def learn(self, n_epoch=10000, sigma=(0.25, 0.01), lrate=(0.5, 0.01)): t = np.linspace(0, 1, n_epoch) lrate = lrate[0] * (lrate[1] / lrate[0])**t sigma = sigma[0] * (sigma[1] / sigma[0])**t I = np.random.randint(0, len(self.samples), n_epoch) self.samples = self.samples[I] pts = Points(self.samples, r=2) doc = Text(__doc__) pb = ProgressBar(0, n_epoch) for i in pb.range(): pb.print("epochs") # Get random sample data = self.samples[i] # Get index of nearest node (minimum distance) winner = np.argmin(((self.codebook - data)**2).sum(axis=-1)) # Gaussian centered on winner G = np.exp(-self.distance[winner]**2 / sigma[i]**2) # Move nodes towards sample according to Gaussian self.codebook -= lrate[i] * G[..., np.newaxis] * (self.codebook - data) # Draw network if i > 500 and not i % 20 or i == n_epoch - 1: x, y, z = [self.codebook[:, i].reshape(n, n) for i in range(3)] grd = Grid(resx=n - 1, resy=n - 1).wire(False).lw(0.5).bc('lightblue') for i in range(n): for j in range(n): grd.setPoint(i * n + j, (x[i, j], y[i, j], z[i, j])) show(doc, pts, grd, axes=6, bg='w', azimuth=2, interactive=False) return [self.codebook[:, i].reshape(n, n) for i in range(3)]
def demo3d_hanoi(**kwargs): nr_disks = kwargs.get("nr_disks", 5) interactive = kwargs.get("interactive", 1) hanoi = Hanoi(nr_disks) tower_states = list([hanoi.towers]) for _ in hanoi.moves(): tower_states.append(hanoi.towers) vp = Plotter(axes=0, interactive=0, bg="w", size=(800, 600))[18.5, -20.7, 7.93])[3.0, 0.0, 2.5])[-0.1, +0.17, 0.977]) cols = makePalette("red", "blue", hanoi.nr_disks + 1, hsv=True) disks = { hanoi.nr_disks - i: Cylinder(pos=[0, 0, 0], r=0.2 * (hanoi.nr_disks - i + 1), c=cols[i]) for i in range(hanoi.nr_disks) } for k in disks: vp += disks[k] vp += Box(pos=(3.0, 0, -.5), length=12.0, width=4.0, height=0.1) printc("\n Press q to continue, Esc to exit. ", c="y", invert=1) pb = ProgressBar(0, len(tower_states), 1, c="b", ETA=False) for t in pb.range(): pb.print() state = tower_states[t] for tower_nr in range(3): for i, disk in enumerate(state[tower_nr]): disks[disk].pos([3 * tower_nr, 0, i + 0.5]), interactive=interactive, rate=10), interactive=1)
rlist.append(Ratom) pos = np.array(poslist) poscircle = pos p = np.array(plist) m = np.array(mlist) m.shape = (Natoms, 1) radius = np.array(rlist) r = pos-pos[:, np.newaxis] # all pairs of atom-to-atom vectors ds = (p/m)*(dt/2.) if 'False' not in np.less_equal(mag(ds), radius).tolist(): pos = pos+(p/mass)*(dt/2.) # initial half-step pb = ProgressBar(0,Nsteps, c=1) for i in pb.range(): # Update all positions ds = mag((p/m)*(dt/2.)) if 'False' not in np.less_equal(ds, radius).tolist(): pos = pos+(p/m)*dt r = pos-pos[:,np.newaxis] # all pairs of atom-to-atom vectors rmag = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(r), -1)) # atom-to-atom scalar distances hit = np.less_equal(rmag, radius+radius[:, None]) - np.identity(Natoms) hitlist = np.sort(np.nonzero(hit.flat)[0]).tolist() # i,j encoded as i*Natoms+j # If any collisions took place: for ij in hitlist: i, j = divmod(ij,Natoms) # decode atom pair hitlist.remove(j*Natoms+i) # remove symmetric j,i pair from list
vp = Plotter(verbose=0, axes=3, interactive=0) shaft = vp.cylinder([[0,0,0], [Lshaft,0,0]], r=.03, c='dg') rotor = vp.cylinder([[Lshaft/2.2,0,0],[Lshaft/1.8,0,0]], r=R, texture='marble') base = vp.sphere([ 0, 0, 0], c='dg', r=.03) tip = vp.sphere([Lshaft, 0, 0], c='dg', r=.03) gyro = vp.makeAssembly([shaft, rotor, base, tip]) # group relevant actors pedestal =[0,-0.63,0], height=.1, length=.1, width=1, texture='wood5') pedbase =[0,-1.13,0], height=.5, length=.5, width=.05, texture='wood5') pedpin = vp.pyramid([0,-.08,0], axis=[0,1,0], s=.05, height=.12, texture='wood5') formulas = vp.load('data/images/gyro_formulas.png', alpha=.9).scale(.003).pos([-1,-1,-1.1]) # ############################################################ the physics pb = ProgressBar(0, 4, dt, c='b') for i, t in enumerate(pb.range()): st, ct, sp, cp = sin(x[0]), cos(x[0]), sin(x[1]), cos(x[1]) thetadot, phidot, psidot = v # unpack atheta = st*ct*phidot**2 + (M*g*r*st-I3*(psidot+phidot*ct)*phidot*st)/I1 aphi = (I3/I1)*(psidot+phidot*ct)*thetadot/st - 2*ct*thetadot*phidot/st apsi = phidot*thetadot*st - aphi*ct a = vector(atheta, aphi, apsi) v += a*dt # update velocities x += v*dt # update Lagrangian coordinates gaxis = (Lshaft+0.03)*vector(st*sp, ct, st*cp) # set orientation along gaxis and rotate it around its axis by psidot*t degrees gyro.orientation(gaxis, rotation=psidot*t*57.3) if not i%200: # add trace and render all, every 200 iterations
img = vtk.vtkImageData() img.SetDimensions(bins, bins, bins) # range is [0, bins-1] img.AllocateScalars(vtk.VTK_FLOAT, 1) coords = np.random.rand(npts, 3) # range is [0, 1] scals = np.abs(coords[:, 2]) # let the scalar be the z of point itself fact = 1. / (bins - 1) # conversion factor btw the 2 ranges vp = Plotter(verbose=0) vp.ztitle = 'z == scalar value' cloud = vp.points(coords) # fill the vtkImageData object pb = ProgressBar(0, bins, c=4) for iz in pb.range(): pb.print() for iy in range(bins): for ix in range(bins): pt = vector(ix, iy, iz) * fact closestPointsIDs = cloud.closestPoint(pt, N=5, returnIds=True) num, den = 0, 0 for i in closestPointsIDs: # work out RBF manually on N points invdist = 1 / (mag2(coords[i] - pt) + 1e-06) num += scals[i] * invdist den += invdist img.SetScalarComponentFromFloat(ix, iy, iz, 0, num / den) #vp.write(img, 'imgcube.tif') # or .vti
# ############################################################ the scene vp = Plotter(verbose=0, axes=0, interactive=0) shaft = vp.cylinder([[0,0,0], Ls*gaxis], r=0.03, c='dg') rotor = vp.cylinder([(Ls-0.55)*gaxis, (Ls-0.45)*gaxis], r=R, c='t') bar = vp.cylinder([Ls*gaxis/2-R*vector(0,1,0), Ls*gaxis/2+R*vector(0,1,0)], r=R/6, c='r') gyro = vp.Assembly([shaft, rotor, bar]) # group actors into a single one spring= vp.helix(top, gpos, r=0.06, thickness=0.01, c='gray'), length=0.2, width=0.02, height=0.2, c='gray'),.5,0), length=2.2, width=3, height=2.2, c='gray', wire=1, alpha=.2) # ############################################################ the physics pb = ProgressBar(0, 5, dt, c='b') for t in pb.range(): Fspring = -ks*norm(gpos-top)*(mag(gpos-top)-Lrest) torque = cross(-1/2*Ls*norm(Lrot), Fspring) # torque about center of mass Lrot += torque*dt precess += (Fgrav+Fspring)*dt # momentum of center of mass cm += (precess/M)*dt gpos = cm - 1/2*Ls*norm(Lrot) # set orientation along gaxis and rotate it around its axis by omega*t degrees gyro.orientation(Lrot, rotation=omega*t*57.3).pos(gpos) spring.stretch(top, gpos) vp.point(gpos + Ls*norm(Lrot), r=1, c='g') # add trace point to show in the end vp.render() pb.print()
# Load (with numpy) an existing set of mesh points and a list # of scalars that represent the concentration of a substance mesh, conc, cgradfac = np.load('data/turing_data.npy', encoding='latin1') conc = conc/1000. # normalize concentrations read from file nc,n = conc.shape # nc= nr. of time points, n= nr. of vertices # Create the vtkPlotter instance and position the camera. # (values can be copied in the code by pressing C in the rendering window) vp = Plotter(verbose=0, axes=0, interactive=0), -239, 1034), 0.0, 10.0), -0.479, 0.539) pb = ProgressBar(0,nc, c='g') # a green progress bar for t1 in pb.range(): # for each time point t2=t1+1 if t1==nc-1: t2=t1 # avoid index overflow with last time point vp.actors=[] # clean up the list of actors at each iteration vp.cylinder([0,0,-15], r=260, height=10, texture='marble', res=60) vp.cylinder([0,0, 10], r=260, height=50, wire=1, c='gray', res=60) pts, cols = [],[] for i,p in enumerate(mesh): # for each vertex in the mesh c1, c2 = conc[t1,i], conc[t2,i] cgrad = abs(c2-c1)*cgradfac # intensity of variation gx, gy, gz = np.random.randn(3) # make points wiggle a bit pts.append(p + vector(gx/4, gy/4, gz + c1*20)) cols.append([0, c1, cgrad]) # RGB color
from vtkplotter import printc, ProgressBar, Plotter N = 10 # nr of particles along axis s = 0.01 # random step size scene = Plotter(verbose=0, axes=0) scene.plane(pos=[.44, .44, -.1], texture='wood7') for i in range(N): # generate a grid of points for j in range(N): for k in range(N): p = [i / N, j / N, k / N] scene.point(p, c=p) # color point by its own position pb = ProgressBar(0, 80, c='red') for t in pb.range(): # loop of 400 steps pb.print() for i in range(1, N * N * N): # for each particle actor = scene.actors[i] r = [u(-s, s), u(-s, s), u(-s, s)] # random step p = actor.pos() # get point position q = p + r # add the noise if q[2] < 0: q[2] *= -1 # if bounce on the floor actor.pos(q) # set its new position scene.render()