def main():
	""" main script function """
	def extr_mini_maxi(titl):
		""" extract bounds from title"""
		res = re.split(u"[()-]", titl)
		return res[1], res[2]

	items  = [ item_by_title("fr", title)  for title in MAINS ]
	ranges = [ extr_mini_maxi(title) for title in MAINS ]

	# items : the main articles, 7 main ranges, separated into subranges each

	all_items = items
	all_ranges = ranges


	for (item, rang_) in zip(items, ranges):
		(min_, max_) = rang_
		prefix = min_[0:-4]
		print ("====================='{}'========================".format(prefix))
		def gen_title(lrange):
			""" title gen"""
			mi_ = ('{}{}'.format(prefix, lrange.split(" ")[0]))
			ma_ = ('{}{}'.format(prefix, lrange.split(" ")[1]))
			# import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
			return frtitle(mi_, ma_)
		titles = [  gen_title(lrange) for lrange in LESSER.split("\n") ]
		items  = [ item_by_title("fr", title) for title in titles ]
		ranges = [ extr_mini_maxi(title) for title in titles ]

		# suboptimal
		all_items = all_items + items
		all_ranges = all_ranges + ranges

	for (item, (min_, max_)) in zip(all_items, all_ranges):
		set_for_lang( item, u"Table des caractères Unicode", "fr", label(min_, max_), "ambiguity and label correction")
		set_for_lang( item, u"", "en", enlabel(min_, max_), "ambiguity and label correction")

		# correction of previous bug as it seems
		set_for_lang( item, u"Unicode characters from 100000 to 10FFFF codepoints",\
	       			"en", enlabel(min_, max_), "ambiguity and label correction")
def treat_serie(serie_name, site_name = 'en', \
        main_page_name = None, num = None, start_year = None, title_pattern = "{}_{}"):
    """ main """

    if not main_page_name:
        main_page_name = serie_name

    site = pywikibot.getSite(site_name)
    print("Serie : {}, Page: {}".format(serie_name, main_page_name) )    
    serie_item = wd_lib.item_by_title(site, main_page_name)
    # Patterns of the titles of the series
    has_previous = True
    current = 1
    items = {}

    if not num:
        num = 1000
    year = start_year

    while has_previous and current < num:
        title = title_pattern.format(serie_name, year)
        pywikibot.output("searching article : {}".format(title))
        page = pywikibot.Page(site, title)
        if page.exists():
            datapage = pywikibot.DataPage(page)
            if datapage.exists():
                items[current] = datapage
                raise Exception()
            current += 1
            year = year + 1
            has_previous = False

    num_season = current - 1

    print("Number of seasons : {}".format(num_season))

    year = start_year
    for i in range(1, len(items) + 1):
        print("season {}, item: {}". format(i, items[i]))
        set_season_labels(items[i], serie_name, i, year)
        year = year + 1
        # part of (P361): this item is a part of that item 
        items[i] = wd_lib.reloaditempage(items[i])
        wd_lib.maybe_set_claim(items[i], 361, serie_item)
        # wd_lib.instance_of(items[i], wd_lib.item_by_title("fr", u"Saison (télévision)"))
    type_item = wd_lib.item_by_title("fr", u"Saison (télévision)")
    wd_lib.make_sequence(items.itervalues(), type_item)