Exemple #1
    def run(self):
        # we will wait on 2 file descriptors
        fds = [stdin, self.sock_file]

        # this is the main trick when trying to provide a virtual
        # terminal remotely: the client should set its own terminal
        # in 'raw' mode, in order to avoid interpreting any escape
        # sequence (ctrl-r, etc.). These sequences should just be
        # forwarded up to the terminal running on the server, and
        # this remote terminal will interpret them.
        # Also, echo-ing what is typed should be disabled at the
        # client side, otherwise it would be echo-ed twice.
        # It is better to consider that the server terminal will
        # handle all outputs, otherwise the synchronization between
        # the output coming from the client (echo) and from the
        # server (command outputs, prompts) will not be perfect
        # because of network latency. Thus we let the server terminal
        # handle the echo.
        if self.client_tty:
            while True:
                rlist, wlist, elist = select(fds, [], fds)
                if len(elist) > 0 and len(rlist) == 0:
                fd = rlist[0].fileno()
                if fd == self.sock_file.fileno():
                    if read_and_copy(self.sock_file, stdout.buffer) == False:
                    if read_and_copy(self.stdin_reader,
                                     self.sock_file) == False:
                        # stdin was probably closed, inform the server input is ending
                        # and continue by reading socket only
                        fds = [self.sock_file]
            if self.client_tty:
Exemple #2
 def handle_event(self, ts):
     if self.node_ip_and_port == None:
         # we did not get the parameters yet, let's do it
         params = read_pickle(self.client_sock_file)
         if params == None:
             self.close()  # issue
             return False
         self.node_ip_and_port = (params['node_ip'], params['node_port'])
         # we now have all info to connect to the node
         return self.start()
         # otherwise we are all set. Thus, getting input data means
         # data was sent on the other end.
         return read_and_copy(self.client_sock_file, self.node_sock_file)
 def handle_event(self, ts):
     if self.node_ip_and_port == None:
         # we did not get the parameters yet, let's do it
         params = read_pickle(self.client_sock_file)
         if params == None:
             self.close()    # issue
             return False
         self.node_ip_and_port = (params['node_ip'], params['node_port'])
         # we now have all info to connect to the node
         return self.start()
         # otherwise we are all set. Thus, getting input data means
         # data was sent on the other end.
         return read_and_copy(
             self.client_sock_file, self.node_sock_file)
 def run(self):
     self.local_server_s = server_socket(self.local_port)
     while True:
         read_socks = self.associations.keys() + [ self.local_server_s ]
         select_args = [ read_socks, [], read_socks ]
         rlist, wlist, elist = select(*select_args)
         if len(elist) > 0 or len(rlist) == 0:
         sock_r = rlist[0]
         if sock_r == self.local_server_s:
             if self.event_on_server_s() == False:
             paired_sock = self.associations[sock_r]
             if read_and_copy(sock_r, paired_sock) == False:
                 for s in (sock_r, paired_sock):
                 del self.associations[sock_r]
                 del self.associations[paired_sock]
 def handle_event(self, ts):
     if self.params == None:
         # we did not get the parameters yet, let's do it
         self.params = read_pickle(self.client_sock_file)
         if self.params == None:
             self.close()  # issue
             return False
         if self.prepare(**self.params) == False:
             self.close()  # issue
             return False
         self.params['cmd'] = self.get_command(**self.params)
         # we now have all info to start the child process
         # otherwise we are all set. Thus, getting input data means
         # the user wrote something on the prompt (i.e. the socket)
         # we just have to copy this to the slave process input
         return read_and_copy(self.client_sock_file, self.slave_sock_file)
 def run(self):
     self.local_server_s = server_socket(self.local_port)
     while True:
         read_socks = list(self.associations.keys()) + [self.local_server_s]
         select_args = [read_socks, [], read_socks]
         rlist, wlist, elist = select(*select_args)
         if len(elist) > 0 or len(rlist) == 0:
         sock_r = rlist[0]
         if sock_r == self.local_server_s:
             if self.event_on_server_s() == False:
             paired_sock = self.associations[sock_r]
             if read_and_copy(sock_r, paired_sock) == False:
                 for s in (sock_r, paired_sock):
                 del self.associations[sock_r]
                 del self.associations[paired_sock]
 def handle_event(self, ts):
     return read_and_copy(
             self.env.node_sock_file, self.env.client_sock_file)
 def handle_event(self, ts):
     return read_and_copy(
             self.env.node_sock_file, self.env.client_sock_file)