Exemple #1
def apply_new_qres_filter_scores(qreq_vsone_, qres_vsone, newfsv_list,
                                 newscore_aids, filtkey):
    applies the new filter scores vectors to a query result and updates other

        qres_vsone (QueryResult):  object of feature correspondences and scores
        newfsv_list (list):
        newscore_aids (?):
        filtkey (?):

        python -m ibeis.algo.hots.special_query --test-apply_new_qres_filter_scores

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.special_query import *  # NOQA
        >>> ibs, valid_aids = testdata_special_query()
        >>> qaids = valid_aids[0:1]
        >>> daids = valid_aids[1:]
        >>> qaid = qaids[0]
        >>> filtkey = hstypes.FiltKeys.DISTINCTIVENESS
        >>> use_cache = False
        >>> qaid2_qres_vsmany, qreq_vsmany_ = query_vsmany_initial(ibs, qaids, daids, use_cache)
        >>> vsone_query_pairs = build_vsone_shortlist(ibs, qaid2_qres_vsmany)
        >>> qaid2_qres_vsone, qreq_vsone_ = query_vsone_pairs(ibs, vsone_query_pairs, use_cache)
        >>> qreq_vsone_.load_score_normalizer()
        >>> qres_vsone = qaid2_qres_vsone[qaid]
        >>> qres_vsmany = qaid2_qres_vsmany[qaid]
        >>> top_aids = vsone_query_pairs[0][1]
        >>> newfsv_list, newscore_aids = get_new_qres_distinctiveness(qres_vsone, qres_vsmany, top_aids, filtkey)
        >>> apply_new_qres_filter_scores(qreq_vsone_, qres_vsone, newfsv_list, newscore_aids, filtkey)

        qres_vsone.show_top(ibs, name_scoring=True)
        print(qres_vsone.get_inspect_str(ibs=ibs, name_scoring=True))

        print(qres_vsmany.get_inspect_str(ibs=ibs, name_scoring=True))

    assert ut.listfind(qres_vsone.filtkey_list, filtkey) is None
    # HACK to update result cfgstr
    qres_vsone.cfgstr = qreq_vsone_.get_cfgstr()
    # Find positions of weight filters and score filters
    # so we can apply a weighted average
    #numer_filters  = [hstypes.FiltKeys.LNBNN, hstypes.FiltKeys.RATIO]

    weight_filters = hstypes.WEIGHT_FILTERS
    weight_filtxs, nonweight_filtxs = vt.index_partition(
        qres_vsone.filtkey_list, weight_filters)

    for new_fsv_vsone, daid in zip(newfsv_list, newscore_aids):
        #scorex_vsone  = ut.listfind(qres_vsone.filtkey_list, filtkey)
        #if scorex_vsone is None:
        # TODO: add spatial verification as a filter score
        # augment the vsone scores
        # TODO: paramaterize
        weighted_ave_score = True
        if weighted_ave_score:
            # weighted average scoring
            new_fs_vsone = vt.weighted_average_scoring(new_fsv_vsone,
            # product scoring
            new_fs_vsone = product_scoring(new_fsv_vsone)
        new_score_vsone = new_fs_vsone.sum()
        qres_vsone.aid2_fsv[daid] = new_fsv_vsone
        qres_vsone.aid2_fs[daid] = new_fs_vsone
        qres_vsone.aid2_score[daid] = new_score_vsone
        # FIXME: this is not how to compute new probability
        #if qres_vsone.aid2_prob is not None:
        #    qres_vsone.aid2_prob[daid] = qres_vsone.aid2_score[daid]

    # This is how to compute new probability
    if qreq_vsone_.qparams.score_normalization:
        # FIXME: TODO: Have unsupported scores be represented as Nones
        # while score normalizer is still being trained.
        normalizer = qreq_vsone_.normalizer
        daid2_score = qres_vsone.aid2_score
        score_list = list(six.itervalues(daid2_score))
        daid_list = list(six.iterkeys(daid2_score))
        prob_list = normalizer.normalize_score_list(score_list)
        daid2_prob = dict(zip(daid_list, prob_list))
        qres_vsone.aid2_prob = daid2_prob
Exemple #2
def get_training_desc_dist(cm, qreq_, fsv_col_lbls=[], namemode=True,
                           top_percent=None, data_annots=None,
                           query_annots=None, num=None):
    computes custom distances on prematched descriptors

        python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=ratio

        python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=normdist -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_Master1 --save pzmaster_normdist.png
        python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=normdist -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_MTEST --save pzmtest_normdist.png
        python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=normdist -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db GZ_ALL

        python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=L2_sift -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_MTEST
        python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=L2_sift -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_Master1

        python -m ibeis --tf compare_featscores --show --disttype=L2_sift,normdist -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db GZ_ALL

        python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm --exec-get_training_desc_dist
        python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm --exec-get_training_desc_dist:1

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm import *  # NOQA
        >>> import ibeis
        >>> cm, qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_cm(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST')
        >>> fsv_col_lbls = ['ratio', 'lnbnn', 'L2_sift']
        >>> namemode = False
        >>> (tp_fsv, tn_fsv) = get_training_desc_dist(cm, qreq_, fsv_col_lbls,
        >>>                                           namemode=namemode)
        >>> result = ut.repr2((tp_fsv.T, tn_fsv.T), nl=1)
        >>> print(result)

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm import *  # NOQA
        >>> import ibeis
        >>> cm, qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_cm(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST')
        >>> fsv_col_lbls = cm.fsv_col_lbls
        >>> num = None
        >>> namemode = False
        >>> top_percent = None
        >>> data_annots = None
        >>> (tp_fsv1, tn_fsv1) = get_training_fsv(cm, namemode=namemode,
        >>>                                       top_percent=top_percent)
        >>> (tp_fsv, tn_fsv) = get_training_desc_dist(cm, qreq_, fsv_col_lbls,
        >>>                                           namemode=namemode,
        >>>                                           top_percent=top_percent)
        >>> vt.asserteq(tp_fsv1, tp_fsv)
        >>> vt.asserteq(tn_fsv1, tn_fsv)
    if namemode:
        tp_idxs, tn_idxs = get_topname_training_idxs(cm, num=num)
        tp_idxs, tn_idxs = get_topannot_training_idxs(cm, num=num)

    if top_percent is not None:
        cm_orig = cm
        cm_orig.assert_self(qreq_, verbose=False)

        # Keep only the top scoring half of the feature matches
        tophalf_indicies = [
            ut.take_percentile(fs.argsort()[::-1], top_percent)
            for fs in cm.get_fsv_prod_list()
        cm = cm_orig.take_feature_matches(tophalf_indicies, keepscores=True)

        assert np.all(cm_orig.daid_list.take(tp_idxs) == cm.daid_list.take(tp_idxs))
        assert np.all(cm_orig.daid_list.take(tn_idxs) == cm.daid_list.take(tn_idxs))

        cm.assert_self(qreq_, verbose=False)

    ibs = qreq_.ibs
    query_config2_ = qreq_.extern_query_config2
    data_config2_ = qreq_.extern_data_config2
    special_xs, dist_xs = vt.index_partition(fsv_col_lbls, ['fg', 'ratio', 'lnbnn', 'normdist'])
    dist_lbls = ut.take(fsv_col_lbls, dist_xs)
    special_lbls = ut.take(fsv_col_lbls, special_xs)

    qaid = cm.qaid
    # cm.assert_self(qreq_=qreq_)

    fsv_list = []
    for idxs in [tp_idxs, tn_idxs]:
        daid_list = cm.daid_list.take(idxs)

        # Matching indices in query / databas images
        qfxs_list = ut.take(cm.qfxs_list, idxs)
        dfxs_list = ut.take(cm.dfxs_list, idxs)

        need_norm = len(ut.setintersect_ordered(['ratio', 'lnbnn', 'normdist'], special_lbls)) > 0
        #need_norm |= 'parzen' in special_lbls
        #need_norm |= 'norm_parzen' in special_lbls
        need_dists = len(dist_xs) > 0

        if need_dists or need_norm:
            qaid_list = [qaid] * len(qfxs_list)
            qvecs_flat_m = np.vstack(ibs.get_annot_vecs_subset(qaid_list, qfxs_list, config2_=query_config2_))
            dvecs_flat_m = np.vstack(ibs.get_annot_vecs_subset(daid_list, dfxs_list, config2_=data_config2_))

        if need_norm:
            assert any(x is not None for x in  cm.filtnorm_aids), 'no normalizer known'
            naids_list = ut.take(cm.naids_list, idxs)
            nfxs_list  = ut.take(cm.nfxs_list, idxs)
            nvecs_flat = ibs.lookup_annot_vecs_subset(naids_list, nfxs_list, config2_=data_config2_,
            #import utool
            #with utool.embed_on_exception_context:
            #nvecs_flat_m = np.vstack(ut.compress(nvecs_flat, nvecs_flat))
            _nvecs_flat_m = ut.compress(nvecs_flat, nvecs_flat)
            nvecs_flat_m = vt.safe_vstack(_nvecs_flat_m, qvecs_flat_m.shape, qvecs_flat_m.dtype)

            vdist = vt.L2_sift(qvecs_flat_m, dvecs_flat_m)
            ndist = vt.L2_sift(qvecs_flat_m, nvecs_flat_m)

            #assert np.all(vdist <= ndist)
            #import utool

            #vdist = vt.L2_sift_sqrd(qvecs_flat_m, dvecs_flat_m)
            #ndist = vt.L2_sift_sqrd(qvecs_flat_m, nvecs_flat_m)

            #vdist = vt.L2_root_sift(qvecs_flat_m, dvecs_flat_m)
            #ndist = vt.L2_root_sift(qvecs_flat_m, nvecs_flat_m)

            #x = cm.fsv_list[0][0:5].T[0]
            #y = (ndist - vdist)[0:5]

        if len(special_xs) > 0:
            special_dist_list = []
            # assert special_lbls[0] == 'fg'
            if 'fg' in special_lbls:
                # hack for fgweights (could get them directly from fsv)
                qfgweights_flat_m = np.hstack(ibs.get_annot_fgweights_subset([qaid] * len(qfxs_list), qfxs_list, config2_=query_config2_))
                dfgweights_flat_m = np.hstack(ibs.get_annot_fgweights_subset(daid_list, dfxs_list, config2_=data_config2_))
                fgweights = np.sqrt(qfgweights_flat_m * dfgweights_flat_m)

            if 'ratio' in special_lbls:
                # Integrating ratio test
                ratio_dist = (vdist / ndist)

            if 'lnbnn' in special_lbls:
                lnbnn_dist = ndist - vdist

            #if 'parzen' in special_lbls:
            #    parzen = vt.gauss_parzen_est(vdist, sigma=.38)
            #    special_dist_list.append(parzen)

            #if 'norm_parzen' in special_lbls:
            #    parzen = vt.gauss_parzen_est(ndist, sigma=.38)
            #    special_dist_list.append(parzen)

            if 'normdist' in special_lbls:

            special_dists = np.vstack(special_dist_list).T
            special_dists = np.empty((0, 0))

        if len(dist_xs) > 0:
            # Get descriptors
            # Compute descriptor distnaces
            _dists = vt.compute_distances(qvecs_flat_m, dvecs_flat_m, dist_lbls)
            dists = np.vstack(_dists.values()).T
            dists = np.empty((0, 0))

        fsv = vt.rebuild_partition(special_dists.T, dists.T,
                                      special_xs, dist_xs)
        fsv = np.array(fsv).T
    tp_fsv, tn_fsv = fsv_list
    return tp_fsv, tn_fsv
Exemple #3
def apply_new_qres_filter_scores(qreq_vsone_, qres_vsone, newfsv_list, newscore_aids, filtkey):
    applies the new filter scores vectors to a query result and updates other

        qres_vsone (QueryResult):  object of feature correspondences and scores
        newfsv_list (list):
        newscore_aids (?):
        filtkey (?):

        python -m ibeis.algo.hots.special_query --test-apply_new_qres_filter_scores

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.special_query import *  # NOQA
        >>> ibs, valid_aids = testdata_special_query()
        >>> qaids = valid_aids[0:1]
        >>> daids = valid_aids[1:]
        >>> qaid = qaids[0]
        >>> filtkey = hstypes.FiltKeys.DISTINCTIVENESS
        >>> use_cache = False
        >>> qaid2_qres_vsmany, qreq_vsmany_ = query_vsmany_initial(ibs, qaids, daids, use_cache)
        >>> vsone_query_pairs = build_vsone_shortlist(ibs, qaid2_qres_vsmany)
        >>> qaid2_qres_vsone, qreq_vsone_ = query_vsone_pairs(ibs, vsone_query_pairs, use_cache)
        >>> qreq_vsone_.load_score_normalizer()
        >>> qres_vsone = qaid2_qres_vsone[qaid]
        >>> qres_vsmany = qaid2_qres_vsmany[qaid]
        >>> top_aids = vsone_query_pairs[0][1]
        >>> newfsv_list, newscore_aids = get_new_qres_distinctiveness(qres_vsone, qres_vsmany, top_aids, filtkey)
        >>> apply_new_qres_filter_scores(qreq_vsone_, qres_vsone, newfsv_list, newscore_aids, filtkey)

        qres_vsone.show_top(ibs, name_scoring=True)
        print(qres_vsone.get_inspect_str(ibs=ibs, name_scoring=True))

        print(qres_vsmany.get_inspect_str(ibs=ibs, name_scoring=True))

    assert ut.listfind(qres_vsone.filtkey_list, filtkey) is None
    # HACK to update result cfgstr
    qres_vsone.cfgstr = qreq_vsone_.get_cfgstr()
    # Find positions of weight filters and score filters
    # so we can apply a weighted average
    #numer_filters  = [hstypes.FiltKeys.LNBNN, hstypes.FiltKeys.RATIO]

    weight_filters = hstypes.WEIGHT_FILTERS
    weight_filtxs, nonweight_filtxs = vt.index_partition(qres_vsone.filtkey_list, weight_filters)

    for new_fsv_vsone, daid in zip(newfsv_list, newscore_aids):
        #scorex_vsone  = ut.listfind(qres_vsone.filtkey_list, filtkey)
        #if scorex_vsone is None:
        # TODO: add spatial verification as a filter score
        # augment the vsone scores
        # TODO: paramaterize
        weighted_ave_score = True
        if weighted_ave_score:
            # weighted average scoring
            new_fs_vsone = vt.weighted_average_scoring(new_fsv_vsone, weight_filtxs, nonweight_filtxs)
            # product scoring
            new_fs_vsone = product_scoring(new_fsv_vsone)
        new_score_vsone = new_fs_vsone.sum()
        qres_vsone.aid2_fsv[daid]   = new_fsv_vsone
        qres_vsone.aid2_fs[daid]    = new_fs_vsone
        qres_vsone.aid2_score[daid] = new_score_vsone
        # FIXME: this is not how to compute new probability
        #if qres_vsone.aid2_prob is not None:
        #    qres_vsone.aid2_prob[daid] = qres_vsone.aid2_score[daid]

    # This is how to compute new probability
    if qreq_vsone_.qparams.score_normalization:
        # FIXME: TODO: Have unsupported scores be represented as Nones
        # while score normalizer is still being trained.
        normalizer = qreq_vsone_.normalizer
        daid2_score = qres_vsone.aid2_score
        score_list = list(six.itervalues(daid2_score))
        daid_list  = list(six.iterkeys(daid2_score))
        prob_list = normalizer.normalize_score_list(score_list)
        daid2_prob = dict(zip(daid_list, prob_list))
        qres_vsone.aid2_prob = daid2_prob
Exemple #4
def get_orgres_desc_match_dists(allres, orgtype_list=['false', 'true'],
    computes distances between matching descriptors of orgtypes in allres

        allres (AllResults): AllResults object
        orgtype_list (list): of strings denoting the type of results to compare
        distkey_list (list): list of requested distance types

        dict: orgres2_descmatch_dists mapping from orgtype to dicts of distances (ndarrays)

        Just SIFT distance seems to have a very interesting property

        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --show
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_Master0 --show
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_Master0 --distkeys=fs,lnbnn,bar_L2_sift --show
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_MTEST --distkeys=fs,lnbnn,bar_L2_sift,cos_sift --show
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_Master0 --distkeys=fs,lnbnn,bar_L2_sift,cos_sift --show
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_MTEST --distkeys=cos_sift --show
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_Master0 --distkeys=fs,lnbnn,bar_L2_sift,cos_sift --show --nosupport

        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_MTEST --distkeys=lnbnn --show --feat_type=hesaff+siam128
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_MTEST --distkeys=lnbnn --show --feat_type=hesaff+sift

        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_MTEST --distkeys=lnbnn --show --feat_type=hesaff+sift --num-top-fs=2
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_MTEST --distkeys=lnbnn --show --feat_type=hesaff+sift --num-top-fs=10
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_MTEST --distkeys=lnbnn --show --feat_type=hesaff+sift --num-top-fs=1000
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_MTEST --distkeys=lnbnn --show --feat_type=hesaff+siam128 --num-top-fs=1

        >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.expt.results_analyzer import *  # NOQA
        >>> from ibeis.expt import results_all
        >>> import ibeis
        >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST')
        >>> qaid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids(hasgt=True)
        >>> from ibeis.model import Config
        >>> cfgdict = ut.argparse_dict(dict(Config.parse_config_items(Config.QueryConfig())), only_specified=True)
        >>> allres = results_all.get_allres(ibs, qaid_list, cfgdict=cfgdict)
        >>> # {'feat_type': 'hesaff+siam128'})
        >>> orgtype_list = ['false', 'top_true']
        >>> verbose = True
        >>> distkey_list = ut.get_argval('--distkeys', type_=list, default=['fs', 'lnbnn', 'bar_L2_sift'])
        >>> #distkey_list = ['hist_isect']
        >>> #distkey_list = ['L2_sift', 'bar_L2_sift']
        >>> # execute function
        >>> orgres2_descmatch_dists = get_orgres_desc_match_dists(allres, orgtype_list, distkey_list, verbose)
        >>> #print('orgres2_descmatch_dists = ' + ut.dict_str(orgres2_descmatch_dists, truncate=-1, precision=3))
        >>> stats_ = {key: ut.dict_val_map(val, ut.get_stats) for key, val in orgres2_descmatch_dists.items()}
        >>> print('orgres2_descmatch_dists = ' + ut.dict_str(stats_, truncate=2, precision=3, nl=4))
        >>> # ------ VISUALIZE ------------
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> import vtool as vt
        >>> # If viewing a large amount of data this might help on OverFlowError
        >>> #ut.embed()
        >>> # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20330475/matplotlib-overflowerror-allocated-too-many-blocks
        >>> # http://matplotlib.org/1.3.1/users/customizing.html
        >>> limit_ = len(qaid_list) > 100
        >>> if limit_ or True:
        >>>     import matplotlib as mpl
        >>>     mpl.rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'] = 100000
        >>> # visualize the descriptor scores
        >>> for fnum, distkey in enumerate(distkey_list, start=1):
        >>>     encoder = vt.ScoreNormalizer()
        >>>     tn_scores, tp_scores = ut.get_list_column(ut.dict_take(orgres2_descmatch_dists, orgtype_list), distkey)
        >>>     encoder.fit_partitioned(tp_scores, tn_scores, verbose=False)
        >>>     figtitle = 'Descriptor Distance: %r. db=%r\norgtype_list=%r' % (distkey, ibs.get_dbname(), orgtype_list)
        >>>     use_support = not ut.get_argflag('--nosupport')
        >>>     encoder.visualize(figtitle=figtitle, use_stems=not limit_, fnum=fnum, with_normscore=use_support, with_scores=use_support)
        >>> ut.show_if_requested()
    import vtool as vt
    orgres2_descmatch_dists = {}
    desc_dist_xs, other_xs = vt.index_partition(distkey_list, vt.VALID_DISTS)
    distkey_list1 = ut.list_take(distkey_list, desc_dist_xs)
    distkey_list2 = ut.list_take(distkey_list, other_xs)

    for orgtype in orgtype_list:
        if verbose:
            print('[rr2] getting orgtype=%r distances between vecs' % orgtype)
        orgres = allres.get_orgtype(orgtype)
        qaids = orgres.qaids
        aids  = orgres.aids
        # DO distance that need real computation
        if len(desc_dist_xs) > 0:
                stacked_qvecs, stacked_dvecs = get_matching_descriptors(allres, qaids, aids)
            except Exception as ex:
            if verbose:
                print('[rr2]  * stacked_qvecs.shape = %r' % (stacked_qvecs.shape,))
                print('[rr2]  * stacked_dvecs.shape = %r' % (stacked_dvecs.shape,))
            #distkey_list = ['L1', 'L2', 'hist_isect', 'emd']
            #distkey_list = ['L1', 'L2', 'hist_isect']
            #distkey_list = ['L2', 'hist_isect']
            hist1 = np.asarray(stacked_qvecs, dtype=np.float32)
            hist2 = np.asarray(stacked_dvecs, dtype=np.float32)
            # returns an ordered dictionary
            distances1 = vt.compute_distances(hist1, hist2, distkey_list1)
            distances1 = {}
        # DO precomputed distances like fs (true weights) or lnbnn
        if len(other_xs) > 0:
            distances2 = ut.odict([(disttype, []) for disttype in distkey_list2])
            for qaid, daid in zip(qaids, aids):
                    qres = allres.qaid2_qres[qaid]
                    for disttype in distkey_list2:
                        if disttype == 'fs':
                            # hack in full fs
                            assert disttype == 'fs', 'unimplemented'
                            vals = qres.aid2_fs[daid]
                            assert disttype in qres.filtkey_list, 'no score labeled %' % (disttype,)
                            index = qres.filtkey_list.index(disttype)
                            vals = qres.aid2_fsv[daid].T[index]
                        if len(vals) == 0:
                            # individual score component
                        #num_top_vec_scores = None
                        num_top_vec_scores = ut.get_argval('--num-top-fs', type_=int, default=None)
                        if num_top_vec_scores is not None:
                            # Take only the best matching descriptor scores for each pair in this analysis
                            # This tries to see how deperable the BEST descriptor score is for each match
                            vals = vals[vals.argsort()[::-1][0:num_top_vec_scores]]
                            vals = vals[vals.argsort()[::-1][0:num_top_vec_scores]]
                except KeyError:
            # convert to numpy array
            for disttype in distkey_list2:
                distances2[disttype] = np.array(distances2[disttype])
            distances2 = {}
        # Put things back in expected order
        dist1_vals = ut.dict_take(distances1, distkey_list1)
        dist2_vals = ut.dict_take(distances2, distkey_list2)
        dist_vals = vt.rebuild_partition(dist1_vals, dist2_vals, desc_dist_xs, other_xs)
        distances = ut.odict(list(zip(distkey_list, dist_vals)))
        orgres2_descmatch_dists[orgtype] = distances
    return orgres2_descmatch_dists
Exemple #5
def get_orgres_desc_match_dists(allres,
                                orgtype_list=['false', 'true'],
    computes distances between matching descriptors of orgtypes in allres

        allres (AllResults): AllResults object
        orgtype_list (list): of strings denoting the type of results to compare
        distkey_list (list): list of requested distance types

        dict: orgres2_descmatch_dists mapping from orgtype to dicts of distances (ndarrays)

        Just SIFT distance seems to have a very interesting property

        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --show
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_Master0 --show
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_Master0 --distkeys=fs,lnbnn,bar_L2_sift --show
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_MTEST --distkeys=fs,lnbnn,bar_L2_sift,cos_sift --show
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_Master0 --distkeys=fs,lnbnn,bar_L2_sift,cos_sift --show
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_MTEST --distkeys=cos_sift --show
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_Master0 --distkeys=fs,lnbnn,bar_L2_sift,cos_sift --show --nosupport

        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_MTEST --distkeys=lnbnn --show --feat_type=hesaff+siam128
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_MTEST --distkeys=lnbnn --show --feat_type=hesaff+sift

        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_MTEST --distkeys=lnbnn --show --feat_type=hesaff+sift --num-top-fs=2
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_MTEST --distkeys=lnbnn --show --feat_type=hesaff+sift --num-top-fs=10
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_MTEST --distkeys=lnbnn --show --feat_type=hesaff+sift --num-top-fs=1000
        python -m ibeis.expt.results_analyzer --test-get_orgres_desc_match_dists --db PZ_MTEST --distkeys=lnbnn --show --feat_type=hesaff+siam128 --num-top-fs=1

        >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.expt.results_analyzer import *  # NOQA
        >>> from ibeis.expt import results_all
        >>> import ibeis
        >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST')
        >>> qaid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids(hasgt=True)
        >>> from ibeis.model import Config
        >>> cfgdict = ut.argparse_dict(dict(Config.parse_config_items(Config.QueryConfig())), only_specified=True)
        >>> allres = results_all.get_allres(ibs, qaid_list, cfgdict=cfgdict)
        >>> # {'feat_type': 'hesaff+siam128'})
        >>> orgtype_list = ['false', 'top_true']
        >>> verbose = True
        >>> distkey_list = ut.get_argval('--distkeys', type_=list, default=['fs', 'lnbnn', 'bar_L2_sift'])
        >>> #distkey_list = ['hist_isect']
        >>> #distkey_list = ['L2_sift', 'bar_L2_sift']
        >>> # execute function
        >>> orgres2_descmatch_dists = get_orgres_desc_match_dists(allres, orgtype_list, distkey_list, verbose)
        >>> #print('orgres2_descmatch_dists = ' + ut.dict_str(orgres2_descmatch_dists, truncate=-1, precision=3))
        >>> stats_ = {key: ut.dict_val_map(val, ut.get_stats) for key, val in orgres2_descmatch_dists.items()}
        >>> print('orgres2_descmatch_dists = ' + ut.dict_str(stats_, truncate=2, precision=3, nl=4))
        >>> # ------ VISUALIZE ------------
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> import vtool as vt
        >>> # If viewing a large amount of data this might help on OverFlowError
        >>> #ut.embed()
        >>> # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20330475/matplotlib-overflowerror-allocated-too-many-blocks
        >>> # http://matplotlib.org/1.3.1/users/customizing.html
        >>> limit_ = len(qaid_list) > 100
        >>> if limit_ or True:
        >>>     import matplotlib as mpl
        >>>     mpl.rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'] = 100000
        >>> # visualize the descriptor scores
        >>> for fnum, distkey in enumerate(distkey_list, start=1):
        >>>     encoder = vt.ScoreNormalizer()
        >>>     tn_scores, tp_scores = ut.get_list_column(ut.dict_take(orgres2_descmatch_dists, orgtype_list), distkey)
        >>>     encoder.fit_partitioned(tp_scores, tn_scores, verbose=False)
        >>>     figtitle = 'Descriptor Distance: %r. db=%r\norgtype_list=%r' % (distkey, ibs.get_dbname(), orgtype_list)
        >>>     use_support = not ut.get_argflag('--nosupport')
        >>>     encoder.visualize(figtitle=figtitle, use_stems=not limit_, fnum=fnum, with_normscore=use_support, with_scores=use_support)
        >>> ut.show_if_requested()
    import vtool as vt
    orgres2_descmatch_dists = {}
    desc_dist_xs, other_xs = vt.index_partition(distkey_list, vt.VALID_DISTS)
    distkey_list1 = ut.list_take(distkey_list, desc_dist_xs)
    distkey_list2 = ut.list_take(distkey_list, other_xs)

    for orgtype in orgtype_list:
        if verbose:
            print('[rr2] getting orgtype=%r distances between vecs' % orgtype)
        orgres = allres.get_orgtype(orgtype)
        qaids = orgres.qaids
        aids = orgres.aids
        # DO distance that need real computation
        if len(desc_dist_xs) > 0:
                stacked_qvecs, stacked_dvecs = get_matching_descriptors(
                    allres, qaids, aids)
            except Exception as ex:
            if verbose:
                print('[rr2]  * stacked_qvecs.shape = %r' %
                      (stacked_qvecs.shape, ))
                print('[rr2]  * stacked_dvecs.shape = %r' %
                      (stacked_dvecs.shape, ))
            #distkey_list = ['L1', 'L2', 'hist_isect', 'emd']
            #distkey_list = ['L1', 'L2', 'hist_isect']
            #distkey_list = ['L2', 'hist_isect']
            hist1 = np.asarray(stacked_qvecs, dtype=np.float32)
            hist2 = np.asarray(stacked_dvecs, dtype=np.float32)
            # returns an ordered dictionary
            distances1 = vt.compute_distances(hist1, hist2, distkey_list1)
            distances1 = {}
        # DO precomputed distances like fs (true weights) or lnbnn
        if len(other_xs) > 0:
            distances2 = ut.odict([(disttype, [])
                                   for disttype in distkey_list2])
            for qaid, daid in zip(qaids, aids):
                    qres = allres.qaid2_qres[qaid]
                    for disttype in distkey_list2:
                        if disttype == 'fs':
                            # hack in full fs
                            assert disttype == 'fs', 'unimplemented'
                            vals = qres.aid2_fs[daid]
                            assert disttype in qres.filtkey_list, 'no score labeled %' % (
                                disttype, )
                            index = qres.filtkey_list.index(disttype)
                            vals = qres.aid2_fsv[daid].T[index]
                        if len(vals) == 0:
                            # individual score component
                        #num_top_vec_scores = None
                        num_top_vec_scores = ut.get_argval('--num-top-fs',
                        if num_top_vec_scores is not None:
                            # Take only the best matching descriptor scores for each pair in this analysis
                            # This tries to see how deperable the BEST descriptor score is for each match
                            vals = vals[vals.argsort()[::-1]
                            vals = vals[vals.argsort()[::-1]
                except KeyError:
            # convert to numpy array
            for disttype in distkey_list2:
                distances2[disttype] = np.array(distances2[disttype])
            distances2 = {}
        # Put things back in expected order
        dist1_vals = ut.dict_take(distances1, distkey_list1)
        dist2_vals = ut.dict_take(distances2, distkey_list2)
        dist_vals = vt.rebuild_partition(dist1_vals, dist2_vals, desc_dist_xs,
        distances = ut.odict(list(zip(distkey_list, dist_vals)))
        orgres2_descmatch_dists[orgtype] = distances
    return orgres2_descmatch_dists