def check_dictionary(user_class: Vocabulary, word: str):
    Check the definition and example of the word by dictionary API

    Computational thinking: I used Decomposition to breakdown the user action into smaller tasks
    :precondition: user_class must be a Vocabulary class, the word must be a string has a meaning
    :postcondition: print the definition and an example of the word
    :raise KeyError, HTTPError: if the word doesn't have an definition and example, or the word doesn't exist
    :param user_class: must be a Vocabulary Class
    :param word: must be a string that has a meaning
    :return: the definition and an example of the word

    Can't do doctest and unittest because it's API related
    # Get the definition and example
    definition = definition_and_example(word)[0]
    example_sentence = definition_and_example(word)[1]
    # Print the definition and example of the word
    print(f"----    {word}    ----\n"
          f"Definition: {definition}\n"
          f"Example: {example_sentence}\n")
    # If the word is not in the vocabulary sheet
    if word not in user_class.sort_words():
        # Ask the user if the user wants to add the word to the vocabulary sheet
        user_choice = input(
            f"Do you want to add \'{word}\' into you vocabulary? ('Y' to add, 'N' pass):"
        # If yes, add the word to the vocabulary sheet
        if user_choice.strip().lower() == 'y':
def main():
    Drives the program.


    vocabulary = Vocabulary()

    running = True
    while running:
        menu_list = [
            "Check a word", "Add a word", "Add words", "Remove a word",
            "Remove words", "Print the word list",
            "Print the word list with definition", "Test your vocabulary",
            "Test your grammar"

        choice = user_input(
            menu_list, "Welcome to Learn English App!",
            "What would you like to do (Type 'quit' to exit the application): "

        if choice == "quit":
            running = False
        elif choice == "1":
            the_word = input("What word you want to check? : ")
            check_dictionary(vocabulary, the_word)
        elif choice == "2":
            new_word = input("Add a new word: ")
            if new_word.strip() == "":
                print("Error. Your word only contains whitespace.")
        elif choice == "3":
            new_words = input("Add new words (separate by commas): ")
        elif choice == "4":
            try:  # EXCEPTION HANDLING
                delete_word = input("Remove a word: ")
            except KeyError:
                print("Error: That word is not in the vocabulary.")
        elif choice == "5":
            try:  # EXCEPTION HANDLING
                words = input(
                    "Enter the words you would like to remove (separate by commas): "
            except KeyError:
                    "Error: One or more of your words are not in the vocabulary."
        elif choice == "6":
            if len(vocabulary.sort_words()) == 0:
                    "\nYour list is empty! Add some words to your list first!")
                print("\nHere is your word list")
        elif choice == "7":
            if len(vocabulary.sort_words()) == 0:
                    "\nYour list is empty! Add some words to your list first!")
                print("\nHere is your word list with definition")
        elif choice == "8":
            try:  # EXCEPTION HANDLING
            except IndexError:
                print("The question list is Empty")
        elif choice == "9":