def PlayerPreThink(*qwp_extra): mspeed = 0 aspeed = 0 r = 0 if intermission_running: IntermissionThink() # otherwise a button could be missed between return # the think tics if qc.self.view_ofs == Vector(0, 0, 0): return # intermission or finale qc.makevectors(qc.self.v_angle) # is this still used qc.self.deathtype = None CheckRules() WaterMove() # # if (self.waterlevel == 2) # CheckWaterJump (); # if qc.self.deadflag >= defs.DEAD_DEAD: PlayerDeathThink() return if qc.self.deadflag == defs.DEAD_DYING: return # dying, so do nothing if qc.self.button2: PlayerJump() else: qc.self.flags |= defs.FL_JUMPRELEASED # teleporters can force a non-moving pause time if qc.time < qc.self.pausetime: qc.self.velocity = Vector(0, 0, 0) if qc.time > qc.self.attack_finished and qc.self.currentammo == 0 and qc.self.weapon != defs.IT_AXE: qc.self.weapon = weapons.W_BestWeapon() weapons.W_SetCurrentAmmo()
def Team_weapon_touch(*qwp_extra): if not (qc.other.flags & defs.FL_CLIENT): return # Don't let the owner pick up his own weapon for a second. if (qc.other == qc.self.owner) and ((qc.self.nextthink - qc.time) > 119): return # if the player was using his best weapon, change up to the new one if better stemp = qc.self qc.self = qc.other best = weapons.W_BestWeapon() qc.self = stemp if qc.self.classname == 'weapon_nailgun': hadammo = qc.other.ammo_nails new = defs.IT_NAILGUN elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_supernailgun': hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_SUPER_NAILGUN elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_supershotgun': hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_rocketlauncher': hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_grenadelauncher': hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_lightning': hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_LIGHTNING else: qc.objerror('Team_weapon_touch: unknown classname') qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, 'You got the ') qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, qc.self.netname) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, '\012') # weapon touch sound qc.other.sound(defs.CHAN_ITEM, 'weapons/pkup.wav', 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) qc.other.stuffcmd('bf\012') items.bound_other_ammo() # change to the weapon old = qc.other.items qc.other.items |= new qc.self.remove() qc.self = qc.other if not defs.deathmatch: qc.self.weapon = new else: items.Deathmatch_Weapon(old, new) weapons.W_SetCurrentAmmo() defs.activator = qc.other subs.SUB_UseTargets() # fire all targets / killtargets
def BackpackTouch(*qwp_extra): if qc.other.classname != 'player': return if <= 0: return # don't let self pick it up for a sec if (qc.other == qc.self.owner) and ((qc.self.nextthink - qc.time) > 118): return acount = 0 qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, 'You get ') if qc.self.items: if (qc.other.items & qc.self.items) == 0: acount = 1 qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, 'the ') qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, qc.self.netname) # if the player was using his best weapon, change up to the new one if better stemp = qc.self qc.self = qc.other best = weapons.W_BestWeapon() qc.self = stemp # change weapons qc.other.ammo_shells += qc.self.ammo_shells qc.other.ammo_nails += qc.self.ammo_nails qc.other.ammo_rockets += qc.self.ammo_rockets qc.other.ammo_cells += qc.self.ammo_cells new = qc.self.items if not new: new = qc.other.weapon old = qc.other.items qc.other.items |= new bound_other_ammo() if qc.self.ammo_shells: if acount: qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, ', ') acount = 1 s = str(qc.self.ammo_shells) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, s) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, ' shells') if qc.self.ammo_nails: if acount: qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, ', ') acount = 1 s = str(qc.self.ammo_nails) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, s) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, ' nails') if qc.self.ammo_rockets: if acount: qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, ', ') acount = 1 s = str(qc.self.ammo_rockets) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, s) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, ' rockets') if qc.self.ammo_cells: if acount: qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, ', ') acount = 1 s = str(qc.self.ammo_cells) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, s) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, ' cells') qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, '\012') # backpack touch sound qc.other.sound(defs.CHAN_ITEM, 'weapons/lock4.wav', 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) qc.other.stuffcmd('bf\012') # remove the backpack, change self to the player qc.self.remove() qc.self = qc.other # change to the weapon if WeaponCode(new) <= 0: # the 0 used to be: b_switch, which was never set to anything if qc.self.flags & defs.FL_INWATER: if new != defs.IT_LIGHTNING: Deathmatch_Weapon(old, new) else: Deathmatch_Weapon(old, new) weapons.W_SetCurrentAmmo()
def ammo_touch(*qwp_extra): if qc.other.classname != 'player': return if <= 0: return # if the player was using his best weapon, change up to the new one if better stemp = qc.self qc.self = qc.other best = weapons.W_BestWeapon() qc.self = stemp # shotgun if qc.self.weapon == 1: if qc.other.ammo_shells >= 100: return qc.other.ammo_shells += qc.self.aflag # spikes if qc.self.weapon == 2: if qc.other.ammo_nails >= 200: return qc.other.ammo_nails += qc.self.aflag # rockets if qc.self.weapon == 3: if qc.other.ammo_rockets >= 100: return qc.other.ammo_rockets += qc.self.aflag # cells if qc.self.weapon == 4: if qc.other.ammo_cells >= 100: return qc.other.ammo_cells += qc.self.aflag bound_other_ammo() qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, 'You got the ') qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, qc.self.netname) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, '\012') # ammo touch sound qc.other.sound(defs.CHAN_ITEM, 'weapons/lock4.wav', 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) qc.other.stuffcmd('bf\012') # change to a better weapon if appropriate if qc.other.weapon == best: stemp = qc.self qc.self = qc.other qc.self.weapon = weapons.W_BestWeapon() weapons.W_SetCurrentAmmo() qc.self = stemp # if changed current ammo, update it stemp = qc.self qc.self = qc.other weapons.W_SetCurrentAmmo() qc.self = stemp # remove it in single player, or setup for respawning in deathmatch qc.self.model = defs.string_null qc.self.solid = defs.SOLID_NOT if defs.deathmatch == 1 or defs.deathmatch == 3: qc.self.nextthink = qc.time + 30 qc.self.think = SUB_regen defs.activator = qc.other subs.SUB_UseTargets() # fire all targets / killtargets
def weapon_touch(*qwp_extra): # For client weapon_switch w_switch = 0 if not (qc.other.flags & defs.FL_CLIENT): return if (qc.stof(qc.other.infokey('w_switch'))) == 0: w_switch = 8 else: w_switch = qc.stof(qc.other.infokey('w_switch')) # if the player was using his best weapon, change up to the new one if better stemp = qc.self qc.self = qc.other best = weapons.W_BestWeapon() qc.self = stemp if defs.deathmatch == 2 or defs.deathmatch == 3: leave = 1 else: leave = 0 if qc.self.classname == 'weapon_nailgun': if leave and (qc.other.items & defs.IT_NAILGUN): return hadammo = qc.other.ammo_nails new = defs.IT_NAILGUN # *TEAMPLAY* qc.other.ammo_nails += 30 elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_supernailgun': if leave and (qc.other.items & defs.IT_SUPER_NAILGUN): return hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_SUPER_NAILGUN # *TEAMPLAY* qc.other.ammo_nails += 30 elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_supershotgun': if leave and (qc.other.items & defs.IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN): return hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN # *TEAMPLAY* qc.other.ammo_shells += 5 elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_rocketlauncher': if leave and (qc.other.items & defs.IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER): return hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER # *TEAMPLAY* qc.other.ammo_rockets += 5 elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_grenadelauncher': if leave and (qc.other.items & defs.IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER): return hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER # *TEAMPLAY* qc.other.ammo_rockets += 5 elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_lightning': if leave and (qc.other.items & defs.IT_LIGHTNING): return hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_LIGHTNING qc.other.ammo_cells += 15 else: qc.objerror('weapon_touch: unknown classname') qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, 'You got the ') qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, qc.self.netname) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, '\012') # weapon touch sound qc.other.sound(defs.CHAN_ITEM, 'weapons/pkup.wav', 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) qc.other.stuffcmd('bf\012') bound_other_ammo() # change to the weapon old = qc.other.items qc.other.items |= new stemp = qc.self qc.self = qc.other prevweapon = qc.self.weapon if WeaponCode(new) <= w_switch: if qc.self.flags & defs.FL_INWATER: if new != defs.IT_LIGHTNING: Deathmatch_Weapon(old, new) else: Deathmatch_Weapon(old, new) if qc.self.weapon != prevweapon: qc.self.previous_weapon = prevweapon weapons.W_SetCurrentAmmo() qc.self = stemp if leave: return # remove it in single player, or setup for respawning in deathmatch qc.self.model = defs.string_null qc.self.solid = defs.SOLID_NOT if defs.deathmatch == 1 or defs.deathmatch == 3: qc.self.nextthink = qc.time + 30 qc.self.think = SUB_regen defs.activator = qc.other subs.SUB_UseTargets() # fire all targets / killtargets
def PutClientInServer(*qwp_extra): global modelindex_eyes global modelindex_player spot = s = None qc.self.classname = 'player' = 100 qc.self.takedamage = defs.DAMAGE_AIM qc.self.solid = defs.SOLID_SLIDEBOX qc.self.movetype = defs.MOVETYPE_WALK qc.self.show_hostile = 0 qc.self.max_health = 100 qc.self.flags = defs.FL_CLIENT qc.self.air_finished = qc.time + 12 qc.self.dmg = 2 # initial water damage qc.self.super_damage_finished = 0 qc.self.radsuit_finished = 0 qc.self.invisible_finished = 0 qc.self.invincible_finished = 0 qc.self.effects = 0 qc.self.invincible_time = 0 DecodeLevelParms() weapons.W_SetCurrentAmmo() qc.self.attack_finished = qc.time qc.self.th_pain = player.player_pain qc.self.th_die = player.PlayerDie qc.self.deadflag = defs.DEAD_NO # paustime is set by teleporters to keep the player from moving a while qc.self.pausetime = 0 spot = SelectSpawnPoint() qc.self.origin = spot.origin + Vector(0, 0, 1) qc.self.angles = spot.angles qc.self.fixangle = defs.TRUE # turn this way immediately # oh, this is a hack! qc.self.setmodel('progs/eyes.mdl') modelindex_eyes = qc.self.modelindex qc.self.setmodel('progs/player.mdl') modelindex_player = qc.self.modelindex qc.setsize(qc.self, defs.VEC_HULL_MIN, defs.VEC_HULL_MAX) qc.self.view_ofs = Vector(0, 0, 22) # Mod - Xian (May.20.97) # Bug where player would have velocity from their last kill qc.self.velocity = Vector(0, 0, 0) player.player_stand1() qc.makevectors(qc.self.angles) triggers.spawn_tfog(qc.self.origin + qc.v_forward * 20) triggers.spawn_tdeath(qc.self.origin, qc.self) # Set Rocket Jump Modifiers if qc.stof('rj')) != 0: defs.rj = qc.stof('rj')) if defs.deathmatch == 4: qc.self.ammo_shells = 0 if qc.stof('axe')) == 0: qc.self.ammo_nails = 255 qc.self.ammo_shells = 255 qc.self.ammo_rockets = 255 qc.self.ammo_cells = 255 qc.self.items |= defs.IT_NAILGUN qc.self.items |= defs.IT_SUPER_NAILGUN qc.self.items |= defs.IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN qc.self.items |= defs.IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER # self.items = self.items | IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER; qc.self.items |= defs.IT_LIGHTNING qc.self.items = qc.self.items - (qc.self.items & (defs.IT_ARMOR1 | defs.IT_ARMOR2 | defs.IT_ARMOR3)) + defs.IT_ARMOR3 qc.self.armorvalue = 200 qc.self.armortype = 0.8 = 250 qc.self.items |= defs.IT_INVULNERABILITY qc.self.invincible_time = 1 qc.self.invincible_finished = qc.time + 3 if defs.deathmatch == 5: qc.self.ammo_nails = 80 qc.self.ammo_shells = 30 qc.self.ammo_rockets = 10 qc.self.ammo_cells = 30 qc.self.items |= defs.IT_NAILGUN qc.self.items |= defs.IT_SUPER_NAILGUN qc.self.items |= defs.IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN qc.self.items |= defs.IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER qc.self.items |= defs.IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER qc.self.items |= defs.IT_LIGHTNING qc.self.items = qc.self.items - (qc.self.items & (defs.IT_ARMOR1 | defs.IT_ARMOR2 | defs.IT_ARMOR3)) + defs.IT_ARMOR3 qc.self.armorvalue = 200 qc.self.armortype = 0.8 = 200 qc.self.items |= defs.IT_INVULNERABILITY qc.self.invincible_time = 1 qc.self.invincible_finished = qc.time + 3
def BackpackTouch(*qwp_extra): s = None best = 0 old = 0 new = 0 stemp = acount = 0 b_switch = 0 if defs.deathmatch == 4: if qc.other.invincible_time > 0: return if (qc.stof(qc.other.infokey('b_switch'))) == 0: b_switch = 8 else: b_switch = qc.stof(qc.other.infokey('b_switch')) if qc.other.classname != 'player': return if <= 0: return acount = 0 qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, 'You get ') if defs.deathmatch == 4: += 10 qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, '10 additional health\012') if ( > 250) and ( < 300): qc.other.sound(defs.CHAN_ITEM, 'items/protect3.wav', 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) else: qc.other.sound(defs.CHAN_ITEM, 'weapons/lock4.wav', 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) qc.other.stuffcmd('bf\012') qc.self.remove() if > 299: if qc.other.invincible_time != 1: qc.other.invincible_time = 1 qc.other.invincible_finished = qc.time + 30 qc.other.items |= defs.IT_INVULNERABILITY qc.other.super_time = 1 qc.other.super_damage_finished = qc.time + 30 qc.other.items |= defs.IT_QUAD qc.other.ammo_cells = 0 qc.other.sound(defs.CHAN_VOICE, 'boss1/sight1.wav', 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) qc.other.stuffcmd('bf\012') engine.bprint(defs.PRINT_HIGH, qc.other.netname) engine.bprint(defs.PRINT_HIGH, ' attains bonus powers!!!\012') qc.self = qc.other return if qc.self.items: if (qc.other.items & qc.self.items) == 0: acount = 1 qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, 'the ') qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, qc.self.netname) # if the player was using his best weapon, change up to the new one if better stemp = qc.self qc.self = qc.other best = weapons.W_BestWeapon() qc.self = stemp # change weapons qc.other.ammo_shells += qc.self.ammo_shells qc.other.ammo_nails += qc.self.ammo_nails qc.other.ammo_rockets += qc.self.ammo_rockets qc.other.ammo_cells += qc.self.ammo_cells new = qc.self.items if not new: new = qc.other.weapon old = qc.other.items qc.other.items |= qc.self.items bound_other_ammo() if qc.self.ammo_shells: if acount: qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, ', ') acount = 1 s = str(qc.self.ammo_shells) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, s) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, ' shells') if qc.self.ammo_nails: if acount: qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, ', ') acount = 1 s = str(qc.self.ammo_nails) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, s) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, ' nails') if qc.self.ammo_rockets: if acount: qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, ', ') acount = 1 s = str(qc.self.ammo_rockets) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, s) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, ' rockets') if qc.self.ammo_cells: if acount: qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, ', ') acount = 1 s = str(qc.self.ammo_cells) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, s) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, ' cells') if (defs.deathmatch == 3 or defs.deathmatch == 5) & ( (WeaponCode(new) == 6) or (WeaponCode(new) == 7)) & (qc.other.ammo_rockets < 5): qc.other.ammo_rockets = 5 qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, '\012') # backpack touch sound qc.other.sound(defs.CHAN_ITEM, 'weapons/lock4.wav', 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) qc.other.stuffcmd('bf\012') qc.self.remove() qc.self = qc.other # change to the weapon if WeaponCode(new) <= b_switch: if qc.self.flags & defs.FL_INWATER: if new != defs.IT_LIGHTNING: Deathmatch_Weapon(old, new) else: Deathmatch_Weapon(old, new) weapons.W_SetCurrentAmmo()
def TossWeapon(*qwp_extra): if defs.deathmatch != 1: return # only in deathmatch 1 if (qc.self.weapon == defs.IT_AXE) or (qc.self.weapon == defs.IT_SHOTGUN) or (qc.self.weapon == defs.IT_GRAPPLE): return item = qc.spawn() item.owner = qc.self qc.makevectors(qc.self.v_angle) qc.setorigin(item, qc.self.origin + Vector(0, 0, 16)) item.velocity = qc.self.aim(1000) item.velocity *= 500 item.flags = defs.FL_ITEM item.solid = defs.SOLID_TRIGGER item.movetype = defs.MOVETYPE_BOUNCE if qc.self.weapon == defs.IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN: item.setmodel('progs/g_shot.mdl') item.weapon = defs.IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN item.netname = 'Double-barrelled Shotgun' item.classname = 'weapon_supershotgun' qc.self.items -= defs.IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN elif qc.self.weapon == defs.IT_NAILGUN: item.setmodel('progs/g_nail.mdl') item.weapon = defs.IT_NAILGUN item.netname = 'nailgun' item.classname = 'weapon_nailgun' qc.self.items -= defs.IT_NAILGUN elif qc.self.weapon == defs.IT_SUPER_NAILGUN: item.setmodel('progs/g_nail2.mdl') item.weapon = defs.IT_SUPER_NAILGUN item.netname = 'Super Nailgun' item.classname = 'weapon_supernailgun' qc.self.items -= defs.IT_SUPER_NAILGUN elif qc.self.weapon == defs.IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER: item.setmodel('progs/g_rock.mdl') item.weapon = 3 item.netname = 'Grenade Launcher' item.classname = 'weapon_grenadelauncher' qc.self.items -= defs.IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER elif qc.self.weapon == defs.IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: item.setmodel('progs/g_rock2.mdl') item.weapon = 3 item.netname = 'Rocket Launcher' item.classname = 'weapon_rocketlauncher' qc.self.items -= defs.IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER elif qc.self.weapon == defs.IT_LIGHTNING: item.setmodel('progs/g_light.mdl') item.weapon = 3 item.netname = 'Thunderbolt' item.classname = 'weapon_lightning' qc.self.items -= defs.IT_LIGHTNING qc.setsize(item, Vector(-16, -16, 0), Vector(16, 16, 56)) item.touch = Team_weapon_touch item.think = subs.SUB_Remove item.nextthink = qc.time + 120 qc.self.weapon = weapons.W_BestWeapon() weapons.W_SetCurrentAmmo()
def TossBackpack(*qwp_extra): # If we don't have any ammo, return (except AXE/GRAPPLE) if qc.self.currentammo <= 0: if qc.self.weapon != defs.IT_AXE and qc.self.weapon != defs.IT_GRAPPLE: return item = qc.spawn() # See if you have the Shotgun or Super Shotgun on if (qc.self.weapon == defs.IT_SHOTGUN) or (qc.self.weapon == defs.IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN): if qc.self.ammo_shells >= 20: item.ammo_shells = 20 qc.self.ammo_shells -= 20 else: item.ammo_shells = qc.self.ammo_shells qc.self.ammo_shells = 0 # See if you have neither the Shotgun or Super Shotgun if not (qc.self.items & defs.IT_SHOTGUN) and not (qc.self.items & defs.IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN): if qc.self.ammo_shells >= 20: item.ammo_shells = 20 qc.self.ammo_shells -= 20 else: item.ammo_shells = qc.self.ammo_shells qc.self.ammo_shells = 0 # See if we are using a nailgun if (qc.self.weapon == defs.IT_NAILGUN) or (qc.self.weapon == defs.IT_SUPER_NAILGUN): if qc.self.ammo_nails >= 20: item.ammo_nails = 20 qc.self.ammo_nails -= 20 else: item.ammo_nails = qc.self.ammo_nails qc.self.ammo_nails = 0 # Check to see if we have neither nailgun if not (qc.self.items & defs.IT_NAILGUN) and not (qc.self.items & defs.IT_SUPER_NAILGUN): if qc.self.ammo_nails >= 20: item.ammo_nails = 20 qc.self.ammo_nails -= 20 else: item.ammo_nails = qc.self.ammo_nails qc.self.ammo_nails = 0 # See if we are using a grenade or rocket launcher if (qc.self.weapon == defs.IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) or (qc.self.weapon == defs.IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER): if qc.self.ammo_rockets >= 10: item.ammo_rockets = 10 qc.self.ammo_rockets -= 10 else: item.ammo_rockets = qc.self.ammo_rockets qc.self.ammo_rockets = 0 # See if we have neither the Grenade or rocket launcher if not (qc.self.items & defs.IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) and not ( qc.self.items & defs.IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER): if qc.self.ammo_rockets >= 10: item.ammo_rockets = 10 qc.self.ammo_rockets -= 10 else: item.ammo_rockets = qc.self.ammo_rockets qc.self.ammo_rockets = 0 # See if we're using the lightning gun if qc.self.weapon == defs.IT_LIGHTNING: if qc.self.ammo_cells >= 20: item.ammo_cells = 20 qc.self.ammo_cells -= 20 else: item.ammo_cells = qc.self.ammo_cells qc.self.ammo_cells = 0 # see if we don't have the lightning gun if not (qc.self.items & defs.IT_LIGHTNING): if qc.self.ammo_cells >= 20: item.ammo_cells = 20 qc.self.ammo_cells -= 20 else: item.ammo_cells = qc.self.ammo_cells qc.self.ammo_cells = 0 if not item.ammo_shells and not item.ammo_nails and not item.ammo_rockets and not item.ammo_cells: # we didn't put anything in item.remove() return item.owner = qc.self qc.makevectors(qc.self.v_angle) qc.setorigin(item, qc.self.origin + Vector(0, 0, 16)) item.velocity = qc.self.aim(1000) item.velocity *= 500 item.flags = defs.FL_ITEM item.solid = defs.SOLID_TRIGGER item.movetype = defs.MOVETYPE_BOUNCE item.setmodel('progs/backpack.mdl') qc.setsize(item, Vector(-16, -16, 0), Vector(16, 16, 56)) item.touch = items.BackpackTouch item.nextthink = qc.time + 120 # remove after 2 minutes item.think = subs.SUB_Remove weapons.W_SetCurrentAmmo()