Exemple #1
    def construct(self):
        """Given a Wave object, produces a soundwave which can be written to

        Global vars:

        possible_shapes: List of strings
            used to keep track of what kinds of waves can be constructed in a
            way which can be queried by other modules.

        Internal vars:
            The audible protion of the wave.


        if self.shape == "sine":
            waveform = wb.sine_wave(self.frequency, self.sample_rate, self.amplitude)
        if self.shape == "square":
            waveform = wb.square_wave(self.frequency, self.sample_rate, self.amplitude)
        if self.shape == "damped":
            waveform = wb.damped_wave(self.frequency, self.sample_rate, self.amplitude)
        if self.shape == "white_noise":
            waveform = wb.white_noise(self.amplitude)

        i = -1  # A counter to keep position in the waveform.
        before_postwait = self.total_ticks - self.postwait

        while True:

            i += 1
            cursor = i % self.total_ticks
            # Cursor here represents the position in the waveform

            if cursor <= self.prewait:
                yield 0
            elif self.prewait < cursor <= before_postwait:
                yield waveform.next()
                yield 0
 def sound_write(self, frequency=440.0, duration=10.0, amplitude=0.1):
   square_wave = wavebender.square_wave(frequency, amplitude=amplitude);
   channels = ((square_wave,),)
   samples = wavebender.compute_samples(channels, 44100 * duration * 1)
   self._samples_write(samples, duration);
#!/usr/bin/env python
import wavebender
from math import cos
import sys

f =open ("test.wav", 'wb');
square_wave = wavebender.square_wave(440.0, amplitude=0.1)
channels = ((square_wave,),)
duration = 2
samples = wavebender.compute_samples(channels, 44100 * duration * 1)
wavebender.write_wavefile(f, samples, 44100 * duration * 1, nchannels=1)