Exemple #1
    def check_timestamps(self, bundle, ctx, o_modified=None):
        from .bundle import Bundle
        from webassets.version import TimestampVersion

        if not o_modified:
                resolved_output = bundle.resolve_output(ctx)
            except BundleError:
                # This exception will occur when the bundle output has
                # placeholder, but a version cannot be found. If the
                # user has defined a manifest, this will just be the first
                # build. Return True to let it happen.
                # However, if no manifest is defined, raise an error,
                # because otherwise, this updater would always return True,
                # and thus not do its job at all.
                if ctx.manifest is None:
                    raise BuildError(
                        ('%s uses a version placeholder, and you are '
                         'using "%s" versions. To use automatic '
                         'building in this configuration, you need to '
                         'define a manifest.' % (bundle, ctx.versions)))
                return True

                o_modified = TimestampVersion.get_timestamp(resolved_output)
            except OSError:
                # If the output file does not exist, we'll have to rebuild
                return True

    # Recurse through the bundle hierarchy. Check the timestamp of all
    # the bundle source files, as well as any additional
    # dependencies that we are supposed to watch.
        from webassets.bundle import wrap
        for iterator, result in (
            (lambda e: map(lambda s: s[1], bundle.resolve_contents(e)),
             True), (bundle.resolve_depends, SKIP_CACHE)):
            for item in iterator(ctx):
                if isinstance(item, Bundle):
                    nested_result = self.check_timestamps(
                        item, wrap(ctx, item), o_modified)
                    if nested_result:
                        return nested_result
                elif not is_url(item):
                        s_modified = TimestampVersion.get_timestamp(item)
                    except OSError:
                        # If a file goes missing, always require
                        # a rebuild.
                        return result
                        if s_modified > o_modified:
                            return result
        return False
Exemple #2
 def failing_filter(*a, **kw):
     raise BuildError()