Exemple #1
def wrap_extern(ptr: 'pointer[ffi.wasm_extern_t]',
                owner: Optional[Any]) -> AsExtern:
    from wasmtime import Func, Table, Global, Memory, Module, Instance

    if not isinstance(ptr, POINTER(ffi.wasm_extern_t)):
        raise TypeError("wrong pointer type")

    # We must free this as an extern, so if there's no ambient owner then
    # configure an owner with the right destructor
    if owner is None:
        owner = Extern(ptr)

    val = ffi.wasm_extern_as_func(ptr)
    if val:
        return Func._from_ptr(val, owner)
    val = ffi.wasm_extern_as_table(ptr)
    if val:
        return Table._from_ptr(val, owner)
    val = ffi.wasm_extern_as_global(ptr)
    if val:
        return Global._from_ptr(val, owner)
    val = ffi.wasm_extern_as_memory(ptr)
    if val:
        return Memory._from_ptr(val, owner)
    val = ffi.wasm_extern_as_instance(ptr)
    if val:
        return Instance._from_ptr(val, owner)
    val = ffi.wasm_extern_as_module(ptr)
    if val:
        return Module._from_ptr(val, owner)
    raise WasmtimeError("unknown extern")
Exemple #2
    def __init__(
        self, pathname: str,
        import_object: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[Func, Table, Global, Memory,
    ) -> None:
        import_object['env'].update({'__web_on_grow': lambda: None})

        self.store = store = Store()
        self.module = module = Module.from_file(store.engine, pathname)

        imoprts = []

        for wasm_import in module.imports:
            module_name = wasm_import.module
            filed_name = wasm_import.name
            item = import_object[module_name][filed_name]

            if not isinstance(item, (Func, Table, Global, Memory)):
                item = Func(store, wasm_import.type, item)


        self.instance = instance = Instance(store, module, imoprts)
        self.exports = exports = instance.exports
        self.memory = exports['memory']
        self.web_free = exports['__web_free']
        self.web_malloc = exports['__web_malloc']

        self.HEAP8 = Heap(self.memory, HeapKind.S8)
        self.HEAP16 = Heap(self.memory, HeapKind.S16)
        self.HEAP32 = Heap(self.memory, HeapKind.S32)
        self.HEAPU8 = Heap(self.memory, HeapKind.U8)
        self.HEAPU16 = Heap(self.memory, HeapKind.U16)
        self.HEAPU32 = Heap(self.memory, HeapKind.U32)
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self):
        self.store = Store()
        self.module = Module.from_file(self.store, "main.wasm")
        self.imports = return_wasi_imports(self.store, self.module)

        load_callback_type = FuncType([ValType.i32()], [ValType.i32()])
        call_callback_type = FuncType(
            [ValType.i32(), ValType.i32()], [ValType.i32()])
        unload_callback_type = FuncType([ValType.i32()], [ValType.i32()])

        load_callback_func = Func(self.store,
        call_callback_func = Func(self.store,
        unload_callback_func = Func(self.store,

        self.instance = Instance(
Exemple #4
def invoke_wasm(data):

    wasm_key = data[1]
    operand_b = int(data[2])

    wasm = execute('GET', wasm_key)
    wasm_bytes = bytes(wasm, 'ascii')

    store = Store()
    module = Module.validate(store, wasm_bytes)
    module = Module(store.engine, wasm_bytes)

    get_a_func = Func(store, FuncType([], [ValType.i32()]), get_a)

    instance = Instance(store, module, [get_a_func])

    return instance.exports["run"](operand_b)
Exemple #5
def load(caller, name):
    memory = caller.get_export("memory").memory()

    if memory is not None:
        store = Store()

        index = seek(name, memory)
        data = memory.data_ptr()[name:name + index]
        module_name = "".join(map(chr, data))
        module = Module.from_file(store, module_name)
        wasi_imports = return_wasi_imports(store, module)
        instance = Instance(module, wasi_imports)
        INSTANCES[module_name] = instance

    return 0
Exemple #6
    def exec_module(self, module):  # type: ignore
        wasm_module = Module.from_file(store.engine, self.filename)

        for wasm_import in wasm_module.imports:
            module_name = wasm_import.module
            field_name = wasm_import.name
            imported_module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
            item = imported_module.__dict__[field_name]
            if not isinstance(item, Func) and \
                    not isinstance(item, Table) and \
                    not isinstance(item, Global) and \
                    not isinstance(item, Memory):
                item = Func(store, wasm_import.type, item)
            linker.define(module_name, field_name, item)

        res = linker.instantiate(wasm_module)
        exports = res.exports
        for i, export in enumerate(wasm_module.exports):
            module.__dict__[export.name] = exports[i]
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self):
        wasm_cfg = Config()
        wasm_cfg.cache = True
        store = Store(Engine(wasm_cfg))
        linker = Linker(store)

        wasi_cfg = WasiConfig()
        wasi_inst = WasiInstance(store, "wasi_snapshot_preview1", wasi_cfg)

        self.inst = None
        err_handler_type = FuncType([ValType.i32(), ValType.i32()], [])
        err_handler_func = Func(store, err_handler_type, self._err_handler)
        linker.define("env", "AStyleErrorHandler", err_handler_func)

        wasm_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "libastyle.wasm")
        module = Module.from_file(store.engine, wasm_file)
        self.inst = linker.instantiate(module)

        self._opts_ptr = WasmString.from_str(self.inst, "")
Exemple #8
# Example of instantiating two modules which link to each other.

from wasmtime import Store, Module, Linker, WasiConfig, WasiInstance

store = Store()

# First set up our linker which is going to be linking modules together. We
# want our linker to have wasi available, so we set that up here as well.
linker = Linker(store)
wasi = WasiInstance(store, "wasi_snapshot_preview1", WasiConfig())

# Load and compile our two modules
linking1 = Module.from_file(store.engine, "examples/linking1.wat")
linking2 = Module.from_file(store.engine, "examples/linking2.wat")

# Instantiate our first module which only uses WASI, then register that
# instance with the linker since the next linking will use it.
linking2 = linker.instantiate(linking2)
linker.define_instance("linking2", linking2)

# And with that we can perform the final link and the execute the module.
linking1 = linker.instantiate(linking1)
run = linking1.exports["run"]
Exemple #9
# This is an example of working with mulit-value modules and dealing with
# multi-value functions.

from wasmtime import Config, Store, Engine, Module, FuncType, Func, ValType, Instance

# Configure our `Store`, but be sure to use a `Config` that enables the
# wasm multi-value feature since it's not stable yet.
config = Config()
config.wasm_multi_value = True
store = Store(Engine(config))

print("Compiling module...")
module = Module.from_file(store.engine, "examples/multi.wat")

print("Creating callback...")
callback_type = FuncType([ValType.i32(), ValType.i64()], [ValType.i64(), ValType.i32()])

def callback(a, b):
    return [b + 1, a + 1]

callback_func = Func(store, callback_type, callback)

print("Instantiating module...")
instance = Instance(store, module, [callback_func])

print("Extracting export...")
g = instance.exports["g"]
Exemple #10
# Example of instantiating a wasm module and calling an export on it

from wasmtime import Store, Module, Instance

store = Store()
module = Module.from_file(store, './examples/gcd.wat')
instance = Instance(module, [])
gcd = instance.get_export("gcd").func()

print("gcd(6, 27) = %d" % gcd.call(6, 27))
Exemple #11
from wasmtime import Store, Module, Instance, Func, FuncType

# Almost all operations in wasmtime require a contextual "store" argument to be
# shared amongst objects
store = Store()

# Here we can compile a `Module` which is then ready for instantiation
# afterwards
module = Module.from_file(store.engine, './examples/hello.wat')

# Our module needs one import, so we'll create that here.

def say_hello():
    print("Hello from Python!")

hello = Func(store, FuncType([], []), say_hello)

# And with all that we can instantiate our module and call the export!
instance = Instance(store, module, [hello])
Exemple #12
# An example of how to interact with wasm memory.
# Here a small wasm module is used to show how memory is initialized, how to
# read and write memory through the `Memory` object, and how wasm functions
# can trap when dealing with out-of-bounds addresses.

from wasmtime import Store, Module, Instance, Trap, MemoryType, Memory, Limits

# Create our `Store` context and then compile a module and create an
# instance from the compiled module all in one go.
wasmtime_store = Store()
module = Module.from_file(wasmtime_store, "examples/memory.wat")
instance = Instance(module, [])

# Load up our exports from the instance
memory = instance.get_export("memory").memory()
size = instance.get_export("size").func()
load = instance.get_export("load").func()
store = instance.get_export("store").func()

print("Checking memory...")
assert (memory.size() == 2)
assert (memory.data_len() == 0x20000)

# Note that usage of `data_ptr` is unsafe! This is a raw C pointer which is not
# bounds checked at all. We checked our `data_len` above but you'll want to be
# very careful when accessing data through `data_ptr()`
assert (memory.data_ptr()[0] == 0)
assert (memory.data_ptr()[0x1000] == 1)
assert (memory.data_ptr()[0x1003] == 4)
Exemple #13
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

from wasmtime import Store, Module, FuncType, MemoryType, TableType, GlobalType

wasm_file = '../../libtvmwasm.wasm'

store = Store()
module = Module.from_file(store, wasm_file)

for i, e in enumerate(module.exports):
    if isinstance(e.type, FuncType):
        print("{}: {}, params={}, results={}".format(i, e.name, e.type.params,
    elif isinstance(e.type, MemoryType):
        print("{}: {}, limits=[{}, {}]".format(i, e.name, e.type.limits.min,
    elif isinstance(e.type, TableType):
        print("{}: {}".format(i, e.name))
    elif isinstance(e.type, GlobalType):
        print("{}: {}, content={}, mutable={}".format(i, e.name,
from wasmtime import Store, Module, Instance, Config, Engine

#settings configution
config = Config()
config.debug_info = True
config.wasm_threads = False
config.wasm_module_linking = False

engine = Engine(config)
store: Store = Store(engine)

module = Module.from_file(store.engine, 'fac.wat')
instance = Instance(store, module, [])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(f'instance {instance}')
Exemple #15
    vals[k] = v

def get_f(k):
    print("get: {}".format(k))
    if k in vals:
        return vals[k]
        return 0

def print_f(v):
    print("print: {}".format(v))

store = Store()
module = Module.from_file(store, '../get_set.wat')

set_type = FuncType([ValType.i32(), ValType.i32()], [])
set_func = Func(store, set_type, set_f)

get_type = FuncType([ValType.i32()], [ValType.i32()])
get_func = Func(store, get_type, get_f)

print_type = FuncType([ValType.i32()], [])
print_func = Func(store, print_type, print_f)

instance = Instance(module, [set_func, get_func, print_func])
run = instance.exports['run']