Exemple #1
    def add_comment(self, id):
        if comments_enabled():
            f = File(get_or_404(current_user.files, _id=id))

            if current_user.has_permission('add_probable_name'):
                probable_name = request.form.get('probable_name')
                probable_name = None

            comment = request.form.get('comment')
            analysis_id = request.form.get('analysis')
            notify = request.form.get('notify')

            if comment:
                # If there is an analysis ID, make sure it is accessible
                if analysis_id:
                    get_or_404(current_user.analyses, _id=analysis_id)

                f.add_comment(current_user['_id'], comment, analysis_id, probable_name)
                if notify:
                    self.notify_new_comment(f, analysis_id, current_user['_id'], comment)

                flash('Comment should not be empty', 'danger')

        return redirect(request.referrer)
Exemple #2
    def get(self, id):
        """Get the analysis with `id`.

        .. :quickref: Analysis; Get an analysis

        Resulting object is in the ``analysis`` field.

        :param id: id of the analysis.

        :>json dict _id: ObjectId dict.
        :>json dict analyst: analyst's ObjectId.
        :>json dict date: date dict.
        :>json list executed_modules: list of executed modules.
        :>json list pending_modules: list of pending modules.
        :>json list waiting_modules: list of waiting modules.
        :>json list canceled_modules: list of canceled modules.
        :>json list executed_modules: list of executed modules.
        :>json string module: the name of the target module.
        :>json string status: status of the analysis (one of `pending`, `running`, `finished` or `error`).
        :>json list tags: the list of tags.
        :>json list probable_names: the list of probable names.
        :>json list iocs: list of dict describing observables.
        :>json dict results: detailed results for each module, with the module name being the key.
        :>json dict generated_files: a dict of generated files, the key being the file type.
        :>json list extracted_files: a list of extracted files.
        :>json dict support_files: a dict of support files, the key being the module name.
        analysis = {
            clean_analyses(get_or_404(current_user.analyses, _id=id))
        file = current_user.files.find_one(
            {'_id': analysis['analysis']['file']})
        analysis['analysis']['file'] = enrich_comments(clean_files(file))
        ti_modules = [m for m in dispatcher.get_threat_intelligence_modules()]
        av_modules = [m.name for m in dispatcher.get_antivirus_modules()]

        if 'extracted_files' in analysis['analysis']:
            files = []
            for id in analysis['analysis']['extracted_files']:
                files.append(current_user.files.find_one({'_id': id}))
            analysis['analysis']['extracted_files'] = clean_files(files)

        modules = dict()
        for module in ModuleInfo.get_collection().find():
            modules[module['name']] = ModuleInfo(module)

        return render(analysis,
                          'analysis': analysis,
                          'modules': modules,
                          'av_modules': av_modules,
                          'ti_modules': ti_modules,
                          'comments_enabled': comments_enabled()
Exemple #3
def return_file(file):
    analyses = list(current_user.analyses.find({'_id': {'$in': file['file']['analysis']}}))
    file['av_modules'] = [m.name for m in dispatcher.get_antivirus_modules()]

    for analysis in analyses:
        if 'analyst' in analysis:
            analyst = store.users.find_one({'_id': analysis['analyst']})
            analysis['analyst'] = clean_users(analyst)

    file['file']['analysis'] = clean_analyses(analyses)
    return render(file, 'files/show.html', ctx={
        'data': file,
        'options': dispatcher.options,
        'comments_enabled': comments_enabled()})
Exemple #4
    def new(self):
        # See if Hash submission is available
        config = Config.get(name="virustotal")

        hash_capable = False
        if config:
                hash_capable = True
            except Exception:
                hash_capable = False

        return render_template('analyses/new.html',
Exemple #5
def return_file(file):
    analyses = list(
        current_user.analyses.find({"_id": {
            "$in": file["file"]["analysis"]
    file["av_modules"] = [m.name for m in dispatcher.get_antivirus_modules()]

    for analysis in analyses:
        if "analyst" in analysis:
            analyst = store.users.find_one({"_id": analysis["analyst"]})
            analysis["analyst"] = clean_users(analyst)

    file["file"]["analysis"] = clean_analyses(analyses)
    return render(
            "data": file,
            "options": dispatcher.options,
            "comments_enabled": comments_enabled()
Exemple #6
    def add_comment(self, id):
        if comments_enabled():
            f = File(get_or_404(current_user.files, _id=id))

            if current_user.has_permission("add_probable_name"):
                probable_name = request.form.get("probable_name")
                probable_name = None

            comment = request.form.get("comment")
            analysis_id = request.form.get("analysis")
            notify = request.form.get("notify")

            if comment:
                # If there is an analysis ID, make sure it is accessible
                if analysis_id:
                    get_or_404(current_user.analyses, _id=analysis_id)

                f.add_comment(current_user["_id"], comment, analysis_id,
                              probable_name, notify)
                flash("Comment should not be empty", "danger")

        return redirect(request.referrer)
Exemple #7
 def new(self):
     return render_template('analyses/new.html', options=dispatcher.options, comments_enabled=comments_enabled())