Exemple #1
def get_results(equation):
    queryStr = waeo.CreateQuery(equation)

    wap.WolframAlphaQuery(queryStr, WA_APP_ID)
    result = waeo.PerformQuery(queryStr)
    result = wap.WolframAlphaQueryResult(result)

    data = []
    answer = []
    for pod in result.Pods():
        waPod = wap.Pod(pod)
        title = "Pod.title: " + waPod.Title()[0]
        print title
        for subpod in waPod.Subpods():
            waSubpod = wap.Subpod(subpod)
            plaintext = waSubpod.Plaintext()[0]
            img = waSubpod.Img()
            src = wap.scanbranches(img[0], 'src')[0]
            alt = wap.scanbranches(img[0], 'alt')[0]
            print "-------------"
            print "img.src: " + src
            image = "img.src: " + src
            print "img.alt: " + alt
        print "\n"

    return data, answer
Exemple #2
    def call_api(self, val):
        '''call API from Wolfram Alpha and return output'''
        server = 'http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query.jsp'
        appid = '6LA36U-7V45PGUA6E'
        input = val
        waeo = wap.WolframAlphaEngine(appid, server)
        queryStr = waeo.CreateQuery(val)
        wap.WolframAlphaQuery(queryStr, appid)
        result = waeo.PerformQuery(queryStr)
        result = wap.WolframAlphaQueryResult(result)

        for pod in result.Pods():
                waPod = wap.Pod(pod)
                title = "Pod.title: " + waPod.Title()[0]
                for subpod in waPod.Subpods():
                        waSubpod = wap.Subpod(subpod)
                        plaintext = waSubpod.Plaintext()[0]
                        img = waSubpod.Img()
                        src = wap.scanbranches(img[0], 'src')[0]
                        alt = wap.scanbranches(img[0], 'alt')[0]
                        self.ls_src = map(str, self.ls_src)
        return self.ls_pod
Exemple #3
    def call_api(self, val):
        '''call API from Wolfram Alpha and return output'''
        server = 'http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query.jsp'
        appid = '6LA36U-7V45PGUA6E'
        input = val
        waeo = wap.WolframAlphaEngine(appid, server)
        queryStr = waeo.CreateQuery(val)
        wap.WolframAlphaQuery(queryStr, appid)
        result = waeo.PerformQuery(queryStr)
        result = wap.WolframAlphaQueryResult(result)

        for pod in result.Pods():
            waPod = wap.Pod(pod)
            title = "Pod.title: " + waPod.Title()[0]
            for subpod in waPod.Subpods():
                waSubpod = wap.Subpod(subpod)
                plaintext = waSubpod.Plaintext()[0]
                img = waSubpod.Img()
                src = wap.scanbranches(img[0], 'src')[0]
                alt = wap.scanbranches(img[0], 'alt')[0]
                self.ls_src = map(str, self.ls_src)
        return self.ls_pod
Exemple #4
 def calcResult(self):
     query = self.waeo.CreateQuery(self.inpt)
     raw_result = self.waeo.PerformQuery(query)
     content = wap.WolframAlphaQueryResult(raw_result)
     result = None
     resultImg = None
     if content.IsSuccess():
         dataType = content.DataTypes()[0]
         if dataType == 'Math':
             for pod in content.Pods():
                 waPod = wap.Pod(pod)
                 print waPod.Title()[0]
                 pTitle = str(waPod.Title()[0])
                 if pTitle == 'Result' or 'result' in pTitle:
                     waSubpod = wap.Subpod(waPod.Subpods()[0])
                     result = waSubpod.Plaintext()[0]
         elif 'MathematicalFunctionIdentity' in dataType:
             for pod in content.Pods():
                 waPod = wap.Pod(pod)
                 if str(waPod.Title()[0]) == 'Decimal approximation':
                     waSubpod = wap.Subpod(waPod.Subpods()[0])
                     result = waSubpod.Plaintext()[0]
             for pod in content.Pods():
                 waPod = wap.Pod(pod)
                 solvedResults = ['Differential equation solution', 'Limit']
                 waPodTitle = str(waPod.Title()[0])
                 if 'integral' in waPodTitle or waPodTitle in solvedResults:
                     waSubpod = wap.Subpod(waPod.Subpods()[0])
                     result = waSubpod.Plaintext()[0]
                     rightIndex = result.rindex('=') + 2
                     result = result[rightIndex:]
                     img = waSubpod.Img()
                     resultImg = wap.scanbranches(img[0], 'src')[0]
                 elif 'Result' in waPodTitle:
                     waSubpod = wap.Subpod(waPod.Subpods()[0])
                     result = waSubpod.Plaintext()[0]
                     img = waSubpod.Img()
                     resultImg = wap.scanbranches(img[0], 'src')[0]
     return result, resultImg
Exemple #5
def running():
    """ Method for actually running the display """

    global img, queries
    for e in pygame.event.get():
        if e.type is QUIT or (e.type is KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE):
            return False
        elif e.type is KEYDOWN and e.key == K_SPACE:
            server = 'http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query.jsp'
            appid = 'RV3P54-H477JEA2XE'

            pos_queries = [
                'When is the next full moon?',
                'What time is it in India?',
                'How long is the flight from New York to Atlanta?',
                'How far is DC to Anchorage?',
                'Where is Emory University?',
                'What is the current local time in Portland, Oregon?',
            rand_query = random.choice(pos_queries)
            queries.add(text='Query: ' + rand_query)
            waeo = wap.WolframAlphaEngine(appid, server)
            queryStr = waeo.CreateQuery(rand_query)
            result = waeo.PerformQuery(queryStr)
            result = wap.WolframAlphaQueryResult(result)

            p = result.Pods()
                waPod = wap.Pod(p[1])
                waSubpod = wap.Subpod(waPod.Subpods()[0])
                plaintext = waSubpod.Plaintext()[0]
                imgg = waSubpod.Img()
                alt = wap.scanbranches(imgg[0], 'alt')[0]
            except IndexError:
                queries.add(text='No results found')

    rand_block(rr(10, 100))

    screen = pygame.display.get_surface()
    screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

    for screen_object in SCREEN_OBJECTS:

    # draw the image
    screen.blit(img, (WIDTH - BUFFER - 200, HEIGHT - BUFFER - 200))
    return True
Exemple #6
def running():
    """ Method for actually running the display """

    global img, queries

    for e in pygame.event.get():
        if e.type is QUIT or (e.type is KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE):
            return False
        elif e.type is KEYDOWN and e.key == K_SPACE:
            server = 'http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query.jsp'
            appid = 'RV3P54-H477JEA2XE'

            pos_queries = [
                'When is the next full moon?',
                'What time is it in India?',
                'How long is the flight from New York to Atlanta?',
                'How far is DC to Anchorage?',
                'Where is Emory University?',
                'What is the current local time in Portland, Oregon?',

            rand_query = random.choice(pos_queries)
            queries.add(text='Query: ' + rand_query)

            waeo = wap.WolframAlphaEngine(appid, server)
            queryStr = waeo.CreateQuery(rand_query)
            result = waeo.PerformQuery(queryStr)
            result = wap.WolframAlphaQueryResult(result)

            p = result.Pods()
                waPod = wap.Pod(p[1])
                waSubpod = wap.Subpod(waPod.Subpods()[0])
                plaintext = waSubpod.Plaintext()[0]
                imgg = waSubpod.Img()
                alt = wap.scanbranches(imgg[0], 'alt')[0]
            except IndexError:
                queries.add(text='No results found')

    rand_block(rr(10, 100))

    screen = pygame.display.get_surface()
    screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

    for screen_object in SCREEN_OBJECTS:

    # draw the image
    screen.blit(img, (WIDTH - BUFFER - 200, HEIGHT - BUFFER - 200))


    return True
Exemple #7
def FC(data, show_gui=False):
	input = data

	server = 'http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query.jsp'
	with open('../../APPID_wolfram') as f:
		appid = f.readline().strip()

	# Need to further parse data; maybe?	Nope! Unless we want timestamps ... :(

	waeo = wap.WolframAlphaEngine(appid, server)

	queryStr = waeo.CreateQuery(input)
	wap.WolframAlphaQuery(queryStr, appid)
	result = waeo.PerformQuery(queryStr)
	result = wap.WolframAlphaQueryResult(result)

	for pod in result.Pods():
		waPod = wap.Pod(pod)
		title = "Pod.title: " + waPod.Title()[0]
			print title
		for subpod in waPod.Subpods():
			waSubpod = wap.Subpod(subpod)
			plaintext = waSubpod.Plaintext()[0]
			img = waSubpod.Img()
			src = wap.scanbranches(img[0], 'src')[0]
			alt = wap.scanbranches(img[0], 'alt')[0]
				print "-------------"
				print "img.src: " + src
				print "img.alt: " + alt
			if ( title.strip() == "Pod.title: Result" ):
				return alt;
			print "\n"

	# Never got a result :(
	return "\0";
                                day = i["date"]["weekday"] + ", " + i["date"]["monthname"] + " " + i["date"]["day"] + ", " + i["date"]["year"]
                                high = i["high"]["fahrenheit"]
                                low = i["high"]["fahrenheit"]
                                conditions = ["conditions"]
                                loc = city.replace("_", " ")
                                print "On %s, it will be %s in %s. The high will be %s degrees Fahrenheit. The low will be %s degrees Fahrenheit." % (day, conditions, loc, high, low)

                #assigning more wa variables
                queryStr = waeo.CreateQuery(question)
                wap.WolframAlphaQuery(queryStr, appid) %ssdddds
                result = waeo.PerformQuery(queryStr)
                result = wap.WolframAlphaQueryResult(result)

                #print wa results
                for pod in result.Pods():
                        waPod = wap.Pod(pod)
                        title = waPod.Title()[0]
                        print title
                        for subpod in waPod.Subpods():
                                waSubpod = wap.Subpod(subpod)
                                plaintext = waSubpod.Plaintext()[0]
                                img = waSubpod.Img()
                                src = wap.scanbranches(img[0], 'src')[0]
                                alt = wap.scanbranches(img[0], 'alt')[0]
                                print "-------------"
                                print plaintext
                        print "\n"
                question = ""
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import wap

server = 'http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query.jsp'
appid = 'XXXX'
input = 'pi'

waeo = wap.WolframAlphaEngine(appid, server)

queryStr = waeo.CreateQuery(input)
wap.WolframAlphaQuery(queryStr, appid)
result = waeo.PerformQuery(queryStr)
result = wap.WolframAlphaQueryResult(result)

for pod in result.Pods():
    waPod = wap.Pod(pod)
    title = "Pod.title: " + waPod.Title()[0]
    print title
    for subpod in waPod.Subpods():
        waSubpod = wap.Subpod(subpod)
        plaintext = waSubpod.Plaintext()[0]
        img = waSubpod.Img()
        src = wap.scanbranches(img[0], 'src')[0]
        alt = wap.scanbranches(img[0], 'alt')[0]
        print "-------------"
        print "img.src: " + src
        print "img.alt: " + alt
    print "\n"
Exemple #10
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import wap

server = 'http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query.jsp'
appid = '28W43H-6P86G7XK79'
input = 'What is Alzheimers?'

waeo = wap.WolframAlphaEngine(appid, server)

queryStr = waeo.CreateQuery(input)
wap.WolframAlphaQuery(queryStr, appid)
result = waeo.PerformQuery(queryStr)
result = wap.WolframAlphaQueryResult(result)
x = 0
for pod in result.Pods():
	#if x < 2:
		waPod = wap.Pod(pod)
		for subpod in waPod.Subpods():
			waSubpod = wap.Subpod(subpod)
			plaintext = waSubpod.Plaintext()[0]
			img = waSubpod.Img()
			alt = wap.scanbranches(img[0], 'alt')[0]
			print (alt)
			x = x + 1