def test_array_like(self):
     x = stats.norm.rvs(size=100, loc=10)
     lmbda = 1
     llf = stats.boxcox_llf(lmbda, x)
     llf2 = stats.boxcox_llf(lmbda, list(x))
     assert_allclose(llf, llf2, rtol=1e-12)
 def test_array_like(self):
     x = stats.norm.rvs(size=100, loc=10)
     lmbda = 1
     llf = stats.boxcox_llf(lmbda, x)
     llf2 = stats.boxcox_llf(lmbda, list(x))
     assert_allclose(llf, llf2, rtol=1e-12)
 def test_2d_input(self):
     # Note: boxcox_llf() was already working with 2-D input (sort of), so
     # keep it like that.  boxcox() doesn't work with 2-D input though, due
     # to brent() returning a scalar.
     x = stats.norm.rvs(size=100, loc=10)
     lmbda = 1
     llf = stats.boxcox_llf(lmbda, x)
     llf2 = stats.boxcox_llf(lmbda, np.vstack([x, x]).T)
     assert_allclose([llf, llf], llf2, rtol=1e-12)
 def test_2d_input(self):
     # Note: boxcox_llf() was already working with 2-D input (sort of), so
     # keep it like that.  boxcox() doesn't work with 2-D input though, due
     # to brent() returning a scalar.
     x = stats.norm.rvs(size=100, loc=10)
     lmbda = 1
     llf = stats.boxcox_llf(lmbda, x)
     llf2 = stats.boxcox_llf(lmbda, np.vstack([x, x]).T)
     assert_allclose([llf, llf], llf2, rtol=1e-12)
 def test_basic(self):
     x = stats.norm.rvs(size=10000, loc=10)
     lmbda = 1
     llf = stats.boxcox_llf(lmbda, x)
     llf_expected = -x.size / 2. * np.log(np.sum(x.std()**2))
     assert_allclose(llf, llf_expected)
 def test_basic(self):
     x = stats.norm.rvs(size=10000, loc=10)
     lmbda = 1
     llf = stats.boxcox_llf(lmbda, x)
     llf_expected = -x.size / 2. * np.log(np.sum(x.std()**2))
     assert_allclose(llf, llf_expected)
 def test_empty(self):
     assert_(np.isnan(stats.boxcox_llf(1, [])))
 def test_empty(self):
     assert_(np.isnan(stats.boxcox_llf(1, [])))