Exemple #1
    def verify_interval(cls, key, interval, valid_count):
        count = Redis.incr(key)
        Redis.expire(key, interval)
        if count > valid_count:
            return False

        return True
Exemple #2
    def verify_request_interval(cls, device, sig):
        bkey = cls.BLOCK_KEY % ({'device': device})

        key = cls.SIG_KEY % ({'sig': sig})
        # 同样sig一分钟访问不能超过5次
        valid = cls.verify_interval(key, 60, 5)
        if not valid:
            Redis.incr(bkey, 1)
            Redis.expire(bkey, 600)
            return False

        key = cls.DEVICE_KEY % ({'device': device})
        # 同样的device一分钟访问不能超过500次
        valid = cls.verify_interval(key, 60, 500)
        if not valid:
            Redis.incr(bkey, 1)
            Redis.expire(bkey, 600)
            return False

        return True
Exemple #3
 def verify_market_id(cls, mid):
     key = cls.MARKET_KEY % {'mid': mid}
     count = Redis.incr(key, 1)
     return count == 2
Exemple #4
 def incr_counter(self):
     key = self.REWARD_COUNTER % {'aid': self._id}
     return Redis.incr(key)
Exemple #5
 def incr_used_today(cls, aid):
     today = datetime.date.today().strftime('%y%m%d')
     key = cls.USED_TODAY % ({'day': today, 'aid': aid})
     Redis.incr(key, amount=1)
Exemple #6
def activity_team_support():

    :uri: activity/team_support
    :param source: 投票来源(app_play, activity, activity_share, video_share)
    :param device: 设备唯一ID
    :param battle_id: 对战ID
    :param team_name: 支持战队名字
    :return: {'support_count': int}
    params = request.values

    team_name = params.get('team_name', None)
    battle_id = params.get('battle_id', None)
    source = params.get('source', None)
    device = params.get('device', None)
    requ_type = params.get('requ_type', None)

    if not team_name or not source or not device or not battle_id or not requ_type:
        return error.InvalidArguments

    # 增加ip限制,每个ip每天限制20次
    user_ip = request.remote_addr
    ip_key = 'ip_limit:%s:%s:%s:%s' % (user_ip, battle_id, team_name,
    ip_limit = Redis.incr(ip_key)
    if ip_limit == 1:  # 第一次设置key过期时间
        Redis.expire(ip_key, 86400)

    if ip_limit > 2000:
        return error.ActivityVideoNotExist("超出IP限制")

    battle = Battle.get_one_data(battle_id)
    if battle:
        if team_name != battle['team_1'] and team_name != battle['team_2']:
            return error.MteamNotExist
        return error.MteamNotExist

    team_support = TeamSupport.get_team_support(battle_id, team_name)
    if not team_support:
        team_support = TeamSupport.init()
        team_support.team_name = team_name
        team_support.battle_id = ObjectId(battle_id)
        team_support.ticket = 0


    support_count = int(team_support['ticket']) if team_support else 0

    team_support_record = TeamSupportRecord.get_team_support_record(
        device, battle_id, team_name)

    if requ_type == 'support':

        if not team_support_record:
            key = 'lock:team_support:%s:%s:%s' % (device, battle_id, team_name)
            with util.Lockit(Redis, key) as locked:
                if locked:
                    return error.VoteVideoFailed
                team_support_record = TeamSupportRecord.init()
                team_support_record.device = device
                team_support_record.source = source
                team_support_record.team_name = team_name
                team_support_record.battle_id = ObjectId(battle_id)


                support_count = support_count + 1  # 票数加1

    elif requ_type == 'cancel_support':

        if team_support_record:
            key = 'lock:team_support:%s:%s:%s' % (device, battle_id, team_name)
            with util.Lockit(Redis, key) as locked:
                if locked:
                    return error.VoteVideoFailed

                support_count = support_count - 1  # 票数减1
        return error.InvalidArguments

    return {'support_count': support_count}
Exemple #7
def activity_team_vote():

    :uri: activity/team_vote
    :param source: 投票来源(app_play, activity, activity_share, video_share)
    :param device: 设备唯一ID
    :param team_id: 战队ID
    :param ut: 用户ut
    :return: {'team_vote_count': int}
    user = request.authed_user
    print_log('activity/team_vote', '[user]: {0}'.format(user))

    params = request.values.to_dict()

    tid = params.get('team_id', None)
    source = params.get('source', None)
    device = params.get('device', None)
    uid = user and str(user._id)

    if not tid or not source or not device:
        return error.InvalidArguments

    # 增加ip限制,每个ip每天限制20次
    user_ip = request.remote_addr
    ip_key = 'ip_limit:%s:%s:%s' % (user_ip, tid, str(datetime.date.today()))
    ip_limit = Redis.incr(ip_key)
    if ip_limit == 1:  # 第一次设置key过期时间
        Redis.expire(ip_key, 86400)

    if ip_limit > 20:
        return error.ActivityVideoNotExist("超出IP限制")

    mteam = Mteam.get_one(tid)
    if not mteam:
        return error.MteamNotExist

    vote_count = int(mteam['ticket'])
    mname = str(mteam['mname'])

    course = MatchCourse.get_course_by_mname(mname)
    now = int(time.time())
    if course:
        if int(course.course_end) < now:
            return error.VoteVideoFailed
        return error.VoteVideoFailed

    vote = VoteMteam.get_vote(uid=uid, device=device, tid=tid)
    if not vote:
        key = 'lock:vote_mteam:%s:%s' % (device, tid)
        with util.Lockit(Redis, key) as locked:
            if locked:
                return error.VoteVideoFailed
            vote = VoteMteam.init()
            vote.device = device
            vote.source = source
            vote.author = ObjectId(uid)
            vote.target = ObjectId(tid)
            vote.mname = ObjectId(mname)


            # 票数加1
            vote_count = vote_count + 1
    return {'vote_count': vote_count}
Exemple #8
def activity_vote():

    :uri: activity/vote
    :param source: 投票来源(app_play, activity, activity_share, video_share)
    :param device: 设备唯一ID
    :param video_id: 视频ID
    :param ut: 用户ut
    :return: {'vote_count': int}
    user = request.authed_user
    params = request.values.to_dict()

    if not Guard.verify_sig(params):
        return error.InvalidRequest

    vid = params.get('video_id', None)
    source = params.get('source', None)
    device = params.get('device', None)
    uid = user and str(user._id)

    if not vid or not source or not device:
        return error.InvalidArguments

    # 增加ip限制,每个ip每天限制20次
    user_ip = request.remote_addr
    ip_key = 'ip_limit:%s:%s:%s' % (user_ip, vid, str(datetime.date.today()))
    ip_limit = Redis.incr(ip_key)
    if ip_limit == 1:  # 第一次设置key过期时间
        Redis.expire(ip_key, 86400)

    if ip_limit > 20:
        return error.ActivityVideoNotExist("超出IP限制")

    video = Video.get_one(vid)
    if not video:
        return error.VideoNotExist

    activity_video = ActivityVideo.get_activity_video_by_vid(vid)
    if not activity_video:
        return error.ActivityVideoNotExist("该视频未参赛")

    vote_count = activity_video['vote']
    activity_id = activity_video['activity_id']

    activity_config = ActivityConfig.get_one(activity_id)
    if not activity_config or not activity_config.online:
        return error.ActivityEnd

    is_voted = True if VoteVideo.get_vote(uid, device, vid) else False
    if is_voted:
        return error.VoteVideoLimited

    vote = VoteVideo.get_vote(uid=uid, device=device, vid=vid)
    if not vote:
        key = 'lock:vote_video:%s:%s' % (device, vid)
        with util.Lockit(Redis, key) as locked:
            if locked:
                return error.VoteVideoFailed
            vote = VoteVideo.init()
            vote.device = device
            vote.source = source
            vote.author = ObjectId(uid)
            vote.target = ObjectId(vid)
            vote.activity = ObjectId(activity_id)
            # 票数加1
            vote_count = vote_count + 1

    # 营销数据入库经分  投票活动
    from wanx.platforms.migu import Marketing
    data_dict = dict(cmd="vote",
                     deviceid=params.get('device', ''),
                     source=params.get('source', 'activity'),

    return {'vote_count': vote_count}