def deleteGivenFileNames(listWithFileNames, pathWhereFileLocated): for mFile in listWithFileNames: tempFileName = ut.checkOSSystem(pathWhereFileLocated + "\\" + mFile) if os.path.exists(tempFileName): os.remove(tempFileName) else: print("Error: Something went wrong with file name or its path !")
def main(pathForDB, filesLimitationPerDir=50): # Get the name of db to use it on next function dbName = extractNameFromPath(pathForDB) dbLocatedPath = extractNameFromPath(pathForDB, needWholePath=True) dbBackupPath = ut.checkOSSystem(dbLocatedPath + "\\" + backupDir) # If doesn't exist create the main folder where will save the back up files checkExistanceOrCreateDir(dbBackupPath) checkIfExceedBackupLimitation(dbBackupPath, filesLimitationPerDir, dbName) createBackUpFile(pathForDB, dbBackupPath) print("Backup for " + dbName + " finished")
def createBackUpFile(pathForDB, pathForProjectBackUp): con = sqlite3.connect(pathForDB) # Get the name from path nameOfBackupFile = createFileName(extractNameFromPath(pathForDB, True)) # Get the path for backups customPathForBackupFile = ut.checkOSSystem(pathForProjectBackUp + '/' + nameOfBackupFile) bck = sqlite3.connect(customPathForBackupFile) with bck: con.backup(bck, pages=1, progress=progress) bck.close() con.close()
def extractNameFromPath(mPath, needExtension=False, needWholePath=False): # If it is Windows if == "nt": tempStringList = mPath.split("\\") # If it is Unix else: tempStringList = mPath.split("/") if needWholePath: # To seperate the string we need to now the number of substrings sizeOfSubStrings = len(tempStringList) pathDBLocated = "\\".join(tempStringList[0:sizeOfSubStrings - 1]) return ut.checkOSSystem(pathDBLocated) else: nameOfDB = tempStringList[-1] # Check if need to return name with extension or not if not needExtension: # Cut the extension nameOfDB = nameOfDB.split('.')[0] return nameOfDB
def createInfoMsgToSend(elementList): # Open connection with SQLite DB to interact with it dbConnection = sqlT.dbOpenConnection(ut.checkOSSystem(ut.findParentPath(dbFile))) # Loop that add data on message.txt for anElementListM in elementList: # A attribute that contains name of movie nameOfMovie = anElementListM.findAll("a", {"class": "headinglink"})[0] nameOfMovieText = re.sub(r'(?<!\\)\'', "\'\'", nameOfMovie.text) # IMG attribute that contains image of movie imageOfMovie = anElementListM.findAll("img", {"class": "lozad"})[0].get('data-src') # DIV attribute that contains imdb grade (if doesn't show only subs4free grade) movieGradeAsHtml = str(anElementListM.findAll("div", {"class": "panel-heading-info"})) # To check if grade exist locationOfGrade = movieGradeAsHtml.lower().find("imdb") gradeOfMovie = extractImdbGradeFromText(movieGradeAsHtml) # Search in base if movie alreay exist and return it mRes = sqlT.dbSELECT(dbConnection, 'MoviesTb', whereStatementText= "Title = '"+nameOfMovieText + "'") if not mRes: # If entry doesn't exist insert new row sqlT.dbINSERT(dbConnection, "MoviesTb", ['Title', 'Grade', 'Notified', 'ImageUrl', 'EntryDate'], [nameOfMovieText, gradeOfMovie, 1, imageOfMovie,]) elif len(mRes)==1: # If entry does exist update the row if locationOfGrade != -1 or gradeOfMovie != -1: sqlT.dbUPDATE(dbConnection, "MoviesTb", ['Grade', 'ImageUrl', 'ModifyDate'], [gradeOfMovie, imageOfMovie,], "ID = " + str(mRes[0]['ID'])) else: # If grade is not valid don't add it sqlT.dbUPDATE(dbConnection, "MoviesTb", ['ImageUrl', 'ModifyDate'], [imageOfMovie,], "ID = " + str(mRes[0]['ID'])) sqlT.dbCloseConnection(dbConnection)
def createFileName(dbName): # current timestamp with milisec mTimeStamp = round(time.time() * 1000) return str(mTimeStamp) + "_" + dbName # Start of the script that checks the given arguments if __name__ == "__main__": # The number of arguments that user user numOfArg = len(sys.argv) # arg[1] = Path for DB if numOfArg == 2: # Call the main function wit # Checking if db exist (simultaneously) if ut.checkIfFileExists(ut.checkIfFileExists(sys.argv[1])): main(ut.checkOSSystem(sys.argv[1])) else: raise Exception("File of given db doesn't exist !") # arg[1] = Path for DB, arg[2] = Limit of files per directory elif numOfArg == 3: # Call the main function with checking if db exist (simultaneously) try: ut.checkIfFileExists(ut.checkOSSystem(sys.argv[1])) main(ut.checkOSSystem(sys.argv[1]), filesLimitationPerDir=int(sys.argv[2])) except ValueError: raise Exception("The second argument is Invalid ! : %s" % ValueError) else: raise Exception( "Script require argument(s) to start. Please visit ToolTutorial.txt to learn more about it."