level', 0.0)
        raise ValueError('invalid selection')

    # Get surface meshes
    with timer('finding surface lewiner'):
        vertices1, faces1 = marching_cubes_lewiner(vol, isovalue, **kwargs)[:2]

    with timer('finding surface classic'):
        vertices2, faces2 = marching_cubes_classic(vol, isovalue, **kwargs)

    # Show
    a1 = vv.subplot(121)
    m1 = vv.mesh(np.fliplr(vertices1), faces1)
    a2 = vv.subplot(122)
    m2 = vv.mesh(np.fliplr(vertices2), faces2)
    a1.camera = a2.camera

    # visvis uses right-hand rule, gradient_direction param uses left-hand rule
    m1.cullFaces = m2.cullFaces = 'front'  # None, front or back

def drawmodelphasescycles(vol1,
    """ draw model and volume (show optional) at different phases cycle
    if ax is None:
        ax = vv.gca()
    ax.daspect = 1, 1, -1
    ax.axis.axisColor = 0, 0, 0
    ax.bgcolor = 1, 1, 1
    vv.xlabel('x (mm)')
    vv.ylabel('y (mm)')
    vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
    # draw
    t = show_ctvolume(vol1,
    if showmodelavgreg:
        # show model and CT mid cycle
        mw = 5
        for model in model1:
            model.Draw(mc='b', mw=mw, lc='b', alpha=0.5)
        label = pick3d(ax, vol1)
    if not showvol:
        t.visible = False
    # get models in different phases
    for model in model1:
        for phasenr in phases:
            model_phase = get_graph_in_phase(model, phasenr=phasenr)
            if meshWithColors:
                modelmesh1 = create_mesh_with_abs_displacement(model_phase,
                m = vv.mesh(modelmesh1, colormap=vv.CM_JET, clim=clim2)
                #todo: use colormap Viridis or Magma as JET is not linear (https://bids.github.io/colormap/)
                model_phase.Draw(mc=colors[phasenr], mw=10, lc=colors[phasenr])
        #         modelmesh1 = create_mesh(model_phase, radius = radius)
        #         m = vv.mesh(modelmesh1); m.faceColor = colors[phasenr]
    if meshWithColors:
    return ax
Exemple #5
def DrawModelAxes(vol,
    """ Draw model with volume with axes set
    ax = axes to draw (a1 or a2 or a3); graph = sd._nodes1 or 2 or 3
    meshColor = None or faceColor e.g. 'g'
    #todo: prevent TypeError: draw() got an unexpected keyword argument mc/lc when not given as required variable
    #todo: *args voor vol in drawModelAxes of **kwargs[key] in functies hieronder
    if ax is None:
        ax = vv.gca()
    ax.daspect = 1, 1, -1
    ax.axis.axisColor = 1, 1, 1
    ax.bgcolor = 0, 0, 0
    ax.axis.visible = axVis
    vv.xlabel('x (mm)')
    vv.ylabel('y (mm)')
    vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
    if graph is None:
        show_ctvolume(vol, graph, axis=ax, removeStent=False, **kwargs)
        label = pick3d(vv.gca(), vol)
        return label
    if hasattr(graph, 'number_of_edges'):
        if graph.number_of_edges(
        ) == 0:  # get label from picked seeds sd._nodes1
            show_ctvolume(vol, graph, axis=ax, **kwargs)
            label = pick3d(vv.gca(), vol)
            graph.Draw(mc=mc, lc=lc)
            return label
    if not meshColor is None:
        bm = create_mesh(graph, 0.5)  # (argument is strut tickness)
        m = vv.mesh(bm)
        m.faceColor = meshColor  # 'g'
    show_ctvolume(vol, graph, axis=ax, **kwargs)
    graph.Draw(mc=mc, lc=lc)
    if getLabel == True:
        label = pick3d(vv.gca(), vol)
        return label
        pick3d(vv.gca(), vol)
Exemple #6
def showVesselMesh(vesselstl, ax=None, vesselMeshColor=(1,0,0,0.5),
    type = 1, **kwargs):
    """ plot pointcloud of mesh in ax
    type = 1 use vv.mesh; type = 2 use vv.plot
    if ax is None:
        ax = vv.gca()
    if vesselstl is None:
    if type == 1:
        vessel = vv.mesh(vesselstl, axes=ax, **kwargs)
        vessel.faceColor = vesselMeshColor # (1,0,0,0.5) or alpha 0.4-0.6
        return vessel
    elif type == 2:
        # get PointSet from STL 
        ppvessel = points_from_mesh(vesselstl, invertZ = False) # removes duplicates
        vv.plot(ppvessel, ms='.', ls='', mc= 'r', alpha=0.2, mw = 7, axes = ax)
        return ppvessel
def plot_3d(image, threshold=100):
    # Position the scan upright,
    # so the head of the patient would be at the top facing the camera
    p = image.transpose(2, 1, 0)
    p = p[::2, ::2, ::2]
    #     verts, faces = measure.marching_cubes(p, threshold)
    # verts, faces,_,_ = measure.marching_cubes_lewiner(p, threshold)

    verts, faces, normals, values = measure.marching_cubes(p, threshold)
    verts, faces, normals, values = marching_cubes_lewiner(myvolume, 0.0) # doctest: +SKIP
      >>> vv.mesh(np.fliplr(verts), faces, normals, values) # doctest: +SKIP
      >>> vv.use().Run() # doctest: +SKIP

    lung_mesh = vv.mesh(np.fliplr(verts),
    #     lung_mesh.setcolor([0.45, 0.45, 0.75])
    faceColor = 'g'

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    # Fancy indexing: `verts[faces]` to generate a collection of triangles
    mesh = Poly3DCollection(verts[faces], alpha=0.1)
    face_color = [0.5, 0.5, 1]
    ax.set_xlim(0, p.shape[0])
    ax.set_ylim(0, p.shape[1])
    ax.set_zlim(0, p.shape[2])


# Create visvis application
app = vv.use()

# Create main window frame and set a resolution.
main_w = MainWindow()
main_w.resize(1200, 800)

# Create the 3 D shape model as a mesh. verticesPerFace equals 3 since triangles define the
# mesh's surface in this case
vv.mesh(vertices=VERTICES, faces=faces, verticesPerFace=3)

# Get axes objects
axes = vv.gca()

# Set a black background
axes.bgcolor = 'black'

# Deactivate the grid and make the x, y, z axes invisible
axes.axis.showGrid = False
axes.axis.visible = False

# Set some camera settings
# Please note: if you want to "fly" arond the comet with w, a, s, d (translation) and i, j, k, l
# (tilt) replace '3d' with 'fly'
axes.camera = '3d'
# Main outcome 1: distance 2nd ring valleys to renal
# Main outcome 2: migration 2nd ring valleys from discharge to 1, 6, 12 months

## Visualize
f = vv.figure(2)
f.position = 0.00, 22.00, 1920.00, 1018.00
alpha = 0.5
if ctcode2:
    a1 = vv.subplot(121)
    a1 = vv.gca()
show_ctvolume(vol1, model1, showVol=showVol, clim=clim0, isoTh=isoTh)
pick3d(vv.gca(), vol1)
model1.Draw(mc='b', mw=10, lc='g')
vm = vv.mesh(modelmesh1)
vm.faceColor = 'g'
# m = vv.mesh(vessel1)
# m.faceColor = (1,0,0, alpha) # red

# vis vessel, centerline, renal origo, peaks valleys R1
vv.plot(ppvessel1, ms='.', ls='', mc='r', alpha=0.2, mw=7, axes=a1)  # vessel
vv.plot(PointSet(list(c1_start1)), ms='.', ls='', mc='g', mw=18,
        axes=a1)  # start1
vv.plot([e[0] for e in c1_ends], [e[1] for e in c1_ends],
        [e[2] for e in c1_ends],
        axes=a1)  # ends
Exemple #10
vv.figure(2); vv.clf()

# Show volume and segmented stent as a graph
a1 = vv.subplot(131)
t = vv.volshow(vol)
t.clim = 0, 3000
#sd._nodes1.Draw(mc='g', mw = 6)    # draw seeded nodes
#sd._nodes2.Draw(mc='g')            # draw seeded and MCP connected nodes

# Show cleaned up
a2 = vv.subplot(132)
sd._nodes3.Draw(mc='g', lc='b')

# Show the mesh
a3 = vv.subplot(133)
a3.daspect = 1,-1,1
m = vv.mesh(bm)
m.faceColor = 'g'

# Use same camera
a1.camera = a2.camera = a3.camera

test = vv.plot([0,0,0], axesAdjust=False, ls='', ms='.', mc='r', mw=15)
if False:
    node = sd._nodes3.nodes()[3]
    pp = vv.Pointset( np.array(list(node)).reshape(1,3) )
# Take a screenshot 
#vv.screenshot('/home/almar/projects/valve_result_pat001.jpg', vv.gcf(), sf=2)
def on_key(event):
    global node_points 
    if event.key == vv.KEY_DOWN:
        # hide nodes and labels
        t1.visible, t2.visible, t3.visible = False, False, False
        t4.visible, t5.visible, t6.visible = False, False, False
        for node_point in node_points:
            node_point.visible = False
    if event.key == vv.KEY_UP:
        # show nodes and labels
        t1.visible, t2.visible, t3.visible = True, True, True
        t4.visible, t5.visible, t6.visible = True, True, True
        for node_point in node_points:
            node_point.visible = True
    if event.text == 'n':
        # add clickable point: point on graph closest to picked point (SHIFT+R-click )
        view = a.GetView()
        for node_point in node_points:
            node_point.visible = False
        snapOut = _utils_GUI.snap_picked_point_to_graph(model, vol, label) # x,y,z
        pickedOnGraph = snapOut[0]
        n1, n2 = snapOut[1]
        pickedOnGraphIndex = snapOut[2]
        pickedOnGraphDeforms = model.edge[n1][n2]['pathdeforms'][pickedOnGraphIndex]
        model.add_node(pickedOnGraph, deforms=pickedOnGraphDeforms)
        node_points = _utils_GUI.interactive_node_points(model, scale=0.7)
        _utils_GUI.node_points_callbacks(node_points, selected_nodes, t0=t0)
        # visualize
        # pickedOnGraph_sphere = vv.solidSphere(translation = (pickedOnGraph), scaling = (scale,scale,scale))
        point = vv.plot(pickedOnGraph[0], pickedOnGraph[1], pickedOnGraph[2], 
                        mc = 'y', ms = 'o', mw = 9, alpha=0.5)
    if event.key == vv.KEY_ENTER:
        assert len(selected_nodes) == 2 or 3 or 4
        # Node_to_node analysis
        if len(selected_nodes) == 2:
            # get nodes
            selectn1 = selected_nodes[0].node
            selectn2 = selected_nodes[1].node
            # get index of nodes which are in fixed order
            n1index = selected_nodes[0].nr
            n2index = selected_nodes[1].nr
            nindex = [n1index, n2index]
            # get deforms of nodes
            n1Deforms = model.node[selectn1]['deforms']
            n2Deforms = model.node[selectn2]['deforms']
            # get pulsatility
            output = point_to_point_pulsatility(selectn1, n1Deforms, selectn2, n2Deforms)
            # update labels
            t1.text = '\b{Node pair}: %i - %i' % (nindex[0], nindex[1])
            t2.text = 'Node-to-node Min: %1.2f mm' % output[0][0]
            t3.text = 'Node-to-node Max: %1.2f mm' % output[4][0]
            t4.text = 'Node-to-node Median: %1.2f mm' % output[2]
            t5.text = 'Node-to-node Q1 and Q3: %1.2f | %1.2f mm' % (output[1], output[3])
            t6.text = '\b{Node-to-node Pulsatility: %1.2f mm}' % (output[5][0] )
            t1.visible, t2.visible, t3.visible = True, True, True
            t4.visible, t5.visible, t6.visible = True, True, True
            # Store output including index/nr of nodes
            output.insert(0, [n1index]) # at the start
            output.insert(1, [n2index])
            output[8].insert(0, [n1index])
            output[9].insert(0, [n2index])
            if output not in storeOutput:
        # Midpoint_to_node analysis
        if len(selected_nodes)== 3:
            # find the edge selected to get midpoint
            selected_nodes2 = selected_nodes.copy()
            for node1 in selected_nodes:
                selected_nodes2.remove(node1) # check combination once and not to self
                for node2 in selected_nodes2:
                    if model.has_edge(node1.node, node2.node):
                        # get midpoint of edge and its deforms
                        output = get_midpoint_deforms_edge(model, node1.node, node2.node)
                        break  # edge found, to first for loop
            # get index of nodepair and midpoint and its deforms
            nodepair1 = output[0]
            midpoint1IndexPath = output[1]
            midpoint1 = output[2]
            midpoint1Deforms = output[3]
            # get node
            for i, node in enumerate(selected_nodes):
                if node.nr not in nodepair1:
                    n3 = node
            # get deforms for node
            n3Deforms = model.node[n3.node]['deforms']
            # get pulsatility
            # first selected first in output
            if i > 0: # single node was not selected first
                output2 = point_to_point_pulsatility(midpoint1, 
                            midpoint1Deforms, n3.node, n3Deforms)
                output2 = point_to_point_pulsatility(n3.node, n3Deforms,
                            midpoint1, midpoint1Deforms)
            # visualize midpoint
            view = a.GetView()
            point = vv.plot(midpoint1[0], midpoint1[1], midpoint1[2], 
                            mc = 'm', ms = 'o', mw = 8, alpha=0.5)
            # update labels
            t1.text = '\b{Node pairs}: (%i %i) - (%i)' % (nodepair1[0],nodepair1[1],n3.nr)
            t2.text = 'Midpoint-to-node Min: %1.2f mm' % output2[0][0]
            t3.text = 'Midpoint-to-node Max: %1.2f mm' % output2[4][0]
            t4.text = 'Midpoint-to-node Median: %1.2f mm' % output2[2]
            t5.text = 'Midpoint-to-node Q1 and Q3: %1.2f | %1.2f mm' % (output2[1], output2[3])
            t6.text = '\b{Midpoint-to-node Pulsatility: %1.2f mm}' % (output2[5][0])
            t1.visible, t2.visible, t3.visible = True, True, True
            t4.visible, t5.visible, t6.visible = True, True, True
            # Store output including index nodes
            if i > 0:
                output2.insert(0, nodepair1) # at the start
                output2.insert(1, [n3.nr])
                output2[8].insert(0, midpoint1IndexPath)
                output2[9].insert(0, [n3.nr])
                output2.insert(0, [n3.nr]) # at the start
                output2.insert(1, nodepair1)
                output2[8].insert(0, [n3.nr])
                output2[9].insert(0, midpoint1IndexPath)
            if output2 not in storeOutput:
        # Midpoint_to_midpoint analysis
        if len(selected_nodes) == 4:
            outputs = list()
            # get midpoints for the two edges
            # get nodepairs from order selected
            for i in (0,2):
                n1 = selected_nodes[i].node
                n2 = selected_nodes[i+1].node
                assert model.has_edge(n1, n2)
                # get midpoint of edge and its deforms
                output = get_midpoint_deforms_edge(model, n1, n2)
                midpoint = output[2]
                # store for both edges
                # visualize midpoint
                view = a.GetView()
                point = vv.plot(midpoint[0], midpoint[1], midpoint[2], 
                                mc = 'm', ms = 'o', mw = 8, alpha=0.5)
            assert len(outputs) == 2 # two midpoints should be found
            # get midpoints and deforms
            nodepair1 = outputs[0][0]
            midpoint1IndexPath = outputs[0][1]
            midpoint1 = outputs[0][2]
            midpoint1Deforms = outputs[0][3]
            nodepair2 = outputs[1][0]
            midpoint2IndexPath = outputs[1][1]
            midpoint2 = outputs[1][2]
            midpoint2Deforms = outputs[1][3]
            # get pulsatility midp to midp
            output2 = point_to_point_pulsatility(midpoint1, 
                                midpoint1Deforms, midpoint2, midpoint2Deforms)
            # # get max pulsatility between points on the paths
            # outputmaxP.append(edge_to_edge_max_pulsatility(model, nodepair1, nodepair2))
            # update labels
            t1.text = '\b{Node pairs}: (%i %i) - (%i %i)' % (nodepair1[0], nodepair1[1],
                                                            nodepair2[0], nodepair2[1])
            t2.text = 'Midpoint-to-midpoint Min: %1.2f mm' % output2[0][0]
            t3.text = 'Midpoint-to-midpoint Max: %1.2f mm' % output2[4][0]
            t4.text = 'Midpoint-to-midpoint Median: %1.2f mm' % output2[2]
            t5.text = 'Midpoint-to-midpoint Q1 and Q3: %1.2f | %1.2f mm' % (output2[1], output2[3])
            t6.text = '\b{Midpoint-to-midpoint Pulsatility: %1.2f mm}' % (output2[5][0])
            t1.visible, t2.visible, t3.visible = True, True, True
            t4.visible, t5.visible, t6.visible = True, True, True
            # Store output including nodepairs of the midpoints
            output2.insert(0, nodepair1) # indices at the start
            output2.insert(1, nodepair2)
            output2[8].insert(0, midpoint1IndexPath)
            output2[9].insert(0, midpoint2IndexPath)
            if output2 not in storeOutput:
        # Visualize analyzed nodes and deselect
        for node in selected_nodes:
            node.faceColor = (0,1,0,0.8) #  # make green when analyzed
    if event.key == vv.KEY_ESCAPE:
        # visualize
        view = a.GetView()
        t = vv.volshow(vol, clim=clim, renderStyle='mip')
        # show mesh of model without deform coloring
        modelmesh = create_mesh(model, 0.4)  # Param is thickness
        m = vv.mesh(modelmesh)
        m.faceColor = (0,1,0,1) # green
        # Store to EXCEL
        for node_point in node_points:
            node_point.visible = False # show that store is ready
def _plot_visvis(verts, faces, normals, values):
    import visvis as vv
    vv.mesh(np.fliplr(verts), faces, normals, values)
Exemple #13
def interactiveClusterRemoval(graph,
                              faceColor=(0.5, 1.0, 0.3),
                              selectColor=(1.0, 0.3, 0.3)):
    """ showGraphAsMesh(graph, radius=0.7, 
                faceColor=(0.5,1.0,0.3), selectColor=(1.0,0.3, 0.3) )
    Manual delete clusters in the graph. Show the given graph as a mesh, or to 
    be more precize as a set of meshes representing the clusters of the graph. 
    By holding the mouse over a mesh, it can be selected, after which it can be 
    deleted by pressing delete. Use sd._nodes3 for graph when in segmentation.
    Returns the axes in which the meshes are drawn.
    import visvis as vv
    import networkx as nx
    from stentseg.stentdirect import stentgraph
    from stentseg.stentdirect.stentgraph import create_mesh

    # Get clusters of nodes
    clusters = list(nx.connected_components(graph))

    # Build meshes
    meshes = []
    for cluster in clusters:
        # skip single nodes as these cannot be converted with create_mesh
        if len(cluster) == 1:
        g = graph.copy()
        for c in clusters:
            if not c == cluster:

        # Convert to mesh (this takes a while)
        bm = create_mesh(g, radius=radius)

        # Store

    # Define callback functions
    def meshEnterEvent(event):
        event.owner.faceColor = selectColor

    def meshLeaveEvent(event):
        event.owner.faceColor = faceColor

    def figureKeyEvent(event):
        if event.key == vv.KEY_DELETE:
            m = event.owner.underMouse
            if hasattr(m, 'faceColor'):

    # Visualize
    a = vv.gca()
    fig = a.GetFigure()
    for i, bm in enumerate(meshes):
        m = vv.mesh(bm)
        m.faceColor = faceColor
        m.hitTest = True
        m.index = i
    # Bind event handlers to figure
    a.bgcolor = 'k'
    a.axis.axisColor = 'w'
    a.axis.visible = axVis
    a.daspect = 1, 1, -1

    # Prevent the callback functions from going out of scope
    a._callbacks = meshEnterEvent, meshLeaveEvent, figureKeyEvent

    # Done return axes
    return a
Exemple #14
selections = {'gyroid': gyroid, 'schwarz_p': schwarz_p, 'schwarz_d': schwarz_d}

mm = [50, 50, 50]
n = 100
a = 10

x = np.linspace(0, mm[0], n)
y = np.linspace(0, mm[1], n)
z = np.linspace(0, mm[2], n)

X, Y, Z = np.meshgrid(x, y, z)

function_values = selections['schwarz_p'](X / a, Y / a, Z / a)

#Use marching cubes to obtain the surface mesh of the ellipsoids
verts, faces, normals, values = measure.marching_cubes_lewiner(
    function_values, 0)
for i, v in enumerate(mm):
    verts[:, i] *= (v / n)
#Fancy indexing: 'verts[faces]' to generate a collection of triangles
vv.mesh(np.fliplr(verts), faces, normals, values)

# # Create the mesh
# gyr_mesh = mesh.Mesh(np.zeros(faces.shape[0], dtype=mesh.Mesh.dtype))
# for i, f in enumerate(faces):
#     for j in range(3):
#         gyr_mesh.vectors[i][j] = verts[f[j],:]

# gyr_mesh.save('gyroid_stl.stl')
Exemple #15
        isovalue = 0.0
        vol = np.empty((n,n,n), 'float32')
        for iz in range(vol.shape[0]):
            for iy in range(vol.shape[1]):
                for ix in range(vol.shape[2]):
                    z, y, x = float(iz)*a+b, float(iy)*a+b, float(ix)*a+b
                    vol[iz,iy,ix] = ( ( 
                        (8*x)**2 + (8*y-2)**2 + (8*z)**2 + 16 - 1.85*1.85 ) * ( (8*x)**2 +
                        (8*y-2)**2 + (8*z)**2 + 16 - 1.85*1.85 ) - 64 * ( (8*x)**2 + (8*y-2)**2 )
                        ) * ( ( (8*x)**2 + ((8*y-2)+4)*((8*y-2)+4) + (8*z)**2 + 16 - 1.85*1.85 )
                        * ( (8*x)**2 + ((8*y-2)+4)*((8*y-2)+4) + (8*z)**2 + 16 - 1.85*1.85 ) -
                        64 * ( ((8*y-2)+4)*((8*y-2)+4) + (8*z)**2 
                        ) ) + 1025
        # Uncommenting the line below will yield different results for classic MC
        #vol = -vol
    # Get surface meshes
    bm1 = isosurface(vol, isovalue, 1, useClassic=True)
    t0 = time.time()
    bm2 = isosurface(vol, isovalue, 1)
    print('finding surface took %1.0f ms' % (1000*(time.time()-t0)) )
    # Show
    vv.figure(1); vv.clf()
    vv.subplot(121); vv.imshow(im); vv.plot(pp, ls='+', lc='r', lw=2)
    a1=vv.subplot(222); m1=vv.mesh(bm1) #t=vv.volshow(vol)
    a2=vv.subplot(224); m2=vv.mesh(bm2)
    a1.camera = a2.camera

Exemple #16
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" This example illustrates how to create an isosurface from a volume
and display it. This code relies on scikit-image.

import visvis as vv

vol = vv.volread('stent')  # a standard visvis volume
mesh = vv.isosurface(vol)  # returns a visvis BaseMesh object

m = vv.mesh(mesh)
m.faceColor = (0, 1, 1)

app = vv.use()
Exemple #17
def showModelsStatic(ptcode,codes, vols, ss, mm, vs, showVol, clim, isoTh, clim2, 
    clim2D, drawMesh=True, meshDisplacement=True, drawModelLines=True, 
    showvol2D=False, showAxis=False, drawVessel=False, vesselType=1,
    meshColor=None, **kwargs):
    """ show one to four models in multipanel figure. 
    Input: arrays of codes, vols, ssdfs; params from show_models_static
    Output: axes, colorbars 
    # init fig
    f = vv.figure(1); vv.clf()
    # f.position = 0.00, 22.00,  1920.00, 1018.00
    mw = 5
    if drawMesh == True:
        lc = 'w'
        meshColor = meshColor
        lc = 'g'
    # create subplots
    if isinstance(codes, str): # if 1 ctcode, otherwise tuple of strings
        a1 = vv.subplot(111)
        axes = [a1]
    elif codes == (codes[0],codes[1]):
        a1 = vv.subplot(121)
        a2 = vv.subplot(122)
        axes = [a1,a2]
    elif codes == (codes[0],codes[1], codes[2]):
        a1 = vv.subplot(131)
        a2 = vv.subplot(132)
        a3 = vv.subplot(133)
        axes = [a1,a2,a3]
    elif codes == (codes[0],codes[1], codes[2], codes[3]):
        a1 = vv.subplot(141)
        a2 = vv.subplot(142)
        a3 = vv.subplot(143)
        a4 = vv.subplot(144)
        axes = [a1,a2,a3,a4]
    elif codes == (codes[0],codes[1], codes[2], codes[3], codes[4]):
        a1 = vv.subplot(151)
        a2 = vv.subplot(152)
        a3 = vv.subplot(153)
        a4 = vv.subplot(154)
        a5 = vv.subplot(155)
        axes = [a1,a2,a3,a4,a5]
        a1 = vv.subplot(111)
        axes = [a1]
    for i, ax in enumerate(axes):
        vv.xlabel('x (mm)');vv.ylabel('y (mm)');vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
        vv.title('Model for LSPEAS %s  -  %s' % (ptcode[7:], codes[i]))
        t = show_ctvolume(vols[i], ss[i].model, axis=ax, showVol=showVol, clim=clim, isoTh=isoTh, **kwargs)
        label = pick3d(ax, vols[i])
        if drawModelLines == True:
            ss[i].model.Draw(mc='b', mw = mw, lc=lc)
    if showvol2D:
        for i, ax in enumerate(axes):
            t2 = vv.volshow2(vols[i], clim=clim2D, axes=ax)
    cbars = [] # colorbars
    if drawMesh:
        for i, ax in enumerate(axes):
            m = vv.mesh(mm[i], axes=ax)
            if meshDisplacement:
                m.clim = clim2
                m.colormap = vv.CM_JET #todo: use colormap Viridis or Magma as JET is not linear (https://bids.github.io/colormap/)
                cb = vv.colorbar(ax)
            elif meshColor is not None:
                if len(meshColor) == 1:
                    m.faceColor = meshColor[0] # (0,1,0,1)
                    m.faceColor = meshColor[i]
                m.faceColor = 'g'
    if drawVessel:
        for i, ax in enumerate(axes):
            v = showVesselMesh(vs[i], ax, type=vesselType)
    for ax in axes:
        ax.axis.axisColor = 1,1,1
        ax.bgcolor = 25/255,25/255,112/255 # midnightblue
        # http://cloford.com/resources/colours/500col.htm
        ax.daspect = 1, 1, -1  # z-axis flipped
        ax.axis.visible = showAxis
    # set colorbar position
    for cbar in cbars:
        p1 = cbar.position
        cbar.position = (p1[0], 20, p1[2], 0.98) # x,y,w,h
    # bind rotate view and view presets [1,2,3,4,5]
    f = vv.gcf()
    f.eventKeyDown.Bind(lambda event: _utils_GUI.RotateView(event,axes,axishandling=False) )
    f.eventKeyDown.Bind(lambda event: _utils_GUI.ViewPresets(event,axes) )
    return axes, cbars
Exemple #18
                    ) * ( ( (8*x)**2 + ((8*y-2)+4)*((8*y-2)+4) + (8*z)**2 + 16 - 1.85*1.85 )
                    * ( (8*x)**2 + ((8*y-2)+4)*((8*y-2)+4) + (8*z)**2 + 16 - 1.85*1.85 ) -
                    64 * ( ((8*y-2)+4)*((8*y-2)+4) + (8*z)**2
                    ) ) + 1025
    # Uncommenting the line below will yield different results for classic MC
    #vol = -vol

elif SELECT == 4:
    vol = ellipsoid(4, 3, 2, levelset=True)
    isovalue = 0

# Get surface meshes
t0 = time.time()
vertices1, faces1, _ = marching_cubes_lewiner(vol, isovalue, gradient_direction=gradient_dir, use_classic=False)
print('finding surface lewiner took %1.0f ms' % (1000*(time.time()-t0)) )

t0 = time.time()
vertices2, faces2, _ = marching_cubes_classic(vol, isovalue, gradient_direction=gradient_dir)
print('finding surface classic took %1.0f ms' % (1000*(time.time()-t0)) )

# Show
vv.figure(1); vv.clf()
a1 = vv.subplot(121); m1 = vv.mesh(np.fliplr(vertices1), faces1)
a2 = vv.subplot(122); m2 = vv.mesh(np.fliplr(vertices2), faces2)
a1.camera = a2.camera

# visvis uses right-hand rule, gradient_direction param uses left-hand rule
m1.cullFaces = m2.cullFaces = 'front'  # None, front or back

Exemple #19
    vol : 3D numpy array
        The volume for which to calculate the isosurface.
    isovalue : float
        The value at which the surface should be created. If not given or None,
        the average of the min and max of vol is used.
    step : int
        The stepsize for stepping through the volume. Larger steps yield
        faster but coarser results. The result shall always be topologically
        correct though.
    useClassic : bool
        If True, uses the classic marching cubes by Lorensen (1987) is used.
        This algorithm has many ambiguities and is not guaranteed to produce
        a topologically correct result.
    useValues : bool
        If True, the returned BaseMesh object will also have a value for
        each vertex, which is related to the maximum value in a local region
        near the isosurface.

    from visvis.utils.iso import isosurface as _isosurface

    return _isosurface(im, isovalue, step, useClassic, useValues)

if __name__ == '__main__':
Exemple #20
def demo(restore_path):
    Trains a convolutional neural network to locate multiple spheres in a simulated artificial lateral line experiment.
    Currently, this implementation is a port from the original Theano implementation, which is why it still misses some
    functionality that is mentioned in the current version of the paper.
    :param config:  Experiment config generated from command line input.

    # Create TensorFlow session
    sess = tf.Session()

    # Read the data from storage
    test_x, test_y, _, _ = read_data(config)
    print("Finished reading data")

    # Set up two data batchers that provide a straightforward interface for moving through data batches
    excitation0, excitation1, out = create_model(config,

    # Initialize the graph variables

    # Create a saver
    saver = tf.train.Saver()

    saver.restore(sess, restore_path)

    out_numeric = sess.run(out,
                               excitation0: test_x[0:1, 0, :, :],
                               excitation1: test_x[0:1, 1, :, :]
    # fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2)
    # plt.ion()
    # plt.show()

    ex_cfg = DataConfig
    ex_cfg.resolution = 128
    ex_cfg.n_sensors = 128
    s, target_mesh, x_mesh2d, x_mesh3d, y_mesh3d, z_mesh3d = get_meshes()

    x_slice = x_mesh3d[:, :, 0]
    column_indices, row_indices0, row_indices0_mod, row_indices1, row_indices1_mod = get_index_arrays(
        ex_cfg, x_slice, y_mesh3d, z_mesh3d)
    ax_objs = None

    counter = 0
    n_angles = 360
    print("Running animation")
    for i in range(test_x.shape[0]):
        out_numeric = sess.run(out,
                                   excitation0: test_x[i:i + 1, 0, :, :],
                                   excitation1: test_x[i:i + 1, 1, :, :]
        out_numeric = np.transpose(out_numeric[0])

        halfway = out_numeric.shape[0] // 2

        multis = get_3d_density(column_indices, ex_cfg.resolution,
                                row_indices0, row_indices0_mod, row_indices1,
                                row_indices1_mod, out_numeric[:halfway, :],
                                out_numeric[halfway:, :])
        target = get_3d_density(column_indices, ex_cfg.resolution,
                                row_indices0, row_indices0_mod, row_indices1,
                                row_indices1_mod, test_y[i, 0].T, test_y[i,
        target3d = np.asarray(target)
        density3d = np.asarray(multis)

        # def display():
        #     contour3d(x_mesh3d, y_mesh3d, z_mesh3d, density3d, contours=[0.8], transparent=True)
        # display()

        vv.volshow(density3d, cm=vv.CM_JET, axes=a1)
        vv.volshow(target3d, cm=vv.CM_JET, axes=a2)

        if density3d.max() > args.level:
            mesh = vv.isosurface(density3d, args.level)
            m = vv.mesh(mesh, axes=a1)
            m.faceColor = (1, 1, 1)

        if target3d.max() > args.level:
            mesh = vv.isosurface(target3d, args.level)
            m = vv.mesh(mesh, axes=a2)
            m.faceColor = (1, 1, 1)

        a1.daspect = (3, 3, 2)
        a1.axis.xLabel = 'x'
        a1.axis.yLabel = 'y'
        a1.axis.zLabel = 'z'
        vv.title('Prediction reconstruction', axes=a1)

        a2.daspect = (3, 3, 2)
        a2.axis.xLabel = 'x'
        a2.axis.yLabel = 'y'
        a2.axis.zLabel = 'z'
        vv.title('Target reconstruction', axes=a2)

        for i in range(5):
            a1.camera.azimuth = counter % 360
            counter += 3

            if i < 4:
Exemple #21
    if not os.path.isfile(fname):
        # try loading from the resource dir
        path = visvis.misc.getResourceDir()
        fname2 = os.path.join(path, fname)
        if os.path.isfile(fname2):
            fname = fname2
            raise IOError("Mesh file '%s' does not exist." % fname)
    # Use file extension to read file
    if fname.lower().endswith('.stl'):
        readFunc = vv.io.stl.StlReader.read
    elif fname.lower().endswith('.obj'):
        readFunc = vv.io.wavefront.WavefrontReader.read
    elif fname.lower().endswith('.ssdf') or fname.lower().endswith('.bsdf'):
        readFunc = ssdfRead
        raise ValueError('meshRead cannot determine file type.')
    # Read
    return readFunc(fname, check)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    bm = meshRead('bunny.ssdf')
    vv.figure(1); vv.clf()
    a = vv.subplot(121)
    m = vv.mesh(bm)
Exemple #22
                                (8 * z)**2 + 16 - 1.85 * 1.85) - 64 *
                               ((8 * x)**2 + (8 * y - 2)**2)) * (
                                   ((8 * x)**2 + ((8 * y - 2) + 4) *
                                    ((8 * y - 2) + 4) +
                                    (8 * z)**2 + 16 - 1.85 * 1.85) *
                                   ((8 * x)**2 + ((8 * y - 2) + 4) *
                                    ((8 * y - 2) + 4) +
                                    (8 * z)**2 + 16 - 1.85 * 1.85) - 64 *
                                   (((8 * y - 2) + 4) * ((8 * y - 2) + 4) +
                                    (8 * z)**2)) + 1025
        # Uncommenting the line below will yield different results for classic MC
        #vol = -vol

    # Get surface meshes
    bm1 = isosurface(vol, isovalue, 1, useClassic=True)
    t0 = time.time()
    bm2 = isosurface(vol, isovalue, 1)
    print('finding surface took %1.0f ms' % (1000 * (time.time() - t0)))

    # Show
    vv.plot(pp, ls='+', lc='r', lw=2)
    a1 = vv.subplot(222)
    m1 = vv.mesh(bm1)  #t=vv.volshow(vol)
    a2 = vv.subplot(224)
    m2 = vv.mesh(bm2)
    a1.camera = a2.camera
Exemple #23
elif SELECT == 4:
    vol = ellipsoid(4, 3, 2, levelset=True)
    isovalue = 0

# Get surface meshes
t0 = time.time()
vertices1, faces1, _, _ = marching_cubes_lewiner(
    vol, isovalue, gradient_direction=gradient_dir, use_classic=False)
print('finding surface lewiner took %1.0f ms' % (1000 * (time.time() - t0)))

t0 = time.time()
vertices2, faces2 = marching_cubes_classic(vol,
print('finding surface classic took %1.0f ms' % (1000 * (time.time() - t0)))

# Show
a1 = vv.subplot(121)
m1 = vv.mesh(np.fliplr(vertices1), faces1)
a2 = vv.subplot(122)
m2 = vv.mesh(np.fliplr(vertices2), faces2)
a1.camera = a2.camera

# visvis uses right-hand rule, gradient_direction param uses left-hand rule
m1.cullFaces = m2.cullFaces = 'front'  # None, front or back

Exemple #24
def interactiveCenterlineID(s,
                            faceColor=(0.5, 1.0, 0.3),
                            selectColor=(1.0, 0.3, 0.3)):
    """ showGraphAsMesh(graph, radius=0.7, 
                faceColor=(0.5,1.0,0.3), selectColor=(1.0,0.3, 0.3) )
    Manual identidy centerlines; s contains models. 
    Show the given graphs as a mesh, or to be more precize as a set of meshes 
    representing the centerlines in the struct. 
    By holding the mouse over a mesh, it can be selected, after which it can be 
    identified by pressing enter.
    Returns the axes in which the meshes are drawn and s2 with new named models.
    import visvis as vv
    import networkx as nx
    from stentseg.stentdirect import stentgraph
    from stentseg.stentdirect.stentgraph import create_mesh
    # from nellix._select_centerline_points import _Select_Centerline_Points
    import copy
    import numpy as np

    print("Move mouse over centerlines and press ENTER to identify")
        "Give either NelL, NelR, LRA, RRA, SMA for stents or vLRA, vRRA, vSMA for transition vessel-stent"
    print("Press ESCAPE to save ssdf and finish")
    # Get clusters of nodes from each centerline
    clusters = []
    meshes = []
    s2 = copy.copy(s)
    for key in s:
        if key.startswith('model'):
            del s2[key]
            # Convert to mesh (this takes a while)
            bm = create_mesh(s[key], radius=radius, fullPaths=False)
            # Store

    ppallcenterlines = []
    ppendsall = []
    for key2 in s:
        if key2.startswith('ppC'):  # 'ppCenterline1'  2 ..
                (s[key2][0, :], s[key2][-1, :])))  # first and last point cll
            # now remove from ssdf
            del s2[key2]
    ppallcenterlines = np.asarray(ppallcenterlines)

    centerlines = [None] * len(clusters)

    # Define callback functions
    def meshEnterEvent(event):
        event.owner.faceColor = selectColor

    def meshLeaveEvent(event):
        if event.owner.hitTest:  # True
            event.owner.faceColor = faceColor
            event.owner.faceColor = 'b'

    def figureKeyEvent(event):
        if event.key == vv.KEY_ENTER:
            m = event.owner.underMouse
            if hasattr(m, 'faceColor'):
                m.faceColor = 'y'
                dialog_output = get_index_name()
                name = dialog_output
                model = clusters[m.index]
                # get pp corresponding to model
                ends = []
                for n in sorted(model.nodes()):
                    if model.degree(n) == 1:
                if len(ends) > 2:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        'Centerline has more than 2 nodes with 1 neighbour')
                ends = np.asarray(ends, dtype='float32')
                # add selected cll to s2
                if name in [
                        'NelL', 'NelR', 'LRA', 'RRA', 'SMA', 'vLRA', 'vRRA',
                    s2['model' + name] = model
                    for i, ppend in enumerate(
                            ppendsall):  # pp for each centerline
                        if ends[0] in ppend:  # should not matter which end
                            print('ppCenterline was added to s2')
                            s2['ppCenterline' + name] = ppallcenterlines[i]
                    m.hitTest = False
                        "Name entered not known, give either NelL, NelR, LRA, RRA, SMA, 'vLRA', 'vRRA', 'vSMA'"
        if event.key == vv.KEY_ESCAPE:
            # Save ssdf
            filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname,
                                             modelname + '_id')
            s3 = copy.deepcopy(s2)  # do not change s2
            for key in s3:
                if key.startswith('model'):
                    s3[key] = s3[key].pack()
            vv.ssdf.save(os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename), s3)
            print("Finished, ssdf {} saved to disk".format(filename))
            # fig.Destroy() # warning?

    # Visualize
    a = vv.gca()
    fig = a.GetFigure()
    for i, bm in enumerate(meshes):
        m = vv.mesh(bm)
        m.faceColor = faceColor
        m.hitTest = True
        m.index = i
    # Bind event handlers to figure
    a.bgcolor = 'k'
    a.axis.axisColor = 'w'
    a.axis.visible = axVis
    a.daspect = 1, 1, -1

    # Prevent the callback functions from going out of scope
    a._callbacks = meshEnterEvent, meshLeaveEvent, figureKeyEvent

    # Done return axes and s2 with new named centerlines
    return a, s2