Exemple #1
    def test_datetime_attrs(self):
        Test that datetime objects will be converted to iso format
        when writing attributes.
        attrs = {'timestamp': datetime.datetime.now()}

        fname = 'test_datetime_attrs.h5'
        with h5py.File(fname, **self.memory_kwargs) as fid:
            hdf5.write_scalar(self.scalar_data, 'scalar', fid, attrs=attrs)

            data = hdf5.read_scalar(fid, 'scalar')
            self.assertEqual(data['timestamp'], attrs['timestamp'])
Exemple #2
    def test_datetime_attrs(self):
        Test that datetime objects will be converted to iso format
        when writing attributes.
        attrs = {"timestamp": datetime.datetime.now()}

        fname = "test_datetime_attrs.h5"
        with h5py.File(fname, "w", **self.memory_kwargs) as fid:
            hdf5.write_scalar(self.scalar_data, "scalar", fid, attrs=attrs)

            data = hdf5.read_scalar(fid, "scalar")
            self.assertEqual(data["timestamp"], attrs["timestamp"])
Exemple #3
    def test_scalar_attributes(self):
        Test the scalar attributes.
        attrs = {"test_attribute": "this is a scalar"}
        data = {"value": self.scalar_data, "CLASS": "SCALAR", "VERSION": "0.1"}

        # insert the attribute into the data dict
        for k, v in attrs.items():
            data[k] = v

        fname = "test_scalar_dataset.h5"
        with h5py.File(fname, "w", **self.memory_kwargs) as fid:
            hdf5.write_scalar(data["value"], "test-scalar", fid, attrs=attrs)

            self.assertDictEqual(hdf5.read_scalar(fid, "test-scalar"), data)
Exemple #4
    def test_scalar_attributes(self):
        Test the scalar attributes.
        attrs = {'test_attribute': 'this is a scalar'}
        data = {'value': self.scalar_data, 'CLASS': 'SCALAR', 'VERSION': '0.1'}

        # insert the attribute into the data dict
        for k, v in attrs.items():
            data[k] = v

        fname = 'test_scalar_dataset.h5'
        with h5py.File(fname, **self.memory_kwargs) as fid:
            hdf5.write_scalar(data['value'], 'test-scalar', fid, attrs=attrs)

            self.assertDictEqual(hdf5.read_scalar(fid, 'test-scalar'), data)
Exemple #5
def create_pq_yaml(acquisition, ancillary, tests_run, out_group):
    Write the PQ metadata captured during the entire workflow to a
    HDF5 SCALAR dataset using the yaml document format.

    :param acquisition:
        An instance of `acquisition`.

    :param ancillary:
        A dict containing the ancillary information.

    :param test_run:
        A dict containing the key/value pairs of tests and whether
        or not a given test was run.

    :param out_group:
        A `h5py.Group` object opened for write access.

        None; The yaml document is written to the HDF5 file.

    source_info = {
        'source_l1t': dirname(acquisition.dir_name),
        'source_reflectance': 'NBAR'

    algorithm = {
        'software_version': wagl.__version__,
        'pq_doi': 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS.2013.6723746'

    metadata = {
        'system_information': get_system_information(),
        'source_data': source_info,
        'algorithm_information': algorithm,
        'ancillary': ancillary,
        'tests_run': tests_run

    # output
    dname = DatasetName.PQ_YAML.value
    yml_data = yaml.dump(metadata, default_flow_style=False)
    write_scalar(yml_data, dname, out_group, attrs={'file_format': 'yaml'})
Exemple #6
 def test_write_scalar(self):
     Test the write_scalar function.
     data = self.scalar_data
     fname = "test_write_scalar.h5"
     with h5py.File(fname, "w", **self.memory_kwargs) as fid:
         self.assertIsNone(hdf5.write_scalar(data, "scalar", fid))
Exemple #7
def create_pq_yaml(acquisition, ancillary, tests_run, out_group):
    Write the PQ metadata captured during the entire workflow to a
    HDF5 SCALAR dataset using the yaml document format.

    :param acquisition:
        An instance of `acquisition`.

    :param ancillary:
        A dict containing the ancillary information.

    :param test_run:
        A dict containing the key/value pairs of tests and whether
        or not a given test was run.

    :param out_group:
        A `h5py.Group` object opened for write access.

        None; The yaml document is written to the HDF5 file.

    dist = distribution("wagl")
    source_info = {
        "source_l1t": dirname(acquisition.dir_name),
        "source_reflectance": "NBAR",

    algorithm = {
        "software_version": dist.version,
        "software_repository": dist.metadata.get("Home-page"),
        "pq_doi": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS.2013.6723746",

    metadata = {
        "system_information": get_system_information(),
        "source_data": source_info,
        "algorithm_information": algorithm,
        "ancillary": ancillary,
        "tests_run": tests_run,

    # output
    dname = DatasetName.PQ_YAML.value
    yml_data = yaml.dump(metadata, default_flow_style=False)
    write_scalar(yml_data, dname, out_group, attrs={"file_format": "yaml"})
Exemple #8
def _store_parameter_settings(fid, spheriod, orbital_elements, satellite_model,
                              satellite_track, params):
    An internal function for storing the parameter settings for the
    calculate_angles workflow.
    group = fid.create_group('PARAMETERS')

    # generic parameters
    dname = DatasetName.GENERIC.value
    write_scalar('GENERIC PARAMETERS', dname, group, params)

    # sheroid
    desc = "The spheroid used in the satellite and solar angles calculation."
    attrs = {'description': desc}
    dname = DatasetName.SPHEROID.value
    sph_dset = group.create_dataset(dname, data=spheriod)
    attach_table_attributes(sph_dset, title='Spheroid', attrs=attrs)

    # orbital elements
    desc = ("The satellite orbital parameters used in the satellite and "
            "solar angles calculation.")
    attrs = {'description': desc}
    dname = DatasetName.ORBITAL_ELEMENTS.value
    orb_dset = group.create_dataset(dname, data=orbital_elements)
    attach_table_attributes(orb_dset, title='Orbital Elements', attrs=attrs)

    # satellite model
    desc = ("The satellite model used in the satellite and solar angles "
    attrs = {'description': desc}
    dname = DatasetName.SATELLITE_MODEL.value
    sat_dset = group.create_dataset(dname, data=satellite_model)
    attach_table_attributes(sat_dset, title='Satellite Model', attrs=attrs)

    # satellite track
    desc = ("The satellite track information used in the satellite and solar "
            "angles calculation.")
    attrs = {'description': desc}
    dname = DatasetName.SATELLITE_TRACK.value
    track_dset = group.create_dataset(dname, data=satellite_track)
    attach_table_attributes(track_dset, title='Satellite Track', attrs=attrs)
Exemple #9
def create_ard_yaml(res_group_bands, ancillary_group, out_group, parameters,
    Write the NBAR metadata captured during the entire workflow to a
    HDF5 SCALAR dataset using the yaml document format.

    :param res_group_bands:
        A `dict` mapping resolution group names to lists of `Acquisition` instances.

    :param ancillary_group:
        The root HDF5 `Group` that contains the ancillary data
        collected via wagl.ancillary.collect_ancillary>

    :param out_group:
        A `h5py.Group` object opened for write access.

    :param parameters:
        A `dict` containing `DataStandardisation` parameters

    :param workflow:
        Which workflow to run (from the `wagl.constants.Workflow` enumeration).

        None; The yaml document is written to the HDF5 file.
    sbt = workflow in [Workflow.STANDARD, Workflow.SBT]
    nbar = workflow in [Workflow.STANDARD, Workflow.NBAR]

    def load_sbt_ancillary(group):
        Load the sbt ancillary data retrieved during the worlflow.
        point_data = {
            DatasetName.DEWPOINT_TEMPERATURE.value: {},
            DatasetName.SURFACE_GEOPOTENTIAL.value: {},
            DatasetName.TEMPERATURE_2M.value: {},
            DatasetName.SURFACE_RELATIVE_HUMIDITY.value: {},
            DatasetName.GEOPOTENTIAL.value: {},
            DatasetName.RELATIVE_HUMIDITY.value: {},
            DatasetName.TEMPERATURE.value: {}

        npoints = group[DatasetName.COORDINATOR.value].shape[0]
        for point in range(npoints):
            pnt_grp = group[POINT_FMT.format(p=point)]
            lonlat = tuple(pnt_grp.attrs['lonlat'])

            # scalars
            dname = DatasetName.DEWPOINT_TEMPERATURE.value
            point_data[dname][lonlat] = read_scalar(pnt_grp, dname)

            dname = DatasetName.SURFACE_GEOPOTENTIAL.value
            point_data[dname][lonlat] = read_scalar(pnt_grp, dname)

            dname = DatasetName.TEMPERATURE_2M.value
            point_data[dname][lonlat] = read_scalar(pnt_grp, dname)

            dname = DatasetName.SURFACE_RELATIVE_HUMIDITY.value
            point_data[dname][lonlat] = read_scalar(pnt_grp, dname)

            # tables
            dname = DatasetName.GEOPOTENTIAL.value
            dset = pnt_grp[dname]
            attrs = {k: v for k, v in dset.attrs.items()}
            df = read_h5_table(pnt_grp, dname)
            for column in df.columns:
                attrs[column] = df[column].values
            point_data[dname][lonlat] = attrs

            dname = DatasetName.RELATIVE_HUMIDITY.value
            dset = pnt_grp[dname]
            attrs = {k: v for k, v in dset.attrs.items()}
            df = read_h5_table(pnt_grp, dname)
            for column in df.columns:
                attrs[column] = df[column].values
            point_data[dname][lonlat] = attrs

            dname = DatasetName.TEMPERATURE.value
            dset = pnt_grp[dname]
            attrs = {k: v for k, v in dset.attrs.items()}
            df = read_h5_table(pnt_grp, dname)
            for column in df.columns:
                attrs[column] = df[column].values
            point_data[dname][lonlat] = attrs

        return point_data

    def load_nbar_ancillary(acquisitions, fid):
        Load the ancillary data retrieved during the workflow.
        ids = []
        tier = []
        alphas = {
            'alpha_1': {},
            'alpha_2': {},
        for acq in acquisitions:
            if acq.band_type == BandType.THERMAL:

            bn = acq.band_name
            for param in BrdfDirectionalParameters:
                fmt = DatasetName.BRDF_FMT.value
                dname = fmt.format(band_name=bn, parameter=param.value)
                dset = fid[dname]
                alpha_key = param.value.lower().replace('-', '_')
                bn_key = bn.lower().replace('-', '_')
                alphas[alpha_key][bn_key] = dset[()]

        # unique listing of brdf ids
        ids = numpy.unique(numpy.array(ids)).tolist()

        # a single tier level will dictate the metadata entry
        tier = BrdfTier(numpy.min(tier)).name

        result = {
            'id': ids,
            'tier': tier,
            'alpha_1': alphas['alpha_1'],
            'alpha_2': alphas['alpha_2'],

        return result

    def pick_acquisition():
        # pick any acquisition
        band_group = next(iter(res_group_bands))
        return res_group_bands[band_group][0]

    acquisition = pick_acquisition()
    level1_path = acquisition.pathname
    acq_datetime = (acquisition.acquisition_datetime.replace(tzinfo=dtz.utc))

    def source_info():
        result = {
            'source_level1': level1_path,
            'acquisition_datetime': acq_datetime,
            'platform_id': acquisition.platform_id,
            'sensor_id': acquisition.sensor_id
        # ancillary metadata tracking
        return result

    def remove_fields(data):
        fields = ['CLASS', 'VERSION', 'query_date', 'data_source']
        for field in fields:
            data.pop(field, None)
        return data

    def elevation_provenance(anc_grp):
        ids = []

        # low resolution source
        dname = DatasetName.ELEVATION.value
        dset = anc_grp[dname]

        # high resolution source (res group is adjacent to ancillary group)
        parent_group = anc_grp.parent
        for res_group in res_group_bands:
            dname = ppjoin(res_group, GroupName.ELEVATION_GROUP.value,
            dset = parent_group[dname]

        # unique listing of ids
        ids = numpy.unique(numpy.array(ids)).tolist()
        md = {
            'id': ids,

        return md

    def ancillary(fid):
        # load the ancillary and remove fields not of use to ODC
        # retrieve the averaged ancillary if available
        anc_grp = fid.get(GroupName.ANCILLARY_AVG_GROUP.value)
        if anc_grp is None:
            anc_grp = fid

        dname = DatasetName.AEROSOL.value
        aerosol_data = remove_fields(read_scalar(anc_grp, dname))
        dname = DatasetName.WATER_VAPOUR.value
        water_vapour_data = remove_fields(read_scalar(anc_grp, dname))
        dname = DatasetName.OZONE.value
        ozone_data = remove_fields(read_scalar(anc_grp, dname))

        # currently have multiple sources of elevation data
        elevation_data = elevation_provenance(anc_grp)

        result = {
            'aerosol': aerosol_data,
            'water_vapour': water_vapour_data,
            'ozone': ozone_data,
            'elevation': elevation_data

        if sbt:

        if nbar:
            for grp_name in res_group_bands:
                grp_ancillary = load_nbar_ancillary(res_group_bands[grp_name],
                result['brdf'] = grp_ancillary

        return result

    def software_versions():
        return {
            'wagl': {
                'version': wagl.__version__,
                'repo_url': 'https://github.com/GeoscienceAustralia/wagl.git'
            'modtran': {

    def algorithm():
        result = {}

        if sbt:
            result['sbt_doi'] = 'TODO'

        if nbar:
            result['algorithm_version'] = 2.0
                'nbar_doi'] = 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JSTARS.2010.2042281'
                'nbar_terrain_corrected_doi'] = 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2012.06.018'

        return result

    metadata = {
        'system_information': get_system_information(),
        'source_datasets': source_info(),
        'ancillary': ancillary(ancillary_group),
        'algorithm_information': algorithm(),
        'software_versions': software_versions(),
        'id': str(uuid.uuid4()),
        'parameters': parameters

    # output
    yml_data = yaml.dump(metadata, default_flow_style=False)
                 attrs={'file_format': 'yaml'})
    out_group[DatasetName.CURRENT_METADATA.value] = h5py.SoftLink(
        '{}/{}'.format(out_group.name, metadata['id']))
Exemple #10
def format_json(acquisitions, ancillary_group, satellite_solar_group,
                lon_lat_group, workflow, out_group):
    Creates json files for the albedo (0) and thermal
    # angles data
    sat_view = satellite_solar_group[DatasetName.SATELLITE_VIEW.value]
    sat_azi = satellite_solar_group[DatasetName.SATELLITE_AZIMUTH.value]
    longitude = lon_lat_group[DatasetName.LON.value]
    latitude = lon_lat_group[DatasetName.LAT.value]

    # retrieve the averaged ancillary if available
    anc_grp = ancillary_group.get(GroupName.ANCILLARY_AVG_GROUP.value)
    if anc_grp is None:
        anc_grp = ancillary_group

    # ancillary data
    coordinator = ancillary_group[DatasetName.COORDINATOR.value]
    aerosol = anc_grp[DatasetName.AEROSOL.value][()]
    water_vapour = anc_grp[DatasetName.WATER_VAPOUR.value][()]
    ozone = anc_grp[DatasetName.OZONE.value][()]
    elevation = anc_grp[DatasetName.ELEVATION.value][()]

    npoints = coordinator.shape[0]
    view = numpy.zeros(npoints, dtype='float32')
    azi = numpy.zeros(npoints, dtype='float32')
    lat = numpy.zeros(npoints, dtype='float64')
    lon = numpy.zeros(npoints, dtype='float64')

    for i in range(npoints):
        yidx = coordinator['row_index'][i]
        xidx = coordinator['col_index'][i]
        view[i] = sat_view[yidx, xidx]
        azi[i] = sat_azi[yidx, xidx]
        lat[i] = latitude[yidx, xidx]
        lon[i] = longitude[yidx, xidx]

    view_corrected = 180 - view
    azi_corrected = azi + 180
    rlon = 360 - lon

    # check if in western hemisphere
    idx = rlon >= 360
    rlon[idx] -= 360

    idx = (180 - view_corrected) < 0.1
    view_corrected[idx] = 180
    azi_corrected[idx] = 0

    idx = azi_corrected > 360
    azi_corrected[idx] -= 360

    # get the modtran profiles to use based on the centre latitude
    _, centre_lat = acquisitions[0].gridded_geo_box().centre_lonlat

    if out_group is None:
        out_group = h5py.File('atmospheric-inputs.h5', 'w')

    if GroupName.ATMOSPHERIC_INPUTS_GRP.value not in out_group:

    group = out_group[GroupName.ATMOSPHERIC_INPUTS_GRP.value]
    iso_time = acquisitions[0].acquisition_datetime.isoformat()
    group.attrs['acquisition-datetime'] = iso_time

    json_data = {}
    # setup the json files required by MODTRAN
    if workflow in (Workflow.STANDARD, Workflow.NBAR):
        acqs = [a for a in acquisitions if a.band_type == BandType.REFLECTIVE]

        for p in range(npoints):

            for alb in Workflow.NBAR.albedos:

                input_data = {'name': POINT_ALBEDO_FMT.format(p=p, a=str(alb.value)),
                              'water': water_vapour,
                              'ozone': ozone,
                              'doy': acquisitions[0].julian_day(),
                              'visibility': -aerosol,
                              'lat': lat[p],
                              'lon': rlon[p],
                              'time': acquisitions[0].decimal_hour(),
                              'sat_azimuth': azi_corrected[p],
                              'sat_height': acquisitions[0].altitude / 1000.0,
                              'elevation': elevation,
                              'sat_view': view_corrected[p],
                              'albedo': float(alb.value),
                              'filter_function': acqs[0].spectral_filter_name,
                              'binary': False

                if centre_lat < -23.0:
                    data = mpjson.midlat_summer_albedo(**input_data)
                    data = mpjson.tropical_albedo(**input_data)

                input_data['description'] = 'Input file for MODTRAN'
                input_data['file_format'] = 'json'

                json_data[(p, alb)] = data

                data = json.dumps(data, cls=JsonEncoder, indent=4)
                dname = ppjoin(POINT_FMT.format(p=p),

                write_scalar(data, dname, group, input_data)

    # create json for sbt if it has been collected
    if ancillary_group.attrs.get('sbt-ancillary'):
        dname = ppjoin(POINT_FMT, DatasetName.ATMOSPHERIC_PROFILE.value)
        acqs = [a for a in acquisitions if a.band_type == BandType.THERMAL]

        for p in range(npoints):

            atmos_profile = read_h5_table(ancillary_group, dname.format(p=p))

            n_layers = atmos_profile.shape[0] + 6
            elevation = atmos_profile.iloc[0]['GeoPotential_Height']

            input_data = {'name': POINT_ALBEDO_FMT.format(p=p, a='TH'),
                          'ozone': ozone,
                          'n': n_layers,
                          'prof_alt': list(atmos_profile['GeoPotential_Height']),
                          'prof_pres': list(atmos_profile['Pressure']),
                          'prof_temp': list(atmos_profile['Temperature']),
                          'prof_water': list(atmos_profile['Relative_Humidity']),
                          'visibility': -aerosol,
                          'sat_height': acquisitions[0].altitude / 1000.0,
                          'gpheight': elevation,
                          'sat_view': view_corrected[p],
                          'filter_function': acqs[0].spectral_filter_name,
                          'binary': False

            data = mpjson.thermal_transmittance(**input_data)

            input_data['description'] = 'Input File for MODTRAN'
            input_data['file_format'] = 'json'

            json_data[(p, Albedos.ALBEDO_TH)] = data

            data = json.dumps(data, cls=JsonEncoder, indent=4)
            out_dname = ppjoin(POINT_FMT.format(p=p),
            write_scalar(data, out_dname, group, input_data)

    # attach location info to each point Group
    for p in range(npoints):
        lonlat = (coordinator['longitude'][p], coordinator['latitude'][p])
        group[POINT_FMT.format(p=p)].attrs['lonlat'] = lonlat

    return json_data, out_group
Exemple #11
def format_tp5(acquisitions, ancillary_group, satellite_solar_group,
               lon_lat_group, workflow, out_group):
    Creates str formatted tp5 files for the albedo (0, 1) and
    transmittance (t).
    # angles data
    sat_view = satellite_solar_group[DatasetName.SATELLITE_VIEW.value]
    sat_azi = satellite_solar_group[DatasetName.SATELLITE_AZIMUTH.value]
    longitude = lon_lat_group[DatasetName.LON.value]
    latitude = lon_lat_group[DatasetName.LAT.value]

    # retrieve the averaged ancillary if available
    anc_grp = ancillary_group.get(GroupName.ANCILLARY_AVG_GROUP.value)
    if anc_grp is None:
        anc_grp = ancillary_group

    # ancillary data
    coordinator = ancillary_group[DatasetName.COORDINATOR.value]
    aerosol = anc_grp[DatasetName.AEROSOL.value][()]
    water_vapour = anc_grp[DatasetName.WATER_VAPOUR.value][()]
    ozone = anc_grp[DatasetName.OZONE.value][()]
    elevation = anc_grp[DatasetName.ELEVATION.value][()]

    npoints = coordinator.shape[0]
    view = numpy.zeros(npoints, dtype='float32')
    azi = numpy.zeros(npoints, dtype='float32')
    lat = numpy.zeros(npoints, dtype='float64')
    lon = numpy.zeros(npoints, dtype='float64')

    for i in range(npoints):
        yidx = coordinator['row_index'][i]
        xidx = coordinator['col_index'][i]
        view[i] = sat_view[yidx, xidx]
        azi[i] = sat_azi[yidx, xidx]
        lat[i] = latitude[yidx, xidx]
        lon[i] = longitude[yidx, xidx]

    view_corrected = 180 - view
    azi_corrected = azi + 180
    rlon = 360 - lon

    # check if in western hemisphere
    idx = rlon >= 360
    rlon[idx] -= 360

    idx = (180 - view_corrected) < 0.1
    view_corrected[idx] = 180
    azi_corrected[idx] = 0

    idx = azi_corrected > 360
    azi_corrected[idx] -= 360

    # get the modtran profiles to use based on the centre latitude
    _, centre_lat = acquisitions[0].gridded_geo_box().centre_lonlat
    if centre_lat < -23.0:
        albedo_profile = MIDLAT_SUMMER_ALBEDO
        trans_profile = MIDLAT_SUMMER_TRANSMITTANCE
        albedo_profile = TROPICAL_ALBEDO
        trans_profile = TROPICAL_TRANSMITTANCE

    if out_group is None:
        out_group = h5py.File('atmospheric-inputs.h5', 'w')

    if GroupName.ATMOSPHERIC_INPUTS_GRP.value not in out_group:

    group = out_group[GroupName.ATMOSPHERIC_INPUTS_GRP.value]
    iso_time = acquisitions[0].acquisition_datetime.isoformat()
    group.attrs['acquisition-datetime'] = iso_time

    tp5_data = {}

    # setup the tp5 files required by MODTRAN
    if workflow == Workflow.STANDARD or workflow == Workflow.NBAR:
        acqs = [a for a in acquisitions if a.band_type == BandType.REFLECTIVE]

        for p in range(npoints):
            for alb in Workflow.NBAR.albedos:
                input_data = {
                    'water': water_vapour,
                    'ozone': ozone,
                    'filter_function': acqs[0].spectral_filter_file,
                    'visibility': -aerosol,
                    'elevation': elevation,
                    'sat_height': acquisitions[0].altitude / 1000.0,
                    'sat_view': view_corrected[p],
                    'doy': acquisitions[0].julian_day(),
                    'binary': 'T'
                if alb == Albedos.ALBEDO_T:
                    input_data['albedo'] = 0.0
                    input_data['sat_view_offset'] = 180.0 - view_corrected[p]
                    data = trans_profile.format(**input_data)
                    input_data['albedo'] = float(alb.value)
                    input_data['lat'] = lat[p]
                    input_data['lon'] = rlon[p]
                    input_data['time'] = acquisitions[0].decimal_hour()
                    input_data['sat_azimuth'] = azi_corrected[p]
                    data = albedo_profile.format(**input_data)

                tp5_data[(p, alb)] = data

                dname = ppjoin(POINT_FMT.format(p=p),
                write_scalar(numpy.string_(data), dname, group, input_data)

    # create tp5 for sbt if it has been collected
    if ancillary_group.attrs.get('sbt-ancillary'):
        dname = ppjoin(POINT_FMT, DatasetName.ATMOSPHERIC_PROFILE.value)
        acqs = [a for a in acquisitions if a.band_type == BandType.THERMAL]

        for p in range(npoints):
            atmospheric_profile = []
            atmos_profile = read_h5_table(ancillary_group, dname.format(p=p))
            n_layers = atmos_profile.shape[0] + 6
            elevation = atmos_profile.iloc[0]['GeoPotential_Height']

            for i, row in atmos_profile.iterrows():
                input_data = {
                    'gpheight': row['GeoPotential_Height'],
                    'pressure': row['Pressure'],
                    'airtemp': row['Temperature'],
                    'humidity': row['Relative_Humidity'],
                    'zero': 0.0

            input_data = {
                'ozone': ozone,
                'filter_function': acqs[0].spectral_filter_file,
                'visibility': -aerosol,
                'gpheight': elevation,
                'n': n_layers,
                'sat_height': acquisitions[0].altitude / 1000.0,
                'sat_view': view_corrected[p],
                'binary': 'T',
                'atmospheric_profile': ''.join(atmospheric_profile)

            data = THERMAL_TRANSMITTANCE.format(**input_data)
            tp5_data[(p, Albedos.ALBEDO_TH)] = data
            out_dname = ppjoin(POINT_FMT.format(p=p),
            write_scalar(numpy.string_(data), out_dname, group, input_data)

    # attach location info to each point Group
    for p in range(npoints):
        lonlat = (coordinator['longitude'][p], coordinator['latitude'][p])
        group[POINT_FMT.format(p=p)].attrs['lonlat'] = lonlat

    return tp5_data, out_group
Exemple #12
def collect_nbar_ancillary(
    Collects the ancillary information required to create NBAR.

    :param container:
        An instance of an `AcquisitionsContainer` object.

    :param aerosol_dict:
        A `dict` defined as either of the following:

        * {'user': <value>}
        * {'pathname': <value>}

    :param water_vapour_dict:
        A `dict` defined as either of the following:

        * {'user': <value>}
        * {'pathname': <value>}

    :param ozone_path:
        A `str` containing the full file pathname to the directory
        containing the ozone data.

    :param dem_path:
        A `str` containing the full file pathname to the directory
        containing the digital elevation model data.

    :param brdf_dict:
        A `dict` defined as either of the following:

        * {'user': {<band-alias>: {'alpha_1': <value>, 'alpha_2': <value>}, ...}}
        * {'brdf_path': <path-to-BRDF>, 'brdf_fallback_path': <path-to-average-BRDF>}

    :param out_group:
        If set to None (default) then the results will be returned
        as an in-memory hdf5 file, i.e. the `core` driver. Otherwise,
        a writeable HDF5 `Group` object.

    :param compression:
        The compression filter to use.
        Default is H5CompressionFilter.LZF

        A dict of key value pairs available to the given configuration
        instance of H5CompressionFilter. For example
        H5CompressionFilter.LZF has the keywords *chunks* and *shuffle*
        Default is None, which will use the default settings for the
        chosen H5CompressionFilter instance.

        An opened `h5py.File` object, that is either in-memory using the
        `core` driver, or on disk.

        The keywords compression and filter_opts aren't used as we no
        longer save the BRDF imagery. However, we may need to store
        tables in future, therefore they can remain until we know
        for sure they'll never be used.
    # Initialise the output files
    if out_group is None:
        fid = h5py.File("nbar-ancillary.h5",
        fid = out_group

    acquisition = container.get_highest_resolution()[0][0]
    dt = acquisition.acquisition_datetime
    geobox = acquisition.gridded_geo_box()

    aerosol = get_aerosol_data(acquisition, aerosol_dict)
    write_scalar(aerosol[0], DatasetName.AEROSOL.value, fid, aerosol[1])

    wv = get_water_vapour(acquisition, water_vapour_dict)
    write_scalar(wv[0], DatasetName.WATER_VAPOUR.value, fid, wv[1])

    ozone = get_ozone_data(ozone_path, geobox.centre_lonlat, dt)
    write_scalar(ozone[0], DatasetName.OZONE.value, fid, ozone[1])

    elev = get_elevation_data(geobox.centre_lonlat, dem_path)
    write_scalar(elev[0], DatasetName.ELEVATION.value, fid, elev[1])

    # brdf
    dname_format = DatasetName.BRDF_FMT.value
    for group in container.groups:
        for acq in container.get_acquisitions(group=group):
            if acq.band_type is not BandType.REFLECTIVE:
            data = get_brdf_data(acq, brdf_dict, compression)

            # output
            for param in data:
                dname = dname_format.format(parameter=param.value,
                brdf_value = data[param].pop("value")
                write_scalar(brdf_value, dname, fid, data[param])

    if out_group is None:
        return fid
Exemple #13
def collect_sbt_ancillary(
    Collects the ancillary data required for surface brightness

    :param acquisition:
        An instance of an `Acquisition` object.

    :param lonlats:
        A `list` of tuples containing (longitude, latitude) coordinates.

    :param ancillary_path:
        A `str` containing the directory pathname to the ECMWF
        ancillary data.

    :param invariant_fname:
        A `str` containing the file pathname to the invariant geopotential

    :param out_group:
        If set to None (default) then the results will be returned
        as an in-memory hdf5 file, i.e. the `core` driver. Otherwise,
        a writeable HDF5 `Group` object.

    :param compression:
        The compression filter to use.
        Default is H5CompressionFilter.LZF

        A dict of key value pairs available to the given configuration
        instance of H5CompressionFilter. For example
        H5CompressionFilter.LZF has the keywords *chunks* and *shuffle*
        Default is None, which will use the default settings for the
        chosen H5CompressionFilter instance.

        An opened `h5py.File` object, that is either in-memory using the
        `core` driver, or on disk.
    # Initialise the output files
    if out_group is None:
        fid = h5py.File("sbt-ancillary.h5",
        fid = out_group

    fid.attrs["sbt-ancillary"] = True

    dt = acquisition.acquisition_datetime

    description = ("Combined Surface and Pressure Layer data retrieved from "
                   "the ECWMF catalogue.")
    attrs = {"description": description, "Date used for querying ECWMF": dt}

    for i, lonlat in enumerate(lonlats):
        pnt = POINT_FMT.format(p=i)
        # get data located at the surface
        dew = ecwmf_dewpoint_temperature(ancillary_path, lonlat, dt)
        t2m = ecwmf_temperature_2metre(ancillary_path, lonlat, dt)
        sfc_prs = ecwmf_surface_pressure(ancillary_path, lonlat, dt)
        sfc_hgt = ecwmf_elevation(invariant_fname, lonlat)
        sfc_rh = relative_humdity(t2m[0], dew[0])

        # output the scalar data along with the attrs
        dname = ppjoin(pnt, DatasetName.DEWPOINT_TEMPERATURE.value)
        write_scalar(dew[0], dname, fid, dew[1])

        dname = ppjoin(pnt, DatasetName.TEMPERATURE_2M.value)
        write_scalar(t2m[0], dname, fid, t2m[1])

        dname = ppjoin(pnt, DatasetName.SURFACE_PRESSURE.value)
        write_scalar(sfc_prs[0], dname, fid, sfc_prs[1])

        dname = ppjoin(pnt, DatasetName.SURFACE_GEOPOTENTIAL.value)
        write_scalar(sfc_hgt[0], dname, fid, sfc_hgt[1])

        dname = ppjoin(pnt, DatasetName.SURFACE_RELATIVE_HUMIDITY.value)
        attrs = {"description": "Relative Humidity calculated at the surface"}
        write_scalar(sfc_rh, dname, fid, attrs)

        # get the data from each of the pressure levels (1 -> 1000 ISBL)
        gph = ecwmf_geo_potential(ancillary_path, lonlat, dt)
        tmp = ecwmf_temperature(ancillary_path, lonlat, dt)
        rh = ecwmf_relative_humidity(ancillary_path, lonlat, dt)

        dname = ppjoin(pnt, DatasetName.GEOPOTENTIAL.value)

        dname = ppjoin(pnt, DatasetName.TEMPERATURE.value)

        dname = ppjoin(pnt, DatasetName.RELATIVE_HUMIDITY.value)

        # combine the surface and higher pressure layers into a single array
        cols = [
            "GeoPotential_Height", "Pressure", "Temperature",
        layers = pandas.DataFrame(columns=cols,

        layers["GeoPotential_Height"] = gph[0]["GeoPotential_Height"].values
        layers["Pressure"] = ECWMF_LEVELS[::-1]
        layers["Temperature"] = tmp[0]["Temperature"].values
        layers["Relative_Humidity"] = rh[0]["Relative_Humidity"].values

        # define the surface level
        df = pandas.DataFrame(
                "GeoPotential_Height": sfc_hgt[0],
                "Pressure": sfc_prs[0],
                "Temperature": kelvin_2_celcius(t2m[0]),
                "Relative_Humidity": sfc_rh,

        # MODTRAN requires the height to be ascending
        # and the pressure to be descending
        wh = (layers["GeoPotential_Height"] >
              sfc_hgt[0]) & (layers["Pressure"] < sfc_prs[0].round())
        df = df.append(layers[wh])
        df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

        dname = ppjoin(pnt, DatasetName.ATMOSPHERIC_PROFILE.value)

        fid[pnt].attrs["lonlat"] = lonlat

    if out_group is None:
        return fid
Exemple #14
def scalar_residual(ref_fid, test_fid, pathname, out_fid, save_inputs):
    Undertake a simple equivalency test, rather than a numerical
    difference. This allows strings to be compared.

    :param ref_fid:
        A h5py file object (essentially the root Group), containing
        the reference data.

    :param test_fid:
        A h5py file object (essentially the root Group), containing
        the test data.

    :param pathname:
        A `str` containing the pathname to the SCALAR Dataset.

    :param out_fid:
        A h5py file object (essentially the root Group), opened for
        writing the output data.

    :param save_inputs:
        A `bool` indicating whether or not to save the input datasets
        used for evaluating the residuals alongside the results.
        Default is False.

        None; This routine will only return None or a print statement,
        this is essential for the HDF5 visit routine.
    class_name = 'SCALAR'
    ref_data = read_scalar(ref_fid, pathname)
    test_data = read_scalar(test_fid, pathname)

    # copy the attrs
    attrs = ref_data.copy()
    attrs['description'] = 'Equivalency Test'

    # drop 'file_format' as the conversion tool will try to output that format
    # but currently we're not testing contents, just if it is different
    # so saying we've created a yaml string when it is a simple bool is
    # not correct
    attrs.pop('file_format', None)

    # this'll handle string types, but we won't get a numerical
    # difference value for numerical values, only a bool
    diff = ref_data['value'] == test_data['value']

    # output
    base_dname = pbasename(pathname)
    group_name = ref_fid[pathname].parent.name.strip('/')
    dname = ppjoin('RESULTS', class_name, 'EQUIVALENCY', group_name,
    write_scalar(diff, dname, out_fid, attrs)

    if save_inputs:
        # copy the reference data
        out_grp = out_fid.require_group(ppjoin('REFERENCE-DATA', group_name))
        ref_fid.copy(ref_fid[pathname], out_grp)

        # copy the test data
        out_grp = out_fid.require_group(ppjoin('TEST-DATA', group_name))
        test_fid.copy(test_fid[pathname], out_grp)