Exemple #1
    def load(self, mount_point, iosource_name, scanners = None, directory=None):
        ## Ensure that mount point is normalised:
        self.iosource_name = iosource_name
        mount_point = os.path.normpath(mount_point)
        self.mount_point = mount_point
        FileSystem.DBFS.load(self, mount_point, iosource_name)
        # open the iosource
        self.iosrc = IO.open(self.case, iosource_name)

        ## Make a volatility object available FIXME allow options in
        ## here
        op = vutils.get_standard_parser("")

        ## Create an address space for the kernel
        self.kernel_VA_inode_id = self.VFSCreate(None, "I%s|A0"  % iosource_name,
                                                 "%s/mem" % self.mount_point)
        ## Build a fake command line
        self.filename = '%s/%s' % (self.case, iosource_name)
        self.args = ['-f', self.filename ]
        opts, args = op.parse_args(self.args)

        ## This identifies the image
        (self.addr_space, self.symtab, self.types) = vutils.load_and_identify_image(op, opts)

        for loader in Registry.FSLOADERS.classes:
            if loader.filesystem != "WindowsMemory": continue
            ## Instantiate them
            loader = loader()
            ## Ask them to load this memory image
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, case, fd, inode):
        FileSystem.File.__init__(self, case, fd, inode)
        parts = inode.split('|')
        pid = int(parts[-1][1:])
        iosource_name = parts[0][1:]

        ## Make a volatility object available FIXME allow options in
        ## here
        op = vutils.get_standard_parser("")

        ## Build a fake command line
        self.filename = '%s/%s' % (case, iosource_name)
        self.args = ['-f', self.filename ]
        opts, args = op.parse_args(self.args)
        ## This identifies the image
        (self.addr_space, self.symtab, self.types) = vutils.load_and_identify_image(op, opts)
        self.size = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

        if pid > 0:
            # get list of windows processes
            all_tasks = vmodules.process_list(self.addr_space, self.types, self.symtab)        

            ## Find the task struct
            all_tasks = vmodules.process_find_pid(self.addr_space,
                                                  self.types, self.symtab,
                                                  all_tasks, pid)
            if len(all_tasks) == 0:
                print "Error process [%d] not found"%opts.pid
            elif len(all_tasks)>1:
                print "Found multiple possible processes"

            task = all_tasks[0]
            ## The process address space
            process_address_space = vmodules.process_addr_space(self.addr_space,
                                                                self.types, task,

            self.addr_space = process_address_space