Exemple #1
    def export_runs(self, results, exporters):
        ''' export data retrieved to the set of exporters defined and active. 
            maybe an export flag could be set to choose to run + export?
        for name, result in results.items():

            task = self.get_task(name, save=True)

            # Case 1. The result is a list
            if isinstance(result, list):

                # Get rid of Nones, if the user accidentally added
                result = [r for r in result if r]

                if len(result) == 0:
                    bot.error('%s returned empty list of results.' % name)

                # for a json, or a list of paths, ignore for now.
                elif not (task.params.get('save_as') == 'json'
                          or os.path.exists(result[0])):
                    for exporter in exporters:
                        bot.debug('Exporting list to ' + exporter.name)
                        exporter._save_text_list(name, result)

            # Case 2. The result is a string
            elif isinstance(result, str):

                # if it's a path to a file, ignore it.
                if not (os.path.exists(result)):
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, workers=None, show_progress=False):

        if workers is None:
            workers = WATCHME_WORKERS
        self.workers = workers
        self.show_progress = show_progress
        bot.debug("Using %s workers for multiprocess." % (self.workers))
Exemple #3
def git_clone(repo, name=None, base=None, force=False):
    """clone a git repo to a destination. The user can provide the following
    groupings of arguments:

    base without name: destination is ignored, the repo is cloned (named as
    it is) to the base. If the folder exists, --force must be used to remove
    it first.

    base with name: destination is ignored, repo is cloned (and named based
    on name variable) to the base. The same applies for force.

    dest provided: the repo is cloned to the destination, if it doesn't exist
    and/or force is True.

    name: the name of the watcher to add
    base: the base of the watcher (defaults to $HOME/.watchme
    force: remove first if already exists
    if base is None:
        base = WATCHME_BASE_DIR

    # Derive the repository name
    if name is None:
        name = os.path.basename(repo).replace(".git", "")

    # First clone to temporary directory
    tmpdir = get_tmpdir()
    command = "git clone %s %s" % (repo, tmpdir)

    # ensure there is a watchme.cfg
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmpdir, "watchme.cfg")):
        bot.exit("No watchme.cfg found in %s, aborting." % repo)

    # If it's good, move the repository
    dest = os.path.join(base, name)

    # Don't allow for overwrite
    if os.path.exists(dest):
        if force is False:
            bot.exit("%s exists. Use --force to overwrite" % dest)

    # Move the repository there
    shutil.move(tmpdir, dest)

    # Ensure we don't sign gpg key
    run_command("git --git-dir=%s/.git config commit.gpgsign false" % dest)
    bot.info("Added watcher %s" % name)
Exemple #4
def git_date(repo, commit):
    """get the date for a particular commit.

    repo: the full path to the repository
    commit: the commit to get the date for
    command = "git show -s --format=" + "%ci " + commit
    result = run_command(command)
    if result["return_code"] == 0:
        return result["message"].strip("\n")
Exemple #5
def git_date(repo, commit):
    '''get the date for a particular commit.
       repo: the full path to the repository
       commit: the commit to get the date for
    command = 'git show -s --format=' + "%ci " + commit
    result = run_command(command)
    if result['return_code'] == 0:
        return result['message'].strip('\n')
Exemple #6
def git_add(repo, files):
    """add one or more files to the git repo.

    repo: the repository to commit to.
    files: one or more files to add.
    if not isinstance(files, list):
        files = [files]

    for f in files:
        command = "git add %s" % f
Exemple #7
def git_commit(repo, task, message):
    """Commit to the git repo with a particular message. folder.

    repo: the repository to commit to.
    task: the name of the task to add to the commit message
    message: the message for the commit, passed from the client
    # Commit with the watch group and date string
    message = "watchme %s %s" % (task, message)

    # Commit
    command = 'git commit -a -m "%s"' % message
Exemple #8
def git_show(repo, commit, filename):
    """git show is used to pipe the content of a file at a particular commit
    to the screen (and calling python client). We must be in the $PWD of the
    repo for this to work.

    repo: the repository to interact with
    commit: the commit to investigate for the file
    filename: the relative path to the file
    command = "git show %s:%s" % (commit, filename)
    result = run_command(command)
    if result["return_code"] == 0:
        return result["message"].strip("\n")
Exemple #9
    def export_func(self):
        """this function should return the correct task (from the tasks.py
        in the same folder) based on some logic of the params that are given
        by the user (self.params). If there is only one kind of function for
        the task, it's fairly easy to import and return it here. This
        function should take no arguments, but instead use the self.params
        already provided in the client.
        name = self.params.get("func", "get_task")

        if name == "get_task":
            from .tasks import get_task as func
        elif name == "download_task":
            from .tasks import download_task as func
        elif name == "post_task":
            from .tasks import post_task as func
        elif name == "get_url_selection":
            from .tasks import get_url_selection as func
            func = None

        bot.debug("function name is %s" % name)
        return func
Exemple #10
def monitor_pid_task(**kwargs):
    '''monitor a specific process. This function can be used as a task, or
       is (most likely used) for the psutils.decorators. A pid parameter
       is required.

       skip: an optional list of (comma separated) fields to skip. Can be in
       pid: the process id or name (required)
    pid = kwargs.get('pid', None)


    # Helper function to get list from one,two,three
    def get_list(name):
        csv_list = kwargs.get(name, '')
        return [x for x in csv_list.split(',') if x]

    # A comma separated list of parameters to skip
    skip = get_list('skip')
    include = get_list('include')
    only = get_list('only')

    # Only continue given that argument is provided
    if pid is None:
            "A 'pid' parameter is required to use the monitor_pid_task function."
        return pid

    # The user is allowed to provide a process name, or a number
        pid = int(pid)
    except ValueError:
        pid = _get_pid(pid)

    # But if it's stil no good (None) we exit.
    if pid is None:
        bot.warning("'pid' must be a running process or process name.")
        return pid

    ps = psutil.Process(pid)

    results = {}

    for key, val in ps.as_dict().items():

        # If val is None, don't include
        if val is None:
            bot.debug('skipping %s, None' % key)

        if key == "connections":
            connections = []
            for net in val:
                entry = {
                    'fd': net.fd,
                    'family': str(net.family),
                    'type': str(net.type),
                    'laddr_ip': net.laddr.ip,
                    'laddr_port': net.laddr.port,
                    'raddr': net.raddr,
                    'status': net.status
            val = connections

        # First priority goes to a custom set
        if len(only) > 0:
            if key in only:
                results[key] = val
                bot.debug('skipping %s' % key)

        # The user requested to skip
        elif key in skip or key in ['threads']:

        # Keep count of openfiles
        elif key in ["open_files"]:
            results[key] = len(val)

        # Don't risk exposing sensitive information
        elif key == "environ":
            if key in include:
                results[key] = val

        # Skip over ones that are too detailed
        elif key in ['memory_maps']:

        # I assume this included all that are in pmem too
        elif isinstance(val, psutil._pslinux.pfullmem):
            results[key] = {
                "rss": val.rss,
                "vms": val.vms,
                "shared": val.shared,
                "text": val.text,
                "lib": val.lib,
                "data": val.data,
                "dirty": val.dirty,
                "uss": val.uss,
                "pss": val.pss,
                "swap": val.swap

        elif isinstance(val, psutil._common.pgids) or isinstance(
                val, psutil._common.puids):
            results[key] = {
                "real": val.real,
                "effetive": val.effective,
                "saved": val.saved

        elif isinstance(val, psutil._common.pcputimes):
            results[key] = {
                "user": val.user,
                "system": val.system,
                "children_user": val.children_user,
                "children_system": val.children_system

        elif isinstance(val, psutil._common.pctxsw):
            results[key] = {
                "voluntary": val.voluntary,
                "involuntary": val.involuntary

        elif isinstance(val, psutil._common.pionice):
            results[key] = {"value": val.value}

            # Older Python version (2) doesn't have attribute
            if hasattr(val.ioclass, 'name'):
                results[key]["ioclass"] = val.ioclass.name

        # pfullmem (first above) should cover this
        elif isinstance(val, psutil._pslinux.pmem):

        elif isinstance(val, psutil._pslinux.pio):
            results[key] = {
                "read_count": val.read_count,
                "write_count": val.write_count,
                "read_bytes": val.read_bytes,
                "write_bytes": val.write_bytes,
                "read_chars": val.read_chars,
                "write_chars": val.write_chars
            results[key] = val

    # Add any environment variables prefixed wit WATCHMEENV_
    environ = get_watchme_env()

    return results
Exemple #11
 def end(self):
     self.end_time = time.time()
     self.runtime = self.runtime = self.end_time - self.start_time
     bot.debug("Ending multiprocess, runtime: %s sec" % (self.runtime))
Exemple #12
 def start(self):
     bot.debug("Starting multiprocess")
     self.start_time = time.time()
Exemple #13
    def write_results(self, result, repo):
        """an entrypoint function for a general task. By default, we parse
           results based on the result type. Any particular subclass of the
           TaskBase can modify or extend these functions.

           result: the result object to parse
           repo: the repo base (watcher.repo)
        files = []

        # Case 1. The result is a list
        if isinstance(result, list):

            # Get rid of Nones, if the user accidentally added
            result = [r for r in result if r]

            if len(result) == 0:
                bot.error("%s returned empty list of results." % self.name)

            # multiple jsons save specified, regardless
            elif self.params.get("save_as") == "jsons":
                bot.debug("Saving single list as multiple json...")
                files += self._save_json_list(result, repo)

            # json output is specified by the user or we find dict results
            elif self.params.get("save_as") == "json" or isinstance(
                    result[0], dict):
                bot.debug("Saving single list as one json...")
                files.append(self._save_json(result, repo))

            # Otherwise, sniff for list of paths
            elif os.path.exists(result[0]):
                bot.debug("Found list of paths...")
                files += self._save_files_list(result, repo)

            # Finally, assume just writing text to file
                bot.debug("Saving content from list to file...")
                files += self._save_text_list(result, repo)

        # Case 2. The result is a string
        elif isinstance(result, str):
            files = self._save_str_result(files, result, repo)

        # Case 3. The result is a dictionary
        elif isinstance(result, dict):
            files.append(self._save_json(result, repo))

        elif result is None:
            bot.error("Result for task %s is None" % self.name)

        elif hasattr(self, "_write_results"):
            return self._write_results(result)

        # If it's unicode, try encoding, and then fail (repetitive)
                result = result.encode("utf-8")
                files = self._save_str_result(files, result, repo)

                bot.error("Unsupported result format %s" % type(result))

        # Get rid of None results (don't check excessively for None above)
        files = [f for f in files if f]
        return files
Exemple #14
    def finish_runs(self, results):
        '''finish runs should take a dictionary of results, with keys as the
           folder name, and for each, depending on the result type,
           write the result to file (or update file) and then commit
           to git.

           results: a dictionary of tasks, with keys as the task name, and
                    values as the result.
        for name, result in results.items():
            task_folder = os.path.join(self.repo, name)
            task = self.get_task(name, save=True)

            # Files to be added via Git after
            files = []

            # Ensure that the task folder exists
            if not os.path.exists(task_folder):
                git_add(self.repo, task_folder)

            # Case 1. The result is a list
            if isinstance(result, list):
                # Get rid of Nones, if the user accidentally added
                result = [r for r in result if r]

                if len(result) == 0:
                    bot.error('%s returned empty list of results.' % name)

                # json output is specified
                elif task.params.get('save_as') == 'json':
                    bot.debug('Saving single list as one json...')
                    files.append(task._save_json(result, self.repo))

                elif task.params.get('save_as') == 'json':
                    bot.debug('Saving single list as multiple json...')
                    files += task._save_json_list(result, self.repo)

                # Otherwise, sniff for list of paths
                elif os.path.exists(result[0]):
                    bot.debug('Found list of paths...')
                    files += task._save_files_list(result, self.repo)

                # Finally, assume just writing text to file
                    bot.debug('Saving content from list to file...')
                    files += task._save_text_list(result, self.repo)

            # Case 2. The result is a string
            elif isinstance(result, str):
                # if it's a path to a file, just save to repository
                if os.path.exists(result):
                    files.append(task._save_file(result, self.repo))

                # Otherwise, it's a string that needs to be saved to file
                    files.append(task._save_text(result, self.repo))

            # Case 3. The result is a dictionary
            elif isinstance(result, dict):
                files.append(task._save_json(result, self.repo))

            elif result == None:
                bot.error('Result for task %s is None' % name)

                bot.error('Unsupported result format %s' % type(result))

            # Get rid of None results (don't check excessively for None above)
            files = [f for f in files if f]

            # Add files to git, and commit
            files.append(write_timestamp(repo=self.repo, task=name))
            git_add(repo=self.repo, files=files)
                       message="ADD results %s" % name)
Exemple #15
    def write_results(self, result, repo):
        '''an entrypoint function for a general task. By default, we parse
           results based on the result type. Any particular subclass of the
           TaskBase can modify or extend these functions.

           result: the result object to parse
           repo: the repo base (watcher.repo)
        files = []

        # Case 1. The result is a list
        if isinstance(result, list):

            # Get rid of Nones, if the user accidentally added
            result = [r for r in result if r]

            if len(result) == 0:
                bot.error('%s returned empty list of results.' % self.name)

            # multiple jsons save specified, regardless
            elif self.params.get('save_as') == 'jsons':
                bot.debug('Saving single list as multiple json...')
                files += self._save_json_list(result, repo)

            # json output is specified by the user or we find dict results
            elif self.params.get('save_as') == 'json' or isinstance(
                    result[0], dict):
                bot.debug('Saving single list as one json...')
                files.append(self._save_json(result, repo))

            # Otherwise, sniff for list of paths
            elif os.path.exists(result[0]):
                bot.debug('Found list of paths...')
                files += self._save_files_list(result, repo)

            # Finally, assume just writing text to file
                bot.debug('Saving content from list to file...')
                files += self._save_text_list(result, repo)

        # Case 2. The result is a string
        elif isinstance(result, str):

            # if it's a path to a file, just save to repository
            if os.path.exists(result):
                files.append(self._save_file(result, repo))

            # Otherwise, it's a string that needs to be saved to file
                files.append(self._save_text(result, repo))

        # Case 3. The result is a dictionary
        elif isinstance(result, dict):
            files.append(self._save_json(result, repo))

        elif result == None:
            bot.error('Result for task %s is None' % self.name)

        elif hasattr(self, '_write_results'):
            return self._write_results(result)

            bot.error('Unsupported result format %s' % type(result))

        # Get rid of None results (don't check excessively for None above)
        files = [f for f in files if f]
        return files