def main():	
	global disks
	global browser
	global web_send
	global started_copy
	global dcfprocess
	global window

	dcfprocess = None
	started_copy = False
	file = os.path.abspath('page.html')
	uri = 'file://' + urllib.pathname2url(file)
	browser, web_recv, web_send, window = synchronous_gtk_message(launch_browser)(uri,quit_function=Global.set_quit,echo=False,width=640,height=640)
	browser.connect("navigation-requested", on_navigation_requested)
	while not Global.quit:
Exemple #2
def main():

    # Create a proper file:// URL pointing to demo.xhtml:
    file = os.path.abspath('demo.xhtml')
    uri = 'file://' + urllib.pathname2url(file)
    browser, web_recv, web_send = \

    # Finally, here is our personalized main loop, 100% friendly
    # with "select" (although I am not using select here)!:
    last_second = time.time()
    uptime_seconds = 1
    clicks = 0
    while not Global.quit:

        current_time = time.time()
        again = False
        msg = web_recv()
        if msg:
            msg = from_json(msg)
            again = True

        if msg == "got-a-click":
            clicks += 1
            web_send('document.getElementById("messages").innerHTML = %s' %
                     to_json('%d clicks so far' % clicks))
            # If you are using jQuery, you can do this instead:
            # web_send('$("#messages").text(%s)' %
            #          to_json('%d clicks so far' % clicks))

        if current_time - last_second >= 1.0:
            web_send('document.getElementById("uptime-value").innerHTML = %s' %
                     to_json('%d' % uptime_seconds))
            # If you are using jQuery, you can do this instead:
            # web_send('$("#uptime-value").text(%s)'
            #        % to_json('%d' % uptime_seconds))
            uptime_seconds += 1
            last_second += 1.0

        if again: pass
        else:     time.sleep(0.1)
Exemple #3
def main():

    # Create a proper file:// URL pointing to demo.xhtml:
    file = os.path.abspath('ui.xhtml')
    uri = 'file://' + urllib.pathname2url(file)
    browser, web_recv, web_send = \

    # Finally, here is our personalized main loop, 100% friendly
    # with "select" (although I am not using select here)!:
    last_second = time.time()
    uptime_seconds = 1
    clicks = 0
    i = 0
    while not Global.quit:

        current_time = time.time()

        i = i + 1
        temp = 30 + i
        rpm = i * 100 + 300
        speed = i
        throttle_pos = i

        web_send('document.getElementById("temp").innerHTML = %s' %
                     to_json('%d' % temp))
        web_send('document.getElementById("rpm").innerHTML = %s' %
                     to_json('%d' % rpm))
        web_send('document.getElementById("speed").innerHTML = %s' %
                     to_json('%d' % speed))
        web_send('document.getElementById("throttle_pos").innerHTML = %s' %
                     to_json('%d' % throttle_pos))

        if (i >= 100):
            i = 0
Exemple #4
def main():
    langcard_db = LangcardDB();

    # Create a proper file:// URL pointing to demo.xhtml:
    file = os.path.abspath('html/demo.xhtml')
    uri = 'file://' + urllib.pathname2url(file)
    browser, web_recv, web_send = \

    # Finally, here is our personalized main loop, 100% friendly
    # with "select" (although I am not using select here)!:
    last_second = time.time()
    uptime_seconds = 1
    clicks = 0
    while not Global.quit:
        # GETLIST
        # SETPHRA
        # GETRAND
        current_time = time.time()
        again = False
        msg = web_recv()

        if msg:
            print msg

        if msg and msg[0:7]=="GETRAND":
            randomword_array = langcard_db.langcardGetRandomWord();
            randonword_struct = {}
            randonword_struct['id'] = randomword_array[0];            
            randonword_struct['comments'] = randomword_array[1];
            randonword_struct['original'] = randomword_array[2];
            randonword_struct['translation'] = randomword_array[3];
            randonword_struct['phrase'] = randomword_array[4];
            randonword_struct['position'] = randomword_array[5];
            randomword_json = to_json(randonword_struct)
            randomword_json = randomword_json.replace('\'','')
            print randomword_json
            web_send("setRandomWord('%s')" % (randomword_json));

        if msg and msg[0:7]=="SETPHRA":
            msg = from_json(msg[7:])
            again = True

        if msg and msg[0:7]=="GETLIST":
            phrases = langcard_db.langcardGetPhraseList()
            phraselist = {}

            for index in phrases:

                if (currentid!=previd):
                    phrase = {}
                    phrase['id'] = phrases[index][0]
                    phrase['phrase'] = phrases[index][4]
                    phrase['words'] = {}

                word = {}
                word['original'] = phrases[index][2];
                word['translation'] = phrases[index][3];
                word['comments'] = phrases[index][1];
                word['position'] = phrases[index][5];

                phrase['words'][len(phrase['words'])] = word;

                if (currentid!=previd):
                    phraselist[len(phraselist)] = phrase

#            phraselist[len(phraselist)] = phrase
            phraselist = to_json(phraselist)

            phraselist = phraselist.replace('\'','')
            web_send("setList('%s')" % (phraselist));

        if again: pass
        else:     time.sleep(0.1)
Exemple #5
    def capture_data(self):

        #Find supported sensors - by getting PIDs from OBD
        # its a string of binary 01010101010101 
        # 1 means the sensor is supported
        self.supp = self.port.sensor(0)[1]
        self.supportedSensorList = []
        self.unsupportedSensorList = []

        print "Supported!!!!! "

        print self.supp


         # Create a proper file:// URL pointing to demo.xhtml:
        file = os.path.abspath('ui.xhtml')
        uri = 'file://' + urllib.pathname2url(file)
        browser, web_recv, web_send = \

        # loop through PIDs binary
        #for i in range(0, len(self.supp)):
        for i in range(0, 32):

            print "INDEX "
            print i
            if self.supp[i] == "1":
                # store index of sensor and sensor object
                self.supportedSensorList.append([i+1, obd_sensors.SENSORS[i+1]])
                self.unsupportedSensorList.append([i+1, obd_sensors.SENSORS[i+1]])
        for supportedSensor in self.supportedSensorList:
            print "supported sensor index = " + str(supportedSensor[0]) + " " + str(supportedSensor[1].shortname)        
        if(self.port is None):
            return None

        #Loop until Ctrl C is pressed        
            #while True:
            while not Global.quit:
                localtime =
                current_time = str(localtime.hour)+":"+str(localtime.minute)+":"+str(localtime.second)+"."+str(localtime.microsecond)
                log_string = current_time + "\n"
                results = {}
                for supportedSensor in self.supportedSensorList:
                    sensorIndex = supportedSensor[0]
                    (name, value, unit) = self.port.sensor(sensorIndex)
                    log_string += name + " = " + str(value) + " " + str(unit) + "\n"
                    web_send('document.getElementById('+ "\"" + str(supportedSensor[1].shortname)+ "\""  ').innerHTML = %s' %
                     to_json('%s' % str(value)))
                print log_string
                print "F**K"
                print name

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
Exemple #6
def main():
    # Changing working directory
    abspath = os.path.abspath(__file__)
    dname = os.path.dirname(abspath)
    #collect sys info
    #release = open("/etc/release", "r").read()
    release = commands.getoutput('lsb_release -sd')
    release = release[1:-1]
    kernel = commands.getoutput('uname -r')
    if os.uname()[4] == 'x86_64':
      arch = '64-bit'
      arch = '32-bit'
    home = os.getenv("HOME")
    username = os.getenv("USER")
    desktop = get_desktop_name(os.getenv("DESKTOP_SESSION"))
    if desktop == 'Other':
      desktop = get_desktop_name2(os.getenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP"))
    #collect packages nad its status
    listapp = get_listapp()
    #TODO check if non-free and tainted enabled
    restricted_repos = "disabled"
    l['name'] = _("Welcome to Mageia!")
    l['show'] = _("Show this window at startup")
    l['close'] = _("Close")
    l['release'] = release
    l['kernel_l'] = _("kernel:") 
    l['kernel'] = kernel
    l['arch_l'] = _("arch:")
    l['arch'] = arch
    l['desktop_l'] = _("Desktop:")
    l['desktop'] = desktop
    l['welcome_btn'] = _("Welcome")
    l['welcome'] = _("Welcome<!--user//-->")
    l['user'] = username
    l['welcome_msg'] = _("<p>Thank you for choosing Mageia!</p><p>We have put in a lot of effort to provide you with the best possible system. We hope you will have a good experience with Mageia. If you feel that our project is a good idea, we would also appreciate any contribution you can make to it for next versions.</p><p>To find out how you can help <a class='weblink' href=''>click here</a>.</p><p>Don't forget to tell your friends about Mageia.</p>")
    l['mcc'] = _("Mageia Control Center")
    l['conf_update'] = _("Configure media sources and update system")
    l['inst_remove'] = _("Install and remove software")
    l['h_documentation'] = _("Documentation")
    l['features'] = _("New Features")
    l['relnotes'] = _("Release Notes")
    l['errata'] = _("Errata")
    l['newcomers'] = _("Newcomers Howto")
    l['h_support'] = _("Support")
    l['forum'] = _("Forums")
    l['wiki'] = _("Wiki")
    l['chat'] = _("Chat Room")
    l['bugs'] = _("Bugzilla")
    l['h_community'] = _("Community")
    l['comm_center'] = _("Community Center")
    l['contribute'] = _("Contribute")
    l['donate'] = _("Donations")
    l['joinus'] = _("Join us!")
    l['mccdesc'] = _("Mageia Control Center (aka drakconf) is a set of tools to help you configure your system")
    l['SM'] = _("Software Management")
    l['Oa'] = _("Online administration")
    l['H'] = _("Hardware")
    l['NI'] = _("Network & Internet")
    l['S'] = _("System")
    l['NS'] = _("Network Sharing")
    l['LD'] = _("Local Disks")
    l['Sec'] = _("Security")
    l['B'] = _("Boot")
    l['adminpass'] = _("Administrator password is needed")
    l['userpass'] = _("User password is needed")
    l['conf_media'] = _("Configure media sources ...")
    l['mag_media'] = _("Mageia official repositories contain:")
    l['core'] = _("<span class='label green'>core</span> - the free-open-source packages, i.e. software licensed under a free-open-source license")
    l['nonfree'] = _("<span class='label red'>non-free</span> - some programs which are not free, or closed source. For example this repository includes Nvidia and ATI graphics card proprietary drivers, firmware for various WiFi cards, etc")
    l['tainted'] = _("<span class='label red'>tainted</span> - includes packages released under a free license. However, they may infringe on patents and copyright laws in some countries, e.g. multimedia codecs needed to play various audio/video files; packages needed to play commercial video DVD, etc. ")
    l['note'] = _("<strong>Note!</strong> non-free and tainted are not enabled by default.")
    l['editss'] = _("Edit software sources")
    l['updsys'] = _("... and update system")
    l['chkupd'] = _("Check system updates")
    l['guirpmdrake'] = _("GUI - RPMDrake")
    l['rpmdrake_desc'] = _("<span class='label green'>Rpmdrake</span> is a program for installing, uninstalling and updating packages. It is the graphical user interface of <span class='label green'>urpmi</span>")
    l['readmore'] = _("read more (wiki)")
    l['r_rpmdrake'] = _("RPMdrake")
    l['urpmi'] = _("URPMI - from command line")
    l['r_term'] = _("Terminal")
    l['small_selection'] = _("This is just small selection of popular packages, for more run")
    l['featured'] = _("Featured")
    l['games'] = _("Games")
    l['internet'] = _("Internet")
    l['video'] = _("Video")
    l['audio'] = _("Audio")
    l['office'] = _("Office")
    l['graphics'] = _("Graphics")
    l['system'] = _("System")
    l['programming'] = _("Programming")
    l['selected'] = _("Selected packages:")
    l['inst_sel'] = _("Install selected")
    l['youcan'] = _("You can always launch MageiaWelcome from menu")    
    l['rpm_install'] = _("Applications")
    l['webchat_btn'] = _("WebChat")
    l['applist'] = listapp
    l['bodyclass'] = restricted_repos
    l['besure_repos'] = _("Be sure you have enabled <a>online repositories</a>")
    if os.path.exists(home + "/.mrwelcome/norun.flag"):
            l['checked'] = ("")
            l['checked'] = ("CHECKED")
    l['home'] = home
    l['about'] = _("About")
    # Translations
    file = os.path.abspath('index.html')
    template = open(file).read()
    html = string.Template(template).safe_substitute(l)
    browser, web_recv, web_send = \
        synchronous_gtk_message(launch_browser)(html, quit_function=Global.set_quit)

    # Finally, here is our personalized main loop
    while not Global.quit:
        again = False
        msg = web_recv()
        if msg:
            msg = from_json(msg)
            again = True
            if msg == "close":
	    elif msg == "checkbox checked":
	      if os.path.exists(home + "/.mrwelcome/norun.flag"):
		  os.system("rm -rf " + home + "/.mrwelcome/norun.flag")
	    elif msg == "checkbox unchecked":
	      os.system("mkdir -p " + home + "/.mrwelcome")
	      os.system("touch " + home + "/.mrwelcome/norun.flag")
	    elif msg.startswith("http"):
	      os.system("xdg-open " + msg)
	    elif msg == "irc":
	      irc_client = get_irc_client()
	      if irc_client == "none":
		if desktop == "KDE":
		  subprocess.Popen("gurpmi konversation", shell=True)
		  subprocess.Popen("gurpmi hexchat", shell=True)
	      else: os.system(irc_client)
	    elif msg.startswith("run"):
	      args = shlex.split(msg)
	      print args
	      if args[0] == "xvt":
	    elif msg.startswith("gurpmi"):
		print msg
		args = shlex.split(msg)
		cat = args.pop(1)
		print args
		proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
		print proc.returncode
		if (proc.returncode == 0):
		  listapp = get_listapp()
		else: pass
	    elif msg.startswith("install_selected"):
		print msg
		msg2 = msg.replace('install_selected','gurpmi')
		args = shlex.split(msg2)
		cat = args.pop(1)
		print args
		proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
		print proc.returncode
		if (proc.returncode == 0):
		  listapp = get_listapp()
		else: pass
        if again: pass
        else:     time.sleep(0.1)