Exemple #1
    def update(self, old_info, update_info):
        :param old_info: The info/vuln instance to be updated in the kb.
        :param update_info: The info/vuln instance with new information
        :return: Nothing
        old_not_info = not isinstance(old_info, (Info, InfoSet, Shell))
        update_not_info = not isinstance(update_info, (Info, InfoSet, Shell))

        if old_not_info or update_not_info:
            msg = 'You MUST use raw_write/raw_read to store non-info objects'\
                  ' to the KnowledgeBase.'
            raise TypeError(msg)

        old_uniq_id = old_info.get_uniq_id()
        new_uniq_id = update_info.get_uniq_id()
        pickle = cpickle_dumps(update_info)

        # Update the pickle and unique_id after finding by original uniq_id
        query = "UPDATE %s SET pickle = ?, uniq_id = ? WHERE uniq_id = ?"

        params = (pickle, new_uniq_id, old_uniq_id)
        result = self.db.execute(query % self.table_name, params).result()

        if result.rowcount:
            self._notify_observers(self.UPDATE, old_info, update_info)
            ex = 'Failed to update() %s instance because' \
                 ' the original unique_id (%s) does not exist in the DB,' \
                 ' or the new unique_id (%s) is invalid.'
            raise DBException(ex % (old_info.__class__.__name__,
Exemple #2
    def find(self, searchData, result_limit=-1, orderData=[], full=False):
        """Make complex search.
        search_data = {name: (value, operator), ...}
        orderData = [(name, direction)]
        result = []
        sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' + self._DATA_TABLE
        where = WhereHelper(searchData)
        sql += where.sql()
        orderby = ""
        # TODO we need to move SQL code to parent class
        for item in orderData:
            orderby += item[0] + " " + item[1] + ","
        orderby = orderby[:-1]

        if orderby:
            sql += " ORDER BY " + orderby

        sql += ' LIMIT ' + str(result_limit)
            for row in self._db.select(sql, where.values()):
                item = self.__class__()
                item._load_from_row(row, full)
        except DBException:
            msg = 'You performed an invalid search. Please verify your syntax.'
            raise DBException(msg)
        return result
Exemple #3
    def _load_from_trace_file_concurrent(self, _id):
        Load a request/response from a trace file on disk, using retries
        and error handling to make sure all concurrency issues are handled.

        :param _id: The request-response ID
        :return: A tuple containing request and response instances
        wait_time = 0.05

        # Retry the read a few times to handle concurrency issues
        for _ in xrange(int(1 / wait_time)):
                return self._load_from_trace_file(_id)
            except TraceReadException as e:
                args = (_id, e)
                msg = 'Failed to read trace file %s: "%s"'
                om.out.debug(msg % args)


            msg = 'Timeout expecting trace file "%s" to be ready'
            file_name = self._get_trace_filename_for_id(_id)
            raise DBException(msg % file_name)
Exemple #4
    def load(self, _id=None, full=True, retry=True):
        """Load data from DB by ID."""
        if not _id:
            _id = self.id

        sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' + self._DATA_TABLE + ' WHERE id = ? '
            row = self._db.select_one(sql, (_id, ))
        except DBException, dbe:
            msg = 'An unexpected error occurred while searching for id "%s"'\
                  ' in table "%s". Original exception: "%s".'
            raise DBException(msg % (_id, self._DATA_TABLE, dbe))
Exemple #5
    def load_from_file(self, _id):
        fname = self._get_fname_for_id(_id)
        WAIT_TIME = 0.05

        #    Due to some concurrency issues, we need to perform these checks
        for _ in xrange(int(1 / WAIT_TIME)):
            if not os.path.exists(fname):

            # Ok... the file exists, but it might still be being written
            req_res = gzip.open(fname,

                data = msgpack.load(req_res, use_list=True)
            except ValueError:
                # ValueError: Extra data. returned when msgpack finds invalid
                # data in the file

                request_dict, response_dict, canary = data
            except TypeError:
                # https://github.com/andresriancho/w3af/issues/1101
                # 'NoneType' object is not iterable

            if not canary == self._MSGPACK_CANARY:
                # read failed, most likely because the file write is not
                # complete but for some reason it was a valid msgpack file

            # Success!

            request = HTTPRequest.from_dict(request_dict)
            response = HTTPResponse.from_dict(response_dict)
            return request, response

            msg = 'Timeout expecting trace file to be ready "%s"' % fname
            raise DBException(msg)
Exemple #6
    def run(self):
        This is the "main" method for this class, the one that
        consumes the commands which are sent to the Queue. The idea is to have
        the following architecture features:
            * Other parts of the framework which want to insert into the DB
              simply add an item to our input Queue and "forget about it" since
              it will be processed in another thread.

            * Only one thread accesses the sqlite3 object, which avoids many
            issues because of sqlite's non thread-safeness

        The Queue.get() will make sure we don't have 100% CPU usage in the loop
        OP_CODES = {
            SETUP: self._setup_handler,
            QUERY: self._query_handler,
            SELECT: self._select_handler,
            COMMIT: self._commit_handler,
            POISON: POISON

        while True:
            op_code, args, kwds, future = self._in_queue.get()

            args = args or ()
            kwds = kwds or {}

            if self.DEBUG:
                print '%s %s %s' % (op_code, args, kwds)

            handler = OP_CODES.get(op_code, None)

            if handler is None:
                # Invalid OPCODE

            elif handler == POISON:


                if not future.set_running_or_notify_cancel():

                    result = handler(*args, **kwds)
                except Exception, e:
                    dbe = DBException(str(e))
Exemple #7
                if retry:
                    #    TODO:
                    #    According to sqlite3 documentation this db.commit()
                    #    might fix errors like
                    #    https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/w3af/ticket/164352 ,
                    #    but it can degrade performance due to disk IO
                    self.load(_id=_id, full=full, retry=False)
                    # This is the second time load() is called and we end up
                    # here, raise an exception and finish our pain.
                    msg = ('An internal error occurred while searching for '
                           'id "%s", even after commit/retry' % _id)
                    raise DBException(msg)

        return True

    def read(self, _id, full=True):
        """Return item by ID."""
        result_item = self.__class__()
        result_item.load(_id, full)
        return result_item

    def save(self):
        """Save object into DB."""
        resp = self.response
        code = int(resp.get_code()) / 100
Exemple #8
    def run(self):
        This is the "main" method for this class, the one that
        consumes the commands which are sent to the Queue. The idea is to have
        the following architecture features:
            * Other parts of the framework which want to insert into the DB
              simply add an item to our input Queue and "forget about it" since
              it will be processed in another thread.

            * Only one thread accesses the sqlite3 object, which avoids many
            issues because of sqlite's non thread-safeness

        The Queue.get() will make sure we don't have 100% CPU usage in the loop
        OP_CODES = {
            SETUP: self._setup_handler,
            QUERY: self._query_handler,
            SELECT: self._select_handler,
            COMMIT: self._commit_handler,
            POISON: POISON

        while True:
            op_code, args, kwds, future = self._in_queue.get()

            self._current_query_num += 1

            args = args or ()
            kwds = kwds or {}


            if self.DEBUG:
                #print('%s %s %s' % (op_code, args, kwds))

            handler = OP_CODES.get(op_code, None)

            if not future.set_running_or_notify_cancel():

            if handler is None:
                # Invalid OPCODE

            if handler == POISON:
                self._poison_pill_received = True

                result = handler(*args, **kwds)
            except sqlite3.OperationalError, e:
                # I don't like this string match, but it seems that the
                # exception doesn't have any error code to match
                if 'no such table' in str(e):
                    dbe = NoSuchTableException(str(e))

                elif 'malformed' in str(e):
                    dbe = MalformedDBException(DB_MALFORMED_ERROR)

                    # More specific exceptions to be added here later...
                    dbe = DBException(str(e))


            except Exception as e:
                dbe = DBException(str(e))
Exemple #9
class HistoryItem(object):
    Represents history item

    _db = None
    _DATA_TABLE = 'history_items'
    _COLUMNS = [
        ('id', 'INTEGER'),
        ('url', 'TEXT'),
        ('code', 'INTEGER'),
        ('tag', 'TEXT'),
        ('mark', 'INTEGER'),
        ('info', 'TEXT'),
        ('time', 'FLOAT'),
        ('msg', 'TEXT'),
        ('content_type', 'TEXT'),
        ('charset', 'TEXT'),
        ('method', 'TEXT'),
        ('response_size', 'INTEGER'),
        ('codef', 'INTEGER'),
        ('alias', 'TEXT'),
        ('has_qs', 'INTEGER')
    _PRIMARY_KEY_COLUMNS = ('id',)
    _INDEX_COLUMNS = ('alias',)

    _EXTENSION = 'trace'
    _MSGPACK_CANARY = 'cute-and-yellow'



    _pending_compression_jobs = []
    _latest_compression_job_end = 0

    id = None
    url = None
    _request = None
    _response = None
    info = None
    mark = False
    tag = ''
    content_type = ''
    response_size = 0
    method = 'GET'
    msg = 'OK'
    code = 200
    time = 0.2
    charset = None

    history_lock = threading.RLock()
    compression_lock = threading.RLock()

    def __init__(self):
        self._db = get_default_temp_db_instance()
        self._session_dir = os.path.join(get_temp_dir(),
                                         self._db.get_file_name() + '_traces')

    def get_session_dir(self):
        return self._session_dir

    def init(self):

    def init_traces_dir(self):
        with self.history_lock:
            if not os.path.exists(self._session_dir):
    def init_db(self):
        Init history table and indexes.
        with self.history_lock:
            tablename = self.get_table_name()
            if not self._db.table_exists(tablename):
                pk_cols = self.get_primary_key_columns()
                idx_cols = self.get_index_columns()
                self._db.create_table(tablename, self.get_columns(),
                self._db.create_index(tablename, idx_cols).result()
    def get_response(self):
        resp = self._response
        if not resp and self.id:
            self._request, resp = self.load_from_file(self.id)
            self._response = resp
        return resp

    def set_response(self, resp):
        self._response = resp

    response = property(get_response, set_response)

    def get_request(self):
        req = self._request
        if not req and self.id:
            req, self._response = self.load_from_file(self.id)
            self._request = req
        return req

    def set_request(self, req):
        self._request = req

    request = property(get_request, set_request)
    def find(self, search_data, result_limit=-1, order_data=None):
        Make complex search.
            search_data = {name: (value, operator), ...}
            order_data = [(name, direction)]
        order_data = order_data or []
        result = []

        sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' + self._DATA_TABLE
        where = WhereHelper(search_data)
        sql += where.sql()

        order_by = ''
        # TODO we need to move SQL code to parent class
        for item in order_data:
            order_by += item[0] + ' ' + item[1] + ','
        order_by = order_by[:-1]

        if order_by:
            sql += ' ORDER BY ' + order_by

        sql += ' LIMIT ' + str(result_limit)
            for row in self._db.select(sql, where.values()):
                item = self.__class__()
        except DBException:
            msg = 'You performed an invalid search. Please verify your syntax.'
            raise DBException(msg)
        return result

    def _load_from_row(self, row):
        Load data from row with all columns
        self.id = row[0]
        self.url = row[1]
        self.code = row[2]
        self.tag = row[3]
        self.mark = bool(row[4])
        self.info = row[5]
        self.time = float(row[6])
        self.msg = row[7]
        self.content_type = row[8]
        self.charset = row[9]
        self.method = row[10]
        self.response_size = int(row[11])

    def _get_trace_filename_for_id(self, _id):
        return os.path.join(self._session_dir, '%s.%s' % (_id, self._EXTENSION))

    def _load_from_trace_file(self, _id):
        Load a request/response from a trace file on disk. This is the
        simplest implementation, without any retries for concurrency issues.

        :param _id: The request-response ID
        :return: A tuple containing request and response instances
        file_name = self._get_trace_filename_for_id(_id)

        if not os.path.exists(file_name):
            raise TraceReadException('Trace file %s does not exist' % file_name)

        # The file exists, but the contents might not be all on-disk yet
        serialized_req_res = open(file_name, 'rb').read()
        return self._load_from_string(serialized_req_res)

    def _load_from_string(self, serialized_req_res):
            data = msgpack.loads(serialized_req_res, use_list=True)
        except ValueError:
            # ValueError: Extra data. returned when msgpack finds invalid
            # data in the file
            raise TraceReadException('Failed to load %s' % serialized_req_res)

            request_dict, response_dict, canary = data
        except TypeError:
            # https://github.com/andresriancho/w3af/issues/1101
            # 'NoneType' object is not iterable
            raise TraceReadException('Not all components found in %s' % serialized_req_res)

        if not canary == self._MSGPACK_CANARY:
            # read failed, most likely because the file write is not
            # complete but for some reason it was a valid msgpack file
            raise TraceReadException('Invalid canary in %s' % serialized_req_res)

        request = HTTPRequest.from_dict(request_dict)
        response = HTTPResponse.from_dict(response_dict)
        return request, response

    def _load_from_trace_file_concurrent(self, _id):
        Load a request/response from a trace file on disk, using retries
        and error handling to make sure all concurrency issues are handled.

        :param _id: The request-response ID
        :return: A tuple containing request and response instances
        wait_time = 0.05

        # Retry the read a few times to handle concurrency issues
        for _ in xrange(int(1 / wait_time)):
                return self._load_from_trace_file(_id)
            except TraceReadException as e:
                args = (_id, e)
                msg = 'Failed to read trace file %s: "%s"'
                om.out.debug(msg % args)


            msg = 'Timeout expecting trace file "%s" to be ready'
            file_name = self._get_trace_filename_for_id(_id)
            raise DBException(msg % file_name)

    def load_from_file(self, _id):
        Loads a request/response from a trace file on disk. Two different
        options exist:

            * The file is compressed inside a zip
            * The file is uncompressed in a trace

        :param _id: The request-response ID
        :return: A tuple containing request and response instances
        # First we check if the trace file exists and try to load it from
        # the uncompressed trace
        file_name = self._get_trace_filename_for_id(_id)

        if os.path.exists(file_name):
            return self._load_from_trace_file_concurrent(_id)

        # The trace file doesn't exist, try to find the zip file where the
        # compressed file lives and read it from there
            return self._load_from_zip(_id)
        except TraceReadException as e:
            msg = 'Failed to load trace %s from zip file: "%s"'
            args = (_id, e)
            om.out.debug(msg % args)

            # Give the .trace file a last chance, it might be possible that when
            # we checked for os.path.exists(file_name) at the beginning of this
            # method the file wasn't there yet, but is on disk now
            return self._load_from_trace_file_concurrent(_id)

    def _load_from_zip(self, _id):
        files = os.listdir(self.get_session_dir())
        files = [f for f in files if f.endswith(self._COMPRESSED_EXTENSION)]

        for zip_file in files:
            start, end = get_zip_id_range(zip_file)

            if start <= _id <= end:
                return self._load_from_zip_file(_id, zip_file)

        raise TraceReadException('No zip file contains %s' % _id)

    def _load_from_zip_file(self, _id, zip_file):
        _zip = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(self.get_session_dir(), zip_file))

            serialized_req_res = _zip.read('%s.%s' % (_id, self._EXTENSION))
        except KeyError:
            # We get here when the zip file doesn't contain the trace file
            msg = 'Zip file %s does not contain ID %s'
            args = (zip_file, _id)
            raise TraceReadException(msg % args)

        return self._load_from_string(serialized_req_res)

    def delete(self, _id=None):
        Delete data from DB by ID.
        if _id is None:
            _id = self.id
        sql = 'DELETE FROM ' + self._DATA_TABLE + ' WHERE id = ? '
        self._db.execute(sql, (_id,))
        fname = self._get_trace_filename_for_id(_id)
        except OSError:

    def load(self, _id=None, retry=True):
        Load data from DB by ID
        if _id is None:
            _id = self.id

        sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' + self._DATA_TABLE + ' WHERE id = ? '
            row = self._db.select_one(sql, (_id,))
        except DBException, dbe:
            msg = ('An unexpected error occurred while searching for id "%s"'
                   ' in table "%s". Original exception: "%s".')
            raise DBException(msg % (_id, self._DATA_TABLE, dbe))

        if row is not None:
            return True

        if not retry:
            # This is the second time load() is called and we end up
            # here, raise an exception and finish our pain.
            msg = ('An internal error occurred while searching for id "%s",'
                   ' even after commit/retry')
            raise DBException(msg % _id)

        # The request/response with _id is not in the DB!
        # Lets do some error handling and try again!
        # According to sqlite3 documentation this db.commit()
        # might fix errors like [0] but it can degrade performance due
        # to disk IO
        # [0] https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/w3af/ticket/164352 ,
        return self.load(_id=_id, retry=False)