Exemple #1
 def sync_avatars(self, client):
     response = {'data':{'synced':[]}}
     new_profiles = []
     profiles = Profile.objects.all()
     os_profiles = OSUserAccounts.objects.using('grid').all()
     new_profiles = []
     new_osprofiles = []
     #sync osprofile to profile
     for os_profile in os_profiles:
         match = False
         for profile in profiles:
             profile_name = '%s %s' % (profile.first_name,profile.last_name)
             osprofile_name = '%s %s' % (os_profile.FirstName, os_profile.LastName)
             if profile.uuid == os_profile.PrincipalID.UUID:
                 match = True
             elif (profile_name == osprofile_name):
                 match = True
         if match == False: new_profiles.append(os_profile)
     for new_profile in new_profiles:
         profile = Profile()
         profile.username = '******' % (new_profile.FirstName, new_profile.LastName)
         profile.first_name = new_profile.FirstName
         profile.last_name = new_profile.LastName
         profile.email = new_profile.Email
         profile.is_active = 1
         profile.uuid = new_profile.PrincipalID.UUID
         profile.salt = new_profile.PrincipalID.passwordSalt
         profile.password = new_profile.PrincipalID.passwordHash
         profile.ip = ''
         profile.date_joined = datetime.now()
     #sync profile to osprofile
     for profile in profiles:
         match = False
         for os_profile in os_profiles:
             profile_name = '%s %s' % (profile.first_name,profile.last_name)
             osprofile_name = '%s %s' % (os_profile.FirstName, os_profile.LastName)
             if profile.uuid == os_profile.PrincipalID.UUID:
                 match = True
             elif (profile_name == osprofile_name):
                 match = True
         if match == False:
     for _profile in new_osprofiles:
         self.change_avatar(client, _profile)
     client_response, tpl_params = self._get_avatars(client)
     _target_state = '/opensim/avatars/'
             'i18n':_('%(profiles)s/%(osprofiles)s profile(s)/avatar(s) were synced!') % {'profiles':len(new_profiles),'osprofiles':len(new_osprofiles)},
             'type': HWIOS.ws_realm._t['notify-info']
     notify_others(client, client_response,'/opensim/avatars/modified/', '^/opensim/avatars/$', tpl_params, _target_state)
     publish_activity(client.profile, _('Avatar(s) synced'),'/opensim/avatars/',[0,0,1,0,0])
     return client_response