Exemple #1
    def action():
		Performs a sync from the pool's list of images to the appliance.
		Cron: Every 15 minutes.
        # get the appliance for api token (not required, but sent if we have it)
        appliance = db.session.query(Appliance).first()

        # sync up all the images
        images = Images()
        response = images.sync(appliance)

        # now loop through and download non dynamic images if we don't have the files
        images = db.session.query(Images).filter_by(cache=1).all()
        download_images(appliance, images)

        # clear out old dynamic images
        images = db.session.query(Images).filter_by(cache=0).all()
        for image in images:
Exemple #2
	def action():
		Performs a sync from the pool's list of images to the appliance.
		Cron: Every 15 minutes.
		# get the appliance for api token (not required, but sent if we have it)
		appliance = db.session.query(Appliance).first()

		# sync up all the images
		images = Images()
		response = images.sync(appliance)

		# now loop through and download non dynamic images if we don't have the files
		images = db.session.query(Images).filter_by(cache=1).all()
		download_images(appliance, images)

		# clear out old dynamic images
		images = db.session.query(Images).filter_by(cache=0).all()
		for image in images:
Exemple #3
    def action(ip=('i', default_ip)):
		Restores the appliance to factory default settings.
            if ip == default_ip:
                print "Please enter the appliance's IP address."
                print "Usage: ./manage.py reset -i x.x.x.x"
                return action

            # double check they want to do this
            if query_yes_no("Are you sure you want to reset the appliance?"):

                # initialize database
                path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
                os.system('sqlite3 "%s/utterio.db" < "%s/schema.sql"' %
                          (path, path))

                # initialize the appliance object
                appliance = Appliance()

                # sync with pool database
                images = Images()
                iresponse = images.sync(appliance)

                flavors = Flavors()
                fresponse = flavors.sync(appliance)

                if iresponse['response'] != "success":
                    print iresponse['result']
                elif fresponse['response'] != "success":
                    print iresponse['result']
                    print "The database has been cleared and a new API token has been generated."

        except ValueError as ex:
            print ex
Exemple #4
	def action(ip=('i', default_ip)):
		Restores the appliance to factory default settings.
			if ip == default_ip:
				print "Please enter the appliance's IP address."
				print "Usage: ./manage.py reset -i x.x.x.x"
				return action

			# double check they want to do this	
			if query_yes_no("Are you sure you want to reset the appliance?"):

				# initialize database
				path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
				os.system('sqlite3 "%s/utterio.db" < "%s/schema.sql"' % (path, path))

				# initialize the appliance object
				appliance = Appliance()

				# sync with pool database
				images = Images()
				iresponse = images.sync(appliance)

				flavors = Flavors()
				fresponse = flavors.sync(appliance)

				if iresponse['response'] != "success":
					print iresponse['result']
				elif fresponse['response'] != "success":
					print iresponse['result']
					print "The database has been cleared and a new API token has been generated."

		except ValueError as ex:
			print ex
Exemple #5
    def action(ip=('i', default_ip)):
		Installs a new database configuration for the appliance.
        # run database reset script - use current path to run file
        path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

        # initialize database
        os.system('sqlite3 "%s/utterio.db" < "%s/schema.sql"' % (path, path))

        # initialize the appliance object
        appliance = Appliance()

        # sync to remote database
        images = Images()
        response = images.sync(appliance)

        flavors = Flavors()
        response = flavors.sync(appliance)

        # configure output
Exemple #6
	def action(ip=('i', default_ip)):
		Installs a new database configuration for the appliance.
		# run database reset script - use current path to run file
		path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

		# initialize database
		os.system('sqlite3 "%s/utterio.db" < "%s/schema.sql"' % (path, path))
		# initialize the appliance object
		appliance = Appliance()
		# sync to remote database
		images = Images()
		response = images.sync(appliance)

		flavors = Flavors()
		response = flavors.sync(appliance)

		# configure output