def test_json_pet_store(self): # body = file(self.SWAGGER_JSON).read() headers = Headers({'Content-Type': 'application/json'}.items()) response = HTTPResponse(200, body, headers, URL('http://moth/swagger.json'), URL('http://moth/swagger.json'), _id=1) parser = OpenAPI(response) parser.parse() api_calls = parser.get_api_calls() json_headers = Headers([('Content-Type', 'application/json')]) multipart_headers = Headers([('Content-Type', 'multipart/form-data')]) url_encoded_headers = Headers([('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')]) json_api_headers = Headers([('api_key', 'FrAmE30.'), ('Content-Type', 'application/json')]) url_root = '' expected_body_1 = ('{"body": {"category": {"id": 42, "name": "John"},' ' "status": "available", "name": "John",' ' "tags": [{"id": 42, "name": "John"}],' ' "photoUrls": ["56"], "id": 42}}') expected_body_2 = ( '{"body": {"username": "******", "firstName": "John",' ' "lastName": "Smith", "userStatus": 42,' ' "email": "*****@*****.**", "phone": "55550178",' ' "password": "******", "id": 42}}') expected_body_3 = ( '{"body": [{"username": "******", "firstName": "John",' ' "lastName": "Smith", "userStatus": 42,' ' "email": "*****@*****.**", "phone": "55550178",' ' "password": "******", "id": 42}]}') expected_body_4 = ( '{"body": {"status": "placed",' ' "shipDate": "2017-06-30T23:59:45",' ' "complete": true, "petId": 42, "id": 42, "quantity": 42}}') e_api_calls = [ ('GET', '/pet/findByStatus?status=available', json_headers, ''), ('POST', '/pet/42/uploadImage', multipart_headers, ''), ('POST', '/pet/42', url_encoded_headers, ''), ('POST', '/pet', json_headers, expected_body_1), ('GET', '/pet/42', json_headers, ''), ('GET', '/pet/42', json_api_headers, ''), ('GET', '/pet/findByTags?tags=56', json_headers, ''), ('PUT', '/pet', json_headers, expected_body_1), ('PUT', '/user/John8212', json_headers, expected_body_2), ('POST', '/user/createWithList', json_headers, expected_body_3), ('POST', '/user', json_headers, expected_body_2), ('GET', '/user/John8212', json_headers, ''), ('GET', '/user/login?username=John8212&password=FrAmE30.', json_headers, ''), ('GET', '/user/logout', Headers(), ''), ('POST', '/user/createWithArray', json_headers, expected_body_3), ('GET', '/store/order/2', json_headers, ''), ('GET', '/store/inventory', json_headers, ''), ('GET', '/store/inventory', json_api_headers, ''), ('POST', '/store/order', json_headers, expected_body_4), ] for api_call in api_calls: method = api_call.get_method() headers = api_call.get_headers() data = api_call.get_data() uri = api_call.get_uri().url_string uri = uri.replace(url_root, '') data = (method, uri, headers, data) self.assertIn(data, e_api_calls)
def test_get_directories_path_levels_4(self): result = [ i.url_string for i in URL('').get_directories() ] expected = [u''] self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_url_join_case07(self): u = URL('') self.assertEqual( u.url_join('').url_string, u'')
def test_encode_plus(self): res_str = URL(u'').url_encode() expected = '' self.assertEqual(res_str, expected)
def test_encode_math(self): res_str = URL(u'*y/2==3').url_encode() EXPECTED = '' self.assertEqual(res_str, EXPECTED)
http_resp = self._uri_opener.GET(original_url, cache=True) except BaseFrameworkException, bfe: msg = 'Active filter detection plugin failed to receive a' \ ' response for the first request. The exception was: "%s".' \ ' Can not perform analysis.' raise BaseFrameworkException(msg % bfe) else: orig_resp_body = http_resp.get_body() orig_resp_body = orig_resp_body.replace(rnd_param, '') orig_resp_body = orig_resp_body.replace(rnd_value, '') tests = [] for offending_string in self._get_offending_strings(): offending_url = fmt % (fuzzable_request.get_url(), rnd_param, offending_string) offending_url = URL(offending_url) tests.append((offending_string, offending_url, orig_resp_body, rnd_param)) self.worker_pool.map_multi_args(self._send_and_analyze, tests) return self._filtered, self._not_filtered def _send_and_analyze(self, offending_string, offending_url, original_resp_body, rnd_param): """ Actually send the HTTP request. :return: None, everything is saved to the self._filtered and self._not_filtered lists. """
def decode_get_qs(self, url_str): return URL(url_str).url_decode().querystring['id'][0]
def setUp(self): self.url = URL('') self.headers = Headers([(u'content-type', u'text/html')]) self.mpdoc = MultiProcessingDocumentParser()
def test_normalize_path(self): url = URL('') normalized_path = FourOhFourResponse.normalize_path(url) self.assertEqual(normalized_path, '')
def setUp(self): self.url = URL('') response = HTTPResponse(200, '', Headers(), self.url, self.url) self.bp_inst = BaseParser(response)
from import FuzzableRequest from w3af.core.controllers.daemons.proxy.templates.utils import render from w3af.core.controllers.plugins.crawl_plugin import CrawlPlugin from w3af.core.controllers.daemons.proxy import Proxy, ProxyHandler from w3af.core.controllers.exceptions import RunOnce, ProxyException from w3af.core.controllers.misc.decorators import runonce from import opt_factory from import OptionList from import URL from import Headers # Cohny changed the original http://w3af/spider_man?terminate # to because in Opera we got # an error if we used the original one! Thanks Cohny! TERMINATE_URL = URL('') TERMINATE_FAVICON_URL = URL('') class spider_man(CrawlPlugin): """ SpiderMan is a local proxy that will collect new URLs. :author: Andres Riancho ([email protected]) :author: Alexander Berezhnoy < alexander.berezhnoy |at| > """ def __init__(self): CrawlPlugin.__init__(self) self._first_captured_request = True self._proxy = None
def setUp(self): self.url = URL('')
def setUp(self): self.fuzzer_config = {'fuzz_cookies': True} self.payloads = ['abc', 'def'] self.url = URL('http://moth/')
def test_full(self): p = self.parse('test_full_url.js') expected = [], [URL('http://moth/spam.html'), URL('http://moth/eggs.html')] self.assertEqual(p.get_references(), expected)
def test_baseurl(self): body = HTML_DOC % {'head': BASE_TAG, 'body': ''} resp = build_http_response(self.url, body) p = SGMLParser(resp) p.parse() self.assertEquals(URL(''), p._base_url)
def _scan(self, target, plugins, debug=False, assert_exceptions=True, verify_targets=True): """ Setup env and start scan. Typically called from children's test methods. :param target: The target to scan. :param plugins: PluginConfig objects to activate and setup before the test runs. """ if not isinstance(target, (basestring, tuple)): raise TypeError('Expected basestring or tuple in scan target.') if isinstance(target, tuple): target = tuple([URL(u) for u in target]) elif isinstance(target, basestring): target = (URL(target), ) if verify_targets and not self.MOCK_RESPONSES: self._verify_targets_up(target) target_opts = create_target_option_list(*target) # Enable plugins to be tested for ptype, plugincfgs in plugins.items(): self.w3afcore.plugins.set_plugins([ for p in plugincfgs], ptype) for pcfg in plugincfgs: if == 'all': continue plugin_instance = self.w3afcore.plugins.get_plugin_inst( ptype, default_option_list = plugin_instance.get_options() unit_test_options = pcfg.options for option in default_option_list: if option.get_name() not in unit_test_options: unit_test_options.add(option) self.w3afcore.plugins.set_plugin_options( ptype,, unit_test_options) # Enable text output plugin for debugging environ_debug = os.environ.get('DEBUG', '0') == '1' if debug or environ_debug: self._configure_debug() # Set a special user agent to be able to grep the logs and identify # requests sent by each test custom_test_agent = self.get_custom_agent() self.w3afcore.uri_opener.settings.set_user_agent(custom_test_agent) # Verify env and start the scan self.w3afcore.plugins.init_plugins() self.w3afcore.verify_environment() self.w3afcore.start() # # I want to make sure that we don't have *any hidden* exceptions in our # tests. This was in tearDown before, but moved here because I was # getting failed assertions in my test code that were because of # exceptions in the scan and they were hidden. # if assert_exceptions: caught_exceptions = self.w3afcore.exception_handler.get_all_exceptions( ) tracebacks = [e.get_details() for e in caught_exceptions] self.assertEqual(len(caught_exceptions), 0, tracebacks)
class TestSGMLParser(unittest.TestCase): url = URL('') def test_get_emails_filter(self): resp = build_http_response(self.url, '') p = SGMLParser(resp) p._emails = {'*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'} self.assertEqual(p.get_emails(), {'*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'}) self.assertEqual(p.get_emails(domain=''), ['*****@*****.**']) self.assertEqual(p.get_emails(domain=''), ['*****@*****.**']) def test_extract_emails_blank(self): resp = build_http_response(self.url, '') p = SGMLParser(resp) self.assertEqual(p.get_emails(), set()) def test_extract_emails_mailto(self): body = u'<a href="mailto:[email protected]">test</a>' resp = build_http_response(self.url, body) p = SGMLParser(resp) p.parse() expected_res = {u'*****@*****.**'} self.assertEqual(p.get_emails(), expected_res) def test_extract_emails_mailto_dup(self): body = u'<a href="mailto:[email protected]">a</a>' \ u'<a href="mailto:[email protected]">b</a>' resp = build_http_response(self.url, body) p = SGMLParser(resp) p.parse() expected_res = {u'*****@*****.**'} self.assertEqual(p.get_emails(), expected_res) def test_extract_emails_mailto_not_dup(self): body = u'<a href="mailto:[email protected]">a</a>' \ u'<a href="mailto:[email protected]">b</a>' resp = build_http_response(self.url, body) p = SGMLParser(resp) p.parse() expected_res = {u'*****@*****.**', u'*****@*****.**'} self.assertEqual(p.get_emails(), expected_res) def test_mailto_subject_body(self): body = u'<a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=testing out mailto' \ u'&body=Just testing">test</a>' resp = build_http_response(self.url, body) p = SGMLParser(resp) p.parse() expected_res = {u'*****@*****.**'} self.assertEqual(p.get_emails(), expected_res) def test_parser_attrs(self): body_content = HTML_DOC % {'head': '', 'body': ''} p = SGMLParser(build_http_response(self.url, body_content)) # Assert parser has these attrs correctly initialized self.assertFalse(getattr(p, '_inside_form')) self.assertFalse(getattr(p, '_inside_select')) self.assertFalse(getattr(p, '_inside_text_area')) self.assertFalse(getattr(p, '_inside_script')) self.assertEquals(set(), getattr(p, '_tag_and_url')) self.assertEquals([], getattr(p, '_forms')) self.assertEquals([], getattr(p, '_comments_in_doc')) self.assertEquals([], getattr(p, '_meta_redirs')) self.assertEquals([], getattr(p, '_meta_tags')) def test_baseurl(self): body = HTML_DOC % {'head': BASE_TAG, 'body': ''} resp = build_http_response(self.url, body) p = SGMLParser(resp) p.parse() self.assertEquals(URL(''), p._base_url) def test_meta_tags(self): body = HTML_DOC % \ {'head': META_REFRESH + META_REFRESH_WITH_URL, 'body': ''} resp = build_http_response(self.url, body) p = SGMLParser(resp) p.parse() self.assertTrue(2, len(p.meta_redirs)) self.assertTrue("2;url=" in p.meta_redirs) self.assertTrue("600" in p.meta_redirs) self.assertEquals([URL('')], p.references[0]) def test_case_sensitivity(self): """ Ensure handler methods are *always* called with lowered-cased tag and attribute names """ def islower(s): il = False if isinstance(s, basestring): il = s.islower() else: il = all(k.islower() for k in s) assert il, "'%s' is not lowered-case" % s return il def start_wrapper(orig_start, tag): islower(tag.tag) islower(tag.attrib) return orig_start(tag) tags = (A_LINK_ABSOLUTE, INPUT_CHECKBOX_WITH_NAME, SELECT_WITH_NAME, TEXTAREA_WITH_ID_AND_DATA, INPUT_HIDDEN) ops = "lower", "upper", "title" for indexes in combinations(range(len(tags)), 2): body_elems = [] for index, tag in enumerate(tags): ele = tag if index in indexes: ele = getattr(tag, choice(ops))() body_elems.append(ele) body = HTML_DOC % {'head': '', 'body': ''.join(body_elems)} resp = build_http_response(self.url, body) p = SGMLParser(resp) orig_start = p.start wrapped_start = partial(start_wrapper, orig_start) p.start = wrapped_start p.parse() def test_parsed_references(self): # The *parsed* urls *must* come both from valid tags and tag attributes # Also invalid urls like must be ignored (like javascript instructions) body = """ <html> <a href="/" Invalid_Attr="/invalid_url.php"> <form action="javascript:history.back(1)"> <tagX href="/"/> </form> </html>""" r = build_http_response(self.url, body) p = SGMLParser(r) p.parse() parsed_refs = p.references[0] self.assertEquals(1, len(parsed_refs)) self.assertEquals('', parsed_refs[0].url_string) def test_reference_with_colon(self): body = """ <html> <a href="d:url.html?id=13&subid=3">foo</a> </html>""" r = build_http_response(self.url, body) p = SGMLParser(r) p.parse() parsed_refs = p.references[0] # # Finding zero URLs is the correct behavior based on what # I've seen in Opera and Chrome. # self.assertEquals(0, len(parsed_refs)) def test_get_clear_text_body(self): html = 'header <b>ABC</b>-<b>DEF</b>-<b>XYZ</b> footer' clear_text = 'header ABC-DEF-XYZ footer' headers = Headers([('Content-Type', 'text/html')]) r = build_http_response(self.url, html, headers) p = SGMLParser(r) p.parse() self.assertEquals(clear_text, p.get_clear_text_body()) def test_get_clear_text_body_memoized(self): html = 'header <b>ABC</b>-<b>DEF</b>-<b>XYZ</b> footer' clear_text = 'header ABC-DEF-XYZ footer' headers = Headers([('Content-Type', 'text/html')]) r = build_http_response(self.url, html, headers) p = SGMLParser(r) p.parse() calculated_clear_text = p.get_clear_text_body() self.assertEquals(clear_text, calculated_clear_text) def test_get_clear_text_body_encodings(self): raise SkipTest('Not sure why this one is failing :S') for lang_desc, (body, encoding) in TEST_RESPONSES.iteritems(): encoding_header = 'text/html; charset=%s' % encoding headers = Headers([('Content-Type', encoding_header)]) encoded_body = body.encode(encoding) r = build_http_response(self.url, encoded_body, headers) p = SGMLParser(r) p.parse() ct_body = p.get_clear_text_body() # These test strings don't really have tags, so they should be eq self.assertEqual(ct_body, body) def test_get_clear_text_issue_4402(self): """ :see: """ test_file_path = 'core/data/url/tests/data/encoding_4402.php' test_file = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, test_file_path) body = file(test_file, 'rb').read() sample_encodings = [ encoding for _, (_, encoding) in TEST_RESPONSES.iteritems() ] sample_encodings.extend(['', 'utf-8']) for encoding in sample_encodings: encoding_header = 'text/html; charset=%s' % encoding headers = Headers([('Content-Type', encoding_header)]) r = build_http_response(self.url, body, headers) p = SGMLParser(r) p.parse() p.get_clear_text_body()
def test_unknown_domain(self): url = URL('') self.assertRaises(HTTPRequestException, self.uri_opener.GET, url)
def test_copy(self): u = URL('') self.assertEqual(u, u.copy())
def test_file_proto(self): url = URL('file://foo/bar.txt') self.assertRaises(HTTPRequestException, self.uri_opener.GET, url)
def test_encode_simple(self): res_str = URL(u'').url_encode() expected = '' self.assertEqual(res_str, expected)
def test_url_port_closed(self): # TODO: Change 2312 by an always closed/non-http port url = URL('') self.assertRaises(HTTPRequestException, self.uri_opener.GET, url)
def test_encode_url_encode_plus(self): res_str = URL(u'').url_encode() EXPECTED = '' self.assertEqual(res_str, EXPECTED)
def test_pause_stop(self): self.uri_opener.pause(True) self.uri_opener.stop() url = URL(get_moth_http()) self.assertRaises(ScanMustStopByUserRequest, self.uri_opener.GET, url)
def test_encode_param(self): res_str = URL(u';id=1?y=3').url_encode() EXPECTED = ';id=1?y=3' self.assertEqual(res_str, EXPECTED)
def test_special_char_header(self): url = URL(get_moth_http('/core/headers/')) header_content = u'name=ábc' headers = Headers([('Cookie', header_content)]) http_response = self.uri_opener.GET(url, cache=False, headers=headers) self.assertIn(header_content, http_response.body)
def test_url_join_case05(self): u = URL('') self.assertEqual( u.url_join(u'тест').url_string, u'тест')
def __init__(self): = '' self.url = URL('http://host.tld/') = parse_qs('') self.method = 'GET' self.vulnerable_parameter = ''
def test_url_with_repeated_parameter_names(self): u = URL('') self.assertEqual(u.get_querystring(), QueryString([(u'id', [u'3', u'4'])]))
def test_disabling_headers_discovery(self): body = file(self.MULTIPLE_PATHS_AND_HEADERS).read() headers = Headers({'Content-Type': 'application/json'}.items()) response = HTTPResponse(200, body, headers, URL('http://moth/swagger.json'), URL('http://moth/swagger.json'), _id=1) parser = OpenAPI(response, discover_fuzzable_headers=False) parser.parse() api_calls = parser.get_api_calls() api_calls.sort(by_path) self.assertEqual(len(api_calls), 4) e_force_fuzzing_headers = [] # # Assertions on call #1 # api_call = api_calls[0] e_url = '' e_headers = Headers([('X-Awesome-Header', '2018'), ('X-Foo-Header', 'foo'), ('Content-Type', 'application/json')]) self.assertEqual(api_call.get_method(), 'GET') self.assertEqual(api_call.get_uri().url_string, e_url) self.assertEquals(api_call.get_headers(), e_headers) self.assertEqual(api_call.get_force_fuzzing_headers(), e_force_fuzzing_headers) # # Assertions on call #2 # api_call = api_calls[1] e_url = '' e_headers = Headers([('X-Awesome-Header', '2018'), ('X-Foo-Header', 'foo'), ('Content-Type', 'application/json')]) self.assertEqual(api_call.get_method(), 'GET') self.assertEqual(api_call.get_uri().url_string, e_url) self.assertEquals(api_call.get_headers(), e_headers) self.assertEqual(api_call.get_force_fuzzing_headers(), e_force_fuzzing_headers) # # Assertions on call #3 # api_call = api_calls[2] e_url = '' e_headers = Headers([('X-Foo-Header', '42'), ('Content-Type', 'application/json')]) self.assertEqual(api_call.get_method(), 'GET') self.assertEqual(api_call.get_uri().url_string, e_url) self.assertEquals(api_call.get_headers(), e_headers) self.assertEqual(api_call.get_force_fuzzing_headers(), e_force_fuzzing_headers) # # Assertions on call #4 # api_call = api_calls[3] e_url = '' e_headers = Headers([('X-Bar-Header', '56'), ('X-Foo-Header', '42'), ('Content-Type', 'application/json')]) self.assertEqual(api_call.get_method(), 'GET') self.assertEqual(api_call.get_uri().url_string, e_url) self.assertEquals(api_call.get_headers(), e_headers) self.assertEqual(api_call.get_force_fuzzing_headers(), e_force_fuzzing_headers)