async def _async_try_login_post( self, username: str, password: str, auth_url: str) -> Tuple[bool, dict, List[str]]: # Fetch the login page and try to extract the login form try: page = await self.async_get(web.Request(auth_url), follow_redirects=True) form = {} disconnect_urls = [] login_form, username_field_idx, password_field_idx = page.find_login_form( ) if login_form: post_params = login_form.post_params get_params = login_form.get_params if login_form.method == "POST": post_params[username_field_idx][1] = username post_params[password_field_idx][1] = password form["login_field"] = post_params[username_field_idx][0] form["password_field"] = post_params[password_field_idx][0] else: get_params[username_field_idx][1] = username get_params[password_field_idx][1] = password form["login_field"] = get_params[username_field_idx][0] form["password_field"] = get_params[password_field_idx][0] login_request = web.Request(path=login_form.url, method=login_form.method, post_params=post_params, get_params=get_params, referer=login_form.referer, link_depth=login_form.link_depth) login_response = await self.async_send(login_request, follow_redirects=True) # ensure logged in if login_response.soup.find_all( text=re.compile(DISCONNECT_REGEX)): self.is_logged_in = True logging.success(_("Login success")) disconnect_urls = self._extract_disconnect_urls( login_response) else: logging.warning( _("Login failed") + " : " + _("Credentials might be invalid")) else: logging.warning( _("Login failed") + " : " + _("No login form detected")) return self.is_logged_in, form, disconnect_urls except ConnectionError: logging.error(_("[!] Connection error with URL"), auth_url) except httpx.RequestError as error: logging.error( _("[!] {} with url {}").format(error.__class__.__name__, auth_url))
async def async_try_login(self, auth_url: str): """Try to authenticate with the provided url and credentials.""" if len(self._auth_credentials) != 2: logging.error( _("Login failed") + " : " + _("Invalid credentials format")) return username, password = self._auth_credentials # Fetch the login page and try to extract the login form try: page = await self.async_get(web.Request(auth_url), follow_redirects=True) login_form, username_field_idx, password_field_idx = page.find_login_form( ) if login_form: post_params = login_form.post_params get_params = login_form.get_params if login_form.method == "POST": post_params[username_field_idx][1] = username post_params[password_field_idx][1] = password else: get_params[username_field_idx][1] = username get_params[password_field_idx][1] = password login_request = web.Request(path=login_form.url, method=login_form.method, post_params=post_params, get_params=get_params, referer=login_form.referer, link_depth=login_form.link_depth) login_response = await self.async_send(login_request, follow_redirects=True) # ensure logged in if login_response.soup.find_all(text=re.compile( r'(?i)((log|sign)\s?out|disconnect|déconnexion)')): self.is_logged_in = True logging.success(_("Login success")) else: logging.warning( _("Login failed") + " : " + _("Credentials might be invalid")) else: logging.warning( _("Login failed") + " : " + _("No login form detected")) except ConnectionError: logging.error(_("[!] Connection error with URL"), auth_url) except httpx.RequestError as error: logging.error( _("[!] {} with url {}").format(error.__class__.__name__, auth_url))
def __init__(self, crawler, xml_report_generator, logger, attack_options): Attack.__init__(self, crawler, xml_report_generator, logger, attack_options) user_config_dir = os.getenv('HOME') or os.getenv('USERPROFILE') user_config_dir += "/config" if not os.path.isdir(user_config_dir): os.makedirs(user_config_dir) try: with open(os.path.join(user_config_dir, self.NIKTO_DB)) as fd: reader = csv.reader(fd) self.nikto_db = [line for line in reader if line != [] and line[0].isdigit()] except IOError: try: print(_("Problem with local nikto database.")) print(_("Downloading from the web...")) nikto_req = web.Request("") response = self.crawler.send(nikto_req) csv.register_dialect("nikto", quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL, doublequote=False, escapechar="\\") reader = csv.reader(response.content.split("\n"), "nikto") self.nikto_db = [line for line in reader if line != [] and line[0].isdigit()] with open(os.path.join(user_config_dir, self.NIKTO_DB), "w") as fd: writer = csv.writer(fd) writer.writerows(self.nikto_db) except socket.timeout: print(_("Error downloading Nikto database"))
async def _async_try_login_basic_digest_ntlm( self, auth_url: str) -> Tuple[bool, dict, List[str]]: page = await self.async_get(web.Request(auth_url)) if page.status in (401, 403, 404): return False, {}, [] return True, {}, []
def test_credentials(self, login_form, username_index, password_index, username, password): post_params = login_form.post_params get_params = login_form.get_params if login_form.method == "POST": post_params[username_index][1] = username post_params[password_index][1] = password else: get_params[username_index][1] = username get_params[password_index][1] = password login_request = web.Request(path=login_form.url, method=login_form.method, post_params=post_params, get_params=get_params, referer=login_form.referer, link_depth=login_form.link_depth) try: login_response = self.crawler.send(login_request, follow_redirects=True) except ReadTimeout: return "" return login_response.content
def __init__(self, base_url: str, timeout: float = 10.0, secure: bool = False, compression: bool = True, proxies: dict = None, user_agent: str = None): self._timeout = timeout self._session = requests.Session() if user_agent: self._session.headers["User-Agent"] = user_agent else: self._session.headers[ "User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0" self._session.headers["Accept-Language"] = "en-US" self._session.headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "gzip, deflate, br" self._session.headers[ "Accept"] = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8" self._session.max_redirects = 5 self._session.verify = secure self._scope = Scope.FOLDER self._base = web.Request(base_url) self.auth_url = self._base.url self.is_logged_in = False if not compression: self._session.headers["accept-encoding"] = "identity" if proxies is not None and isinstance(proxies, dict): # ex: {'http': ''} self._session.proxies = proxies self._auth_credentials = {} self._auth_method = "basic"
def attack(self): http_resources = self.persister.get_links( if self.do_get else [] for original_request in http_resources: try: url = original_request.path if self.verbose == 2: print("[¨] {0}".format(url)) if url not in self.attacked_get: self.attacked_get.append(url) evil_req = web.Request(url) resp = self.crawler.send(evil_req, headers=self.hdrs) if resp: data = resp.content if self.rand_string in data: self.log_red(_("URL {0} seems vulnerable to Shellshock attack!").format(url)) self.add_vuln( request_id=original_request.path_id, category=Vulnerability.EXEC, level=Vulnerability.HIGH_LEVEL, request=evil_req, info=_("URL {0} seems vulnerable to Shellshock attack").format(url) ) except (RequestException, KeyboardInterrupt) as exception: yield exception yield original_request
def find_login_form(self): """Returns the login Request extracted from the Page, the username and password fields.""" for form in self.soup.find_all("form"): username_field_idx = [] password_field_idx = [] for i, input_field in enumerate(form.find_all("input")): input_type = input_field.attrs.get("type", "text").lower() input_name = input_field.attrs.get("name", "undefined").lower() input_id = input_field.attrs.get("id", "undefined").lower() if input_type == "email": username_field_idx.append(i) elif input_type == "text" and (any( field_name in input_name for field_name in ["mail", "user", "login", "name"] ) or any(field_id in input_id for field_id in ["mail", "user", "login", "name"])): username_field_idx.append(i) elif input_type == "password": password_field_idx.append(i) # ensure login form if len(username_field_idx) == 1 and len(password_field_idx) == 1: inputs = form.find_all("input", attrs={"name": True}) url = self.make_absolute( form.attrs.get("action", "").strip() or self.url) method = form.attrs.get("method", "GET").strip().upper() enctype = form.attrs.get( "enctype", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded").lower() post_params = [] get_params = [] if method == "POST": post_params = [[ input_data["name"], input_data.get("value", "") ] for input_data in inputs] else: get_params = [[ input_data["name"], input_data.get("value", "") ] for input_data in inputs] login_form = web.Request( url, method=method, post_params=post_params, get_params=get_params, encoding=self.apparent_encoding, referer=self.url, enctype=enctype, ) return login_form, username_field_idx[0], password_field_idx[0] return None, "", ""
def get_path_by_id(self, path_id): cursor = self._conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM paths WHERE path_id = ? LIMIT 1", (path_id, )) row = cursor.fetchone() if not row: return None get_params = [] post_params = [] file_params = [] for param_row in cursor.execute( ("SELECT type, name, value1, value2, meta " "FROM params " "WHERE path_id = ? " "ORDER BY type, param_order"), (path_id, )): name = param_row[1] value1 = param_row[2] if param_row[0] == "GET": get_params.append([name, value1]) elif param_row[0] == "POST": if name == "__RAW__" and not post_params: # First POST parameter is __RAW__, it should mean that we have raw content post_params = value1 elif isinstance(post_params, list): post_params.append([name, value1]) elif param_row[0] == "FILE": if param_row[4]: file_params.append( [name, (value1, param_row[3], param_row[4])]) else: file_params.append([name, (value1, param_row[3])]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown param type {}".format(param_row[0])) request = web.Request(row[1], method=row[2], encoding=row[5], enctype=row[3], referer=row[8], get_params=get_params, post_params=post_params, file_params=file_params) if row[6]: request.status = row[6] if row[7]: request.set_headers(json.loads(row[7])) request.link_depth = row[4] request.path_id = path_id return request
def attack(self): http_resources = self.persister.get_links( if self.do_get else [] for original_request in http_resources: if original_request.file_name == "": yield original_request continue page = original_request.path headers = original_request.headers # Do not attack application-type files if "content-type" not in headers: # Sometimes there's no content-type... so we rely on the document extension if (page.split(".")[-1] not in self.allowed) and page[-1] != "/": yield original_request continue elif "text" not in headers["content-type"]: yield original_request continue for payload, flags in self.payloads: try: payload = payload.replace("[FILE_NAME]", original_request.file_name) payload = payload.replace( "[FILE_NOEXT]", splitext(original_request.file_name)[0]) url = page.replace(original_request.file_name, payload) if self.verbose == 2: print("[¨] {0}".format(url)) if url not in self.attacked_get: self.attacked_get.append(url) evil_req = web.Request(url) response = self.crawler.send(evil_req) if response and response.status == 200: self.log_red( _("Found backup file {}".format(evil_req.url))) self.add_vuln( request_id=original_request.path_id, category=NAME, level=LOW_LEVEL, request=evil_req, info=_("Backup file {0} found for {1}").format( url, page)) except (KeyboardInterrupt, RequestException) as exception: yield exception yield original_request
def test_directory(self, path: str): if self.verbose == 2: print("[¨] Testing directory {0}".format(path)) test_page = web.Request(path + "does_n0t_exist.htm") try: response = self.crawler.send(test_page) if response.status not in [403, 404]: # we don't want to deal with this at the moment return for candidate, flags in self.payloads: url = path + candidate if url not in self.known_dirs and url not in self.known_pages and url not in self.new_resources: page = web.Request(path + candidate) try: response = self.crawler.send(page) if response.redirection_url: loc = response.redirection_url # if loc in self.known_dirs or loc in self.known_pages: # continue if response.is_directory_redirection: self.log_red("Found webpage {0}", loc) self.new_resources.append(loc) else: self.log_red("Found webpage {0}", page.path) self.new_resources.append(page.path) elif response.status not in [403, 404]: self.log_red("Found webpage {0}", page.path) self.new_resources.append(page.path) except Timeout: continue except ConnectionError: continue except Timeout: pass
def attack(self): http_resources = self.persister.get_links( if self.do_get else [] for original_request in http_resources: url = original_request.path referer = original_request.referer headers = {} if referer: headers["referer"] = referer if url not in self.attacked_get: if original_request.status in (401, 402, 403, 407): # The ressource is forbidden try: evil_req = web.Request(url, method="ABC") response = self.crawler.send(evil_req, headers=headers) unblocked_content = response.content if response.status == 404 or response.status < 400 or response.status >= 500: # Every 4xx status should be uninteresting (specially bad request in our case) self.log_red("---") self.add_vuln( request_id=original_request.path_id, category=Vulnerability.HTACCESS, level=Vulnerability.HIGH_LEVEL, request=evil_req, info=_( "{0} bypassable weak restriction").format( evil_req.url)) self.log_red( _("Weak restriction bypass vulnerability: {0}" ), evil_req.url) self.log_red( _("HTTP status code changed from {0} to {1}"). format(original_request.status, response.status)) if self.verbose == 2: self.log_red(_("Source code:")) self.log_red(unblocked_content) self.log_red("---") self.attacked_get.append(url) except (RequestException, KeyboardInterrupt) as exception: yield exception yield original_request
def __init__(self, crawler, persister, logger, attack_options): Attack.__init__(self, crawler, persister, logger, attack_options) csv.register_dialect("nikto", quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL, doublequote=False, escapechar="\\") user_config_dir = os.getenv("HOME") or os.getenv("USERPROFILE") user_config_dir += "/config" if not os.path.isdir(user_config_dir): os.makedirs(user_config_dir) try: with open(os.path.join(user_config_dir, self.NIKTO_DB)) as fd: reader = csv.reader(fd, "nikto") self.nikto_db = [ line for line in reader if line != [] and line[0].isdigit() ] except IOError: # Disable downloading of Nikto database because the license of the file # forbids it. self.nikto_db = [] return try: print(_("Problem with local nikto database.")) print(_("Downloading from the web...")) nikto_req = web.Request( "" ) response = self.crawler.send(nikto_req) csv.register_dialect("nikto", quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL, doublequote=False, escapechar="\\") reader = csv.reader(response.content.split("\n"), "nikto") self.nikto_db = [ line for line in reader if line != [] and line[0].isdigit() ] with open(os.path.join(user_config_dir, self.NIKTO_DB), "w") as fd: writer = csv.writer(fd, "nikto") writer.writerows(self.nikto_db) except socket.timeout: print(_("Error downloading Nikto database"))
def _get_path_by_id(self, path_id): cursor = self._conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM paths WHERE path_id = ? LIMIT 1", (path_id, )) row = cursor.fetchone() if not row: return None get_params = [] post_params = [] file_params = [] for param_row in cursor.execute( "SELECT type, name, value FROM params WHERE path_id = ? ORDER BY type, param_order", (path_id, )): name = param_row[1] value = param_row[2] if param_row[0] == "GET": get_params.append([name, value]) elif param_row[0] == "POST": post_params.append([name, value]) else: file_params.append([name, [value, "GIF89a", "image/gif"]]) request = web.Request(row[1], method=row[2], encoding=row[5], multipart=bool(row[3]), referer=row[8], get_params=get_params, post_params=post_params, file_params=file_params) if row[6]: request.status = row[6] if row[7]: request.set_headers(json.loads(row[7])) request.link_depth = row[4] request.path_id = path_id return request
def update(self): try: request = web.Request(self.NIKTO_DB_URL) response = self.crawler.send(request) csv.register_dialect("nikto", quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL, doublequote=False, escapechar="\\") reader = csv.reader(response.content.split("\n"), "nikto") self.nikto_db = [ line for line in reader if line != [] and line[0].isdigit() ] with open( os.path.join(self.persister.CRAWLER_DATA_DIR, self.NIKTO_DB), "w") as nikto_db_file: writer = csv.writer(nikto_db_file) writer.writerows(self.nikto_db) except IOError: print(_("Error downloading nikto database."))
def __init__(self, base_url: str, timeout: float = 10.0, secure: bool = False, compression: bool = True): self._timeout = timeout = False self._scope = Scope.FOLDER self._base = web.Request(base_url) self.auth_url = self._base.url self.is_logged_in = False self._user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0" self._headers = { "User-Agent": self._user_agent, "Accept-Language": "en-US", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8" } if not compression: self._client.headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "identity" self._secure = secure self._proxies = None self._transport = None self._drop_cookies = False self._cookies = None self._client = None self._auth_credentials = {} self._auth_method = "basic" self._auth = None
async def async_analyze(self, request) -> Tuple[bool, List]: async with self._sem: self._processed_requests.append(request) # thread safe if self._log: print("[+] {0}".format(request)) dir_name = request.dir_name async with self._shared_lock: # lock to prevent launching duplicates requests that would otherwise waste time if dir_name not in self._custom_404_codes: invalid_page = "zqxj{0}.html".format("".join( [choice(ascii_letters) for __ in range(10)])) invalid_resource = web.Request(dir_name + invalid_page) try: page = await self._crawler.async_get(invalid_resource) self._custom_404_codes[dir_name] = page.status except httpx.RequestError: pass self._hostnames.add(request.hostname) resource_url = request.url try: page = await self._crawler.async_send(request) except (TypeError, UnicodeDecodeError) as exception: print("{} with url {}".format(exception, resource_url)) # debug return False, [] # except SSLError: # print(_("[!] SSL/TLS error occurred with URL"), resource_url) # return False, [] # TODO: what to do of connection errors ? sleep a while before retrying ? except ConnectionError: print(_("[!] Connection error with URL"), resource_url) return False, [] except httpx.RequestError as error: print( _("[!] {} with url {}").format(error.__class__.__name__, resource_url)) return False, [] if self._max_files_per_dir: async with self._shared_lock: self._file_counts[dir_name] += 1 if self._qs_limit and request.parameters_count: async with self._shared_lock: self._pattern_counts[request.pattern] += 1 if request.link_depth == self._max_depth: # We are at the edge of the depth so next links will have depth + 1 so to need to parse the page. return True, [] # Above this line we need the content of the page. As we are in stream mode we must force reading the body. await # Sur les ressources statiques le content-length est généralement indiqué if self._max_page_size > 0: if page.raw_size > self._max_page_size: await page.clean() return False, [] await asyncio.sleep(0) resources = self.extract_links(page, request) # TODO: there's more situations where we would not want to attack the resource... must check this if page.is_directory_redirection: return False, resources return True, resources
def extract_links(self, page, request) -> List: swf_links = [] js_links = [] allowed_links = [] new_requests = [] if "application/x-shockwave-flash" in page.type or request.file_ext == "swf": try: swf_links = swf.extract_links_from_swf(page.bytes) except Exception: pass elif "/x-javascript" in page.type or "/x-js" in page.type or "/javascript" in page.type: js_links = lamejs.LameJs(page.content).get_links() js_links += jsparser_angular.JsParserAngular( page.url, page.content).get_links() elif page.type.startswith(MIME_TEXT_TYPES): allowed_links.extend(filter(self._crawler.is_in_scope, page.links)) allowed_links.extend( filter(self._crawler.is_in_scope, page.js_redirections + page.html_redirections)) for extra_url in filter(self._crawler.is_in_scope, page.extra_urls): parts = urlparse(extra_url) # There are often css and js URLs with useless parameters like version or random number # used to prevent caching in browser. So let's exclude those extensions if parts.path.endswith(".css"): continue if parts.path.endswith(".js") and parts.query: # For JS script, allow to process them but remove parameters allowed_links.append(extra_url.split("?")[0]) continue allowed_links.append(extra_url) for form in page.iter_forms(): # TODO: apply bad_params filtering in form URLs if self._crawler.is_in_scope(form): if form.hostname not in self._hostnames: form.link_depth = 0 else: form.link_depth = request.link_depth + 1 new_requests.append(form) for url in swf_links + js_links: if url: url = page.make_absolute(url) if url and self._crawler.is_in_scope(url): allowed_links.append(url) for new_url in allowed_links: if "?" in new_url: path_only = new_url.split("?")[0] if path_only not in allowed_links and self._crawler.is_in_scope( path_only): allowed_links.append(path_only) for new_url in set(allowed_links): if new_url == "": continue if self.is_forbidden(new_url): continue if "?" in new_url: path, query_string = new_url.split("?", 1) # TODO: encoding parameter ? get_params = [ list(t) for t in filter( lambda param_tuple: param_tuple[0] not in self. _bad_params, web.parse_qsl(query_string)) ] elif new_url.endswith(EXCLUDED_MEDIA_EXTENSIONS): # exclude static media files continue else: path = new_url get_params = [] if page.is_directory_redirection and new_url == page.redirection_url: depth = request.link_depth else: depth = request.link_depth + 1 new_requests.append( web.Request(path, get_params=get_params, link_depth=depth)) return new_requests
def attack(self): http_resources = self.persister.get_links( if self.do_get else [] forms = self.persister.get_forms( if self.do_post else [] for original_request in chain(http_resources, forms): # We leverage the fact that the crawler will fill password entries with a known placeholder if "Letm3in_" not in (original_request.encoded_data + original_request.encoded_params): continue # We may want to remove this but if not available fallback to target URL if not original_request.referer: continue if self.verbose >= 1: print("[+] {}".format(original_request)) request = Request(original_request.referer) page = self.crawler.get(request, follow_redirects=True) login_form, username_field_idx, password_field_idx = page.find_login_form( ) if not login_form: continue failure_text = self.test_credentials(login_form, username_field_idx, password_field_idx, "invalid", "invalid") if self.check_success_auth(failure_text): # Ignore this case as it raise false positives continue for username, password in product(self.get_usernames(), self.get_passwords()): response = self.test_credentials(login_form, username_field_idx, password_field_idx, username, password) if self.check_success_auth( response) and failure_text != response: vuln_message = _( "Credentials found for URL {} : {} / {}").format( original_request.referer, username, password) # Recreate the request that succeed in order to print and store it post_params = login_form.post_params get_params = login_form.get_params if login_form.method == "POST": post_params[username_field_idx][1] = username post_params[password_field_idx][1] = password else: get_params[username_field_idx][1] = username get_params[password_field_idx][1] = password evil_request = web.Request( path=login_form.url, method=login_form.method, post_params=post_params, get_params=get_params, referer=login_form.referer, link_depth=login_form.link_depth) self.add_vuln(request_id=original_request.path_id, category=Vulnerability.WEAK_CREDENTIALS, level=Vulnerability.HIGH_LEVEL, request=evil_request, info=vuln_message) self.log_red("---") self.log_red(vuln_message), self.log_red(Vulnerability.MSG_EVIL_REQUEST) self.log_red(evil_request.http_repr()) self.log_red("---") break yield original_request
def explore(self, to_explore: deque, excluded_urls: list = None): """Explore a single TLD or the whole Web starting with an URL @param to_explore: A list of URL to scan the scan with. @type to_explore: list @param excluded_urls: A list of URLs to skip. Request objects or strings which may contain wildcards. @type excluded_urls: list @rtype: generator """ invalid_page = "zqxj{0}.html".format("".join( [choice(ascii_letters) for __ in range(10)])) if isinstance(excluded_urls, list): while True: try: bad_request = excluded_urls.pop() except IndexError: break else: if isinstance(bad_request, str): self._regexes.append(wildcard_translate(bad_request)) elif isinstance(bad_request, web.Request): self._excluded_requests.append(bad_request) = True if self._max_depth < 0: raise StopIteration while to_explore: request = to_explore.popleft() if not isinstance(request, web.Request): # We treat start_urls as if they are all valid URLs (ie in scope) request = web.Request(request, link_depth=0) if request in self._excluded_requests: continue resource_url = request.url if request.link_depth > self._max_depth: continue dir_name = request.dir_name if self._max_files_per_dir and self._file_counts[ dir_name] >= self._max_files_per_dir: continue # Won't enter if qs_limit is 0 (aka insane mode) if self._qs_limit: if request.parameters_count: try: if self._pattern_counts[request.pattern] >= 220 / ( math.exp(request.parameters_count * self._qs_limit)**2): continue except OverflowError: # Oh boy... that's not good to try to attack a form with more than 600 input fields # but I guess insane mode can do it as it is insane continue if self.is_forbidden(resource_url): continue if self._log: print("[+] {0}".format(request)) if dir_name not in self._custom_404_codes: invalid_resource = web.Request(dir_name + invalid_page) try: page = self._crawler.get(invalid_resource) self._custom_404_codes[dir_name] = page.status except RequestException: pass self._hostnames.add(request.hostname) try: page = self._crawler.send(request) except (TypeError, UnicodeDecodeError) as exception: print("{} with url {}".format(exception, resource_url)) # debug continue except SSLError: print(_("[!] SSL/TLS error occurred with URL"), resource_url) continue # TODO: what to do of connection errors ? sleep a while before retrying ? except ConnectionError: print(_("[!] Connection error with URL"), resource_url) continue except RequestException as error: print( _("[!] {} with url {}").format(error.__class__.__name__, resource_url)) continue if self._max_files_per_dir: self._file_counts[dir_name] += 1 if self._qs_limit and request.parameters_count: self._pattern_counts[request.pattern] += 1 self._excluded_requests.append(request) # Sur les ressources statiques le content-length est généralement indiqué if self._max_page_size > 0: if page.raw_size > self._max_page_size: page.clean() continue # TODO: there's more situations where we would not want to attack the resource... must check this if not page.is_directory_redirection: yield request if request.link_depth == self._max_depth: # We are at the edge of the depth so next links will have depth + 1 so to need to parse the page. continue accepted_urls = 0 for unfiltered_request in self.extract_links(page, request): if # Malformed link due to HTML issues continue if not self._crawler.is_in_scope(unfiltered_request): continue if unfiltered_request.hostname not in self._hostnames: unfiltered_request.link_depth = 0 if unfiltered_request not in self._excluded_requests and unfiltered_request not in to_explore: to_explore.append(unfiltered_request) accepted_urls += 1 # TODO: fix this, it doesn't looks valid # if self._max_per_depth and accepted_urls >= self._max_per_depth: # break = False
def attack(self, get_resources, forms): """This method searches XSS which could be permanently stored in the web application""" for original_request in get_resources: # First we will crawl again each webpage to look for tainted value the mod_xss module may have injected. # So let's skip methods other than GET. if original_request.method != "GET": continue url = original_request.url target_req = web.Request(url) referer = original_request.referer headers = {} if referer: headers["referer"] = referer if self.verbose >= 1: print("[+] {}".format(url)) try: response = self.crawler.send(target_req, headers=headers) data = response.content except Timeout: data = "" except OSError as exception: data = "" # TODO: those error messages are useless, don't give any valuable information print( _("error: {0} while attacking {1}").format( exception.strerror, url)) except Exception as exception: print( _("error: {0} while attacking {1}").format(exception, url)) continue # Should we look for taint codes sent with GET in the webpages? # Exploiting those may imply sending more GET requests if self.do_get == 1: # Search in the page source for every taint code used by mod_xss for taint in self.GET_XSS: if taint in data: # code found in the webpage ! code_url = self.GET_XSS[taint][0].url page = self.GET_XSS[taint][0].path parameter = self.GET_XSS[taint][1] # Did mod_xss saw this as a reflected XSS ? if taint in self.SUCCESSFUL_XSS: # Yes, it means XSS payloads were injected, not just tainted code. if self.valid_xss(data, taint, self.SUCCESSFUL_XSS[taint]): # If we can find the payload again, this is in fact a stored XSS evil_request = web.Request( code_url.replace( taint, self.SUCCESSFUL_XSS[taint])) self.log_red("---") if parameter == "QUERY_STRING": injection_msg = Vulnerability.MSG_QS_INJECT else: injection_msg = Vulnerability.MSG_PARAM_INJECT self.log_red(injection_msg, self.MSG_VULN, page, parameter) self.log_red(Vulnerability.MSG_EVIL_URL, code_url) self.log_red("---") self.add_vuln( request_id=original_request.path_id, category=Vulnerability.XSS, level=Vulnerability.HIGH_LEVEL, request=evil_request, parameter=parameter, info=_("Found permanent XSS in {0}" " with {1}").format( page, escape(evil_request.url))) # we reported the vuln, now search another code continue # Ok the content is stored, but will we be able to inject javascript? else: timeouted = False saw_internal_error = False for xss, flags in self.independant_payloads: payload = xss.replace("__XSS__", taint) evil_request = web.Request( code_url.replace(taint, payload)) try: http_code = self.crawler.send( evil_request).status dat = self.crawler.send(target_req).content except ReadTimeout: dat = "" if timeouted: continue self.log_orange("---") self.log_orange(Anomaly.MSG_TIMEOUT, page) self.log_orange(Anomaly.MSG_EVIL_REQUEST) self.log_orange(evil_request.http_repr()) self.log_orange("---") self.add_anom( request_id=original_request.path_id, category=Anomaly.RES_CONSUMPTION, level=Anomaly.MEDIUM_LEVEL, request=evil_request, parameter=parameter, info=Anomaly.MSG_PARAM_TIMEOUT.format( parameter)) timeouted = True except Exception as exception: print( _('error: {0} while attacking {1}'). format(exception, url)) continue if self.valid_xss(dat, taint, payload): # injection successful :) if parameter == "QUERY_STRING": injection_msg = Vulnerability.MSG_QS_INJECT else: injection_msg = Vulnerability.MSG_PARAM_INJECT self.log_red("---") self.log_red(injection_msg, self.MSG_VULN, page, parameter) self.log_red( Vulnerability.MSG_EVIL_REQUEST) self.log_red(evil_request.http_repr()) self.log_red("---") self.add_vuln( request_id=original_request.path_id, category=Vulnerability.XSS, level=Vulnerability.HIGH_LEVEL, request=evil_request, parameter=parameter, info=_("Found permanent XSS in {0}" " with {1}").format( url, escape(evil_request.url))) # look for another code in the webpage break elif http_code == 500 and not saw_internal_error: self.add_anom( request_id=original_request.path_id, category=Anomaly.ERROR_500, level=Anomaly.HIGH_LEVEL, request=evil_request, parameter=parameter, info=Anomaly.MSG_PARAM_500.format( parameter)) self.log_orange("---") self.log_orange(Anomaly.MSG_500, page) self.log_orange(Anomaly.MSG_EVIL_REQUEST) self.log_orange(evil_request.http_repr()) self.log_orange("---") saw_internal_error = True # Should we look for taint codes sent with POST in the webpages? # Exploiting those may probably imply sending more POST requests if self.do_post == 1: for taint in self.POST_XSS: if taint in data: # Code found in the webpage! # Did mod_xss saw this as a reflected XSS ? if taint in self.SUCCESSFUL_XSS: if self.valid_xss(data, taint, self.SUCCESSFUL_XSS[taint]): code_req = self.POST_XSS[taint][0] get_params = code_req.get_params post_params = code_req.post_params file_params = code_req.file_params referer = code_req.referer for params_list in [ get_params, post_params, file_params ]: for i in range(len(params_list)): parameter, value = params_list[i] parameter = quote(parameter) if value == taint: if params_list is file_params: params_list[i][1][ 0] = self.SUCCESSFUL_XSS[ taint] else: params_list[i][ 1] = self.SUCCESSFUL_XSS[ taint] # we found the xss payload again -> stored xss vuln evil_request = web.Request( code_req.path, method="POST", get_params=get_params, post_params=post_params, file_params=file_params, referer=referer) self.add_vuln( request_id=original_request. path_id, category=Vulnerability.XSS, level=Vulnerability.HIGH_LEVEL, request=evil_request, parameter=parameter, info=_( "Found permanent XSS attacked by {0} with fields" " {1}").format( evil_request.url, encode(post_params))) self.log_red("---") self.log_red( Vulnerability.MSG_PARAM_INJECT, self.MSG_VULN, evil_request.path, parameter) self.log_red( Vulnerability.MSG_EVIL_REQUEST) self.log_red( evil_request.http_repr()) self.log_red("---") # search for the next code in the webpage continue # we found the code but no attack was made # let's try to break in else: code_req = self.POST_XSS[taint][0] get_params = code_req.get_params post_params = code_req.post_params file_params = code_req.file_params referer = code_req.referer for params_list in [ get_params, post_params, file_params ]: for i in range(len(params_list)): parameter, value = params_list[i] parameter = quote(parameter) if value == taint: timeouted = False saw_internal_error = False for xss, flags in self.independant_payloads: payload = xss.replace( "__XSS__", taint) if params_list is file_params: params_list[i][1][0] = payload else: params_list[i][1] = payload try: evil_request = web.Request( code_req.path, method=code_req.method, get_params=get_params, post_params=post_params, file_params=file_params, referer=referer) http_code = self.crawler.send( evil_request).status dat = self.crawler.send( target_req).content except ReadTimeout: dat = "" if timeouted: continue self.log_orange("---") self.log_orange( Anomaly.MSG_TIMEOUT, evil_request.url) self.log_orange( Anomaly.MSG_EVIL_REQUEST) self.log_orange( evil_request.http_repr()) self.log_orange("---") self.add_anom( request_id=original_request .path_id, category=Anomaly. RES_CONSUMPTION, level=Anomaly.MEDIUM_LEVEL, request=evil_request, parameter=parameter, info=Anomaly. MSG_PARAM_TIMEOUT.format( parameter)) timeouted = True except Exception as exception: print( _("error: {0} while attacking {1}" ).format(exception, url)) continue if self.valid_xss( dat, taint, payload): self.add_vuln( request_id=original_request .path_id, category=Vulnerability.XSS, level=Vulnerability. HIGH_LEVEL, request=evil_request, parameter=parameter, info= _("Found permanent XSS attacked by {0} with fields" " {1}").format( evil_request.url, encode(post_params))) self.log_red("---") self.log_red( Vulnerability. MSG_PARAM_INJECT, self.MSG_VULN, evil_request.path, parameter) self.log_red(Vulnerability. MSG_EVIL_REQUEST) self.log_red( evil_request.http_repr()) self.log_red("---") break elif http_code == 500 and not saw_internal_error: self.add_anom( request_id=original_request .path_id, category=Anomaly.ERROR_500, level=Anomaly.HIGH_LEVEL, request=evil_request, parameter=parameter, info=Anomaly.MSG_PARAM_500. format(parameter)) self.log_orange("---") self.log_orange( Anomaly.MSG_500, evil_request.url) self.log_orange( Anomaly.MSG_EVIL_REQUEST) self.log_orange( evil_request.http_repr()) self.log_orange("---") saw_internal_error = True yield original_request
def attack(self): """This method searches XSS which could be permanently stored in the web application""" get_resources = self.persister.get_links( if self.do_get else [] for original_request in get_resources: if not valid_xss_content_type(original_request) or original_request.status in (301, 302, 303): # If that content-type can't be interpreted as HTML by browsers then it is useless # Same goes for redirections continue url = original_request.url target_req = web.Request(url) referer = original_request.referer headers = {} if referer: headers["referer"] = referer if self.verbose >= 1: print("[+] {}".format(url)) try: response = self.crawler.send(target_req, headers=headers) data = response.content except Timeout: continue except OSError as exception: # TODO: those error messages are useless, don't give any valuable information print(_("error: {0} while attacking {1}").format(exception.strerror, url)) continue except Exception as exception: print(_("error: {0} while attacking {1}").format(exception, url)) continue # Should we look for taint codes sent with GET in the webpages? # Exploiting those may imply sending more GET requests # Search in the page source for every taint code used by mod_xss for taint in self.TRIED_XSS: input_request = self.TRIED_XSS[taint][0] # Such situations should not occur as it would be stupid to block POST (or GET) requests for mod_xss # and not mod_permanentxss, but it is possible so let's filter that. if not self.do_get and input_request.method == "GET": continue if not self.do_post and input_request.method == "POST": continue if taint.lower() in data.lower(): # Code found in the webpage ! # Did mod_xss saw this as a reflected XSS ? if taint in self.SUCCESSFUL_XSS: # Yes, it means XSS payloads were injected, not just tainted code. payload, flags = self.SUCCESSFUL_XSS[taint] if self.check_payload(response, flags, taint): # If we can find the payload again, this is in fact a stored XSS get_params = input_request.get_params post_params = input_request.post_params file_params = input_request.file_params referer = input_request.referer # The following trick may seems dirty but it allows to treat GET and POST requests # the same way. for params_list in [get_params, post_params, file_params]: for i in range(len(params_list)): parameter, value = params_list[i] parameter = quote(parameter) if value != taint: continue if params_list is file_params: params_list[i][1][0] = payload else: params_list[i][1] = payload # we found the xss payload again -> stored xss vuln evil_request = web.Request( input_request.path, method=input_request.method, get_params=get_params, post_params=post_params, file_params=file_params, referer=referer ) if original_request.path == input_request.path: description = _( "Permanent XSS vulnerability found via injection in the parameter {0}" ).format(parameter) else: description = _( "Permanent XSS vulnerability found in {0} by injecting" " the parameter {1} of {2}" ).format( original_request.url, parameter, input_request.path ) if has_csp(response): description += ".\n" + _("Warning: Content-Security-Policy is present!") self.add_vuln( request_id=original_request.path_id, category=Vulnerability.XSS, level=Vulnerability.HIGH_LEVEL, request=evil_request, parameter=parameter, info=description ) if parameter == "QUERY_STRING": injection_msg = Vulnerability.MSG_QS_INJECT else: injection_msg = Vulnerability.MSG_PARAM_INJECT self.log_red("---") self.log_red( injection_msg, self.MSG_VULN, original_request.path, parameter ) if has_csp(response): self.log_red(_("Warning: Content-Security-Policy is present!")) self.log_red(Vulnerability.MSG_EVIL_REQUEST) self.log_red(evil_request.http_repr()) self.log_red("---") # FIX: search for the next code in the webpage # Ok the content is stored, but will we be able to inject javascript? else: parameter = self.TRIED_XSS[taint][1] payloads = generate_payloads(response.content, taint, self.independant_payloads) flags = self.TRIED_XSS[taint][2] # TODO: check that and make it better if PayloadType.get in flags: method = "G" elif PayloadType.file in flags: method = "F" else: method = "P" self.attempt_exploit(method, payloads, input_request, parameter, taint, original_request) yield original_request
async def _get_paths(self, path=None, method=None, crawled: bool = True, module: str = "", evil: bool = False): conditions = [paths.c.evil == evil] if path and isinstance(path, str): conditions.append(paths.c.path == path) if method in ("GET", "POST"): conditions.append(paths.c.method == method) if crawled: conditions.append(paths.c.headers != None) async with self._engine.begin() as conn: result = await conn.execute( select(paths).where(and_(True, *conditions)).order_by(paths.c.path)) for row in result.fetchall(): path_id = row[0] if module: # Exclude requests matching the attack module, we want requests that aren't attacked yet statement = select(attack_logs).where( attack_logs.c.path_id == path_id, attack_logs.c.module == module).limit(1) async with self._engine.begin() as conn: result = await conn.execute(statement) if result.fetchone(): continue get_params = [] post_params = [] file_params = [] statement = select( params.c.type,, params.c.value1, params.c.value2, params.c.meta).where(params.c.path_id == path_id).order_by( params.c.type, params.c.position) async with self._engine.begin() as conn: async_result = await async for param_row in async_result: name = param_row[1] value1 = param_row[2] if param_row[0] == "GET": get_params.append([name, value1]) elif param_row[0] == "POST": if name == "__RAW__" and not post_params: # First POST parameter is __RAW__, it should mean that we have raw content post_params = value1 elif isinstance(post_params, list): post_params.append([name, value1]) elif param_row[0] == "FILE": if param_row[4]: file_params.append( [name, (value1, param_row[3], param_row[4])]) else: file_params.append([name, (value1, param_row[3])]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown param type {}".format( param_row[0])) http_res = web.Request(row[1], method=row[2], encoding=row[5], enctype=row[3], referer=row[8], get_params=get_params, post_params=post_params, file_params=file_params) if row[6]: http_res.status = row[6] if row[7]: http_res.set_headers(row[7]) http_res.link_depth = row[4] http_res.path_id = path_id yield http_res
def _get_paths(self, path=None, method=None, crawled: bool = True, attack_module: str = "", evil: bool = False): cursor = self._conn.cursor() conditions = ["evil = ?"] args = [int(evil)] if path and isinstance(path, str): conditions.append("path = ?") args.append(path) if method in ("GET", "POST"): conditions.append("method = ?") args.append(method) if crawled: conditions.append("headers IS NOT NULL") conditions = " AND ".join(conditions) conditions = "WHERE " + conditions cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM paths {} ORDER BY path".format(conditions), args) for row in cursor.fetchall(): path_id = row[0] if attack_module: # Exclude requests matching the attack module, we want requests that aren't attacked yet cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM attack_log WHERE path_id = ? AND module_name = ? LIMIT 1", (path_id, attack_module)) if cursor.fetchone(): continue get_params = [] post_params = [] file_params = [] for param_row in cursor.execute( ("SELECT type, name, value1, value2, meta " "FROM params " "WHERE path_id = ? " "ORDER BY type, param_order"), (path_id, )): name = param_row[1] value1 = param_row[2] if param_row[0] == "GET": get_params.append([name, value1]) elif param_row[0] == "POST": if name == "__RAW__" and not post_params: # First POST parameter is __RAW__, it should mean that we have raw content post_params = value1 elif isinstance(post_params, list): post_params.append([name, value1]) elif param_row[0] == "FILE": if param_row[4]: file_params.append( [name, (value1, param_row[3], param_row[4])]) else: file_params.append([name, (value1, param_row[3])]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown param type {}".format( param_row[0])) http_res = web.Request(row[1], method=row[2], encoding=row[5], enctype=row[3], referer=row[8], get_params=get_params, post_params=post_params, file_params=file_params) if row[6]: http_res.status = row[6] if row[7]: http_res.set_headers(json.loads(row[7])) http_res.link_depth = row[4] http_res.path_id = path_id yield http_res
async def async_explore(self, to_explore: deque, excluded_urls: list = None): """Explore a single TLD or the whole Web starting with an URL @param to_explore: A list of URL to scan the scan with. @type to_explore: list @param excluded_urls: A list of URLs to skip. Request objects or strings which may contain wildcards. @type excluded_urls: list @rtype: generator """ if isinstance(excluded_urls, list): while True: try: bad_request = excluded_urls.pop() except IndexError: break else: if isinstance(bad_request, str): self._regexes.append(wildcard_translate(bad_request)) elif isinstance(bad_request, web.Request): self._processed_requests.append(bad_request) = True if self._max_depth < 0: raise StopIteration task_to_request = {} while True: while to_explore: # Concurrent tasks are limited through the use of the semaphore BUT we don't want the to_explore # queue to be empty everytime (as we may need to extract remaining URLs) and overload the event loop # with pending tasks. # There may be more suitable way to do this though. if len(task_to_request) > self._max_tasks: break if self._stopped.is_set(): break request = to_explore.popleft() if not isinstance(request, web.Request): # We treat start_urls as if they are all valid URLs (ie in scope) request = web.Request(request, link_depth=0) if request in self._processed_requests: continue resource_url = request.url if request.link_depth > self._max_depth: continue dir_name = request.dir_name if self._max_files_per_dir and self._file_counts[ dir_name] >= self._max_files_per_dir: continue # Won't enter if qs_limit is 0 (aka insane mode) if self._qs_limit: if request.parameters_count: try: if self._pattern_counts[request.pattern] >= 220 / ( math.exp(request.parameters_count * self._qs_limit)**2): continue except OverflowError: # Oh boy... that's not good to try to attack a form with more than 600 input fields # but I guess insane mode can do it as it is insane continue if self.is_forbidden(resource_url): continue task = asyncio.create_task(self.async_analyze(request)) task_to_request[task] = request if task_to_request: done, __ = await asyncio.wait( task_to_request, timeout=0.25, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) else: done = [] # process any completed task for task in done: request = task_to_request[task] try: success, resources = await task except Exception as exc: print('%r generated an exception: %s' % (request, exc)) else: if success: yield request accepted_urls = 0 for unfiltered_request in resources: if # Malformed link due to HTML issues continue if not self._crawler.is_in_scope(unfiltered_request): continue if unfiltered_request.hostname not in self._hostnames: unfiltered_request.link_depth = 0 if unfiltered_request not in self._processed_requests and unfiltered_request not in to_explore: to_explore.append(unfiltered_request) accepted_urls += 1 # TODO: fix this, it doesn't looks valid # if self._max_per_depth and accepted_urls >= self._max_per_depth: # break # remove the now completed task del task_to_request[task] if not task_to_request and (self._stopped.is_set() or not to_explore): break = False
def iter_forms(self, autofill=True): """Returns a generator of Request extracted from the Page. @rtype: generator """ for form in self.soup.find_all("form"): url = self.make_absolute(form.attrs.get("action", "").strip() or self.url) # If no method is specified then it's GET. If an invalid method is set it's GET. method = "POST" if form.attrs.get("method", "GET").upper() == "POST" else "GET" enctype = "" if method == "GET" else form.attrs.get("enctype", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded").lower() get_params = [] post_params = [] # If the form must be sent in multipart, everything should be given to requests in the files parameter # but internally we use the file_params list only for file inputs sent with multipart (as they must be # threated differently in persister). method will join post_params and file_params for us # if the enctype is multipart. file_params = [] form_actions = set() defaults = { "checkbox": "default", "color": "#bada55", "date": "2019-03-03", "datetime": "2019-03-03T20:35:34.32", "datetime-local": "2019-03-03T22:41", "email": "*****@*****.**", "file": ("pix.gif", "GIF89a", "image/gif"), "hidden": "default", "month": "2019-03", "number": "1337", "password": "******", # 8 characters with uppercase, digit and special char for common rules "radio": "beton", # priv8 j0k3 "range": "37", "search": "default", "submit": "submit", "tel": "0606060606", "text": "default", "time": "13:37", "url": "", "username": "******", "week": "2019-W24" } radio_inputs = {} for input_field in form.find_all("input", attrs={"name": True}): input_type = input_field.attrs.get("type", "text").lower() if input_type in {"reset", "button"}: # Those input types doesn't send any value continue if input_type == "image": if method == "GET": get_params.append([input_field["name"] + ".x", "1"]) get_params.append([input_field["name"] + ".y", "1"]) else: post_params.append([input_field["name"] + ".x", "1"]) post_params.append([input_field["name"] + ".y", "1"]) elif input_type in defaults: if input_type == "text" and "mail" in input_field["name"] and autofill: # If an input text match name "mail" then put a valid email address in it input_value = defaults["email"] elif input_type == "text" and "pass" in input_field["name"] or \ "pwd" in input_field["name"] and autofill: # Looks like a text field but waiting for a password input_value = defaults["password"] elif input_type == "text" and "user" in input_field["name"] or \ "login" in input_field["name"] and autofill: input_value = defaults["username"] else: input_value = input_field.get("value", defaults[input_type] if autofill else "") if input_type == "file": # With file inputs the content is only sent if the method is POST and enctype multipart # otherwise only the file name is sent. # Having a default value set in HTML for a file input doesn't make sense... force our own. if method == "GET": get_params.append([input_field["name"], "pix.gif"]) else: if "multipart" in enctype: file_params.append([input_field["name"], defaults["file"]]) else: post_params.append([input_field["name"], "pix.gif"]) elif input_type == "radio": # Do not put in forms now, do it at the end radio_inputs[input_field["name"]] = input_value else: if method == "GET": get_params.append([input_field["name"], input_value]) else: post_params.append([input_field["name"], input_value]) # A formaction doesn't need a name for input_field in form.find_all("input", attrs={"formaction": True}): form_actions.add(self.make_absolute(input_field["formaction"].strip() or self.url)) for button_field in form.find_all("button", formaction=True): # If formaction is empty it basically send to the current URL # which can be different from the defined action attribute on the form... form_actions.add(self.make_absolute(button_field["formaction"].strip() or self.url)) if form.find("input", attrs={"name": False, "type": "image"}): # Unnamed input type file => names will be set as x and y if method == "GET": get_params.append(["x", "1"]) get_params.append(["y", "1"]) else: post_params.append(["x", "1"]) post_params.append(["y", "1"]) for select in form.find_all("select", attrs={"name": True}): all_values = [] selected_value = None for option in select.find_all("option", value=True): all_values.append(option["value"]) if "selected" in option.attrs: selected_value = option["value"] if selected_value is None and all_values: # First value may be a placeholder but last entry should be valid selected_value = all_values[-1] if method == "GET": get_params.append([select["name"], selected_value]) else: post_params.append([select["name"], selected_value]) # if form.find("input", attrs={"type": "image", "name": False}): # new_form.add_image_field() for text_area in form.find_all("textarea", attrs={"name": True}): if method == "GET": get_params.append([text_area["name"], "Hi there!" if autofill else ""]) else: post_params.append([text_area["name"], "Hi there!" if autofill else ""]) # I guess I should raise a new form for every possible radio values... # For the moment, just use the last value for radio_name, radio_value in radio_inputs.items(): if method == "GET": get_params.append([radio_name, radio_value]) else: post_params.append([radio_name, radio_value]) if method == "POST" and not post_params and not file_params: # Ignore empty forms. Those are either webdev issues or forms having only "button" types that # only rely on JS code. continue # First raise the form with the URL specified in the action attribute new_form = web.Request( url, method=method, get_params=get_params, post_params=post_params, file_params=file_params, encoding=self.apparent_encoding, referer=self.url, enctype=enctype ) yield new_form # Then if we saw some formaction attribute, raise the form with the given formaction URL for url in form_actions: new_form = web.Request( url, method=method, get_params=get_params, post_params=post_params, file_params=file_params, encoding=self.apparent_encoding, referer=self.url, enctype=enctype ) yield new_form
def _get_paths(self, path=None, method=None, crawled: bool = True, attack_module: str = "", evil: bool = False): cursor = self._conn.cursor() conditions = ["evil = ?"] args = [int(evil)] if path and isinstance(path, str): conditions.append("path = ?") args.append(path) if method in ("GET", "POST"): conditions.append("method = ?") args.append(method) if crawled: conditions.append("headers IS NOT NULL") conditions = " AND ".join(conditions) conditions = "WHERE " + conditions cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM paths {} ORDER BY path".format(conditions), args) for row in cursor.fetchall(): path_id = row[0] if attack_module: # Exclude requests matching the attack module, we wan't requests that aren't attacked yet cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM attack_log WHERE path_id = ? AND module_name = ? LIMIT 1", (path_id, attack_module)) if cursor.fetchone(): continue get_params = [] post_params = [] file_params = [] for param_row in cursor.execute( "SELECT type, name, value FROM params WHERE path_id = ? ORDER BY type, param_order", (path_id, )): name = param_row[1] value = param_row[2] if param_row[0] == "GET": get_params.append([name, value]) elif param_row[0] == "POST": post_params.append([name, value]) else: file_params.append([name, [value, "GIF89a", "image/gif"]]) http_res = web.Request(row[1], method=row[2], encoding=row[5], multipart=bool(row[3]), referer=row[8], get_params=get_params, post_params=post_params, file_params=file_params) if row[6]: http_res.status = row[6] if row[7]: http_res.set_headers(json.loads(row[7])) http_res.link_depth = row[4] http_res.path_id = path_id yield http_res
async def get_path_by_id(self, path_id): path_id = int(path_id) async with self._engine.begin() as conn: result = await conn.execute( select(paths).where(paths.c.path_id == path_id).limit(1)) row = result.fetchone() if not row: return None get_params = [] post_params = [] file_params = [] statement = select( params.c.type,, params.c.value1, params.c.value2, params.c.meta).where(params.c.path_id == path_id).order_by( params.c.type, params.c.position) async with self._engine.begin() as conn: async_result = await async for param_row in async_result: name = param_row[1] value1 = param_row[2] if param_row[0] == "GET": get_params.append([name, value1]) elif param_row[0] == "POST": if name == "__RAW__" and not post_params: # First POST parameter is __RAW__, it should mean that we have raw content post_params = value1 elif isinstance(post_params, list): post_params.append([name, value1]) elif param_row[0] == "FILE": if param_row[4]: file_params.append( [name, (value1, param_row[3], param_row[4])]) else: file_params.append([name, (value1, param_row[3])]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown param type {}".format( param_row[0])) request = web.Request(row[1], method=row[2], encoding=row[5], enctype=row[3], referer=row[8], get_params=get_params, post_params=post_params, file_params=file_params) if row[6]: request.status = row[6] if row[7]: request.set_headers(row[7]) request.link_depth = row[4] request.path_id = path_id return request
def attack(self): junk_string = "w" + "".join([ random.choice("0123456789abcdefghjijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") for __ in range(0, 5000) ]) urls = self.persister.get_links( if self.do_get else [] server = next(urls).hostname for line in self.nikto_db: match = match_or = match_and = False fail = fail_or = False osv_id = line[1] path = line[3] method = line[4] vuln_desc = line[10] post_data = line[11] path = path.replace("@CGIDIRS", "/cgi-bin/") path = path.replace("@ADMIN", "/admin/") path = path.replace("@NUKE", "/modules/") path = path.replace("@PHPMYADMIN", "/phpMyAdmin/") path = path.replace("@POSTNUKE", "/postnuke/") path = re.sub(r"JUNK\((\d+)\)", lambda x: junk_string[:int(], path) if path[0] == "@": continue if not path.startswith("/"): path = "/" + path try: url = "http://" + server + path except UnicodeDecodeError: continue if method == "GET": evil_request = web.Request(url) elif method == "POST": evil_request = web.Request(url, post_params=post_data, method=method) else: evil_request = web.Request(url, post_params=post_data, method=method) if self.verbose == 2: if method == "GET": print("[¨] {0}".format(evil_request.url)) else: print("[¨] {0}".format(evil_request.http_repr())) try: response = self.crawler.send(evil_request) except RequestException as exception: # requests bug yield exception continue except ValueError: # ValueError raised by urllib3 (Method cannot contain non-token characters), we don't want to raise yield else: yield page = response.content code = response.status raw = " ".join([x + ": " + y for x, y in response.headers.items()]) raw += page # First condition (match) if len(line[5]) == 3 and line[5].isdigit(): if code == int(line[5]): match = True else: if line[5] in raw: match = True # Second condition (or) if line[6] != "": if len(line[6]) == 3 and line[6].isdigit(): if code == int(line[6]): match_or = True else: if line[6] in raw: match_or = True # Third condition (and) if line[7] != "": if len(line[7]) == 3 and line[7].isdigit(): if code == int(line[7]): match_and = True else: if line[7] in raw: match_and = True else: match_and = True # Fourth condition (fail) if line[8] != "": if len(line[8]) == 3 and line[8].isdigit(): if code == int(line[8]): fail = True else: if line[8] in raw: fail = True # Fifth condition (or) if line[9] != "": if len(line[9]) == 3 and line[9].isdigit(): if code == int(line[9]): fail_or = True else: if line[9] in raw: fail_or = True if ((match or match_or) and match_and) and not (fail or fail_or): self.log_red("---") self.log_red(vuln_desc) self.log_red(url) refs = [] if osv_id != "0": refs.append("" + osv_id) # CERT cert_advisory ="(CA-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2})", vuln_desc) if cert_advisory is not None: refs.append("" + + ".html") # SecurityFocus securityfocus_bid ="BID-([0-9]{4})", vuln_desc) if securityfocus_bid is not None: refs.append("" + # mitre_cve ="((CVE|CAN)-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4,})", vuln_desc) if mitre_cve is not None: refs.append( "" + # CERT Incidents cert_incident ="(IN-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2})", vuln_desc) if cert_incident is not None: refs.append("" + + ".html") # Microsoft Technet ms_bulletin ="(MS[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{3})", vuln_desc) if ms_bulletin is not None: refs.append( "" + + ".asp") info = vuln_desc if refs: self.log_red(_("References:")) self.log_red(" {0}".format("\n ".join(refs))) info += "\n" + _("References:") + "\n" info += "\n".join(refs) self.log_red("---") self.add_vuln(category=Vulnerability.NIKTO, level=Vulnerability.HIGH_LEVEL, request=evil_request, info=info)