Exemple #1
class SQLMapWrapper(object):

    DEBUG_ARGS = ['-v6']
    DEFAULT_ARGS = [sys.executable, 'sqlmap.py',
                    '--output-dir=%s' % tempfile.gettempdir()]

    SQLMAP_LOCATION = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'plugins', 'attack', 'db', 'sqlmap') 
    VULN_STR = 'sqlmap identified the following injection points'
    NOT_VULN_STR = 'all tested parameters appear to be not injectable'

    SQLMAP_ERRORS = ('connection timed out to the target',
                     'infinite redirect loop detected',
                     'it is not recommended to continue in this kind of cases',
                     'unable to connect to the target url or proxy',
                     "[INFO] skipping '",
                     '[CRITICAL] unable to retrieve page content')
    def __init__(self, target, uri_opener, coloring=False, debug=False):
        if not isinstance(target, Target):
            fmt = 'Invalid type %s for target parameter in SQLMapWrapper ctor.'
            raise TypeError(fmt % type(target))


        self.debug = debug
        self.target = target
        self.coloring = coloring
        self.last_command = None
        self.verified_vulnerable = False
    def _start_proxy(self, uri_opener):
        Saves the proxy configuration to self.local_proxy_url in order for the
        wrapper to use it in the calls to sqlmap.py and have the traffic go
        through our proxy (which has the user configuration, logging, etc).
        :return: None, an exception is raised if something fails.
        host = ''
        self.proxy = Proxy(host, 0, uri_opener)
        self.local_proxy_url = 'http://%s:%s/' % (host, self.proxy.get_bind_port())
    def cleanup(self):
    def is_vulnerable(self):
        :return: True if the URL is vulnerable to SQL injection.
        if self.verified_vulnerable:
            return self.verified_vulnerable
        params = ['--batch']
        full_command, stdout, stderr = self.run_sqlmap(params)
        if self.VULN_STR in stdout and self.NOT_VULN_STR not in stdout:
            self.verified_vulnerable = True
            return True
        if self.NOT_VULN_STR in stdout and self.VULN_STR not in stdout:
            return False 

        for error_string in self.SQLMAP_ERRORS:
            if error_string in stdout:
                # We found an unknown sqlmap error, such as a timeout
                return False
        fmt = 'Unexpected answer found in sqlmap output for command "%s": "%s"'
        raise NotImplementedError(fmt % (full_command, stdout))
    def _run(self, custom_params):
        Internal function used by run_sqlmap and run_sqlmap_with_pipes to
        call subprocess.
        :return: A Popen object.
        final_params = self.get_wrapper_params(custom_params)
        target_params = self.target.to_params()
        all_params = self.DEFAULT_ARGS + final_params + target_params
        if self.debug:
            all_params += self.DEBUG_ARGS

        process = subprocess.Popen(args=all_params,
        full_command = ' '.join(all_params)
        self.last_command = full_command

        return process
    def run_sqlmap(self, custom_params):
        Run sqlmap and wait for it to finish before getting its output.
        :param custom_params: A list with the extra parameters that we want to
                              send to sqlmap.
        :return: Runs sqlmap and returns a tuple containing:
                    (last command run,
                     stdout, sterr)
        process = self._run(custom_params)
        self.last_stdout, self.last_stderr = process.communicate()

        om.out.debug('[sqlmap_wrapper] %s' % self.last_command)
        for line in self.last_stdout.split('\n'):
            om.out.debug('[sqlmap_wrapper] %s' % line)

        return self.last_command, self.last_stdout, self.last_stderr
    def run_sqlmap_with_pipes(self, custom_params):
        Run sqlmap and immediately return handlers to stdout, stderr and stdin
        so the code using this can interact directly with the process.
        :param custom_params: A list with the extra parameters that we want to
                              send to sqlmap.
        :return: Runs sqlmap and returns a tuple with:
                    (last command run,
                     Popen object so that everyone can read .stdout)
                 This is very useful for using with w3af's output manager.
        process = self._run(custom_params)
        return self.last_command, process
    def direct(self, params):
        if isinstance(params, basestring):
            extra_params = shlex.split(params)
        return self.run_sqlmap_with_pipes(extra_params)
    def get_wrapper_params(self, extra_params=[]):
        params = []
        # TODO: This one will dissapear the day I add stdin handling support
        #       for the wrapper. Please remember that this support will have to
        #       take care of stdin and all other inputs from other UIs
        if not self.coloring:
        if self.local_proxy_url is not None:
            params.append('--proxy=%s' % self.local_proxy_url)
        return params
    def _wrap_param(self, custom_params):
        Utility function to allow me to easily wrap params.
        :return: Runs sqlmap with --dbs and returns a tuple with:
                    (last command run,
                     Popen object so that everyone can read .stdout,
                     .stderr, .stdin attributes)
        process = self._run(custom_params)
        return self.last_command, process
    def dbs(self):
        return self._wrap_param(['--dbs',])

    def tables(self):
        return self._wrap_param(['--tables',])

    def users(self):
        return self._wrap_param(['--users',])

    def dump(self):
        return self._wrap_param(['--dump',])

    def read(self, filename):
        :param filename: The file to be read
        :return: The contents of the file that was passed as parameter
        cmd, process = self._wrap_param(['--file-read=%s' % filename,])
        local_file_re = re.compile("the local file (.*?) and")
        # pylint: disable=E1101
        stdout = process.stdout.read()
            local_file = local_file_re.search(stdout).group(1)
            # FIXME: I'll have to fix this at some point... files that do not
            # exist should raise an exception (or something similar), instead
            # of just returning an empty string. This is a big FAIL from my
            # initial design of the payloads/shell API.
            return ''
            if os.path.exists(local_file):
                return file(local_file).read()
Exemple #2
class SQLMapWrapper(object):
    OUTPUT_DIR = '%s/%s' % (tempfile.gettempdir(), os.getpid())
    DEBUG_ARGS = ['-v6']

    # This was added for Debian (and most likely useful for other distributions)
    # because we don't want to have a sqlmap.deb and duplicate the same files
    # in w3af.deb
    # https://github.com/andresriancho/w3af/issues/10538
    INSTALLED_DEFAULT_ARGS = ['sqlmap', '--output-dir=%s' % OUTPUT_DIR]

    # The embedded sqlmap (the whole directory) is removed in Debian
        sys.executable, 'sqlmap.py',
        '--output-dir=%s' % OUTPUT_DIR

    SQLMAP_LOCATION = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'plugins', 'attack', 'db',
    VULN_STR = '[INFO] the back-end DBMS is'
    NOT_VULN_STR = 'all tested parameters appear to be not injectable'

    SQLMAP_ERRORS = ('connection timed out to the target',
                     'infinite redirect loop detected',
                     'it is not recommended to continue in this kind of cases',
                     'unable to connect to the target url or proxy',
                     "[INFO] skipping '",
                     '[CRITICAL] unable to retrieve page content',
                     'establish SSL connection')

    def __init__(self, target, uri_opener, coloring=False, debug=False):
        if not isinstance(target, Target):
            fmt = 'Invalid type %s for target parameter in SQLMapWrapper ctor.'
            raise TypeError(fmt % type(target))

        self.debug = debug
        self.target = target
        self.coloring = coloring
        self.last_command = None
        self.verified_vulnerable = False
        self.proxy = None
        self.local_proxy_url = None
        self.last_stdout = None
        self.last_stderr = None

        if uri_opener is not None:

    def start_proxy(self, uri_opener):
        Saves the proxy configuration to self.local_proxy_url in order for the
        wrapper to use it in the calls to sqlmap.py and have the traffic go
        through our proxy (which has the user configuration, logging, etc).
        :return: None, an exception is raised if something fails.
        host = ''

        self.proxy = Proxy(host, 0, uri_opener, name='SQLMapWrapperProxy')

        self.local_proxy_url = 'http://%s:%s/' % (host,

    def __reduce__(self):
        Need to define this method in order to remove the uri_opener from the
        pickled string. This will make sure that when the object is un-pickled
        we get the real uri_opener from w3af's core.

        The object being un-pickled is the SQLMapShell, which when un-pickled
        from the kb we call "shell.set_url_opener(w3af_core.uri_opener)",
        which then calls start_proxy(uri_opener) in order to restore the opener
        return self.__class__, (self.target, None, self.coloring, self.debug)

    def cleanup(self):

    def is_vulnerable(self):
        :return: True if the URL is vulnerable to SQL injection.
        if self.verified_vulnerable:
            return self.verified_vulnerable

        params = ['--batch']

        full_command, stdout, stderr = self.run_sqlmap(params)

        if full_command is None:
            # Something really bad happen with sqlmap
            return False

        if self.VULN_STR in stdout and self.NOT_VULN_STR not in stdout:
            self.verified_vulnerable = True
            return True

        if self.NOT_VULN_STR in stdout and self.VULN_STR not in stdout:
            return False

        for error_string in self.SQLMAP_ERRORS:
            if error_string in stdout:
                # We found an unknown sqlmap error, such as a timeout
                return False

        fmt = 'Unexpected answer found in sqlmap output for command "%s": "%s"'
        raise NotImplementedError(fmt % (full_command, stdout))

    def _get_base_args(self):
        Simple logic to get the base args in different environments where:
            * sqlmap is in PATH
            * The embedded sqlmap is not available

        :see: https://github.com/andresriancho/w3af/issues/10538

        :return: The base args to execute sqlmap in this environment, or raise
                 an exception if something is wrong.
        if os.path.exists(self.SQLMAP_LOCATION):
            # This is the most common scenario where the user installs w3af
            # from source and wants to use the embedded sqlmap
            return self.SQLMAP_LOCATION, self.EMBEDDED_DEFAULT_ARGS

        # sqlmap is not embedded, most likely because the packager removed
        # it and sqlmap executable is in path, make sure it's there before
        # we return the base args
        if not which('sqlmap'):
            raise RuntimeError('The "sqlmap" command is not in PATH')

        return os.getcwd(), self.INSTALLED_DEFAULT_ARGS

    def _run(self, custom_params):
        Internal function used by run_sqlmap and run_sqlmap_with_pipes to
        call subprocess.
        :return: A Popen object.
        if not os.path.exists(self.OUTPUT_DIR):

        cwd, base_args = self._get_base_args()
        final_params = self.get_wrapper_params(custom_params)
        target_params = self.target.to_params()

        all_params = base_args + final_params + target_params

        if self.debug:
            all_params += self.DEBUG_ARGS

            process = subprocess.Popen(args=all_params,
        except OSError, os_err:
            # https://github.com/andresriancho/w3af/issues/10186
            # OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory
            if os_err.errno == errno.ENOMEM:
                msg = ('The operating system is running low on memory and'
                       ' failed to start the sqlmap process.')

                # This tells the rest of the world that the command failed
                self.last_command = None
                return None
                # Let me discover/handle other errors

Exemple #3
class SQLMapWrapper(object):

    OUTPUT_DIR = '%s/%s' % (tempfile.gettempdir(), os.getpid())
    DEBUG_ARGS = ['-v6']
        sys.executable, 'sqlmap.py',
        '--output-dir=%s' % OUTPUT_DIR

    SQLMAP_LOCATION = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'plugins', 'attack', 'db',
    VULN_STR = 'sqlmap identified the following injection points'
    NOT_VULN_STR = 'all tested parameters appear to be not injectable'

    SQLMAP_ERRORS = ('connection timed out to the target',
                     'infinite redirect loop detected',
                     'it is not recommended to continue in this kind of cases',
                     'unable to connect to the target url or proxy',
                     "[INFO] skipping '",
                     '[CRITICAL] unable to retrieve page content')

    def __init__(self, target, uri_opener, coloring=False, debug=False):
        if not isinstance(target, Target):
            fmt = 'Invalid type %s for target parameter in SQLMapWrapper ctor.'
            raise TypeError(fmt % type(target))

        self.debug = debug
        self.target = target
        self.coloring = coloring
        self.last_command = None
        self.verified_vulnerable = False
        self.proxy = None
        self.local_proxy_url = None
        self.last_stdout = None
        self.last_stderr = None

        if uri_opener is not None:

    def start_proxy(self, uri_opener):
        Saves the proxy configuration to self.local_proxy_url in order for the
        wrapper to use it in the calls to sqlmap.py and have the traffic go
        through our proxy (which has the user configuration, logging, etc).
        :return: None, an exception is raised if something fails.
        host = ''

        self.proxy = Proxy(host, 0, uri_opener, name='SQLMapWrapperProxy')
        self.local_proxy_url = 'http://%s:%s/' % (host,

    def __reduce__(self):
        Need to define this method in order to remove the uri_opener from the
        pickled string. This will make sure that when the object is un-pickled
        we get the real uri_opener from w3af's core.

        The object being un-pickled is the SQLMapShell, which when un-pickled
        from the kb we call "shell.set_url_opener(w3af_core.uri_opener)",
        which then calls start_proxy(uri_opener) in order to restore the opener
        return self.__class__, (self.target, None, self.coloring, self.debug)

    def cleanup(self):

    def is_vulnerable(self):
        :return: True if the URL is vulnerable to SQL injection.
        if self.verified_vulnerable:
            return self.verified_vulnerable

        params = ['--batch']

        full_command, stdout, stderr = self.run_sqlmap(params)

        if self.VULN_STR in stdout and self.NOT_VULN_STR not in stdout:
            self.verified_vulnerable = True
            return True

        if self.NOT_VULN_STR in stdout and self.VULN_STR not in stdout:
            return False

        for error_string in self.SQLMAP_ERRORS:
            if error_string in stdout:
                # We found an unknown sqlmap error, such as a timeout
                return False

        fmt = 'Unexpected answer found in sqlmap output for command "%s": "%s"'
        raise NotImplementedError(fmt % (full_command, stdout))

    def _run(self, custom_params):
        Internal function used by run_sqlmap and run_sqlmap_with_pipes to
        call subprocess.
        :return: A Popen object.
        if not os.path.exists(self.OUTPUT_DIR):

        final_params = self.get_wrapper_params(custom_params)
        target_params = self.target.to_params()
        all_params = self.DEFAULT_ARGS + final_params + target_params

        if self.debug:
            all_params += self.DEBUG_ARGS

        process = subprocess.Popen(args=all_params,

        full_command = ' '.join(all_params)
        self.last_command = full_command

        return process

    def run_sqlmap(self, custom_params):
        Run sqlmap and wait for it to finish before getting its output.
        :param custom_params: A list with the extra parameters that we want to
                              send to sqlmap.
        :return: Runs sqlmap and returns a tuple containing:
                    (last command run,
                     stdout, sterr)
        process = self._run(custom_params)
        self.last_stdout, self.last_stderr = process.communicate()

        om.out.debug('[sqlmap_wrapper] %s' % self.last_command)
        for line in self.last_stdout.split('\n'):
            om.out.debug('[sqlmap_wrapper] %s' % line)

        return self.last_command, self.last_stdout, self.last_stderr

    def run_sqlmap_with_pipes(self, custom_params):
        Run sqlmap and immediately return handlers to stdout, stderr and stdin
        so the code using this can interact directly with the process.
        :param custom_params: A list with the extra parameters that we want to
                              send to sqlmap.
        :return: Runs sqlmap and returns a tuple with:
                    (last command run,
                     Popen object so that everyone can read .stdout)
                 This is very useful for using with w3af's output manager.
        process = self._run(custom_params)
        return self.last_command, process

    def direct(self, params):

        if isinstance(params, basestring):
            extra_params = shlex.split(params)

        return self.run_sqlmap_with_pipes(extra_params)

    def get_wrapper_params(self, extra_params=[]):
        # TODO: This one will disappear the day I add stdin handling support
        #       for the wrapper. Please remember that this support will have to
        #       take care of stdin and all other inputs from other UIs
        params = ['--batch']

        if not self.coloring:

        if self.local_proxy_url is not None:
            params.append('--proxy=%s' % self.local_proxy_url)


        return params

    def _wrap_param(self, custom_params):
        Utility function to allow me to easily wrap params.
        :return: Runs sqlmap with --dbs and returns a tuple with:
                    (last command run,
                     Popen object so that everyone can read .stdout,
                     .stderr, .stdin attributes)
        process = self._run(custom_params)
        return self.last_command, process

    def dbs(self):
        return self._wrap_param(['--dbs'])

    def tables(self):
        return self._wrap_param(['--tables'])

    def users(self):
        return self._wrap_param(['--users'])

    def dump(self):
        return self._wrap_param(['--dump'])

    def read(self, filename):
        :param filename: The file to be read
        :return: The contents of the file that was passed as parameter
        cmd, process = self._wrap_param(['--file-read=%s' % filename])
        local_file_re = re.compile("the local file (.*?) and")
        # pylint: disable=E1101
        stdout = process.stdout.read()

            local_file = local_file_re.search(stdout).group(1)
            # FIXME: I'll have to fix this at some point... files that do not
            # exist should raise an exception (or something similar), instead
            # of just returning an empty string. This is a big FAIL from my
            # initial design of the payloads/shell API.
            return ''
            if os.path.exists(local_file):
                return file(local_file).read()

Exemple #4
class SQLMapWrapper(object):

    OUTPUT_DIR = '%s/%s' % (tempfile.gettempdir(), os.getpid())
    DEBUG_ARGS = ['-v6']

    # This was added for Debian (and most likely useful for other distributions)
    # because we don't want to have a sqlmap.deb and duplicate the same files
    # in w3af.deb
    # https://github.com/andresriancho/w3af/issues/10538
                              '--output-dir=%s' % OUTPUT_DIR]

    # The embedded sqlmap (the whole directory) is removed in Debian
    EMBEDDED_DEFAULT_ARGS = [sys.executable,
                             '--output-dir=%s' % OUTPUT_DIR]

    SQLMAP_LOCATION = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH,
                                   'plugins', 'attack', 'db', 'sqlmap')
    VULN_STR = '[INFO] the back-end DBMS is'
    NOT_VULN_STR = 'all tested parameters do not appear to be injectable'

    SQLMAP_ERRORS = ('connection timed out to the target',
                     'infinite redirect loop detected',
                     'it is not recommended to continue in this kind of cases',
                     'unable to connect to the target url or proxy',
                     "[INFO] skipping '",
                     '[CRITICAL] unable to retrieve page content',
                     'establish SSL connection')
    def __init__(self, target, uri_opener, coloring=False, debug=False):
        if not isinstance(target, Target):
            fmt = 'Invalid type %s for target parameter in SQLMapWrapper ctor.'
            raise TypeError(fmt % type(target))

        self.debug = debug
        self.target = target
        self.coloring = coloring
        self.last_command = None
        self.verified_vulnerable = False
        self.proxy = None
        self.local_proxy_url = None
        self.last_stdout = None
        self.last_stderr = None

        if uri_opener is not None:

    def start_proxy(self, uri_opener):
        Saves the proxy configuration to self.local_proxy_url in order for the
        wrapper to use it in the calls to sqlmap.py and have the traffic go
        through our proxy (which has the user configuration, logging, etc).
        :return: None, an exception is raised if something fails.
        host = ''
        self.proxy = Proxy(host, 0, uri_opener, name='SQLMapWrapperProxy')

        self.local_proxy_url = 'http://%s:%s/' % (host,

    def __reduce__(self):
        Need to define this method in order to remove the uri_opener from the
        pickled string. This will make sure that when the object is un-pickled
        we get the real uri_opener from w3af's core.

        The object being un-pickled is the SQLMapShell, which when un-pickled
        from the kb we call "shell.set_url_opener(w3af_core.uri_opener)",
        which then calls start_proxy(uri_opener) in order to restore the opener
        return self.__class__, (self.target, None, self.coloring, self.debug)

    def cleanup(self):
    def is_vulnerable(self):
        :return: True if the URL is vulnerable to SQL injection.
        if self.verified_vulnerable:
            return self.verified_vulnerable
        params = ['--batch']
        full_command, stdout, stderr = self.run_sqlmap(params)

        if full_command is None:
            # Something really bad happen with sqlmap
            return False
        if self.VULN_STR in stdout and self.NOT_VULN_STR not in stdout:
            self.verified_vulnerable = True
            return True
        if self.NOT_VULN_STR in stdout and self.VULN_STR not in stdout:
            return False 

        for error_string in self.SQLMAP_ERRORS:
            if error_string in stdout:
                # We found an unknown sqlmap error, such as a timeout
                return False
        fmt = 'Unexpected answer found in sqlmap output for command "%s": "%s"'
        raise NotImplementedError(fmt % (full_command, stdout))

    def _get_base_args(self):
        Simple logic to get the base args in different environments where:
            * sqlmap is in PATH
            * The embedded sqlmap is not available

        :see: https://github.com/andresriancho/w3af/issues/10538

        :return: The base args to execute sqlmap in this environment, or raise
                 an exception if something is wrong.
        if os.path.exists(self.SQLMAP_LOCATION):
            # This is the most common scenario where the user installs w3af
            # from source and wants to use the embedded sqlmap
            return self.SQLMAP_LOCATION, self.EMBEDDED_DEFAULT_ARGS

        # sqlmap is not embedded, most likely because the packager removed
        # it and sqlmap executable is in path, make sure it's there before
        # we return the base args
        if not which('sqlmap'):
            raise RuntimeError('The "sqlmap" command is not in PATH')

        return os.getcwd(), self.INSTALLED_DEFAULT_ARGS

    def _run(self, custom_params):
        Internal function used by run_sqlmap and run_sqlmap_with_pipes to
        call subprocess.
        :return: A Popen object.
        if not os.path.exists(self.OUTPUT_DIR):

        cwd, base_args = self._get_base_args()
        final_params = self.get_wrapper_params(custom_params)
        target_params = self.target.to_params()

        all_params = base_args + final_params + target_params
        if self.debug:
            all_params += self.DEBUG_ARGS

            process = subprocess.Popen(args=all_params,
        except OSError, os_err:
            # https://github.com/andresriancho/w3af/issues/10186
            # OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory
            if os_err.errno == errno.ENOMEM:
                msg = ('The operating system is running low on memory and'
                       ' failed to start the sqlmap process.')

                # This tells the rest of the world that the command failed
                self.last_command = None
                return None
                # Let me discover/handle other errors
