def __boolOp__(self, other, operation='&'): cname = ObjectTypeName.typeClassName(self).split('.')[-1] cls = eval(cname) if (isinstance(other, cls)): value = 0 if (operation == EnumInstance._boolOp_AND): value = self.value & other.value elif (operation == EnumInstance._boolOp_OR): value = self.value | other.value else: print_function( '(%s.%s) :: WARNING: Expected operation to be "%s" or "%s" but it is "%s".' % (ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), misc.funcName(), EnumInstance._boolOp_AND, EnumInstance._boolOp_OR, operation)) names = self.__names__(value) e = cls(self.parent, self.classname, EnumInstance._concat_symbol.join(names), value) return e else: print_function( '(%s.%s) :: ERROR: Expected other to be of type "%s" but it is of type "%s".' % (ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), misc.funcName(), ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), ObjectTypeName.typeName(other))) return None
def fromDict(self, args): if (lists.isDict(args)): try: __iter__ = args.iteritems() except: try: __iter__ = args.asPythonDict().iteritems() except: try: __iter__ = args.asDict().iteritems() except: __iter__ = None for ak, av in __iter__: try: for k, v in av.iteritems(): self.__dict__['%s_%s' % (ak, k)] = v except: self.__dict__[ak] = av if (not misc.isList(av)) else [ item if (not lists.isDict(item)) else self.__class__(item) for item in av ] else: logging.warning( '(%s.%s) :: Illegal args variable, expected type "dict" but got type "%s".' % (ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), misc.funcName(), ObjectTypeName.typeName(args)))
def __lazyimport_import(self): """ Import the module now. """ # Load and register module name = self.__lazyimport_name if (self.__lazyimport_loaded): return self.__lazyimport_locals[name] if (_utils.isBeingDebugged) and (_utils.isVerbose): print '%s: Loading module %r' % (ObjectTypeName.typeName(self),name) self.__lazyimport_locals[name] \ = module \ = __import__(name, self.__lazyimport_locals, self.__lazyimport_globals, '*') # Fill namespace with all symbols from original module to # provide faster access. self.__dict__.update(module.__dict__) # Set import flag self.__dict__['__lazyimport_loaded'] = 1 if (_utils.isBeingDebugged) and (_utils.isVerbose): print '%s: Module %r loaded' % (ObjectTypeName.typeName(self),name) return module
def deleteSalesForceObjects(sfdc, list_of_ids): import sys, traceback from vyperlogix import misc from vyperlogix.misc import ObjectTypeName deleted_ids = [] t_sfdc = ObjectTypeName.typeName(sfdc) if (t_sfdc.find('.connection.Connection') > -1): if (all([misc.isString(id) for id in list_of_ids])): try: delete_result = sfdc.delete(list_of_ids) deleted_ids = sfdc.resultToIdList(delete_result, success_status=True) except Exception as details: exc_info = sys.exc_info() info_string = '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)) info_string = '%s :: Cannot process, Reason: %s\n%s' % ( misc.funcName(), str(details), info_string) print >> sys.stderr, info_string else: info_string = '%s :: Cannot process, Reason: "%s" is not a list of id(s) each being a string.' % ( misc.funcName(), str(list_of_ids)) print >> sys.stderr, info_string else: info_string = '%s :: Cannot process, Reason: "%s" is not a valid connection object to pyax however it appears to be "%s".' % ( misc.funcName(), str(sfdc), t_sfdc) print >> sys.stderr, info_string return deleted_ids
def fromDict(self, args): if (lists.isDict(args)): for ak, av in args.iteritems(): if (lists.isDict(av)): self.__dict__[ak] = SmartObject(av) else: self.__dict__[ak] = av if (not misc.isList(av)) else [ item if (not lists.isDict(item)) else self.__class__(item) for item in av ] else: logging.warning( '(%s.%s) :: Illegal args variable, expected type "dict" but got type "%s".' % (ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), misc.funcName(), ObjectTypeName.typeName(args)))
def __init__(self, logger=None): self.__smtp_server__ = '' self.__smtp_port__ = -1 self.__smtp_username__ = '' self.__smtp_password__ = '' self.__logger__ = None print 'You cannot use the %s class because this is an Abstract Class. Try using one of the sub-classes instead.' % ( ObjectTypeName.typeName(self))
def __new__(cls, parent, classname, enumname, value): self = super(EnumInstance, cls).__new__(cls, str(value)) self.__parent = parent self.__classname = classname if (misc.isString(enumname)): self.__enumname = enumname self.__value = value elif (misc.isList(enumname)): self.__value = 0 for n in enumname: val = parent[n].value self.__value |= val assert self.__value == value, '(%s.%s) :: ERROR: Why the freak is the value of "%s" not equal to "%s"; the value that was stated to equate to "%s" cannot be correct according to the actual values from the parent of this %s object.' % ( ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), misc.funcName(), self.__value, value, enumname, ObjectTypeName.typeName(self)) else: print_function( '(%s.%s) :: ERROR: What the freak is the meaning of enumname of "%s" of type "%s".' % (ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), misc.funcName(), enumname, ObjectTypeName.typeName(enumname))) return self
def __getattr__(self, name): """ Import the module on demand and get the attribute. """ if (self.__lazyimport_loaded): raise AttributeError, name if (_utils.isBeingDebugged) and (_utils.isVerbose): print '%s: Module load triggered by attribute %r read access' % (ObjectTypeName.typeName(self),name) module = self.__lazyimport_import() try: return getattr(module, name) except: return module
def login(self): if (self.smtp_port < 1): toks = self.smtp_server.split(':') self.smtp_server = toks[0] self.smtp_port = -1 if (len(toks) != 2) else -1 if ( not toks[-1].isdigit()) else int(toks[-1]) if (len(self.smtp_server) > 0) and (isinstance( self.smtp_port, int)) and (self.smtp_port > -1): print '(%s.%s) :: smtpServer=[%s], port=[%s], username=[%s], password=[%s]' % ( ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), misc.funcName(), self.smtp_server, self.smtp_port, self.smtp_username, self.smtp_password) try: self.mailServer = smtplib.SMTP(host=self.smtp_server, port=self.smtp_port) self.mailServer.set_debuglevel(self.debug) if (len(self.smtp_username) > 0) and (len(self.smtp_password) > 0): self.mailServer.login(self.smtp_username, self.smtp_password) except Exception as details: tbinfofile = StringIO.StringIO() traceback.print_exc(None, tbinfofile) tbinfo = _msg = '(%s.%s) :: ERROR due to "%s"\n%s.' % ( ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), misc.funcName(), details, tbinfo) print >> sys.stderr, _msg raise smtplib.SMTPConnectError(_msg) self.log = self.logger else: _msg = '(%s.%s) :: WARNING :: Invalid SMTP Configuration that does not work, recommend checking your choices and attributes because something is wrong. smtpServer=[%s], port=[%s], username=[%s], password=[%s]' % ( ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), misc.funcName(), self.smtp_server, self.smtp_port, self.smtp_username, self.smtp_password) print >> sys.stderr, _msg raise ValueError(_msg)
def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Import the module on demand and set the attribute. """ if (not self.__lazyimport_init): self.__dict__[name] = value return if (self.__lazyimport_loaded): self.__lazyimport_locals[self.__lazyimport_name] = value self.__dict__[name] = value return if (_utils.isBeingDebugged) and (_utils.isVerbose): print '%s: Module load triggered by attribute %r write access' % (ObjectTypeName.typeName(self),name) module = self.__lazyimport_import() setattr(module, name, value)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): kwds["style"] = wx.STAY_ON_TOP self.bitmapFile = kwds['bitmapFile'] del kwds['bitmapFile'] wx.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) if (ObjectTypeName.typeName(self.bitmapFile) == 'wx._core.Image'): self.bitmap = wx.StaticBitmap(self, -1, wx.BitmapFromImage(self.bitmapFile)) elif (os.path.exists(self.bitmapFile)): self.bitmap = wx.StaticBitmap( self, -1, wx.Bitmap(self.bitmapFile, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) else: self.bitmap = None self.__set_properties() self.__do_layout()
def __call__(self, *args): _name = misc.callersName() _l = [ '_'.join(str(c).split()) for c in args if ObjectTypeName.typeName(c).find('.') == -1 ] _key = '_'.join(_l) if (self.cache[_name] == None): self.cache[_name] = {} try: return self.cache[_name][_key] except KeyError: self.cache[_name][_key] = value = self.func(*args) return value except TypeError, e: # uncachable -- for instance, passing a list as an argument. # Better to not cache than to blow up entirely. return self.func(*args)
def end(self, evt): if (ObjectTypeName.typeName(self.frame) != 'wx._core._wxPyDeadObject'): self.__delay__ -= self.delay self.min_delay -= self.delay if (self.isVerbose): print '(%s) :: self.delay=%s, self.min_delay=%s, self.__delay__=%s' % ( ObjectTypeName.objectSignature(self), self.delay, self.min_delay, self.__delay__) bool = False if (callable(self.__callback__)): bool = self.__callback__() and (self.min_delay <= 0) if (self.isVerbose): print '(%s) :: bool=%s, self.min_delay=%s' % ( ObjectTypeName.objectSignature(self), bool, self.min_delay) if (bool) or (self.__delay__ <= 0): if (bool): self.timer.Stop() self.frame.Destroy()
def fromDict(self, d): try: if (d.keys()) and (d.values()): for k, v in d.iteritems(): try: if (v.keys()) and (v.values()): cc = '%s()' % ObjectTypeName.typeName(self).split( '.')[-1] new_d = eval(cc) new_d.fromDict(v) self[k] = new_d except: if (isinstance(v, list)): for item in v: self[k] = item else: self[k] = v except: pass return self
def column(self,name_or_number): '''Retrieve a whole column of data by name or number, the name must be a valid column header or the sero-based number must reference a valid column header.''' s = str(name_or_number) guess = self.__by_col__[s] if (not guess) and (s.isdigit()): guess = self.__by_col__[self.header[int(s)]] if (guess): return guess _msg = '(%s.%s) :: Cannot return data for column "%s" because this number does not match the number of columns (%d) from row #1.' % (ObjectTypeName.typeName(self),misc.funcName(),name_or_number,self.num_headers) logging.warning(_msg) raise ValueError(_msg)
def __init__(self, func): self.func = func self.cache = lists.HashedLists2() self.objType = ObjectTypeName.typeName(self)
def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data): f_unpack = lambda foo, key: foo[key][0] if (misc.isList(foo[key]) ) else foo[key] try: SmtpMailsinkServer._count_messages += 1 try: d = self.parseMessage(data) except: exc_info = sys.exc_info() info_string = '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)) logMessage(info_string, ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), misc.funcName(), _logging=standardLogging.LoggingLevels.error) if (self.multi_file): _toAddr = f_unpack(d, const_to_symbol) _path = _utils.safely_mkdir(fpath=self.cwd, dirname=os.sep.join( ['mailboxes', _toAddr])) _fMbx = self.mailboxFile self.mailboxFile = open( '%s.%s' % (os.sep.join([ _path, _utils.timeStamp().replace(':', '') ]), 'html' if (self.use_html) else 'txt'), 'w') info_string = 'DEBUG: self.mailboxFile is "%s".' % ( self.mailboxFile) logMessage(info_string, ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), misc.funcName(), _logging=standardLogging.LoggingLevels.error) if self.mailboxFile is not None: #_utils.print_stderrout("Mail From is %s\n" % mailfrom) try: io_buffer = _utils.stringIO() if (self.is_debugging): d.prettyPrint(prefix='', title='Mail Parts', fOut=io_buffer) else: if (self.use_html): print >> io_buffer, self.renderHTML( f_unpack(d, const_subject_symbol), f_unpack(d, const_body_symbol)) else: print >> io_buffer, '%s' % (f_unpack( d, const_subject_symbol)) print >> io_buffer, '%s' % ('\n'.join( f_unpack(d, const_body_symbol))) s = io_buffer.getvalue() self.mailboxFile.write(s) except: exc_info = sys.exc_info() info_string = '\n'.join( traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)) logMessage(info_string, ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), misc.funcName(), _logging=standardLogging.LoggingLevels.error) #self.mailboxFile.write( "="*80 ) #self.mailboxFile.write( "\n\n" ) self.mailboxFile.flush() if (self.multi_file): self.mailboxFile.close() self.mailboxFile = _fMbx else: print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: self.mailboxFile is "%s".' % ( self.mailboxFile) if (callable(self.callback)): try: info_string = 'DEBUG: mailfrom is "%s", rcpttos is "%s".' % ( mailfrom, rcpttos) logMessage(info_string, ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), misc.funcName(), _logging=standardLogging.LoggingLevels.error) self.callback(d, mailfrom, rcpttos, data) except: exc_info = sys.exc_info() info_string = '\n'.join( traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)) logMessage(info_string, ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), misc.funcName(), _logging=standardLogging.LoggingLevels.error) else: logMessage( 'Cannot issue callback because callback is not callable.', ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), misc.funcName(), _logging=standardLogging.LoggingLevels.warning) info_string = 'SmtpMailsinkServer._count_messages=%d' % ( SmtpMailsinkServer._count_messages) logMessage(info_string, ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), misc.funcName(), except: exc_info = sys.exc_info() info_string = '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)) logMessage(info_string, ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), misc.funcName(), _logging=standardLogging.LoggingLevels.error)
def renderHTML(self, subj, body): from vyperlogix.html import myOOHTML as oohtml h_html = oohtml.Html() def renderBody(_body): h = oohtml.Html() h_html = h.tag(oohtml.oohtml.HTML) h_body = h_html.tag(oohtml.oohtml.BODY) h_Content = h_body.tag(oohtml.oohtml.DIV, id="content", style="background-color: white") _body = _body[0] if (misc.isList(_body)) and (len(_body) == 1) else _body h_Content.text(_body[0]) if (len(_body) > 1): for b in _body[1:]: h_Content.tagOp(oohtml.oohtml.BR) h_Content.text(b) return h_Content.toHtml() if (not misc.isString(subj)): subj = str(subj) if (not misc.isList(body)): body = [body] if (misc.isString(subj)) and (misc.isList(body)): h_html.text(oohtml.oohtml.DOCTYPE_40_TRANSITIONAL) _title = "Vyper Logix SMTP Email Proxy (%s v.%s)" % ( ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), __version__) html_html = h_html.tag(oohtml.oohtml.HTML) head_html = html_html.tag(oohtml.oohtml.HEAD) head_html.tagOp(oohtml.oohtml.META, http_equiv=oohtml.oohtml.CONTENT_TYPE, content=oohtml.oohtml.TEXT_HTML_CHARSET_ISO_8859_1) head_html.metas(( oohtml.oohtml.AUTHOR, '%s :: %s' % (, self.__author__) ), (oohtml.oohtml.KEYWORDS, _title), ( oohtml.oohtml.DESCRIPTION, "The contents of this email are considered to be confidential unless otherwise specified." ), (oohtml.oohtml.ROBOTS, oohtml.oohtml.ALL)) head_html.tagTITLE( '©%s, Vyper Logix Corp., All Rights Reserved., %s' % (_utils.timeStamp(format=_utils.formatDate_YYYY()), _title)) body_html = html_html.tag(oohtml.oohtml.BODY) idContent = body_html.tag(oohtml.oohtml.DIV, id="content", style="background-color: white") rows = [] rows.append(tuple(['%s' % (subj)])) rows.append(tuple([renderBody(body)])) rows.append(tuple(['<BR/><BR/><BR/><BR/>'])) rows.append( tuple([ self.copyright if (misc.isString(self.copyright)) and (len(self.copyright) > 0) else self.__copyright__ ])) idContent.html_table(rows) pass else: logMessage( 'subj must be of type str and body must be of type list rather than of types "%s" and "%s", respectively.' % (type(subj), type(body)), ObjectTypeName.typeName(self), misc.funcName(), _logging=standardLogging.LoggingLevels.warning) return h_html.toHtml()
def parse(self): fIn = open(self.filename,'r') try: lines = [l.strip() for l in fIn.readlines()] finally: fIn.close() self.__header__ = [h.strip() for h in lines[0].split(',') if (len(h) > 0)] self.__num_headers__ = len(self.header) for i in xrange(0,len(self.header)): self.__row_by_col__[self.header[i]] = lists.HashedLists() _re = re.compile('"[^"\r\n]*"|[^,\r\n]*', re.MULTILINE) for l in lines[1:]: recs = ['"','') for match in _re.finditer(l)] if (len(recs) != len(self.header)): i = 0 n = len(recs) while (i < (n-1)): can_remove = (len(recs[i]) > 0) and (len(recs[i+1]) == 0) if (can_remove): del recs[i+1] n = len(recs) i += 1 len_header = len(self.header) len_recs = len(recs) _num_missing_cols = len_header - len_recs if (_num_missing_cols > 0): _msg = '(%s.%s) :: CSV parser warning "%s", number of fields do not match the first line, padding with "MISSING" data.' % (ObjectTypeName.typeName(self),misc.funcName(),l) logging.warning(_msg) for i in xrange(0,_num_missing_cols): recs.append('MISSING') _num_missing_cols = len(self.header) - len(recs) self.__problem_rows__.append(recs) elif (_num_missing_cols == 0): self.__rows__.append(recs) for i in xrange(0,len(self.header)): self.__by_col__[self.header[i]] = recs[i] self.__row_by_col__[self.header[i]][recs[i]] = recs elif (_num_missing_cols < 0): self.__rows__.append(recs)
def mouse_action(self, evt): if (callable(self.__callback__)): return self.timer.Stop() if (ObjectTypeName.typeName(self.frame) != 'wx._core._wxPyDeadObject'): self.frame.Destroy()
def parse(self,dict2_factory=dict): '''dict2_factory is optional and specifies a class to be used when making each record.''' self.__header__ = None self.fIn = open(self.filename,'r') _re = re.compile('"[^"\r\n]*"|[^,\r\n]*', re.MULTILINE) for l in self.fIn: l = str(l).strip() if (self.__header__ is None): self.__header__ = [h.strip() for h in l.split(',') if (len(h) > 0)] self.__num_headers__ = len(self.header) for i in xrange(0,len(self.header)): self.__row_by_col__[self.header[i]] = lists.HashedLists() recs = ['"','') for match in _re.finditer(l)] if (len(recs) != len(self.header)): i = 0 n = len(recs) while (i < (n-1)): can_remove = (len(recs[i]) > 0) and (len(recs[i+1]) == 0) if (can_remove): del recs[i+1] n = len(recs) i += 1 len_header = len(self.header) len_recs = len(recs) _num_missing_cols = len_header - len_recs if (_num_missing_cols > 0): _msg = '(%s.%s) :: CSV parser warning "%s", number of fields do not match the first line, padding with "MISSING" data.' % (ObjectTypeName.typeName(self),misc.funcName(),l) logging.warning(_msg) for i in xrange(0,_num_missing_cols): recs.append('MISSING') _num_missing_cols = len(self.header) - len(recs) self.__problem_rows__.append(recs) elif (_num_missing_cols == 0): for i in xrange(0,len(self.header)): self.__by_col__[self.header[i]] = recs[i] self.__row_by_col__[self.header[i]][recs[i]] = recs yield recs if (dict2_factory) else self.__rowAsRecords__(recs,dict2_factory=dict2_factory) elif (_num_missing_cols < 0): yield recs if (dict2_factory) else self.__rowAsRecords__(recs,dict2_factory=dict2_factory) self.fIn.close()