Exemple #1
class EventManager:
	"""this object is responsible for coordinating most communication
	between the Model, View, and Controller."""
	def __init__(self ):
		from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary
		self.listeners = WeakKeyDictionary()
		self.eventQueue= []

	def RegisterListener( self, listener ):
		self.listeners[ listener ] = 1

	def UnregisterListener( self, listener ):
		if listener in self.listeners.keys():
			del self.listeners[ listener ]
	def Post( self, event ):
		if not isinstance(event, TickEvent): Debug( "     Message: " + event.name )
		for listener in self.listeners.keys():
			#NOTE: If the weakref has died, it will be 
			#automatically removed, so we don't have 
			#to worry about it.
			listener.Notify( event )
Exemple #2
class EventManager:
   Superclass for all event managers.  Keeps a list of listeners and 
   dispatches events to them.
   def __init__(self):
      self.listeners = WeakKeyDictionary()
   def register_listener(self,listener):
      self.listeners[listener] = 1
   def unregister_listener(self,listener):
      if listener in self.listeners.keys():
         del self.listeners[listener]
   def post(self,event):
      for listener in self.listeners.keys():
Exemple #3
class EventManager:
   this class is responsible for coordinating most communication between
   the Model, View and Controller.
   I use WeakKeyDictionary to keep track of the registered listeners. From the 
   python documentation:
   Mapping class that references keys weakly. Entries in the dictionary will 
   be discarded when there is no longer a strong reference to the key.
   Using this dictionary takes care of object scope, avoiding dispatching to
   a non existing listener.
   @todo: I need to implement event categories, avoiding spamming notifies for
   events that only matters for some listeners.

    def __init__(self):
        self.listeners = WeakKeyDictionary()

    def RegisterListener(self, listener):
        self.listeners[listener] = 1

    def UnregisterListener(self, listener):
        if listener in self.listeners.keys():
            del self.listeners[listener]

    def Post(self, event):
        for listener in self.listeners.keys():
class EventMediator:
    def __init__(self):
        self.Listeners = WeakKeyDictionary()
        self.EventQueue = []

    def RegisterListener(self, listener):
        self.Listeners[listener] = 1

    def UnregisterListener(self, listener):
        if listener in self.Listeners.keys():
            del self.Listeners[listener]

    def Post(self, event):
        if not isinstance(event, TickEvent):
            Events = copy(self.EventQueue)
            self.EventQueue = []

            while len(Events) > 0:
                ev = Events.pop(0)
                for listener in self.Listeners.keys():
            for listener in self.Listeners.keys():
Exemple #5
class EventManager:

    """Event Manager -- coordinate communication between the Model,
    View, and Controller."""

    def __init__(self):
        self.listeners = WeakKeyDictionary()
        # self.event_queue= []

    def register_listener(self, listener):
        self.listeners[listener] = True

    def UnregisterListener(self, listener):
        if listener in self.listeners.keys():
            del self.listeners[listener]

    def post(self, ev):
        if not (isinstance(ev, TickEvent) or \
                isinstance(ev, StepEvent) or \
                isinstance(ev, HelpEvent) or \
                isinstance(ev, ToggleViewEvent) or \
                isinstance(ev, ToggleAutoEvent) or \
                isinstance(ev, BusyEvent) or \
                isinstance(ev, ReadyEvent)):
            debug(" ** " + ev.name)

        for listener in self.listeners.keys():
            # If the weakref has died, remove it and continue
            # through the list
            if listener is None:
                del self.listeners[listener]
Exemple #6
class EventManager(object):
    def __init__(self):
        from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary
        self.listeners = WeakKeyDictionary()

    def register_listener(self, listener):
        Register new listener


        self.listeners[listener] = 1

    def unregister_listener(self, listener):
        Unregister existing listener


        if listener in self.listeners.keys():
            del self.listeners[listener]

    def post(self, event):
        Post new event


        for listener in self.listeners.keys():
class ShapeManager( object ):
    def __init__( self, canvas ):
        self.canvasItemToPartMap = WeakKeyDictionary()
        self.canvasItemToShapeMap = WeakKeyDictionary()
        self.canvas = canvas

    def associateCanvasItemWithShape( self, canvasItem, shape ):
        self.canvasItemToShapeMap[ canvasItem ] = ref( shape )

    def associateCanvasItemWithPart( self, canvasItem, part ):
        self.canvasItemToPartMap[ canvasItem ] = mrt

    def getPartByCanvasItem( self, canvasItem ):
        return self.canvasItemToPartMap.get( canvasItem, None )

    def getShapeByCanvasItem( self, canvasItem ):
        r = self.canvasItemToShapeMap.get( canvasItem, None )
        if r != None:
            return r()
        return None

    def createComplexShape( self, molds, modelObject = None ):
        return ComplexShape( self, self.canvas, molds, modelObject )

    def createConnector( self, modelObject = None ):
        return Connector( self, self.canvas, modelObject )
Exemple #8
class FrameRegistry(object):
    This class implements a method to keep track of wrapped frames.  In short,
    Qt will give us frames that are QWebFrames, and we want to only deal with
    WebFrames that we control.  This registry will either wrap a given frame,
    or return the previously-wrapped one from the registry.
    def __init__(self, klass, *args, **kwargs):
        self._registry = WeakKeyDictionary()
        self.klass = klass
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs

    def wrap(self, frame):
        if frame is None:
            return None

        existing = self._registry.get(frame)
        if existing is not None:
            return existing

        # Create web frame, passing the underlying value, and ourselves.
        new = self.klass(frame, self, *self.args, **self.kwargs)
        self._registry[frame] = new
        return new

    def clear(self):
Exemple #9
class EventHandler:
    """this object is responsible for coordinating most communication
    between the Model, View, and Controller.
    def __init__(self ):
        from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary
        self.listeners = WeakKeyDictionary()

    def register_listener( self, listener ):
        self.listeners[ listener ] = 1

    def unregister_listener( self, listener ):
        if listener in self.listeners.keys():
            del self.listeners[ listener ]

    def post( self, event ):
        """Post a new event.  It will be broadcast to all listeners"""
        for listener in self.listeners.keys():
            #NOTE: If the weakref has died, it will be
            #automatically removed, so we don't have
            #to worry about it.
            listener.notify( event )
Exemple #10
class LazyInvalidation(object):
  def __enter__(self):
    assert threading.current_thread() == MAIN_THREAD
    assert not evaluation_stack
    self._watchMap = WeakKeyDictionary()
    self._watchable_objects = WeakSet()
    global invalidation_strategy
    invalidation_strategy = self

  def _watch_object(self, object):
    if object.watcher is not None and object.watcher not in self._watchMap:
      self._watchMap[object.watcher] = WeakWatchIntermediary(object, object.watcher)

  def _add_dependency(self, object):
    if evaluation_stack:

  def _unwatch_object(self, object):

  def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
    global invalidation_strategy
    invalidation_strategy = LazyConstants()
    for intermediary in self._watchMap.itervalues():

  def _invalidate_all(self):
    raise TypeError('Cannot nest lazy_invalidation contexts')
Exemple #11
class EventManager(object):
    We coordinate communication between the Model, View, and Controller.
    def __init__(self):
        from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary
        self.listeners = WeakKeyDictionary()

    def register_listener(self, listener):
        Adds a listener to our spam list.
        It will receive post()ed events through it's notify(event) call.
        self.listeners[listener] = 1

    def unregister_listener(self, listener):
        Remove a listener from our spam list.
        This is implemented but hardly used.
        Our weak ref spam list will auto remove any listeners who stop existing.
        if listener in self.listeners.keys():
            del self.listeners[listener]

    def post(self, event):
        Post a new event to the message queue.
        It will be broadcast to all listeners.
        if not isinstance(event, TickEvent) and \
           not isinstance(event, CharUpdateEvent):
            print(str(event))                   # print the event (unless it is TickEvent)
        for listener in self.listeners.keys():
Exemple #12
 def __init__(self, latency):
     self.latency = latency
     self.mounts = WeakKeyDictionary()
     self.contexts = WeakSet()
     self.lock = RLock()
     self.cell_updates = deque()
     self._tick = Event()
     self.paths = WeakKeyDictionary()
Exemple #13
class Signal(object):
    Simple class to emit signals to connected callable receivers.

    def __init__(self):
        Instantiate a new object
        self.funcs = WeakSet()
        self.meths = WeakKeyDictionary()

    def connect(self, c):
        Connect a callable as receiver for the signal
        @param c: signal receiver
        @type c: Callable
        if inspect.ismethod(c):
            if c.__self__ not in self.meths:
                self.meths[c.__self__] = set()

            if c not in self.funcs:

    def disconnect(self, c):
        Disconnect the callable from receiving the signal
        @param c: signal receiver
        @type c: Callable
        if inspect.ismethod(c):
            if c.__self__ in self.meths:
            if c in self.funcs:

    def disconnectAll(self):
        Disconnects all signal receivers

    def emit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Fires the signal to all connected receivers
        for c in self.funcs:
            c(*args, **kwargs)

        for obj, funcs in self.meths.items():
            for func in funcs:
                func(obj, *args, **kwargs)
 def __init__(self, type, default=None, nillable=False):
     if default is None and not nillable:
         raise TypeError("default must be specified if object is not nillable")
     self.type = type
     self.default = default
     self.nillable = nillable
     self.values = WeakKeyDictionary()
     self.oldvalues = WeakKeyDictionary()
     self.dirty = WeakKeyDictionary()
class EventManager:
    """this object is responsible for coordinating most communication
    between the Model, View, and Controller."""
    def __init__(self, initlist=None ):
        self.listeners = WeakKeyDictionary()
        self.eventQueue = []
        self.__lock = threading.Lock()

    def RegisterListener( self, listener , eventList):
        #if not hasattr( listener, "Notify" ): raise blah blah...
        self.listeners[ listener ] = eventList
    def addListener(self, listener, eventList):
        if self.listeners.has_key( listener ):
            self.listeners[ listener ].append( eventList )
            self.listeners[ listener ] = eventList

    def UnregisterListener( self, listener ):
        if listener in self.listeners.keys():
            del self.listeners[ listener ]
    def Post( self, event ):

        if event==OneSecondEvent:
            self.sendEvent( event )
        if not event==TickEvent: 
            self.eventQueue.append( event )

            #at the end, notify listeners of the Tick event
            for listener in self.listeners.keys():
                listener.Notify( event )
    def flushEvents(self):
        if self.eventQueue:
            for k in range(len(self.eventQueue)):
                ev = self.eventQueue.pop(0)
    def sendEvent(self, ev):
        for listener in self.listeners.keys():
            throwable_events = self.listeners[listener]
            if ev in throwable_events:
                listener.Notify( ev )
 def _init_descriptor_environment(self):
     """There's no way to distinguis between description and simple
     generator mode, so the initialization of the necessary
     per-instance mappings is done at the first __get__
     self._dep = WeakKeyDictionary()
     self._value = WeakKeyDictionary()
     self._comp = WeakKeyDictionary()
     self._descriptor_initialized = True
Exemple #17
 def __init__(self, default_index=0, choices=None, display_func=None, **kwargs):
     if choices is not None and 'default' not in kwargs:
         kwargs['default'] = choices[default_index]
     super(SelectionCallbackProperty, self).__init__(**kwargs)
     self.default_index = default_index
     self.default_choices = choices or []
     self._default_display_func = display_func
     self._choices = WeakKeyDictionary()
     self._display = WeakKeyDictionary()
     self._force_next_sync = WeakKeyDictionary()
    def __init__(self, id, name, parent, user, priority, dispatchKey, maxRN,
                 creationTime=None, startTime=None,
                 updateTime=None, endTime=None,
        Base class for each node in dispatcher tree structure. Holds main model

        :param id int: unique id for this node
        :param name str:  a short string describing this node
        :param parent: a FolderNode or None if this node is a root node
        :param priority int: priority value
        :param dispatchKey int: dispatchKey value
        :param maxRN int: maximum number of render nodes that can be allocated to this tree node
        :param creationTime: timestamp indicating when the node was created
        :param startTime: timestamp indicating when the node was started
        :param updateTime: timestamp indicating when the node was updated
        :param endTime: timestamp indicating when the node was ended
        :param status int: current node's status
        if not self.dispatcher:
            from octopus.dispatcher.dispatcher import Dispatcher
            self.dispatcher = Dispatcher(None)
        self.__dict__['parent'] = None
        self.id = int(id) if id is not None else None
        self.name = str(name)
        self.parent = parent
        self.user = str(user)
        self.priority = int(priority)
        self.dispatchKey = int(dispatchKey)
        self.maxRN = int(maxRN)
        self.optimalMaxRN = 0
        self.allocatedRN = 0
        self.poolShares = WeakKeyDictionary()
        self.additionnalPoolShares = WeakKeyDictionary()
        self.completion = 1.0
        self.status = status
        self.creationTime = time() if not creationTime else creationTime
        self.startTime = startTime
        self.updateTime = updateTime
        self.endTime = endTime

        self.dependencies = []
        self.reverseDependencies = []
        self.lastDependenciesSatisfaction = False
        self.lastDependenciesSatisfactionDispatchCycle = -1
        self.readyCommandCount = 0
        self.doneCommandCount = 0
        self.commandCount = 0
        self.averageTimeByFrameList = []
        self.averageTimeByFrame = 0.0
        self.minTimeByFrame = 0.0
        self.maxTimeByFrame = 0.0
        self.timer = None
Exemple #19
class Signal(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._functions = WeakSet()
        self._methods = WeakKeyDictionary()

    def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):
        # Call handler functions
        to_be_removed = []
        for func in self._functions.copy():
                func(*args, **kargs)
            except RuntimeError:
                Warning.warn('Signals func->RuntimeError: func "{}" will be removed.'.format(func))

        for remove in to_be_removed:

        # Call handler methods
        to_be_removed = []
        emitters = self._methods.copy()
        for obj, funcs in emitters.items():
            msg_debug('obj is type "{}"'.format(type(obj)))
            for func in funcs.copy():
                    func(obj, *args, **kargs)
                except RuntimeError:
                    warnings.warn('Signals methods->RuntimeError, obj.func "{}.{}" will be removed'.format(obj, func))
                    to_be_removed.append((obj, func))

        for obj, func in to_be_removed:

    def connect(self, slot):
        if inspect.ismethod(slot):
            if slot.__self__ not in self._methods:
                self._methods[slot.__self__] = set()



    def disconnect(self, slot):
        if inspect.ismethod(slot):
            if slot.__self__ in self._methods:
            if slot in self._functions:

    def clear(self):
Exemple #20
class Signal(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._functions = WeakSet()
        self._methods = WeakKeyDictionary()
        self._activated = True

    def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):

        # call connected functions only if activated
        if self._activated:
            # Call handler functions
            for func in self._functions:
                func(*args, **kargs)

            # Call handler methods
            for obj, funcs in self._methods.items():
                for func in funcs:
                    func(obj, *args, **kargs)

    def connect(self, slot):
        if inspect.ismethod(slot):
            if slot.__self__ not in self._methods:
                self._methods[slot.__self__] = set()



    def disconnect(self, slot):
        if inspect.ismethod(slot):
            if slot.__self__ in self._methods:
            if slot in self._functions:

    def clear(self):

    def activate(self):
        Activate the signal to emit.

        self._activated = True

    def deactivate(self):
        Deactivate the signal to emit.

        self._activated = False
class EventManager:
    def __init__(self):
        from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary
        self.listeners = WeakKeyDictionary()
    def RegisterListener(self, listener):
        self.listeners[listener] = 1
    def UnregisterListener(self, listener):
        if listener in self.listeners.keys():
            del self.listeners[ listener ]
    def Post(self, event):
        for listener in self.listeners.keys():
            listener.Notify( event )
Exemple #22
 def __init__(self, tracked_cls):
     self.tracked_cls = tracked_cls
     # Prepend Announcer if not present in class hierarchy
     if Announcer not in tracked_cls.__bases__:
         if '__new__' in tracked_cls.__dict__.keys():
             tracked_cls.__new__ = AnnouncingClassMethod(tracked_cls.__new__)
         tracked_cls.__bases__ = (Announcer,)+tracked_cls.__bases__
     # listen for new instances
Exemple #23
class EventManager(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.listeners = WeakKeyDictionary()
    def register_listener(self, listener):
        self.listeners[listener] = 1

    def unregister_listener(self, listener):
        if listener in self.listeners.keys():
            del self.listeners[listener]

    def post(self, event):
        for listener in self.listeners.keys():
Exemple #24
class EventManager:
    """this object is responsible for coordinating most communication
    between the Model, View, and Controller."""
    def __init__(self ):
        self.listeners = WeakKeyDictionary()
        self.eventQueue= []

    def RegisterListener( self, listener ):
        #if not hasattr( listener, "Notify" ): raise blah blah...
        self.listeners[ listener ] = 1

    def UnregisterListener( self, listener ):
        if listener in self.listeners.keys():
            del self.listeners[ listener ]
    def Post( self, event ):
        from copy import copy
        if not isinstance(event, TickEvent): 
            self.eventQueue.append( event )
            events = copy( self.eventQueue )
            self.eventQueue = []
            while len(events) > 0:
                ev = events.pop(0)
                #self.Debug( ev )

                for listener in self.listeners.keys():
                    listener.Notify( ev )

            #at the end, notify listeners of the Tick event
            for listener in self.listeners.keys():
                listener.Notify( event )
    def Send( self, event ):
        for listener in self.listeners.keys():
            listener.Notify( event )
    def SendAll( self ):
        from copy import copy
        events = copy( self.eventQueue )
        self.eventQueue = []
        while len(events) > 0:
            ev = events.pop(0)
            #self.Debug( ev )

            for listener in self.listeners.keys():
                listener.Notify( ev )
Exemple #25
def weakref_test():
    print('weakref test begin')
    cache = WeakKeyDictionary()
    a = g()
    b = ref(a)
    cache[a] = 1
    del a
class SettingsObjectID(object):
    Simple descriptor used for SettingsObject subclasses which have dynamic ids.
    def __init__(self, type):
        self.type = type
        self.values = WeakKeyDictionary()
        self.oldvalues = WeakKeyDictionary()
        self.dirty = WeakKeyDictionary()

    def __get__(self, obj, objtype):
        if obj is None:
            return self
            return self.values[obj]
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError("SettingsObject ID has not been defined")

    def __set__(self, obj, value):
        if not isinstance(value, self.type):
            value = self.type(value)
        # check whether the old value is the same as the new value
        if obj in self.values and self.values[obj] == value:
        self.dirty[obj] = obj in self.values
        self.oldvalues[obj] = self.values.get(obj, value)
        self.values[obj] = value

    def isdirty(self, obj):
        Returns True if the ID has been changed on the specified configuration
        return self.dirty.get(obj, False)

    def clear_dirty(self, obj):
        Clears the dirty flag for the ID on the specified configuration object.
        del self.dirty[obj]
        self.oldvalues[obj] = self.values[obj]

    def get_old(self, obj):
        return self.oldvalues.get(obj, None)

    def undo(self, obj):
        if obj in self.oldvalues:
            self.dirty.pop(obj, None)
            self.values[obj] = self.oldvalues[obj]
Exemple #27
class PropertyDescriptor:
    ''' Base Property Descriptor
    def __init__(self):
        self.data = WeakKeyDictionary()

    def __get__(self, instance, type=None):
        return self.data.get(instance)

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        self.data[instance] = value

    def __delete__(self, instance):
        if self.data.get(instance):
            del self.data[instance]
Exemple #28
 def __init__(self):
     self.listeners = {}
     self.cell_aliases = {}
     self.cell_rev_aliases = {}
     self.macro_listeners = {}
     self.observers = {}
     self.registrar_listeners = WeakKeyDictionary()
     self.rev_registrar_listeners = WeakKeyDictionary()
     self.pin_to_cells = {}
     self.cells = WeakValueDictionary()
     self.cell_to_output_pin = WeakKeyDictionary()
     self._childids = WeakValueDictionary()
     self.registrar_items = []
     self.unstable_workers = WeakSet()
Exemple #29
class Signal(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # The original implementation used WeakSet to store functions,
        # but that causes lambdas without any other reference to be
        # garbage collected. So we use a normal set to avoid that.
        self._functions = set()
        self._methods = WeakKeyDictionary()

    # The original implementation used __call__, so one would just call the signal itself:
    # my_signal("foo")
    # This has been changed to the emit() method to both be more consistent with how signals/slots
    # work in Qt & GTK and to make it more easily apparent that a signal is being triggered.
    # The correct way to trigger a signal is therefore:
    # my_signal.emit("foo")
    def emit(self, *args, **kargs):
        # Call handler functions
        for func in self._functions:
            func(*args, **kargs)

        # Call handler methods
        for obj, funcs in self._methods.items():
            for func in funcs:
                func(obj, *args, **kargs)

    def connect(self, slot):
        if inspect.ismethod(slot):
            if slot.__self__ not in self._methods:
                self._methods[slot.__self__] = set()



    def disconnect(self, slot):
        if inspect.ismethod(slot):
            if slot.__self__ in self._methods:
            if slot in self._functions:

    def clear(self):
Exemple #30
 def __init__(self, iterable=None):
     self.end = end = []
     end += [None, end, end] # sentinel node for doubly linked list
     self.map = WeakKeyDictionary() # key --> [key, prev, next]
     if iterable is not None:
         self |= iterable
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     self.views = WeakKeyDictionary()
     self.positions = WeakKeyDictionary()
     self.home_views = WeakKeyDictionary()
     ToolBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
Exemple #32
class SelectionCallbackProperty(CallbackProperty):
    def __init__(self,
        if choices is not None and 'default' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['default'] = choices[default_index]
        super(SelectionCallbackProperty, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.default_index = default_index
        self.default_choices = choices or []
        self._default_display_func = display_func
        self._choices = WeakKeyDictionary()
        self._display = WeakKeyDictionary()
        self._force_next_sync = WeakKeyDictionary()

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        if value is not None:
            choices = self.get_choices(instance)
            # For built-in scalar types we use ==, and for other types we use
            # is, otherwise e.g. ComponentID returns something that evaluates
            # to true when using ==.
            if ((np.isscalar(value) and not any(value == x for x in choices))
                    or (not np.isscalar(value) and not any(value is x
                                                           for x in choices))):
                raise ValueError(
                    'value {0} is not in valid choices: {1}'.format(
                        value, choices))
        super(SelectionCallbackProperty, self).__set__(instance, value)

    def force_next_sync(self, instance):
        self._force_next_sync[instance] = True

    def _get_full_info(self, instance):
        if self._force_next_sync.get(instance, False):
                return self.__get__(instance), random.random()
                self._force_next_sync[instance] = False
            return self.__get__(instance), self.get_choices(
                instance), self.get_choice_labels(instance)

    def get_display_func(self, instance):
        return self._display.get(instance, self._default_display_func)

    def set_display_func(self, instance, display):
        self._display[instance] = display
        # selection = self.__get__(instance)
        # self.notify(instance, selection, selection)

    def get_choices(self, instance):
        return self._choices.get(instance, self.default_choices)

    def get_choice_labels(self, instance):
        display = self._display.get(instance, str)
        labels = []
        for choice in self.get_choices(instance):
            if isinstance(choice, ChoiceSeparator):
        return labels

    def set_choices(self, instance, choices):
        self._choices[instance] = choices
        self._choices_updated(instance, choices)
        selection = self.__get__(instance)
        self.notify(instance, selection, selection)

    def _choices_updated(self, instance, choices):

        if not choices:
            self.__set__(instance, None)

        selection = self.__get__(instance)

        # We do the following because 'selection in choice' actually compares
        # equality not identity (and we really just care about identity here)
        for choice in choices:
            if selection is choice:

        choices_without_separators = [
            choice for choice in choices
            if not isinstance(choice, ChoiceSeparator)

        if choices_without_separators:
                selection = choices_without_separators[self.default_index]
            except IndexError:
                if self.default_index > 0:
                    selection = choices_without_separators[-1]
                    selection = choices_without_separators[0]
            selection = None

        self.__set__(instance, selection)
Exemple #33
    if current_session:
        current_session.data.update(data or {})
        cookie_value = itsdangerous.Signer(settings.SECRET_KEY).sign(current_session._id)
        session_id = str(bson.objectid.ObjectId())
        session = Session(_id=session_id, data=data or {})
        cookie_value = itsdangerous.Signer(settings.SECRET_KEY).sign(session_id)
    if response is not None:
        response.set_cookie(settings.COOKIE_NAME, value=cookie_value, domain=settings.OSF_COOKIE_DOMAIN)
        return response

sessions = WeakKeyDictionary()
session = LocalProxy(get_session)

# Request callbacks

# NOTE: This gets attached in website.app.init_app to ensure correct callback
# order
def before_request():
    from framework.auth import cas

    # Central Authentication Server Ticket Validation and Authentication
    ticket = request.args.get('ticket')
    if ticket:
        service_url = furl.furl(request.url)
        # Attempt autn wih CAS, and return a proper redirect response
from __future__ import annotations

import enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary

from pywayland.server import Signal

from wlroots import ffi, Ptr, PtrHasData, lib
from .output import Output
from .surface import Surface

    from pywayland.server import Display

_weakkeydict: WeakKeyDictionary = WeakKeyDictionary()

class ForeignToplevelHandleV1State(enum.IntEnum):
    MAXIMIZED = 1 << 0
    MINIMIZED = 1 << 1
    ACTIVATED = 1 << 2
    FULLSCREEN = 1 << 3

class ForeignToplevelManagerV1(PtrHasData):
    def __init__(self, ptr) -> None:
        """An foreign toplevel manager: wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1."""
        self._ptr = ffi.cast("struct wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 *", ptr)

        self.destroy_event = Signal(
 def __init__(self):
     Configure a new instances of the descriptor
     self._instance_data = WeakKeyDictionary()
Exemple #36
    def isasyncgen(obj):
        return False

    def isasyncgenfunction(func):
        return False

# Python 3.8+
    from typing import ForwardRef
    evaluate_forwardref = ForwardRef._evaluate
except ImportError:
    from typing import _ForwardRef as ForwardRef
    evaluate_forwardref = ForwardRef._eval_type

_type_hints_map = WeakKeyDictionary(
)  # type: Dict[FunctionType, Dict[str, Any]]
_functions_map = WeakValueDictionary()  # type: Dict[CodeType, FunctionType]
_missing = object()

T_CallableOrType = TypeVar('T_CallableOrType', bound=Callable[..., Any])

class ForwardRefPolicy(Enum):
    """Defines how unresolved forward references are handled."""

    ERROR = 1  #: propagate the :exc:`NameError` from :func:`~typing.get_type_hints`
    WARN = 2  #: remove the annotation and emit a TypeHintWarning
    #: replace the annotation with the argument's class if the qualified name matches, else remove
    #: the annotation
    GUESS = 3
Exemple #37
 def __init__(self, cls):
     self.cls = cls
     self.values = WeakKeyDictionary()
Exemple #38
 def __init__(self, parent):
     super(_WidgetListDelegate, self).__init__(parent=parent)
     self.__editors = WeakValueDictionary()
     self.__sizes = WeakKeyDictionary()
     self.__size_hints = WeakKeyDictionary()

    def test_hashes(self):
        actual = [
            self.function(request, **kwargs)
            for request, _, kwargs in self.known_hashes
        expected = [
            for _, _fingerprint, _ in self.known_hashes
        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

_fingerprint_cache_2_6: Mapping[Request, Tuple[None,
                                               bool]] = WeakKeyDictionary()

def request_fingerprint_2_6(request,
    if include_headers:
        include_headers = tuple(
            to_bytes(h.lower()) for h in sorted(include_headers))
    cache = _fingerprint_cache_2_6.setdefault(request, {})
    cache_key = (include_headers, keep_fragments)
    if cache_key not in cache:
        fp = sha1()
 def __init__(self, settings):
     self.always_store = settings.getbool('HTTPCACHE_ALWAYS_STORE')
     self.ignore_schemes = settings.getlist('HTTPCACHE_IGNORE_SCHEMES')
     self.ignore_response_cache_controls = [to_bytes(cc) for cc in
     self._cc_parsed = WeakKeyDictionary()
Exemple #41
class _TypeClass(  # noqa: WPS214
        Generic[_InstanceType, _SignatureType, _AssociatedType, _Fullname], ):
    That's how we represent typeclasses.

    You probably don't need to use this type directly,
    use its public methods and public :func:`~typeclass` constructor.

    __slots__ = (

    _dispatch_cache: Dict[type, Callable]
    _cache_token: Optional[object]

    def __init__(
        signature: _SignatureType,
    ) -> None:
        Protected constructor of the typeclass.

        Use public :func:`~typeclass` constructor instead.

        How does this magic work? It heavily relies on custom ``mypy`` plugin.
        Without it - it is just a nonsense.

        The logic is quite unusual.
        We use "mypy-plugin-time" variables to construct a typeclass.

        What variables we use and why?

        - ``_TypeclassType`` is a type variable that indicates
          what type can be passed into this typeclass.
          This type is updated each time we call ``.instance``,
          because that how we introduce new types to the typeclass

        - ``_ReturnType`` is used to enforce
          the same return type for all cases.
          Only modified once during ``@typeclass`` creation

        - ``_SignatureType`` is used to ensure that all parameters
          for all type cases are the same.
          That's how we enforce consistency in all function signatures.
          The only exception is the first argument: it is polymorfic.

        self._instances: Dict[type, Callable] = {}
        self._protocols: Dict[type, Callable] = {}

        # We need this for `repr`:
        self._signature = signature
        self._associated_type = associated_type

        # Cache parts:
        self._dispatch_cache = WeakKeyDictionary()  # type: ignore
        self._cache_token = None

    def __call__(
        instance: Union[  # type: ignore
            _InstanceType, Supports[_AssociatedType], ],
    ) -> _ReturnType:
        We use this method to actually call a typeclass.

        The resolution order is the following:

        1. Exact types that are passed as ``.instance`` arguments
        2. Protocols that are passed with ``is_protocol=True``

        We don't guarantee the order of types inside groups.
        Use correct types, do not rely on our order.

        .. rubric:: Callbacks

        Since, we define ``__call__`` method for this class,
        it can be used and typechecked everywhere,
        where a regular ``Callable`` is expected.

        .. code:: python

          >>> from typing import Callable
          >>> from classes import typeclass

          >>> @typeclass
          ... def used(instance, other: int) -> int:
          ...     '''Example typeclass to be used later.'''

          >>> @used.instance(int)
          ... def _used_int(instance: int, other: int) -> int:
          ...     return instance + other

          >>> def accepts_typeclass(
          ...     callback: Callable[[int, int], int],
          ... ) -> int:
          ...     return callback(1, 3)

          >>> assert accepts_typeclass(used) == 4

        Take a note, that we use structural subtyping here.
        And all typeclasses that match ``Callable[[int, int], int]`` signature
        will typecheck.
        instance_type = type(instance)

            impl = self._dispatch_cache[instance_type]
        except KeyError:
            impl = self._dispatch(
            ) or self._default_implementation
            self._dispatch_cache[instance_type] = impl
        return impl(instance, *args, **kwargs)

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Converts typeclass to a string."""
        associated_type = (': "{0}"'.format(self._associated_type.__qualname__)
                           if self._associated_type else '')
        return '<typeclass "{0}"{1}>'.format(

    def supports(
    ) -> TypeGuard[_InstanceType]:
        Tells whether a typeclass is supported by a given type.

        .. code:: python

          >>> from classes import typeclass

          >>> @typeclass
          ... def example(instance) -> str:
          ...     '''Example typeclass.'''

          >>> @example.instance(int)
          ... def _example_int(instance: int) -> str:
          ...     return 'Example: {0}'.format(instance)

          >>> assert example.supports(1) is True
          >>> assert example.supports('a') is False

        It also works with protocols:

        .. code:: python

          >>> from typing import Sized

          >>> @example.instance(Sized, is_protocol=True)
          ... def _example_sized(instance: Sized) -> str:
          ...     return 'Size is {0}'.format(len(instance))

          >>> assert example.supports([1, 2]) is True
          >>> assert example([1, 2]) == 'Size is 2'

        We also use new ``TypeGuard`` type to ensure
        that type is narrowed when ``.supports()`` is used:

        .. code:: python

          some_var: Any
          if my_typeclass.supports(some_var):
              reveal_type(some_var)  # Revealed type is 'Supports[MyTypeclass]'

        See also: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0647

        instance_type = type(instance)
        if instance_type in self._dispatch_cache:
            return True

        # This only happens when we don't have a cache in place:
        impl = self._dispatch(instance, instance_type)
        if impl is None:
            self._dispatch_cache[instance_type] = self._default_implementation
            return False

        self._dispatch_cache[instance_type] = impl
        return True

    def instance(
        type_argument: Optional[_NewInstanceType],
        is_protocol: bool = False,
    ) -> '_TypeClassInstanceDef[_NewInstanceType, _TypeClassType]':
        We use this method to store implementation for each specific type.

        The only setting we provide is ``is_protocol`` which is required
        when passing protocols. See our ``mypy`` plugin for that.
        if type_argument is None:  # `None` is a special case
            type_argument = type(None)  # type: ignore

        # That's how we check for generics,
        # generics that look like `List[int]` or `set[T]` will fail this check,
        # because they are `_GenericAlias` instance,
        # which raises an exception for `__isinstancecheck__`
        isinstance(object(), type_argument)  # type: ignore

        def decorator(implementation):
            container = self._protocols if is_protocol else self._instances
            container[type_argument] = implementation  # type: ignore

            if self._cache_token is None:  # pragma: no cover
                if getattr(type_argument, '__abstractmethods__', None):
                    self._cache_token = get_cache_token()

            return implementation

        return decorator

    def _control_abc_cache(self) -> None:
        Required to drop cache if ``abc`` type got new subtypes in runtime.

        Copied from ``cpython``.
        if self._cache_token is not None:
            current_token = get_cache_token()
            if self._cache_token != current_token:
                self._cache_token = current_token

    def _dispatch(self, instance, instance_type: type) -> Optional[Callable]:
        Dispatches a function by its type.

        How do we dispatch a function?
        1. By direct ``instance`` types
        2. By matching protocols
        3. By its ``mro``
        implementation = self._instances.get(instance_type, None)
        if implementation is not None:
            return implementation

        for protocol, callback in self._protocols.items():
            if isinstance(instance, protocol):
                return callback

        return _find_impl(instance_type, self._instances)

    def _default_implementation(self, instance, *args, **kwargs) -> NoReturn:
        """By default raises an exception."""
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Missing matched typeclass instance for type: {0}'.format(
                type(instance).__qualname__, ), )
Exemple #42
 def __init__(self, default: Callable[[], _StateType]):
     self._default = default
     self._state: WeakKeyDictionary[Thread,
                                    _StateType] = WeakKeyDictionary()
Exemple #43
def singledispatch(func):
    """Single-dispatch generic function decorator.

    Transforms a function into a generic function, which can have different
    behaviours depending upon the type of its first argument. The decorated
    function acts as the default implementation, and additional
    implementations can be registered using the register() attribute of the
    generic function.

    registry = {}
    dispatch_cache = WeakKeyDictionary()
    cache_token = None

    def dispatch(cls):
        """generic_func.dispatch(cls) -> <function implementation>

        Runs the dispatch algorithm to return the best available implementation
        for the given *cls* registered on *generic_func*.

        nonlocal cache_token
        if cache_token is not None:
            current_token = get_cache_token()
            if cache_token != current_token:
                cache_token = current_token
            impl = dispatch_cache[cls]
        except KeyError:
                impl = registry[cls]
            except KeyError:
                impl = _find_impl(cls, registry)
            dispatch_cache[cls] = impl
        return impl

    def register(cls, func=None):
        """generic_func.register(cls, func) -> func

        Registers a new implementation for the given *cls* on a *generic_func*.

        nonlocal cache_token
        if func is None:
            return lambda f: register(cls, f)
        registry[cls] = func
        if cache_token is None and hasattr(cls, '__abstractmethods__'):
            cache_token = get_cache_token()
        return func

    def wrapper(*args, **kw):
        return dispatch(args[0].__class__)(*args, **kw)

    registry[object] = func
    wrapper.register = register
    wrapper.dispatch = dispatch
    wrapper.registry = MappingProxyType(registry)
    wrapper._clear_cache = dispatch_cache.clear
    update_wrapper(wrapper, func)
    return wrapper
Exemple #44
    if PY2:

        def raw_input(prompt=""):
            if prompt:
                stdout = _default_text_stdout()
            stdin = _default_text_stdin()
            return stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n")

        import colorama
    except ImportError:
        _ansi_stream_wrappers = WeakKeyDictionary()

        def auto_wrap_for_ansi(stream, color=None):
            """This function wraps a stream so that calls through colorama
            are issued to the win32 console API to recolor on demand.  It
            also ensures to reset the colors if a write call is interrupted
            to not destroy the console afterwards.
                cached = _ansi_stream_wrappers.get(stream)
            except Exception:
                cached = None
            if cached is not None:
                return cached
            strip = should_strip_ansi(stream, color)
            ansi_wrapper = colorama.AnsiToWin32(stream, strip=strip)
Exemple #45
 def __init__(self):
     self.instance_schemas = WeakKeyDictionary()
Exemple #46
class VectorPdf(Flowable):

    # The filecache allows us to only read a given PDF file once
    # for every RstToPdf client object.  This allows this module
    # to usefully cache, while avoiding being the cause of a memory
    # leak in a long-running process.

    filecache = WeakKeyDictionary()

    def load_xobj(cls, srcinfo):
        client, uri = srcinfo
        loader = cls.filecache.get(client)
        if loader is None:
            loader = cls.filecache[client] = CacheXObj().load
        return loader(uri)

    def __init__(self,
        self._kind = kind
        self.xobj = self.load_xobj(srcinfo)
        self.imageWidth = width
        self.imageHeight = height
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.xobj.BBox

        self._w, self._h = x2 - x1, y2 - y1
        if not self.imageWidth:
            self.imageWidth = self._w
        if not self.imageHeight:
            self.imageHeight = self._h
        self.__ratio = float(self.imageWidth) / self.imageHeight
        if kind in ['direct', 'absolute']:
            self.drawWidth = width or self.imageWidth
            self.drawHeight = height or self.imageHeight
        elif kind in ['bound', 'proportional']:
            factor = min(
                float(width) / self.imageWidth,
                float(height) / self.imageHeight)
            self.drawWidth = self.imageWidth * factor
            self.drawHeight = self.imageHeight * factor

    def wrap(self, aW, aH):
        return self.drawWidth, self.drawHeight

    def drawOn(self, canv, x, y, _sW=0):
        if _sW > 0 and hasattr(self, 'hAlign'):
            a = self.hAlign
            if a in ('CENTER', 'CENTRE', TA_CENTER):
                x += 0.5 * _sW
            elif a in ('RIGHT', TA_RIGHT):
                x += _sW
            elif a not in ('LEFT', TA_LEFT):
                raise ValueError("Bad hAlign value " + str(a))

        xobj = self.xobj
        xobj_name = makerl(canv._doc, xobj)

        xscale = self.drawWidth / self._w
        yscale = self.drawHeight / self._h

        x -= xobj.BBox[0] * xscale
        y -= xobj.BBox[1] * yscale

        canv.translate(x, y)
        canv.scale(xscale, yscale)
Exemple #47
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import re
import string
import inspect
from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary
from datetime import datetime, date
from itertools import chain

from werkzeug._compat import iter_bytes, text_type, BytesIO, int_to_byte, \
    range_type, integer_types

_logger = None
_empty_stream = BytesIO()
_signature_cache = WeakKeyDictionary()
_epoch_ord = date(1970, 1, 1).toordinal()
_cookie_params = set((b'expires', b'path', b'comment',
                      b'max-age', b'secure', b'httponly',
_legal_cookie_chars = (string.ascii_letters +
                       string.digits +

_cookie_quoting_map = {
    b',': b'\\054',
    b';': b'\\073',
    b'"': b'\\"',
    b'\\': b'\\\\',
for _i in chain(range_type(32), range_type(127, 256)):
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     self.views = WeakKeyDictionary()
     self.positions = WeakKeyDictionary()
     self.home_views = WeakKeyDictionary()
     super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #49
class TaskState:
    Encapsulates auxiliary task information that cannot be added to the Task instance itself
    because there are no guarantees about its implementation.

    __slots__ = 'parent_id', 'name', 'cancel_scope'

    def __init__(self, parent_id: Optional[int], name: Optional[str],
                 cancel_scope: Optional[CancelScope]):
        self.parent_id = parent_id
        self.name = name
        self.cancel_scope = cancel_scope

_task_states = WeakKeyDictionary(
)  # type: WeakKeyDictionary[asyncio.Task, TaskState]

# Task groups

class ExceptionGroup(BaseExceptionGroup):
    def __init__(self, exceptions: Sequence[BaseException]):
        self.exceptions = exceptions

class TaskGroup(abc.TaskGroup):
    __slots__ = 'cancel_scope', '_active', '_exceptions'
Exemple #50
    def __init__(self, pause_ev, close_ev):

        self._pause_ev = pause_ev
        self._close_ev = close_ev
        self._input_update_ev = Event()
        self._input = MpInQueue(self._input_update_ev, pause_ev, close_ev)

        self._pulse_resolved = config["PULSE_RESOLVED"]
        self._require_geometry = config["REQUIRE_GEOMETRY"]
        self._queue = deque(maxlen=1)


        self.title = f"EXtra-foam {__version__} ({config['DETECTOR']})"
        self.setWindowTitle(self.title + " - main GUI")

        # *************************************************************
        # Central widget
        # *************************************************************

        self._ctrl_widgets = []  # book-keeping control widgets

        self._cw = QSplitter()

        self._left_cw_container = QScrollArea()
        self._left_cw = QTabWidget()
        self._right_cw_container = QScrollArea()
        self._right_cw = QSplitter(Qt.Vertical)

        self._source_cw = self.createCtrlWidget(DataSourceWidget)
        self._extension_cw = self.createCtrlWidget(ExtensionCtrlWidget)

        self._ctrl_panel_cw = QTabWidget()
        self._analysis_cw = QWidget()
        self._statistics_cw = QWidget()

        self._util_panel_container = QWidget()
        self._util_panel_cw = QTabWidget()

        # *************************************************************
        # Tool bar
        # Note: the order of 'addAction` affect the unittest!!!
        # *************************************************************
        self._tool_bar = self.addToolBar("Control")
        # make icon a bit larger
        self._tool_bar.setIconSize(1.25 * self._tool_bar.iconSize())

        self._start_at = self.addAction("Start bridge", "start.png")

        self._stop_at = self.addAction("Stop bridge", "stop.png")


        image_tool_at = self.addAction("Image tool", "image_tool.png")
        image_tool_at.triggered.connect(lambda: (self._image_tool.show(
        ), self._image_tool.activateWindow()))

        open_poi_window_at = self.addAction("Pulse-of-interest", "poi.png")
            functools.partial(self.onOpenPlotWindow, PulseOfInterestWindow))
        if not self._pulse_resolved:

        pump_probe_window_at = self.addAction("Pump-probe", "pump-probe.png")
            functools.partial(self.onOpenPlotWindow, PumpProbeWindow))

        open_statistics_window_at = self.addAction("Correlation",
            functools.partial(self.onOpenPlotWindow, CorrelationWindow))

        open_statistics_window_at = self.addAction("Histogram",
            functools.partial(self.onOpenPlotWindow, HistogramWindow))

        open_bin2d_window_at = self.addAction("Binning", "binning.png")
            functools.partial(self.onOpenPlotWindow, BinningWindow))


        open_file_stream_window_at = self.addAction("File stream",
            lambda: self.onOpenSatelliteWindow(FileStreamWindow))

        open_about_at = self.addAction("About EXtra-foam", "about.png")
            lambda: self.onOpenSatelliteWindow(AboutWindow))

        # *************************************************************
        # Miscellaneous
        # *************************************************************

        # book-keeping opened windows
        self._plot_windows = WeakKeyDictionary()
        self._satellite_windows = WeakKeyDictionary()

        self._gui_logger = GuiLogger(parent=self)

        self._configurator = Configurator()

        self._thread_logger = ThreadLoggerBridge()
        self._thread_logger_t = QThread()

        # For real time plot
        self._running = False
        self._plot_timer = QTimer()

        # For checking the connection to the Redis server
        self._redis_timer = QTimer()

        self.__redis_connection_fails = 0

        self._mon_proxy = MonProxy()

        # *************************************************************
        # control widgets
        # *************************************************************

        # analysis control widgets
        self.analysis_ctrl_widget = self.createCtrlWidget(AnalysisCtrlWidget)
        self.pump_probe_ctrl_widget = self.createCtrlWidget(
        self.fom_filter_ctrl_widget = self.createCtrlWidget(

        # statistics control widgets
        self.bin_ctrl_widget = self.createCtrlWidget(BinCtrlWidget)
        self.histogram_ctrl_widget = self.createCtrlWidget(HistogramCtrlWidget)
        self.correlation_ctrl_widget = self.createCtrlWidget(

        # *************************************************************
        # status bar
        # *************************************************************

        # StatusBar to display topic name
        self.statusBar().showMessage(f"TOPIC: {config['TOPIC']}")

        # ImageToolWindow is treated differently since it is the second
        # control window.
        self._image_tool = ImageToolWindow(


        self.setMinimumSize(640, 480)
        self.resize(self._WIDTH, self._HEIGHT)

Exemple #51
        handler = self.passlib_handler
        items = [
            # since this is user-facing, we're reporting passlib's name,
            # without the distracting PASSLIB_HASHER_PREFIX prepended.
            (_('algorithm'), handler.name),
        if hasattr(handler, "parsehash"):
            kwds = handler.parsehash(encoded, sanitize=mask_hash)
            for key, value in iteritems(kwds):
                key = self._translate_kwds.get(key, key)
                items.append((_(key), value))
        return SortedDict(items)

# cache of hasher wrappers generated by get_passlib_hasher()
_hasher_cache = WeakKeyDictionary()

def get_passlib_hasher(handler):
    """create *Hasher*-compatible wrapper for specified passlib hash.

    This takes in the name of a passlib hash (or the handler object itself),
    and returns a wrapper instance which should be compatible with
    Django 1.4's Hashers framework.

    If the named hash corresponds to one of Django's builtin hashers,
    an instance of the real hasher class will be returned.

    Note that the format of the handler won't be altered,
    so will probably not be compatible with Django's algorithm format,
    so the monkeypatch provided by this plugin must have been applied.
Exemple #52
class Fleet(WorldObject):
	Fleet object is responsible for moving a group of ship around the map in an ordered manner, that is:
	1. provide a single move callback for a fleet as a whole,
	2. resolve self-blocks in a group of ships
	3. resolve MoveNotPossible exceptions.

	log = logging.getLogger("ai.aiplayer.fleet")

	# ship states inside a fleet, fleet doesn't care about AIPlayer.shipStates since it doesn't do any reasoning.
	# all fleet cares about is to move ships from A to B.
	shipStates = Enum('idle', 'moving', 'blocked', 'reached')


	# state for a fleet as a whole
	fleetStates = Enum('idle', 'moving')

	def __init__(self, ships, destroy_callback=None):
		super(Fleet, self).__init__()

		assert ships, "request to create a fleet from  %s ships" % (len(ships))
		self.__init(ships, destroy_callback)

	def __init(self, ships, destroy_callback=None):
		self.owner = ships[0].owner

		# dictionary of ship => state
		self._ships = WeakKeyDictionary()
		for ship in ships:
			self._ships[ship] = self.shipStates.idle
			#TODO: @below, this caused errors on one occasion but I was not able to reproduce it.
			ship.add_remove_listener(Callback(self._lost_ship, ship))
		self.state = self.fleetStates.idle
		self.destroy_callback = destroy_callback

	def save(self, db):
		super(Fleet, self).save(db)
		# save the fleet
		# save destination if fleet is moving somewhere
		db("INSERT INTO fleet (fleet_id, owner_id, state_id) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", self.worldid, self.owner.worldid, self.state.index)

		if self.state == self.fleetStates.moving and hasattr(self, 'destination'):
			if isinstance(self.destination, Point):
				x, y = self.destination.x, self.destination.y
				db("UPDATE fleet SET dest_x = ?, dest_y = ? WHERE fleet_id = ?", x, y, self.worldid)
			elif isinstance(self.destination, Circle):
				x, y, radius = self.destination.center.x, self.destination.center.y, self.destination.radius
				db("UPDATE fleet SET dest_x = ?, dest_y = ?, radius = ? WHERE fleet_id = ?", x, y, radius, self.worldid)
				assert False, "destination is neither a Circle nor a Point: %s" % self.destination.__class__.__name__

		if hasattr(self, "ratio"):
			db("UPDATE fleet SET ratio = ? WHERE fleet_id = ?", self.ratio, self.worldid)

		# save ships
		for ship in self.get_ships():
			db("INSERT INTO fleet_ship (ship_id, fleet_id, state_id) VALUES(?, ?, ?)",
			   ship.worldid, self.worldid, self._ships[ship].index)

	def _load(self, worldid, owner, db, destroy_callback):
		super(Fleet, self).load(db, worldid)
		self.owner = owner
		state_id, dest_x, dest_y, radius, ratio = db("SELECT state_id, dest_x, dest_y, radius, ratio FROM fleet WHERE fleet_id = ?", worldid)[0]

		if radius:  # Circle
			self.destination = Circle(Point(dest_x, dest_y), radius)
		elif dest_x and dest_y:  # Point
			self.destination = Point(dest_x, dest_y)
		else:  # No destination

		if ratio:
			self.ratio = ratio

		ships_states = [(WorldObject.get_object_by_id(ship_id), self.shipStates[ship_state_id])
		                for ship_id, ship_state_id
		                in db("SELECT ship_id, state_id FROM fleet_ship WHERE fleet_id = ?", worldid)]
		ships = [item[0] for item in ships_states]

		self.__init(ships, destroy_callback)
		self.state = self.fleetStates[state_id]

		for ship, state in ships_states:
			self._ships[ship] = state

		if self.state == self.fleetStates.moving:
			for ship in self.get_ships():
				if self._ships[ship] == self.shipStates.moving:
					ship.add_move_callback(Callback(self._ship_reached, ship))

		if destroy_callback:
			self.destroy_callback = destroy_callback

	def load(cls, worldid, owner, db, destroy_callback=None):
		self = cls.__new__(cls)
		self._load(worldid, owner, db, destroy_callback)
		return self

	def get_ships(self):
		return self._ships.keys()

	def destroy(self):
		for ship in self._ships.keys():
		if self.destroy_callback:

	def _lost_ship(self, ship):
		Used when fleet was on the move and one of the ships was killed during that.
		This way fleet has to check whether the target point was reached.
		if ship in self._ships:
			del self._ships[ship]
		if self.size() == 0:
		elif self._was_target_reached():

	def _get_ship_states_count(self):
		Returns Counter about how many ships are in state idle, moving, reached.
		counter = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
		for value in self._ships.values():
			counter[value] += 1
		return counter

	def _was_target_reached(self):
		Checks whether required ratio of ships reached the target.
		state_counts = self._get_ship_states_count()

		# below: include blocked ships as "reached" as well since there's not much more left to do,
		# and it's better than freezing the whole fleet
		reached = state_counts[self.shipStates.reached] + state_counts[self.shipStates.blocked]
		total = len(self._ships)
		return self.ratio <= float(reached) / total

	def _ship_reached(self, ship):
		Called when a single ship reaches destination.
		self.log.debug("Fleet %s, Ship %s reached the destination", self.worldid, ship.get_component(NamedComponent).name)
		self._ships[ship] = self.shipStates.reached
		if self._was_target_reached():

	def _fleet_reached(self):
		Called when whole fleet reaches destination.
		self.log.debug("Fleet %s reached the destination", self.worldid)
		self.state = self.fleetStates.idle
		for ship in self._ships.keys():
			self._ships[ship] = self.shipStates.idle

		if self.callback:

	def _move_ship(self, ship, destination, callback):
		# retry ad infinitum. Not the most elegant solution but will do for a while.
		# Idea: mark ship as "blocked" through state and check whether they all are near the destination anyway
		# 1. If they don't make them sail again.
		# 2. If they do, assume they reached the spot.
			ship.move(destination, callback=callback, blocked_callback=Callback(self._move_ship, ship, destination, callback))
			self._ships[ship] = self.shipStates.moving
		except MoveNotPossible:
			self._ships[ship] = self.shipStates.blocked
			if not self._was_target_reached():
				Scheduler().add_new_object(Callback(self._retry_moving_blocked_ships), self, run_in=self.RETRY_BLOCKED_TICKS)

	def _get_circle_size(self):
		Destination circle size for movement calls that involve more than one ship.
		return 10
		#return min(self.size(), 5)

	def _retry_moving_blocked_ships(self):
		if self.state != self.fleetStates.moving:

		for ship in filter(lambda ship: self._ships[ship] == self.shipStates.blocked, self.get_ships()):
			self._move_ship(ship, self.destination, Callback(self._ship_reached, ship))

	def move(self, destination, callback=None, ratio=1.0):
		Move fleet to a destination.
		@param ratio: what percentage of ships has to reach destination in order for the move to be considered done:
			0.0 - None (not really useful, executes the callback right away)
			0.0001 - effectively ANY ship
			1.0 - ALL of the ships
			0.5 - at least half of the ships
		assert self.size() > 0, "ordered to move a fleet consisting of 0 ships"

		# it's ok to specify single point for a destination only when there's only one ship in a fleet
		if isinstance(destination, Point) and self.size() > 1:
			destination = Circle(destination, self._get_circle_size())

		self.destination = destination
		self.state = self.fleetStates.moving
		self.ratio = ratio

		self.callback = callback

		# This is a good place to do something fancier later like preserving ship formation instead sailing to the same point
		for ship in self._ships.keys():
			self._move_ship(ship, destination, Callback(self._ship_reached, ship))

	def size(self):
		return len(self._ships)

	def __str__(self):
		if hasattr(self, '_ships'):
			ships_str = "\n   " + "\n   ".join(["%s (fleet state:%s)" % (ship.get_component(NamedComponent).name, self._ships[ship]) for ship in self._ships.keys()])
			ships_str = 'N/A'
		return "Fleet: %s , state: %s, ships:%s" % (self.worldid, (self.state if hasattr(self, 'state') else 'unknown state'), ships_str)
Exemple #53
import hashlib
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union
from urllib.parse import urlunparse
from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary

from w3lib.http import basic_auth_header
from w3lib.url import canonicalize_url

from scrapy import Request, Spider
from scrapy.utils.httpobj import urlparse_cached
from scrapy.utils.misc import load_object
from scrapy.utils.python import to_bytes, to_unicode

_fingerprint_cache: "WeakKeyDictionary[Request, Dict[Tuple[Optional[Tuple[bytes, ...]], bool], str]]"
_fingerprint_cache = WeakKeyDictionary()

def request_fingerprint(
    request: Request,
    include_headers: Optional[Iterable[Union[bytes, str]]] = None,
    keep_fragments: bool = False,
) -> str:
    Return the request fingerprint.

    The request fingerprint is a hash that uniquely identifies the resource the
    request points to. For example, take the following two urls:

Exemple #54
class DockLayout(gobject.GObject):
    Manage a dock layout.

    For this to work the toplevel widget in the layout hierarchy should be a
    DockFrame. The DockFrame is registered with the DockLayout. After that
    sophisticated drag-and-drop functionality is present.

    NB. When items are closed, the item-closed signal is emitted. The item is *not*
    destroyed, though.

    __gtype_name__ = 'EtkDockLayout'
    __gsignals__ = {
        'item-closed': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE,
                        (gobject.TYPE_OBJECT, gobject.TYPE_OBJECT)),
        'item-selected': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE,
                          (gobject.TYPE_OBJECT, gobject.TYPE_OBJECT)),

    def __init__(self):

        # Initialize logging
        self.log = getLogger('%s.%s' % (self.__gtype_name__, hex(id(self))))

        self.frames = set()
        self._signal_handlers = {}  # Map widget -> set([signals, ...])

        self._focused_item = None
        self._focused_group = None
        self._focus_data = WeakKeyDictionary(
        )  # Map item -> last focused widget

        self._drag_data = None

    def add(self, frame):
        assert isinstance(frame, DockFrame)

    def remove(self, frame):

    def get_main_frames(self):
        Get the frames that are non-floating (the main frames).
        return (f for f in self.frames \
                if not (isinstance(f.get_parent(), gtk.Window) \
                        and f.get_parent().get_transient_for()))

    def get_floating_frames(self):
        Get the floating frames. Floating frames have a gtk.Window as parent that is
        transient for some other window.
        return (f for f in self.frames \
                if isinstance(f.get_parent(), gtk.Window) \
                and f.get_parent().get_transient_for())

    def get_widgets(self, name):
        Get a set of widgets based on their name.
        return [
            w for w in itertools.chain.from_iterable(
                flatten(frame) for frame in self.frames)
            if w.get_name() == name

    def _get_signals(self, widget):
        Get a list of signals to be registered for a specific widget.
        if isinstance(widget, DockPaned):
            signals = (('item-added', self.on_widget_add),
                       ('item-removed', self.on_widget_remove))
        elif isinstance(widget, DockGroup):
            signals = (('item-added', self.on_widget_add),
                       ('item-removed', self.on_widget_remove),
                       ('item-selected', self.on_dockgroup_item_selected))
        elif isinstance(widget, DockItem):
            signals = (('close', self.on_dockitem_close), )
        elif isinstance(widget, gtk.Container):
            signals = (('add', self.on_widget_add), ('remove',
            signals = ()

        return signals + (
            ('drag-motion', self.on_widget_drag_motion),
            ('drag-leave', self.on_widget_drag_leave),
            ('drag-drop', self.on_widget_drag_drop),
            ('drag-data-received', self.on_widget_drag_data_received),
            ('drag-end', self.on_widget_drag_end),
            ('drag-failed', self.on_widget_drag_failed),
            ('notify::is-focus', self.on_widget_is_focus))

    def add_signal_handlers(self, widget):
        Set up signal handlers for layout and child widgets. Also group state is changed
        from selected to prelight, in order to have one focused widget.
        if self._signal_handlers.get(widget):

        signals = set()
        drag_dest = widget.drag_dest_get_target_list()

        if not drag_dest:
                                 [DRAG_TARGET_ITEM_LIST], gdk.ACTION_MOVE)
        elif DRAG_TARGET_ITEM_LIST not in drag_dest:
            widget.drag_dest_set_target_list(drag_dest +

        # Use instance methods here, so layout can do additional bookkeeping
        for name, callback in self._get_signals(widget):
                signals.add(widget.connect(name, callback))
            except TypeError as e:

        self._signal_handlers[widget] = signals

        if isinstance(widget, gtk.Container):

        # Ensure SELECTED state is only for the selected item
        if isinstance(widget, DockGroup):

    def remove_signal_handlers(self, widget):
        Remove signal handlers.
            signals = self._signal_handlers[widget]
        except KeyError:
            pass  # No signals
            for s in signals:

            del self._signal_handlers[widget]

            # TODO: widget.drag_dest_set_target_list(drag_dest - [DRAG_TARGET_ITEM_LIST])??

            if isinstance(widget, gtk.Container):

    def update_floating_window_title(self, widget):
        frame = widget.get_ancestor(DockFrame)

        if frame in self.get_floating_frames():
            frame.get_toplevel().set_title(', '.join([
                w.title for w in
                [w for w in flatten(frame) if isinstance(w, DockItem)]

    def do_item_closed(self, group, item):
        If an item is closed, perform maintenance cleanup.
        if settings[item].auto_remove:
            cleanup(group, self)

    def do_item_selected(self, group, item):
        # Use this callback to grey out the selection on all but the active selection?
        self._focused_item = item

        if not (group is self._focused_group
                and group.get_tab_state() != gtk.STATE_PRELIGHT):
            if self._focused_group:

            self._focused_group = group

    def on_widget_add(self, container, widget):
        Deal with new elements being added to the layout or it's children.
        if isinstance(widget, gtk.Container):


    def on_widget_remove(self, container, widget):
        Remove signals from containers and subcontainers.
        if isinstance(widget, gtk.Container):


    def on_widget_drag_motion(self, widget, context, x, y, timestamp):
        if DRAG_TARGET_ITEM_LIST[0] in context.targets:
            context.docklayout = self
            drag_data = drag_motion(widget, context, x, y, timestamp)

            old_drop_widget = self._drag_data and self._drag_data.drop_widget
            new_drop_widget = drag_data and drag_data.drop_widget

            if new_drop_widget is not old_drop_widget:
                self.on_widget_drag_leave(widget, context, timestamp)
                self._drag_data = drag_data

    def on_widget_drag_leave(self, widget, context, timestamp):
        # Note: when dropping, drag-leave is invoked before drag-drop
        if DRAG_TARGET_ITEM_LIST[0] in context.targets:
            drag_data = self._drag_data

            if drag_data and drag_data.leave:
                self.log.debug('on widget drag leave %s' % drag_data.leave)

    def on_widget_drag_drop(self, widget, context, x, y, timestamp):
        self.log.debug('drag_drop %s %s %s %s', context, x, y, timestamp)

        if DRAG_TARGET_ITEM_LIST[0] in context.targets:
            drag_data = self._drag_data

            if drag_data and drag_data.drop_widget:
                target = gdk.atom_intern(DRAG_TARGET_ITEM_LIST[0])
                drag_data.drop_widget.drag_get_data(context, target, timestamp)
                return True

            # act as if drag failed:
            source = context.get_source_widget()
            source.emit('drag-failed', context, 1)
            cleanup(source, self)

        return False

    def on_widget_drag_data_received(self, widget, context, x, y,
                                     selection_data, info, timestamp):
        Execute the received handler using the received handler retrieved in the
        drag_drop event handler.
        self.log.debug('drag_data_received %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' %
                       (context, x, y, selection_data, info, timestamp))

        if DRAG_TARGET_ITEM_LIST[0] in context.targets:
            drag_data = self._drag_data
            assert drag_data.received

                drag_data.received(selection_data, info)
                self._drag_data = None

    def on_widget_drag_end(self, widget, context):
        if DRAG_TARGET_ITEM_LIST[0] in context.targets:
            context.docklayout = self
            return drag_end(widget, context)

    def on_widget_drag_failed(self, widget, context, result):
        if DRAG_TARGET_ITEM_LIST[0] in context.targets:
            context.docklayout = self
            return drag_failed(widget, context, result)

    def on_widget_is_focus(self, widget, pspec):
        The input focus moved to another widget.
        if isinstance(widget, DockItem):
            item = widget
            item = widget.get_ancestor(DockItem)

        if item:
            self._focus_data[item] = widget

            if item is not self._focused_item:
                group = item.get_parent()
                self.emit('item-selected', group, item)

    def on_dockitem_close(self, item):
        group = item.get_parent()
        self.emit('item-closed', group, item)
        cleanup(group, self)

    def on_dockgroup_item_selected(self, group, item):
        An item is selected by clicking on a tab.
        focus_child = self._focus_data.get(item)

        if focus_child:
            # item-selected is emited by is-focus handler
            focus_child.set_property('has-focus', True)

        self.emit('item-selected', group, item)
Exemple #55
 def __init__(self):
     from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary
     self.listeners = WeakKeyDictionary()
Exemple #56
    def __init__(

            # add by gloria

            # 打包成的目标数据类型,参看 base_data_convert_2_bytes.py
            # 转换成bytes之后的长度,就是byte的字节数。
            # 是否是小端
            # 序列号
            # 依赖的父亲属性

            # 数据偏转因子 * (乘积因子)

            # 数据偏移量, +(累加偏移量)
        # cached_bytes add by gloria
        self.cached_bytes = WeakKeyDictionary()

        self.memory = WeakKeyDictionary()
        self.required = required
        self.help_text = help_text
        self.nullable = nullable
        self.name = name

        # add by gloria
        self.max_value = max_value
        # add by gloria
        self.min_value = min_value
        # 值类型的值
        self.value = value
        # 用于表示属性的序列,打包bytes时需要。
        self.sequence = sequence

        # 当前field所依赖的field,如果依赖的filed 值 = 0 或None,则此field是无效的filed,不需打包成bytes。
        self.depending_field = depending_field

        self.default_value = default_value
        # add by gloria
        self.pack_to_type = pack_to_type
        self.is_little_endian = is_little_endian
        if default_value:
            self.byte_value = base_to_bytes(self.pack_to_type, default_value,
            self.byte_value = byte_value
        if byte_length:
            self.byte_length = byte_length
            self.byte_length = base_data_from_bytes.get_bytes_length(
        self.hex_value = hex_value
        if default is not NotSet:
        self._default = default
        self.data_factor = data_factor
        self.data_offset = data_offset
Exemple #57
 def __init__(self, default=None):
     self._hidden = WeakKeyDictionary()
     self.default = default
Exemple #58
 def __init__(self, uri, assets='./'):
     WebSocketServerFactory.__init__(self, uri)
     self._peers = WeakKeyDictionary()
     self.assets = assets
Exemple #59

def is_yaml_parsing_issue(operation: APIOperation) -> bool:
    """Detect whether the API operation has problems because of YAML syntax.

    For example, unquoted 'on' is parsed as `True`.
        # Sorting keys involves their comparison, when there is a non-string value, it leads to a TypeError
        json.dumps(operation.schema.raw_schema, sort_keys=True)
    except TypeError:
        return True
    return False

_BODY_STRATEGIES_CACHE: WeakKeyDictionary = WeakKeyDictionary()

def _get_body_strategy(
    parameter: OpenAPIParameter, to_strategy: Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], st.SearchStrategy], parent_schema: BaseSchema
) -> st.SearchStrategy:
    # The cache key relies on object ids, which means that the parameter should not be mutated
    # Note, the parent schema is not included as each parameter belong only to one schema
    if parameter in _BODY_STRATEGIES_CACHE and to_strategy in _BODY_STRATEGIES_CACHE[parameter]:
        return _BODY_STRATEGIES_CACHE[parameter][to_strategy]
    schema = parameter.as_json_schema()
    schema = parent_schema.prepare_schema(schema)
    strategy = to_strategy(schema)
    if not parameter.is_required:
        strategy |= st.just(NOT_SET)
    _BODY_STRATEGIES_CACHE.setdefault(parameter, {})[to_strategy] = strategy
Exemple #60
 def __init__(self):
     self.timestamps = WeakKeyDictionary()