Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, t, sz=0, is_rand=False, is_randsz=False, init=None):
        self.t = t
        self._int_field_info = field_info()
        self.is_scalar = isinstance(t, (type_base, type_enum))
        if self.is_scalar:
            self.mask = (1 << self.t.width) - 1
        self.is_enum = isinstance(t, type_enum)
        self._int_field_info.is_rand = is_rand
        self.is_rand_sz = is_randsz
        self.init_sz = sz
        self.init = init

        if self.init is not None and self.init_sz > 0:
            raise Exception("Only one of 'init' and 'sz' may be specified")

        if not self.is_scalar:
            if not hasattr(t, "_int_field_info"):
                raise Exception("list_t type " + str(t) + " (type " +
                                str(type(t)) + ") is not a VSC randobj type")

            # Fill out field index and parent relationships
            # to support indexed field access
            # TODO: look out for recursive relationships...
            with expr_mode():
                self._id_fields(t, None)

        # Non-scalar arrays require a backing array
        self.backing_arr = []
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, t, sz=0, is_rand=False, is_randsz=False):
        self.t = t
        self._int_field_info = field_info()
        self.is_scalar = isinstance(t, type_base)
        self._int_field_info.is_rand = is_rand
        self.is_rand_sz = is_randsz
        self.init_sz = sz
        if not self.is_scalar:
            if not hasattr(t, "_int_field_info"):
                raise Exception("list_t type " + str(t) + " (type " +
                                str(type(t)) + ") is not a VSC randobj type")

            # Fill out field index and parent relationships
            # to support indexed field access
            # TODO: look out for recursive relationships...
            with expr_mode():
                self._id_fields(t, None)

        # Non-scalar arrays require a backing array
        self.backing_arr = []