def __init__(self, widget, cols=None, *args, **ka): QtCore.QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self, None) self._widget = widget self._peer = IncrementalMultiViewer(*args, delegate=self, **ka) self._updateChangedDeferred = None self._maxRow = self._minRow = -1 self._columns = [] self._types = [] self._typeArgs = [] self._labels = [] self._cache = [] self._parent = QtCore.QModelIndex() if cols == None: cols = [] self._minRowHeight = 0 self._minColumnWidth = 0 self._loading = 0 self._sizeHints = {} if 'minRowHeight' in ka: self._minRowHeight = ka['minRowHeight'] if 'minColumnWidth' in ka: self._minColumnWidth = ka['minColumnWidth'] if 'sizeHints' in ka: self._sizeHints = ka['sizeHints'] if self._minRowHeight == None: self._minRowHeight = 0 if self._minColumnWidth == None: self._minColumnWidth = 0 if self._sizeHints == None: self._sizeHints = {} if isinstance(cols, list) and len(cols) > 0 and isinstance(cols[0], dict): cols.insert(0, {'path':'id'}) self._columns = [] self._labels = [] self._types = [] self._typeArgs = [] for cfg in cols: if cfg is None: continue self._columns.append(cfg.get('path', None)) self._labels.append(cfg.get('label', None)) self._types.append(FX.convertType(cfg.get('type', None))) self._typeArgs.append(cfg.get('type-args', None)) else: cols.insert(0, 'id') self._columns, self._labels = FX.splitList(cols, ':') self._types, self._typeArgs, self._columns = FX.extractType(self._columns)
def __init__(self, widget, room, path, cols=['_id'], parent=None, conflictCB=None, isList=True, identifier=None, reverseOrder=False, minRowHeight=None, minColumnWidth=None, wrapInList=False, sizeHints=None, editOnInsert=False, *args): QtCore.QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self, parent, *args) self._peer = EmbeddedViewer(room, path, delegate=self, conflictCB=conflictCB, isList=isList, wrapInList=wrapInList, identifier=identifier, editOnInsert=editOnInsert) self._widget = widget self._reverseOrder = reverseOrder self._imageCache = {} self._minRowHeight = 0 self._minColumnWidth = 0 self._sizeHints = {} if minRowHeight != None: self._minRowHeight = int(float(minRowHeight)) if minColumnWidth != None: self._minColumnWidth = int(float(minColumnWidth)) if sizeHints != None: self._sizeHints = sizeHints self._isList = isList self._wrapInList = wrapInList self._columns = [] self._labels = [] self._types = [] self._typeArgs = [] self._data = self._emptyData() self._parent = QtCore.QModelIndex() self._keys = None self._rows = None self._length = 0 if isinstance(cols, list) and len(cols) > 0 and isinstance(cols[0], dict): self._columns = [] self._labels = [] self._types = [] self._typeArgs = [] for cfg in cols: if cfg is None: continue self._columns.append(cfg.get('path', None)) self._labels.append(cfg.get('label', None)) self._types.append(FX.convertType(cfg.get('type', None))) self._typeArgs.append(cfg.get('type-args', None)) else: self._columns, self._labels = FX.splitList(cols, ':') self._types, self._typeArgs, self._columns = FX.extractType(self._columns) self._path = path
def register(self): EnableLogic.register(self) TriggeredPillowsLogic.register(self) self._sortable = {} self._sortField = {"__default__": "__default__"} sortable = [] self.setAlternatingRowColors(self.alternateRowColors) converted = False for c in self.sortable: if c is None: sortable.append(None) continue if isinstance(c, (unicode, str)): if ':' in c: c, field = c.split(':') else: field = c sortable.append({'sortPath': field, 'path': c}) converted = True else: sortable.append(c) if converted: self.sortable = sortable for c in self.sortable: if c is None: continue field = c.get('sortPath', None) c = c.get('path', None) self._sortable[c] = 0 self._sortField[c] = field if len(self._sortable) > 0: self.horizontalHeader().setSortIndicatorShown(True) else: self.horizontalHeader().setSortIndicatorShown(False) if self.multiSelect: self.setSelectionMode(QtGui.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) else: self.setSelectionMode(QtGui.QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection) if isinstance(self.dbColumns, list) and len(self.dbColumns) > 0 and isinstance(self.dbColumns[0], (str, unicode)): columns, labels = FX.splitList(self.dbColumns, ':') types, args, columns = FX.extractType(columns, json=False) dbColumns = [] # convert old format for i in range(len(columns)): dbColumns.append({ 'path': columns[i], 'label': labels[i], 'type': types[i], 'type-args': args[i] }) self.dbColumns = dbColumns self._columns = [] self._labels = [] self._types = [] for cfg in self.dbColumns: if cfg is None: continue self._columns.append(cfg.get('path', None)) self._labels.append(cfg.get('label', None)) self._types.append(FX.convertType(cfg.get('type', None))) if self.orderPath != None: self.verticalHeader().setMovable(True) if self.keyCodePillows != None: for kca in self.keyCodePillows: kca = unicode(kca) lst = kca.split(':') code = lst.pop(0) if len(lst) >= 2: room = lst.pop(0) else: room = pillow = lst.pop(0) feathers = None if ',' in pillow: feathers = pillow.split(',') pillow = feathers.pop(0) code = eval("QtCore.Qt." + code) self._keyCodePillows[code] = (room, pillow, feathers) self._autoColumns = [] col = 0 for t in self._types: hasDelegate = False if isinstance(t, dict): for k, v in t.items(): if not hasDelegate and len(v) > 0 and v[0] == ':': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(col+1, self._imageDelegate) self._autoColumns.append(col+1) hasDelegate = True elif t == "progress": self.setItemDelegateForColumn(col+1, self._progressDelegate) elif t == "image": self.setItemDelegateForColumn(col+1, self._imageDelegate) self._autoColumns.append(col+1) hasDelegate = True col = col + 1 if self.doubleClickPillow != None: self._actionPeer = ActionButtonPeer(, self.doubleClickPillow, self.doubleClickFeathers, tab=self.doubleClickTab) from wallaby.frontends.qt.models.multiViewTableModel import MultiViewTableModel self._model = MultiViewTableModel(self, self.dbColumns,, view=self.view, viewIdentifier=self.viewIdentifier, viewArguments=self.viewArguments, dataView=self.dataView, orderPath=self.orderPath, minRowHeight=self.minRowHeight, minColumnWidth=self.minColumnWidth, queryDocID=self.queryDocID, sizeHints=self.sizeHints) self.setModel(self._model) if self.idVisible: self.setColumnHidden(0, False) else: self.setColumnHidden(0, True)
def register(self): EnableLogic.register(self) EditLogic.register(self) TriggeredPillowsLogic.register(self) self.setAlternatingRowColors(self.alternateRowColors) if ( isinstance(self.dbColumns, list) and len(self.dbColumns) > 0 and isinstance(self.dbColumns[0], (str, unicode)) ): columns, labels = FX.splitList(self.dbColumns, ":") types, args, columns = FX.extractType(columns, json=False) dbColumns = [] # convert old format for i in range(len(columns)): dbColumns.append({"path": columns[i], "label": labels[i], "type": types[i], "type-args": args[i]}) self.dbColumns = dbColumns self._columns = [] self._labels = [] self._types = [] for cfg in self.dbColumns: if cfg is None: continue self._columns.append(cfg.get("path", None)) self._labels.append(cfg.get("label", None)) self._types.append(FX.convertType(cfg.get("type", None))) self._autoColumns = [] self._comboDelegate = [] col = 0 for t in self._types: hasDelegate = False if t is None: col = col + 1 continue if isinstance(t, dict): for k, v in t.items(): if not hasDelegate and len(v) > 0 and v[0] == ":": self.setItemDelegateForColumn(col, self._imageDelegate) self._autoColumns.append(col) hasDelegate = True elif "image" in t: self.setItemDelegateForColumn(col, self._imageDelegate) self._autoColumns.append(col) hasDelegate = True elif t == "progress": self.setItemDelegateForColumn(col, self._progressDelegate) elif t == "comboedit": self._comboDelegate.append(ComboBoxDelegate(self, col)) self.setItemDelegateForColumn(col, self._comboDelegate[-1]) col = col + 1 from wallaby.frontends.qt.models.embeddedViewTableModel import EmbeddedViewTableModel self._model = EmbeddedViewTableModel( self,, self.path, self.dbColumns, conflictCB=self._conflict, isList=self.isList, identifier=self.identifier, reverseOrder=self.reverseOrder, minRowHeight=self.minRowHeight, minColumnWidth=self.minColumnWidth, wrapInList=self.wrapInList, sizeHints=self.sizeHints, editOnInsert=self.editOnInsert, ) if FXUI.mainWindow.options() != None and FXUI.mainWindow.options().app != "inspector": self._proxyModel = QtGui.QSortFilterProxyModel(self) self._proxyModel.setSourceModel(self._model) self._proxyModel.setFilterRegExp( QtCore.QRegExp("^(?!inspector-|itest-)", QtCore.Qt.CaseInsensitive, QtCore.QRegExp.RegExp2) ) # proxyModel.setFilterRegExp(QtCore.QRegExp("^inspector", QtCore.Qt.CaseInsensitive, QtCore.QRegExp.RegExp2)) # proxyModel.setFilterKeyColumn(0) self.setModel(self._proxyModel) else: self.setModel(self._model) if self.doubleClickPillow != None: self._actionPeer = ActionButtonPeer(, self.doubleClickPillow, self.doubleClickFeathers, tab=self.doubleClickTab, translate=True ) QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, self.restoreSettings)