Exemple #1
def realize_filestructure(xmd_entity : Entity, filename : str, depth=999, section_depth=1):
    assert filename
    if not xmd_entity.location:
        xmd_entity.location = filename
        filename = xmd_entity.location
    file_prefix = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]

    prev = None
    for sect in SECTION_ORDER:
        if sect in ENTITY_WORDS:
            s_childs = [c for c in xmd_entity.childs if c.type == sect]
            s_childs = sorted(s_childs, key=lambda c: c.category or "")

            s_childs_exist = list(filter(entity_has_subfile, s_childs))

            s_files = [f"{file_prefix}--{to_md_filename_part(c.display)}.md" for c in s_childs_exist]

            for i, c in enumerate(s_childs_exist):
                if prev is not None:
                    prev.next = wref(c)
                    c.prev = wref(prev)
                prev = c

                if depth <= 0:
                    realize_filestructure(c, filename = s_files[i], depth=depth-1, section_depth=1)
Exemple #2
def make_list():
    start = Link()
    last = start
    start.next = start
    start.prev = None
    for i in range(10):
        next = Link()
        last.next = next
        next.prev = wref(last, dead)
        last = next

    last.next = start
    start.prev = wref(last, dead)

    i = start.next
    id_start = id(start)
    del start
    del last
    del next

    while id(i) != id_start:
        print("next link")
        prev = i
        i = i.next
        # prev.next = None

    return None
Exemple #3
def spawn_raw(function, *args, **kwargs):
    Create a new :class:`greenlet.greenlet` object and schedule it to
    run ``function(*args, **kwargs)``.

    This returns a raw :class:`~greenlet.greenlet` which does not have all the useful
    methods that :class:`gevent.Greenlet` has. Typically, applications
    should prefer :func:`~gevent.spawn`, but this method may
    occasionally be useful as an optimization if there are many
    greenlets involved.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.1a3
        Verify that ``function`` is callable, raising a TypeError if not. Previously,
        the spawned greenlet would have failed the first time it was switched to.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.1b1
       If *function* is not callable, immediately raise a :exc:`TypeError`
       instead of spawning a greenlet that will raise an uncaught TypeError.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.1rc2
        Accept keyword arguments for ``function`` as previously (incorrectly)
        documented. Note that this may incur an additional expense.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.3a2
       Populate the ``spawning_greenlet`` and ``spawn_tree_locals``
       attributes of the returned greenlet.

    if not callable(function):
        raise TypeError("function must be callable")

    # The hub is always the parent.
    hub = get_hub()

    # The callback class object that we use to run this doesn't
    # accept kwargs (and those objects are heavily used, as well as being
    # implemented twice in core.ppyx and corecffi.py) so do it with a partial
    if kwargs:
        function = _functools_partial(function, *args, **kwargs)
        g = RawGreenlet(function, hub)
        g = RawGreenlet(function, hub)
        hub.loop.run_callback(g.switch, *args)

    # See greenlet.py's Greenlet class. We capture the cheap
    # parts to maintain the tree structure, but we do not capture
    # the stack because that's too expensive.
    current = getcurrent()
    g.spawning_greenlet = wref(current)
    # See Greenlet for how trees are maintained.
        g.spawn_tree_locals = current.spawn_tree_locals
    except AttributeError:
        g.spawn_tree_locals = {}
        if current.parent:
            current.spawn_tree_locals = g.spawn_tree_locals
    return g
Exemple #4
 def Parent(self, parent):
     @param parent: weakrefable parent
     @type parent: ReportElement
     @return: None
     @rtype: None
     if parent is not None:
         self._parent = wref(parent)
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, threadpool):
        RawGreenlet.__init__(self, threadpool._worker)
        self.thread_ident = get_thread_ident()
        self._threadpool_wref = wref(threadpool)

        # Inform the gevent.util.GreenletTree that this should be
        # considered the root (for printing purposes) and to
        # ignore the parent attribute. (We can't set parent to None.)
        self.greenlet_tree_is_root = True
        self.parent.greenlet_tree_is_ignored = True
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, threadpool):
        RawGreenlet.__init__(self, threadpool._worker)
        self.thread_ident = get_thread_ident()
        self._threadpool_wref = wref(threadpool)

        # Inform the gevent.util.GreenletTree that this should be
        # considered the root (for printing purposes) and to
        # ignore the parent attribute. (We can't set parent to None.)
        self.greenlet_tree_is_root = True
        self.parent.greenlet_tree_is_ignored = True
Exemple #7
 def __init__(self, *groups):
     """ Adds this sprite to any number of groups by default. """
     self._age = 0
     self._static = False
     self._image = None
     self._rect = None
     self._layer = None
     self._groups = []
     self._game = GetGame()
Exemple #8
 def __init__(self, *groups):
     """ Adds this sprite to any number of groups by default. """
     self._age = 0
     self._static = False
     self._image = None
     self._rect = None
     self._layer = None
     self._groups = []
     self._game = GetGame()
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self, function, parent):
        greenlet.__init__(self, function, parent)
        # See greenlet.py's Greenlet class. We capture the cheap
        # parts to maintain the tree structure, but we do not capture
        # the stack because that's too expensive for 'spawn_raw'.

        current = getcurrent()  # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
        self.spawning_greenlet = wref(current)
        # See Greenlet for how trees are maintained.
            self.spawn_tree_locals = current.spawn_tree_locals
        except AttributeError:
            self.spawn_tree_locals = {}
            if current.parent:
                current.spawn_tree_locals = self.spawn_tree_locals
    def __init__(self, function, parent):
        greenlet.__init__(self, function, parent)
        # See greenlet.py's Greenlet class. We capture the cheap
        # parts to maintain the tree structure, but we do not capture
        # the stack because that's too expensive for 'spawn_raw'.

        current = getcurrent() # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
        self.spawning_greenlet = wref(current)
        # See Greenlet for how trees are maintained.
            self.spawn_tree_locals = current.spawn_tree_locals
        except AttributeError:
            self.spawn_tree_locals = {}
            if current.parent:
                current.spawn_tree_locals = self.spawn_tree_locals
Exemple #11
    def __call__(self):
        # The function that runs in the monitoring thread.
        # We cannot use threading.current_thread because it would
        # create an immortal DummyThread object.
        getcurrent().gevent_monitoring_thread = wref(self)

            while self.should_run:
                functions = self.monitoring_functions()
                assert functions
                sleep_time = self.calculate_sleep_time()


                # Make sure the hub is still around, and still active,
                # and keep it around while we are here.
                hub = self.hub
                if not hub:

                if self.should_run:
                    this_run = perf_counter()
                    for entry in functions:
                        f = entry.function
                        period = entry.period
                        last_run = entry.last_run_time
                        if period and last_run + period <= this_run:
                            entry.last_run_time = this_run
                del hub # break our reference to hub while we sleep

        except SystemExit:
        except: # pylint:disable=bare-except
            # We're a daemon thread, so swallow any exceptions that get here
            # during interpreter shutdown.
            if not sys or not sys.stderr: # pragma: no cover
                # Interpreter is shutting down
                hub = self.hub
                if hub is not None:
                    # XXX: This tends to do bad things like end the process, because we
                    # try to switch *threads*, which can't happen. Need something better.
                    hub.handle_error(self, *sys.exc_info())
Exemple #12
    def __call__(self):
        # The function that runs in the monitoring thread.
        # We cannot use threading.current_thread because it would
        # create an immortal DummyThread object.
        getcurrent().gevent_monitoring_thread = wref(self)

            while self.should_run:
                functions = self.monitoring_functions()
                assert functions
                sleep_time = self.calculate_sleep_time()


                # Make sure the hub is still around, and still active,
                # and keep it around while we are here.
                hub = self.hub
                if not hub:

                if self.should_run:
                    this_run = perf_counter()
                    for entry in functions:
                        f = entry.function
                        period = entry.period
                        last_run = entry.last_run_time
                        if period and last_run + period <= this_run:
                            entry.last_run_time = this_run
                del hub  # break our reference to hub while we sleep

        except SystemExit:
        except:  # pylint:disable=bare-except
            # We're a daemon thread, so swallow any exceptions that get here
            # during interpreter shutdown.
            if not sys or not sys.stderr:  # pragma: no cover
                # Interpreter is shutting down
                hub = self.hub
                if hub is not None:
                    # XXX: This tends to do bad things like end the process, because we
                    # try to switch *threads*, which can't happen. Need something better.
                    hub.handle_error(self, *sys.exc_info())
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, hub):
        self._hub_wref = wref(hub, self._on_hub_gc)
        self.should_run = True

        # Must be installed in the thread that the hub is running in;
        # the trace function is threadlocal
        assert get_thread_ident() == hub.thread_ident
        prev_trace = settrace(self.greenlet_trace)
        self.previous_trace_function = prev_trace

        self._monitoring_functions = [
        self._calculated_sleep_time = GEVENT_CONFIG.max_blocking_time
        # Create the actual monitoring thread. This is effectively a "daemon"
        # thread.
        self.monitor_thread_ident = start_new_thread(self, ())
Exemple #14
    def __init__(self, hub):
        self._hub_wref = wref(hub, self._on_hub_gc)
        self.should_run = True

        # Must be installed in the thread that the hub is running in;
        # the trace function is threadlocal
        assert get_thread_ident() == hub.thread_ident
        self._greenlet_tracer = GreenletTracer()

        self._monitoring_functions = [_MonitorEntry(self.monitor_blocking,
        self._calculated_sleep_time = GEVENT_CONFIG.max_blocking_time
        # Create the actual monitoring thread. This is effectively a "daemon"
        # thread.
        self.monitor_thread_ident = start_new_thread(self, ())

        # We must track the PID to know if your thread has died after a fork
        self.pid = os.getpid()
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, hub):
        self._hub_wref = wref(hub, self._on_hub_gc)
        self.should_run = True

        # Must be installed in the thread that the hub is running in;
        # the trace function is threadlocal
        assert get_thread_ident() == hub.thread_ident
        self._greenlet_tracer = GreenletTracer()

        self._monitoring_functions = [
        self._calculated_sleep_time = GEVENT_CONFIG.max_blocking_time
        # Create the actual monitoring thread. This is effectively a "daemon"
        # thread.
        self.monitor_thread_ident = start_new_thread(self, ())

        # We must track the PID to know if your thread has died after a fork
        self.pid = os.getpid()
Exemple #16
 def __init__(self):
Exemple #17
    def __init__(self, run=None, *args, **kwargs):
        :param args: The arguments passed to the ``run`` function.
        :param kwargs: The keyword arguments passed to the ``run`` function.
        :keyword callable run: The callable object to run. If not given, this object's
            `_run` method will be invoked (typically defined by subclasses).

        .. versionchanged:: 1.1b1
            The ``run`` argument to the constructor is now verified to be a callable
            object. Previously, passing a non-callable object would fail after the greenlet
            was spawned.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.3b1
           The ``GEVENT_TRACK_GREENLET_TREE`` configuration value may be set to
           a false value to disable ``spawn_tree_locals``, ``spawning_greenlet``,
           and ``spawning_stack``. The first two will be None in that cases, and the
           latter will be empty.
        # The attributes are documented in the .rst file

        # greenlet.greenlet(run=None, parent=None)
        # Calling it with both positional arguments instead of a keyword
        # argument (parent=get_hub()) speeds up creation of this object ~30%:
        # python -m timeit -s 'import gevent' 'gevent.Greenlet()'
        # Python 3.5: 2.70usec with keywords vs 1.94usec with positional
        # Python 3.4: 2.32usec with keywords vs 1.74usec with positional
        # Python 3.3: 2.55usec with keywords vs 1.92usec with positional
        # Python 2.7: 1.73usec with keywords vs 1.40usec with positional

        # Timings taken Feb 21 2018 prior to integration of #755
        # python -m perf timeit -s 'import gevent' 'gevent.Greenlet()'
        # 3.6.4       : Mean +- std dev: 1.08 us +- 0.05 us
        # 2.7.14      : Mean +- std dev: 1.44 us +- 0.06 us
        # PyPy2 5.10.0: Mean +- std dev: 2.14 ns +- 0.08 ns

        # After the integration of spawning_stack, spawning_greenlet,
        # and spawn_tree_locals on that same date:
        # 3.6.4       : Mean +- std dev: 8.92 us +- 0.36 us ->  8.2x
        # 2.7.14      : Mean +- std dev: 14.8 us +- 0.5 us  -> 10.2x
        # PyPy2 5.10.0: Mean +- std dev: 3.24 us +- 0.17 us ->  1.5x

        # Compiling with Cython gets us to these numbers:
        # 3.6.4        : Mean +- std dev: 3.63 us +- 0.14 us
        # 2.7.14       : Mean +- std dev: 3.37 us +- 0.20 us
        # PyPy2 5.10.0 : Mean +- std dev: 4.44 us +- 0.28 us

        _greenlet__init__(self, None, get_hub())

        if run is not None:
            self._run = run

        # If they didn't pass a callable at all, then they must
        # already have one. Note that subclassing to override the run() method
        # itself has never been documented or supported.
        if not callable(self._run):
            raise TypeError("The run argument or self._run must be callable")

        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.value = None

        #: An event, such as a timer or a callback that fires. It is established in
        #: start() and start_later() as those two objects, respectively.
        #: Once this becomes non-None, the Greenlet cannot be started again. Conversely,
        #: kill() and throw() check for non-None to determine if this object has ever been
        #: scheduled for starting. A placeholder _dummy_event is assigned by them to prevent
        #: the greenlet from being started in the future, if necessary.
        self._start_event = None

        self._notifier = None
        self._formatted_info = None
        self._links = []
        self._ident = None

        # Initial state: None.
        # Completed successfully: (None, None, None)
        # Failed with exception: (t, v, dump_traceback(tb)))
        self._exc_info = None

        if GEVENT_CONFIG.track_greenlet_tree:
            spawner = getcurrent()  # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
            self.spawning_greenlet = wref(spawner)
                self.spawn_tree_locals = spawner.spawn_tree_locals
            except AttributeError:
                self.spawn_tree_locals = {}
                if spawner.parent is not None:
                    # The main greenlet has no parent.
                    # Its children get separate locals.
                    spawner.spawn_tree_locals = self.spawn_tree_locals

            self._spawning_stack_frames = _extract_stack(
                getattr(spawner, '_spawning_stack_frames', []))
            # None is the default for all of these in Cython, but we
            # need to declare them for pure-Python mode.
            self.spawning_greenlet = None
            self.spawn_tree_locals = None
            self._spawning_stack_frames = None
Exemple #18
    def __init__(self, run=None, *args, **kwargs):
        :param args: The arguments passed to the ``run`` function.
        :param kwargs: The keyword arguments passed to the ``run`` function.
        :keyword callable run: The callable object to run. If not given, this object's
            `_run` method will be invoked (typically defined by subclasses).

        .. versionchanged:: 1.1b1
            The ``run`` argument to the constructor is now verified to be a callable
            object. Previously, passing a non-callable object would fail after the greenlet
            was spawned.

        .. rubric:: Attributes

        .. attribute:: value

            Holds the value returned by the function if the greenlet has
            finished successfully. Until then, or if it finished in error, `None`.

            .. tip:: Recall that a greenlet killed with the default
                     :class:`GreenletExit` is considered to have finished
                     successfully, and the `GreenletExit` exception will be
                     its value.

        .. attribute:: spawn_tree_locals

            A dictionary that is shared between all the greenlets
            in a "spawn tree", that is, a spawning greenlet and all
            its descendent greenlets. All children of the main (root)
            greenlet start their own spawn trees. Assign a new dictionary
            to this attribute on an instance of this class to create a new
            spawn tree (as far as locals are concerned).

            .. versionadded:: 1.3a2

        .. attribute:: spawning_greenlet

            A weak-reference to the greenlet that was current when this object
            was created. Note that the :attr:`parent` attribute is always the

            .. versionadded:: 1.3a2

        .. attribute:: spawning_stack

           A lightweight frame-like object capturing the stack when
           this greenlet was created as well as the stack when the spawning
           greenlet was created (if applicable). This can be passed to

            .. versionadded:: 1.3a2

        .. attribute:: spawning_stack_limit

            A class attribute specifying how many levels of the spawning
            stack will be kept. Specify a smaller number for higher performance,
            spawning greenlets, specify a larger value for improved debugging.

            .. versionadded:: 1.3a2

        .. versionchanged:: 1.3b1
           The ``GEVENT_TRACK_GREENLET_TREE`` configuration value may be set to
           a false value to disable ``spawn_tree_locals``, ``spawning_greenlet``,
           and ``spawning_stack``. The first two will be None in that case, and the
           latter will be empty.
        # greenlet.greenlet(run=None, parent=None)
        # Calling it with both positional arguments instead of a keyword
        # argument (parent=get_hub()) speeds up creation of this object ~30%:
        # python -m timeit -s 'import gevent' 'gevent.Greenlet()'
        # Python 3.5: 2.70usec with keywords vs 1.94usec with positional
        # Python 3.4: 2.32usec with keywords vs 1.74usec with positional
        # Python 3.3: 2.55usec with keywords vs 1.92usec with positional
        # Python 2.7: 1.73usec with keywords vs 1.40usec with positional

        # Timings taken Feb 21 2018 prior to integration of #755
        # python -m perf timeit -s 'import gevent' 'gevent.Greenlet()'
        # 3.6.4       : Mean +- std dev: 1.08 us +- 0.05 us
        # 2.7.14      : Mean +- std dev: 1.44 us +- 0.06 us
        # PyPy2 5.10.0: Mean +- std dev: 2.14 ns +- 0.08 ns

        # After the integration of spawning_stack, spawning_greenlet,
        # and spawn_tree_locals on that same date:
        # 3.6.4       : Mean +- std dev: 8.92 us +- 0.36 us ->  8.2x
        # 2.7.14      : Mean +- std dev: 14.8 us +- 0.5 us  -> 10.2x
        # PyPy2 5.10.0: Mean +- std dev: 3.24 us +- 0.17 us ->  1.5x

        # Compiling with Cython gets us to these numbers:
        # 3.6.4        : Mean +- std dev: 3.63 us +- 0.14 us
        # 2.7.14       : Mean +- std dev: 3.37 us +- 0.20 us
        # PyPy2 5.10.0 : Mean +- std dev: 4.44 us +- 0.28 us

        _greenlet__init__(self, None, get_hub())

        if run is not None:
            self._run = run

        # If they didn't pass a callable at all, then they must
        # already have one. Note that subclassing to override the run() method
        # itself has never been documented or supported.
        if not callable(self._run):
            raise TypeError("The run argument or self._run must be callable")

        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.value = None

        #: An event, such as a timer or a callback that fires. It is established in
        #: start() and start_later() as those two objects, respectively.
        #: Once this becomes non-None, the Greenlet cannot be started again. Conversely,
        #: kill() and throw() check for non-None to determine if this object has ever been
        #: scheduled for starting. A placeholder _dummy_event is assigned by them to prevent
        #: the greenlet from being started in the future, if necessary.
        self._start_event = None

        self._notifier = None
        self._formatted_info = None
        self._links = []
        self._ident = None

        # Initial state: None.
        # Completed successfully: (None, None, None)
        # Failed with exception: (t, v, dump_traceback(tb)))
        self._exc_info = None

        if GEVENT_CONFIG.track_greenlet_tree:
            spawner = getcurrent() # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
            self.spawning_greenlet = wref(spawner)
                self.spawn_tree_locals = spawner.spawn_tree_locals
            except AttributeError:
                self.spawn_tree_locals = {}
                if spawner.parent is not None:
                    # The main greenlet has no parent.
                    # Its children get separate locals.
                    spawner.spawn_tree_locals = self.spawn_tree_locals

            self._spawning_stack_frames = _extract_stack(self.spawning_stack_limit)
            self._spawning_stack_frames.extend(getattr(spawner, '_spawning_stack_frames', []))
            # None is the default for all of these in Cython, but we
            # need to declare them for pure-Python mode.
            self.spawning_greenlet = None
            self.spawn_tree_locals = None
            self._spawning_stack_frames = None
Exemple #19
def make_list2():
    mylist = [Link() for i in range(10)]
    mylist2 = [wref(l, dead) for l in mylist]
    return mylist2
Exemple #20
    def __init__(self, run=None, *args, **kwargs):
        :param args: The arguments passed to the ``run`` function.
        :param kwargs: The keyword arguments passed to the ``run`` function.
        :keyword callable run: The callable object to run. If not given, this object's
            `_run` method will be invoked (typically defined by subclasses).

        .. versionchanged:: 1.1b1
            The ``run`` argument to the constructor is now verified to be a callable
            object. Previously, passing a non-callable object would fail after the greenlet
            was spawned.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.3b1
           The ``GEVENT_TRACK_GREENLET_TREE`` configuration value may be set to
           a false value to disable ``spawn_tree_locals``, ``spawning_greenlet``,
           and ``spawning_stack``. The first two will be None in that case, and the
           latter will be empty.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.5
           Greenlet objects are now more careful to verify that their ``parent`` is really
           a gevent hub, raising a ``TypeError`` earlier instead of an ``AttributeError`` later.
        # The attributes are documented in the .rst file

        # greenlet.greenlet(run=None, parent=None)
        # Calling it with both positional arguments instead of a keyword
        # argument (parent=get_hub()) speeds up creation of this object ~30%:
        # python -m timeit -s 'import gevent' 'gevent.Greenlet()'
        # Python 3.5: 2.70usec with keywords vs 1.94usec with positional
        # Python 3.4: 2.32usec with keywords vs 1.74usec with positional
        # Python 3.3: 2.55usec with keywords vs 1.92usec with positional
        # Python 2.7: 1.73usec with keywords vs 1.40usec with positional

        # Timings taken Feb 21 2018 prior to integration of #755
        # python -m perf timeit -s 'import gevent' 'gevent.Greenlet()'
        # 3.6.4       : Mean +- std dev: 1.08 us +- 0.05 us
        # 2.7.14      : Mean +- std dev: 1.44 us +- 0.06 us
        # PyPy2 5.10.0: Mean +- std dev: 2.14 ns +- 0.08 ns

        # After the integration of spawning_stack, spawning_greenlet,
        # and spawn_tree_locals on that same date:
        # 3.6.4       : Mean +- std dev: 8.92 us +- 0.36 us ->  8.2x
        # 2.7.14      : Mean +- std dev: 14.8 us +- 0.5 us  -> 10.2x
        # PyPy2 5.10.0: Mean +- std dev: 3.24 us +- 0.17 us ->  1.5x

        # Compiling with Cython gets us to these numbers:
        # 3.6.4        : Mean +- std dev: 3.63 us +- 0.14 us
        # 2.7.14       : Mean +- std dev: 3.37 us +- 0.20 us
        # PyPy2 5.10.0 : Mean +- std dev: 4.44 us +- 0.28 us

        # Switching to reified frames and some more tuning gets us here:
        # 3.7.2        : Mean +- std dev: 2.53 us +- 0.15 us
        # 2.7.16       : Mean +- std dev: 2.35 us +- 0.12 us
        # PyPy2 7.1    : Mean +- std dev: 11.6 us +- 0.4 us

        # Compared to the released 1.4 (tested at the same time):
        # 3.7.2        : Mean +- std dev: 3.21 us +- 0.32 us
        # 2.7.16       : Mean +- std dev: 3.11 us +- 0.19 us
        # PyPy2 7.1    : Mean +- std dev: 12.3 us +- 0.8 us

        _greenlet__init__(self, None, get_hub())

        if run is not None:
            self._run = run

        # If they didn't pass a callable at all, then they must
        # already have one. Note that subclassing to override the run() method
        # itself has never been documented or supported.
        if not callable(self._run):
            raise TypeError("The run argument or self._run must be callable")

        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.value = None

        #: An event, such as a timer or a callback that fires. It is established in
        #: start() and start_later() as those two objects, respectively.
        #: Once this becomes non-None, the Greenlet cannot be started again. Conversely,
        #: kill() and throw() check for non-None to determine if this object has ever been
        #: scheduled for starting. A placeholder _cancelled_start_event is assigned by them to prevent
        #: the greenlet from being started in the future, if necessary.
        #: In the usual case, this transitions as follows: None -> event -> _start_completed_event.
        #: A value of None means we've never been started.
        self._start_event = None

        self._notifier = None
        self._formatted_info = None
        self._links = []
        self._ident = None

        # Initial state: None.
        # Completed successfully: (None, None, None)
        # Failed with exception: (t, v, dump_traceback(tb)))
        self._exc_info = None

        if GEVENT_CONFIG.track_greenlet_tree:
            spawner = getcurrent()  # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
            self.spawning_greenlet = wref(spawner)
                self.spawn_tree_locals = spawner.spawn_tree_locals
            except AttributeError:
                self.spawn_tree_locals = {}
                if get_generic_parent(spawner) is not None:  # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
                    # The main greenlet has no parent.
                    # Its children get separate locals.
                    spawner.spawn_tree_locals = self.spawn_tree_locals

            self.spawning_stack = _extract_stack(self.spawning_stack_limit)
            # Don't copy the spawning greenlet's
            # '_spawning_stack_frames' into ours. That's somewhat
            # confusing, and, if we're not careful, a deep spawn tree
            # can lead to excessive memory usage (an infinite spawning
            # tree could lead to unbounded memory usage without care
            # --- see https://github.com/gevent/gevent/issues/1371)
            # The _spawning_stack_frames may be cleared out later if we access spawning_stack
            # None is the default for all of these in Cython, but we
            # need to declare them for pure-Python mode.
            self.spawning_greenlet = None
            self.spawn_tree_locals = None
            self.spawning_stack = None
Exemple #21
    def __init__(self, run=None, *args, **kwargs):
        :param args: The arguments passed to the ``run`` function.
        :param kwargs: The keyword arguments passed to the ``run`` function.
        :keyword callable run: The callable object to run. If not given, this object's
            `_run` method will be invoked (typically defined by subclasses).

        .. versionchanged:: 1.1b1
            The ``run`` argument to the constructor is now verified to be a callable
            object. Previously, passing a non-callable object would fail after the greenlet
            was spawned.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.3b1
           The ``GEVENT_TRACK_GREENLET_TREE`` configuration value may be set to
           a false value to disable ``spawn_tree_locals``, ``spawning_greenlet``,
           and ``spawning_stack``. The first two will be None in that case, and the
           latter will be empty.
        # The attributes are documented in the .rst file

        # greenlet.greenlet(run=None, parent=None)
        # Calling it with both positional arguments instead of a keyword
        # argument (parent=get_hub()) speeds up creation of this object ~30%:
        # python -m timeit -s 'import gevent' 'gevent.Greenlet()'
        # Python 3.5: 2.70usec with keywords vs 1.94usec with positional
        # Python 3.4: 2.32usec with keywords vs 1.74usec with positional
        # Python 3.3: 2.55usec with keywords vs 1.92usec with positional
        # Python 2.7: 1.73usec with keywords vs 1.40usec with positional

        # Timings taken Feb 21 2018 prior to integration of #755
        # python -m perf timeit -s 'import gevent' 'gevent.Greenlet()'
        # 3.6.4       : Mean +- std dev: 1.08 us +- 0.05 us
        # 2.7.14      : Mean +- std dev: 1.44 us +- 0.06 us
        # PyPy2 5.10.0: Mean +- std dev: 2.14 ns +- 0.08 ns

        # After the integration of spawning_stack, spawning_greenlet,
        # and spawn_tree_locals on that same date:
        # 3.6.4       : Mean +- std dev: 8.92 us +- 0.36 us ->  8.2x
        # 2.7.14      : Mean +- std dev: 14.8 us +- 0.5 us  -> 10.2x
        # PyPy2 5.10.0: Mean +- std dev: 3.24 us +- 0.17 us ->  1.5x

        # Compiling with Cython gets us to these numbers:
        # 3.6.4        : Mean +- std dev: 3.63 us +- 0.14 us
        # 2.7.14       : Mean +- std dev: 3.37 us +- 0.20 us
        # PyPy2 5.10.0 : Mean +- std dev: 4.44 us +- 0.28 us

        _greenlet__init__(self, None, get_hub())

        if run is not None:
            self._run = run

        # If they didn't pass a callable at all, then they must
        # already have one. Note that subclassing to override the run() method
        # itself has never been documented or supported.
        if not callable(self._run):
            raise TypeError("The run argument or self._run must be callable")

        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.value = None

        #: An event, such as a timer or a callback that fires. It is established in
        #: start() and start_later() as those two objects, respectively.
        #: Once this becomes non-None, the Greenlet cannot be started again. Conversely,
        #: kill() and throw() check for non-None to determine if this object has ever been
        #: scheduled for starting. A placeholder _dummy_event is assigned by them to prevent
        #: the greenlet from being started in the future, if necessary.
        self._start_event = None

        self._notifier = None
        self._formatted_info = None
        self._links = []
        self._ident = None

        # Initial state: None.
        # Completed successfully: (None, None, None)
        # Failed with exception: (t, v, dump_traceback(tb)))
        self._exc_info = None

        if GEVENT_CONFIG.track_greenlet_tree:
            spawner = getcurrent() # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
            self.spawning_greenlet = wref(spawner)
                self.spawn_tree_locals = spawner.spawn_tree_locals
            except AttributeError:
                self.spawn_tree_locals = {}
                if spawner.parent is not None:
                    # The main greenlet has no parent.
                    # Its children get separate locals.
                    spawner.spawn_tree_locals = self.spawn_tree_locals

            self._spawning_stack_frames = _extract_stack(self.spawning_stack_limit)
            self._spawning_stack_frames.extend(getattr(spawner, '_spawning_stack_frames', []))
            # None is the default for all of these in Cython, but we
            # need to declare them for pure-Python mode.
            self.spawning_greenlet = None
            self.spawn_tree_locals = None
            self._spawning_stack_frames = None
Exemple #22
def make_list3():
    mydict = {i : Link() for i in range(10)}
    mylist = [wref(v, dead) for v in mydict.values()]
    return mylist