def color_by_nids(graph, unique_nids=None, ibs=None, nid2_color_=None): """ Colors edges and nodes by nid """ # TODO use ut.color_nodes import wbia.plottool as pt ensure_graph_nid_labels(graph, unique_nids, ibs=ibs) node_to_nid = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'nid') unique_nids = ut.unique(node_to_nid.values()) ncolors = len(unique_nids) if (ncolors) == 1: unique_colors = [pt.UNKNOWN_PURP] else: if nid2_color_ is not None: unique_colors = pt.distinct_colors(ncolors + len(nid2_color_) * 2) else: unique_colors = pt.distinct_colors(ncolors) # Find edges and aids strictly between two nids nid_to_color = dict(zip(unique_nids, unique_colors)) if nid2_color_ is not None: # HACK NEED TO ENSURE COLORS ARE NOT REUSED nid_to_color.update(nid2_color_) edge_aids = list(graph.edges()) edge_nids = ut.unflat_take(node_to_nid, edge_aids) flags = [nids[0] == nids[1] for nids in edge_nids] flagged_edge_aids = ut.compress(edge_aids, flags) flagged_edge_nids = ut.compress(edge_nids, flags) flagged_edge_colors = [nid_to_color[nids[0]] for nids in flagged_edge_nids] edge_to_color = dict(zip(flagged_edge_aids, flagged_edge_colors)) node_to_color = ut.map_dict_vals(ut.partial(ut.take, nid_to_color), node_to_nid) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='color', values=edge_to_color) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='color', values=node_to_color)
def make_colorcodes(model): """ python -m wbia.algo.hots.bayes --exec-make_name_model --show python -m wbia.algo.hots.bayes --exec-cluster_query --show python -m wbia --tf demo_bayesnet --ev :nA=4,nS=2,Na=n0,rand_scores=True --show --verbose python -m wbia --tf demo_bayesnet --ev :nA=4,nS=3,Na=n0,rand_scores=True --show --verbose """ import wbia.plottool as pt ttype_colors = {} ttype_scalars = {} # Hacked in custom colors if 'name' in model.ttype2_template: basis = model.ttype2_template['name'].basis card = len(basis) colors = pt.distinct_colors(max(card, 10))[:card] ttype_colors['name'] = colors ttype_scalars['name'] = np.linspace(0, 1, len(basis)) if 'score' in model.ttype2_template: cmap_, mn, mx = 'plasma', 0.15, 1.0 _cmap = pt.plt.get_cmap(cmap_) def cmap(x): return _cmap((x * mx) + mn) basis = model.ttype2_template['score'].basis scalars = np.linspace(0, 1, len(basis)) # scalars = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) colors = pt.scores_to_color(scalars, cmap_=cmap_, reverse_cmap=False, cmap_range=(mn, mx)) colors = [pt.lighten_rgb(c, 0.4) for c in colors] ttype_scalars['score'] = scalars ttype_colors['score'] = colors return ttype_colors, ttype_scalars
def show_model(model, evidence={}, soft_evidence={}, **kwargs): """ References: Ignore: pkg-config --libs-only-L libcgraph sudo apt-get install libgraphviz-dev -y sudo apt-get install libgraphviz4 -y # sudo apt-get install pkg-config sudo apt-get install libgraphviz-dev # pip install git+git:// pip install pygraphviz python -c "import pygraphviz; print(pygraphviz.__file__)" sudo pip3 install pygraphviz --install-option="--include-path=/usr/include/graphviz" --install-option="--library-path=/usr/lib/graphviz/" python3 -c "import pygraphviz; print(pygraphviz.__file__)" CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.bayes --exec-show_model --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.bayes import * # NOQA >>> model = '?' >>> evidence = {} >>> soft_evidence = {} >>> result = show_model(model, evidence, soft_evidence) >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ if ut.get_argval('--hackmarkov') or ut.get_argval('--hackjunc'): draw_tree_model(model, **kwargs) return import wbia.plottool as pt import networkx as netx fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(None) netx_graph = model # netx_graph.graph.setdefault('graph', {})['size'] = '"10,5"' # netx_graph.graph.setdefault('graph', {})['rankdir'] = 'LR' pos_dict = get_hacked_pos(netx_graph) # pos_dict = netx.nx_agraph.pygraphviz_layout(netx_graph) # pos = netx.nx_agraph.nx_pydot.pydot_layout(netx_graph, prog='dot') # pos_dict = netx.nx_agraph.graphviz_layout(netx_graph) textprops = { 'family': 'monospace', 'horizontalalignment': 'left', # 'horizontalalignment': 'center', # 'size': 12, 'size': 8, } netx_nodes = model.nodes(data=True) node_key_list = ut.get_list_column(netx_nodes, 0) pos_list = ut.dict_take(pos_dict, node_key_list) var2_post = {f.variables[0]: f for f in kwargs.get('factor_list', [])} prior_text = None post_text = None evidence_tas = [] post_tas = [] prior_tas = [] node_color = [] has_inferred = evidence or var2_post if has_inferred: ignore_prior_with_ttype = [SCORE_TTYPE, MATCH_TTYPE] show_prior = False else: ignore_prior_with_ttype = [] # show_prior = True show_prior = False dpy = 5 dbx, dby = (20, 20) takw1 = { 'bbox_align': (0.5, 0), 'pos_offset': [0, dpy], 'bbox_offset': [dbx, dby] } takw2 = { 'bbox_align': (0.5, 1), 'pos_offset': [0, -dpy], 'bbox_offset': [-dbx, -dby] } name_colors = pt.distinct_colors(max(model.num_names, 10)) name_colors = name_colors[:model.num_names] # cmap_ = 'hot' #mx = 0.65 #mn = 0.15 cmap_, mn, mx = 'plasma', 0.15, 1.0 _cmap = pt.plt.get_cmap(cmap_) def cmap(x): return _cmap((x * mx) + mn) for node, pos in zip(netx_nodes, pos_list): variable = node[0] cpd = model.var2_cpd[variable] prior_marg = (cpd if cpd.evidence is None else cpd.marginalize( cpd.evidence, inplace=False)) show_evidence = variable in evidence show_prior = cpd.ttype not in ignore_prior_with_ttype show_post = variable in var2_post show_prior |= cpd.ttype not in ignore_prior_with_ttype post_marg = None if show_post: post_marg = var2_post[variable] def get_name_color(phi): order = phi.values.argsort()[::-1] if len(order) < 2: dist_next = phi.values[order[0]] else: dist_next = phi.values[order[0]] - phi.values[order[1]] dist_total = phi.values[order[0]] confidence = (dist_total * dist_next)**(2.5 / 4) #'confidence = %r' % (confidence,)) color = name_colors[order[0]] color = pt.color_funcs.desaturate_rgb(color, 1 - confidence) color = np.array(color) return color if variable in evidence: if cpd.ttype == SCORE_TTYPE: cmap_index = evidence[variable] / (cpd.variable_card - 1) color = cmap(cmap_index) color = pt.lighten_rgb(color, 0.4) color = np.array(color) node_color.append(color) elif cpd.ttype == NAME_TTYPE: color = name_colors[evidence[variable]] color = np.array(color) node_color.append(color) else: color = pt.FALSE_RED node_color.append(color) # elif variable in soft_evidence: # color = pt.LIGHT_PINK # show_prior = True # color = get_name_color(prior_marg) # node_color.append(color) else: if cpd.ttype == NAME_TTYPE and post_marg is not None: color = get_name_color(post_marg) node_color.append(color) elif cpd.ttype == MATCH_TTYPE and post_marg is not None: color = cmap(post_marg.values[1]) color = pt.lighten_rgb(color, 0.4) color = np.array(color) node_color.append(color) else: # color = pt.WHITE color = pt.NEUTRAL node_color.append(color) if show_prior: if variable in soft_evidence: prior_color = pt.LIGHT_PINK else: prior_color = None prior_text = pgm_ext.make_factor_text(prior_marg, 'prior') prior_tas.append( dict(text=prior_text, pos=pos, color=prior_color, **takw2)) if show_evidence: _takw1 = takw1 if cpd.ttype == SCORE_TTYPE: _takw1 = takw2 evidence_text = cpd.variable_statenames[evidence[variable]] if isinstance(evidence_text, int): evidence_text = '%d/%d' % (evidence_text + 1, cpd.variable_card) evidence_tas.append( dict(text=evidence_text, pos=pos, color=color, **_takw1)) if show_post: _takw1 = takw1 if cpd.ttype == MATCH_TTYPE: _takw1 = takw2 post_text = pgm_ext.make_factor_text(post_marg, 'post') post_tas.append(dict(text=post_text, pos=pos, color=None, **_takw1)) def trnps_(dict_list): """ tranpose dict list """ list_dict = ut.ddict(list) for dict_ in dict_list: for key, val in dict_.items(): list_dict[key + '_list'].append(val) return list_dict takw1_ = trnps_(post_tas + evidence_tas) takw2_ = trnps_(prior_tas) # Draw graph if has_inferred: pnum1 = (3, 1, (slice(0, 2), 0)) else: pnum1 = None fig = pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum1, doclf=True) # NOQA ax = pt.gca() #'node_color = %s' % (ut.repr3(node_color),)) drawkw = dict(pos=pos_dict, ax=ax, with_labels=True, node_size=1500, node_color=node_color) netx.draw(netx_graph, **drawkw) hacks = [] if len(post_tas + evidence_tas): hacks.append(pt.draw_text_annotations(textprops=textprops, **takw1_)) if prior_tas: hacks.append(pt.draw_text_annotations(textprops=textprops, **takw2_)) xmin, ymin = np.array(pos_list).min(axis=0) xmax, ymax = np.array(pos_list).max(axis=0) num_annots = len(model.ttype2_cpds[NAME_TTYPE]) if num_annots > 4: ax.set_xlim((xmin - 40, xmax + 40)) ax.set_ylim((ymin - 50, ymax + 50)) fig.set_size_inches(30, 7) else: ax.set_xlim((xmin - 42, xmax + 42)) ax.set_ylim((ymin - 50, ymax + 50)) fig.set_size_inches(23, 7) fig = pt.gcf() title = 'num_names=%r, num_annots=%r' % ( model.num_names, num_annots, ) map_assign = kwargs.get('map_assign', None) top_assignments = kwargs.get('top_assignments', None) if top_assignments is not None: map_assign, map_prob = top_assignments[0] if map_assign is not None: def word_insert(text): return '' if len(text) == 0 else text + ' ' title += '\n%sMAP: ' % (word_insert(kwargs.get('method', ''))) title += map_assign + ' @' + '%.2f%%' % (100 * map_prob, ) if kwargs.get('show_title', True): pt.set_figtitle(title, size=14) for hack in hacks: hack() # Hack in colorbars if has_inferred: pt.colorbar( np.linspace(0, 1, len(name_colors)), name_colors, lbl=NAME_TTYPE, ticklabels=model.ttype2_template[NAME_TTYPE].basis, ticklocation='left', ) basis = model.ttype2_template[SCORE_TTYPE].basis scalars = np.linspace(0, 1, len(basis)) scalars = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) colors = pt.scores_to_color(scalars, cmap_=cmap_, reverse_cmap=False, cmap_range=(mn, mx)) colors = [pt.lighten_rgb(c, 0.4) for c in colors] if ut.list_type(basis) is int: pt.colorbar(scalars, colors, lbl=SCORE_TTYPE, ticklabels=np.array(basis) + 1) else: pt.colorbar(scalars, colors, lbl=SCORE_TTYPE, ticklabels=basis) #'basis = %r' % (basis,)) # Draw probability hist if has_inferred and top_assignments is not None: bin_labels = ut.get_list_column(top_assignments, 0) bin_vals = ut.get_list_column(top_assignments, 1) # bin_labels = ['\n'.join(ut.textwrap.wrap(_lbl, width=30)) for _lbl in bin_labels] pt.draw_histogram( bin_labels, bin_vals, fnum=fnum, pnum=(3, 8, (2, slice(4, None))), transpose=True, use_darkbackground=False, # xtick_rotation=-10, ylabel='Prob', xlabel='assignment', ) pt.set_title('Assignment probabilities')
def show_page(self, bring_to_front=False, onlyrows=None, fulldraw=True): """ Plots all subaxes on a page onlyrows is a hack to only draw a subset of the data again """ if ut.VERBOSE: if not fulldraw:'[matchver] show_page(fulldraw=%r, onlyrows=%r)' % (fulldraw, onlyrows)) else:'[matchver] show_page(fulldraw=%r)' % (fulldraw)) self.prepare_page(fulldraw=fulldraw) # Variables we will work with to paint a pretty picture ibs = self.ibs nRows = self.nRows colpad = 1 if is not None else 0 nCols = self.nCols + colpad # Distinct color for every unique name unique_nids = ut.unique_ordered( ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(self.all_aid_list, distinguish_unknowns=False)) unique_colors = pt.distinct_colors(len(unique_nids), brightness=0.7, hue_range=(0.05, 0.95)) self.nid2_color = dict(zip(unique_nids, unique_colors)) row_aids_list = self.get_row_aids_list() if is not None:'DRAWING QRES') pnum = (1, nCols, 1) if not fulldraw: # not doing full draw so we have to clear any axes # that are here already manually ax = self.fig.add_subplot(*pnum) self.clear_parent_axes(ax) self.qreq_, self.aid2, fnum=self.fnum, pnum=pnum, draw_fmatch=True, colorbar_=False, ) # For each row for rowx, aid_list in enumerate(row_aids_list): offset = rowx * nCols + 1 if onlyrows is not None and rowx not in onlyrows: continue # ibsfuncs.assert_valid_aids(ibs, groundtruth) # For each column for colx, aid in enumerate(aid_list, start=colpad): if colx >= nCols: break try: nid = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(aid) if ibsfuncs.is_nid_unknown(ibs, [nid])[0]: color = const.UNKNOWN_PURPLE_RGBA01 else: color = self.nid2_color[nid] except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex)'nid = %r' % (nid, ))'self.nid2_color = %s' % (ut.repr2(self.nid2_color), )) raise px = colx + offset ax = self.plot_chip(int(aid), nRows, nCols, px, color=color, fulldraw=fulldraw) # If there are still more in this row to display if colx + 1 < len(aid_list) and colx + 1 >= nCols: total_indices = len(aid_list) current_index = self.col_offset_list[rowx] + 1 next_text = 'next\n%d/%d' % (current_index, total_indices) next_func = functools.partial(self.rotate_row, rowx=rowx) self.append_button( next_text, callback=next_func, location='right', size='33%', ax=ax, ) if fulldraw: self.show_hud() hspace = 0.05 if (self.nCols) > 1 else 0.1 subplotspar = { 'left': 0.1, 'right': 0.9, 'top': 0.85, 'bottom': 0.1, 'wspace': 0.3, 'hspace': hspace, } pt.adjust_subplots(**subplotspar) self.draw() if bring_to_front: self.bring_to_front()
def show_sv_simple(chip1, chip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm, inliers, mx=None, fnum=1, vert=None, **kwargs): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.plottool.draw_sv --test-show_sv_simple --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.plottool.draw_sv import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_inliers, chip1, chip2, xy_thresh_sqrd = vt.testdata_matching_affine_inliers() >>> inliers = aff_inliers >>> mx = None >>> fnum = 1 >>> vert = None # ut.get_argval('--vert', type_=bool, default=None) >>> result = show_sv_simple(chip1, chip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm, inliers, mx, fnum, vert=vert) >>> print(result) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ import wbia.plottool as pt import vtool as vt colors = pt.distinct_colors(2, brightness=0.95) color1, color2 = colors[0:2] # Begin the drawing fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum) pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 1, 1), docla=True, doclf=True) # dmkwargs = dict(fs=None, title='Inconsistent Matches', all_kpts=False, draw_lines=True, # docla=True, draw_border=True, fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 1, 1), colors=pt.ORANGE) inlier_mask = vt.index_to_boolmask(inliers, maxval=len(fm)) fm_inliers = fm.compress(inlier_mask, axis=0) fm_outliers = fm.compress(np.logical_not(inlier_mask), axis=0) xywh1, xywh2, sf_tup = pt.show_chipmatch2(chip1, chip2, vert=vert, modifysize=True, new_return=True) sf1, sf2 = sf_tup fmatch_kw = dict(ell_linewidth=2, ell_alpha=0.7, line_alpha=0.7) pt.plot_fmatch(xywh1, xywh2, kpts1, kpts2, fm_inliers, colors=color1, scale_factor1=sf1, scale_factor2=sf2, **fmatch_kw) pt.plot_fmatch(xywh1, xywh2, kpts1, kpts2, fm_outliers, colors=color2, scale_factor1=sf1, scale_factor2=sf2, **fmatch_kw)
def _pil_distinct_colors(n_colors): float_colors = pt.distinct_colors(n_colors) int_colors = [ tuple([int(256 * f) for f in color]) for color in float_colors ] return int_colors
def show_qres(ibs, cm, qreq_=None, **kwargs): r""" Display Query Result Logic Defaults to: query chip, groundtruth matches, and top matches Args: ibs (wbia.IBEISController): wbia controller object cm (wbia.ChipMatch): object of feature correspondences and scores qreq_ (wbia.QueryRequest): query request object with hyper-parameters(default = None) Kwargs: annot_mode, figtitle, make_figtitle, aug, top_aids, all_kpts, show_query, in_image, sidebyside, name_scoring, max_nCols, failed_to_match, fnum in_image (bool) show result in image view if True else chip view annot_mode (int): if annot_mode == 0, then draw lines and ellipse elif annot_mode == 1, then dont draw lines or ellipse elif annot_mode == 2, then draw only lines elif annot_mode == 3, draw heatmask only See: viz_matches.show_name_matches, viz_helpers.get_query_text Returns: mpl.Figure: fig CommandLine: ./ --query 1 -y --db PZ_MTEST --noshow-qres python -m wbia.viz.viz_qres show_qres --show python -m wbia.viz.viz_qres show_qres --show --top-aids=10 --db=PZ_MTEST \ --sidebyside --annot_mode=0 --notitle --no-viz_name_score \ --qaids=5 --max_nCols=2 --adjust=.01,.01,.01 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.viz.viz_qres import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> cm, qreq_ = wbia.testdata_cm() >>> kwargs = dict( >>> top_aids=ut.get_argval('--top-aids', type_=int, default=3), >>> sidebyside=not ut.get_argflag('--no-sidebyside'), >>> annot_mode=ut.get_argval('--annot_mode', type_=int, default=1), >>> viz_name_score=not ut.get_argflag('--no-viz_name_score'), >>> simplemode=ut.get_argflag('--simplemode'), >>> max_nCols=ut.get_argval('--max_nCols', type_=int, default=None) >>> ) >>> ibs = qreq_.ibs >>> fig = show_qres(ibs, cm, show_query=False, qreq_=qreq_, **kwargs) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ # ut.print_dict(kwargs) annot_mode = kwargs.get('annot_mode', 1) % 4 # this is toggled figtitle = kwargs.get('figtitle', '') aug = kwargs.get('aug', '') top_aids = kwargs.get('top_aids', DEFAULT_NTOP) gt_aids = kwargs.get('gt_aids', []) all_kpts = kwargs.get('all_kpts', False) show_query = kwargs.get('show_query', False) in_image = kwargs.get('in_image', False) sidebyside = kwargs.get('sidebyside', True) simplemode = kwargs.get('simplemode', False) colorbar_ = kwargs.get('colorbar_', False) # name_scoring = kwargs.get('name_scoring', False) viz_name_score = kwargs.get('viz_name_score', qreq_ is not None) max_nCols = kwargs.get('max_nCols', None) failed_to_match = kwargs.get('failed_to_match', False) fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(kwargs.get('fnum', None)) if ut.VERBOSE and ut.NOT_QUIET:'query_info = ' + ut.repr2( ibs.get_annot_info( cm.qaid, default=True, gname=False, name=False, notes=False, exemplar=False, ), nl=4, ))'top_aids_info = ' + ut.repr2( ibs.get_annot_info( top_aids, default=True, gname=False, name=False, notes=False, exemplar=False, reference_aid=cm.qaid, ), nl=4, )) fig = pt.figure(fnum=fnum, docla=True, doclf=True) if isinstance(top_aids, int): top_aids = cm.get_top_aids(top_aids) if failed_to_match: # HACK to visually indicate failure to match in analysis show_query = True top_aids = [None] + top_aids nTop = len(top_aids) if max_nCols is None: max_nCols = 5 if nTop in [6, 7]: max_nCols = 3 if nTop in [8]: max_nCols = 4 try: assert (len(list(set(top_aids).intersection( set(gt_aids)))) == 0), 'gts should be missed. not in top' except AssertionError as ex: ut.printex(ex, keys=['top_aids', 'gt_aids']) raise if ut.DEBUG2: # -------------------------------------------------- # Get grid / cell information to build subplot grid # -------------------------------------------------- # Show query or not nQuerySubplts = 1 if show_query else 0 # The top row is given slots for ground truths and querys # all aids in gt_aids should not be in top aids nGtSubplts = nQuerySubplts + (0 if gt_aids is None else len(gt_aids)) # The bottom rows are for the top results nTopNSubplts = nTop nTopNCols = min(max_nCols, nTopNSubplts) nGTCols = min(max_nCols, nGtSubplts) nGTCols = max(nGTCols, nTopNCols) nTopNCols = nGTCols # Get number of rows to show groundtruth nGtRows = 0 if nGTCols == 0 else int(np.ceil(nGtSubplts / nGTCols)) # Get number of rows to show results nTopNRows = 0 if nTopNCols == 0 else int(np.ceil(nTopNSubplts / nTopNCols)) nGtCells = nGtRows * nGTCols # Total number of rows nRows = nTopNRows + nGtRows DEBUG_SHOW_QRES = 0 if DEBUG_SHOW_QRES: allgt_aids = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(cm.qaid) nSelGt = len(gt_aids) nAllGt = len(allgt_aids)'[show_qres]========================')'[show_qres]----------------')'[show_qres] * annot_mode=%r' % (annot_mode, ))'[show_qres] #nTop=%r #missed_gts=%r/%r' % (nTop, nSelGt, nAllGt))'[show_qres] * -----')'[show_qres] * nRows=%r' % (nRows, ))'[show_qres] * nGtSubplts=%r' % (nGtSubplts, ))'[show_qres] * nTopNSubplts=%r' % (nTopNSubplts, ))'[show_qres] * nQuerySubplts=%r' % (nQuerySubplts, ))'[show_qres] * -----')'[show_qres] * nGTCols=%r' % (nGTCols, ))'[show_qres] * -----')'[show_qres] * fnum=%r' % (fnum, ))'[show_qres] * figtitle=%r' % (figtitle, ))'[show_qres] * max_nCols=%r' % (max_nCols, ))'[show_qres] * show_query=%r' % (show_query, ))'[show_qres] * kwargs=%s' % (ut.repr2(kwargs), )) # HACK: _color_list = pt.distinct_colors(nTop) aid2_color = {aid: _color_list[ox] for ox, aid in enumerate(top_aids)} ranked_aids = cm.get_top_aids() # Helpers def _show_query_fn(plotx_shift, rowcols): """ helper for show_qres """ plotx = plotx_shift + 1 pnum = (rowcols[0], rowcols[1], plotx) #'[viz] Plotting Query: pnum=%r' % (pnum,)) _kwshow = dict(draw_kpts=annot_mode) _kwshow.update(kwargs) _kwshow['prefix'] = 'q' _kwshow['pnum'] = pnum _kwshow['aid2_color'] = aid2_color _kwshow['draw_ell'] = annot_mode >= 1 viz_chip.show_chip(ibs, cm.qaid, annote=False, qreq_=qreq_, **_kwshow) def _plot_matches_aids(aid_list, plotx_shift, rowcols): """ helper for show_qres to draw many aids """ _kwshow = dict( draw_ell=annot_mode, draw_pts=False, draw_lines=annot_mode, ell_alpha=0.5, all_kpts=all_kpts, ) _kwshow.update(kwargs) _kwshow['fnum'] = fnum _kwshow['in_image'] = in_image _kwshow['colorbar_'] = colorbar_ if sidebyside: # Draw each match side by side the query _kwshow['draw_ell'] = annot_mode in {1} _kwshow['draw_lines'] = annot_mode in {1, 2} _kwshow['heatmask'] = annot_mode in {3} else: #'annot_mode = %r' % (annot_mode,)) _kwshow['draw_ell'] = annot_mode == 1 # _kwshow['draw_pts'] = annot_mode >= 1 # _kwshow['draw_lines'] = False _kwshow['show_query'] = False def _show_matches_fn(aid, orank, pnum): """ Helper function for drawing matches to one aid """ aug = 'rank=%r\n' % orank _kwshow['pnum'] = pnum _kwshow['title_aug'] = aug # draw_ell = annot_mode == 1 # draw_lines = annot_mode >= 1 # If we already are showing the query dont show it here if sidebyside: # Draw each match side by side the query if viz_name_score: cm.show_single_namematch(qreq_, ibs.get_annot_nids(aid), **_kwshow) else: if simplemode: _kwshow['draw_border'] = False _kwshow['draw_lbl'] = False _kwshow['notitle'] = True _kwshow['vert'] = False _kwshow['modifysize'] = True cm.show_single_annotmatch(qreq_, aid, **_kwshow) # viz_matches.show_matches(ibs, cm, aid, qreq_=qreq_, **_kwshow) else: # Draw each match by themselves data_config2_ = None if qreq_ is None else qreq_.extern_data_config2 # _kwshow['draw_border'] = kwargs.get('draw_border', True) # _kwshow['notitle'] = ut.get_argflag(('--no-title', '--notitle')) viz_chip.show_chip( ibs, aid, annote=False, notitle=True, data_config2_=data_config2_, **_kwshow, ) if DEBUG_SHOW_QRES:'[show_qres()] Plotting Chips %s:' % vh.get_aidstrs(aid_list)) if aid_list is None: return # Do lazy load before show # data_config2_ = None if qreq_ is None else qreq_.extern_data_config2 # tblhack = getattr(qreq_, 'tablename', None) # HACK FOR HUMPBACKS # (Also in viz_matches) # if tblhack == 'vsone' or (qreq_ is not None and not qreq_._isnewreq): # # precompute # pass # #ibs.get_annot_chips(aid_list, config2_=data_config2_, ensure=True) # #ibs.get_annot_kpts(aid_list, config2_=data_config2_, ensure=True) for ox, aid in enumerate(aid_list): plotx = ox + plotx_shift + 1 pnum = (rowcols[0], rowcols[1], plotx) oranks = np.where(ranked_aids == aid)[0] # This pair has no matches between them. if len(oranks) == 0: orank = -1 if aid is None: pt.imshow_null( 'Failed to find matches\nfor qaid=%r' % (cm.qaid), fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, fontsize=18, ) else: _show_matches_fn(aid, orank, pnum) # if DEBUG_SHOW_QRES: #'skipping pnum=%r' % (pnum,)) continue if DEBUG_SHOW_QRES:'pnum=%r' % (pnum, )) orank = oranks[0] + 1 _show_matches_fn(aid, orank, pnum) shift_topN = nGtCells if nGtSubplts == 1: nGTCols = 1 if nRows == 0: pt.imshow_null('[viz_qres] No matches. nRows=0', fnum=fnum) else: fig = pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(nRows, nGTCols, 1), docla=True, doclf=True) pt.plt.subplot(nRows, nGTCols, 1) # Plot Query if show_query: _show_query_fn(0, (nRows, nGTCols)) # Plot Ground Truth (if given) _plot_matches_aids(gt_aids, nQuerySubplts, (nRows, nGTCols)) # Plot Results _plot_matches_aids(top_aids, shift_topN, (nRows, nTopNCols)) figtitle += aug if failed_to_match: figtitle += '\n No matches found' incanvas = kwargs.get('with_figtitle', not vh.NO_LBL_OVERRIDE) pt.set_figtitle(figtitle, incanvas=incanvas) # Result Interaction return fig