def game_host(): """获取API的URL (GET) :uri: /games/host :param game_id: 游戏id :returns: {'host': url, 'live_host': url, 'under_test': bool, 'migu_app': {'appid': string, 'secret': string}} """ params = request.values gid = params.get('game_id', None) game = Game.get_one(gid, check_online=False) if not game: return error.GameNotExist if game.status is None or game.status == const.ONLINE: host = app.config.get('SERVER_URL') live_host = app.config.get('LIVE_SERVER_URL') elif game.status == const.OFFLINE: live_host = host = 'http://localhost' elif game.status == const.UNDER_TEST: from config import Stage host = Stage.SERVER_URL live_host = Stage.LIVE_SERVER_URL else: live_host = host = app.config.get('SERVER_URL') return { 'host': host, 'live_host': live_host, 'under_test': game.status == const.UNDER_TEST, 'migu_app': game.migu }
def game_download(gid): """获取游戏下载地址(GET|POST) :uri: /games/<string:gid>/download :returns: {'url': url, 'download_id': string} """ ua = request.headers.get('User-Agent') game = Game.get_one(gid, check_online=False) if not game: return error.GameNotExist url = game.format(exclude_fields=['subscribed'])['url'] if and game.bcode: url = Migu.ota_download(ua, game.bcode, or url # 增加下载记录 gd = GameDownload.init() gd.user = request.authed_user._id if request.authed_user else None gd.device = request.values.get('device', None) = game._id gd.finish = False download_id = gd.create_model() #咪咕汇活动 user = request.authed_user if user: Marketing.trigger_report(user.partner_migu['id'],, 'download_game') return {'url': url, 'download_id': str(download_id)}
def format(cls, live, exclude_fields=[]): user_ex_fields = [] game_ex_fields = [] for field in exclude_fields: if field.startswith('user__'): _, _field = field.split('__') user_ex_fields.append(_field) elif field.startswith('game__'): _, _field = field.split('__') game_ex_fields.append(_field) ut = request.values.get("ut", None) uid = User.uid_from_token(ut) user_id = live.get('user_id', None) from wanx.models.home import Share share_title = None if str(user_id) == uid: share_title = Share.get_by_self_live().title else: share_title = Share.get_by_others_live().title game = Game.get_one(str(live['game_id']), check_online=False) user = User.get_one(str(live['user_id']), check_online=False) live['user'] = user and user.format(exclude_fields=user_ex_fields) live['game'] = game and game.format(exclude_fields=game_ex_fields) live['from_following'] = live.get('from_following', False) live['share_title'] = share_title # 强行移除ut live.pop('ut', None) return live
def do_task(worker, job): from wanx.base.log import print_log from wanx.base import const from import Video from wanx.models.user import User from import Game data = # 记录日志 print_log('create_live_video', data) data = json.loads(data) # 记录日志 print_log('create_live_video', '%s ==========================> Start' % (data['event_id'])) user = User.get_one(data['user_id'], check_online=False) if not user: return '' game = Game.get_one(data['game_id'], check_online=False) if not game: return '' video_id = Video.get_video_by_event_id(data['event_id'], str(user._id)) video = Video.get_one(str(video_id), check_online=False) if not video: video = Video.init() = ObjectId(data['user_id']) = ObjectId(data['game_id']) video.title = data['title'] video.duration = data['duration'] video.ratio = data['ratio'] video.cover = data['cover'] video.url = data['url'] video.event_id = data['event_id'] video.status = const.ONLINE video.create_model() else: data['author'] = ObjectId(data.pop('user_id')) data['game'] = ObjectId(data.pop('game_id')) video.update_model({'$set': data}) # 记录日志 print_log('create_live_video', '%s ==========================> Finished' % (data['event_id'])) from wanx.models.activity import Battle battle = Battle.get_live_battle( data['user_id'], data['title'].decode('unicode-escape').encode('utf-8'), None) if battle: Battle.set_video_id(battle['_id'], video_id) return ''
def format(self): data = model_to_dict(self) image = self.image if self.game_id and not image: game = Game.get_one(self.game_id, check_online=False) image = game and game.icon data['image'] = urljoin(app.config.get("MEDIA_URL"), image) data['cover'] = self.cover and urljoin(app.config.get("MEDIA_URL"), self.cover) return data
def get_game(gid): """获取游戏详细信息 (GET) :uri: /games/<string:gid> :returns: object """ game = Game.get_one(gid, check_online=False) if not game: return error.GameNotExist return game.format()
def format_game(view, context, model, name): model = model if isinstance(model, dict) else model_to_dict(model) _value = model.get(name, None) obj = Game.get_one(str(_value), check_online=False) if obj: _value = '%s (%s)' % (, _value) html = u'<a href="/admin/gamesview/?flt1_0=%s">%s</a>' % (str( obj._id), _value) _value = widgets.HTMLString(html) else: _value = u'游戏不存在' return _value
def migu_user_videos(openid): """获取用户创建的视频 (GET) :uri: /migu/users/<string:openid>/videos/ :param game_id: 咪咕游戏id, 不传取用户所有游戏的视频 :param maxs: 最后时间, 0代表当前时间, 无此参数按page来分页 :param page: 页码(数据可能有重复, 建议按照maxs分页) :param nbr: 每页数量 :returns: {'videos': list, 'end_page': bool, 'maxs': timestamp} """ params = request.values maxs = params.get('maxs', None) maxs = time.time() if maxs is not None and int( float(maxs)) == 0 else maxs and float(maxs) page = int(params.get('page', 1)) pagesize = int(params.get('nbr', 10)) bid = params.get('game_id', None) game = Game.get_by_bid(bid) gid = str(game._id) if game else None user = User.get_platform_user('migu', openid) if not user: return error.UserNotExist uid = str(user._id) videos = list() vids = list() while len(videos) < pagesize: if gid: vids = Video.user_game_video_ids(uid, gid, page, pagesize, maxs) else: vids = Video.user_video_ids(uid, page, pagesize, maxs) for video in Video.get_list(vids): game = Game.get_one(str( # 过滤掉不是咪咕大厅游戏(游戏bid字段为空)的视频 if game and videos.append(video.format()) # 如果按照maxs分页, 不足pagesize个记录则继续查询 if maxs is not None: obj = Video.get_one(vids[-1], check_online=False) if vids else None maxs = obj.create_at if obj else 1000 if len(vids) < pagesize: break else: break return {'videos': videos, 'end_page': len(vids) != pagesize, 'maxs': maxs}
def user_videos(uid): """获取用户创建的视频 (GET) :uri: /users/<string:uid>/videos :params game_id: 游戏id, 不传取用户所有游戏的视频 :param maxs: 最后时间, 0代表当前时间, 无此参数按page来分页 :param page: 页码(数据可能有重复, 建议按照maxs分页) :param nbr: 每页数量 :returns: {'videos': list, 'end_page': bool, 'maxs': timestamp} """ params = request.values maxs = params.get('maxs', None) maxs = time.time() if maxs is not None and int( float(maxs)) == 0 else maxs and float(maxs) page = int(params.get('page', 1)) pagesize = int(params.get('nbr', 10)) gid = params.get('game_id', None) if gid and not Game.get_one(gid): return error.GameNotExist videos = list() vids = list() while len(videos) < pagesize: if gid: vids = Video.user_game_video_ids(uid, gid, page, pagesize, maxs) else: vids = Video.user_video_ids(uid, page, pagesize, maxs) ex_fields = [ 'is_favored', 'is_liked', 'author__is_followed', 'game__subscribed' ] videos.extend( [v.format(exclude_fields=ex_fields) for v in Video.get_list(vids)]) # 如果按照maxs分页, 不足pagesize个记录则继续查询 if maxs is not None: obj = Video.get_one(vids[-1], check_online=False) if vids else None maxs = obj.create_at if obj else 1000 if len(vids) < pagesize: break else: break return {'videos': videos, 'end_page': len(vids) != pagesize, 'maxs': maxs}
def unsub_game(): """取消订阅游戏 (GET|POST&LOGIN) :uri: /user/opt/unsubscribe-game :param game_id: 游戏id :returns: {} """ user = request.authed_user gid = request.values.get('game_id', None) game = Game.get_one(gid, check_online=False) if not game: return error.GameNotExist key = 'lock:unsubgame:%s' % (str(user._id)) with util.Lockit(Redis, key) as locked: if locked: return error.SubGameFailed('取消订阅失败') usg = UserSubGame.get_by_ship(str(user._id), gid) usg.delete_model() if usg else None return {}
def create_video(): """创建视频 (POST&LOGIN) :uri: /videos/new-video :param game_id: 视频所属游戏id :param title: 视频标题 :param duration: 视频时长 :param ratio: 视频尺寸 :returns: object """ user = request.authed_user gid = request.values['game_id'] game = Game.get_one(gid) if not game: return error.GameNotExist video = Video.init() = ObjectId(user._id) = ObjectId(gid) video.title = request.values['title'] # 敏感词检查 if Spam.filter_words(video.title, 'video'): return error.InvalidContent try: duration = int(request.values['duration']) except: return error.InvalidArguments video.duration = duration video.ratio = request.values['ratio'] # 设置为文件上传状态, 文件上传成功之后更改为上线状态 video.status = const.UPLOADING vid = video.create_model() # 任务检查 if user: UserTask.check_user_tasks(str(user._id), CREATE_VIDEO, 1) return Video.get_one(vid, check_online=False).format()
def user_subs(): """ 用户订阅内容 :uri: /user/subscribed/all :param: page :param: nbr :param: maxs :return: {'objs': <SubObj>list} """ user = request.authed_user uid = str(user._id) params = request.values page = int(params.get('page', 1)) pagesize = int(params.get('nbr', 10)) maxs = params.get('maxs', None) maxs = time.time() if maxs is not None and int( float(maxs)) == 0 else maxs and float(maxs) objs = list() ids = list() while len(objs) < pagesize: ids = UserSubObj.user_sub_obj_ids(uid, page, pagesize, maxs) for _id, _ in ids: _obj = Game.get_one(_id) or Show.get_one(_id) _obj and objs.append( _obj.format(exclude_fields=['subscribed', 'obj_type'])) # 如果按照maxs分页, 不足pagesize个记录则继续查询 if maxs is not None: maxs = ids[-1][1] if ids else 1000 if len(ids) < pagesize: break else: break return {'objs': objs, 'end_page': len(ids) != pagesize, 'maxs': maxs}
def migu_elite_video(): """获取精选视频 (GET) :uri: /migu/videos/elite/ :param maxs: 最后时间, 0代表当前时间, 无此参数按page来分页 :param page: 页码(数据可能有重复, 建议按照maxs分页) :param nbr: 每页数量 :returns: {'videos': list, 'end_page': bool, 'maxs': timestamp} """ params = request.values maxs = params.get('maxs', None) maxs = time.time() if maxs is not None and int( float(maxs)) == 0 else maxs and float(maxs) page = int(params.get('page', 1)) pagesize = int(params.get('nbr', 10)) videos = list() vids = list() while len(videos) < pagesize: vids = Video.elite_video_ids(page, pagesize, maxs) for video in Video.get_list(vids): game = Game.get_one(str( # 过滤掉不是咪咕大厅游戏(游戏bid字段为空)的视频 if game and videos.append(video.format()) # 如果按照maxs分页, 不足pagesize个记录则继续查询 if maxs is not None: obj = Video.get_one(vids[-1], check_online=False) if vids else None maxs = obj.release_time if obj else 1000 if len(vids) < pagesize: break else: break return {'videos': videos, 'end_page': len(vids) != pagesize, 'maxs': maxs}
def do_task(worker, job): from wanx.base.log import print_log from wanx.base import const, util, jpush from wanx.models.user import User from import Game from import Live_Activity from wanx.models.activity import ActivityConfig from import GameActivity from wanx.models.task import BEGIN_LIVE, UserTask from wanx.base.xredis import Redis from wanx.base.xmysql import MYDB from wanx.platforms.xmatch import Xmatch data = # 记录日志 print_log('create_live_activity', data) data = json.loads(data) # 记录日志 print_log('create_live_activity', '%s ==========================> Start' % (data['event_id'])) user = User.get_one(data['user_id'], check_online=False) if not user: return '' # 主播上线push推送 push_content = u"您关注的主播 {0} 正在直播,点击围观".format(user.nickname) message_content = u"您关注的主播 {0} 正在直播,速速去围观吧!".format(user.nickname) an_link = "playsdk://video_live/{0}/".format(data['event_id']) ios_link = "playsdk://live/{0}".format(data['event_id']) jpush.jpush_schedule_create(data['event_id'], user, push_content, message_content, an_link, ios_link) # 赛事预约直播上线推送 battle = Xmatch.getbattle(user._id, data['name']) if battle: battle = battle['data']['battle'] push_title = u'您预约的比赛正在进行' push_content = u"{0} vs {1}正在直播,点击围观".format(battle['team_1'], battle['team_2']) message_content = u"您预约的比赛{0} vs {1}正在直播!".format( battle['team_1'], battle['team_2']) if battle.get('players', '') != "": push_content = message_content = battle['live_name'] an_link = "playsdk://video_live/{0}/".format(data['event_id']) ios_link = "playsdk://live/{0}".format(data['event_id']) jpush.jpush_withtitle_create(data['event_id'], battle['_id'], push_title, push_content, message_content, an_link, ios_link) game = Game.get_one(data['game_id'], check_online=False) if not game: return '' aid = None aids = ActivityConfig.get_by_type(const.FROM_LIVE) for a in ActivityConfig.get_list(aids): gids = GameActivity.game_activity_ids(a['_id']) if gids and data['game_id'] not in gids: continue aid = a['_id'] break if not aid: return '' print_log('create_live_activity', '%s ==========================> activity_id' % (aid)) activity_live = Live_Activity.get_activity_live(str(user._id), aid) if not activity_live: key = 'lock:activity:live:%s:%s' % (str(user._id), aid) with util.Lockit(Redis, key) as locked: if locked: return '' activity_live = Live_Activity.init() = ObjectId(data['user_id']) = ObjectId(data['game_id']) activity_live.event_id = data['event_id'] activity_live.activity_id = ObjectId(aid) activity_live.create_model() # 如果没有活动任务则创建 UserTask.create_and_init_user_tasks(str(user._id)) if not MYDB.is_closed(): MYDB.close() try: UserTask.check_user_tasks(user._id, BEGIN_LIVE, 1, data['game_id'], aid) except Exception as e: print_log('create_live_activity', '%s ========' % e) if not MYDB.is_closed(): MYDB.close() # 记录日志 print_log('create_live_activity', '%s ==========================> Finished' % (data['event_id'])) return ''