Exemple #1
    def test_parentinfo(self):
        """Test the collection of parentinfo"""
        log_fr = fancylogger.getLogger(fname=False)  # rootfancylogger
        pi_fr = log_fr._get_parent_info()
        self.assertEqual(len(pi_fr), 2)

        log_l1 = fancylogger.getLogger('level1', fname=False)
        # fname=False is required to have the naming similar for child relations
        pi_l1 = log_l1._get_parent_info()
        self.assertEqual(len(pi_l1), 3)

        py_v_27 = sys.version_info >= (2, 7, 0)
        if py_v_27:
            log_l2a = log_l1.getChild('level2a')
            pi_l2a = log_l2a._get_parent_info()
            self.assertEqual(len(pi_l2a), 4)

        # this should be identical to getChild
        log_l2b = fancylogger.getLogger('level1.level2b', fname=False)
        # fname=False is required to have the name similar
        # cutoff last letter (a vs b)
        if py_v_27:
            self.assertEqual(log_l2a.name[:-1], log_l2b.name[:-1])
        pi_l2b = log_l2b._get_parent_info()
        # yes, this broken on several levels (incl in logging itself)
        # adding '.' in the name does not automatically create the parent/child relations
        # if the parent with the name exists, this works
        self.assertEqual(len(pi_l2b), 4)

        log_l2c = fancylogger.getLogger('level1a.level2c', fname=False)
        pi_l2c = log_l2c._get_parent_info()
        self.assertEqual(len(pi_l2c), 3)  # level1a as parent does not exist
Exemple #2
    def test_raiseException(self):
        """Test raiseException log method."""
        # truncate the logfile
        open(self.logfn, 'w')

        def test123(exception, msg):
            """Utility function for testing raiseException."""
                raise exception(msg)

        logger = fancylogger.getLogger('fail_test')
        self.assertErrorRegex(Exception, 'failtest', test123, Exception, 'failtest')
        self.assertTrue(re.match("^WARNING.*HIT.*failtest\n.*in test123.*$", open(self.logfn, 'r').read(), re.M))

        open(self.logfn, 'w')
        fancylogger.FancyLogger.RAISE_EXCEPTION_CLASS = KeyError
        logger = fancylogger.getLogger('fail_test')
        self.assertErrorRegex(KeyError, 'failkeytest', test123, KeyError, 'failkeytest')
        self.assertTrue(re.match("^WARNING.*HIT.*'failkeytest'\n.*in test123.*$", open(self.logfn, 'r').read(), re.M))

        open(self.logfn, 'w')
        fancylogger.FancyLogger.RAISE_EXCEPTION_LOG_METHOD = lambda c, msg: c.warning(msg)
        logger = fancylogger.getLogger('fail_test')
        self.assertErrorRegex(AttributeError, 'attrtest', test123, AttributeError, 'attrtest')
        self.assertTrue(re.match("^WARNING.*HIT.*attrtest\n.*in test123.*$", open(self.logfn, 'r').read(), re.M))
Exemple #3
    def request(self, method, url, body, headers, content_type=None):
        """Low-level networking. All HTTP-method methods call this"""
        if headers is None:
            headers = {}

        if content_type is not None:
            headers['Content-Type'] = content_type

        if self.auth_header is not None:
            headers['Authorization'] = self.auth_header
        headers['User-Agent'] = self.user_agent
        fancylogger.getLogger().debug('cli request: %s, %s, %s, %s', method, url, body, headers)
        # TODO: in recent python: Context manager
        conn = self.get_connection(method, url, body, headers)
        status = conn.code
        if method == self.HEAD:
            pybody = conn.headers
            body = conn.read()
                pybody = json.loads(body)
            except ValueError:
                pybody = body
        fancylogger.getLogger().debug('reponse len: %s ', len(pybody))
        return status, pybody
Exemple #4
    def test_get_callers_logger(self):
        """Test get_callers_logger function."""
        # returns None if no logger is available
        self.assertEqual(get_callers_logger(), None)

        # find defined logger in caller's context
        logger = getLogger("foo")
        callers_logger = get_callers_logger()
        # result depends on whether tests were run under 'python' or 'python -O'
        self.assertTrue(callers_logger in [logger, None])

        # also works when logger is 'higher up'
        class Test(object):
            """Dummy test class"""

            def foo(self, logger=None):
                """Dummy test method, returns logger from calling context."""
                return get_callers_logger()

        test = Test()
        self.assertTrue(logger, [test.foo(), None])

        # closest logger to caller is preferred
        logger2 = getLogger(test.__class__.__name__)
        self.assertTrue(logger2 in [test.foo(logger=logger2), None])
Exemple #5
    def test_fancylogger_as_rootlogger_logging(self):
        Test if just using import logging, logging with logging uses fancylogger
        after setting the root logger

        # test logging.root is loggin root logger
        # this is an assumption made to make the fancyrootlogger code work
        orig_root = logging.getLogger()
        self.assertEqual(logging.root, orig_root,
                         msg='logging.root is the root logger')
        self.assertFalse(isinstance(logging.root, fancylogger.FancyLogger),
                         msg='logging.root is not a FancyLogger')

        stringfile = StringIO()
        sys.stderr = stringfile
        handler = fancylogger.logToScreen()
        logger = fancylogger.getLogger()

        self.assertEqual(logger.handlers, [self.handler, handler],
                         msg='active handler for root fancylogger')
        self.assertEqual(logger.level, fancylogger.getLevelInt('DEBUG'), msg='debug level set')

        msg = 'this is my string'
        self.assertEqual(stringfile.getvalue(), '',
                         msg="logging.debug reports nothing when fancylogger loglevel is debug")

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(logging.root, fancylogger.FancyLogger),
                         msg='logging.root is a FancyLogger after setRootLogger')
        self.assertEqual(logging.root.level, fancylogger.getLevelInt('DEBUG'), msg='debug level set for root')
        self.assertEqual(logger.level, logging.NOTSET, msg='original root fancylogger level set to NOTSET')

        self.assertEqual(logging.root.handlers, [self.handler, handler],
                         msg='active handler for root logger from previous root fancylogger')
        self.assertEqual(logger.handlers, [], msg='no active handlers on previous root fancylogger')

        root_logger = logging.getLogger('')
        self.assertEqual(root_logger, logging.root,
                        msg='logging.getLogger() returns logging.root FancyLogger')

        frl = fancylogger.getLogger()
        self.assertEqual(frl, logging.root,
                        msg='fancylogger.getLogger() returns logging.root FancyLogger')

        self.assertTrue(msg in stringfile.getvalue(),
                         msg="logging.debug reports when fancylogger loglevel is debug")

        self.assertEqual(logging.root, orig_root,
                         msg='logging.root is the original root logger after resetroot')

        # restore
        fancylogger.logToScreen(enable=False, handler=handler)
Exemple #6
 def getCluster(name):
     static factory method, should be in Cluster class
     returns a cluster object of the given name
     for cls in Cluster.__subclasses__():
         if cls._is_cluster_for(name):
             return cls()
     fancylogger.getLogger("clusters.getCluster").raiseException("No such cluster %s" % name, NoSuchClusterException)
Exemple #7
    def get_job(classname, options):
        This is a job factory.

        Returns an instance of classname initialized with options
        for cls in get_subclasses(Job):
            if cls._is_job_for(classname):
                return cls(options)
        getLogger().error("No job class found for %s", classname)
Exemple #8
def main():
    """Main function"""
        instance_options = get_mpi_and_sched_and_options()
        if instance_options:
            instance = getinstance(*instance_options)
    except Exception:
        fancylogger.getLogger().exception("Main failed")
Exemple #9
 def get_connection(self, method, url, body, headers):
     if not self.url.endswith('/') and not url.startswith('/'):
         sep = '/'
         sep = ''
     request = urllib2.Request(self.url + sep + url, data=body)
     for header, value in headers.iteritems():
         request.add_header(header, value)
     request.get_method = lambda: method
     fancylogger.getLogger().debug('opening request:  %s%s%s', self.url, sep, url)
     connection = self.opener.open(request)
     return connection
def det_pylibdir(plat_specific=False, python_cmd=None):
    """Determine Python library directory."""
    log = fancylogger.getLogger('det_pylibdir', fname=False)

    if python_cmd is None:
        # use 'python' that is listed first in $PATH if none was specified
        python_cmd = 'python'

    # determine Python lib dir via distutils
    # use run_cmd, we can to talk to the active Python, not the system Python running EasyBuild
    prefix = '/tmp/'
    args = 'plat_specific=%s, prefix="%s"' % (plat_specific, prefix)
    pycode = "import distutils.sysconfig; print(distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(%s))" % args
    cmd = "%s -c '%s'" % (python_cmd, pycode)

    log.debug("Determining Python library directory using command '%s'", cmd)

    out, ec = run_cmd(cmd, simple=False, force_in_dry_run=True)
    txt = out.strip().split('\n')[-1]

    # value obtained should start with specified prefix, otherwise something is very wrong
    if not txt.startswith(prefix):
        raise EasyBuildError("Last line of output of %s does not start with specified prefix %s: %s (exit code %s)",
                             cmd, prefix, out, ec)

    pylibdir = txt[len(prefix):]
    log.debug("Determined pylibdir using '%s': %s", cmd, pylibdir)
    return pylibdir
Exemple #11
    def test_deprecated(self):
        """Test deprecated log function."""
        # truncate the logfile
        open(self.logfn, 'w')

        # log message
        logger = fancylogger.getLogger('deprecated_test')

        max_ver = "1.0"

        # test whether deprecation works
        msgre_tpl_error = r"DEPRECATED\s*\(since v%s\).*%s" % (max_ver, MSG)
        self.assertErrorRegex(Exception, msgre_tpl_error, logger.deprecated, MSG, "1.1", max_ver)
        self.assertErrorRegex(Exception, msgre_tpl_error, logger.deprecated, MSG, "1.0", max_ver)

        # test whether deprecated warning works
        # no deprecation if current version is lower than max version
        logger.deprecated(MSG, "0.9", max_ver)
        msgre_tpl_warning = r"WARNING.*DEPRECATED\s*\(since v%s\).*%s" % (max_ver, MSG)
        msgre_warning = re.compile(msgre_tpl_warning)
        txt = open(self.logfn, 'r').read()

        # test handling of non-UTF8 chars
        msg = MSG + u"\x81"
        msgre_tpl_error = r"DEPRECATED\s*\(since v%s\).*\xc2\x81" % max_ver
        self.assertErrorRegex(Exception, msgre_tpl_error, logger.deprecated, msg, "1.1", max_ver)
        logger.deprecated(msg, "0.9", max_ver)
        txt = open(self.logfn, 'r').read()
    def __init__(self, options):
        self.log = fancylogger.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__, fname=False)

        self.vars = {"cwd": None, "jobid": None}
        self.jobid = None

        self.job_filter = None
    def tearDown(self):
        """Clean up after running testcase."""
        super(EnhancedTestCase, self).tearDown()

        self.log.info("Cleaning up for test %s", self.id())

        # go back to where we were before

        # restore original environment
        modify_env(os.environ, self.orig_environ, verbose=False)

        # restore original Python search path
        sys.path = self.orig_sys_path

        # remove any log handlers that were added (so that log files can be effectively removed)
        log = fancylogger.getLogger(fname=False)
        new_log_handlers = [h for h in log.handlers if h not in self.orig_log_handlers]
        for log_handler in new_log_handlers:

        # cleanup test tmp dir
        except (OSError, IOError):

        # restore original 'parent' tmpdir
        for var in ['TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP']:
            os.environ[var] = self.orig_tmpdir

        # reset to make sure tempfile picks up new temporary directory to use
        tempfile.tempdir = None
Exemple #14
    def __init__(self, script, name, env_vars=None, resources={}, conn=None, ppn=None):
        create a new Job to be submitted to PBS
        env_vars is a dictionary with key-value pairs of environment variables that should be passed on to the job
        resources is a dictionary with optional keys: ['hours', 'cores'] both of these should be integer values.
        hours can be 1 - MAX_WALLTIME, cores depends on which cluster it is being run.
        self.clean_conn = True
        self.log = fancylogger.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__, fname=False)
        self.script = script
        if env_vars:
            self.env_vars = env_vars.copy()
            self.env_vars = {}
        self.name = name

        if pbs_import_failed:

            self.pbs_server = pbs.pbs_default()
            if conn:
                self.pbsconn = conn
                self.clean_conn = False
                self.pbsconn = pbs.pbs_connect(self.pbs_server)
        except Exception, err:
            self.log.error("Failed to connect to the default pbs server: %s" % err)
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, options=None, **kwargs):
        if not hasattr(self, 'log'):
            self.log = getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
        if not hasattr(self, 'options'):
            self.options = options

        self.nodes = None
        self.nrnodes = None

        self.uniquenodes = None
        self.nruniquenodes = None

        self.mpinodes = None
        self.mpinrnodes = None
        self.mpitotalppn = None

        self.id = None

        self.foundppn = None
        self.ppn = None
        self.totalppn = None

        self.cpus = []

        # collect data


        super(Sched, self).__init__(**kwargs)
    def __init__(self):
        self.log = fancylogger.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__, fname=False)

        self.hadoopversion = {
            'suffix': None,

        self.hadoophome = None  # hadoop home (could be $EBROOTHADOOP)
        self.hadoop = None

        self.javaversion = {
            'suffix': None,
        self.java = None
        self.javahome = None

        self.name = 'all'  # default task start-all.sh, stop-all.sh
        self.daemonname = 'hadoop'

        self.start_script = None
        self.stop_script = None
        self.daemon_script = None

        self.extrasearchpaths = []
Exemple #17
    def test_uft8_decoding(self):
        """Test UTF8 decoding."""
        # truncate the logfile
        open(self.logfn, 'w')

        logger = fancylogger.getLogger('utf8_test')

        msgs = [
            # bytestrings
            "This is a pure ASCII text.",  # pure ASCII
            "Here are some UTF-8 characters: ß, ©, Ω, £.",  # only UTF8 characters
            "This non-UTF-8 character '\x80' should be handled properly.",  # contains non UTF-8 character
            # unicode strings
            u"This is a pure ASCII text.",  # pure ASCII
            u"Here are some UTF8 characters: ß, ©, Ω, £.",  # only UTF8 characters
            u"This non-UTF8 character '\x80' should be handled properly.",  # contains non UTF-8 character
        for msg in msgs:
            if isinstance(msg, unicode):
                regex = msg.encode('utf8', 'replace')
                regex = str(msg)
            self.assertErrorRegex(Exception, regex, logger.raiseException, msg)
Exemple #18
def main():
    main method
    parses arguments and constructs Manager object and performs actions
    logger = fancylogger.getLogger()
    options = get_options()
    logger.debug("arguments parsed, starting manager")
    manager = Manager(options)

    #print status
    if manager.status:
        print "Status:\n %s" % manager.status

    #actually do requested commands
    out = manager.doit()
    #parse and display the output
    errors = []
    if out:
        for i in out:  # this is an array of nodes and their  output,err
            if len(i[1]) > 0:  # only print if something to show
                print "%s:" % i[0]  # first element is the node
                for j in i[1]:  # second element is an array of [outputs of commands,errors]
                    print "    output: %s" % str(j[1][0])
                    if j[1][1]:
                        print "    error:  %s" % str(j[1][1])

    # print all nodes with errors out on the end
    if len(errors) > 0:
        print "ERRORS occured in: \n ", ",".join([str(x) for x in errors])
Exemple #19
    def test_error_env_options(self):
        """Test log error on unknown environment option"""
        mylogger = fancylogger.getLogger('ExtOptionParser')
        mylogger.error = self.mock_logmethod(mylogger.error)
        mylogger.debug = self.mock_logmethod(mylogger.debug)

        self.assertEqual(self.count_logcache('error'), 0)

        os.environ['GENERALOPTIONTEST_XYZ'] = '1'
        topt1 = TestOption1(go_args=['--level-level'], envvar_prefix='GENERALOPTIONTEST')
        self.assertEqual(self.count_logcache('error'), 0,
                         msg='no errors logged, got %s' % self.count_logcache('error'))

        topt1 = TestOption1(go_args=['--level-level'], envvar_prefix='GENERALOPTIONTEST', error_env_options=True)
        print self.LOGCACHE['error']
        self.assertEqual(self.count_logcache('error'), 1,
                         msg='one error should be logged, got %s' % self.count_logcache('error'))

        # using a custom error method
        def raise_error(msg, *args):
            """Raise error with given message and string arguments to format it."""
            raise Exception(msg % args)

        self.assertErrorRegex(Exception, "Found 1 environment variable.* prefixed with GENERALOPTIONTEST", TestOption1,
                              go_args=['--level-level'], envvar_prefix='GENERALOPTIONTEST', error_env_options=True,
Exemple #20
    def __init__(self, cmd=None, **kwargs):
        Handle initiliastion
            @param cmd: command to run
            @param input: set "simple" input
            @param startpath: directory to change to before executing command
            @param disable_log: use fake logger (won't log anything)
        self.input = kwargs.pop('input', None)
        self.startpath = kwargs.pop('startpath', None)
        if kwargs.pop('disable_log', None):
            self.log = DummyFunction()  # No logging
        if not hasattr(self, 'log'):
            self.log = getLogger(self._get_log_name())

        self.cmd = cmd  # actual command

        self._cwd_before_startpath = None

        self._process_module = None
        self._process = None

        self.readsize = 1024  # number of bytes to read blocking

        self._shellcmd = None
        self._popen_named_args = None

        self._process_exitcode = None
        self._process_output = None

        self._post_exitcode_log_failure = self.log.error

        super(Run, self).__init__(**kwargs)
Exemple #21
    def __init__(self, options=None, **kwargs):
        if not hasattr(self, 'log'):
            self.log = getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
        if not hasattr(self, 'options'):
            self.options = options

        self.cores_per_node = None

        self.sched_id = None

        self.cpus = []

        self.nodes, self.nodes_uniq, self.nodes_tot_cnt = None, None, None

        self.multiplier = None

        ppn = os.environ.get('PBS_NUM_PPN')
        if ppn is not None:
            self.ppn = int(ppn)
            self.log.debug("Determined # cores per node via $PBS_NUM_PPN: %s" % self.ppn)
            self.ppn = len(self.cpus)
            self.log.debug("Failed to determine # cores per node via $PBS_NUM_PPN, using affinity: found %s" % self.ppn)

        self.mpinodes = None

        super(Sched, self).__init__(**kwargs)
Exemple #22
    def __init__(self, script, name, env_vars=None, hours=None, cores=None):
        """Create a new Job to be submitted to SLURM."""
        self.log = fancylogger.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__, fname=False)

        self.jobid = None
        self.script = script
        self.name = name

        self.job_specs = {
            'job-name': self.name,
            # pattern for output file for submitted job;
            # SLURM replaces %x with job name, %j with job ID (see https://slurm.schedmd.com/sbatch.html#lbAF)
            'output': '%x-%j.out',
            'wrap': self.script,

        if env_vars:
            self.job_specs['export'] = ','.join(sorted(env_vars.keys()))

        max_walltime = build_option('job_max_walltime')
        if hours is None:
            hours = max_walltime
        if hours > max_walltime:
            self.log.warn("Specified %s hours, but this is impossible. (resetting to %s hours)" % (hours, max_walltime))
            hours = max_walltime
        self.job_specs['time'] = hours * 60

        if cores:
            self.job_specs['nodes'] = 1
            self.job_specs['ntasks'] = cores
            self.job_specs['ntasks-per-node'] = cores
            self.log.warn("Number of cores to request not specified, falling back to whatever Slurm does by default")
Exemple #23
 def request(self, method, url, body, headers):
     if self.auth_header is not None:
         headers['Authorization'] = self.auth_header
     headers['User-Agent'] = self.user_agent
     fancylogger.getLogger().debug('cli request: %s, %s, %s, %s', method, url, body, headers)
     #TODO: in recent python: Context manager
     conn = self.get_connection(method, url, body, headers)
     status = conn.code
     body = conn.read()
         pybody = json.loads(body)
     except ValueError:
         pybody = body
     fancylogger.getLogger().debug('reponse len: %s ', len(pybody))
     return status, pybody
Exemple #24
    def __init__(self):
        self.log = getLogger(fname=False)
        self.svc = MpiService(log=self.log)

        self.work_max_age = 3600 * 71
        self.work_start_time = time.time()

        self.controldir = None
Exemple #25
    def __init__(self, url=None, password=None, connection_dn=None, validation_method=None, check_certificate=False):
        self.url = url
        self.password = password
        self.connection_dn = connection_dn
        self.validation_method = validation_method
        self.check_server_certificate = lambda : check_certificate

        self.log = getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
    def setUp(self):
        """Set up testcase."""
        super(EnhancedTestCase, self).setUp()
        self.log = fancylogger.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__, fname=False)
        fd, self.logfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.log', prefix='eb-test-')
        self.cwd = os.getcwd()
        self.test_prefix = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        # keep track of original environment to restore
        self.orig_environ = copy.deepcopy(os.environ)

        # keep track of original environment/Python search path to restore
        self.orig_sys_path = sys.path[:]

        self.orig_paths = {}
        for path in ['buildpath', 'installpath', 'sourcepath']:
            self.orig_paths[path] = os.environ.get('EASYBUILD_%s' % path.upper(), None)

        testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

        self.test_sourcepath = os.path.join(testdir, 'sandbox', 'sources')
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_SOURCEPATH'] = self.test_sourcepath
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_PREFIX'] = self.test_prefix
        self.test_buildpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_BUILDPATH'] = self.test_buildpath
        self.test_installpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_INSTALLPATH'] = self.test_installpath

        # make sure that the tests only pick up easyconfigs provided with the tests
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_ROBOT_PATHS'] = os.path.join(testdir, 'easyconfigs')

        # make sure no deprecated behaviour is being triggered (unless intended by the test)
        # trip *all* log.deprecated statements by setting deprecation version ridiculously high
        self.orig_current_version = eb_build_log.CURRENT_VERSION
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_DEPRECATED'] = '10000000'


        # remove any entries in Python search path that seem to provide easyblocks
        for path in sys.path[:]:
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'easybuild', 'easyblocks', '__init__.py')):

        # add test easyblocks to Python search path and (re)import and reload easybuild modules
        import easybuild
        sys.path.append(os.path.join(testdir, 'sandbox'))
        import easybuild.easyblocks
        import easybuild.easyblocks.generic
        reload(easybuild.tools.module_naming_scheme)  # required to run options unit tests stand-alone

        modtool = modules_tool()
        self.reset_modulepath([os.path.join(testdir, 'modules')])
        # purge out any loaded modules with original $MODULEPATH before running each test
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialise Squashed instance"""
        self.log = fancylogger.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__, fname=False)

        # OrderedVersionOperators instances to keep track of the data of the matching
        # version and toolchain version sections
        self.versions = OrderedVersionOperators()
        self.tcversions = OrderedVersionOperators()
        self.result = {}
Exemple #28
def get_log(name=None):
    Generate logger object
    # fname is always get_log, useless
    log = fancylogger.getLogger(name, fname=False)
    log.info("Logger started for %s." % name)
    log.deprecated("get_log", "2.0")
    return log
 def __init__(self, obj):
     """Support the conversion of obj to something"""
     self.__dict__['log'] = fancylogger.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__, fname=False)
     self.__dict__['data'] = None
     if isinstance(obj, basestring):
         self.data = self._from_string(obj)
         raise EasyBuildError("unsupported type %s for %s: %s", type(obj), self.__class__.__name__, obj)
     super(Convert, self).__init__(self.data)
Exemple #30
 def __init__(self, command=None, timeout=get_config("COMMAND_TIMEOUT"), host='localhost'):
     command is a string representing the command to be run
     self.log = fancylogger.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
     self.command = command
     self.host = host
     self.timeout = int(timeout)
Exemple #31
Easyconfig templates module that provides templating that can
be used within an Easyconfig file.

@author: Stijn De Weirdt (Ghent University)
@author: Fotis Georgatos (Uni.Lu, NTUA)
import re
from vsc.utils import fancylogger
from distutils.version import LooseVersion

from easybuild.tools.build_log import EasyBuildError
from easybuild.tools.systemtools import get_shared_lib_ext

_log = fancylogger.getLogger('easyconfig.templates', fname=False)

# derived from easyconfig, but not from ._config directly
    ('nameletter', "First letter of software name"),
    ('toolchain_name', "Toolchain name"),
    ('toolchain_version', "Toolchain version"),
    ('version_major_minor', "Major.Minor version"),
    ('version_major', "Major version"),
    ('version_minor', "Minor version"),
# derived from EasyConfig._config
import platform
import pwd
import re
import struct
import sys
import termios
from socket import gethostname
from vsc.utils import fancylogger
from vsc.utils.affinity import sched_getaffinity

from easybuild.tools.build_log import EasyBuildError
from easybuild.tools.filetools import read_file, which
from easybuild.tools.run import run_cmd

_log = fancylogger.getLogger('systemtools', fname=False)

# Architecture constants
AARCH32 = 'AArch32'
AARCH64 = 'AArch64'
X86_64 = 'x86_64'

# Vendor constants
APM = 'Applied Micro'
BROADCOM = 'Broadcom'
CAVIUM = 'Cavium'
Exemple #33
    from pygraph.classes.digraph import digraph
    # https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-graph-dot
    import pygraph.readwrite.dot as dot
    # graphviz (used for creating dependency graph images)
    # Python bindings to Graphviz (http://www.graphviz.org/),
    # see https://pypi.python.org/pypi/graphviz-python
    # graphviz-python (yum) or python-pygraphviz (apt-get)
    # or brew install graphviz --with-bindings (OS X)
    import gv
except ImportError:

_log = fancylogger.getLogger('easyconfig.tools', fname=False)

def skip_available(easyconfigs, modtool):
    """Skip building easyconfigs for existing modules."""
    module_names = [ec['full_mod_name'] for ec in easyconfigs]
    modules_exist = modtool.exist(module_names)
    retained_easyconfigs = []
    for ec, mod_name, mod_exists in zip(easyconfigs, module_names, modules_exist):
        if mod_exists:
            _log.info("%s is already installed (module found), skipping" % mod_name)
            _log.debug("%s is not installed yet, so retaining it" % mod_name)
    return retained_easyconfigs
Exemple #34
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import glob
from distutils.version import LooseVersion

import easybuild.tools.environment as env
from easybuild.framework.easyblock import EasyBlock
from easybuild.framework.easyconfig import CUSTOM
from easybuild.tools.build_log import EasyBuildError
from easybuild.tools.filetools import find_flexlm_license, read_file
from easybuild.tools.run import run_cmd

from vsc.utils import fancylogger
_log = fancylogger.getLogger('generic.intelbase')

# different supported activation types (cfr. Intel documentation)
ACTIVATION_EXIST_LIC = 'exist_lic'  # use a license which exists on the system
ACTIVATION_LIC_FILE = 'license_file'  # use a license file
ACTIVATION_LIC_SERVER = 'license_server'  # use a license server
ACTIVATION_SERIAL = 'serial_number'  # use a serial number
ACTIVATION_TRIAL = 'trial_lic'  # use trial activation
Exemple #35
                    -1] == recvbuf[next_idx]['affinity'][0] - 1:
                    "No nn on same node for rank %s (aff %s) and next rank %s (aff %s)"
                    % (idx, recvbuf[idx]['affinity'], next_idx,
            if not recvbuf[next_idx]['affinity'][0] == 0:
                    "No nn on different nodes for rank %s (hn %s aff %s) and next rank %s (hn %s aff %s)"
                    % (idx, recvbuf[idx]['hostname'], recvbuf[idx]['affinity'],
                       next_idx, recvbuf[next_idx]['hostname'],

if __name__ == '__main__':
    log = getLogger('mympisanity')

        log.error("No mpi4py found: %s", MPI4PY_EXCEPTION)

    log.info("mympisanity started")

    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD

    # gather the info from all processes
    recvbuf = comm.gather(Report(), 0)
    log.info("mympisanity gather report finished")

    if comm.rank == 0:
# #
Module with various utility functions

:author: Kenneth Hoste (Ghent University)
import glob
import os
import string
import sys
from vsc.utils import fancylogger

from easybuild.tools.build_log import EasyBuildError, print_msg
from easybuild.tools.config import build_option

_log = fancylogger.getLogger('tools.utilities')

# a list of all ascii characters
ASCII_CHARS = string.maketrans('', '')
# a list of all unwanted ascii characters (we only want to keep digits, letters and _)
    ASCII_CHARS, string.digits + string.ascii_letters + "_")

def read_environment(env_vars, strict=False):
    """NO LONGER SUPPORTED: use read_environment from easybuild.tools.environment instead"""
        "read_environment has been moved to easybuild.tools.environment",

:author: Kenneth Hoste (Ghent University)
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from time import gmtime, strftime
import re
import time

from vsc.utils import fancylogger

from easybuild.tools.build_log import EasyBuildError, print_msg
from easybuild.tools.config import build_option
from easybuild.tools.job.backend import JobBackend
from easybuild.tools.utilities import only_if_module_is_available

_log = fancylogger.getLogger('gc3pie', fname=False)

    import gc3libs
    import gc3libs.exceptions
    from gc3libs import Application, Run, create_engine
    from gc3libs.core import Engine
    from gc3libs.quantity import hours as hr
    from gc3libs.workflow import DependentTaskCollection

    # inject EasyBuild logger into GC3Pie
    gc3libs.log = fancylogger.getLogger('gc3pie', fname=False)
    # make handling of log.error compatible with stdlib logging
    gc3libs.log.raiseError = False
Exemple #38
 def __init__(self, application, fake=False):
     """ModuleGenerator constructor."""
     self.app = application
     self.log = fancylogger.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__, fname=False)
     self.fake_mod_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
Exemple #39
def classless_function():
    logger = fancylogger.getLogger(fname=True, clsname=True)
    logger.warn("from classless_function")
:author: Stijn De Weirdt (Ghent University)
:author: Dries Verdegem (Ghent University)
:author: Kenneth Hoste (Ghent University)
:author: Pieter De Baets (Ghent University)
:author: Jens Timmerman (Ghent University)
:author: Toon Willems (Ghent University)
:author: Ward Poelmans (Ghent University)
:author: Fotis Georgatos (Uni.Lu, NTUA)
from vsc.utils import fancylogger
from vsc.utils.missing import get_subclasses

from easybuild.tools.build_log import EasyBuildError
from easybuild.tools.utilities import import_available_modules

_log = fancylogger.getLogger('repository', fname=False)

class Repository(object):
    Interface for repositories


    USABLE = True  # can the Repository be used?

    def __init__(self, repo_path, subdir=''):
        Initialize a repository. self.repo and self.subdir will be set.
        self.wc will be set to None.
Exemple #41
    def __init__(self, requested_users):
        Generate data base with user account data
        requested_users: (iterable) list of usernames to include in the data base
        self.log = fancylogger.getLogger(name=self.__class__.__name__)

        # Set number of procs for parallel processing from configuration file
            self.max_procs = MainConf.get_digit('nodegroups',
        except (KeyError, ValueError) as err:
            error_exit(self.log, err)
            self.log.debug("Maximum number of processor set to %s",

        # Check requested list of users
            self.users = list(requested_users)
        except TypeError as err:
            errmsg = f"Cannot generate user data base from non-iterable user list: {requested_users}"
            error_exit(self.log, errmsg)

        # Get token from configuration file to access VSC account page
        TokenConfig = ConfigFile()
            vsc_token_file = MainConf.get('userdb',
            self.vsc_token = TokenConfig.load(vsc_token_file).get(
                'MAIN', 'access_token')
        except KeyError as err:
            error_exit(self.log, err)

        # Load user data base from local cache
        self.cache = self.load_db_cache()

        # Update list of users with their records in the cache
        for n, user in enumerate(self.users):
            if user in self.cache.contents['db']:
                self.users[n] = (user, self.cache.contents['db'][user])
                self.users[n] = (user, None)

        # Retrieve account data of requested users
        self.log.info(f"Retrieving {len(self.users)} user account records...")
        requested_records = parallel_exec(
            get_updated_record,  # worker function
            f"User account retrieval",  # label prefixing log messages
            self.users,  # stack of items to process
                'valid_days'],  # record_validity: forwarded to worker function
            self.vsc_token,  # vsc_token: forwarded to worker function

        # Generate dict of user accounts and update cache
        self.records = dict()
        for user_record in requested_records:

        # Save local cache
Exemple #42
def get_vsc_record(username, vsc_token, logger=None):
    Retrieve and update list of VSC users with data from VSC account page
    - username: (string) VSC ID or institute user of the VSC account
    - vsc_token: (string) access token to VSC account page
    - logger: (object) fancylogger object of the caller
    if logger is None:
        logger = fancylogger.getLogger()

    vsc_api_client = AccountpageClient(token=vsc_token)

    # Get institute login of the VSC account attached to this username
    if username[0:3] == 'vsc' and username[3].isdigit():
        # VSC ID: query institute login to VSC account page
        logger.debug(f"[{username}] user treated as VSC ID")
            vsc_account = vsc_api_client.account[username].person.get()[1]
        except HTTPError as err:
            if err.code == 404:
                    f"[{username}] VSC ID not found in VSC account page")
                error_exit(logger, f"[{username}] {err}")
        except (TimeoutError, URLError) as err:
                f"[{username}] connection to VSC account page timed out")
            vsc_login = {
                'username': vsc_account['institute_login'],
                'site': vsc_account['institute']['name']
                f"[{username}] VSC ID belongs to VSC account '{vsc_login['username']}'"
        # Others: assume NetID from Brussels
        logger.debug(f"[{username}] user treated as NetID")
        vsc_login = {'username': username, 'site': BRUSSEL}

    # Retrieve user data from VSC account page
        vsc_account = vsc_api_client.account.institute[vsc_login['site']].id[
    except HTTPError as err:
        if err.code == 404:
                f"[{username}] with VSC account '{vsc_login['username']}' not found"
            return None
            error_exit(logger, f"[{username}] {err}")
    except (TimeoutError, URLError) as err:
                   f"[{username}] connection to VSC account page timed out")
            f"[{username}] user account record retrieved from VSC account '{vsc_login['username']}'"

        user_record = {
            # only use first entry of research field
            'field': vsc_account['research_field'][0],
            'updated': date.today().isoformat(),

        return user_record
import re
import sys
from vsc.utils import fancylogger
from vsc.utils.missing import get_subclasses, nub

import easybuild.tools.toolchain
from easybuild.tools.build_log import EasyBuildError
from easybuild.tools.toolchain.toolchain import Toolchain
from easybuild.tools.utilities import import_available_modules


_initial_toolchain_instances = {}

_log = fancylogger.getLogger("toolchain.utilities")

def search_toolchain(name):
    Obtain a Toolchain instance for the toolchain with specified name, next to a list of available toolchains.
    :param name: toolchain name
    :return: Toolchain instance (or None), found_toolchains

    package = easybuild.tools.toolchain
    check_attr_name = '%s_PROCESSED' % TC_CONST_PREFIX

    if not hasattr(package, check_attr_name) or not getattr(package, check_attr_name):
        # import all available toolchains, so we know about them
        tc_modules = import_available_modules('easybuild.toolchains')
Exemple #44
  - MonoidDict: dictionary that combines values upon insertiong
    according to the given monoid
  - RUDict: dictionary that allows recursively updating its values (if they are dicts too) with a new RUDict
  - shell_quote / shell_unquote : convenience functions to quote / unquote strings in shell context

@author: Andy Georges (Ghent University)
@author: Stijn De Weirdt (Ghent University)
import shlex
import subprocess
import time

from vsc.utils import fancylogger
from vsc.utils.frozendict import FrozenDict

_log = fancylogger.getLogger('vsc.utils.missing')

def partial(func, *args, **keywords):
    Return a new partial object which when called will behave like func called with the positional arguments args
    and keyword arguments keywords. If more arguments are supplied to the call, they are appended to args. If additional
    keyword arguments are supplied, they extend and override keywords.
    new in python 2.5, from https://docs.python.org/2/library/functools.html#functools.partial
    def newfunc(*fargs, **fkeywords):
        newkeywords = keywords.copy()
        return func(*(args + fargs), **newkeywords)

    newfunc.func = func
Exemple #45
    def test_fancyrecord(self):
        Test fancyrecord usage
        logger = fancylogger.getLogger()
        self.assertEqual(logger.fancyrecord, True)

        logger = fancylogger.getLogger(fancyrecord=True)
        self.assertEqual(logger.fancyrecord, True)

        logger = fancylogger.getLogger(fancyrecord=False)
        self.assertEqual(logger.fancyrecord, False)

        logger = fancylogger.getLogger('myname')
        self.assertEqual(logger.fancyrecord, False)

        logger = fancylogger.getLogger('myname', fancyrecord=True)
        self.assertEqual(logger.fancyrecord, True)

        orig = fancylogger.FANCYLOG_FANCYRECORD
        fancylogger.FANCYLOG_FANCYRECORD = False

        logger = fancylogger.getLogger()
        self.assertEqual(logger.fancyrecord, False)

        logger = fancylogger.getLogger('myname', fancyrecord=True)
        self.assertEqual(logger.fancyrecord, True)

        fancylogger.FANCYLOG_FANCYRECORD = True

        logger = fancylogger.getLogger()
        self.assertEqual(logger.fancyrecord, True)

        logger = fancylogger.getLogger('myname')
        self.assertEqual(logger.fancyrecord, True)

        logger = fancylogger.getLogger('myname', fancyrecord=False)
        self.assertEqual(logger.fancyrecord, False)

        logger = fancylogger.getLogger('myname', fancyrecord='yes')
        self.assertEqual(logger.fancyrecord, True)

        logger = fancylogger.getLogger('myname', fancyrecord=0)
        self.assertEqual(logger.fancyrecord, False)

        fancylogger.FANCYLOG_FANCYRECORD = orig
Exemple #46
"""Module to handle rst operations."""

import re

from vsc.utils import fancylogger
from vsc.utils.run import asyncloop
from panhandler import rst_from_pan

logger = fancylogger.getLogger()

MAILREGEX = re.compile(
PATHREGEX = re.compile(r'(\s+)((?:/[\w{}]+)+\.?\w*)(\s*)')
EXAMPLEMAILS = ["example", "username", "system.admin"]

def generate_rst(sources):
    """Generate rst."""
    logger.info("Generating rst files.")

    rstlist = {}

    for title, source in sources.iteritems():
        logger.debug("Parsing %s." % source)
        rst = None
        if source.endswith(".pan"):
            rst = rst_from_pan(source, title)
            rst = rst_from_perl(source, title)
Exemple #47
import os
import re
import sys
import tempfile
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from textwrap import wrap
from vsc.utils import fancylogger
from vsc.utils.missing import get_subclasses

from easybuild.tools.build_log import EasyBuildError
from easybuild.tools.config import build_option, get_module_syntax, install_path
from easybuild.tools.filetools import convert_name, mkdir, read_file, remove_file, resolve_path, symlink, write_file
from easybuild.tools.modules import ROOT_ENV_VAR_NAME_PREFIX, modules_tool
from easybuild.tools.utilities import quote_str

_log = fancylogger.getLogger('module_generator', fname=False)

def avail_module_generators():
    Return all known module syntaxes.
    return dict([(k.SYNTAX, k) for k in get_subclasses(ModuleGenerator)])

def module_generator(app, fake=False):
    Return ModuleGenerator instance that matches the selected module file syntax to be used
    module_syntax = get_module_syntax()
    available_mod_gens = avail_module_generators()
Exemple #48
 def somefunction(self):
     logger = fancylogger.getLogger(fname=True, clsname=True)
     logger.warn('we are logging something here')
Exemple #49
import copy
import glob
import os
import random
import string
import tempfile
import time
from vsc.utils import fancylogger
from vsc.utils.missing import FrozenDictKnownKeys
from vsc.utils.patterns import Singleton

from easybuild.tools.build_log import EasyBuildError
from easybuild.tools.module_naming_scheme import GENERAL_CLASS

_log = fancylogger.getLogger('config', fname=False)

ERROR = 'error'
IGNORE = 'ignore'
PURGE = 'purge'
UNLOAD = 'unload'
UNSET = 'unset'
WARN = 'warn'

PKG_TOOL_FPM = 'fpm'
PKG_TYPE_RPM = 'rpm'

    "easybuild", "easybuild-%(name)s-%(version)s-%(date)s.%(time)s.log")
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(Variables, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.log = fancylogger.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__, fname=False)
Exemple #51
from __future__ import print_function

import operator
import os
import pwd
import re
import stat
import sys
import time

from vsc.utils.cache import FileCache
from vsc.utils.fancylogger import getLogger
from vsc.utils.py2vs3 import is_string, FileNotFoundErrorExc

log = getLogger(__name__)

NAGIOS_CACHE_DIR = '/var/cache'


# along with EasyBuild.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# #
Module that contains a set of classes and function to generate variables to be used
e.g., in compiling or linking

:author: Stijn De Weirdt (Ghent University)
:author: Kenneth Hoste (Ghent University)
import copy
import os
from vsc.utils import fancylogger

from easybuild.tools.build_log import EasyBuildError

_log = fancylogger.getLogger('variables', fname=False)

def get_class(name, default_class, map_class=None):
    """Return class based on default
             if key == str -> value = class
             else: key = class -> list of strings
    if map_class is None:
        map_class = {}

    klass = default_class
    if name is not None:
            klass = map_class[name]
Exemple #53
:author: Kenneth Hoste (Ghent University)
:author: Pieter De Baets (Ghent University)
:author: Jens Timmerman (Ghent University)
:author: Fotis Georgatos (Uni.Lu, NTUA)
import os
import string
from vsc.utils import fancylogger
from vsc.utils.missing import get_subclasses

from easybuild.tools import module_naming_scheme
from easybuild.tools.module_naming_scheme import ModuleNamingScheme
from easybuild.tools.toolchain import DUMMY_TOOLCHAIN_NAME
from easybuild.tools.utilities import import_available_modules

_log = fancylogger.getLogger('module_naming_scheme.utilities', fname=False)

def det_full_ec_version(ec):
    Determine exact install version, based on supplied easyconfig.
    e.g. 1.2.3-goalf-1.1.0-no-OFED or 1.2.3 (for dummy toolchains)

    ecver = None
    toolchain = ec.get('toolchain', {'name': DUMMY_TOOLCHAIN_NAME})

    # determine main install version based on toolchain
    if toolchain['name'] == DUMMY_TOOLCHAIN_NAME:
        ecver = ec['version']
Exemple #54
# #
Set of fucntions to help with jenkins setup

@author: Kenneth Hoste (Ghent University)
import glob
import os
import xml.dom.minidom as xml

from datetime import datetime
from vsc.utils import fancylogger

from easybuild.tools.version import FRAMEWORK_VERSION, EASYBLOCKS_VERSION

_log = fancylogger.getLogger('jenkins', fname=False)

def write_to_xml(succes, failed, filename):
    Create xml output, using minimal output required according to
    dom = xml.getDOMImplementation()
    root = dom.createDocument(None, "testsuite", None)

    def create_testcase(name):
        el = root.createElement("testcase")
        el.setAttribute("name", name)
        return el
# along with EasyBuild.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

Easyconfig constants module that provides all constants that can
be used within an Easyconfig file.

@author: Stijn De Weirdt (Ghent University)
@author: Kenneth Hoste (Ghent University)
import platform
from vsc.utils import fancylogger

from easybuild.tools.systemtools import get_shared_lib_ext, get_os_name, get_os_type, get_os_version

_log = fancylogger.getLogger('easyconfig.constants', fname=False)

# constants that can be used in easyconfig
    'SYS_PYTHON_VERSION': (platform.python_version(), "System Python version (platform.python_version())"),
    'OS_TYPE': (get_os_type(), "System type (e.g. 'Linux' or 'Darwin')"),
    'OS_NAME': (get_os_name(), "System name (e.g. 'fedora' or 'RHEL')"),
    'OS_VERSION': (get_os_version(), "System version"),

def constant_documentation():
    """Generate the easyconfig constant documentation"""
    indent_l0 = " " * 2
    indent_l1 = indent_l0 + " " * 2
    doc = []
    def setUp(self):
        """Set up testcase."""
        super(EnhancedTestCase, self).setUp()

        # make sure option parser doesn't pick up any cmdline arguments/options
        while len(sys.argv) > 1:

        # keep track of log handlers
        log = fancylogger.getLogger(fname=False)
        self.orig_log_handlers = log.handlers[:]

        log.info("setting up test %s" % self.id())

        self.orig_tmpdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
        # use a subdirectory for this test (which we can clean up easily after the test completes)
        self.test_prefix = set_tmpdir()

        self.log = fancylogger.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__, fname=False)
        fd, self.logfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.log', prefix='eb-test-')
        self.cwd = os.getcwd()

        # keep track of original environment to restore
        self.orig_environ = copy.deepcopy(os.environ)

        # keep track of original environment/Python search path to restore
        self.orig_sys_path = sys.path[:]

        testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

        self.test_sourcepath = os.path.join(testdir, 'sandbox', 'sources')
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_SOURCEPATH'] = self.test_sourcepath
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_PREFIX'] = self.test_prefix
        self.test_buildpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_BUILDPATH'] = self.test_buildpath
        self.test_installpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_INSTALLPATH'] = self.test_installpath

        # make sure that the tests only pick up easyconfigs provided with the tests
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_ROBOT_PATHS'] = os.path.join(
            testdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs')

        # make sure no deprecated behaviour is being triggered (unless intended by the test)
        # trip *all* log.deprecated statements by setting deprecation version ridiculously high
        self.orig_current_version = eb_build_log.CURRENT_VERSION
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_DEPRECATED'] = '10000000'


        import easybuild
        # try to import easybuild.easyblocks(.generic) packages
        # it's OK if it fails here, but important to import first before fiddling with sys.path
            import easybuild.easyblocks
            import easybuild.easyblocks.generic
        except ImportError:

        # add sandbox to Python search path, update namespace packages
        sys.path.append(os.path.join(testdir, 'sandbox'))

        # workaround for bug in recent setuptools version (19.4 and newer, atleast until 20.3.1)
        # injecting <prefix>/easybuild is required to avoid a ValueError being thrown by fixup_namespace_packages
        # cfr. https://bitbucket.org/pypa/setuptools/issues/520/fixup_namespace_packages-may-trigger
        for path in sys.path[:]:
            if os.path.exists(
                    os.path.join(path, 'easybuild', 'easyblocks',
                # keep track of 'easybuild' paths to inject into sys.path later
                sys.path.append(os.path.join(path, 'easybuild'))

        # required to make sure the 'easybuild' dir in the sandbox is picked up;
        # this relates to the other 'reload' statements below

        # this is strictly required to make the test modules in the sandbox available, due to declare_namespace
        fixup_namespace_packages(os.path.join(testdir, 'sandbox'))

        # remove any entries in Python search path that seem to provide easyblocks (except the sandbox)
        for path in sys.path[:]:
            if os.path.exists(
                    os.path.join(path, 'easybuild', 'easyblocks',
                if not os.path.samefile(path, os.path.join(testdir,

        # hard inject location to (generic) test easyblocks into Python search path
        # only prepending to sys.path is not enough due to 'declare_namespace' in easybuild/easyblocks/__init__.py
        import easybuild.easyblocks
        test_easyblocks_path = os.path.join(testdir, 'sandbox', 'easybuild',
        easybuild.easyblocks.__path__.insert(0, test_easyblocks_path)
        import easybuild.easyblocks.generic
        test_easyblocks_path = os.path.join(test_easyblocks_path, 'generic')
        easybuild.easyblocks.generic.__path__.insert(0, test_easyblocks_path)

        # save values of $PATH & $PYTHONPATH, so they can be restored later
        # this is important in case EasyBuild was installed as a module, since that module may be unloaded,
        # for example due to changes to $MODULEPATH in case EasyBuild was installed in a module hierarchy
        # cfr. https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-framework/issues/1685
        self.env_path = os.environ.get('PATH')
        self.env_pythonpath = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH')

        self.modtool = modules_tool()
        self.reset_modulepath([os.path.join(testdir, 'modules')])
 def __init__(self):
     """initialize logger."""
     self.log = fancylogger.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__, fname=False)
implemented as an easyblock

@author: Kenneth Hoste (Ghent University)
import copy
import os
from vsc.utils import fancylogger

from easybuild.framework.easyblock import EasyBlock
from easybuild.framework.easyconfig import CUSTOM
from easybuild.framework.extension import Extension
from easybuild.tools.build_log import EasyBuildError
from easybuild.tools.filetools import apply_patch, extract_file
from easybuild.tools.utilities import remove_unwanted_chars

_log = fancylogger.getLogger('extensioneasyblock', fname=False)

class ExtensionEasyBlock(EasyBlock, Extension):
    Install an extension as a separate module, or as an extension.

    Deriving classes should implement the following functions:
    * required EasyBlock functions:
      - configure_step
      - build_step
      - install_step
    * required Extension functions
      - run
Exemple #59
# #
Easyconfig module that contains the default EasyConfig configuration parameters.

:author: Stijn De Weirdt (Ghent University)
:author: Dries Verdegem (Ghent University)
:author: Kenneth Hoste (Ghent University)
:author: Pieter De Baets (Ghent University)
:author: Jens Timmerman (Ghent University)
:author: Toon Willems (Ghent University)
from vsc.utils import fancylogger

from easybuild.tools.build_log import EasyBuildError

_log = fancylogger.getLogger('easyconfig.default', fname=False)

# we use a tuple here so we can sort them based on the numbers
    'HIDDEN': (-1, 'hidden'),
    'MANDATORY': (0, 'mandatory'),
    'CUSTOM': (1, 'easyblock-specific'),
    'TOOLCHAIN': (2, 'toolchain'),
    'BUILD': (3, 'build'),
    'FILEMANAGEMENT': (4, 'file-management'),
    'DEPENDENCIES': (5, 'dependencies'),
    'LICENSE': (6, 'license'),
    'EXTENSIONS': (7, 'extensions'),
    'MODULES': (8, 'modules'),
    'OTHER': (9, 'other'),
Exemple #60
@author: Toon Willems (Ghent University)
@author: Ward Poelmans (Ghent University)
import os
import re
import signal
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time

from vsc.utils import fancylogger

from easybuild.tools.asyncprocess import PIPE, STDOUT, Popen, recv_some, send_all
import easybuild.tools.build_log  # this import is required to obtain a correct (EasyBuild) logger!

_log = fancylogger.getLogger('run', fname=False)

errors_found_in_log = 0

# constants for strictness levels
IGNORE = 'ignore'
WARN = 'warn'
ERROR = 'error'

# default strictness level
strictness = WARN

def adjust_cmd(func):
    """Make adjustments to given command, if required."""
    def inner(cmd, *args, **kwargs):