def test_findtc(): x = sea() x1 = x[0:200, :] itc, iv = findtc(x1[:, 1], 0, 'dw') assert_allclose(itc, [28, 31, 39, 56, 64, 69, 78, 82, 83, 89, 94, 101, 108, 119, 131, 140, 148, 159, 173, 184]) assert_allclose(iv, [19, 29, 34, 53, 60, 67, 76, 81, 82, 84, 90, 99, 103, 112, 127, 137, 143, 154, 166, 180, 185])
def test_findtc(): x = sea() x1 = x[0:200, :] itc, iv = findtc(x1[:, 1], 0, 'dw') assert_array_almost_equal( itc, np.array( [28, 31, 39, 56, 64, 69, 78, 82, 83, 89, 94, 101, 108, 119, 131, 140, 148, 159, 173, 184])) assert_array_almost_equal( iv, np.array( [19, 29, 34, 53, 60, 67, 76, 81, 82, 84, 90, 99, 103, 112, 127, 137, 143, 154, 166, 180, 185]))
def _test_findpot(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import from wafo.misc import findtc x = t, data = x[:, :].T itc, _iv = findtc(data, 0, 'dw') ytc, ttc = data[itc], t[itc] ymin = 2 * data.std() tmin = 10 # sec I = findpot(data, t, ymin, tmin) yp, tp = data[I], t[I] Ie = findpot(yp, tp, ymin, tmin) ye, te = yp[Ie], tp[Ie] plt.plot(t, data, ttc, ytc, 'ro', t, zeros(len(t)), ':', te, ye, 'kx', tp, yp, '+')
def _test_findpot(): import pylab import from wafo.misc import findtc x = t, data = x[:, :].T itc, _iv = findtc(data, 0, 'dw') ytc, ttc = data[itc], t[itc] ymin = 2 * data.std() tmin = 10 # sec I = findpot(data, t, ymin, tmin) yp, tp = data[I], t[I] Ie = findpot(yp, tp, ymin, tmin) ye, te = yp[Ie], tp[Ie] pylab.plot(t, data, ttc,ytc,'ro', t, zeros(len(t)), ':', te, ye, 'kx', tp, yp, '+') # pass
def statisticalana(t, series, h=0, mod='cw'): ''' Return: significant values of crests, troughs, and double peaks, as well as mean level crossing period Parameters: ----------- t: time, 1-d array series: data, 1-d array h: level, scalar mod: string, defines type of wave or crossing returned. Possible options are 'dw' : downcrossing wave 'uw' : upcrossing wave 'cw' : crest wave 'tw' : trough wave None : All crossings will be returned ''' from wafo.objects import mat2timeseries from wafo.misc import findtc t = np.asarray(t, dtype='float') series = np.asarray(series, dtype='float') ts = mat2timeseries(np.stack((t, series), axis=-1)) crestTroughID, crossID = findtc(, h, mod) ctp = series[crestTroughID] - h # crest and trough point crests = ctp[ctp > 0] troughs = ctp[ctp <= 0] if series[crestTroughID[0]] < h: troughs = troughs[1:] n = min(crests.shape[0], troughs.shape[0]) vpps = crests[:n] - troughs[:n] # mean level crossing period tLevelCrossing = t[crossID[::2]] # significant values (1/3 exceeding probability) ns = n // 3 return np.mean(-np.sort(-crests)[:ns]) + h, np.mean(np.sort(troughs)[:ns]) + h,\ np.mean(-np.sort(-vpps)[:ns]), np.mean(np.diff(tLevelCrossing))
def waves_proc(df, i_burst, len_avg=600, i_burst_good_exactly=1): if not 'Pressure' in a.columns: return import wafo.objects as wo import wafo.misc as wm print('waves_proc') def df2ts(series): return wo.mat2timeseries( pd.concat( [(series.index.to_series() - series.index.values[0]).dt.total_seconds(), series ], axis=1).values) # i_burst, mean_burst_size = i_bursts_starts(df.index, dt_between_blocks = pd.Timedelta(minutes=10)) if len(df) - i_burst[-1] < len_avg: last_burst = i_burst[-1] i_burst = i_burst[:-1] else: last_burst = len(df) # use freqencies as calculated for normal burst: wfreq = df2ts(df['Pressure'][slice(*i_burst[i_burst_good_exactly:(i_burst_good_exactly + 2)])]).tospecdata( L=600).args Sp = np.empty((i_burst.size, wfreq.size)) + np.NaN df['P_detrend'] = df['Pressure'] + np.NaN calc_spectrum_characteristics = ['Hm0', 'Tm_10', 'Tp', 'Ss', 'Rs'] ar_spectrum_characteristics = np.empty((i_burst.size, len(calc_spectrum_characteristics))) + np.NaN # Hm0 = 4*sqrt(m0) - Significant wave height # Tm_10 = 2*pi*m_1/m0 - Energy period # Tp = 2*pi*int S(w)^4 dw / int w*S(w)^4 dw - Peak Period # Ss = 2*pi*Hm0/(g*Tm02^2) - Significant wave steepness # Rs = Quality control parameter i_st = 0 for i, i_en in enumerate(np.append(i_burst[1:], last_burst)): sl = slice(i_st + 1, i_en) # we have bad 1st data in each burst. removing it # ?! df['Pressure'][sl].apply(lambda x: wm.detrendma(x, sl.stop - sl.start)).values returns all [0] objects try: ps_detr = df['Pressure'][sl] ps_detr -= ps_detr.rolling(600, min_periods=1, center=True, win_type='blackman').mean() ps_detr.interpolate('nearest', inplace=True) df['P_detrend'][sl] = ps_detr ts = df2ts(ps_detr) Sest = ts.tospecdata(L=600) if np.allclose(wfreq, Sest.args): Sp[i, :] = ar_spectrum_characteristics[i, :] = \ Sest.characteristic(fact=calc_spectrum_characteristics, T=diff(ts.args[[0, -1]]))[0] else: print(f'burst #{i} of different length ({i_en - i_st}) skipped') # Sest.plot('-') # # Probability distribution of wave trough period # dt = Sest.to_t_pdf(pdef='Tt', paramt=(0, 10, 51), nit=3) # T, index = ts.wave_periods(vh=0, pdef='d2u') # Tcrcr, ix = ts.wave_periods(vh=0, pdef='c2c', wdef='tw', rate=8) # Tc, ixc = ts.wave_periods(vh=0, pdef='u2d', wdef='tw', rate=8) # bins = wm.good_bins(T, num_bins=25, odd=True) # wm.plot_histgrm(T, bins=bins, normed=True) # wave_parameters = ts.wave_parameters() # if wave_parameters['Ac']==[]: # wave_parameters = except Exception as e: print(f'Error in burst #{i}: {e}') i_st = i_en ### # save calculated parameters export_df_to_csv( pd.DataFrame(ar_spectrum_characteristics, index=df.index[i_burst], columns=calc_spectrum_characteristics), cfg['out'], add_subdir='V,P_txt', add_suffix='spectrum_characteristics') export_df_to_csv( pd.DataFrame(Sp, index=df.index[i_burst], columns=wfreq), cfg['out'], add_subdir='V,P_txt', add_suffix='spectrum') # envelope ("ogibayushchaya") ts = df2ts(df['P_detrend'].fillna(method='backfill')) ct = wm.findtc(, 0)[0] # , kind='cw','tw' # 0 is mean, 0 becouse it is derended ind_crest = ct[::2] ind_trough = ct[1::2] if False: plot(ps_detr, 'y') plot(ps_detr[ct[::2]], '.b') plot(ps_detr[ct[1::2]], '.r') ct += sl.start Tcrcr, ix = ts.wave_periods(vh=0, pdef='c2c', wdef='tw', rate=8) Tc, ixc = ts.wave_periods(vh=0, pdef='u2d', wdef='tw', rate=8) # @+others # @+node:korzh.20180608193514.1: *5* save plot # plt.setp(plt.gca().spines.values(), linewidth=1) fig = plt.figure(); plt.gcf().set_size_inches(19, 7) ax = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.93, 0.93]) ax.plot(df.index, df.P_detrend, '-k', linewidth=0.1) ax.plot(df.index[ind_crest], df.P_detrend[ind_crest], '-b', linewidth=1) ax.plot(df.index[ind_trough], df.P_detrend[ind_trough], '-r', linewidth=1) ax.set_ylim(-2, 2) ax.grid(True) # plt.savefig(Path(cfg['out']['db_path']).with_name(cfg['out']['table'] + '_P_detrend (600dpi)_18_1930-2300').with_suffix('.png'), dpi=600) # @-others return df, ind_crest, ind_trough