Exemple #1
class Game(object):
    """the game without GUI"""
    # pylint: disable=R0902
    # pylint we need more than 10 instance attributes

    def __del__(self):
        """break reference cycles"""
        if self.players:
            for player in self.players[:]:
                del player
            self.players = []
        self.__activePlayer = None
        self.prevActivePlayer = None
        self.__winner = None
        self.myself = None
        if self.client:
            self.client.game = None
        self.client = None

    def __init__(self, names, ruleset, gameid=None, wantedGame=None, shouldSave=True, client=None):
        """a new game instance. May be shown on a field, comes from database if gameid is set

        Game.lastDiscard is the tile last discarded by any player. It is reset to None when a
        player gets a tile from the living end of the wall or after he claimed a discard.
        # pylint: disable=R0915
        # pylint we need more than 50 statements
        self.players = Players() # if we fail later on in init, at least we can still close the program
        self._client = None
        self.client = client
        self.rotated = 0
        self.notRotated = 0 # counts hands since last rotation
        self.ruleset = None
        self.roundsFinished = 0
        self._currentHandId = None
        self._prevHandId = None
        self.seed = 0
        self.randomGenerator = CountingRandom(self)
        if self.isScoringGame():
            self.wantedGame = str(wantedGame)
            self.seed = wantedGame
            self.wantedGame = wantedGame
            _ = int(wantedGame.split('/')[0]) if wantedGame else 0
            self.seed = _ or int(self.randomGenerator.random() * 10**9)
        self.shouldSave = shouldSave
        self.activePlayer = None
        self.__winner = None
        self.moves = []
        self.myself = None   # the player using this client instance for talking to the server
        self.gameid = gameid
        self.playOpen = False
        self.autoPlay = False
        self.handctr = 0
        self.roundHandCount = 0
        self.handDiscardCount = 0
        self.divideAt = None
        self.lastDiscard = None # always uppercase
        self.visibleTiles = IntDict()
        self.discardedTiles = IntDict(self.visibleTiles) # tile names are always lowercase
        self.dangerousTiles = list()
        self.csvTags = []
        # shift rules taken from the OEMC 2005 rules
        # 2nd round: S and W shift, E and N shift
        self.shiftRules = 'SWEN,SE,WE'
        field = Internal.field
        if field:
            field.game = self
            field.startingGame = False
            field.showWall()  # sets self.wall
            self.wall = Wall(self)
        if self.belongsToGameServer():
        if not self.isScoringGame() and '/' in self.wantedGame:
            roundsFinished, rotations, notRotated = self.__scanGameOption(self.wantedGame)
            for _ in range(roundsFinished * 4 + rotations):
            self.notRotated = notRotated
        if self.shouldSave:
        if field:

    def client(self):
        """hide weakref"""
        if self._client is not None:
            return self._client()
    def client(self, value):
        """hide weakref"""
        if value is None:
            self._client = None
            self._client = weakref.ref(value)

    def __scanGameOption(self, wanted):
        """scan the --game option. Return roundsFinished, rotations, notRotated"""
        part = wanted.split('/')[1]
        roundsFinished = 'ESWN'.index(part[0])
        if roundsFinished > self.ruleset.minRounds:
            logWarning('Ruleset %s has %d minimum rounds but you want round %d(%s)' % (
                self.ruleset.name, self.ruleset.minRounds, roundsFinished + 1, part[0]))
            return self.ruleset.minRounds, 0
        rotations = int(part[1]) - 1
        notRotated = 0
        if rotations > 3:
            logWarning('You want %d rotations, reducing to maximum of 3' % rotations)
            return roundsFinished, 3, 0
        for char in part[2:]:
            if char < 'a':
                logWarning('you want %s, changed to a' % char)
                char = 'a'
            if char > 'z':
                logWarning('you want %s, changed to z' % char)
                char = 'z'
            notRotated = notRotated * 26 + ord(char) - ord('a') + 1
        return roundsFinished, rotations, notRotated

    def winner(self):
        """the name of the game server this game is attached to"""
        return self.__winner

    def winner(self, value):
        """the name of the game server this game is attached to"""
        if self.__winner != value:
            if self.__winner:
            self.__winner = value
            if value:

    def addCsvTag(self, tag, forAllPlayers=False):
        """tag will be written to tag field in csv row"""
        if forAllPlayers or self.belongsToHumanPlayer():
            self.csvTags.append('%s/%s' % (tag, self.handId()))

    def isFirstHand(self):
        """as the name says"""
        return self.roundHandCount == 0 and self.roundsFinished == 0

    def handId(self, withAI=True, withMoveCount=False):
        """identifies the hand for window title and scoring table"""
        aiVariant = ''
        if withAI and self.belongsToHumanPlayer():
            aiName = self.client.intelligence.name()
            if aiName != 'Default':
                aiVariant = aiName + '/'
        num = self.notRotated
        charId = ''
        while num:
            charId = chr(ord('a') + (num-1) % 26) + charId
            num = (num-1) / 26
        if self.finished():
            wind = 'X'
            wind = WINDS[self.roundsFinished]
        result = '%s%s/%s%s%s' % (aiVariant, self.seed, wind, self.rotated + 1, charId)
        if withMoveCount:
            result += '/moves:%d' % len(self.moves)
        if result != self._currentHandId:
            self._prevHandId = self._currentHandId
            self._currentHandId = result
        return result

    def _setGameId(self):
        assert not self # we want it to fail, and quiten pylint

    def close(self):
        """log off from the server and return a Deferred"""
        Internal.autoPlay = False # do that only for the first game
        if self.client:
            client = self.client
            self.client = None
            result = client.logout()
            result = succeed(None)
        return result

    def __hideGame(self):
        """remove all visible traces of the current game"""
        field = Internal.field
        if isAlive(field):
        if field:
            field.selectorBoard.tiles = []
            field.selectorBoard.allSelectorTiles = []
            if isAlive(field.centralScene):
            field.clientDialog = None
            for player in self.players:
                if player.handBoard:
            if self.wall:
        self.wall = None
        self.lastDiscard = None
        if field:
            field.startingGame = False
            field.game = None

    def __initVisiblePlayers(self):
        """make players visible"""
        for idx, player in enumerate(self.players):
            player.front = self.wall[idx]
            scoring = self.isScoringGame()
            player.handBoard.setEnabled(scoring or \
                (self.belongsToHumanPlayer() and player == self.myself))

    def setConcealedTiles(self, allPlayerTiles):
        """when starting the hand. tiles is one string"""
        with Animated(False):
            for playerName, tileNames in allPlayerTiles:
                player = self.playerByName(playerName)

    def playerByName(self, playerName):
        """return None or the matching player"""
        if playerName is None:
            return None
        for myPlayer in self.players:
            if myPlayer.name == playerName:
                return myPlayer
        logException('Move references unknown player %s' % playerName)

    def losers(self):
        """the 3 or 4 losers: All players without the winner"""
        return list([x for x in self.players if x is not self.__winner])

    def belongsToRobotPlayer(self):
        """does this game instance belong to a robot player?"""
        return self.client and self.client.isRobotClient()

    def belongsToHumanPlayer(self):
        """does this game instance belong to a human player?"""
        return self.client and self.client.isHumanClient()

    def belongsToGameServer(self):
        """does this game instance belong to the game server?"""
        return self.client and self.client.isServerClient()

    def isScoringGame():
        """are we scoring a manual game?"""
        return False

    def belongsToPlayer(self):
        """does this game instance belong to a player (as opposed to the game server)?"""
        return self.belongsToRobotPlayer() or self.belongsToHumanPlayer()

    def assignPlayers(self, playerNames):
        """the server tells us the seating order and player names"""
        pairs = []
        for idx, pair in enumerate(playerNames):
            if isinstance(pair, basestring):
                wind, name = WINDS[idx], pair
                wind, name = pair
            pairs.append((wind, name))

        field = Internal.field
        if not self.players:
            if field:
                self.players = field.genPlayers()
                self.players = Players([Player(self) for idx in range(4)])
            for idx, pair in enumerate(pairs):
                wind, name = pair
                player = self.players[idx]
                player.wind = wind
                player.name = name
            for idx, pair in enumerate(playerNames):
                wind, name = pair
                self.players.byName(name).wind = wind
        if self.client and self.client.name:
            self.myself = self.players.byName(self.client.name)

    def assignVoices(self):
        """now we have all remote user voices"""
        assert self.belongsToHumanPlayer()
        available = Voice.availableVoices()[:]
        # available is without transferred human voices
        for player in self.players:
            if player.voice and player.voice.oggFiles():
                # remote human player sent her voice, or we are human and have a voice
                if Debug.sound and player != self.myself:
                    logDebug('%s got voice from opponent: %s' % (player.name, player.voice))
                player.voice = Voice.locate(player.name)
                if player.voice:
                    if Debug.sound:
                        logDebug('%s has own local voice %s' % (player.name, player.voice))
            if player.voice:
                for voice in Voice.availableVoices():
                    if voice in available and voice.md5sum == player.voice.md5sum:
                        # if the local voice is also predefined,
                        # make sure we do not use both
        # for the other players use predefined voices in preferred language. Only if
        # we do not have enough predefined voices, look again in locally defined voices
        predefined = [x for x in available if x.language() != 'local']
        for player in self.players:
            if player.voice is None and predefined:
                player.voice = predefined.pop(0)
                if Debug.sound:
                    logDebug('%s gets one of the still available voices %s' % (player.name, player.voice))

    def __shufflePlayers(self):
        """assign random seats to the players and assign winds"""
        self.players.sort(key=lambda x:x.name)
        for player, wind in zip(self.players, WINDS):
            player.wind = wind

    def __exchangeSeats(self):
        """execute seat exchanges according to the rules"""
        windPairs = self.shiftRules.split(',')[(self.roundsFinished-1) % 4]
        while len(windPairs):
            windPair = windPairs[0:2]
            windPairs = windPairs[2:]
            swappers = list(self.players[windPair[x]] for x in (0, 1))
            if self.belongsToPlayer():
                # we are a client in a remote game, the server swaps and tells us the new places
                shouldSwap = False
            elif self.isScoringGame():
                # we play a manual game and do only the scoring
                shouldSwap = Internal.field.askSwap(swappers)
                # we are the game server. Always swap in remote games.
                # do not do assert self.belongsToGameServer() here because
                # self.client might not yet be set - this code is called for all
                # suspended games but self.client is assigned later
                shouldSwap = True
            if shouldSwap:
                swappers[0].wind, swappers[1].wind = swappers[1].wind, swappers[0].wind

    def sortPlayers(self):
        """sort by wind order. If we are in a remote game, place ourself at bottom (idx=0)"""
        players = self.players
        if Internal.field:
            fieldAttributes = list([(p.handBoard, p.front) for p in players])
        players.sort(key=lambda x: 'ESWN'.index(x.wind))
        if self.belongsToHumanPlayer():
            myName = self.myself.name
            while players[0].name != myName:
                values0 = players[0].values
                for idx in range(4, 0, -1):
                    this, prev = players[idx % 4], players[idx - 1]
                    this.values = prev.values
                players[1].values = values0
            self.myself = players[0]
        if Internal.field:
            for idx, player in enumerate(players):
                player.handBoard, player.front = fieldAttributes[idx]
                player.handBoard.player = player
        self.activePlayer = self.players['E']

    def _newGameId():
        """write a new entry in the game table
        and returns the game id of that new entry"""
        with Transaction():
            query = Query("insert into game(seed) values(0)")
            gameid, gameidOK = query.query.lastInsertId().toInt()
        assert gameidOK
        return gameid

    def saveNewGame(self):
        """write a new entry in the game table with the selected players"""
        if self.gameid is None:
        if not self.isScoringGame():
            records = Query("select seed from game where id=?", list([self.gameid])).records
            assert records
            if not records:
            seed = records[0][0]

        if not Internal.isServer and self.client:
            host = self.client.connection.url
            host = None

        if self.isScoringGame() or seed == 'proposed' or seed == host:
            # we reserved the game id by writing a record with seed == hostname
            starttime = datetime.datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()
            args = list([starttime, self.seed, int(self.autoPlay), self.ruleset.rulesetId])
            args.extend([p.nameid for p in self.players])
            with Transaction():
                Query("update game set starttime=?,seed=?,autoplay=?," \
                        "ruleset=?,p0=?,p1=?,p2=?,p3=? where id=?", args)
                if not Internal.isServer:
                    Query('update server set lastruleset=? where url=?',
                          list([self.ruleset.rulesetId, host]))

    def __useRuleset(self, ruleset):
        """use a copy of ruleset for this game, reusing an existing copy"""
        self.ruleset = ruleset
        query = Query('select id from ruleset where id>0 and hash="%s"' % \
        if query.records:
            # reuse that ruleset
            self.ruleset.rulesetId = query.records[0][0]
            # generate a new ruleset
            self.ruleset.save(copy=True, minus=False)

    def __setHandSeed(self):
        """set seed to a reproducable value, independent of what happend
        in previous hands/rounds.
        This makes it easier to reproduce game situations
        in later hands without having to exactly replay all previous hands"""
        if self.seed is not None:
            seedFactor = (self.roundsFinished + 1) * 10000 + self.rotated * 1000 + self.notRotated * 100
            self.randomGenerator.seed(self.seed * seedFactor)

    def clearHand(self):
        """empty all data"""
        if self.moves:
            for move in self.moves:
                del move
        self.moves = []
        for player in self.players:
        self.__winner = None
        self.__activePlayer = None
        self.prevActivePlayer = None
        self.dangerousTiles = list()
        assert self.visibleTiles.count() == 0

    def prepareHand(self):
        """prepares the next hand"""
        if self.finished():
            if not self.isScoringGame():

    def initHand(self):
        """directly before starting"""
        self.dangerousTiles = list()
        assert self.visibleTiles.count() == 0
        if Internal.field:

    def hidePopups(self):
        """hide all popup messages"""
        for player in self.players:

    def saveHand(self):
        """save hand to database, update score table and balance in status line"""
        self.handctr += 1
        self.notRotated += 1
        self.roundHandCount += 1
        self.handDiscardCount = 0

    def __needSave(self):
        """do we need to save this game?"""
        if self.isScoringGame():
            return True
        elif self.belongsToRobotPlayer():
            return False
            return self.shouldSave # as the server told us

    def __saveScores(self):
        """save computed values to database, update score table and balance in status line"""
        if not self.__needSave():
        scoretime = datetime.datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()
        for player in self.players:
            if player.hand:
                manualrules = '||'.join(x.rule.name for x in player.hand.usedRules)
                manualrules = m18n('Score computed manually')
            Query("INSERT INTO SCORE "
                "points,payments, balance,rotated,notrotated) "
                "VALUES(%d,%d,?,?,%d,'%s',%d,'%s','%s',%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)" % \
                (self.gameid, self.handctr, player.nameid,
                    scoretime, int(player == self.__winner),
                    WINDS[self.roundsFinished % 4], player.wind, player.handTotal,
                    player.payment, player.balance, self.rotated, self.notRotated),
                list([player.hand.string, manualrules]))
            if Debug.scores:
                self.debug('%s: handTotal=%s balance=%s %s' % (
                    player.handTotal, player.balance, 'won' if player == self.winner else ''))
            for usedRule in player.hand.usedRules:
                rule = usedRule.rule
                if rule.score.limits:
                    tag = rule.function.__class__.__name__
                    if hasattr(rule.function, 'limitHand'):
                        tag = rule.function.limitHand.__class__.__name__

    def savePenalty(self, player, offense, amount):
        """save computed values to database, update score table and balance in status line"""
        if not self.__needSave():
        scoretime = datetime.datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()
        with Transaction():
            Query("INSERT INTO SCORE "
                "won,prevailing,wind,points,payments, balance,rotated,notrotated) "
                "VALUES(%d,1,%d,?,?,%d,'%s',%d,'%s','%s',%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)" % \
                (self.gameid, self.handctr, player.nameid,
                    scoretime, int(player == self.__winner),
                    WINDS[self.roundsFinished % 4], player.wind, 0,
                    amount, player.balance, self.rotated, self.notRotated),
                list([player.hand.string, offense.name]))
        if Internal.field:

    def maybeRotateWinds(self):
        """rules which make winds rotate"""
        result = list(x for x in self.ruleset.filterFunctions('rotate') if x.rotate(self))
        if result:
            if Debug.explain:
                if not self.belongsToRobotPlayer():
                    self.debug(result, prevHandId=True)
        return bool(result)

    def rotateWinds(self):
        """rotate winds, exchange seats. If finished, update database"""
        self.rotated += 1
        self.notRotated = 0
        if self.rotated == 4:
            if not self.finished():
                self.roundsFinished += 1
            self.rotated = 0
            self.roundHandCount = 0
        if self.finished():
            endtime = datetime.datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()
            with Transaction():
                Query('UPDATE game set endtime = "%s" where id = %d' % \
                    (endtime, self.gameid))
        elif not self.belongsToPlayer():
            # the game server already told us the new placement and winds
            winds = [player.wind for player in self.players]
            winds = winds[3:] + winds[0:3]
            for idx, newWind in enumerate(winds):
                self.players[idx].wind = newWind
            if self.roundsFinished % 4 and self.rotated == 0:
                # exchange seats between rounds

    def debug(self, msg, btIndent=None, prevHandId=False):
        """prepend game id"""
        if self.belongsToRobotPlayer():
            prefix = 'R'
        elif self.belongsToHumanPlayer():
            prefix = 'C'
        elif self.belongsToGameServer():
            prefix = 'S'
            logDebug(msg, btIndent=btIndent)
        logDebug('%s%s: %s' % (prefix, self._prevHandId if prevHandId else self.handId(), msg),
            withGamePrefix=False, btIndent=btIndent)

    def __getNames(record):
        """get name ids from record
        and return the names"""
        names = []
        for idx in range(4):
            nameid = record[idx]
                name = Players.allNames[nameid]
            except KeyError:
                name = m18n('Player %1 not known', nameid)
        return names

    def loadFromDB(cls, gameid, client=None):
        """load game by game id and return a new Game instance"""
        Internal.logPrefix = 'S' if Internal.isServer else 'C'
        qGame = Query("select p0,p1,p2,p3,ruleset,seed from game where id = %d" % gameid)
        if not qGame.records:
            return None
        rulesetId = qGame.records[0][4] or 1
        ruleset = Ruleset.cached(rulesetId)
        Players.load() # we want to make sure we have the current definitions
        game = cls(Game.__getNames(qGame.records[0]), ruleset, gameid=gameid,
                client=client, wantedGame=qGame.records[0][5])
        qLastHand = Query("select hand,rotated from score where game=%d and hand="
            "(select max(hand) from score where game=%d)" % (gameid, gameid))
        if qLastHand.records:
            (game.handctr, game.rotated) = qLastHand.records[0]

        qScores = Query("select player, wind, balance, won, prevailing from score "
            "where game=%d and hand=%d" % (gameid, game.handctr))
        # default value. If the server saved a score entry but our client did not,
        # we get no record here. Should we try to fix this or exclude such a game from
        # the list of resumable games?
        prevailing = 'E'
        for record in qScores.records:
            playerid = record[0]
            wind = str(record[1])
            player = game.players.byId(playerid)
            if not player:
                'game %d inconsistent: player %d missing in game table' % \
                    (gameid, playerid))
                player.wind = wind
            if record[3]:
                game.winner = player
            prevailing = record[4]
        game.roundsFinished = WINDS.index(prevailing)
        game.handctr += 1
        game.notRotated += 1
        return game

    def finished(self):
        """The game is over after minRounds completed rounds"""
        if self.ruleset:
            # while initialising Game, ruleset might be None
            return self.roundsFinished >= self.ruleset.minRounds

    def __payHand(self):
        """pay the scores"""
        # pylint: disable=R0912
        # too many branches
        winner = self.__winner
        if winner:
            winner.wonCount += 1
            guilty = winner.usedDangerousFrom
            if guilty:
                payAction = self.ruleset.findUniqueOption('payforall')
            if guilty and payAction:
                if Debug.dangerousGame:
                    self.debug('%s: winner %s. %s pays for all' % \
                                (self.handId(), winner, guilty))
                guilty.hand.usedRules.append((payAction, None))
                score = winner.handTotal
                score = score * 6 if winner.wind == 'E' else score * 4

        for player1 in self.players:
            if Debug.explain:
                if not self.belongsToRobotPlayer():
                    self.debug('%s: %s' % (player1, player1.hand.string))
                    for line in player1.hand.explain():
                        self.debug('   %s' % (line))
            for player2 in self.players:
                if id(player1) != id(player2):
                    if player1.wind == 'E' or player2.wind == 'E':
                        efactor = 2
                        efactor = 1
                    if player2 != winner:
                        player1.getsPayment(player1.handTotal * efactor)
                    if player1 != winner:
                        player1.getsPayment(-player2.handTotal * efactor)

    def lastMoves(self, only=None, without=None, withoutNotifications=False):
        """filters and yields the moves in reversed order"""
        for idx in range(len(self.moves)-1, -1, -1):
            move = self.moves[idx]
            if withoutNotifications and move.notifying:
            if only:
                if move.message in only:
                    yield move
            elif without:
                if move.message not in without:
                    yield move
                yield move

    def throwDices(self):
        """sets random living and kongBox
        sets divideAt: an index for the wall break"""
        if self.belongsToGameServer():
        breakWall = self.randomGenerator.randrange(4)
        sideLength = len(self.wall.tiles) // 4
        # use the sum of four dices to find the divide
        self.divideAt = breakWall * sideLength + \
            sum(self.randomGenerator.randrange(1, 7) for idx in range(4))
        if self.divideAt % 2 == 1:
            self.divideAt -= 1
        self.divideAt %= len(self.wall.tiles)

    def dangerousFor(self, forPlayer, tile):
        """returns a list of explaining texts if discarding tile
        would be Dangerous game for forPlayer. One text for each
        reason - there might be more than one"""
        if isinstance(tile, Tile):
            tile = tile.element
        tile = tile.lower()
        result = []
        for dang, txt in self.dangerousTiles:
            if tile in dang:
        for player in forPlayer.others():
            for dang, txt in player.dangerousTiles:
                if tile in dang:
        return result

    def computeDangerous(self, playerChanged=None):
        """recompute gamewide dangerous tiles. Either for playerChanged or for all players"""
        self.dangerousTiles = list()
        if playerChanged:
            for player in self.players:

    def _endWallDangerous(self):
        """if end of living wall is reached, declare all invisible tiles as dangerous"""
        if len(self.wall.living) <=5:
            allTiles = [x for x in defaultdict.keys(elements.occurrence) if x[0] not in 'fy']
            # see http://www.logilab.org/ticket/23986
            invisibleTiles = set(x for x in allTiles if x not in self.visibleTiles)
            msg = m18n('Short living wall: Tile is invisible, hence dangerous')
            self.dangerousTiles = list(x for x in self.dangerousTiles if x[1] != msg)
            self.dangerousTiles.append((invisibleTiles, msg))

    def appendMove(self, player, command, kwargs):
        """append a Move object to self.moves"""
        self.moves.append(Move(player, command, kwargs))