def GetWaveDataR(configFileName, directoryName, fileNum=1, getZeroCrossingIntegral=True): startTime = time.time() print("Running GetWaveData!") print("Starting at " + time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) config = configparser.ConfigParser() # Setup data info # Directories data_directory = directoryName # New data_file_name = config['Directories']['data_file_name'] #pywaves_directory = config['Directories']['pywaves_directory'] # Digitizer dataFormatStr = config['Digitizer']['dataFormat'] nSamples = int(config['Digitizer']['samples_per_waveform']) ns_per_sample = int(config['Digitizer']['ns_per_sample']) number_of_bits = int(config['Digitizer']['number_of_bits']) dynamic_range_volts = float(config['Digitizer']['dynamic_range_volts']) polarity0 = int( config['Digitizer']['polarity0']) # Polarity of first several channels p0ch = int(config['Digitizer'] ['p0ch']) # Number of channels to apply first polarity to polarity1 = int( config['Digitizer']['polarity1']) # Polarity of remaining channels baselineOffset = int(config['Digitizer']['baseline_offset']) nBaselineSamples = int(config['Digitizer']['baseline_samples']) nCh = int(config['Digitizer']['number_of_channels']) # nWavesPerLoad = int(config['Data Management']['waves_per_load']) nWavesPerLoad = 10000 # Chosen pretty arbitrarily # nWaves = int(config['Data Management']['waves_per_folder']) # per folder nWaves = 1000000 # Large number # Let's just do all of the folders! startFolder = int(config['Data Management']['start_folder']) nFolders = fileNum # nFolders = int(config['Data Management']['number_of_folders']) unevenFactor = int(config['Data Management']['uneven_factor']) cfdFraction = float(config['Pulse Processing']['cfd_fraction']) integralEnd = int(config['Pulse Processing']['integral_end']) totalIntegralStart = int( config['Pulse Processing']['total_integral_start']) tailIntegralStart = int(config['Pulse Processing']['tail_integral_start']) applyCRRC4 = bool(int(config['Pulse Processing']['apply_crrc4'])) CRRC4Tau = float(config['Pulse Processing']['crrc4_shaping_time']) # Load pywaves # sys.path.extend([pywaves_directory]) from dataloader import DataLoader from waveform import Waveform # Pre-calc if dataFormatStr == 'DPP_MIXED': dataFormat = DataLoader.DAFCA_DPP_MIXED elif dataFormatStr == 'STANDARD': dataFormat = DataLoader.DAFCA_STD if platform.system() is 'Windows': directory_separator = '\\' else: directory_separator = '/' # Initialize data arrays dataFile1 = data_directory + directory_separator + str( 1) + directory_separator + data_file_name datloader1 = DataLoader(dataFile1, dataFormat, nSamples) nWavesIn1 = datloader1.GetNumberOfWavesInFile() # print(str(nWavesIn1)) nLoads = int(nWavesIn1 / nWavesPerLoad) if nLoads < 1: nLoads = 1 chBufferSize = int(nFolders * nWavesIn1 * unevenFactor / nCh) VperLSB = dynamic_range_volts / (2**number_of_bits) fileTimeGap = 2**43 # Note: no more than 3 hours per measurement! # Setup channel queues ph = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize)) amp = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize)) tailInt = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize)) totalInt = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize)) rms = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize)) ttt = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize), dtype=np.uint32) extras = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize), dtype=np.uint32) fullTime = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize), dtype=np.uint64) cfd = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize)) chCount = np.zeros(nCh, dtype=np.uint32) flags = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize), dtype=np.uint32) # Setup data loader waveform = Waveform(np.zeros(nSamples), polarity0, baselineOffset, nBaselineSamples) print('polarity0 =' + str(polarity0)) print('p0ch = ' + str(p0ch)) print('polarity1 =' + str(polarity1)) # Queue up waves for f in range(startFolder, startFolder + nFolders): print('Folder {}:'.format(f)) fullDFileName = data_directory + directory_separator + str( f) + directory_separator + data_file_name datloader = DataLoader(fullDFileName, dataFormat, nSamples) nWavesInFile = datloader.GetNumberOfWavesInFile() nWaves = nWavesInFile + 1 if (nWavesInFile < nWaves): print('Warning: requested more waves than exists in file!') loadsInFile = int(np.ceil(nWavesInFile / nWavesPerLoad)) print('Loading all {} waves instead...'.format(nWavesInFile)) lastLoad = nWavesInFile - (loadsInFile - 1) * nWavesPerLoad else: loadsInFile = nLoads lastLoad = nWavesPerLoad if nWavesInFile % 2 == 0 or nWavesInFile % 2 == 1 or int(nCh) == 2: for load in range(loadsInFile): if (load == loadsInFile - 1): wavesThisLoad = lastLoad else: wavesThisLoad = nWavesPerLoad waves = datloader.LoadWaves(wavesThisLoad) for w in range(wavesThisLoad): ch = waves[w]['Channel'] waveform.SetSamples(waves[w]['Samples']) if (ch >= p0ch): waveform.Polarize(polarity1) else: waveform.Polarize(polarity0) #print(str( waveform.polarity)) if applyCRRC4: waveform.ApplyCRRC4(ns_per_sample, CRRC4Tau) if getZeroCrossingIntegral: ph[ch][ chCount[ch]] = waveform.GetIntegralToZeroCrossing( ) * VperLSB * ns_per_sample amp[ch][chCount[ch]] = waveform.GetMax() tailInt[ch][chCount[ch]] = waveform.GetIntegralFromPeak( tailIntegralStart, integralEnd) * VperLSB * ns_per_sample totalInt[ch][chCount[ch]] = waveform.GetIntegralFromPeak( totalIntegralStart, integralEnd) * VperLSB * ns_per_sample cfd[ch][chCount[ch]] = waveform.GetCFDTime( cfdFraction) * ns_per_sample ttt[ch][chCount[ch]] = waves[w]['TimeTag'] rms[ch][chCount[ch]] = waveform.GetRMSbls(nBaselineSamples) if dataFormatStr == 'DPP_MIXED': extras[ch][chCount[ch]] = waves[w]['Extras'] # fullTime[ch][chCount[ch]] = ((waves[w]['TimeTag'] + # ((waves[w]['Extras'] & 0xFFFF0000) # << 15)))*ns_per_sample fullTime[ch][chCount[ch]] = ( (waves[w]['TimeTag'] + ((waves[w]['Extras'] & 0xFFFF0000) << 15)) + fileTimeGap * f) * ns_per_sample chCount[ch] += 1 endTime = time.time() runTime = endTime - startTime print("GetWaveDataR took {} s".format(runTime)) return chCount, ph, amp, tailInt, totalInt, cfd, ttt, extras, fullTime, flags, rms
def GetWaveData(configFileName, getZeroCrossingIntegral=True, getWaves=True, loud=False, getTail=False, getTot=False, getPH=False, getAmp=False, getRMS=False, getExtras=False, getFullTime=False, getCFD=False, getflags=False): # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Configuration # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # config = configparser.ConfigParser() # Setup data info # Directories data_directory = config['Directories']['data_directory'] data_file_name = config['Directories']['data_file_name'] goodInd = False if 'goodind_file_name' in config['Directories']: goodInd = True goodind_file_name = config['Directories']['goodind_file_name'] pywaves_directory = config['Directories']['pywaves_directory'] # Load pywaves sys.path.extend([pywaves_directory]) from dataloader import DataLoader from waveform import Waveform # Digitizer global dataFormatStr global nSamples global ns_per_sample global number_of_bits global dynamic_range_volts global polarity global baselineOffset global nBaselineSamples global nCh global nWavesPerLoad global nWaves global startFolder global nFolders global unevenFactor global cfdFraction global integralEnd global totalIntegralStart global tailIntegralStart global applyCRRC4 global CRRC4Tau dataFormatStr = config['Digitizer']['dataFormat'] nSamples = int(config['Digitizer']['samples_per_waveform']) ns_per_sample = int(config['Digitizer']['ns_per_sample']) number_of_bits = int(config['Digitizer']['number_of_bits']) dynamic_range_volts = float(config['Digitizer']['dynamic_range_volts']) polarity = int(config['Digitizer']['polarity']) baselineOffset = int(config['Digitizer']['baseline_offset']) nBaselineSamples = int(config['Digitizer']['baseline_samples']) nCh = int(config['Digitizer']['number_of_channels']) nWavesPerLoad = int(config['Data Management']['waves_per_load']) nWaves = int(config['Data Management']['waves_per_folder']) # per folder startFolder = int(config['Data Management']['start_folder']) nFolders = int(config['Data Management']['number_of_folders']) unevenFactor = int(config['Data Management']['uneven_factor']) cfdFraction = float(config['Pulse Processing']['cfd_fraction']) integralEnd = int(config['Pulse Processing']['integral_end']) totalIntegralStart = int( config['Pulse Processing']['total_integral_start']) tailIntegralStart = int(config['Pulse Processing']['tail_integral_start']) applyCRRC4 = bool(int(config['Pulse Processing']['apply_crrc4'])) CRRC4Tau = float(config['Pulse Processing']['crrc4_shaping_time']) # Pre-calc if dataFormatStr == 'DPP_MIXED': dataFormat = DataLoader.DAFCA_DPP_MIXED elif dataFormatStr == 'STANDARD': dataFormat = DataLoader.DAFCA_STD if platform.system() is 'Windows': directory_separator = '\\' else: directory_separator = '/' nLoads = int(nWaves / nWavesPerLoad) chBufferSize = int(nFolders * nWaves * unevenFactor / nCh) VperLSB = dynamic_range_volts / (2**number_of_bits) fileTimeGap = 2**43 # Note: no more than 3 hours per measurement! # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Data structure setup # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # dataGetter = {} dataStorage = {} if getTail == True: dataGetter['tail'] = getWaveTail dataStorage['tail'] = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize)) if getTot == True: dataGetter['total'] = getWaveTot dataStorage['total'] = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize)) if getPH == True: dataGetter['ph'] = getWavePH dataStorage['ph'] = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize)) if getCFD == True: dataGetter['cfd'] = getWaveCFD dataStorage['cfd'] = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize)) if getRMS == True: dataGetter['rms'] = getWaveRMS dataStorage['rms'] = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize)) if getAmp == True: dataGetter['amp'] = getWaveAmp dataSotage['amp'] = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize)) if getExtras == True and dataFormatStr == 'DPP_MIXED': dataSotage['extra'] = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize), dtype=np.uint32) if getFullTime == True and dataFormatStr == 'DPP_MIXED': dataSotage['fulltime'] = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize), dtype=np.uint64) # Setup mandatory channel queues ttt = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize), dtype=np.uint32) chCount = np.zeros(nCh, dtype=np.uint32) flags = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize), dtype=np.uint32) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Data aquisition # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # startTime = time.time() print("Running GetWaveData!") print("Starting at " + time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) # Setup data loader waveform = Waveform(np.zeros(nSamples), polarity, baselineOffset, nBaselineSamples) pulses = [] # Queue up waves for f in range(startFolder, startFolder + nFolders): print('\n Folder {}:'.format(f)) fullDFileName = data_directory + directory_separator + str( f) + directory_separator + data_file_name print(fullDFileName) datloader = DataLoader(fullDFileName, dataFormat, nSamples) nWavesInFile = datloader.GetNumberOfWavesInFile() if (nWavesInFile < nWaves): print('Warning: requested more waves than exists in file!') loadsInFile = int(np.ceil(nWavesInFile / nWavesPerLoad)) print('Loading all {} waves instead...'.format(nWavesInFile)) lastLoad = nWavesInFile - (loadsInFile - 1) * nWavesPerLoad else: loadsInFile = nLoads lastLoad = nWavesPerLoad if goodInd == True: goodIndFileName = data_directory + directory_separator + str( f) + directory_separator + goodind_file_name goodIndices = [] with open(goodIndFileName, "r") as goodfi: good_lines = goodfi.readlines() for line in good_lines: goodIndices.append(int(line) - 1) goodIndices = np.array(goodIndices) else: goodIndices = np.arange(0, nWavesInFile - 1) waveNum = 0 printProgressBar(0, loadsInFile, prefix='Progress: ', suffix='Complete') for load in range(loadsInFile): if (load == loadsInFile - 1): wavesThisLoad = lastLoad else: wavesThisLoad = nWavesPerLoad waves = datloader.LoadWaves(wavesThisLoad) for w in range(0, wavesThisLoad): if waveNum == goodIndices[0]: goodIndices = goodIndices[1:] ch = waves[w]['Channel'] chCount[ch] += 1 # set up waveform structure waveform = Waveform(waves[w]['Samples'], polarity, baselineOffset, nBaselineSamples, ch=waves[w]['Channel'], time=waves[w]['TimeTag']) waveform.BaselineSubtract() # CCR4 if applyCRRC4: waveform.ApplyCRRC4(ns_per_sample, CRRC4Tau) # add timing data to mandatory channel structure ttt[ch][chCount[ch]] = waves[w]['TimeTag'] # populate data structure for optional for key, value in dataGetter.items(): dataStorage[key][ch][chCount[ch]] = getGetter[key]( waveform) ttt[ch][chCount[ch]] = waves[w]['TimeTag'] # get the whole wave if getWaves == True: pulses.append(waveform) waveNum += 1 # increment the wave counter in the current load # end iteration over waves in load - end load # update progress bar following new load printProgressBar(load + 1, loadsInFile, prefix='Progress: ', suffix='Complete') endTime = time.time() runTime = endTime - startTime print("\nGetWaveData took {} s".format(runTime)) if getWaves == False: return chCount, ttt, dataStorage else: return chCount, ttt, dataStorage, pulses