def __init__(self): super(WasatchXML, self).__init__() self.generated_xml_str = "invalid" self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.setupSignals() self.ui.lcdNumber.setVisible(False) self.countdown_interval = 10 self.set_device()
class WasatchXML(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(WasatchXML, self).__init__() self.generated_xml_str = "invalid" self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.setupSignals() self.ui.lcdNumber.setVisible(False) self.countdown_interval = 10 self.set_device() def setupSignals(self): """ Create signals and slots """ self.ui.toolButtonAcquire.clicked.connect(self.acquire) def set_device(self, device=None): """ If no external device is specified, find the first device on the usb bus, connect. The external device assumes that it has already been setup. This is for assigning devices during the tests. """ if device is not None: self.device = device else: self.device = self.find_first_device_or_simulate() self.ui.labelDeviceText.setText("Connected to %s" % self.device.serial_number) return True def find_first_device_or_simulate(self): simulated_device = SimulatedUSB() try: fd = FindDevices() result, usb_info = fd.list_usb() log.debug(" USB ID strings: %s" % usb_info[0]) (vid, pid) = usb_info[0].split(':')[0:2] except: log.debug("Error find devices: %s" % str(sys.exc_info())) try: real_device = CameraUSB() log.debug("Attempt real device connection") if real_device.connect(9386, pid): log.debug("Succesfull connection to: %s" % pid) return real_device except: log.debug("Exception %s" % str(sys.exc_info())) pass log.debug("Return simulated device") simulated_device.assign("Stroker785L") simulated_device.serial_number = "Simulated Stroker785L" return simulated_device def acquire(self): """ Connect to the device, acquire a spectra, send the pixel results to the build xml function. """ log.debug("acquire") self.apply_coefficients() int_time = self.ui.spinBoxIntegrationTime.value() self.device.set_integration_time(int_time) laser = self.ui.checkBoxLaserEnable.isChecked() self.device.set_laser_enable(laser) log.debug("call get line wavenumber") wavenum_axis, intensity_data = self.device.get_line_wavenumber() self.build_xml(wavenum_axis, intensity_data) self.delay_close() def delay_close(self): """ Set the delay close timer to the integration time plus a margin, show the status with the lcdNumber countdown timer, and exit the program when the timer is done. """ exit_margin = 100 int_time = self.ui.spinBoxIntegrationTime.value() exit_wait = int_time + exit_margin self.closeTimer = QtCore.QTimer() self.closeTimer.timeout.connect(self.close) self.closeTimer.start(exit_wait) self.ui.lcdNumber.display(int_time) self.countdownTimer = QtCore.QTimer() self.countdownTimer.timeout.connect(self.update_lcd_display) self.countdownTimer.start(10) # Attempt to turn the laser off try: self.device.set_laser_enable(False) except: log.debug("Problem disabling laser") def update_lcd_display(self): """ Show the current countdown information. """ curr_value = self.ui.lcdNumber.value() curr_value -= self.countdown_interval if curr_value > 0: self.ui.lcdNumber.setVisible(True) self.ui.lcdNumber.display(curr_value) self.countdownTimer.start(10) def apply_coefficients(self): # Make sure any changes to the coefficients are applied coeff_dict = {"C0": float(self.ui.lineEditCoeff0.text()), "C1": float(self.ui.lineEditCoeff1.text()), "C2": float(self.ui.lineEditCoeff2.text()), "C3": float(self.ui.lineEditCoeff3.text()) } self.device.new_coefficients(coeff_dict) def build_xml(self, x_data, y_data): """ Use python string template to build the AnalyzeIQ xml output file. Uses the AIQ_TEMPLATE at the end of this file. """ xml = Template(AIQ_TEMPLATE) ts = date_str = ts.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") time_str = ts.strftime("%H:%M:%S") scanduration = self.ui.spinBoxIntegrationTime.value() space_x_data = "" faker_x = 0 for item in x_data: space_x_data += "%s " % (item + faker_x) faker_x += 0 space_y_data = "" for item in y_data: space_y_data += "%s " % item populated = {"datestamp": date_str, "timestamp": time_str, "scanduration": scanduration, "comment": "Wasatch Photonics Device", "dim_x" : space_x_data, "dim_y" : space_y_data } self.generated_xml_str = xml.safe_substitute(populated) def last_xml_output(self): """ Make sure all of the timers are forced stop if the program is exited, catch the exceptions if they have not been created. """ try: self.closeTimer.stop() except: pass try: self.countdownTimer.stop() except: pass return self.generated_xml_str