Exemple #1
    def get_document_parser_for(self, http_response, cache=True):
        Get a document parser for http_response using the cache if required

        :param http_response: The http response instance
        :return: An instance of DocumentParser
        hash_string = get_request_unique_id(http_response)

        parser_finished = self._parser_finished_events.get(hash_string, None)
        if parser_finished is not None:
            # There is one subprocess already processing this http response
            # body, the best thing to do here is to make this thread wait
            # until that process has finished
                # Act just like when there is no parser
                msg = 'There is no parser for "%s". Waited more than %s sec.'
                args = (http_response.get_url(), mp_doc_parser.PARSER_TIMEOUT)
                raise BaseFrameworkException(msg % args)

        # metric increase

        parser = self._cache.get(hash_string, None)
        if parser is not None:
            return parser
            # Not in cache, have to work.

            # Create a new instance of DocumentParser, add it to the cache
            event = threading.Event()
            self._parser_finished_events[hash_string] = event

                parser = mp_doc_parser.get_document_parser_for(http_response)
                # Act just like when there is no parser
                msg = 'There is no parser for "%s".' % http_response.get_url()
                raise BaseFrameworkException(msg)
                save_to_cache = self.should_cache(http_response) and cache
                if save_to_cache:
                    self._cache[hash_string] = parser
                self._parser_finished_events.pop(hash_string, None)

            return parser
Exemple #2
    def get_document_parser_for(self, http_response, cache=True):
        Get a document parser for http_response using the cache if possible

        :param http_response: The http response instance
        :param cache: True if the document parser should be saved to the cache
        :return: An instance of DocumentParser
        # Before doing anything too complex like caching, sending the HTTP
        # response to a different process for parsing, checking events, etc.
        # check if we can parse this HTTP response.
        # This is a performance improvement that works *only if* the
        # DocumentParser.can_parse call is *fast*, which means that the
        # `can_parse` implementations of each parser needs to be fast
        # It doesn't matter if we say "yes" here and then parsing exceptions
        # appear later, that should be a 1 / 10000 calls and we would still
        # be gaining a lot of performance
        if not self.can_parse(http_response):
            msg = 'There is no parser for "%s".'
            raise BaseFrameworkException(msg % http_response.get_url())

        hash_string = get_response_unique_id(http_response)

        if hash_string in self._parser_blacklist:
            msg = 'Exceeded timeout while parsing "%s" in the past. Not trying again.'
            raise BaseFrameworkException(msg % http_response.get_url())

        # We know that we can parse this document, lets work!
        parser_finished = self._parser_finished_events.get(hash_string, None)
        if parser_finished is not None:
            # There is one subprocess already processing this http response
            # body, the best thing to do here is to make this thread wait
            # until that process has finished
            wait_result = parser_finished.wait(timeout=mp_doc_parser.PARSER_TIMEOUT)
            if not wait_result:
                # Act just like when there is no parser
                msg = 'There is no parser for "%s". Waited more than %s sec.'
                args = (http_response.get_url(), mp_doc_parser.PARSER_TIMEOUT)
                raise BaseFrameworkException(msg % args)

        # metric increase

        parser = self._cache.get(hash_string, None)
        if parser is not None:
            return parser
            # Not in cache, have to work.

            # Create a new instance of DocumentParser, add it to the cache
            event = threading.Event()
            self._parser_finished_events[hash_string] = event

                parser = mp_doc_parser.get_document_parser_for(http_response)
            except TimeoutError:
                # We failed to get a parser for this HTTP response, we better
                # ban this HTTP response so we don't waste more CPU cycles trying
                # to parse it over and over.

                # Act just like when there is no parser
                msg = 'Reached timeout parsing "%s".' % http_response.get_url()
                raise BaseFrameworkException(msg)
            except MemoryError:
                # We failed to get a parser for this HTTP response, we better
                # ban this HTTP response so we don't waste more CPU cycles or
                # memory trying to parse it over and over.

                # Act just like when there is no parser
                msg = 'Reached memory usage limit parsing "%s".' % http_response.get_url()
                raise BaseFrameworkException(msg)
            except ScanMustStopException, e:
                msg = 'The document parser is in an invalid state! %s'
                raise ScanMustStopException(msg % e)
Exemple #3
    def get_document_parser_for(self, http_response, cache=True):
        Get a document parser for http_response using the cache if possible

        :param http_response: The http response instance
        :param cache: True if the document parser should be saved to the cache
        :return: An instance of DocumentParser
        # Before doing anything too complex like caching, sending the HTTP
        # response to a different process for parsing, checking events, etc.
        # check if we can parse this HTTP response.
        # This is a performance improvement that works *only if* the
        # DocumentParser.can_parse call is *fast*, which means that the
        # `can_parse` implementations of each parser needs to be fast
        # It doesn't matter if we say "yes" here and then parsing exceptions
        # appear later, that should be a 1 / 10000 calls and we would still
        # be gaining a lot of performance
        if not self.can_parse(http_response):
            msg = 'There is no parser for "%s".'
            raise BaseFrameworkException(msg % http_response.get_url())

        hash_string = get_response_unique_id(http_response)

        if hash_string in self._parser_blacklist:
            msg = 'Exceeded timeout while parsing "%s" in the past. Not trying again.'
            raise BaseFrameworkException(msg % http_response.get_url())

        # We know that we can parse this document, lets work!
        parser_finished = self._parser_finished_events.get(hash_string, None)
        if parser_finished is not None:
            # There is one subprocess already processing this http response
            # body, the best thing to do here is to make this thread wait
            # until that process has finished
                # Act just like when there is no parser
                msg = 'There is no parser for "%s". Waited more than %s sec.'
                args = (http_response.get_url(), mp_doc_parser.PARSER_TIMEOUT)
                raise BaseFrameworkException(msg % args)

        # metric increase

        parser = self._cache.get(hash_string, None)
        if parser is not None:
            return parser
            # Not in cache, have to work.

            # Create a new instance of DocumentParser, add it to the cache
            event = threading.Event()
            self._parser_finished_events[hash_string] = event

                parser = mp_doc_parser.get_document_parser_for(http_response)
            except TimeoutError:
                # We failed to get a parser for this HTTP response, we better
                # ban this HTTP response so we don't waste more CPU cycles trying
                # to parse it over and over.

                # Act just like when there is no parser
                msg = 'Reached timeout parsing "%s".' % http_response.get_url()
                raise BaseFrameworkException(msg)
            except MemoryError:
                # We failed to get a parser for this HTTP response, we better
                # ban this HTTP response so we don't waste more CPU cycles or
                # memory trying to parse it over and over.

                # Act just like when there is no parser
                msg = 'Reached memory usage limit parsing "%s".' % http_response.get_url()
                raise BaseFrameworkException(msg)
            except ScanMustStopException, e:
                msg = 'The document parser is in an invalid state! %s'
                raise ScanMustStopException(msg % e)
Exemple #4
    def get_document_parser_for(self, http_response, cache=True):
        Get a document parser for http_response using the cache if required

        :param http_response: The http response instance
        :return: An instance of DocumentParser
        if http_response.is_image():
            # Act just like when there is no parser
            msg = 'There is no parser for image("%s")' % (http_response.get_url())
            raise BaseFrameworkException(msg)

        hash_string = get_request_unique_id(http_response)

        parser_finished = self._parser_finished_events.get(hash_string, None)
        if parser_finished is not None:
            # There is one subprocess already processing this http response
            # body, the best thing to do here is to make this thread wait
            # until that process has finished
                # Act just like when there is no parser
                msg = 'There is no parser for "%s". Waited more than %s sec.'
                args = (http_response.get_url(), mp_doc_parser.PARSER_TIMEOUT)
                raise BaseFrameworkException(msg % args)

        # metric increase

        parser = self._cache.get(hash_string, None)
        if parser:
            # om.out.debug('[parser cache][memory] Hit for %s(%s)' % (http_response.get_uri().url_string, hash_string))
            # om.out.debug('[parser cache][memory] Miss for %s(%s)' % (http_response.get_uri().url_string, hash_string))
            # Create a new instance of DocumentParser, add it to the cache
            event = threading.Event()
            self._parser_finished_events[hash_string] = event
            # Not in cache, have to work.

                if hash_string in self.disk_cache['key_set']:
                    parser = self.disk_cache['disk_cache'][hash_string]
                    # om.out.debug('[parser cache][disk] Hit for %s(%s)' % (http_response.get_uri().url_string, hash_string))
                    # om.out.debug('[parser cache][disk] Miss for %s(%s)' % (http_response.get_uri().url_string, hash_string))
                        parser = mp_doc_parser.get_document_parser_for(http_response)
                    except Exception as e:
                        # Act just like when there is no parser
                        msg = 'There is no parser for "%s".e=%s' % (http_response.get_url(), e)
                        raise BaseFrameworkException(msg)
                        self.disk_cache['disk_cache'][hash_string] = parser

                        save_to_cache = self.should_cache(http_response) and cache
                        if save_to_cache:
                            self._cache[hash_string] = parser
                self._parser_finished_events.pop(hash_string, None)

        return parser
Exemple #5
    def get_document_parser_for(self, http_response, cache=True):
        Get a document parser for http_response using the cache if required

        :param http_response: The http response instance
        :param cache: If the DocumentParser is in the cache, return that one.
        :return: An instance of DocumentParser
        # Before doing anything too complex like caching, sending the HTTP
        # response to a different process for parsing, checking events, etc.
        # check if we can parse this HTTP response.
        # This is a performance improvement that works *only if* the
        # DocumentParser.can_parse call is *fast*, which means that the
        # `can_parse` implementations of each parser needs to be fast
        # It doesn't matter if we say "yes" here and then parsing exceptions
        # appear later, that should be a 1 / 10000 calls and we would still
        # be gaining a lot of performance
        if not self.can_parse(http_response):
            msg = 'There is no parser for "%s".' % http_response.get_url()
            raise BaseFrameworkException(msg)

        # We know that we can parse this document, lets work!
        hash_string = get_request_unique_id(http_response)

        parser_finished = self._parser_finished_events.get(hash_string, None)
        if parser_finished is not None:
            # There is one subprocess already processing this http response
            # body, the best thing to do here is to make this thread wait
            # until that process has finished
                # Act just like when there is no parser
                msg = 'There is no parser for "%s". Waited more than %s sec.'
                args = (http_response.get_url(), mp_doc_parser.PARSER_TIMEOUT)
                raise BaseFrameworkException(msg % args)

        # metric increase

        parser = self._cache.get(hash_string, None)
        if parser is not None:
            return parser
            # Not in cache, have to work.

            # Create a new instance of DocumentParser, add it to the cache
            event = threading.Event()
            self._parser_finished_events[hash_string] = event

                parser = mp_doc_parser.get_document_parser_for(http_response)
                # Act just like when there is no parser
                msg = 'There is no parser for "%s".' % http_response.get_url()
                raise BaseFrameworkException(msg)
                save_to_cache = self.should_cache(http_response) and cache
                if save_to_cache:
                    self._cache[hash_string] = parser
                self._parser_finished_events.pop(hash_string, None)

            return parser
Exemple #6
    def get_document_parser_for(self, http_response, cache=True):
        Get a document parser for http_response using the cache if required

        :param http_response: The http response instance
        :param cache: If the DocumentParser is in the cache, return that one.
        :return: An instance of DocumentParser
        # Before doing anything too complex like caching, sending the HTTP
        # response to a different process for parsing, checking events, etc.
        # check if we can parse this HTTP response.
        # This is a performance improvement that works *only if* the
        # DocumentParser.can_parse call is *fast*, which means that the
        # `can_parse` implementations of each parser needs to be fast
        # It doesn't matter if we say "yes" here and then parsing exceptions
        # appear later, that should be a 1 / 10000 calls and we would still
        # be gaining a lot of performance
        if not self.can_parse(http_response):
            msg = 'There is no parser for "%s".' % http_response.get_url()
            raise BaseFrameworkException(msg)

        # We know that we can parse this document, lets work!
        hash_string = get_request_unique_id(http_response)

        parser_finished = self._parser_finished_events.get(hash_string, None)
        if parser_finished is not None:
            # There is one subprocess already processing this http response
            # body, the best thing to do here is to make this thread wait
            # until that process has finished
                # Act just like when there is no parser
                msg = 'There is no parser for "%s". Waited more than %s sec.'
                args = (http_response.get_url(), mp_doc_parser.PARSER_TIMEOUT)
                raise BaseFrameworkException(msg % args)

        # metric increase

        parser = self._cache.get(hash_string, None)
        if parser is not None:
            return parser
            # Not in cache, have to work.

            # Create a new instance of DocumentParser, add it to the cache
            event = threading.Event()
            self._parser_finished_events[hash_string] = event

                parser = mp_doc_parser.get_document_parser_for(http_response)
                # Act just like when there is no parser
                msg = 'There is no parser for "%s".' % http_response.get_url()
                raise BaseFrameworkException(msg)
                save_to_cache = self.should_cache(http_response) and cache
                if save_to_cache:
                    self._cache[hash_string] = parser
                self._parser_finished_events.pop(hash_string, None)

            return parser