Exemple #1
def make_keys(master):
    # master will be the master frame for this view, the key_fram from the F3_Frame Clas

    keys_array = []

    for i in range(5):
            # generate the random private key as 32 bytes
            private_key_bytes_generated = os.urandom(32)
            # make the random 32 bytes into an integer
            private_key_int = int.from_bytes(private_key_bytes_generated,
            # create the private/public key object
            key_object = PrivateKey(private_key_int)
            # make the private key into 32 bytes from the key object private key (.secret) as an integer
            private_key_bytes = key_object.secret.to_bytes(32,
            # make the public key in compressed sec format
            public_key_bytes = key_object.point.sec()
            keys_array.append((private_key_bytes, public_key_bytes))
        except ValueError:
    wallet = MyDatabase("wallet")
Exemple #2
    def sign_all_inputs(self, utxo_array):

        print("In sign_all_inputs")

        for i in range(len(self.tx_ins)):

            # get the private/public keys from the wallet database keys table_name
            # that point to the utxo database id.

            wallet = MyDatabase("wallet")
            # keys_list is a list of tuples: (keys_id, private_key, public_key)
            utxo_db_id = utxo_array[i].id
            print("Retrieving keys for the utxo")
            keys_list = wallet.retrieve_keys_for_utxo_db_id(utxo_db_id)
            private_keys = []
            for pair in keys_list:
                private_key_bytes = pair[1]
                private_key_int = int.from_bytes(private_key_bytes,
            # private_keys is a list of private keys as integers that are associated with the
            # applicable utxo.

            # For now:  assuming only one private key is associated with a utxo.
            # Revision Note:  Will need to change the above assumption to allow for mutlisig.

            private_key = PrivateKey(
            )  #private_key in the tx.sign_input is a private_key object
            self.sign_input(input_index=i, private_key=private_key)
Exemple #3
def update_utxo_for_spent(pushed_tx):
    tx_inputs = pushed_tx['tx'][
        'inputs']  # array of JSON for certain input values  see above example
    input_update_arg = []
    for input in tx_inputs:
            (bytes.fromhex(input['prev_hash']), input['output_index']))
Exemple #4
def show_keys(master):
    # master will be the master frame for this view, the key_frame from the F3_Frame Class
    wallet = MyDatabase("wallet")
    # key_pairs is an array of tuples...(private_key, public_key)
    # private_key is a blob in wif format, public_key is a blob in sec

    key_pairs = wallet.retrieve_keys()
    f3_view.show_keys_view(master, key_pairs)
    def create_table(self):
        print("Creating table")

        column_info_array = []
        for col in self.column_info_list:
            print("%s, %s" % (col.column_name.get(), col.column_type.get()))
                (col.column_name.get(), col.column_type.get()))

        db = MyDatabase(self.db_name.get())
        db.create_table(self.table_name.get(), column_info_array)
Exemple #6
def grab_address(id):
    """  Returns the Base58 with checksum address for the public key calculated from the private key stored in the wallet database
            :id  None right now--but will need to give the database id to tell which private key to retrieve
            :str  Base58 address
    # Get the private and public keys from the database given the id

    wallet = MyDatabase("wallet")
    # key_pairs is an array of tuples...(private_key, public_key)
    # private_key is a blob in wif format, public_key is a blob in sec

    #### !
    #### !  right now hardwiring in the id=1, but will need to make that user specifiable
    #### !
    id = id
    # key_pairs is a private, public key tuple
    key_pairs = wallet.keys(id)

    # private_key is a bytes object that should be interpreted as an big endian integer
    # public_key is a bytes object that of the compressed sec public point.
    private_key_bytes, public_key_bytes = key_pairs
    private_key_int = int.from_bytes(private_key_bytes,

    # generate the public key from the private key retrieved in the database

    key_object = PrivateKey(private_key_int)

    # produce the public key address

    public_key_address = key_object.point.address(testnet=True)

    print("address: {}".format(public_key_address))
    return public_key_address
    def __init__(self, master):
        # master is a.app
        # self is a.app.notebook
        self.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=tk.YES)
        #self.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=(tk.N,tk.W,tk.E,tk.S))
        #self.db_ops_frame = F1Frame(self)
        self.master = master

        self.wallet = MyDatabase('wallet')
        print("Notebook wallet:  {}".format(self.wallet.amount))

        self.f2 = F2Frame(
            self)  # making the master of a.app.notebook.f2 as a.app.notebook
        self.f3 = F3Frame(self)
        self.f4 = F4Frame(self)

        #self.add(self.db_ops_frame, text ='Database Operations')
        self.add(self.f2, text='Transaction Info')
        self.add(self.f3, text='Generate Keys')
        self.add(self.f4, text='Generate Tx')
Exemple #8
import sys
from programming_bitcoin_song.tx import Tx, TxIn, TxOut, Connection, TxFetcher
from programming_bitcoin_song.ecc import PrivateKey
from programming_bitcoin_song.helper import encode_base58_checksum, hash160

from io import BytesIO

import os

# Get the private and public keys from the database given the id

wallet = MyDatabase("wallet")
# key_pairs is an array of tuples...(private_key, public_key)
# private_key is a blob in wif format, public_key is a blob in sec
id = 1
# key_pairs is a private, public key tuple
key_pairs = wallet.keys(id)

# private_key is a bytes object that should be interpreted as an big endian integer
# public_key is a bytes object that of the compressed sec public point.
private_key_bytes, public_key_bytes = key_pairs
private_key_int = int.from_bytes(private_key_bytes,

# Generate the address--from the public-key in database and from the private_key
# Check that those two paths result in the same address
Exemple #9
    def create_factory_input_array(self):

                :list of utxo factory objects that will be used to
                 create the TxIn list.

            Potential Revision Note:
                :Further Revisions:
                    Will need to revise this method to accommodate the witness
                    field if the input is a segwit.  But maybe that won't be
                    required until input is signed.
        # Will need to retrive the utxo info from the database and then fetch the transaction
        # Get the utxo info from the database

        wallet = MyDatabase("wallet")
        # get all wallet rows that could be potential utxos to spend, i.e. those with status="utxo"
        wallet_rows = wallet.get_utxo_rows(
        )  #array of tupples (id, utxo_hash, out_index, amount, status)
        print("utxos: {}".format(wallet_rows))

        pruned_wallet_rows = [
        ]  # this is the new list formed with just enough utxos to pay the total_paid_amount and fee

        for utxo in wallet_rows:
            if self.total_input_amount <= self.total_paid_amount + 100000:  #assuming not more than 100000 sats for fee
                self.total_input_amount += utxo[3]

        if self.total_input_amount < self.total_paid_amount + 100000:
            return "Error!  Not enough Bitcoin"

        for u in pruned_wallet_rows:

            # u is a tuple housing the row from the database:
            # u[0]:  database id
            # u[1]:  utxo_hash
            # u[2]:  out_index
            # u[3]:  amount
            # u[4]:  status

            utxo_db_id, utxo_hash, out_index, amount, status = u

            utxo_hash_hex = utxo_hash.hex()  # tx hash for input in hex

            utxo_tx = TxFetcher.fetch(utxo_hash_hex, testnet=True, fresh=False)

            ################################# Moved functionaity to tx.py sign_all_inputs##########
            # # get the private/public keys from the wallet database keys table_name
            # # that point to the utxo database id.
            # wallet = MyDatabase("wallet")
            # # keys_list is a list of tuples: (keys_id, private_key, public_key)
            # keys_list = wallet.retrieve_keys_for_utxo_db_id(utxo_db_id)
            # private_keys = []
            # for pair in keys_list:
            #     private_key_bytes = pair[1]
            #     private_key_int = int.from_bytes(private_key_bytes, byteorder='big', signed=False)
            #     private_keys.append(private_key_int)
            ################################# Moved functionaity to tx.py sign_all_inputs##########

            # get the script pubkey of the utxo of interest
            utxo_script_pubkey = utxo_tx.tx_outs[out_index].script_pubkey
            # determine the script pubkey type
            utxo_script_pubkey_type = utxo_script_pubkey.determine_script_pubkey_type(
            print("utxo script pubkey type:  " + utxo_script_pubkey_type)

            #make a utxo factory object from the fetched tx_object
            # Assuming for now that only one private key is needed
            # Will need to accommodate mutiple keys to sign a utxo later
            #ut =Utxo(prev_tx=utxo_hash, output_index=out_index, private_key=private_keys[0], amount=amount, id=utxo_db_id)
            ut = Utxo(prev_tx=utxo_hash,
            # add the utxo factory object to the factory utxo_array

            # Revision for multi-sig:
            # Each index entry in utxo_array is associated with an input transaction.
            # For multisig transactions, we'll need to make an index entry itself an array,
            # holding all the utxos that will make the multisig input.
        return self
Exemple #10
def calculate_wallet_amount():
    wallet_amount = MyDatabase.wallet_amount()
    return (wallet_amount)
Exemple #11
def update_db_keys_utxos(keys_update_input):
Exemple #12
def update_db_for_utxo(pushed_tx):
    t = sort_pushed_tx_for_utxo_update(pushed_tx)
    update_utxo_for_utxo = MyDatabase.update_utxo_for_utxo(t)
    return update_utxo_for_utxo
Exemple #13
        # produce the public key address

        # Update Note:  The public key address will depend on what type of ScriptPubkey
        # will be used.  Assume for now p2pkh--which would require the Base58 of the
        # hash160 of the public key.  p2sh would require the Base58 of the hash160
        # of the Redeem script.
        # get the compressed sec public key
        compressed = True
        compressed_public_key_address = key_object.point.sec(compressed)

        # Update Note:  Maybe a verification that the public_key_address just created from the
        # private key is the same address that results from the database public_key.
        # Would need to take that public_key--take it from bytes to dar [?] to base58 [?]

        # create array of tuples (db_id associated with private_key that make the public_key_address, public_key-address)
        n_addresses.append((key[0], compressed_public_key_address))
    # Return info to the view
    # uncomment when used in the app--comment for temp__run1
    #f4_view.show_possible_payees(frame_object, possible_payee_addresses)
    return n_addresses

wallet = MyDatabase('wallet')
n = 4
addresses = get_n_public_addresses(wallet, n)