Exemple #1
def _build_py_value(data_value, data_def, impl=None):
    Converts a data value to python native value
    impl input is required to create Struct class instances

    :type  data_value: :class:`vmware.vapi.data.value.DataValue`
    :param data_value: Input data value
    :type  data_def: :class:`vmware.vapi.data.definition.DataDefinition`
    :param data_def: Data definition
    :type  impl: :class:`vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.VapiInterface` or
        :class:`vmware.vapi.bindings.skeleton.VapiInterface` or ``None``
    :param impl: Python generated class to resolve structure classes
    :rtype: :class:`object`
    :return: Native python value
    if data_def.type == Type.OPTIONAL:
        if data_value.is_set():
            element_def = data_def.element_type
            element_value = data_value.value
            py_value = _build_py_value(element_value, element_def, impl)
            py_value = None
    elif data_def.type == Type.LIST:
        py_value = []
        element_def = data_def.element_type
        for element_value in data_value:
            py_value.append(_build_py_value(element_value, element_def, impl))
    elif data_def.type in (Type.STRUCTURE, Type.ERROR):
        struct_name = data_def.name
        class_name = Converter.underscore_to_capwords(struct_name)
        py_value = {}
        for field in data_def.get_field_names():
            field_def = data_def.get_field(field)
            field_val = data_value.get_field(field)
            py_value[field] = _build_py_value(field_val, field_def, impl)
        if impl and hasattr(impl, class_name):
            kwargs = _pepify_args(py_value)
            py_value = getattr(impl, class_name)(**kwargs)
    elif data_def.type == Type.VOID:
        py_value = None
    # For opaque value, no need of any conversion
    elif data_def.type == Type.OPAQUE:
        py_value = data_value
    # Primitive type Integer/Double/String/Boolean/Secret
        py_type = _py_type_map.get(data_def.type)
        py_value = py_type(data_value.value)
    return py_value
Exemple #2
    def create_stub(self, service_name):
        Create a stub corresponding to the specified service name

        :type  service_name: :class:`str`
        :param service_name: Name of the service

        :rtype: :class:`VapiInterface`
        :return: The stub correspoding to the specified service name
        path_split = service_name.split('.')
        module_name = '%s_client' % '.'.join(path_split[:-1])
        class_name = Converter.underscore_to_capwords(path_split[-1])
        module = __import__(module_name, globals(), locals(), class_name)
        cls = getattr(module, class_name)
        return cls(self._config)
Exemple #3
    def __getattr__(cls, name):
        Return a synthesized factory method if the given name matches the
        name of one of the standard error types (after converting from
        lower-case-with-underscores to cap-words).
        if name.startswith(cls.METHOD_PREFIX) and name is not 'new_vapi_error':
            canonical_error_type_name = name[cls.METHOD_PREFIX_LENGTH:]
            capwords_error_type_name = Converter.underscore_to_capwords(
            error_type = getattr(errors_provider, capwords_error_type_name)
            if (isinstance(error_type, type)
                    and issubclass(error_type, VapiError)):

                def factory_method(**kwargs):
                    Synthesized factory function for a standard error type.
                    return error_type(**kwargs)

                return factory_method
        msg = "type object '%s' has no attribute '%s'" % (cls.__name__, name)
        raise AttributeError(msg)
 def test_underscore_to_capwords(self):