Exemple #1
    def cmd_token(self, msg, params):

        from wallebot.app import rds
        user_id = msg['chat']['id']
        user_name = msg['from']['username']

        token = rds.hget(API_TOKEN_KEY, user_id)

        if token is None:
            # generate token
            while True:
                token = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(16))
                if not rds.hexists(API_TOKEN_REV_KEY, token):

            # save the token
            rds.hset(API_TOKEN_KEY, user_id, token)
            rds.hset(API_TOKEN_REV_KEY, token, '%s:%s' % (user_id, user_name))

        self.bot.sendMessage(chat_id=user_id, text='Your API token is "%s".' % token)
Exemple #2
    def message(self, msg):

        if msg['text'].startswith('/') or '#' in msg['text']:

        chat_id = msg['chat']['id']

        from wallebot.app import rds, cfg

        key = __REPEAT_KEY__ % chat_id

        last_msg = rds.hget(key, 'text') or ''
        last_msg = last_msg.decode('utf-8')
        last_users = rds.hget(key, 'users') or ''
        last_users = filter(None, last_users.split(','))

        text = msg['text']

        username = msg['from']['username']

        if cfg.DEBUG:
            self.send_repeat(chat_id, text)

        elif last_msg == text and username not in last_users:


            log.info('Found repeat, add user %s, user=%s ' % (username, last_users))

            if len(last_users) == THRESHOLD:    # use # to ensure msg is sent only once
                self.send_repeat(chat_id, text)

            rds.hset(key, 'users', ','.join(last_users))

            rds.hset(key, 'text', text.encode('utf-8'))
            rds.hset(key, 'users', username)
Exemple #3
 def cmd_chatid(self, msg, params):
     from wallebot.app import rds
     chat_id = msg['chat']['id']
     rds.hset(API_CHATID_PENDING, chat_id, int(time.time()) + 30)
     self.bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text='Send any message in 30s in a chat to get its chat_id.')